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Seychelles police: Autopsies done for sisters found dead in …

Posted: October 1, 2016 at 1:49 am

Annie Korkki, 37, and Robin Korkki, 42, are seen in the Seychelles ina photo posted to Annies Facebook account on Sept. 19,2016,threedays before sisters were found dead in their resort room by staff.

Annie Korkki/Facebook

Last Updated Sep 30, 2016 2:26 PM EDT

VICTORIA, Seychelles -- Two American sisters found dead in their tropical island villa while vacationing in Seychelles died of excess fluid in their lungs, according to police in the African archipelago nation.

Annie Marie Korkki, 37, and Robin Marie Korkki, 42, were found motionless in the bed of their villa last week by hotel staff at the Maia resort on Mahe, Seychelles main island. Police spokesperson Jean Toussaint told local media that the women were seen drinking and were helped to their room by hotel personnel the night before they were found dead.

Autopsies conducted Wednesday determined the Minnesota natives died from acute pulmonary edema, or having fluid in their lungs, according to a police report obtained by Minnesota television station KARE. Cerebral edema, or fluid in the brain, was also cited in Annie Korkkis death.

The report also said no visible signs of injuries were found.

Police said the autopsies were conducted by a forensic pathologist in the neighboring Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. The investigation is ongoing and toxicology tests are pending, police said.

Many things can cause acute pulmonary edema and cerebral edema, said Dr. Patrick Lank, a Northwestern Medicine assistant professor of emergency medicine in Chicago. Emergency rooms commonly see it in drug overdoses, he said, but it might also come from a viral infection.

Two people at the same time is odd, Lank said. It suggests more of a toxicologic or environmental cause, or a potential infection if theyre traveling together.

An itinerary found at the Maia hotel indicated the sisters had been touring Africa since Sept. 1, and that they had visited Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar before arriving in Seychelles on Sept. 16. Annie Korkki lived in Denver, while Robin Korkki lived in Chicago.

The womens brother, Chris Korkki, of Lakeville, Minnesota, told CBS station WCCO-TV on Wednesday that his sisters were outgoing, generous, kind and lived life to the fullest.

A spokesman for Seychelles police was unavailable for comment Friday. The Maia hotel released a statement confirming the sisters were found by a hotel employee who tried to wake them. The statement said: Our thoughts are with the family and friends.

2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Seychelles police: Autopsies done for sisters found dead in ...

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Seychelles | history – geography |

Posted: August 27, 2016 at 7:22 pm

Alternate Title: Republic of Seychelles


National anthem of Seychelles

Seychelles, island republic in the western Indian Ocean, comprising about 115 islands. The islands are home to lush tropical vegetation, beautiful beaches, and a wide variety of marine life. Situated between latitudes 4 and 11 S and longitudes 46 and 56 E, the major islands of Seychelles are located about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) east of Kenya and about 700 miles (1,100 km) northeast of Madagascar. The capital, Victoria, is situated on the island of Mah.

Seychelles, one of the worlds smallest countries, is composed of two main island groups: the Mah group of more than 40 central, mountainous granitic islands and a second group of more than 70 outer, flat, coralline islands. The islands of the Mah group are rocky and typically have a narrow coastal strip and a central range of hills. The overall aspect of those islands, with their lush tropical vegetation, is that of high hanging gardens overlooking silver-white beaches and clear lagoons. The highest point in Seychelles, Morne Seychellois (2,969 feet [905 metres]), situated on Mah, is located within this mountainous island group. The coralline islands, rising only a few feet above sea level, are flat with elevated coral reefs at different stages of formation. These islands are largely waterless, and very few have a resident population.

The climate is tropical oceanic, with little temperature variation during the year. Daily temperatures rise to the mid-80s F (low 30s C) in the afternoon and fall to the low 70s F (low 20s C) at night. Precipitation levels vary greatly from island to island; on Mah, annual precipitation ranges from 90 inches (2,300 mm) at sea level to 140 inches (3,560 mm) on the mountain slopes. Humidity is persistently high but is ameliorated somewhat in locations windward of the prevailing southeast trade winds.

