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Category Archives: Roulette
‘FIFA 22’: 5 skill moves you have to learn in FUT –
Posted: January 24, 2022 at 10:42 am
Considering how much some of us play FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, and its predecessors, it seems strange that we often fail to invest time learning its intricacies, preferring to just play endless matches. When was the last time you practised free kicks or watched back some of your gameplay to see what kind of mistakes you make in the run-up to conceding? For many of us the answer is never. Well, its a new year, so how about a new approach? Lets start with skill moves, because we guarantee that if you spend a little time learning these five tricks, you will be able to play better FIFA and win more of your matches.
FIFA 22. Credit: EA.
You could argue that the ball roll has become such a basic part of the game that it barely qualifies as a skill move, but we still play against opponents even in FUT Champions who never use it, so we implore you to spend some time adding it to your game if youve never taken the time to do so. Essentially the ball roll is exactly what it sounds like. Your player will roll the ball left to right, or right to left, using the sole of their foot. To perform a ball roll, just flick the right analogue stick left or right of wherever the player is facing. Ball rolls are useful all over the pitch, because employing them will create space and change angles, and can even help you to sidestep tackles. One thing we like to do is ball roll twice in succession, which seems to really help with retaining possession in tight spots.
FIFA 22. Credit: EA.
The roulette is an easy skill to use and still surprisingly effective against deep-lying defences, despite its relative ubiquity. All you have to do providing your player has three-star skills, which is common for virtually everyone from the midfield forwards is rotate the right analogue stick 360 degrees while running. You can roulette left or right, depending on the rotation, and it should see your player do a little spin while running forward with the ball. Use it to bypass defenders and draw fouls in tight spaces. If youve tried everything else, sometimes just rouletting at a packed back four and going straight into a shot can be enough to break the deadlock.
FIFA 22. Credit: EA
One of the legendary Xavi Iniestas signature moves during his heyday at Barcelona, La Croqueta will see your player move their body forward diagonally and then swap the ball between their feet to bring it in the same direction, before exiting forwards again with the ball ahead of them. Iniesta would use it to extricate himself from tight spots, slaloming round outstretched legs, and thats how it feels to use in-game. (FIFA 22 calls this move the lane change, and thats a good, albeit rather less romantic label!) To perform the move, hold the left bumper and flick the right analogue stick left or right of the direction the player is facing. While La Croqueta had its own heyday in FIFA 20, it is still very effective, especially when paired with the fake shot stop. (The fake shot stop? Hold shoot, then hit the pass button before your player kicks the ball, all while letting go of the left analogue stick; your player will fake a shot and come to a halt.) By halting with a fake shot, then using La Croqueta, you can often force a tracking defender to square up to you, and then you just slide coolly past them into the box.
FIFA 22. Credit: EA
The fun merchants at EA Sports call this one the Stop And Turn, but to everyone and his dog its the Berbatov spin, so named because of an incredible goal engineered by Dimitar Berbatov during his Manchester United days. Essentially its a move that lets you turn one way while making it look like youre going the other. Running down the wing, you flick the right analogue stick up and then left or right of the direction your player is facing. Your player should place their foot as though they are about to turn one way, before pivoting 270 degrees in the opposite direction and exiting with the ball. Imagine a car spinning the wrong way as it goes round a corner and youre not far off, Ridge Racer fans. FUT players are more savvy about this move on the wing now than they used to be, but its still a lot of fun when you pull it off, and as you gain confidence with it you can drop it in at strange angles and other areas of the pitch. One of our favourite ways to use the Barba spin in FIFA 22 is to have a four-star skiller in central midfield, and use the spin to evade the opposing press. We create a lot of space for passes this way, and you can too!
