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Category Archives: Trance
INcoming Artist Corner: Darin Epsilon – Trance Hub (satire) (press release) (blog)
Posted: March 8, 2017 at 1:30 pm
On 10th MarchBlue Frog, Punein association withDeep Dictionaryis set to host a House music legend namedDarin Epsilon. Darin is a well known name in the electronic music scene for various reasons. In addition to being a fantastic music producer, he is also a music critic & huge radio personality.
Entry Rs 600(including Rs 300 cover)
Originating from the land of House music (Chicago), Darin Epsilons career began in 2006 since then he has gained massive strides in House music and has gained acclaim from industry heavyweights such as Hernan Cattaneo, Nick Warren & Paul Oakenfold.
Currently residing in Berlin, Mr. Epsilon has been tauted has the leader of the underground Progressive & Tech House scene. In addition to his renowned label Perspectives Digital, his soundcloud page is a major hit as it amasses a whopping 1 million subscribers and 10,000 plays per month.
Pune is really lucky to host an artist of such stature and Blue Frog is probably the best place to host him. The frog team is currently on an all-time high after their last months heroics, in which they successfully hosted a series of Supersonic after-parties & the mother of all gigs, Cirez D.
On support duties to Darin Epsilon are our local boys, Collective Frequency. The year is just getting better for them month on month. They are following up their set at Supersonic by opening for such a brilliant artist. We can write a lot of stuff about his upcoming gig, but after all its music and we are supposed to hear it. So do yourselves a favor come down nice and early at Blue Frog on 10th March, and prepared to have good time .
Curator of Edm4Pune, sports enthusiast assisted by having a taste bud for delicious food. Open to all genres of music yet staying close to his first love, Trance.
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INcoming Artist Corner: Darin Epilson – Trance Hub (satire) (press release) (blog)
Posted: March 7, 2017 at 10:30 pm
On 10th March Blue Frog, Punein association with Deep Dictionary is set to host a House music legend named Darin Epilson. Darin is a well known name in the electronic music scene for various reasons. In addition to being a fantastic music producer, he is also a music critic & huge radio personality.
Entry Rs 600(including Rs 300 cover)
Originating from the land of House music (Chicago), Darin Epilsons career began in 2006 since then he has gained massive strides in House music and has gained acclaim from industry heavyweights such as Hernan Cattaneo, Nick Warren & Paul Oakenfold.
Currently residing in Berlin, Mr.Epilson has been tauted has the leader of the underground Progressive & Tech House scene. In addition to his renowned label Perspectives Digital, his soundcloud page is a major hit as it amasses a whopping 1 million subscribers and 10,000 plays per month.
Pune is really lucky to host an artist of such stature and Blue Frog is probably the best place to host him. The frog team is currently on an all-time high after their last months heroics, in which they successfully hosted a series of Supersonic after-parties & the mother of all gigs, Cirez D.
On support duties to Darin Epilson are our local boys, Collective Frequency. The year is just getting better for them month on month. They are following up their set at Supersonic by opening for such a brilliant artist. We can write a lot of stuff about his upcoming gig, but after all its music and we are supposed to hear it. So do yourselves a favor come down nice and early at Blue Frog on 10th March, and prepared to have good time .
Curator of Edm4Pune, sports enthusiast assisted by having a taste bud for delicious food. Open to all genres of music yet staying close to his first love, Trance.
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Unearthly Trance : Stalking the Ghost – Treble
Posted: at 10:30 pm
Stalking the Ghost is the latest in a long line of albums that gives credence to the idea of genre experimentation within metal. Thats a good thing. From fluctuating tempos, to a magnification of breathy vocals alongside to gut-wrenchingly dark guitars, to the signature grooves Unearthly Trance have embraced over their storied career, Stalking the Ghost sits between a realm of familiarity and a choice experimentation, teetering between the two to try and capture dread and anguish alongside drastic sonic variations.
