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Category Archives: Seychelles
33% increase in tourism arrivals in Seychelles: True! – eTurboNews
Posted: February 15, 2017 at 9:38 pm
These are numbers many tourism boards are dreaming to have. A total of 24,920 visitors arrived in Seychelles in January, showing an increase of 33% compared to the same period last year which was at 18,760. According to the statistical bulletin released at the end of last month, by the National Bureau of Statistics, 93% of visitors in January were on holiday while 2% were on business or combining business with a holiday. It has also been recorded that 56% of visitors were from Europe, 11% from Africa, 28% from Asia and 4% from America.
The leading six markets in January were Germany, China, France, Russia, United Arab Emirates and Italy.
The latest statistical bulletin presenting visitor arrivals for the week ending February 5, shows that a total of 6,996 tourists arrived in Seychelles during that period.
Hence, the overall figures for that week were at 30,300 visitors which was an increase of 35% above that of 2016. With this increase, changes in the top leading markets were seen as China managed to climb up to first position and Germany became the second leading market. France, Russia, United Arab Emirates and Italy remained the other four leading markets.
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SA, Seychelles nationals held in narcotics crackdown – The Standard (press release)
Posted: at 9:38 pm
Four foreigners suspected to be drug dealers were arrested in Mombasa and an unknown quantity of narcotics seized.
Detectives from various agencies apprehended two South Africans and two Seychellois at an apartment near Nyali Beach hotel yesterday morning.
They were identified as Dominguez and Nedy Micock from Seychelles and Barend Nolte and Marc Faivelewitz from South Africa.
The suspects were taken to Port Police Station.
Regional police boss Philip Tuimur said the Government Chemist will confirm the quantity and type of narcotics police found.
But lawyer Cliff Ombeta told The Standard on Sunday that the South Africans had come to work as bodyguards of Vicky Goswami, an Indian who was extradited recently.
ALSO READ: No political link to war on drugs, says DP William Ruto in Coast tour
Goswami, brothers Baktash and Ibrahim Akasha, and Gulam Hussein (Pakistani) were extradited to the US to face drug trafficking charges.
The arrests came as police hunt for two other foreign nationals wanted for serious crimes.
Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal and Waseem Iqbal from Pakistan are wanted by the Government of Pakistan for serious crimes.
The Pakistan embassy in Kenya has twice written to the Kenyan authorities on the issue.
The High Commission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Republic of Kenya and has the honour to forward herewith extradition documents in respect of Mr Muhammed Nadeem Iqbal and Waseem Iqbal received from the Federal Investigation Agency Islamabad. The extradition documents were requested by Interpol Kenya. The esteemed ministry is requested to kindly forward the extradition documents to Interpol Kenya.
Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal and Waseem Iqbal from Pakistan had been deported by the National Security Intelligence (NIS) four years ago.
It is not clear how the duo re-entered Kenya.
ALSO READ: Mombasa Deputy Governor and officials in row over Sh4m county cash
On July 29 and August 16, last year, Interpol published on their website fugitive wanted for prosecution control number: A-6929/7-2016 IQBAL Waseem and Muhammad Iqbal control number A-7490/8-2016.
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Four suspected foreign drug barons deported to Seychelles – The Star, Kenya
Posted: February 12, 2017 at 7:37 am
The government has deported four foreigners suspected to be drug barons following their arrest in Mombasa on Saturday.
Multiagency detectives apprehended two South Africans and two Seychellois at an apartment adjacent to Nyali Beach Hotel.
They were identified as Dominguez and Nedy Micock (Seychelles) and Barend Nolte and Marc Faivelewitz (SA).
More on this: Four suspected foreign drug barons arrested in Mombasa
The four were flown from Mombasa to the JKIA in Nairobi on Saturday night, for deportation and possible prosecution inSeychelles.
Inspector General of police Joseph Boinnet confirmed their departure.
Source indicated that four were linked to the Akasha brothers and two foreigners who were extradited to the US for allegedly running an international drug trafficking syndicate.
Baktash and Ibrahim Akasha, and foreigners Vijay Goswami (Indian) and Hussein Shabakash (Pakistani) were secretly flown to New York on January31.
[VIDEO] Akasha sons, two foreigners extradited to US - police source
An Italian man who runs several companies in Mombasa and Kilifi was termed key to the arrest of the four.
A US drugs enforcement agency officer said businessman Paolo Basta informed police of the whereabouts of the suspects after he was told he risked being linked to drug trafficking syndicate.
Read more: How Italian Paolo Basta helped arrest Akashas, two foreigners
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Four suspected foreign drug barons deported to Seychelles - The Star, Kenya
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Getting to know the Seychelles – Alternatives Journal (blog)
Posted: February 10, 2017 at 3:41 am
Hi! Im Mimi Shaftoe, and Im currently living in the Seychelles. Im here with my friend Olivia for a four month internship withthe Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles, a local NGO dedicated to providing environmental conservation education to children and youth in schools. I cant wait to share my adventures with you in this blog!
Also check out our new Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles Instagram page for more about what Olivia and I are doing here.
Its so funny how much more you notice about your surroundings when youre away from home. The plants for instance seem more alive, and they have such huge leaves! The vibrant greenery here is a striking contrast to the grey winter city landscapes in Canada where the trees are sleepily awaiting spring. Even commonplace creatures here like the giant tortoises my aunt has as pets, crow-sized fruit bats, house geckos, and the small orange birds called fodies, which are as common here as sparrows back home, are exciting for Olivia and I. Already, in the three weeks Ive been here Ive seen so much beautiful wildlife.