FIFA 22. Credit: EA
If you feel like youve gotten the hang of all this other stuff and you have five-star skillers in your squad, then feel free to add one of the daftest skill moves in the game to your arsenal. The ball-roll scoop is tricky to pull off consistently, but it is brilliant for creating space anywhere on the pitch, and is very hard for an opposing player to see coming. The idea is to perform a regular ball-roll but then go immediately into a scoop turn the five-star skill part which allows you to exit the move at all sorts of angles. The button combination is just pressing left or right on the right analogue stick to roll the ball, then immediately performing a fake shot (hold shoot then quickly hit pass) to scoop it. Depending on how long you hold the pass button at the end of the fake shot element, you can scoop more or less to suit your needs. This is a filthy-looking move in-game, and it can become addictive, but our advice is to bring it out as a last resort, because it has the most value when its unexpected. Struggling to break down a defence in a tight game? The next time you reach the edge of the box and look for a pass, ball-roll scoop instead and create space for a finesse shot. When it works, its magical.
FIFA 22. Credit: EA
Finally, a word on practising. Simply going into Squad Battles or Division Rivals on your usual difficulty levels is not going to cut it, because opportunities to perform these moves may be few and far between. We recommend using the Player Arena (accessible through the main FIFA 22 menu outside FUT) to get used to each move, focusing on one exclusively until youve mastered it, and then using things like low-difficulty Squad Battles where the AI is very passive in order to test them at different angles in different situations. If you then want to practice them in competitive settings, wait until you hit a checkpoint in Div Rivals so that a loss wont cost you progress, and use the next game as a pure learning experience, where you try to use the move rather than trying to score. Before long, you should be able to do them almost without thinking. Good luck!
FIFA 22 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch.
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A New Jersey Winner With The 3.5 Million Jackpot – Boca Raton’s Most Reliable News Source – The Boca Raton Tribune
Posted: at 10:42 am
Playing games has been an amazing and lovely activity for many people worldwide. One form of online game that attracts more fans daily is internet slots Australia. In casino games, there are wide categories of games in the catalogue that players can choose from. If one game does not interest the player, such can switch to another game for ample entertainment. In casinos, players can play slots games which is the game with the largest variety and theme. And this game doesnt require any form of technicality in playing. Within a few minutes of observing its play, it can be mastered. Other games to enjoy are table games for those who love to play cards; you will find games such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat, craps, and poker. There are also other casino games like live dealer games, live video slots, live poker for those who want a real gameplay experience.
In playing any online games, aside from entertainment derived from the gameplay, there are also chances of winning real money. Winning big in casinos is not a fallacy, nor a mirage, as people from different parts of the world have won a huge amount of jackpot on the game played. As millions of jackpots have been won by some individuals, anyone playing slots games or other casino games can have the big win.
Million Jackpot Winners in Casinos
In the history of casino games, there have been lots of winnings from different individuals in online games. We will look at some of the jackpot winners in the casino and the amount won by these lucky players.
She is a New Jersey woman who won a $3.5 million iGaming slot jackpot. The slot game that saw her win was played in Borgata online casino with the BetMGM grand million online slots. What took her to have this massive jackpot win was just a $10 spin, and in a split of seconds, she ended as the lucky winner of the day.
Unidentified Winner
Another unidentified woman in New Jersey also made a big win of her life in the casino playing an online slot game. She won this jackpot while wagering during a work conference call. The amount that led to her colossal jackpot win of $287,945 was a $2 bet in the Divine Fortune online slot machine.
Frank Nagy
He is also a lucky jackpot winner from New Jersey who made a $1.1million win on a progressive poker game at Tropicana Atlantic City with just a bet of $5. He had been a regular player at the casino, but the day he hit the jackpot was his huge lucky day.
Cynthia Jay Brennan
This is the second huge jackpot winner of all time in history who made a jackpot win of $35 million. She was aged 37 when she had the fortune that turned things around. The jackpot won was made playing on the popular megabucks slot machine.
$39.7 Million Jackpot Win
in history, this is the highest win ever made in a slot. Although the lucky winners name was not made known, it was believed to be an American scientist. He made his jackpot winning in Excalibur casino by putting three $1 coins in a megabucks slot machine and spending $100 to hit the all-time jackpot win that made him $39.7million.
Taxes on Game Winnings
When gambling in the casino, if luck turns on your side and makes big wins in your game, all you earn is not entirely yours to take. The federal government and probably the state share the winning or jackpot you hit in taxes. If care is not taken, a winner in the casino can become a loser if the taxes are not paid.