This direction is not without its faults, but thats a topic for later. Stalking the Ghost begins with Into the Spiral, focusing on expediting the traditional rhythmic focus of doom metal, and acting as an ambassador of chaos to the rest of the album. Into the Spiral is a great summation of the albums thesis, portraying a newer and more varied sound without losing intensity.Clearly, some of the more exploratory notions that Unearthly Trance were working toward on their last album V have managed to find their way here, through means of maturation of course. Dream State Arsenal flirts with a punishing and traditional grinding buildup, thickly layered, trudging through twangy darkness. It works as an introduction to the concepts of doom or sludge, successfully portraying a sense of impending calamity that culminates in violent commiseration. Vocals here show surprising depth and variation, never smothering the instrumentation. There really arent enough good things to say about this track, especially concerning its rather abrupt and grim breakneck ending, a sort of sonic break thats become more noticeable in metal.
Tracks such as Scythe and Famine tend to work in tandem together to help define the core of the album. Scythe tends to surge and move along readily, relying on its dense impact to accentuate its placing after a track like Dream State Arsenal. The latter in this instance feels like Unearthly Trance at their grimmest, their most focused, producing a soundscape that isnt so much a wall or scaled-up sound, but instead a coffin of unified rhythmic percussion and gut-punching power chords. Famines roaring staccato rips and brief refrain only highlight the sonic maelstrom.
Yet a track like Lion Strength, for all its construction, doesnt quite fit the pattern structure set up by the first couple tracks. Its appropriately gritty and messy, heavy, all things youd expect from Unearthly Trance at this point, but its also somewhat derivative of earlier sounds. Invisible Butchery has some greater experimentation, relying on those all-too-familiar soundscape breaks to help shift the direction of the track and subvert listeners expectations. For a brief moment, you would be somewhat convinced that Unearthly Trance wanted Invisible Butchery to pursue a sort of nonlinear construction, with its seismic grooves and explosive nature often reversed, or even better absent, or delayed beyond its normal genre conventions.The Great Cauldron, meanwhile, wins out for length, but its appeal is limited. Compared to the relative brevity of the rest of the tracks, or at least the more focused and specifically built tracks, The Great Cauldron flows, but it feels just a bit too static at points. Its not boring, its just not engaging enough. Its a missed opportunity to make the most out of a longer period of time.
Curiously, the album ends with In the Forests Keep one of the most atmospheric tracks. Its manipulative in the same fashion as the best horror films are. We as listeners anticipate this gruesome explosion of sound, as a somber anxiety helps propel the track forward toward its conclusion. Spoiler alert: The payoff never comes. It just lingers over dissonant harmonies. This is shockingly effective, and shows a willingness to stay away from conventions. These expressions throughout the entirety of the album work extraordinarily well and are exemplified in such a simple moment as In the Forests Keeps ending.
Stalking the Ghost should not turn anyone away from looking for a snappier and minimized doom/sludge that attempts to truncate established genre tropes in hopes of delivering content quicker, or at least changing the way we perceive genre adherence. When it works, it truly shines, and when it does stumble, it never truly fails outright, it merely misses developing a style that effectively complements the rest of the album. In its entirety, this is a modernized doom and sludge metal work that briskly and effectively communicates its thesis. Unearthly Trance still has room to grow, and it will be fascinating to see what direction they take.
Similar Albums: Cough Still They Pray Graves at Sea The Curse That Is Thou Heathen
Mar 7, 2017Jeff Terich
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DMNW Selects: Uplifting Trance For The Broken Heart – Dance Music Northwest
Posted: March 5, 2017 at 4:28 pm
You know what sucks? The feeling of defeat. You invest your time, your energy, your heart into something. into someone. Only for it all to get crushed. How do you bounce back from that? How do you bounce back from such heartbreak; froma loss?
We each have our own, unique way of coping with those feelings; some of us able to heal faster than others. In the world of trance music, DJs and producers have used their tools of the trade to uplift, creating spine-chilling tracks aimed to inspire and remind us to never lose love and hope when times get tough. While dealing with defeat is never easy, here are some uplifting trance songs that may providing healing and inspiration; lessons in love and hope that tell us it will all be OK.
Dont Give Up RAM & Chris Metcalfe feat. Natalie Gioia
One of the best when it comes to uplifting trance, RAM teams up with Chris Metcalfe and vocalist Natalie Gioia to deliver this beauty of a song. The action is steady in the beginning, but when the breakdown comes- goosebumps! The song title says it all: never give up on your dreams, a messaged reinforced by Gioias wonderful presence. Even if your dream is broken, dont give up. Its not the end.