TheSeychelles are made up of many small islands (Photo: Mimi Shaftoe)
On a hike up Morne Blanc mountain, we saw native thief palms, named Lattanyen in Creole, with black spikes on the stems of their leaves, and soaring tropic birds with their long white tails. We heard the loud peeping of one of the worlds smallest species of frog: the tiny sooglossids, though weve yet to see one. Kayaking up a river near Port Launay, we saw colourful red and blue fiddler crabs waving their one oversized white claw, and various types of mangroves with their complex root systems. On our first few snorkeling ventures so far, we had not made it all the way out to the reef before getting distracted by the multi-coloured tropical fish, electric blue, bright red and yellow, darting among seaweed and coral.
Underneath the amazement and awe I feel at seeing these incredible animals and plants is a quiet but persistent undercurrent of urgency. These ecosystems are fragile, after all. Next time I come, how much more will be gone? The country is made up of many small islands, so the endemic wildlife here is particularly susceptible to introduced species, habitat destruction, and the effects of climate change. Before human settlement, there were no land mammals in Seychelles besides several species of bats, so the arrival of black rats for example, has wreaked considerable havoc on endemic birds and invertebrates. Human construction projects, from hotels to reclaimed land, have destroyed many important habitats, and coral reef bleaching events are becoming more of an issue.
Citizens taking action - and taking to the streets -to protect it for future generationsPhoto: Mimi Shaftoe)
But the Seychellois people are proud of their natural heritage, and they are taking action to protect it for future generations. For instance, hotel projects are now required to undergo rigorous environmental impact assessments, and theres a new ban on plastic bags coming into effect this summer. In the few weeks weve been here, weve visited school wildlife clubs, attended the national World Wetland Day and Protected Area Day events, and been to the launch of a community-based conservation organization. Seeing so many passionate students, teachers and citizens working towards a more sustainable future is inspiring. Im looking forward to seeing what adventures the next few months hold!
Visitingschool wildlife clubs (Photo: Mimi Shaftoe)
Getting to know the Seychelles - Alternatives Journal (blog)
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Seychelles Tourism reaches out to Belgium visitors – eTurboNews
Posted: February 7, 2017 at 8:41 am
The Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) and its partners took part in another holiday fair that was held from February 2-5, 2017 at the Brussels Expo fair ground in Belgium.
The four days were the most crowded and busiest days with the Belgians coming out in full force looking for their next holiday destination.
Among those visiting Seychelles stand were the Seychelles Ambassador in Belgium Selby Pillay and his wife.
STB was represented at the fair by senior marketing executive Christine Vel based in Paris along with two representatives of the trade Eddie dOffay from LArchipel Hotel and Carl Lacoste from Air Seychelles.
In general there was a good turn out and we had a lot of clients stopping by who had already gone through the first steps of booking their flights and accommodation and were needing some advice on learning more about the destination, getting around, sight-seeing, excursions etc, said Miss Vel.
Most of the people who came around were mostly looking for small family friendly hotels, guesthouses and self-catering and were happy to learn that these are available in Seychelles, she added.
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Seychelles national football team – Wikipedia
Posted: November 27, 2016 at 9:52 am
The Seychelles national football team is controlled by the Seychelles Football Federation (SFF). SFF is a member of the Confederation of African Football (CAF). The home turf of the team is the 10,000 capacity stadium, Stade Linit situated at Roche Caiman in the outskirts of Victoria, the capital of Seychelles.
Seychelles have never qualified for the finals of the African Nations Cup or the World Cup but they made their debut in qualifiers for the Africa Cup of Nations in 1986, losing to Mauritius.
Under Yugoslav coach Vojo Gardasevic, the Seychelles team made their debut in the World Cup qualifiers in 2001. Philip Zialor got the equaliser for Seychelles in a 11 draw against Namibia at Stade Linit. In the preliminary round return leg match, Seychelles lost 03.
In their second attempt to qualify, for the 2006 World Cup, Seychelles lost 04 at home to Zambia but played a 11 draw in the away match. Robert Suzette was the scorer of Seychelles goal in Lusaka. Seychelles biggest competitive win came against Zimbabwe in the African Nations Cup 2004 qualifiers. Goals by strikers Alpha Bald and Philip Zialor gave Seychelles a 21 win at Stade Linit against Zimbabwe captained by professional striker Peter Ndlovu. German coach Michael Nees was at the helm of the team at that time. Under Frenchman Dominique Bathenay, Seychelles also beat Eritrea 10 at Stade Linit by a goal by veteran Roddy Victor in the same qualifiers.
In 2011, Seychelles hosted the 2011 Indian Ocean Island Games and beat Mauritius in the finals, on penalties.