In gambling, the money won is considered a taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). With this, taxes cant be avoided after hitting a win, as it is reported on Form W-2G for certain gambling winnings. The players usually withhold a 24% flat tax on the winnings. However, if your winnings exceed $5,000, the winnings will be withheld and subjected to income tax withholding.
The Best Winning Odds to Look for
In casino games, having winning odds is the best bet that most players are interested in as this will help them win more. In casinos, some games have nice odds, and in some games, the odds are not too good but fair enough to have some winnings. Knowing if the games odds are good or not, the games house edge should be known. For example, when the payout on a game is 95%, the house edge on that game is 2.5%.
To have nice win playing games in the casino, it is best to go for games with good odds if you are playing to win and not just for fun. The games with the best odds in the casino are always the table games that give a high winning payout. For instance, in the table game blackjack, the house edge for the game is just 1% or 0.13%, which accounts for why the odds in the game are good and have the highest payout rate.
According to the casino, other games with good odds are craps with the house edge as 0.60% or 1.2%. For roulette, the house edge for single zero is 2.7% and 5.26% for double zero.
When playing games in an online casino, good jackpot winnings is all that players seek. And for most online casinos, this is possible. Players can make this huge win with any amount put in wagering. But always note that if luck turns on your side, you are meant to pay taxes on the amount won, which means the whole amount won is not what you will be paid. That is because a percentage of your winnings will be deducted as a flat tax or income tax holding. However, once that is done, the rest of the funds are yours.
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Dont be seduced by casino giveaways the smart money is on live games – Business MattersBusiness Matters
Posted: at 10:42 am
However, appetite for the online versions shows no sign of diminishing. Indeed, the online casino market is as crowded and competitive as ever, with different providers offering all sorts of promos and bonuses to get your business.
Yet what looks like free money can be nothing more than fools gold. The bonuses typically apply to only one or maybe a handful of slots games. Its easy to be seduced into spending all your time spinning the reels trying to cash out your diminishing pile of bonus money in the face of outrageous wagering requirements, and thats when you start throwing good money after bad. The smarter money is on the live games. Heres why.
Real people from all over the world
Its important to remember why youre visiting the casino. Unless youre some sort of professional gambler, the main objective isnt financial gain. Its for fun and entertainment, to have a good time. An online casino cant capture the feeling and experience of sitting at a gaming table in a real one or can it? The croupiers managing the live casino tables might come from Scandinavia or Southend, and all points in between. Many platforms also offer games run in different languages too, so cyberspace really could be anywhere in the world.
A wider choice of games
Sure, there are hundreds of slot games out there, but the overall gameplay gets a little repetitive with time. Table games offer you the chance to try something completely different, whether its cards, dice or even adaptations of TV shows like Deal or No Deal. You can also experiment with variations on the casino classics. Games like Speed baccarat and lightning roulette add new dimensions to the gameplay as well as the chance to win bigger.
Protecting your bankroll
Heres another downside to playing slot games for too long if you have a lean spell, you can burn through your bankroll in no time, as each spin of the reels takes only a few seconds. Those who have been around casinos longest know that the key to minimizing losses, and even occasionally cheating the odds and ending a night with more money than when you started is to reduce the number of overall wagers. Even with roulette, an automated online game gets through three of four spins a minute, which is another reason to favour the live table and its human host spinning a real physical wheel.
Enjoy the magic
Slot games have their place, and if a casino is offering you bonus money to play them, theres no reason not to do so. But remember, even when you factor in the bonuses and promos, theres only ever one winner in the end. You need a bit of magic to cheat fate, and in a casino, the magic happens at the live gaming tables.
