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Category Archives: Tms
ORANGEBURG PROPERTY TRANSFERS | Local | – The Times and Democrat
Posted: September 18, 2019 at 4:19 pm
The following property transfers are on file at the Orangeburg Courthouse, Sept. 6-11.
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Harshal Patel, Property Tax ID 0142/10/04/013.000, $91,000.
Cynthia Phelps n/k/a Cynthia Tyler to George Sellers, TMS 0181-17-01-028.000, Orange Township, $63,500.
Barefoot Home Solutions, LLC to Mamie Ruth Brooks, TMS 0183-00-10-065.000, $165,545.
Edisto Habitat for Humanity, Inc. to Ashby B. OCain, TMN 0151-16-10-003, City of Orangeburg, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Cheri L. Gainey to Connie R. Calaway, TMN 0307-00-02-015, Elloree Township, $179,900.
Clifford Pelzer and Virginia A. Pelzer to Jose A. Hernandez, TMS 0155-06-02-010, Zion Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Eugene R. Smith and Roger J. Smith, Trustees of the Eugene R. Smith Trust Agreement to Freddie Lee Davis and Barbara Elaine Davis, TMN 0324-20-15-004.000, Vance Township, $48,000.
Liane E. Jamison to Jabbar Colbert, TMS 0173-07-13-001.000, City of Orangeburg, $5, love and affection.
Leon Williams and Horace Byrd to B & W 2 Properties, TMN 0182-19-02-043, $5 and no other consideration.
Leon Williams and Horace Byrd to B & W 2 Properties, TMN 0141-00-02-016, $5 and no other consideration.
Wendy Anne Carter to Lovonta Brown, TMS 0180-00-04-031.00, $10 and other good and valuable consideration.
Janice H. Hoover to Tracy Fairington Weaver and Sandra Lynn Padgett, TMN 0089-00-02-025.000, $5 and other valuable consideration.
John F. Bunch to James M. Simons, Sr., TMS 0332-00-05-010, Holly Hill Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Kathy C. Arant as Personal Representative for the Estate of Patsy Jones Kirven to Matthew Austin Lee Catterton, TMS 0246-14-02-003, Town of Bowman, $100,000.
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of Washington, D.C. to Susan E. Wulff, TMN 0283-00-02-002.000 (Orangeburg) and 215-00-00-063.000 (Calhoun), $90,122.
Pennymac Loan Services, LLC to Robert Aikey and Cynthia Aikey, TMN 0234-00-03-011.000, Middle Township, $35,000.
Morningstar Mortgage LLC D/B/A/Mr. Cooper to Harshal Navin Patel, TMN 0142-2210-03-003, Limestone Township, $103,600.
Susan W. Hughes to Charles W. Wannamaker and Catherine A. Wannamaker, TMN 0080-00-02-018, $5, love and affection.
Marion S. Riggs to Neather M, Pearson, TMS 0307-19-003.000, $4,500.
Bennie S. Ulmer, Sr. and Bennie S. Ulmer, Jr. to Melvin Milligan, TMS 0153-09-02-010, Limestone Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Bennie S. Ulmer, Sr. to Melvin Milligan, TMS 0153-09-04-011, Limestone Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Dennis M. Arant, Jr. and Betty H. Arant aka Elizabeth H. Arant to Michael Wayne Wotring, TMN 0324-16-01-007, Vance Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Grady Lincoln aka Grady Lincoln, Jr. to Deloris Lincoln aka Deloris S. Lincoln, TMS 0191-10-16-101, Town of Branchville, $5, love and affection.
Annette Bey to Michael G. Alexander and Sandra J. Alexander, TMN 0324-15-02-014.000, Vance Township, $310,000.
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Ronald Jefferson to Emma Dean Jefferson, TMN 0050-00-03-0, Hebron Township, $5.
Yaquina Bay, LLC to Azhar Bahrainwala, TMN 0173-07-03-005.000 and 0173-07-03-068.000, $65,000.