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Seychelles – Wikipedia
Posted: October 25, 2016 at 7:45 am
Coordinates: 435S 5540E / 4.583S 55.667E / -4.583; 55.667
Seychelles (i say-SHELZ; French: [sl]), officially the Republic of Seychelles (French: Rpublique des Seychelles; Creole: Repiblik Sesel), is an archipelago and country in the Indian Ocean. The 115-island country, whose capital is Victoria, lies 1,500 kilometres (932mi) east of mainland East Africa. Other nearby island countries and territories include Comoros, Mayotte, Madagascar, Runion and Mauritius to the south. With a population of roughly 92,000, it has the smallest population of any independent African state; however, it does have a larger population than the British overseas territory Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha.[4]
Seychelles is a member of the African Union, the Southern African Development Community, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the United Nations. After proclamation of independence from the United Kingdom in 1976, Seychelles has developed from a largely agricultural society to a market-based diversified economy, with agriculture being supplanted by rapidly rising service and public sectors as well as tourism. Since 1976, per capita output has increased nearly sevenfold. In recent years, the government has encouraged foreign investment in order to upgrade these sectors. Today, Seychelles boasts the highest nominal per capita GDP in Africa. It is one of only a handful of countries in Africa with high Human Development Index. Despite the country's newfound economic prosperity, poverty remains widespread due to very high level of income inequality, one of the highest in the world, and low wealth distribution.
The Seychelles were uninhabited throughout most of recorded history. Some scholars assume that Austronesian seafarers and later Maldivian and Arab traders were the first to visit the uninhabited Seychelles. The earliest recorded sighting by Europeans took place in 1502 by the Portuguese Admiral Vasco da Gama, who passed through the Amirantes and named them after himself (islands of the Admiral). The earliest recorded landing was in January 1609, by the crew of the "Ascension" under Captain Sharpeigh during the fourth voyage of the British East India Company.
A transit point for trade between Africa and Asia, the islands were occasionally used by pirates until the French began to take control starting in 1756 when a Stone of Possession was laid by Captain Nicholas Morphey. The islands were named after Jean Moreau de Schelles, Louis XV's Minister of Finance.[5]
The British controlled the islands between 1794 and 1810. Jean Baptiste Quau de Quincy, French administrator of Seychelles during the years of war with the United Kingdom, declined to resist when armed enemy warships arrived. Instead, he successfully negotiated the status of capitulation to Britain which gave the settlers a privileged position of neutrality.
Britain eventually assumed full control upon the surrender of Mauritius in 1810, formalised in 1814 at the Treaty of Paris. Seychelles became a crown colony separate from Mauritius in 1903. Elections were held in 1966 and 1970.
Independence was granted in 1976 as a republic within the Commonwealth.[6] In the 1970s Seychelles was "the place to be seen, a playground for film stars and the international jet set".[7] In 1977, a coup d'tat by France Albert Ren ousted the first president of the republic, James Mancham.[8] Ren discouraged over-dependence on tourism and declared that he wanted "to keep the Seychelles for the Seychellois".[7]
The 1979 constitution declared a socialist one-party state, which lasted until 1991.
In the 1980s there were a series of coup attempts against President France-Albert Ren, some of which were supported by South Africa. In 1981, Mike Hoare led a team of 43 South African mercenaries masquerading as holidaying Rugby players in a coup attempt in what is known as the Seychelles affair.[7] There was a gun battle at the airport, and most of the mercenaries later escaped in a hijacked Air India plane.[7] The leader of this hijacking was the infamous German mercenary D. Clodo, a former member of the Rhodesian SAS.[9] Clodo later stood trial in South Africa (where he was acquitted) as well as in his home country Germany for air-piracy.[10]
In 1986, an attempted coup led by the Seychelles Minister of Defence, Ogilvy Berlouis, caused President Ren to request assistance from India. In Operation Flowers are Blooming, the Indian naval vessel INS Vindhyagiri arrived in Port Victoria to help avert the coup.[11]
The first draft of a new constitution failed to receive the requisite 60% of voters in 1992, but an amended version was approved in 1993.
In January 2013, Seychelles declared a state of emergency; the tropical cyclone Felleng caused torrential rain, and flooding and landslides destroyed hundreds of houses.[12][13]
The Seychelles president, who is head of state and head of government, is elected by popular vote for a five-year term of office. The cabinet is presided over and appointed by the president, subject to the approval of a majority of the legislature.
The unicameral Seychellois parliament, the National Assembly or Assemble Nationale, consists of 34 members, 25 of whom are elected directly by popular vote, while the remaining nine seats are appointed proportionally according to the percentage of votes received by each party. All members serve five-year terms.
The Supreme Court of Seychelles, created in 1903, is the highest trial court in Seychelles and the first court of appeal from all the lower courts and tribunals. The highest court of law in Seychelles is the Seychelles Court of Appeal, which is the court of final appeal in the country.[14]
Seychelles' previous president France Albert Ren came to power after his supporters overthrew the first president James Mancham on 5 June 1977 in a coup d'tat and installed him as president. Ren was at that time the prime minister.[15][16][17]
Ren ruled as a strongman under a socialist one-party system until in 1993, when he was forced to introduce a multi-party system. During his tenure, he was accused of involvement in criminal activity. US Ambassador to Seychelles (198285) David Fischer has stated publicly that Ren was complicit in money laundering and murder, among other things. He stepped down in 2004 in favour of his vice-president, James Michel, who was re-elected in 2006 and again in 2011.[15][16][17] On 28 September, 2016, the Office of the President announced that Michel would step down effective 16 October, and that Vice President Danny Faure would complete the rest of Michel's term.[18]
The primary political parties are the ruling socialist People's Party (PP), known until 2009 as the Seychelles People's Progressive Front (SPPF), and the socially liberal Seychelles National Party (SNP).[citation needed]
Seychelles is a member of the African Union, the francophone Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), La Francophonie, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Commonwealth.