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The Real Reason Ryan Cabrera Has A Ryan Gosling Tattoo – The List
Posted: at 10:42 am
As Ryan Cabrera told the Las Vegas Review Journal (via Us Weekly), the reason he has a pretty sizeable portrait of Hollywood hunk, and namesake, Ryan Gosling on his right calf is simple. "We like to play a game called tattoo roulette," Cabrera explained. "We blindfold each other: 'You get to pick a tattoo for me, and I get to pick a tattoo for you.' And you don't get to see it till they're both done." The only stipulation was his buddy couldn't put anything on Cabrera's arms, which are reserved for "real tattoos." Among multiple other designs, he has an artistic interpretation of beloved Beatles album "Abbey Road" inked on his right forearm.
Relegating all roulette-related tattoos to his legs keeps things light.As Cabrera told the Journal, via Digital Spy, the only rules for their high-stakes game "are that it can't be religious and it can't offend anybody." All things considered, the singer-songwriter isn't mad about this choice, describing his Gosling portrait as "the Bentley of tattoos." The former "Hills" star noted, "The best part is he [the tattoo artist] did it portrait style, so it looks like the president in silhouette."
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Best Bitcoin Roulette Casinos Of 2022 – Blog – The Island Now
Posted: January 21, 2022 at 11:48 pm
Hey, is that Vegas-style entertainment right in your living room? Nice job!
So, youre one of those people (one of us) who take comfort seriously, want to stay in their PJs, and place a bet on the Devils Wheel.
Well, the online bitcoin casinos took their services to another level and introduced a whole new experience to their beloved customers, the crypto gambling. But, you know that, right? Thats why youre here. Since you opened our article, youre probably searching for a reliable online casino where you can play crypto roulette or other table games.
Say no more! We found the best bitcoin roulette casinos, did detailed reviews, and prepared this article for all roulette players and crypto enthusiasts.
Well start our article with one of the leaders of the gambling industry in America and around the world, BetOnline. If youre an online casino fan, the chances you know this company are significant.
BetOnline has over 20 years of experience in the gambling business, providing endless fun and the possibility to win a lot of money to its customers. The company is also among the first sites to introduce cryptos. First, they started with crypto for the poker rooms. Now, you can use your digital currencies to bet and gamble on every game you want.
Furthermore, this platform has an already built reputation and is known among gamblers as a transparent, fair and fast-responding online casino and sportsbook. Besides sports betting and casino games, you can enjoy live betting, a racebook, esports, contests and poker games.
BetOnline, over the years, has found the perfect recipe to maintain and keep its clients and attract new people daily. Besides numerous games, the platform offers bonuses, contests, multiple banking methods and supports several cryptocurrencies.
Offered Games
The company started as a sportsbook with several casino games initially. However, after all these years in the business, it developed into an all-in-one place for those who want to have some fun and earn with ease.
Today, BetOnline is one of the best betting platforms that offer odds on every American sports match. Moreover, the site has international popularity because you can bet on almost every worldwide sports game.
When it comes to casino games, BetOnline offers:
If youre a poker player, you can try some of the BetOnline games, such as:
As we mentioned, BetOnline offers a racebook where you can enter horse betting, Preakness and Belmont Stakes, Breeders Cup, or Kentucky Derby.
Deposit and Withdrawal
Well, years of experience can teach you how to provide the best to your customers. At least BetOnline has learned that lesson. So, the platform offers one of the most comprehensive banking methods, meaning that clients can select one among numerous payment and payout options.
As with other standard sportsbook and casino platforms, BetOnline also offers debit and credit card and bank wire transactions. However, it also provides person2person, money order, and cashiers check.
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, BetOnline is among a few others with so much extended list of supported coins, including:
Bonuses and Promotions
We have reached our favorite section.
We know that betting and gambling are fun, but sometimes you can lose some money. Thats why your casino or sportsbook has to stimulate your game with bonuses, promotions, and awards.
The list of BetOnlines bonuses is quite long, so well try to single out some of them. e.g., each new member can get a welcome bonus of up to 50%. However, customers with crypto deposits can enjoy a 100% welcome bonus of up to $1000.
Furthermore, casino plates can get reload bonuses of up to 25% and 35%. There are also bitcoin boost gifts, referral programs, and special poker bonuses.
Customer Service and Convenience
An excellent support team stands behind BetOnlines company. You can contact their representatives anytime you want, via email or live chat.