Thomas H. Gibson to Cathy R. Hutto, TMN 0055-00-04-032.000, (portion of), Willow Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Harry McCormick, Jr. to Harry McCormick, Jr. and Marie McCormick, TMS 0246-00-05-008, Bowman Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Thomas R. Gibson, Sr. to Trenton C. Garvin and Presley T. Rutland, TMN 0055-00-04-032 (portion), Willow Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Jeffrey Whitfield Moore and Lara Moore to Lara Moore, TMS 0061-00-01 009.000, $5 and other valuable consideration.
J. Leonard Sanford to Margaret Thomas and LaQuanna Trusty, TMN 0140-12-03-005.000, Zion Township, $9,000.
Thomas H. Gibson to John Cody Burns, TMN 0054-05-06-003.000 and 0054-05-06-004.000, Willow Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Patricia F. Hutto to Hutto Land Holdings, LLC, TMN 0298-00-05-001.000 Providence Township, $5,000.
Unity Fellowship Community Church to New Vision Fellowship Church, TMS 0172-11-02-006.000, Orange Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Orangeburg Properties, Inc. to Linda L. Barnes, TMN 0066-00-02-071.000, $17,500.
George Felder, Jr. to Summers Estate, LLC, TMS 0189-00-05-003.000, $6,000.
Reddick A. Bowman, Jr. to Delaura Stokes, TMS 0174-13-14-012.000, $40,000.
Ajoy G. Chakrabarti, as Trustee of the Ajoy G. Chakrabarti Revocable Trust and Sukla Chakrabarti as Trustee Sukla Chakrabarti to A.M. Builders, LLC, TMN 0173-10-09-002.000, $550,000.
Vera Tryciecky to Vera Tryciecky abd Nadia Tryciecky, TMN 0142-16-13-005, $5, love and affection.
Vera Tryciecky to Vera Tryciecky abd Nadia Tryciecky, TMN 0142-16-13-002, $5, love and affection.
Dorothy C. Shirer by her Attorney in Fact, Lunda S. Reeder to Southern Farmlands, LLC, TMS 0283-00-05-001, Elloree Township, $5 and other valuable consideration.
Annette Haughton, Randolph Haughton, Jr., Sheryl Haughton Taylor and Craig Haughton by George R. McElveen, III, Agent to Madrine M. Hubbard, TMS 0173-07-02-007.000, Orange Township, $17,500.
Timothy Jerry Ladd and Crystal J. Ladd to Dennis P. Fogle and Deneena M. Fogle, TMS 0155-10-01-019.000 (portion of), $5.
Sammie Lee Shuler to Bernell Cummings, TMN 0256-00-03-015, Cow Castle Township, $5, love and affection.
Debra Martin to Sallie J. Middleton, portion of TMS 0357-07-03-004.000, $5,000.
Piece S. Livingston aka Piece Livingston to Shameka A. Rouse, TMS 0173-09-20-009.000, $118,500.
Mary Margaret Chestnut to Domenick A. Testi, TMN 0324-20-115-019.000, Vance Township, $34,000.
Robert Schubaurer, Jr. to Robert Schubauer, Jr. and Brenda Schubauer, TMP 0340-00-05-001, $5.
Gloria Elaine Woodruff to Columbus Woodruff, Jr. TMN 0151-12-04-018, City of Orangeburg, $5, love and affection.
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Kuebix Community Load Match Saves Shippers Money on Truckload Rates While Increasing Business for Brokers and Digital Freight Matching Firms -…
Posted: at 4:19 pm
MAYNARD, Mass., Sept. 17, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kuebix, a leading TMS software provider and creator of the Kuebix shipping community, is providing win-wins for shippers and carriers with its built-in truckload spot market feature, Kuebix Community Load Match. Any Kuebix user can easily post a load to Community Load Match to quickly receive spot bids to compare side-by-side with their regularly negotiated rates all from inside a single system. This provides carriers with direct access to shippers with available freight and helps shippers expand their booking options.