Hope Mike van Fabio & Alex Van Reeve feat. Geert Huinink and Kim Kiona
Huininks orchestral melodies and Kim Kionas angelic vocals will send chills down your spine as this songinspires us to keep on pushing, no matter how hard things may get, no matter the hurt. As Kiona beautifully says, let us win this fight, together.
Saving Light Gareth Emery and Standerwick feat. HALIENE
The first trance song to top Beatports Top 100 charts for the first time in overfive years, Saving Light creates an emotion that feels better than almost all others: hope. The wish that no matter how bad things are going right now, tomorrow you can smile. The song pulls at the heart strings, and the video? Well, check it out!
Its In Your Heart (Acoustic Version) David Gravell feat. CHRISTON
One of our trance artists to watch in 2017, David Gravell ditches his signature progressive, big room style in favor of a piano, delivering a smooth melody that reminds to keep going after hope, no matter how foolish it may seem, or how brokenhearted we are. So dont back down, my love, its in your heart, its in your blood right now.
All Gone (RAM Uplifitng Mix) Andy Moor & RAM feat. Christina Novelli
RAM makes another appearance on our list- this time, joining forces with Andy Moor and famed trance vocalist Christina Novelli to remind us that when the lights die out, when we feel lost, to not lose our way.
A Thing Called Love Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford
ThisA&B classic says it best: You live your life just once, so dont forget about a thing called love. Love is one of the most important and powerful forces we have in our planet. Dont give up on it even when it may feel like its given up on you.
What song uplifts you? Trance Family, what songs should we add to the list? Drop a comment below!
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Trance Arena: A New Beginning For Trance in Chicago (Event Review) – EDM Chicago (blog)
Posted: March 4, 2017 at 1:26 am
Chicago is the home of house music, but is it the home of trance?
Apparently this may be the case to some extent, as hundreds of trance-lovers reunited at a packed Concord Music Hall on Friday night to experience a night filled with vivid trance sounds from distinct DJs. On the lineup were ATB, Ben Nicky (who was unable to make it due to a cancelled flight), and Orjan Nilsen, with support from local Chicago DJs Mario Florek, Peter Kontor, and Dave Neven. The 7-hour event was sure to be quite the experience and it absolutely was.
Ill be completely honest trance is not necessarily my cup of tea most times. I do like it; I just never find myself actually seeing trance artists. In the spirit of PLUR, I went to Trance Arena with an open mind and ready to enjoy the event with my trance-loving friends. Im not going to say Im all of a sudden converted to the #trancefam, but I can certainly say Ive found a new appreciation for it. Trance Arena brought the most blissful and salient elements of trance into a more intimate Chicago venue, reuniting trance fans around the city and area.
The opening DJ sets were well-crafted, melodic sets with just the right amount of high energy to get things started. We arrived to a quite crowded Concord as Peter Kontor and Mario Florek went b2b in a groovy trance set that definitely had people excited for the event. The stage was massive, resembling festival stages more than clubs or live show venues. Dave Neven swooped in with an incredible amount of energy and bass to take the crowd even further into the night. This is where I noticed the true power of the sound design put on by React Presents. Orjan Nilsen played a classic trance set, layering in the beautiful melodic sounds found in the most sophisticated of Above & Beyond songs.
Then, ATB absolutely confirmed his timelessness as he performed an incredible set. The predominance of classic trance sound brought me back to the early 2000s, when I was still young and listening to ATB passively, as the German superstars tunes played on MTV and the radio. Seeing the legend for the first time live definitely brought a certain emotion not commonly found in just any Chicago Friday night DJ set. His dropping of Ecstasy towards the beginning of the show set the tone for an amazing night, as the entire crowd sang along to the anthem that is that song. ATB even experimented somewhat with more deep house and techno songs, proving that he will forever live in the trance hall of fame.
We are truly lucky to live in Chicago, a city that celebrates its electronic music culture with innovation and excitement. With organizations like React Presents, who put on an incredible amount of thought and energy into their events, Chicagoans should never have a problem finding an electronic music scene that fits with their taste preferences. Friday night it was trance. Heres to hoping Chicago and its electronic music people dont change, so that we can have more events like Trance Arena to celebrate a wide range of EDM.
Photos via: React Presents
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Smith entered ‘trance’ in captain’s ton – The West Australian
Posted: at 1:26 am
Even by his own lofty standards, Steve Smith knows he had raised the bar when he raised the bat in Pune.