When it comes to user convenience, the platform is beginner-friendly, meaning that everyone can navigate through the site easily. Also, the site is well-optimized to work on multiple devices. From the customer reviews we found online, people are satisfied with BetOnlines service and gladly recommend the platform for a hassle-free gambling experience.
Click Here to Visit the Official Website of BetOnline
Heres one of the youngsters. Wild Casino, managed by the same people that run numerous other reputable gambling platforms, is an excellent place to enter a joyful bitcoin roulette and win money.
Thanks to its extended bonuses list, numerous promotions and a comprehensive range of banking methods, the platform made its way to the top. Furthermore, Wild Casino is among a few other platforms that accept players from the US since it follows strict measures and its compliant with the law.
Additionally, Wild Casino possesses a Panama license which is another feature that makes this company legit and trustworthy.
As stated in its name, Wild Casino doesnt offer a sportsbook or a racebook. However, you can play various exclusive and standard casino games and enter numerous contests to win more money.
Offered Games
As we mentioned, this place isnt a sportsbook. Therefore, well shortly describe the available casino and poker games. First, we have to tell you that Wild Casino offers games from top providers widely-known in the crypto gambling community.
All games are divided into several gambling groups:
The slots come in 3D and conventional versions. You can find even some original fruit machines and slots in a Vegas-style. Furthermore, you can play one of the 30 types of bitcoin video poker games, such as single-hand, pyramid, and multi-hand.
When it comes to table games, Wild Casino offers around 14 types of blackjack and 9 types of crypto roulette. You can also play blackjack, roulette, video poker, and baccarat in live-dealer style.
Deposit and Withdrawal
Wild Casino not only provides multiple banking methods, but it also gives additional information on each method so that customers can learn more. The platform provides support for credit and debit card deposits. Additionally, you can fund your account via money orders, bank checks, and bank wire transfers.
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, Wild Casino accepts several cryptos, including BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, XLM, and USDC. Quite impressive, right?
As far as withdrawals, you can take your money using the same banking methods. However, withdrawals via credit or debit card arent available yet.
Bonuses and Promotions
Its fun to gamble at Wild Casino. However, its also affordable and beneficial. The company offers so many bonuses that its hard to say no.
It has a 250% up to $1000 welcome bonus for starters. Moreover, it provides an exceptional crypto welcome bonus with a total of $9000 divided among first-time deposits and the following four times you fund your account.
Furthermore, the platform has numerous active promotions and gifts. Thus you can get a 5% bonus on all bitcoin deposits. Or, you can obtain some of the tournaments prizes.
Wild Casino offers a 10% cashback bonus on your losses, so you can win some back even when you lose money. Moreover, it runs daily tournaments on blackjack, slots, and roulette with enormous prizes.
Customer Service and Convenience
Wild Casinos customer service is available via email and live chat. The representatives work 24/7, so you can find them anytime you have a question or issue.
However, some customers reported that the live chat option is hard to find on the page. Well, for those who had trouble finding it, the button is placed in the banking section.
When it comes to customer experience, Wild Casino has a smooth and functional site. It has a straightforward design so that it provides excellent user convenience.
Click Here to Visit the Official Website of Wild Casino
Trust Dice is a well-known online casino with millions of gamers across the globe. This casino started to operate a few years ago. Regardless of its short experience on the market, Trust Dice has already passed its competition because it offers unmatching services.
Furthermore, Trust Dices state-of-the-art platform allows gamblers to enjoy smooth and convenient gambling. The company offers more than 3000 games, divided into a casino, live casino, sports, dice, and crash. The latter, crash and dice games, were invented and developed from the platform itself.
Trust Dice attracts new customers on a daily basis because, besides the attractive games, it provides outstanding customer services and policies. The company has a 4.8 rating out of 5 at the reputable review platforms, meaning that it has an almost perfect reputation.
There are many features, characteristics, and specifications that make this casino a top-notch platform. Well present you with the most important ones just to give you the big picture.