One Kuebix customer has reported saving $15,000 on 55 shipments every 30 days on a single lane by using Community Load Match. Thats an annual savings of $180,000. Kuebix users are seeing substantial bottom-line savings like this shipper by leveraging the free Community Load Match service all without the hassle of manually calling and emailing carriers to receive quotes. Instead, users simply post their loads to Community Load Match and their freight is bid on by any of the communitys thousands of carriers.
Carriers and brokers are also benefiting from Community Load Match as it gives them direct access to shippers with capacity needs. Instead of putting more boots on the ground by expanding a field sales team, carriers can instead leverage the connections they make through Community Load Match to establish long-term, mutually beneficial relationships.
Kuebix Community Load Match has been a tremendous solution for us! said Show Me Global Logistics Co-Founder, Dave Ausbury. When a Kuebix user posts to Community Load Match, we get the opportunity to bid on their freight. Once weve been awarded the load, we get the opportunity to prove ourselves to the shipper, do our due diligence to identify their needs, and continue to win their business. Its like having another salesperson on the street!
Community Load Match is one of the many features within Kuebix TMS that provide win-wins for shippers and carriers alike. Kuebix recently announced that over 20,000 companies have signed up for its TMS and this number is only expected to grow as the network effect in transportation management presents more and more opportunities for Kuebix community members to connect and collaborate.
About KuebixKuebix offers a transportation management system (TMS) that enables companies to capitalize on supply chain opportunities through control, visibility and the use of predictive analytics. Kuebix is democratizing the rating, booking and tracking of freight with its free TMS, Kuebix Free Shipper, which can be ready to use in minutes. Companies looking for advanced analytics, financial management and other premium features can upgrade to Kuebix Business Pro and Kuebix Enterprise and then modularly add Premier Applications and Integrations. All Kuebix users can leverage Kuebix Community Load Match, a truckload spot market that connects thousands of shippers with truckload capacity. Kuebix also offers unique Managed Service Programs to shippers looking to partially or fully outsource their transportation management. For more information visit:
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Mitsubishi teases new PHEV SUV concept for TMS – Paul Tan’s Automotive News
Posted: at 4:19 pm
For this years Tokyo Motor Show, Mitsubishi will present a small plug-in hybrid SUV concept, which it says pulls together the companys electrification and all-wheel drive control expertise and technologies.
Unsurprisingly, theres isnt a lot to go on here, with Mitsubishi adding that the show car will have a downsized PHEV drivetrain, as well as an electric 4WD system that allows it to deliver unparalleled driving pleasure and confidence over all terrain in light and wind.
To go along with the announcement, theres also a teaser image of the concepts rear quarter design, revealing a boxy shape with a split roof styling. We also get to see carbon-fibre trim on each of the humps, along with four circular elements that could be associated with the cars cooling system.
Nestled between these items is a window that provides a glimpse of what is likely an aspect of the concepts powertrain. Well only know more about the unnamed vehicle when it is presented in Tokyo later in October.
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Mitsubishi teases new PHEV SUV concept for TMS - Paul Tan's Automotive News
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Pokemon GO Shiny Trapinch code found as Mewtwo raids cancelled – SlashGear
Posted: at 4:19 pm
This morning the latest release of Pokemon GO included imagery of Shiny Trapinch and crew. This Pokemon is not strictly new it was first released in the Hoenn region, Generation 3, back with Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire. This Pokemon will appear in a Trapinch Community Day as well, inside October with additional bonuses. Also note: Legendary Raid Hour was cancelled for today!
The Trapinch family appeared with Shiny Trapinch, Shiny Vibrava, and Shiny Flygon this morning. Their first appearance was in the games APK, the files for the game. They are not necessarily LIVE in the wild just yet well know soon enough! The update in which this family of Shiny Trapinch first appeared also showed a whole bunch of new Gen 5 Unova Pokemon in the wild right this minute.