Of the roughly 200 plant species found in Seychelles, some 80 are unique to the islands, including screw pines (see pandanus), several varieties of jellyfish trees, latanier palms, the bois rouge, the bois de fer, Wrights gardenia, and the most famous, the coco de mer. The coco de merwhich is found on only two islandsproduces a fruit that is one of the largest and heaviest known and is valued by a number of Asian cultures for believed aphrodisiac, medicinal, mystic, and other properties. The Seychellois government closely monitors the quantity and status of the trees, and, although commerce is regulated to prevent overharvesting, poaching is a concern.

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Wildlife includes a remarkably diverse array of marine life, including more than 900 identified species of fish; green sea turtles and giant tortoises also inhabit the islands. Endemic species include birds such as Seychelles bulbuls and cave-dwelling Seychelles swiftlets; several species of local tree frogs, snails, and wormlike caecilians; Seychelles wolf snakes and house snakes; tiger chameleons; and others. Endemic mammals are few; both fruit bats (Pteropus seychellensis) and Seychelles sheath-tailed bats (Coleura seychellensis) are endemic to the islands. Indian mynahs, barn owls, and tenrecs (small shrewlike or hedgehoglike mammals introduced from Madagascar) are also found.

Considerable efforts have been made to preserve the islands marked biodiversity. Seychelles government has established several nature preserves and marine parks, including the Aldabra Islands and Valle de Mai National Park, both UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Aldabra Islands, a large atoll, are the site of a preserve inhabited by tens of thousands of giant tortoises, the worlds oldest living creatures, which government conservation efforts have helped rescue from the brink of extinction. Valle de Mai National Park is the only place where all six of the palm species endemic to Seychelles, including the coco de mer, may be found together. Cousin Island is home to a sanctuary for land birds, many endemic to the islands, including the Seychelles sunbird (a type of hummingbird) and the Seychelles brush warbler. The nearby Cousine Island is part private resort and part nature preserve, noted for its sea turtles, giant tortoises, and assorted land birds. Bird Island is the breeding ground for millions of terns, turtle doves, shearwaters, frigate birds, and other seabirds that flock there each year.

The original French colonists on the previously uninhabited islands, along with their black slaves, were joined in the 19th century by deportees from France. Asians from China, India, and Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia) arrived later in smaller numbers. Widespread intermarriage has resulted in a population of mixed descent.

Creole, also called Seselwa, is the mother tongue of most Seychellois. Under the constitution, Creole, English, and French are recognized as national languages.

More than four-fifths of the population are Roman Catholics. There are also Anglicans, Christians of other denominations, Hindus, and Muslims.

More than four-fifths of the population live on Mah, many of them in the capital city, Victoria. The birth and death rates, as well as the annual population growth rate, are below the global average. Some one-fourth of the population are younger than age 15, and about one-half are under age 30. Life expectancy for both men and women is significantly higher than the global average.

Seychelles has a mixed, developing economy that is heavily dependent upon the service sector in general and the tourism industry in particular. Despite continued visible trade deficits, the economy has experienced steady growth. The gross domestic product (GDP) is growing more rapidly than the population. The gross national income (GNI) per capita is significantly higher than those found in most nearby continental African countries.

Agriculture accounts for only a fraction of the GDP and employs an equally modest proportion of the workforce. Arable land is limited and the soil is generally poorand the country remains dependent upon imported foodstuffsbut copra (from coconuts), cinnamon bark, vanilla, tea, limes, and essential oils are exported. Seychelles has a modern fishing industry that supplies both domestic and foreign markets; canned tuna is a particularly important product. The extraction of guano for export is also an established economic activity.

The countrys growing manufacturing sectorwhich has expanded to account for almost one-sixth of the total GDPis composed largely of food-processing plants; production of alcoholic beverages and of soft drinks is particularly significant. Animal feed, paint, and other goods are also produced.