Offered Games
As we mentioned earlier, Trust Dice offers more than 3000 games to its customers. On this platform, you can gamble, play, and wager on casino games, live casino games, sports, dice, and crash.
Trust Dice casino games are divided into several categories, including:
Of course, this list can go on and on, but you get the idea.
Furthermore, you should know that Trust Dice uses Evolution Gaming, Spinomental, and Ezugi as its major casino providers. This guarantees your ultimate live casino experience. Moreover, 50 live dealer games are also available.
Besides the casino games, Trust Dice offers a very comprehensive sportsbook. You can wager on everything, from football and baseball to biathlon, chess, and squash.
Trust Dice also provides two provably fair games, those being crash and dice.
Deposit and Withdrawal
Trust Dice is a crypto online casino. Therefore, it operates with digital currencies, meaning you can deposit and withdraw money in a secure and straightforward manner. The casino accepts several cryptos for payment, including BTC, ETH, DOGE, BCH, and TRX.
You can use the same currencies to withdraw your earnings, with LTC included.
Bonuses and Promotions
Trust Dice has one of the widest ranges of bonuses and promotions on the market. The casino provides new users with a welcome bonus and free spins. In addition, you can claim free BTC every 6 hours, thanks to the Trust Dices faucet.
Furthermore, the company offers a task, log-in, sports risk-free, and deposit bonus. You can also participate in weekly contests in dice and crash games. The first 10 players in the tournament can win up to 0.2 BTC.
Moreover, Trust Dice knows how to award its loyal users. The company rewards customers with free crypto, springs, cashback up to 20% and more, each time they reach a new level. In addition, you can request a custom bonus based on your favorite games.
Satoshi Club
Trust Dice has a VIP program for its loyal customers. Customers are divided into 5 levels on the program, with each group providing different advantages, benefits, and bonuses.
The Satoshi Clubs levels are Shrimp, Fish, Dolphin, Shark, and Satoshi. The highest-level players enjoy numerous premium gifts and an exclusive VIP assistant.
Customer Service and Convenience
The companys customer service is available 24/7 via live chat and email. The team is highly responsive, meaning that customers get assistance within 24 hours. Additionally, customers can ask for help in multiple languages from the service team.
The platform is relatively easy to use when it comes to user convenience. The website loads quickly and is simple to browse. Furthermore, the platform is optimized to operate on any device. The experience is the same whether youre an Android, iOS, Windows, or macOS user. Therefore, Trust Dice provides a very user-friendly interface.
Click Here to Visit the Official Website of Trust Dice
GTBets is a more sports betting-focused platform. However, we decided to review this site because it offers a wide assortment of casino games too. The company is over a decade in the business, and so far has managed to obtain popularity and stay among the best.
With an 8.9 /10 rating, this US-friendly platform has served millions of customers worldwide. So many people choose this company to play and win because of its easy-to-use page, fast payments, tournaments, and significant number of games.
Additionally, GTBet is licensed in Curacao. Even though you cant find any information on the owners or employees, the license is still No.1 proof of legality. Moreover, the quality of the services and the customer experiences also show that the company is trustworthy and legit.
As we said above, this company forces its sportsbook more, but customers enjoy the plethora of casino games and video poker provided on the platform. Well talk about that and some other excellent features that GTBets provides in this section.
Offered Games
Lets start with the sportsbook.
GTBets has some of the most competitive and attractive odds weve seen lately on any other sportsbook. Were not going to enlist every match and game here, because GTBets has a wide assortment covering almost every sport.
Furthermore, the bookie offers odds on politics and politics future and the Olympics. Moreover, you can place a bet on eSports and horses.
The choice is exceptionally extended for a sports-focused platform when it comes to casino games. GTBets offers 3-reel and 5-reel 3D slots. Also, there are numerous jackpot slots with earning opportunities from $2000 to $55,000.
GTBets provides numerous table games. Actually, they have a bigger assortment of games even compared to some online casino platforms. On the site, you can find:
This list, of course, continues, but we single out only a few table games to give you a glimpse of the big picture. Moreover, you can play roulette, baccarat, Casino Holdem, and blackjack with a live dealer.