UPDATE: Legendary Raid Hour with Mewtwo was cancelled this afternoon. Well know more from Niantic soon!
These Shiny Trapinch Family Pokemon are very different colors than their original forms. The Shiny Trapinch is aqua/green instead of peach/orange. The Shiny Vibrava has orange/peach wings and eyes instead of green. The Shiny Flygon remains green, but inclues blue and yellow accents instead of darker green and red.
Users will find Shiny Trapinch in the near future the very best chance anyone will have at finding this super rare version of the Pokemon is on Trapinch Community Day. Thatll also be known as the October 2019 Community Day for Pokemon GO, featuring Trapinch. This event will take place on October 12, 2019, from 11AM until 2PM, local time.
Community Day includes 3x catch XP (experience points) as well as 3-hour lures thatll last the duration of the event. Trapinch will appear in greater numbers than usual on Community Day and will have the potential to get an exclusive move. This move will be exclusive to this day, and will not be able to be taught to any other Trapinch any other day.
Also note, per Niantic, Fast TMs and Charged TMs will not grant exclusive moves during Community Day. To learn the exclusive move, you must catch or evolve the featured Pokmon during Community Day hours.
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Pokemon GO Shiny Trapinch code found as Mewtwo raids cancelled - SlashGear
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MercuryGate Names Traci Kellner as Chief People Officer – Business Wire
Posted: at 4:19 pm
CARY, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MercuryGate International, Inc., (MercuryGate), the largest and rapidly growing independent Transportation Management System (TMS) provider, today announced the appointment of Traci Kellner as Chief People Officer, reporting to President and CEO Joe Juliano.
Kellner brings significant experience running global Human Resource (HR) organizations to MercuryGate. As Chief People Officer, she will oversee development of MercuryGates people strategy, encompassing talent acquisition, talent development and learning, organizational development and effectiveness, total rewards and the employee experience to address the companys rapid growth in the U.S. market and international expansion.
Traci is a dynamic and passionate HR leader with an exceptional track record for developing winning cultures that support accelerated growth and transformation in complex technology companies, said Juliano. Since April, as a consultant, she has already led our HR team through rapid change and has made a positive impact to our operations.
I am fortunate to be part of MercuryGates leadership team during this pivotal time in the companys history, said Kellner. Going forward, I am excited to continue cultivating and supporting the people who make it a great company.
Previously, Kellner was the President of Quantum People Solutions, Inc., an HR consulting company elevating organizational performance through a global, people-based agenda. Prior to Quantum, Kellner served as Executive Vice President of Human Capital for Beeline, formerly IQNavigator, the worlds largest independent provider of solutions for sourcing and managing the complex world of contingent labor. Before that she was HR Director for Accellent, a manufacturing services company to the medical device industry. Earlier in her career, Kellner held HR director roles with TeleTech Holdings and Standard Register, respectively.
Kellner holds a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Colorado Boulder. She is a member of the advisory board for Birchtree Global, LLC and served as a board member of Leadership Ascent which offers the most progressive and professional development programs available by providing the tools, coaching and applied experiences to build superior leaders and visionaries.
About MercuryGate
MercuryGate provides powerful transportation management solutions proven to be a competitive advantage for todays most successful shippers, 3PLs, freight forwarders, brokers, and carriers. MercuryGates solutions are unique in their native support of all modes of transportation on a single platform including Parcel, LTL, Truckload, Air, Ocean, Rail, and Intermodal. Through the continued release of innovative, results-driven technology and a commitment to making customers successful, MercuryGate delivers exceptional value for TMS users through improved productivity and operational efficiency. MercuryGate offers business intelligence to improve transportation processes, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce costs. Find out why MercuryGate has set the industry standard for the most adaptable, comprehensive transportation solutions suite in the industry at or on Twitter at @MercuryGate.