Seychelles sizable trade deficit is offset by income from the tourism industry and from aid and investment. Although the countrys relative prosperity has not made it a preferred aid recipient, it does receive assistance from the World Bank, the European Union, the African Development Bank, and a variety of contributing countries, and aid obtained per capita is relatively high. The Central Bank of Seychelles, located in Victoria, issues the official currency, the Seychelles rupee.

Seychelles main imports are petroleum products, machinery, and foodstuffs. Canned tuna, copra, frozen fish, and cinnamon are the most important exports, together with the reexport of petroleum products. Significant trade partners include France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Germany.

The service sector accounts for nearly four-fifths of the GDP and employs the largest proportion of the workforce, almost three-fourths of all labourers. After the opening of an international airport on Mah in 1971, the tourism industry grew rapidly, and at the beginning of the 21st century it provided almost one-fourth of the total GDP. Each year Seychelles draws thousands of tourists, many attracted by the islands magnificent venues for scuba diving, surfing, windsurfing, fishing, swimming, and sunbathing. The warm southeasterly trade winds offer ideal conditions for sailing, and the waters around Mah and the other islands are afloat with small boats.

The majority of Seychelles roadways are paved, most of which are on the islands of Mah and Praslin; there are no railroads. Ferry services operate between the islandsfor example, linking Victoria with destinations that include Praslin and La Digue. Air service is centred on Seychelles International Airport, located near Victoria on Mah, and the smaller airports and airstrips found on several islands. Seychelles has air connections with a number of foreign cities and direct flights to major centres that include London, Paris, Frankfurt, Rome, and Bangkok. Scheduled domestic flights, provided by Air Seychelles, chiefly offer service between Mah and Praslin, although chartered flights elsewhere are also available. The tsunami that reached Seychelles in 2004 damaged portions of the transportation infrastructure, including the road linking Victoria with the international airport.

Telecommunications infrastructure in Seychelles is quite developed. The country has a high rate of cellular telephone useamong the highest in sub-Saharan Africaand, at the beginning of the 21st century, the use of personal computers in Seychelles was several times the average for the region.

Under the 1993 constitution, Seychelles is a republic. The head of state and government is the president, who is directly elected by popular vote and may hold office for up to three consecutive five-year terms. Members of the National Assembly serve five-year terms. A majority of the available National Assembly seats are filled by direct election; a smaller portion are distributed on a proportional basis to those parties that win a minimum of one-tenth of the vote. The president appoints a Council of Ministers, which acts as an advisory body. The country is divided into more than 20 administrative divisions.

The Seychellois judiciary includes a Court of Appeal, a Supreme Court, and Magistrates Courts; the Constitutional Court is a branch of the Supreme Court.

Suffrage is universal; Seychellois are eligible to vote at age 17. Women participate actively in the government of the country and have held numerous posts, including positions in the cabinet and a proportion of seats in the National Assembly.

The Peoples Party (formerly the Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front) was the sole legal party from 1978 until 1991. It is still the countrys primary political party, but other parties are also active in Seychellois politics, including the New Democratic Party (formerly the Seychelles Democratic Party), the Seychelles National Party, and the Seychelles Movement for Democracy.

Seychelles defense forces are made up of an army, a coast guard (including naval and airborne wings), and a national guard. There is no conscription; military service is voluntary, and individuals are generally eligible at age 18 (although younger individuals may serve with parental consent).

In general, homes play a highly visible part in maintaining traditional Seychellois life. Many old colonial houses are well preserved, although corrugated iron roofs have generally replaced the indigenous palm thatch. Groups tend to gather on the verandahs of their houses, which are generally recognized as social centres.

The basis of the school system is a free, compulsory, 10-year public school education. Education standards have risen steadily, and nearly all children of primary-school age attend school. The countrys first university, the University of Seychelles, began accepting students in 2009. The literacy rate in Seychelles is significantly higher than the regional and global averages for both men and women.

Seychellois culture has been shaped by a combination of European, African, and Asian influences. The main European influence is French, recognizable in Seselwa, the Creole language that is the lingua franca of the islands, and in Seychellois food and religion; the French introduced Roman Catholicism, the religion of the majority of the islanders. African influence is revealed in local music and dance as well as in Seselwa. Asian elements are evident in the islands cuisine but are particularly dominant in business and trade.