Seychelles is divided into twenty-six administrative regions that comprise all of the inner islands. Eight of the districts make up the capital of Seychelles and are referred to as Greater Victoria. Another 14 districts are considered the rural part of the main island of Mah with two districts on Praslin and one on La Digue which also includes respective satellite islands. The rest of the Outer Islands (les Eloignes) are the last district, recently created by the tourism ministry.
An island nation, Seychelles is located in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar and about 1,600km (994mi) east of Kenya. The archipelago consists of 115 islands. The majority of the islands are uninhabited, with many dedicated as nature reserves.
The islands as per the Constitution are divided into groups as follows.
There are 45 granite-based islands known as the Granitic Seychelles. These are in descending order of size: Mah, Praslin, Silhouette Island, La Digue, Curieuse, Felicite, Frgate, Ste-Anne, North, Cerf, Marianne, Grand Sur, Thrse, Aride, Conception, Petite Sur, Cousin, Cousine, Long, Rcif, Round (Praslin), Anonyme, Mamelles, Moyenne, Eden, Ile Soleil, Romainville, le aux Vaches Marines, L'Islette, Beacon (le Sche), Cache, Cocos, Round (Mah), L'Ilot Frgate, Booby, Chauve Souris (Mah), Chauve Souris (Praslin), le La Fouche, Hodoul, L'Ilot, Rat, Souris, St. Pierre (Praslin), Zav, Harrison Rocks (Grand Rocher).
There are two coral sand cays north of the granitics: Denis and Bird.
There are two coral islands south of the Granitics: Cotivy and Platte.
There are 29 coral islands in the Amirantes group, west of the granitics: Desroches, Poivre Atoll (comprising three islandsPoivre, Florentin and South Island), Alphonse, D'Arros, St. Joseph Atoll (comprising 14 islandsSt. Joseph le aux Fouquets, Resource, Petit Carcassaye, Grand Carcassaye, Benjamin, Bancs Ferrari, Chiens, Plicans, Vars, le Paul, Banc de Sable, Banc aux Cocos and le aux Poules), Marie Louise, Desnoeufs, African Banks (comprising two islandsAfrican Banks and South Island), Rmire, St. Franois, Boudeuse, Etoile, Bijoutier.
There are 13 coral islands in the Farquhar Group, south-southwest of the Amirantes: Farquhar Atoll (comprising 10 islandsBancs de Sable Dposs le aux Golettes Lapins le du Milieu North Manaha South Manaha Middle Manaha North Island and South Island), Providence Atoll (comprising two islandsProvidence and Bancs Providence) and St Pierre.
There are 67 raised coral islands in the Aldabra Group, west of the Farquhar Group: Aldabra Atoll (comprising 46 islandsGrande Terre, Picard, Polymnie, Malabar, le Michel, le Esprit, le aux Moustiques, Ilot Parc, Ilot Emile, Ilot Yangue, Ilot Magnan, le Lanier, Champignon des Os, Euphrate, Grand Mentor, Grand Ilot, Gros Ilot Gionnet, Gros Ilot Ssame, Heron Rock, Hide Island, le aux Aigrettes, le aux Cdres, les Chalands, le Fangame, le Hron, le Michel, le Squacco, le Sylvestre, le Verte, Ilot Dder, Ilot du Sud, Ilot du Milieu, Ilot du Nord, Ilot Dubois, Ilot Macoa, Ilot Marquoix, Ilots Niois, Ilot Salade, Middle Row Island, Noddy Rock, North Row Island, Petit Mentor, Petit Mentor Endans, Petits Ilots, Pink Rock and Table Ronde), Assumption Island, Astove and Cosmoledo Atoll (comprising 19 islandsMenai, le du Nord (West North), le Nord-Est (East North), le du Trou, Golettes, Grand Polyte, Petit Polyte, Grand le (Wizard), Pagode, le du Sud-Ouest (South), le aux Moustiques, le Baleine, le aux Chauve-Souris, le aux Macaques, le aux Rats, le du Nord-Ouest, le Observation, le Sud-Est and Ilot la Croix).
The climate is equable although quite humid, as the islands are small,[19] classified by Kppen-Geiger system as tropical rain forest (Af). The temperature varies little throughout the year. Temperatures on Mah vary from 24 to 30C (75 to 86F), and rainfall ranges from 2,900mm (114in) annually at Victoria to 3,600mm (142in) on the mountain slopes. Precipitation is somewhat less on the other islands.[20]
During the coolest months, July and August, the average low is about 24C (75F). The southeast trade winds blow regularly from May to November, and this is the most pleasant time of the year. The hot months are from December to April, with higher humidity (80%). March and April are the hottest months, but the temperature seldom exceeds 31C (88F). Most of the islands lie outside the cyclone belt, so high winds are rare.[20]
Environmental legislation is very strict, and every tourism project must undergo an environmental review and a lengthy process of consultations with the public and conservationists. Seychelles is a world leader in sustainable tourism.[according to whom?] The end result of this sustainable development is an intact and stable natural environment, which attracts financially strong visitors (150,000 in 2007) rather than short-term mass tourism. Since 1993 a law guarantees the citizens the right to a clean environment and at the same time obliges them to protect this environment. The country holds a record for the highest percentage of land under natural conservationnearly 50% of the total land area.[citation needed]
Like many fragile island ecosystems, Seychelles saw the loss of biodiversity when humans first settled in the area, including the disappearance of most of the giant tortoises from the granitic islands, the felling of coastal and mid-level forests, and the extinction of species such as the chestnut flanked white eye, the Seychelles parakeet, and the saltwater crocodile. However, extinctions were far fewer than on islands such as Mauritius or Hawaii, partly due to a shorter period of human occupation (since 1770). Seychelles today is known for success stories in protecting its flora and fauna. The rare Seychelles black parrot, the national bird of the country, is now protected.