Australian captain Smith has given a frank insight into the "trance" he entered while scoring a century during the first Test against India in Pune.
The second-innings knock of 109 featured several chances, as can be expected on a pitch branded "poor" by the match referee. It had been leadership personified and one of many recent examples of why Smith is regarded so highly.
Aiming to make it six tons from six consecutive Tests against India, Smith said everything clicked and he was "in the zone" during the first Test.
"I was doing things that I probably haven't done before. My eyes were sort of spinning and I was in a bit of a trance," Smith recalled on the eve of the second Test, starting on Saturday in Bangalore.
"I've been there a couple of times in that kind of mindset. For me, it was just such an important period of the game and I knew, if we could get (a lead of) 300 or over that .. we'd be a real good chance to win.
"That afternoon, I was very determined and focused on the job at hand, to try and get as many as we could.
"Hopefully, I can bring that next level and next gear out. It was pleasing to know I had that level in me."
Smith could tick off another important milestone during the 2nd Test. The right-hander needs a further 112 runs to celebrate 5000 Test runs.
If the 27-year-old achieves that tally in his next innings, the 95th of his Test career, it will mean only Don Bradman and Jack Hobbs have reached the milestone in fewer knocks.
Smith's Test batting average in Border-Gavaskar contests stands at 88.83. No player from either country has achieved such a high number, with Ravi Shastri (77.75) and David Boon (70.82) next in line.
Coach Darren Lehmann regarded Smith's recent knock as the best of his 18 Test tons, given the captain batted the top-ranked Test side out of the contest on a raging turner, prepared to suit India's two star spinners.
"I haven't seen him so determined," Lehmann said.
If Smith continues to lead from the front during the four-Test series, it will trigger more debate about where he sits on the list of Australia's greatest batsmen.
Last month, Smith joined Bradman as one of four players to average more than 60 with the bat through 50 Tests.
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Do Slot Machines Lull Gamblers into a Trance? – God is a Geek
Posted: March 2, 2017 at 2:25 pm
Playing slot machines is the most common form of gambling in the world. There are millions of active slot players that either play in one of the many online casinos or in brick and mortar establishments.
Slot machines can of course be played in casinos around the world, but theyre available in many more establishments too, including pubs, restaurants and airports. Billions are wagered annually on slot machines.
However, a recent research study by the Centre for Gambling Research at the University of British Columbia (UBC) has shown that experienced slot machine players fall into a slot machine zone or lull.
How the Study was Performed
Researchers recruited two groups experienced slot players and UBC undergraduates. Both groups were required to play on a slot machine for 30 minutes in the UBC Casino lab on campus.
However, the slot machine was slightly modified. Panels were mounted to the slot machine on each side and these panels displayed moving shapes. Players were asked to push a button every time they noticed one of the white circles turning into a red square. Players also had their heart rates monitored during the 30-minute slot session.
At the end of the session, players were asked whether they lost track of time or not.
The study showed that the experienced group of slot players were more likely to miss a shape change and they were also more likely to report losing track of time. The researchers explained that the results support the hypothesis that being immersed while playing a slot machine results in a player losing focus on the world around them.
There are reasons why the majority of brick and mortar casinos have no windows or clocks. They want players to lose track of time and play games the entire night, but this leads to problem gambling.
You can read the full study and the results at the
Tips for Avoiding the Slot Machine Zone
The #1 tip you should always make sure you follow is to take breaks. Some online casinos will even allow you to set-up a reminder to notify you every time youve played for X number of minutes (You can set how many minutes).
If the casino doesnt have this feature then you should make sure you remind yourself to take a break every hour or so to refocus. See how your session is going, refuel yourself and then continue playing once youre ready.
One feature every online slot has is the ability to set the machine to spin X amount of times (Often up to 100 spins). This feature should be avoided as its a lot easier to lose track of how long youve been playing.
Slot machine players are at a higher risk of becoming addicted to gambling than other gamblers. However, if you are careful about setting limits and avoiding extended sessions, youll have a better chance of avoiding the slot machine zone. When played in moderation, slots can offer great fun and entertainment.
Online slot developers try to make playing slots as sticky as possible to keep players playing. Some online slots today have storylines to follow, which makes them even more interactive, as players want to continue the story.