Holidays observed in Seychelles include Liberation Day, which commemorates the anniversary of the 1977 coup, on June 5; National Day, June 18; Independence Day, June 29; the Feast of the Assumption, August 15; All Saints Day, November 1; the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8; and Christmas, December 25.

Because of the exorbitant expense of the large and lavish wedding receptions that are part of Seychellois tradition, many couples never marry; instead, they may choose to live en mnage, achieving a de facto union by cohabitating without marriage. There is little or no social stigma related to living en mnage, and the arrangement is recognized by the couples family and friends. The instance of couples living en mnage increases particularly among lower income groups.

Dance plays an important role in Seychellois society. Both the sga and the moutya, two of the most famous dances performed in Seychelles, mirror traditional African customs. The sensual dances blend religion and social relations, two elements central to African life. The complicated and compelling dance movements were traditionally carried out under moonlight to the beat of African drums. Dances were once regular events in village halls, but these have largely died out in recent years; now dances take place in modern nightclubs.

Seychellois enjoy participating in and watching several team sports. The national stadium, located in Victoria, offers a year-round program of events. Mens and womens volleyball are popular, and several Seychellois players and referees participate at the international level. Football (soccer) is also a favourite, and Seychellois teams frequently travel to East Africa and India to play in exhibition matches and tournaments. The Seychelles national Olympic committee was established in 1979 and was recognized that year by the International Olympic Committee. The country made its official Olympic debut at the 1980 Moscow Games, but its first Olympic athlete was Henri Dauban de Silhouette, who competed for Great Britain in the javelin throw at the 1924 Paris Games.

Much of the countrys radio, television, and print media is under government control. There are several independent publications, including Seychelles Weekly and Vizyon.

The islands were known by traders from the Persian Gulf centuries ago, but the first recorded landing on the uninhabited Seychelles was made in 1609 by an expedition of the British East India Company. The archipelago was explored by the Frenchman Lazare Picault in 1742 and 1744 and was formally annexed to France in 1756. The archipelago was named Schelles, later changed by the British to Seychelles. War between France and Britain led to the surrender of the archipelago to the British in 1810, and it was formally ceded to Great Britain by the Treaty of Paris in 1814. The abolition of slavery in the 1830s deprived the islands European colonists of their labour force and compelled them to switch from raising cotton and grains to cultivating less-labour-intensive crops such as coconut, vanilla, and cinnamon. In 1903 Seychellesuntil that time administered as a dependency of Mauritiusbecame a separate British crown colony. A Legislative Council with elected members was introduced in 1948.

In 1963 the United States leased an area on the main island, Mah, and built an air force satellite tracking station there; this brought regular air travel to Seychelles for the first time, in the form of a weekly seaplane shuttle that operated from Mombasa, Kenya.

In 1970 Seychelles obtained a new constitution, universal adult suffrage, and a governing council with an elected majority. Self-government was granted in 1975 and independence in 1976, within the Commonwealth of Nations. In 1975 a coalition government was formed with James R. Mancham as president and France-Albert Ren as prime minister. In 1977, while Mancham was abroad, Ren became president in a coup dtat led by the Seychelles Peoples United Party (later restyled the Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front [SPPF], from 2009 the Peoples Party [Parti Lepep]).

In 1979 a new constitution transformed Seychelles into a one-party socialist state, with Rens SPPF designated the only legal party. This change was not popular with many Seychellois, and during the 1980s there were several coup attempts. Faced with mounting pressure from the countrys primary sources of foreign aid, Rens administration began moving toward more democratic rule in the early 1990s, with the return of multiparty politics and the promulgation of a new constitution. The country also gradually abandoned its socialist economy and began to follow market-based economic strategies by privatizing most parastatal companies, encouraging foreign investment, and focusing efforts on marketing Seychelles as an offshore business and financial hub. As Seychelles entered the 21st century, the SPPF continued to dominate the political scene. After the return of multiparty elections, Ren was reelected three times before eventually resigning in April 2004 to allow Vice Pres. James Michel to succeed him as president.