The granitic islands of Seychelles are home to about 75 endemic plant species, with a further 25 or so species in the Aldabra group. Particularly well-known is the coco de mer, a species of palm that grows only on the islands of Praslin and neighbouring Curieuse. Sometimes nicknamed the "love nut" because of the shape of its fruit which, with the husk removed, presents a "double" coconut resembling buttocks, the coco de mer produces the world's heaviest seed pods. The jellyfish tree is to be found in only a few locations on Mahe. This strange and ancient plant in a genus of its own (Medusagynaceae) has resisted all efforts to propagate it. Other unique plant species include the Wright's gardenia (Rothmannia annae) found only on Aride Island Special Reserve.
The freshwater crab genus Seychellum is endemic to the granitic Seychelles, and a further 26 species of crabs and five species of hermit crabs live on the islands.[23]
The Aldabra giant tortoise now populates many of the islands of Seychelles. The Aldabra population is the largest in the world. These unique reptiles can be found even in captive herds. It has been reported that the granitic islands of Seychelles supported distinct species of Seychelles giant tortoises; the status of the different populations is currently unclear.
There are several unique varieties of orchids on the islands.
Seychelles hosts some of the largest seabird colonies in the world. The outer islands of Aldabra and Cosmoledo are home to the largest numbers. In granitic Seychelles the largest numbers are on Aride Island including the world's largest numbers of two species. The sooty terns also breed on the islands.[24]
The marine life around the islands, especially the more remote coral islands, can be spectacular. More than 1,000 species of fish have been recorded.
Since the use of spearguns and dynamite for fishing was banned through efforts of local conservationists in the 1960s, the wildlife is unafraid of snorkelers and divers. Coral bleaching in 1998 has damaged most reefs, but some reefs show healthy recovery (e.g., Silhouette Island).
Despite huge disparities across nations, Seychelles claims to have achieved nearly all of its Millennium Development Goals.[citation needed] 17 MDGS and 169 targets have been achieved.[citation needed] Environmental protection is becoming a cultural value.[citation needed]
Their government's Seychelles Climate Guide describes the nation's climate as rainy, with a dry season with an ocean economy in the ocean regions. The Southeast Trades is on the decline but still fairly strong.[25] Reportedly, weather patterns there are becoming less predictable.[26]
When the British gained control of the islands during the Napoleonic Wars, they allowed the French upper class to retain their land. Both the French and British settlers used enslaved Africans, and although the British prohibited slavery in 1835, African workers continued to come. Thus the Gran blan ("big whites") of French origin dominated economic and political life. The British administration employed Indians on indentured servitude to the same degree as in Mauritius resulting in a small Indian population. The Indians, like a similar minority of Chinese, were confined to a merchant class.[27]
Through harmonious socioeconomic policies and developments[citation needed] over the years, today Seychelles is described as a fusion of peoples and cultures. Numerous Seychellois are considered multiracial: blending from African, Asian and European descent to create a modern creole culture. Evidence of this harmonious blend is also revealed in Seychellois food, incorporating various aspects of French, Chinese, Indian and African cuisine.
As the islands of Seychelles had no indigenous population, the current Seychellois are composed of people who have immigrated. The largest ethnic groups were those of African, French, Indian and Chinese descent. French and English are official languages along with Seychellois Creole, which is primarily based upon French, yet nowadays is often laced with English words and phrases. Including second-language speakers, Seychellois is the most-spoken official language in the Seychelles, followed by French, and lastly English [1].
The median age of the Seychellois was 32 years.[28]
According to the 2010 census, most Seychellois are Christians: 76.2% were Roman Catholic, pastorally served by the exempt Diocese of Port Victoria or Seychelles (immediately dependent on the Holy See); 10.6% were Protestant, (Anglican 6.1%, Pentecostal Assembly 1.5%, Seventh-Day Adventist 1.2%, other Protestant 1.6%).
Hinduism is practiced by 2.4%, and Islam by 1.6%. Other non-Christian faiths accounted for 1.1% of the population while a further 5.9% were non-religious or did not specify a religion.[28]
During the plantation era, cinnamon, vanilla and copra were the chief exports. In 1965, during a three-month visit to the islands, futurist Donald Prell prepared for the then crown colony Governor General, an economic report containing a scenario for the future of the economy. Quoting from his report, in the 1960s, about 33% of the working population worked at plantations, and 20% worked in the public or government sector.[29][30] The Indian Ocean Tracking Station on Mah was closed in August 1996 after the Seychelles government attempted to raise the rent to more than $10,000,000 per year.