We regularly plays slots ourselves and enjoy playing them, but we also know the risks and wanted to share those with our readers too. To help limit your risk, ensure you take advantage of the great slot bonuses and promotions available.
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Do Slot Machines Lull Gamblers into a Trance? - God is a Geek
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‘Poker was like being in a trance’: readers’ experiences of problem gambling – The Guardian
Posted: March 1, 2017 at 9:21 pm
Bookmakers face losing their licence and huge fines over problem gambling. Photograph: Daniel Hambury/PA
Problem gambling costs the UK up to 1.2bn according to a report by charity GambleAware, with spending related to police intervention, mental health services and homelessness putting pressure on the system.
The charity warned of the narrow focus on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs), known as the crack cocaine of gambling, and called on the government to do more to combat online betting.
We asked readers to share their personal experiences of problem gambling. Heres what some of you said.
Over three years I ran up an online poker loss of around 12,000. Playing poker was like being in a trance. I couldnt quit even whilst ahead. I drank. Id wake up the next day and wonder who that was last night that mad person who had dribbled away my hard-earned salary?
Since I work in finance this meant I couldnt change jobs as Id have my credit checked. This has held my career back. As a renter, it also meant I couldnt move from my flat, which has mould. For years I felt like a dirty loser with no control over my life.
I did have a good experience though with the site PartyPoker. I told them about my gambling and asked for a deposit limit of 10 to be put on my account. They said they took that sort of thing very seriously, closed my account and provided a link for advice on responsible gaming. I was pretty impressed, and to be honest that really helped break the poker-fever.
Sam, Edinburgh
I started playing blackjack online when I turned 18 and won several thousand pounds to start with. Then I started playing for more and more money and was simultaneously introduced to casino and internet poker. For several years I went through phases of giving myself an ultimatum that I would never play poker or gamble again, but inevitably I would break this promise to myself.
I tried to get counselling from Gamblers Anonymous (GA) but when it was offered to me I found I did not have the strength of mind to talk to a counsellor. I have hidden most of my online gambling from family and friends and have this burden of how I have wasted my time and money to myself. I am not sure who to tell as I am deeply embarrassed about it and feel it reflects badly on me and that those close to me will change their opinion.
Roger, London
My partner used to work for a high street bookmaker and developed a gambling problem through being in that environment. He suffers mental health problems and went off work for long term sickness and eventually left. He is a compulsive gambler and turns to gamble when he cannot cope with life.
Receiving substantial amounts of money can be distressing for him because of the compulsion he constantly feels to gamble. One time a few thousand poundswas played on roulette and lost within two and a half hours. No attempts to contact were made by the bookmaker, even though my partner had already lost a lot of money and they had access to files explaining his mental health issues.
Bookmakers always talk about protecting the vulnerable. I feel like allowing my partner to gamble like that was a massive failure and feel strongly enough to say they did not honour their licence agreement. Thankfully we pulled through and my partner received counselling through a local service . However I think he will always be a gambling addict and may always relapse throughout his life.
Louisa, north of England
My gambling was very secretive and involved bets on my phone. I gambled away money I didnt have, took out payday loans, borrowed off family members, all the while my wife didnt have a clue. I consider myself to be a family man, I love my wife and daughter and would do absolutely anything to give them a life they deserve. Gambling for me wasnt about chasing the big win, it was about chasing the money Id already lost. I got more satisfaction about recouping money Id lost that I did my winning outright.
When my wife found out about my problem she was devastated. We are saving up for our first mortgage and I was daft enough to waste what money I had left over on something so meaningless. I then risked my long-term credit rating by taking out short-term loans to fund my habit. I have attended GA meetings for the past 10 weeks and at the time of writing am coming up to 90 days without placing a bet.
Craig, Lancashire
My husband is a recovering gambler. He gambled for years without any issues then one day in the bookies he tried a roulette machine. Three years later and thousands of pounds in debt he eventually told me and started attending GA. It nearly destroyed our marriage and has had a profound impact on my ability to trust him. We now lose a substantial amount of our income a month to a debt management plan and whilst were financially secure due to reasonably paid jobs we cant afford all the nice things I see friends doing like holidaying abroad, going out for meals etc.
He is an intelligent, degree-educated man who works with addicts every day but these machines turned him into an addict of a different sort. He has had mental health problems ever since and remains on medication for anxiety. I dont think the 12 step approach suits everyone though. Perhaps there should be more CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy)-like approaches as there are with drugs and alcohol problems.