In late 2004 some of the islands were hit by a tsunami, which severely damaged the environment and the countrys economy. The economy was an important topic in the campaigning leading up to the presidential election of 2006, in which Michel emerged with a narrow victory to win his first elected term. He was reelected in 2011. One of Michels ongoing concerns was piracy in the Indian Ocean, which had surged since 2009 and threatened the countrys fishing and tourism industries. To that end, the Seychellois government worked with several other countries and international organizations to curb the illegal activity.

In October 2015 Michel called for an early presidential election, rather than wait until it was due in 2016. Michel was standing for his third term, again representing the Peoples Party. The election was held December 35, 2015. For the first time since the return of multiparty politics in 1993, the Peoples Partys candidate did not win outright in the first round of voting. Michel garnered 47.76 percent of the vote; his nearest challenger was Wavel Ramkalawan of the Seychelles National Party (SNP), who took 33.93 percent. Ramkalawan was an Anglican priest who was the leader of the SNP and had run for president in previous elections. The runoff election was held December 1618. On December 19 Michel was declared the winner by a very narrow margin, taking 50.15 percent of the vote, with only 193 votes between him and Ramkalawan. Michel was quickly sworn in the next day for his third term. Ramkalawan voiced allegations of voting irregularities and asked for a recount.


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Seychelles Holidays | Hotels & Island Hopping |

Posted: June 27, 2016 at 6:33 am

Discounts and Special Offers*

Valid in travel period: 17.06.2016 - 06.07.2016Minimum stay 3 nights

Valid in travel period: 01.01.2015 - 31.10.2016, 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017Not valid in travel period: 01.10.2017 - 30.11.2017, 01.03.2017 - 30.05.2017

Valid in travel period: 01.04.2016 - 31.07.2016, 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017

Experience Package (subject to availability, valid year-round, minimum stay: 4 nights after which standard prices apply, prices based on double occupancy, with half-board): - Local welcome drink. - La Belle Tortue's daily dinner experience. - Creole cooking lesson with the Belle Tortue chef. - Discover local spices, fruits and trees during a walk. - Coconut-themed workshop OR a local fishing experience. Special prices per night (for 2 guests, including half board): Lodge room: 420 (high season) / 340 (low season). Varangue room: 480 (high season) / 430 (low season). Anne Dieu-le-veut Villa: 610 (high season) / 570 (low season).

Family offer (subject to availability, chosen room category and seasonal rate): - Free meals for under-12s. - 50% discount on boat transfers. - Book two lodge rooms, get a 50% discount on the second room. - Book suite and children stay for free in the lounge. - Book private villa and children stay for free, and the lounge is free. Valid: May-September and Christmas period (18th December 28th December 2015).

Fishing Package: - One day fishing on the Belle Tortue boat. - Includes picnic and fishing. - Cookery course on how to prepare the catch of the day. - Dinner, where you eat your catch. Special prices per night (subject to availability, minimum stay: 4 nights after that, standard prices apply): Lodge room: 530 (high season) / 450 (low season). Varangue room: 600 (high season) / 540 (low season). Anne Dieu-le-veut Villa: 750 (high season) / 710 (low season).

Romantic package:(upon availability, valid all year, minimum stay: 4 nights, after which standard prices apply, half board) - Bottle of champagne. - Candlelight dinner. - Romantic picnic on the beach. Special prices per night (subject to availability, booked on half board, minimum stay: 4 nights after that, standard prices apply): Lodge room: 420 (high season) / 340 (low season). Varangue room: 490 (high season) / 430 (low season). Anne Dieu-le-veut Villa: 640 (high season) / 600 (low season). Valid all year-round.

San Valentine's Special Day: special present available on site for the couples staying at La Belle Tortue on the 14th February 2016

*The offers are automatically calculated in the final price.

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Seychelles – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 6:33 am

Seychelles is an African country in the Indian Ocean. Its capital city is Victoria. The official languages are Creole, English, and French.