Since independence in 1976, per capita output has expanded to roughly seven times the old near-subsistence level. Growth has been led by the tourist sector, which employs about 30% of the labour force, compared to agriculture which today employs about 3% of the labour force. Despite the growth of tourism, farming and fishing continue to employ some people, as do industries that process coconuts and vanilla.
As of 2013[update], the main export products are processed fish (60%) and non-fillet frozen fish (22%).[31]
The prime agricultural products currently produced in Seychelles include sweet potatoes, vanilla, coconuts and cinnamon. These products provide much of the economic support of the locals. Frozen and canned fish, copra, cinnamon and vanilla are the main export commodities.
Since the worldwide economic crises of 2008, the Seychelles government has prioritised a curbing of the budget deficit, including the containment of social welfare costs and further privatisation of public enterprises. The government has a pervasive presence in economic activity, with public enterprises active in petroleum product distribution, banking, imports of basic products, telecommunications and a wide range of other businesses. According to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom, which measures the degree of limited government, market openness, regulatory efficiency, rule of law, and other factors, economic freedom has been increasing each year since 2010.[32]
The national currency of Seychelles is the Seychellois rupee. Initially tied to a basket of international currencies it was depegged and allowed to be devalued and float freely in 2008 on the presumed hopes of attracting further foreign investment in the Seychelles economy.
In 1971, with the opening of Seychelles International Airport, tourism became a significant industry, essentially dividing the economy into plantations and tourism. The tourism sector paid better, and the plantation economy could only expand so far. The plantation sector of the economy declined in prominence, and tourism became the primary industry of Seychelles.
In recent years the government has encouraged foreign investment to upgrade hotels and other services. These incentives have given rise to an enormous amount of investment in real estate projects and new resort properties, such as project TIME, distributed by the World Bank, along with its predecessor project MAGIC.[citation needed] Despite its growth, the vulnerability of the tourist sector was illustrated by the sharp drop in 19911992 due largely to the Gulf War.[33]
Since then the government has moved to reduce the dependence on tourism by promoting the development of farming, fishing, small-scale manufacturing and most recently the offshore financial sector, through the establishment of the Financial Services Authority and the enactment of several pieces of legislation (such as the International Corporate Service Providers Act, the International Business Companies Act, the Securities Act, the Mutual Funds and Hedge Fund Act, amongst others).
During March 2015, Seychelles allocated Assumption island to be developed by India.[34]
Although multinational oil companies have explored the waters around the islands, no oil or gas has been found. In 2005, a deal was signed with US firm Petroquest, giving it exploration rights to about 30,000km2 around Constant, Topaz, Farquhar and Cotivy islands until 2014. Seychelles imports oil from the Persian Gulf in the form of refined petroleum derivatives at the rate of about 5,700 barrels per day (910m3/d).
In recent years oil has been imported from Kuwait and also from Bahrain. Seychelles imports three times more oil than is needed for internal uses because it re-exports the surplus oil in the form of bunker for ships and aircraft calling at Mah. There are no refining capacities on the islands. Oil and gas imports, distribution and re-export are the responsibility of Seychelles Petroleum (Sepec), while oil exploration is the responsibility of the Seychelles National Oil Company (SNOC).
Seychellois society is essentially matriarchal.[35][36] Mothers tend to be dominant in the household, controlling most expenditures and looking after the interests of the children.[35]Unwed mothers are the societal norm, and the law requires fathers to support their children.[36] Men are important for their earning ability, but their domestic role is relatively peripheral.[35]
Until the mid-19th century, little formal education was available in Seychelles. The Catholic and Anglican churches opened mission schools in 1851. The Catholic mission later operated boys' and girls' secondary schools with religious Brothers and nuns from abroad even after the government became responsible for them in 1944.
A teacher training college opened in 1959, when the supply of locally trained teachers began to grow, and in short time many new schools were established. Since 1981 a system of free education has been in effect requiring attendance by all children in grades one to nine, beginning at age five. Ninety percent of all children attend nursery school at age four.
The literacy rate for school-age children rose to more than 90% by the late 1980s. Many older Seychellois had not been taught to read or write in their childhood; adult education classes helped raise adult literacy from 60% to a claimed 100% in 2014.
There are a total of 68 schools in Seychelles. The public school system consists of 23 crches, 25 primary schools and 13 secondary schools. They are located on Mah, Praslin, La Digue and Silhouette. Additionally, there are three private schools: cole Franaise, International School and the Independent School. All the private schools are on Mah, and the International School has a branch on Praslin. There are seven post-secondary (non-tertiary) schools: the Seychelles Polytechnic, School of Advanced Level Studies, Seychelles Tourism Academy, University of Seychelles Education, Seychelles Institute of Technology, Maritime Training Center, Seychelles Agricultural and Horticultural Training Center and the National Institute for Health and Social Studies.
The administration launched plans to open a university in an attempt to slow down the brain drain that has occurred. University of Seychelles, initiated in conjunction with the University of London, opened on 17 September 2009 in three locations and offers qualifications from the University of London.
Staple foods include fish, seafood and shellfish dishes, often accompanied with rice.[37][38] Fish dishes are cooked in several ways, such as steamed, grilled, wrapped in banana leaves, baked, salted and smoked.[37] Curry dishes with rice are also a significant aspect of the country's cuisine.[38][39]
Additional food staples include coconut, breadfruit, mangoes and kordonnyen fish.[40] Dishes are often garnished with fresh flowers.[40]
The music of Seychelles is diverse, a reflection of the fusion of cultures through its history. The folk music of the islands incorporates multiple influences in a syncretic fashion, including African rhythms, aesthetic and instrumentationsuch as the zez and the bom (known in Brazil as berimbau), European contredanse, polka and mazurka, French folk and pop, sega from Mauritius and Runion, taarab, soukous and other pan-African genres, and Polynesian, Indian and Arcadian music.