Amy, Yorkshire
I started gambling when I was 14. My mum, uncle and grandfather were all addicted to gambling. I started playing fruit machines in the pub where I worked part time. My mum and I then started going into the arcade in the local town often from 9am-9pm when it closed, before the 24 hour arcades opened. I have gambled pretty much every day since my mum died 10 years ago often going to the arcade and phoning in sick.
Ive had two periods of absence from work one lasted for 18 months and currently its been a couple of weeks. My mum died with a thousands of pounds of debt which my father knew nothing about. I have had counselling, taken part in clinical tests and have been to all the relevant NHS clinics but these are not supported as much as they should be.
Charlie, London
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'Poker was like being in a trance': readers' experiences of problem gambling - The Guardian
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The Necks and Battle Trance offer two different takes on experimental music – PGH City Paper
Posted: at 9:21 pm
By pure coincidence, two groups come to town this weekend playing music that cant be easily defined with a description like free improvisation, though that comes close. Their music definitely doesnt sound like jazz, though members of The Necks and Battle Trance have experience playing jazz music. Like the best artists who play that music, these groups know its history, and each has continued on its own course toward originality. The results come closer to music based on pure sound: Sometimes its so gentle it barely exists, while other times it gets abrasive. With either group, its best to check your inhibitions at the door and keep your ears open.
The Necks came together in Sydney, Australia, 30 years ago, playing purely improvised music. In the time since, the group has released 17 albums and toured the world, but bassist Lloyd Swanton says its original plans never looked beyond the practice room. We had no problem with an audience. We werent snobs or anything like that, Swanton says, speaking from San Francisco at the start of a tour. We didnt want any outside influence on the creation of music at all.
But the staff at Sydney Universitys Music Department heard Swanton, Chris Abrahams (piano, organ) and Tony Buck (drums, percussion) rehearsing, and invited them to participate in a concert series. We thought if we fell flat on our faces, well just go back to what we were doing, Swanton says. It turned out to be a very successful concert. We got about 100 people, and it just proceeded from there.
Audience size has grown since then. Last year, The Necks opened for Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, bringing their relatively subdued sound to venues with thousands of seats. While they enjoyed that jaunt, Swanton says the members still prefer smaller spaces, with more attentive audiences. It was a buzz playing to 10,000 people, but theres something very special about an intimate room, he says. The way we play, we want to engage with the room a little bit more.
Members of The Necks never discuss what will happen before a performance. They walk onstage, stand in silence, and wait for one of them to make the first sound. What follows is often built on layers of drones, with musical fragments floating over them. Its not unusual for Swanton to bow a single note for several minutes, while Buck keeps some percussion clattering and Abrahams adds melodic fragments on piano or organ or both. While it sounds unorthodox, the bassist is following in a tradition. A lot of bass playing funk, reggae is all really about sitting on something solidly and reassuringly, he says. So I try to bring those mainstream principles to the music.
While The Necks play music made of three unique parts, the tenor saxophone quartet Battle Trance disregards individual personalities in favor of creating one big sound. After a while, theres little differentiation or recognition between the four of us, where its hard to tell whos playing what sound, says Travis Laplante, who formed the quartet, in 2012, with Patrick Breiner, Matt Nelson and Jeremy Viner.
This became apparent at the New York Winter Jazzfest back in January, during a performance of the lengthy piece Blade of Love. For close to an hour, the sounds kept shifting from droning long tones to a point where the quartet literally sang with their mouthpieces. Right when it seemed like they were noodling away, going off in four different directions, they all hit a low squonk together, which seemed intuitive. This clearly was a structured composition. The pieces are extremely precise, Laplante says, and the compositions are not vague. We get into the extreme subtleties of timbre, and were working with very specific, unusual fingerings of the saxophones to create very specific resonances with particular notes.
Laplante adds that the acoustics of a venue play a big role in a Battle Trance performance. The band and the pieces work very deeply with resonance. Not only the resonance of the saxophones but how that is embodied within the space that were playing, he says. Thats one of the things that I love about playing acoustic music, and this band in particular. The piece becomes alive in a totally different way every night.