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Momentum Continue?::Greenbrook Tms Inc, (TSX (Toronto):GTMS) – Times Of New York
Posted: at 4:19 pm
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On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 , the Company Greenbrook Tms Inc, exchange TSX (Toronto), Loss, the shares rates from the previous trading day.
Themarket pricewill usually fluctuate throughout thetradingday as investors buy and sellstocks. The Greenbrook Tms Inc (TSX (Toronto) : GTMS) of sector 0 started at $2.49 and closed at $2.45 in the newest exchanging session having previous price $2.5 on marking the change of $-0.05 with -2% (Loss) from the previous day.
The high trading price was $2.5 at which astocktraded throughout the route of the day and low trading price stayed $2.44.
Volume is animportanttechnical indicator for investors, which gives the idea of the price action of astockand whether he should buy or sell the security. The GTMS exchanged hands with current Volume 194699, while preciouss day the Volume 355092. Iftrading volumeincreases, prices usually move in the same direction.
A Moving Average (MA) is an extensively indicator intechnical analysisthat facilitate smooth-out price action by filtering out the Noise from random short-term price fluctuations. It is a trend-following, orlagging, indicator because it is based on past prices. The following Moving Averages values of the company, Greenbrook Tms Inc:
Weighted Alpha tells that how much a stock has risen or fallen over an one-year period with a higher weighting for recent price activity. The companys Greenbrook Tms Inc, TSX (Toronto) have a Weighted Aplha -30.91. A positive weighted alpha indicates that the stock has risen over the past year. A negative indicates that the stock is down over that same time period.
Buy Signals: An event or condition that aware a person to place a buy order for an investment.Buy signalscan be either watched by analyzing chart patterns or calculated by exchanging systems.
Hold Signals:An analysts recommendation to neither buy nor sell a security. A company with aholdrecommendation usually is expected to execute with the market or at the same pace as comparable companies.
Sell Signals: A condition or measurable level at which an investor is alerted to sella specified investment.Sell signalscan be generated through a variety of methods.
They are also observed and utilized by different types of investors. The Current Price Signals & Last Month Prices Signals are hereunder:
The Trend analysis of the Greenbrook Tms Inc shows that the Company Sell the Trend Signal & having Trend Strength Soft with the Trend Direction of the Weakening. Trend Signals indicates that uses wave theory, market momentum and volatility in an attempt to find a general trend, while Trend Strength of the signal compared to its historical performance where max the strongest this signal has been is and minimum is the weakest. Trend Direction indicating whether the Buy or Sell signal is strengthening or weakening or whether a Hold signal is heading towards a buy or sell signal.
Market Cap is determined by doubling a companys shares outstanding by the current market price of one share 142466767.
Looking into the profitability ratios of GTMS stock, an investor will find its ROE i.e; -33.9544%. A performance measure used to estimate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the ability of some different investments.
Return on assets(ROA) is a financial ratio that shows the percentage of profit a company earns in relation to its overall resources. The Company has ROA -21.3694%.
The MA is amoving averagethat places a greater weight and significance on the most recent data points. Like all moving averages, this technical indicator is used to produce buy and sellsignalsbased on crossovers and divergences from the historical average. The 20-Dyas Moving average Signals was Buy with the Strength Weak of having direction Strengthening. The 50-Dyas Moving average Signals was Sell with the Strength Soft of having direction Weakening. Similarly, the 100-Dyas Moving average Signals was Sell with the Strength Strong of having direction Weakening.
The 01-Year Return of the company Greenbrook Tms Inc -20.2%, while the revenue growth percent over a 5-years period is 0%.The difference between the current price and the settlement price from 1 year ago, expressed as percentage. The revenue growth percent over a 5 year period. The beta factor is 0. A stock with a beta more than 1 means high volatile and less than 1 means low volatile.
Return on equity(ROE) is a measure of financial performance calculated by dividing net income by shareholders equity. Because shareholders equity is equal to a companys assets minus its debt,ROE could be thought of as the return on net assets. The company Greenbrook Tms Inc having -33.9544 percent.