The country is to the east of the African continent. The islands of Madagascar and Mauritius lie to the south. The republic is made up of 115 islands. The biggest part of the population is a mix of freed slaves from the African Continent and Madagascar and European settlers. They make up about 90%. There are small minorities of immigrants from Europe, China and India. Most people are Roman Catholics, about 90% of them. About 8% are Protestants.

Other nearby island countries and territories include Zanzibar to the west, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Agalega and Runion to the south, and Comoros and Mayotte to the southwest. Seychelles has an estimated population of 86,525. It is the smallest population of any African state.[3]

Seychelles is to the northeast of Madagascar and about 1,600km (994mi) east of Kenya. The number of islands in the archipelago is often given as 115 but the Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles lists 155.

According to the president of Nauru, the Seychelles has been ranked the ninth most endangered nation due to flooding from climate change.[4]

Some of the cities in Seychelles include: Anse Boileau, Takamaka and Cote DOr.

Seychelles is divided into twenty-five administrative regions. Eight of the districts make up the capital of Seychelles. They are called Greater Victoria. Another 14 districts are considered the rural part of the main island of Mah. There are two districts on Praslin and one on La Digue which also include satellite islands. The rest of the Outer Islands are not considered part of any district.

During the plantation era, cinnamon, vanilla, and copra were the main exports. In the 1960s, about 33% of the working population worked at plantations, and 20% worked in the public or government sector. In 1971, with the opening of Seychelles International Airport, tourism became a serious industry.

Like many fragile island ecosystems, the Seychelles had loss of biodiversity during early human history. This included the disappearance of most of the giant tortoises from the granitic islands. There was also the extinction of species such as the chestnut flanked white eye, the Seychelles Parakeet, the Seychelles Black Terrapin and the saltwater crocodile. However, extinctions were far fewer than on islands such as Mauritius or Hawaii. This was partly due to a shorter period of human occupation being only since 1770. The Seychelles today is known for success stories in protecting its flora and fauna. The rare Seychelles Black Parrot, the national bird of the country, is now protected.

The granitic islands of Seychelles are home to about 75 endemic plant species. There are a further 25 or so species in the Aldabra group. Particularly well-known is the Coco de Mer, a species of palm that grows only on the islands of Praslin and neighbouring Curieuse. The jellyfish tree is to be found in only a few locations on Mahe. This strange and ancient plant is in a genus of its own (Medusagynaceae). Other unique plant species include the Wright's Gardenia Rothmannia annae found only on Aride Island Special Reserve.

The freshwater crab genus Seychellum is endemic to the granitic Seychelles. There are a further 26 species of crabs and 5 species of hermit crabs that live on the islands.[5]

The Aldabra Giant Tortoise now lives on many of the islands of the Seychelles. The Aldabra population is the largest in the world. These unique reptiles can be found even in captive herds.

There are several unique varieties of orchids on the Islands.

The marine life around the islands, especially the more remote coral islands, can be spectacular. More than 1,000 species of fish have been recorded. Since the use of spearguns and dynamite for fishing was banned in the 1960s, the wildlife is unafraid of snorkelers and divers. Coral bleaching in 1998 has damaged most reefs, but some reefs show healthy recovery.

The main natural resources of the Seychelles are fish, copra, cinnamon, coconuts, salt and iron.

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Voyage aux Seychelles : rservez vos vacances aux …

Posted: June 22, 2016 at 11:43 pm

Voyages aux Seychelles : une destination en or pour l'cotourisme

Quand partir aux Seychelles ?

Localis au nord-ouest de Madagascar, l'archipel des Seychelles compte 115 les parpilles dans l'Ocan Indien. Une carte des Seychelles vous sera utile pour programmer votre itinraire. Visiter les Seychelles vous permettra de dcouvrir les les de Mah, Praslin, La Digue et Silhouette. Cet archipel vous sduira par la beaut de ses fonds marins et la diversit de ses paysages. La visite de la Valle de Mai vous plongera dans un environnement exceptionnel.