While Battle Trance doesnt sound like a jazz group (in fact, its record label links it to classical music), Laplante came to his own unique approach through jazz studies. For me, he says, it was a balance between going deeper and deeper into the saxophone as an instrument and, at the same time, breaking down certain limitations I had put in my psyche about what is and isnt possible with the saxophone what is and isnt correct.
Likewise, when listening to either Battle Trance or The Necks, listeners should set aside any preconceptions they might have about the music.
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The Necks and Battle Trance offer two different takes on experimental music - PGH City Paper
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Interview with Luminosity Events founder Bo van Eck | Trance Hub – Trance Hub (satire) (press release) (blog)
Posted: at 9:21 pm
We had a chat with Bo van Eck, the man behind one of the biggest trance music events in the world Luminosity Events. Trance music is all about passion and it is essential to know what goes in making our dream events like Luminosity Beach Festival and more. Bo discusses behind the scenes stories and his love for trance music. You can buy tickets to #LBF17 Paylogic
The pleasure is mine! Im looking forward to hear all of the artists of course but Im always the most curious about the fresh names who will be making their Luminosity debut. It has always been a big priority for us to support new and upcoming artists and give them a stage to help their profile to grow and have their fans finally being able to hear and meet them.
The most important basis here is a big passion for the trance scene as a whole and the ideal to support especially the producing artists to help them making a living out of music and that way being able to continue producing beautiful trance music. Without this passion for trance music Im sure we wouldnt have the big support and success as we are currently receiving from so many passionate fans world width.
People recognize that the event is made by trance fans for trance fans. In this light the quality of the line-up and having a surprising element in the line-up is always the biggest priority for our events.
Already a few weeks before the coming Luminosity Beach Festival will be organised we start with planning the dates of the next years event. This of course has to go through the venues involved and has to be communicated with the local city councils as well as they need to confirm that the required emergency crew (police, ambulance and more) capacity will be available that specific weekend. Once that has been cleared we move forward with multiple artworks and start the first discussions with the agencies of the main headliners to double check if their agendas are free and to see if all is clear to move forward. As a whole confirming the line-up is a process of approx. 4-6 months as often than not all the requested artists are able to confirm directly.
Once the line-up is confirmed we can move forward with other key elements such as the promotion of the event, the production, organising the crew, plan meetings with suppliers and brainstorm about fresh ideas etc. In all aspects the main organisation mission is to 1) surprise the visitors every year by adding new elements and changing organising and production compared with the previous year and 2) to improve literally every aspects which is involved in the event organisation. Think of the production, merchandise, minimalizing the waiting time at the entrance, bars and toilets, transports, accommodation for all artists and crew involved and most importantly the overall atmosphere of the event.
During the event our crew has approx. 60-70 people. In the preparations we are working with approx. 8 people. Most tasks are split, thinking of artwork, merchandise, administration & accounting, customer service, social media, artists hospitality, logistics, physical promotions, online marketing, personnel, web mastering etc.
The best thing without a doubt is seeing and meeting passionate people from all over the world, enjoying the music and making new friends, experiencing the event together with a friendly crew like it is a small heaven on earth.
Listening to new music and radio shows and finding new amazing tracks and exciting talented artists also gives me a great feeling of motivation and hope for the years to come.Apart from the atmosphere and happiness factor Im a planner type of guy from origin so it makes me happy and proud when things work out as planned and organised. Small example is seeing people from the main event walking to the shuttle buses to the after party, all staying together, friendly and controlled. Making sure everything happens in a good, safe and responsible way. Every now and then police and other authorities are stopping by to keep an eye on the overall organisation and seeing their happy and sometimes even surprised face expression is great to see and a sign that we as event as a whole are doing great which is also the basis for the local authorities to approve out request to organise the event there in the future again.
Negatives are the enormous pressure involved to keep the event as one of the best out there. Of course it is a huge privilege to often read positive feedback from the visitors but after the event it can sometimes cause sleepless nights as thinking how we are going to improve next year
Theres also a huge overall challenge as there are many parties involved in organising an event and we need to make sure all are motivated and capable of organising the event as we planned. During the event I think its safe to say that 80% of what we planned in the preparations runs differently than how we expected so in that case its important that all involved are flexible, able to improvise and are capable to work with big pressure and still stay friendly and always being focused on finding solutions.