A form of percussion music called contombley is popular, as is Moutya, a fusion of native folk rhythms with Kenyan benga. Kontredans (based on European contredanse) is popular, especially in District and School competitions during the annual Festival Kreol (International Creole Festival). Moutya playing and dancing can often be seen at beach bazaars. Their main languages are Seychellois Creole of The French Language, French and English.
The main daily newspaper is the Seychelles Nation, dedicated to local government views and current affairs and topics. Other political parties operate other papers such as Regar. Foreign newspapers and magazines are readily available in most bookshops and newsagents. The papers are mostly written in Seychellois Creole, French and English.
The main television and radio network is operated by the Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation which offers locally produced news and discussion programmes in the Seychellois Creole language. Broadcasts run between 3pm and 11:30pm on weekdays and longer hours during the weekends. There are also imported English and French language television programmes imported on Seychellois terrestrial television and international satellite television has grown rapidly in recent years.
The most popular sport in the Seychelles is basketball, which has particularly developed in this decade.[43] The country's national team qualified for the 2015 African Games, its greatest accomplishment to date. There, the team competed against some of the continent's largest countries such as Egypt.
The Military of Seychelles is the Seychelles People's Defence Force which consists of a number of distinct branches: including an Infantry Unit, Coast Guard, Air Force and a Presidential Protection Unit. India has and continues to play a key role developing the military of Seychelles. After handing over 2 SDB Mk5 patrol vessels namely INS Tarasa and INS Tarmugli to Seychelles Coast Guard, built by GRSE which were subsequently renamed SCG Constant and SCG Topaz, India also gifted a Dornier Maritime Patrol aircraft built by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.[44] India also signed a pact to develop the Assumption Island, one of the 115 islands that make up the country. Spread over 11km2 (4sqmi), it is strategically located in the Indian Ocean, north of Madagascar. The island is being leased for development of infrastructure, a euphemism for developing strategic assets by India.[45]
In 2014, Seychelles had the highest incarceration rate in the world of 799 prisoners per 100,000 population, exceeding the United States rate by 15%.[46] As of September 2014, Seychelles had 735 prisoners, only 6% of whom were female, incarcerated in three prisons.[47] The high prison population, however, was not incarcerated citizens, but rather 68% of the country's prisoners were Somalian hijackers.[48]
Seychelles is a key participant in the fight against Indian Ocean piracy mainly by Somalians.[48] President James Michel said that piracy costs between $712 million a year to the international community: The pirates cost 4% of the Seychelles GDP, including direct and indirect costs for the loss of boats, fishing, and tourism, and the indirect investment for the maritime security, factors affecting local fishing one of the countrys main national resources which had a 46% loss in 20089.[48] International contributions of patrol boats, planes or drones have been provided to help Seychelles combat sea piracy.[48]
International organizations
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Seychelles Mystery: No Illegal Drugs in Hotel Room of Sisters …
Posted: October 15, 2016 at 5:30 am
The mystery surrounding the deaths of the two sisters found dead in their luxury villa in the Seychelles in late September has deepened as police say no illegal drugs were found in their hotel room, PEOPLE confirms.
While searching their hotel room, alcohol and different types of medications were taken by police for investigation purposes, Seychelles police spokesman Jean Toussaint writes to PEOPLE in an email.
On Sept. 22, Robin Marie Korkki, 42, and Annie Marie Korkki, 37, were found lying on top of a bed and unresponsive in their $2,000-a-night luxury villa at the Maia Resort and Spa in the Seychelles, an island nation off the eastern coast of Africa, according to police.
The womens bodies were cremated on Sept. 30, a spokeswoman for the office of the Seychelles Minister of Travel and Culture tells PEOPLE.
The sisters mother and one of their brothers flew to the Seychelles when notified the women had died. The ashes were given to the family on Saturday morning and they took the ashes with them when they traveled back home on Sunday, the spokeswoman says.
Authorities are still trying to determine what killed the sisters, who have been described in media reports as outgoing and adventurous.
Toxicology tests are being conducted, but results are not yet ready, says Toussaint.
Autopsy results show that Annie died of acute pulmonary and cerebral edema, while Robin died from acute pulmonary edema, according to a report released by the office of the Seychelles Minister of Travel and Culture.
No visible signs of injuries were found on their bodies, according to the autopsy report.
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Edema is the swelling of tissue brought on by a build-up of fluid. Pulmonary edema restricts the flow of oxygen into the body through the lungs, due to the fluid.
A common cause of pulmonary edema is connected to heart problems, and in its acute form comes on swiftly though pulmonary edema can also be caused by blood clots, near-drowning, reaction to certain drugs and viral infections, among other causes.
RELATEDVIDEO: Autopsy Reveals Cause of Death for Sisters Vacationing in Seychelles
Cerebral edema, or swelling of the brain, can be caused by physical trauma, infection and strokes.
The two sisters had been staying at the resort since Sept. 15, after being on safari in Africa, according to their Facebook pages.