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Momentum Continue?::Greenbrook Tms Inc, (TSX (Toronto):GTMS) - Times Of New York
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Kuebix Community Load Match saves shippers money on truckload rates – American Journal of Transportation
Posted: at 4:19 pm
Kuebix Community Load Match provides carriers with direct access to shippers with available freight and helps shippers expand their access to capacity and attractive rates
Maynard, MA - Kuebix, a leading TMS software provider and creator of the Kuebix shipping community, is providing win-wins for shippers and carriers with its built-in truckload spot market feature, Kuebix Community Load Match. Any Kuebix user can easily post a load to Community Load Match to quickly receive spot bids to compare side-by-side with their regularly negotiated rates all from inside a single system. This provides carriers with direct access to shippers with available freight and helps shippers expand their booking options.
One Kuebix customer has reported saving $15,000 on 55 shipments every 30 days on a single lane by using Community Load Match. Thats an annual savings of $180,000. Kuebix users are seeing substantial bottom-line savings like this shipper by leveraging the free Community Load Match service all without the hassle of manually calling and emailing carriers to receive quotes. Instead, users simply post their loads to Community Load Match and their freight is bid on by any of the communitys thousands of carriers.
Carriers and brokers are also benefiting from Community Load Match as it gives them direct access to shippers with capacity needs. Instead of putting more boots on the ground by expanding a field sales team, carriers can instead leverage the connections they make through Community Load Match to establish long-term, mutually beneficial relationships.
Kuebix Community Load Match has been a tremendous solution for us! said Show Me Global Logistics Co-Founder, Dave Ausbury. When a Kuebix user posts to Community Load Match, we get the opportunity to bid on their freight. Once weve been awarded the load, we get the opportunity to prove ourselves to the shipper, do our due diligence to identify their needs, and continue to win their business. Its like having another salesperson on the street!
Community Load Match is one of the many features within Kuebix TMS that provide win-wins for shippers and carriers alike. Kuebix recently announced that over 20,000 companies have signed up for its TMS and this number is only expected to grow as the network effect in transportation management presents more and more opportunities for Kuebix community members to connect and collaborate.
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Midweek interview with TMS Talent’s Ed Hewitt – Travel Weekly
Posted: at 4:19 pm
This week, TMS Talents NSW state manager told us his grand plan for fixing Brexit. Unfortunately, we forgot to turn on our voice recorder.
New travel technology disruptors.
The wins.
Hard to format CVs.
A stockbroker or musician
I had an amazing experience flying to the UK with Korean.
Becoming a father.
What goes on tour stays on tour.
Turning my phone off.
In a taxi in Nepal.
A shorter flight time back home to England.
Know your numbers.
Stand up on the plane as soon as you land.
Not switching off.
My memory
Be able to buy a house in Sydney close to the city!
Sort out Brexit.
An Avenger.
An overwater bungalow in Bora Bora.
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Midweek interview with TMS Talent's Ed Hewitt - Travel Weekly
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TMS for USA 3PL market Overview, Development & Growth Rate Forecast for Next 5 Years – Market News Everyday
Posted: at 4:19 pm
HTF Market Intelligence released a new research report of 115 pages on title TMS for USA 3PL market with detailed analysis, forecast and strategies. The study covers key regions that includes North America Country (United States, Canada) ,South America ,Asia Country (China, Japan, India, Korea) ,Europe Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy) ,Other Country (Middle East, Africa, GCC) and important players such as XPO Logistics,UPS Supply Chain Solutions etc.
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SummaryWith the slowdown in world economic growth, the 3PL industry has also suffered a certainimpact, but still maintained a relatively optimistic growth, the past four years, USA 3PL marketsize reached 172.5 billion $ in 2017 from 157.8 billion $ in 2014 with a GAGR of 3%, HTFanalysts believe that in the next few years, 3PL market size will be further expanded, we expectthat by 2025, The market size of the 3PL will reach 194 billion $.
