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Category Archives: Censorship
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Unnecessary Censorship #1 – Video
Posted: October 27, 2014 at 5:45 pm
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Unnecessary Censorship #1
This is the first in a series of videos I really enjoyed making. Leave me and my dirty mind alone! Hope you enjoy, and if you do please leave a thumbs up so I can keep this series going! Follow...
By: Zodical Candy
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Internet Censorship B Interviews – Video
Posted: October 26, 2014 at 10:42 pm
Internet Censorship B Interviews
Reading 142.
By: Gustavo Hernandez
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Internet Censorship B Interviews - Video
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Planes | Unnecessary Censorship – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Planes | Unnecessary Censorship
I hope you enjoyed watching this censorship video for "Planes". I definitely enjoyed making it! If you like my videos, don #39;t forget to leave a like and subscribe. These take a lot of time...
By: iFunnyProductions
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In Xinjiang, China, journalists work in the shadow of censorship
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Uplifting propaganda posters touting President Xi Jinping's "China Dream" catchphrase are plastered across many cities in China these days. But throughout the country's westernmost province, an unrelenting series of billboards, red banners and spray-painted signs suggests menace lurking everywhere.
"It is strictly forbidden to transmit violent terrorist videos," warn banners hung from government buildings and draped across traffic lane dividers. "Young men should not grow beards and young women should not cover their faces with veils," some signs read.
The messages make it clear whom authorities blame for the explosions, knifings, riots and other violent incidents that have left hundreds dead this year in Xinjiang province: Islamic extremists and separatists with ties to foreign forces.
But even as Chinese officials insist that this is a clear-cut battle against religious zealots and hard-core separatists, local authorities are making it difficult for anyone to independently question (or substantiate) that narrative. Outsiders inquiring about the scale or causes of the carnage in Xinjiang are unwelcome, and locals are discouraged from speaking freely about it.
That became abundantly clear on a recent Thursday when I and my assistant, our driver and guide suddenly found ourselves accompanied by two extremely persistent Xinjiang security officers who trailed us for hours and whose intimidating presence ensured that no one would talk openly to us.
China's state-run media must follow the Communist Party line, but foreign journalists are supposed to be able to travel freely anywhere in the country except Tibet and interview anyone who consents.
In reality, though, authorities employ various tactics to stifle coverage. In a recent survey by the Foreign Correspondents' Club of China, two-thirds of overseas reporters here said they had experienced interference, harassment or violence while attempting to report.
At my hotel in Kashgar, I was questioned and photographed by police; in Yafuquan, where I stopped to observe a village market and wasn't interviewing anyone, officers nonetheless approached our van within 20 minutes, demanded my passport, photographed it and told us to leave the area.
I actually got off lightly compared with Australian Broadcasting Corp. correspondent Stephen McDonell, who said he was recently trailed for 10 days in Xinjiang, sometimes followed by five cars carrying officials and plainclothes officers.
Later, Chinese Embassy representatives visited McDonell's bosses in Canberra, he said, urging them to quash any report on the trip and warning that any broadcast about his experience could harm relations between the two countries.
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In Xinjiang, China, journalists work in the shadow of censorship
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Lachlan Murdoch condemns new Australian anti terror laws as press censorship – Video
Posted: October 25, 2014 at 5:42 pm
Lachlan Murdoch condemns new Australian anti terror laws as press censorship
24/10/14 News Corp Co-Chairman Lachlan Murdoch has invoked the memory of his war correspondent grandfather Sir Keith Murdoch while hitting out at new anti-terror laws, saying censorship should.
By: Qldaah
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Unnecessary Censorship – Borderlands Part 4 (Censored Parody) – Video
Posted: at 5:42 pm
Unnecessary Censorship - Borderlands Part 4 (Censored Parody)
Unnecessary Censorship - Borderlands Part 4 (Censored Parody) Borderlands 2 is made by Gearbox Software and owned by 2k Games. Like what you see? Buy the game here: ...
By: Unnecessary Censorship Central
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Unnecessary Censorship - Borderlands Part 4 (Censored Parody) - Video
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The Notebook | Unnecessary Censorship – Video
Posted: October 24, 2014 at 6:48 pm
The Notebook | Unnecessary Censorship
I hope you enjoyed watching this censorship video for "The Lego Movie". I definitely enjoyed making it! If you like my videos, don #39;t forget to leave a like and subscribe. These take a lot...
By: iFunnyProductions
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Ebola, Censorship, Jesse Ventura w/Guest John B. Wells – Video
Posted: at 6:48 pm
Ebola, Censorship, Jesse Ventura w/Guest John B. Wells
John B. Well joins the guys at Into The Black Hole Podcast to dicuss Ebola, his departure from Coast to Coast AM, censorship, Jesse Ventura, and more. This i...
By: CAV Radio 2.0
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NUJ bitterly disappointed by Irish Times costs decision
Posted: at 6:48 pm
Seamus Dooley of the NUJ said the union had grave concerns about the implications for the possible costs for any media organisation faced with this type of bill.
The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has said it is bitterly disappointed at the rejection by the European Court of Human Rights of a case taken by The Irish Times over the costs of its successful legal battle with the Mahon tribunal.
The Strasbourg court ruled against two Irish Times journalists this week in their claim that the Supreme Court had interfered with their right to protect their sources by making the newspaper pay the costs of its dispute with the planning tribunal.
The case followed the publication of a story in 2006 which revealed that the tribunal was investigating a number of payments to then taoiseach Bertie Ahern. The Supreme Court ruled that Irish Times journalist Colm Keena and the papers then editor, Geraldine Kennedy, should not be ordered to reveal their sources, but directed the paper to pay all costs of the court proceedings.
In a majority decision, the European court rejected the papers application and found the claims of interference with freedom of expression to be manifestly ill-founded.
Reacting to the decision, the NUJ said it was disappointed by the decision of the court and the tone of its judgment.
The case is recognised internationally as having significance for the protection of sources, and having the freedom to protect sources but having to incur punitive costs to protect that freedom seems to me to be contradictory, said Samus Dooley, the NUJs Irish secretary.
We would have grave concerns about the implications of the possible costs for The Irish Times and for any media organisation faced with this type of bill.
The tribunal served a bill of costs on The Irish Times in October 2010, claiming the sum of 393,055.42.
In its case to the European court, the newspaper claimed there was a strong chilling effect to the Supreme Courts decision, since it was clear to the press, to potential sources and to the public that journalists could be compelled, under the threat of an order of costs, to disclose the source of information given in confidence. The court rejected this, a conclusion Mr Dooley said showed a worrying naivete on the courts part. The difficulty will be now, for any editor, to take a decision which has potential financial implications. Thats where the chill effect comes in, he said.
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NUJ bitterly disappointed by Irish Times costs decision
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Playing in Moscow, cancelled in London: the censorship of Exhibit B – Video
Posted: at 3:42 am
Playing in Moscow, cancelled in London: the censorship of Exhibit B
Full discussion: "Both unbearable and ess...
By: VoiceofRussia UK
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