According to an itinerary found at the hotel, the sisters had already visited Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar, police said.
The sisters were found unresponsive in the same bed just two days before they were set to leave the hotel on Sept. 24.
Annie worked at JPMorgan Chase in Denver and Robin was a financial trader in Chicago. They both attended high school in Minnesota.
Hotel staff told authorities they saw the women consuming alcohol throughout the day on Sept. 21, according to police. A butler helped the sisters to their villa around 8:15 p.m., according to police.
The butler returned to the room at around 8:30 a.m. the next day, according to police. When the butler returned at 11 a.m. and didnt hear any movement inside their room, hotel staff entered the room and found them unresponsive on the same bed, according to the Seychelles News Agency.
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Victoria, Seychelles – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Posted: at 5:30 am
Victoria (sometimes[when?][by whom?] called Port Victoria) is the capital city of the Seychelles and is situated on the north-eastern side of Mah island, the archipelago's main island. The city was first established as the seat of the British colonial government. In 2010, the population of Greater Victoria (including the suburbs) was 26,450 out of the country's total population of 90,945.[2]
The principal exports of Victoria are vanilla, coconuts, coconut oil, fish and guano.[3]
Attractions in the city include a clocktower modelled on that of Vauxhall Clock Tower in London, England,[3][4] the Courthouse, the Victoria Botanical Gardens, the Victoria National Museum of History, the Victoria Natural History Museum and the Sir Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke Market.[3] Victoria Market is the local hotspot for the Seychellois people and the brightly coloured fish and fruit markets are not to be missed. Also nearby is the gallery of the renowned local artist Georges Camille.
The city is home to the national stadium, the International School Seychelles and a polytechnic.
Victoria is served by Seychelles International Airport, completed in 1971.[3] The inner harbour lies immediately east of the town, where tuna fishing and canning forms a major local industry.[3] One of the largest bridges in Victoria was destroyed by tsunami waves from the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.[4]
The area that would become Victoria was originally settled in 1778 by French colonists after they claimed the island in 1756, but it was not until after the Treaty of Paris of 1814 was signed that the British formally established Victoria and gave it its modern name.[5][6]
Victoria proper is composed of parts of three Districts of Seychelles:
Greater Victoria encompasses these three, and five more of the 25 Districts of Seychelles as follows:
Victoria is twinned with:
Victoria features a tropical rainforest climate (Kppen climate classification Af) with high temperatures throughout the course of the year. The capital does have noticeably wetter and drier periods during the year, with June and July being its driest months and December through February being the city's wettest months. However, since in no month does the average monthly precipitation falls below 60mm in Victoria, the city does not have a true dry season month. This lack of a true dry season month is a primary reason why the climate falls under the tropical rainforest climate category. The capital averages about 2,000mm of precipitation annually. Although being very rainy, skies are usually clear to partly clear and completely cloudy days remain scarce throughout the year even during the rainiest months.
Coordinates: 43700S 552700E / 4.6167S 55.4500E / -4.6167; 55.4500
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Seychelles police: Autopsies done for sisters found dead in …
Posted: October 1, 2016 at 1:49 am
Annie Korkki, 37, and Robin Korkki, 42, are seen in the Seychelles ina photo posted to Annies Facebook account on Sept. 19,2016,threedays before sisters were found dead in their resort room by staff.
Annie Korkki/Facebook
Last Updated Sep 30, 2016 2:26 PM EDT
VICTORIA, Seychelles -- Two American sisters found dead in their tropical island villa while vacationing in Seychelles died of excess fluid in their lungs, according to police in the African archipelago nation.
Annie Marie Korkki, 37, and Robin Marie Korkki, 42, were found motionless in the bed of their villa last week by hotel staff at the Maia resort on Mahe, Seychelles main island. Police spokesperson Jean Toussaint told local media that the women were seen drinking and were helped to their room by hotel personnel the night before they were found dead.
Autopsies conducted Wednesday determined the Minnesota natives died from acute pulmonary edema, or having fluid in their lungs, according to a police report obtained by Minnesota television station KARE. Cerebral edema, or fluid in the brain, was also cited in Annie Korkkis death.
The report also said no visible signs of injuries were found.
Police said the autopsies were conducted by a forensic pathologist in the neighboring Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. The investigation is ongoing and toxicology tests are pending, police said.
Many things can cause acute pulmonary edema and cerebral edema, said Dr. Patrick Lank, a Northwestern Medicine assistant professor of emergency medicine in Chicago. Emergency rooms commonly see it in drug overdoses, he said, but it might also come from a viral infection.
Two people at the same time is odd, Lank said. It suggests more of a toxicologic or environmental cause, or a potential infection if theyre traveling together.
An itinerary found at the Maia hotel indicated the sisters had been touring Africa since Sept. 1, and that they had visited Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar before arriving in Seychelles on Sept. 16. Annie Korkki lived in Denver, while Robin Korkki lived in Chicago.
The womens brother, Chris Korkki, of Lakeville, Minnesota, told CBS station WCCO-TV on Wednesday that his sisters were outgoing, generous, kind and lived life to the fullest.
A spokesman for Seychelles police was unavailable for comment Friday. The Maia hotel released a statement confirming the sisters were found by a hotel employee who tried to wake them. The statement said: Our thoughts are with the family and friends.
2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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