USA Small to Mid-sized 3PLs market size reached 24238 million $ in 2017 from 22680 million $ in2014 with a GAGR of 2.24%, and HTF forecast the Small to Mid-sized 3PLs size will reach27544 million $ in 2025.
This Report covers the Major Players data, including: shipment, revenue, gross profit, interviewrecord, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitorsbetter.Besides, the report also covers segment data, including: type segment, industry segment,channel segment etc. cover different segment market size. Also cover different industries clientsinformation, which is very important for the Major Players. If you need more information, pleasecontact HTF
Section 1: FreeDefinition
Section (2 3): 1200 USDMajor Player DetailC.H. RobinsonXPO LogisticsUPS Supply Chain SolutionsJ.B. Hunt (JBI, DCS & ICS)Kuehne + NagelDHL Supply Chain & Global ForwardingDB Schenker LogisticsCEVA LogisticsExpeditorsDSV
Section (4 5 6): 500 USDType Segmentation (Revenue 50 million, Revenue 50-150 million, Revenue 150-250 million)Industry Segmentation (Government, Commercial, Medical, Automotive)Channel (B2B, B2C) Segmentation
Section 7: 400 USDTrend (2019-2025)
Section 8: 300 USD Type Detail
Section 9: 700 USDDownstream Consumer
Section 10: 200 USDCost Structure
Section 11: 500 USDConclusion
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Table of ContentsSection 1 3PL DefinitionSection 2 USA 3PL Market Major Player Share and Market Overview2.1 USA Major Player 3PL Business Revenue2.2 USA 3PL Market Overview2.3 Potential TMS Spend in US dollars for Small to Mid-sized 3PLs2.4 Spending patterns of TMS in value for SMEsSection 3 Major Player 3PL Business Introduction3.1 C.H. Robinson 3PL Business Introduction3.1.1 C.H. Robinson 3PL Revenue, Growth Rate and Gross profit in USA 2014-20193.1.2 C.H. Robinson 3PL Business Distribution by Region3.1.3 C.H. Robinson Interview Record3.1.4 C.H. Robinson 3PL Business Profile3.1.5 C.H. Robinson 3PL Specification3.2 XPO Logistics 3PL Business Introduction3.2.1 XPO Logistics 3PL Revenue, Growth Rate and Gross profit in USA 2014-20193.2.2 XPO Logistics 3PL Business Distribution by Region3.2.3 XPO Logistics Interview Record3.2.4 XPO Logistics 3PL Business Profile3.2.5 XPO Logistics 3PL Specification3.3 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 3PL Business Introduction3.3.1 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 3PL Revenue, Growth Rate and Gross profit in USA 2014-20193.3.2 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 3PL Business Distribution by Region3.3.3 UPS Supply Chain Solutions Interview Record3.3.4 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 3PL Business Profile3.3.5 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 3PL Specification3.4 J.B. Hunt (JBI, DCS & ICS) 3PL Business Introduction3.4.1 J.B. Hunt (JBI, DCS & ICS) 3PL Revenue, Growth Rate and Gross profit in USA 2014-20193.4.2 J.B. Hunt (JBI, DCS & ICS) 3PL Business Distribution by Region3.4.3 J.B. Hunt (JBI, DCS & ICS) Interview Record3.4.4 J.B. Hunt (JBI, DCS & ICS) 3PL Business Profile3.4.5 J.B. Hunt (JBI, DCS & ICS) 3PL Specification3.5 Kuehne + Nagel 3PL Busin
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Right Time To Pull The Trigger ::Greenbrook Tms Inc, (TSX (Toronto):GTMS) – Times Of New York
Posted: at 4:19 pm
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On Monday, September 16, 2019 , the Company Greenbrook Tms Inc, exchange TSX (Toronto), Gain, the shares rates from the previous trading day.
