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Category Archives: Tor Browser
Guarantees for online anonymity?
Posted: March 12, 2015 at 7:47 pm
Anonymity on the Internet is possible only up to a certain degree. Therefore, it is possible that others may see who is visiting an online advice site on sexual abuse, or who frequently looks up information about a certain disease, for example. Seeing that this kind of private information can be linked to their identity, users will often resort to special online anonymization services.
One of the most popular tools is Tor. Since the beginning of the year, alone more than two million users have used it to anonymize their Internet connection data. These services will not only conceal browsing behavior, but also the identity of the user, and that of any other recipients. These will usually be other websites, but could also be another person. Tor works in a way that allows users to establish a connection that is then upheld through its own network. The Tor network comprises up to 6,000 servers, mostly run by volunteers, which computer scientists refer to as "nodes." And since every node only receives the minimal amount of data necessary to relay the information in question, it becomes far more difficult to de-anonymize both the transmitter and the recipient of the data.
"The Tor network isn't perfect, however," says Esfandiar Mohammadi, a researcher at the Research Center for IT Security, CISPA, and a doctoral candidate at the Graduate School for Computer Science in Saarbrcken. "For one, unanticipated attacks at a network level can endanger anonymity. Also, the degree of anonymity the network achieves is highly variable, since volunteers don't necessarily operate their nodes continually or regularly," says Mohammadi.
In collaboration with CISPA researcher Sebastian Meiser, who is also a postgraduate at the Saarbrcken Graduate School for Computer Science, Mohammadi developed a program that can provide an accurate assessment of the level of anonymity an individual user achieves, even while basing the estimate on the fluctuations of the Tor network. According to the researchers, this feature is a worldwide first.
"An attacker that compromises Tor servers can derive the identity of a user with a certain probability. This is exactly what our system calculates," Sebastian Meiser explains. The two Saarbrcken researchers based their technique, which they named "MATor," on a mathematical model that they extended to include different categories of possible attacks. "In order to indicate the probability of de-anonymization, our program performs its calculations using data that is aggregated once an hour and published on the network immediately. MATor also takes the specifics of the respective Internet connection into account, as well as the individual configurations of the Tor software," Meiser says. This feature is also intended as a basis for a so-called plugin, a small extension program for the software "Tor Browser" that the researchers now want to develop. Integrated into the Tor software, this could run in the background and simply notify users as soon as their connection became too unsafe.
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by University Saarland. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Guarantees for online anonymity?
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Dark Leviathan: The Failure of Silk Roads Libertarian Utopia (w/ Henry Farrell) – Video
Posted: March 11, 2015 at 7:49 am
Dark Leviathan: The Failure of Silk Roads Libertarian Utopia (w/ Henry Farrell)
George Washington University Professor, Henry Farrell, explains the role of Tor browser by human rights activists, civil libertarians and criminal organizations. Criminal subcultures and trust....
By: Sam Seder
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Dark Leviathan: The Failure of Silk Roads Libertarian Utopia (w/ Henry Farrell) - Video
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Tor Browser Windows 3.6 Crack Download No Survey – Video
Posted: at 7:49 am
Tor Browser Windows 3.6 Crack Download No Survey
Tor Browser Windows 3.6 Hack Download Link: ,just download and install - all free Enjoy!!! Extra Tags: Tor Browser Windows 3.6 Tor Browser Windows 3.6 crack Tor Browser...
By: Anda Juen
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Tor Browser Windows 3.6 Crack Download No Survey - Video
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Find hidden data on your computer with PCFerret
Posted: March 10, 2015 at 3:48 am
How well do you know your PC, the data it holds, how its really being used by others? PCFerret is a freeware tool for Windows Vista and later which claims it can help you find out.
Despite the intriguing pitch, PCFerret opens with a relatively ordinary system information report. It covers the core details youd expect -- hardware, network, drive statistics, user accounts etc -- and can be saved to HTML for easy sharing, but it cant compete with the more specialist competition.
The "Browser Media" tool is more interesting, scanning your browser caches (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera. Safari, Sea Monkey) for images or movies, then displaying thumbnails of the results. Could be useful for checking what others are viewing online.
A similar "Cached URLs" module checks your browser caches, and raises alerts for any URLs which contain suspect keywords. We found this raised lots of false alarms (hint: "pov" isnt just used in porn) but you can at least customize the keyword list, hopefully making it more accurate.
The Find Files By Type function is a highlight, scanning your PC and reporting on files whose content doesnt match their file extension. If someone has downloaded videos and renamed them to have a ZIP or ISO extension, say, this module should raise the alert. You could use it to detect encrypted containers, and for many other purposes, for example detecting malicious executable code which has been disguised as something else.
Theres a similar security tool in the programs "ADS Selection" feature, which scans your system to report on files with alternate data streams.
Bonus extras include a secure password creator, a file hash generator, a Tor Browser detector, and a module for managing Windows reboot operations (deleting, moving or renaming files when your system restarts).
PCFerret is an odd mix of features. It feels like the developer knows most of the individual modules arent quite as good as the best of the freeware competition, but instead of improving them, hes just bolted on something else.
But, we still think its worth downloading for the "Find Files By Type" module alone. This gives you much more control than similar programs, and makes it easy to find archives, images, hidden scripts, Registry files and more.
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Find hidden data on your computer with PCFerret
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[TUTO] Comment installer Tor Browser – Video
Posted: March 6, 2015 at 9:50 pm
[TUTO] Comment installer Tor Browser
Salut les gens comment sa va ? sa fait un moment que j #39;ai pas fait de vido alors en voila une 😀 N #39;oublier de liker,commenter ou meme de vous abonnez ! ____...
By: Mersiller. Gaming
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[TUTO] Comment installer Tor Browser - Video
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how to go to blocked website like (kickass piratebay) USING TOR BROWSER – Video
Posted: March 5, 2015 at 8:47 pm
how to go to blocked website like (kickass piratebay) USING TOR BROWSER
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how to go to blocked website like (kickass piratebay) USING TOR BROWSER - Video
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Installing the Tor browser in Linux Mint – Video
Posted: at 8:47 pm
Installing the Tor browser in Linux Mint
By: Pat Flanagan
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Installing the Tor browser in Linux Mint - Video
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Anonymer im internet mit Tor Browser Windows – Video
Posted: at 8:47 pm
Anonymer im internet mit Tor Browser Windows
Wie man mit dem Tor Browser Anonymer im Internet surfen kann zeige ich hier unter Windows.
By: superlinuxpc
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Anonymer im internet mit Tor Browser Windows - Video
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Tor Browser Review – Video
Posted: at 8:47 pm
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Cara install Tor Browser di Ubuntu – Video
Posted: at 8:47 pm
Cara install Tor Browser di Ubuntu
Tor Browser membuat privasi Anda lebih aman di internet dengan mudah. Anda akan terjaga dari pelacakan, atau pemblokiran terhadap situs tertentu. http://pusk...
By: Guild PuskoMedia
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