Le climat aux Seychelles est clment toute l'anne et les tempratures oscillent entre 24 C et 32 C. Si vous programmez un voyage pour cette destination, sachez que la saison des pluies se situe entre dcembre et mars. Certains vacanciers prfrent partir aux Seychelles durant les intersaisons pour viter la foule.

Que voir, que faire, que visiter aux Seychelles ?

Vous accderez aux Seychelles par l'aroport international Mah, l'le principale. Profitez de cette escale pour visiter la ville de Victoria, la capitale. Dans le Nord de l'le, vous serez subjugu par lanimation des villes, particulirement Beau Vallon. Allez l'intrieur des terres et laissez-vous charmer par le Parc National du Morne Seychellois.

Lle de Praslin est clbre pour la splendide plage d'Anse Lazio, tandis que Denis Island, situ 95 kilomtres de Mah, se dmarque par la beaut du paysage et son htel de luxe.

Sur l'le Cousin, vous dcouvrirez des espces doiseaux rares, tels que le toc toc des Seychelles, le noddis et le sterne fe. Situes une centaine de kilomtres au nord de Mah, les les Bird comptent prs de 3 millions d'oiseaux.

Profitez de votre sjour pour pratiquer de la plonge dans lun des Parcs Marins Nationaux du pays, entre autres celui de Sainte-Anne, localis au large de la capitale. Vous nagerez en compagnie de poissons de toutes les couleurs, tels que le poisson-Picasso et le poisson-chvre.

Htels et croisires aux Seychelles

Pour profiter de votre sjour aux Seychelles, vous devrez choisir votre htel. Vous n'aurez aucun mal trouver un htel de luxe aux Seychelles. Vous en trouverez notamment dans les les Mah et Praslin.

Larchipel compte par ailleurs des types hbergements plus accessibles, linstar des locations meubles et des pensions de famille.

Demandez votre htel aux Seychelles ou des prestataires indpendants de vous organiser des croisires en catamaran, en monocoque ou en yacht. Les croisires aux Seychelles sont possibles toute l'anne et vous permettront d'aller la rencontre des 115 les de l'archipel.

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Seychelles Map / Geography of Seychelles / Map of Seychelles …

Posted: June 21, 2016 at 6:43 am

The Republic of Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands located in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar

Pre-European colonization the islands were known by Arab navigators on trading voyages, but were never inhabited.

Eventually Seychelles was settled by France in the 18th century, but it wasn't long before the British fought for control. A lengthy struggle between France and Great Britain for the islands ended in 1814, when they were ceded to the latter.

Although the new governor to the islands was British, he governed according to French rules, and allowed previous French customs to remain intact. Slavery was completely abolished in 1835, and the island nation subsequently began to decline as exportation decreased.

The anti-slavery stance was taken very seriously by the British government, and conditions started improving when it was realized that coconuts could be grown with less labour.

In the late 19th century, Seychelles became a place to exile troublesome political prisoners, most notably from Zanzibar, Egypt, Cyprus and Palestine.

Independence for the islands came in 1976, after the Seychelles People's United Party was formed and led by France-Albert Rene, campaigning for socialism and freedom from Britain.

Socialism was brought to a close with a new constitution and free elections in 1993. President France-Albert Rene, who had served since 1977, was re-elected in 2001, but stepped down in 2004.

Vice President James Michel took over the presidency and in July 2006 was elected to a new five-year term.

Upon independence in 1976, economic growth has steadily increased, led by the tourism sector and tuna fishing. In the past few years, the government has also created incentives for foreign investments. Per capita, Seychelles is the most indebted country in the world and currently had a population of 90,024.

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Seychelles Holidays – Luxury Breaks | Thomas Cook Signature

Posted: at 6:43 am

The Seychelles is sometimes called the land of perpetual summer. Its warm, subtropical climate makes it the perfect place to escape harsh winters. Humidity can be high between April and October, and you may have to retreat to your suite to escape the dramatic heavy showers, but outside of this season, temperatures are warm, pleasant and perfect for sunbathing, exploring and relaxing.