Themarket pricewill usually fluctuate throughout thetradingday as investors buy and sellstocks. The Greenbrook Tms Inc (TSX (Toronto) : GTMS) of sector 0 started at $2.36 and closed at $2.5 in the newest exchanging session having previous price $2.35 on marking the change of $0.15 with 6.38% (Gain) from the previous day.
The high trading price was $2.5 at which astocktraded throughout the route of the day and low trading price stayed $2.36.
Volume is animportanttechnical indicator for investors, which gives the idea of the price action of astockand whether he should buy or sell the security. The GTMS exchanged hands with current Volume 355092, while preciouss day the Volume 145115. Iftrading volumeincreases, prices usually move in the same direction.
A Moving Average (MA) is an extensively indicator intechnical analysisthat facilitate smooth-out price action by filtering out the Noise from random short-term price fluctuations. It is a trend-following, orlagging, indicator because it is based on past prices. The following Moving Averages values of the company, Greenbrook Tms Inc:
Weighted Alpha tells that how much a stock has risen or fallen over an one-year period with a higher weighting for recent price activity. The companys Greenbrook Tms Inc, TSX (Toronto) have a Weighted Aplha -28.98. A positive weighted alpha indicates that the stock has risen over the past year. A negative indicates that the stock is down over that same time period.
Buy Signals: An event or condition that aware a person to place a buy order for an investment.Buy signalscan be either watched by analyzing chart patterns or calculated by exchanging systems.
Hold Signals:An analysts recommendation to neither buy nor sell a security. A company with aholdrecommendation usually is expected to execute with the market or at the same pace as comparable companies.
Sell Signals: A condition or measurable level at which an investor is alerted to sella specified investment.Sell signalscan be generated through a variety of methods.
They are also observed and utilized by different types of investors. The Current Price Signals & Last Month Prices Signals are hereunder:
The Trend analysis of the Greenbrook Tms Inc shows that the Company Sell the Trend Signal & having Trend Strength Weak with the Trend Direction of the Weakest. Trend Signals indicates that uses wave theory, market momentum and volatility in an attempt to find a general trend, while Trend Strength of the signal compared to its historical performance where max the strongest this signal has been is and minimum is the weakest. Trend Direction indicating whether the Buy or Sell signal is strengthening or weakening or whether a Hold signal is heading towards a buy or sell signal.
Market Cap is determined by doubling a companys shares outstanding by the current market price of one share 133918761.
Looking into the profitability ratios of GTMS stock, an investor will find its ROE i.e; -33.9544%. A performance measure used to estimate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the ability of some different investments.
Return on assets(ROA) is a financial ratio that shows the percentage of profit a company earns in relation to its overall resources. The Company has ROA -21.3694%.
The MA is amoving averagethat places a greater weight and significance on the most recent data points. Like all moving averages, this technical indicator is used to produce buy and sellsignalsbased on crossovers and divergences from the historical average. The 20-Dyas Moving average Signals was Buy with the Strength Weak of having direction Strongest. The 50-Dyas Moving average Signals was Sell with the Strength Soft of having direction Weakest. Similarly, the 100-Dyas Moving average Signals was Sell with the Strength Strong of having direction Weakest.
The 01-Year Return of the company Greenbrook Tms Inc -18.57%, while the revenue growth percent over a 5-years period is 0%.The difference between the current price and the settlement price from 1 year ago, expressed as percentage. The revenue growth percent over a 5 year period. The beta factor is 0. A stock with a beta more than 1 means high volatile and less than 1 means low volatile.
Return on equity(ROE) is a measure of financial performance calculated by dividing net income by shareholders equity. Because shareholders equity is equal to a companys assets minus its debt,ROE could be thought of as the return on net assets. The company Greenbrook Tms Inc having -33.9544 percent.
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Right Time To Pull The Trigger ::Greenbrook Tms Inc, (TSX (Toronto):GTMS) - Times Of New York
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