Picture: Ivan Lavarini
Music wise I miss a lot the more old school sounds in the BPM area between progressive and 138 where the focus is on euphoric melodies and dreamy vocals and vibes. I do enjoy most of the sub-genres today (from progressive to psy-trance). Furthermore Im happy to see that the more trouse sounds havent made out in the trance scene for long and havent took over trance as a whole.
Apart from the global situation Im a bit worried about the trance event scene here in The Netherlands as there is a bit of a overkill going on with often multiple events being organised in the same weekend which Im afraid affects in events pulling a smaller crowd, having a smaller budget and so seeing the overall quality going down. When that happens Im afraid that event visitors get a negative experience and arent so likely anymore to visit another trance event in the future which is killing for the trance scene in the long terms.
Thats a difficult one! Id say the Luminosity Beach Festival 2016 as the feedback of that event was so positive even while expectations were already incredible high. The atmosphere experienced, seeing people crying of happiness, is something I havent witnessed ever before. Also from the organisation and crew perspectives that was an event which I look back to in a very positive way. Apart from last years beach event every event is important and special for us.
Ive actually kept my regular daytime job for the past 9 years while organising events, this as I studied for it, had great joy doing the work and had great colleagues to work with as well. Quitting my day time job in times of a crises was a bit of a tricky thing to do as you never know if in the future an employer will give you the job in the previous working experience again, as obviously Id be out of that work for some years and they then might prefer a more junior and cheaper employee. Looking back at things now I have dont really understand how Ive managed to get things done back then ha! Even today Id wish there would be 100 hours in a day, being able to do more. This is also the reason that we now have an office which gives the possibility to work in a bigger team and also work more together, exciting times really!
Simple! The way how trance music can hit you in the soul and have an impact on our daily moods is so big! Possibly for many of us it could be an addiction I also find the trance scene overall a very open and friendly type of people. When visiting events its easy to make new friends and have fun together. You dont get fights quickly when stepping on someone toes by accident etc. People have positive minds and make the best of things.
Not really, no. So far the goal is to keep the event as exclusive as possible and not sell the concept to earn more money. The event has grown from very small to an average sized event step by step, in a very organic and non-forced way. The vital factor in our event, as I see it, is having the support of the most dedicated and passionate crowd out there. Copying the event to another part in the world would require the same slow and organic way of event grow. This is also something very time taking so to do so we would have to start from zero somewhere else which would also effect in having less budgets and a lower overall event quality which obviously doesnt meets the ambitions from our side and expectations from the crowd. Copying the event to somewhere else and then forcing the event to have a similar event visitors as in the Netherlands would require a big mainstream promotion campaign and effect in a type of crowd which doesnt meet our concept fully.
This week however we had the pleasure to announce a new partnership with Captured Festival in Ibiza, who have much similar ethos as Luminosity Events so we are exciting to combine powers and organise great events there in the coming years!
I wouldnt say its the best festival in the world but our power is the combination of a unique line-up, a great location with the freedom to leave the event at any time to take a relaxing break at the beach and then come back to the event, a friendly crew and most important the support of a huge internationally dedicated and passionate trance crowd.
I in no way like to sound arrogant here but not really no. I could mention someone like Tiesto but honestly I wouldnt know what the effects on Luminosity of such a booking would be; what crowd would visit us then and which atmosphere will there be? Im happy, privileged and proud on and with the artists who we have worked with so far. In that light I rather re-book artists which we have previously worked with than new superstars who would possibly change our concept too much.
Im a family guy who loves making day trips and travels to see the world and experience as much as possible. I love football but quit playing myself after some injuries in my youth so Im now a professional TV watcher
In the weekends I love to spent time with my kids, go to a restaurant and visit trance events every few weeks
Thank you. Its always a pleasure to do interviews like this one. Id also like to thank all the fans for their long and loyal support and my family to be able to balance work and personal life. Its a busy job which often continues up to night times while others would spend quality family time together so it means a non-stop mixture of family time and hard work, but Im very lucky to be in this position, to share what we as team love doing and spreading the love for trance music worldwide.
Hope to see you all on the dancefloor at Luminosity Beach Festival 2017.
Co-Founder of Trance Hub, Curator of The Gathering events in India and ALT+TRANCE in Czech Republic. By day, a Digital Marketing Enthusiast with love for Food and Technology. By night, a dreamer who wants to grow the Trance scene in India.
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