Time difference: GMT +4 hours

Currency: Seychelles Rupee.

Language: English, Creole and French.

Flight time from London: Approximately 11 hours.

Arrival Airport: Seychelles International Airport.

Entry details for British passport holders: A visa is not required for holidays to The Seychelles. Your passport must be valid for the duration of your stay. Before you depart, check the latest travel advice at

A local Signature representative will meet you at your arrival airport and direct you to your pre-booked transfer vehicle. Depending on where you are staying, this may be a direct transfer courtesy of your hotel, via a boat, vehicle or domestic flight. You'll receive a welcome pack containing local information and all contact details. A welcome meeting will be held at your hotel, or should you need advice during your stay, the local office is available to answer your questions.

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Seychelles Beach Resort – Wyndham Vacation Rentals

Posted: at 6:43 am

Escape to the natural beauty of Seychelles Beach Resort. Fronting 200 feet of beautiful gulf-front terrain, this gorgeous high-rise resort condominium rises 22 stories above the sparkling sugar-white sands and emerald green waters, offering spectacular views of the Gulf of Mexico. Featuring elegant 1- and 2-bedroom, 2-bath units, all residences boast ceramic tile in the foyer, hall, kitchen and bathrooms, two full baths with cultured marble vanity tops, washer/dryer and spacious balconies. Seychelles is conveniently located within walking distance of St. Andrews State Park and only moments from the Marina, where you can enjoy excursions to Shell Island. Convenient to the area's best dining, nightlife, water park, zoo, deep sea fishing, sailing, diving, snorkeling and other area attractions. Experience the joy of this wonderful island-style retreat!

Check-in: 5115 Gulf Drive, Panama City Beach, FL 32408 Local Phone: (850) 236-9550

The property has the following accessibility features. For additional information regarding any other accessibility features, please call (888) 909-6807

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Seychelles Beach Resort - Wyndham Vacation Rentals

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Seychelles – Republic of Seychelles – Country Profile …

Posted: June 16, 2016 at 5:53 pm

Official Name: Seychelles Creole: Repiblik Sesel English: Republic of Seychelles French: Rpublique des Seychelles

ISO Country Code: sc

Actual Time: Fri-June-17 01:53 Time Zone: SCT - Seychelles Times Local Time = UTC +4h

Country Calling Code: +248

Capital City: Victoria (pop. 24 500)

Government: Type: Multiple-party republic. Independence: June 29, 1976 (from UK).

Geography: Location: Eastern Africa, group of about 115 islands scattered over 1.3 million square kilometers of the western Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar. Area: 455 km (176 sq km) Major Islands: Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Terrain: About half of the islands are of granitic origin, with narrow coastal strips and central ranges of hills rising to more than 900 m; highest point: Morne Seychellois at 905 m. The other half are coral atolls, many uninhabitable.

Climate: Tropical marine; humid; cooler season during southeast monsoon (late May to September); warmer season during northwest monsoon (March to May) .

People: Nationality: Noun and adjective--Seychellois. Population 91,000 (2010 census) Ethnic groups: Creole (European, Asian, and African). Religions: Catholic 86.6%, Anglican Church 6.8%, other Christians 2.5%, other 4.1%. Languages: Official languages are Seychelles Creole (kreol seselwa), English, and French. Literacy: between 60-80%.

Natural resources: Fish, copra, cinnamon trees.

Agriculture products: Coconuts, cinnamon, vanilla, sweet potatoes, cassava (tapioca), bananas; broiler chickens; tuna fish.

Industries: Fishing; tourism; processing of coconuts and vanilla, coir (coconut fiber) rope, boat building, printing, furniture; beverages.

Exports - commodities: canned tuna, frozen fish, cinnamon bark, copra, petroleum products (reexports)

Exports partners: France 27.7%, UK 17.6%, Japan 15.2%, Italy 10.6% (2012)

Imports - partners: Saudi Arabia 24%, Spain 12.1%, France 5.9% (2012)

Currency: Seychelles Rupee (SCR)

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