Additionally, GTBets also offers video poker games.
Deposit and Withdrawal
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Amritsar Calling: When on the road, Ambarsaris like to play Russian Roulette – The Indian Express
Posted: at 11:48 pm
Years ago, a delightful German lady visited us. A couple of rides around town and she exclaimed, Why does everyone on wheels and on foot aim for one another and swerve only at the last moment?. All I could say was that we were experts in the art of deception and last-minute avoidance. Perhaps foolhardy as well. The guest, Frauke, was sure that despite the claims by the communists, the Russian Roulette was actually invented in Amritsar and played out on the roads every minute.
As we laughed at her observation, I reduced speed consciously, and secretly shared with her that God lived in India, mostly in this divine city. Therefore, although chaos defined our traffic sense, our accident ratios were tolerable. It took her three days to be able to sit back in her seat and not chew her nails while on the road. By that time, she was ready to depart with the conviction that providence did ensure our persistent existence against all odds.
The maruta
That was a few decades ago. Today the traffic is manifold, and we have graduated from roulette to playing PubG on the streets. The weapons are aplenty, two-wheeled bullets, three-tyred tuk-tuks, meandering cars as well as SUVs jostling for action. They are joined by cycle-rickshaws and the black raven auto taxis. Fancy a cartwheel? Well, we have a cart with a wheel instead. Called colloquially the maruta, the home-crafted, four-wheeled motor craft, has an engineered mind of its own and can be seen painting the town red, laden with bounties from the farm. And do not forget to notice the vegetable vendor with his old motorcycle extended into a makeshift mobile vegetable shop, equipped with a garden umbrella for shade & a speaker to hawk his wares.
Scooterists come in manifold diversity too. Picture this one ridden by a kid drying her luscious tresses in the wind while her dupatta connects precariously with the rear wheel awaiting an execution, or the fat broker on two wheels, head tilted towards his mobile phone, busy cracking a deal mid-street while carrying his inventory of poky aluminium rods, deliverables to the house across the city. Each one of them can nose their way in whether there is space or not, and careen around like snakes in a pit. And of course, the Romeos and Juliets love the gheri, in flirtatious dances, bumper to bumper, romancing and freewheeling to impress.
Heavens forbid you are returning late from an evening with friends; be sure to encounter the racetrack, teenyboppers on a high, astride their papas three stars, Audis, or BMWs, scorching the tar like tornados chasing each other, mindless of the others in commute. And if you happen to engage, out pop the phones with political connects, cops on the take or resourceful wheeler dealers. This, after hurling the choicest invectives and laser stares as if to say lay off or else. Who the devil are you anyway to get in our way? You inevitably retreat as the wife tells you to be mature and forget it. Not worth it, she says.
The invincible pedestrian
The pedestrian is another story altogether. We just believe that it is the duty of the motorised to hold their proverbial horses while on the move. We are indeed kings of the roads and can cross at any point, walk at leisure mid-traffic, even take selfies as we casually hop off the dividers bang in front of the oncoming motorcade. The invincible pedestrian standing mid-street awaiting his opportunity to dash across is another disaster waiting to happen, but this is Amritsar meri jaan, we have Him by our side!
Zebra crossings? Never heard of them. Are they not found in the zoo bro?
The city does give out licences for drivers of all automobiles, but that does not certify that they are able. Most have been informally instructed by siblings in the craft of mobility, have never received refreshers or been tested for their skill. The older generation has just taken to the road and is mostly impervious to road etiquette. The NextGen is resourceful enough to get their papers delivered at home without moving a muscle.
To top it all, everyone wants to have phone conversations, send out the odd SMS and address the compulsion of looking for that particular song. All this while driving. So, when you are walking and see a car heading for you, get into a tizzy and run for it, for the eye is not on the road but on a screen. And dont be surprised if you see a toddler trying his skills on the steering while on the lap of a proud father. Worse still, most kids are unshackled while their mothers are careening around traffic. God forbid the kiddo decides to throw a tantrum, mom will turn her head around, throw up a shindy on the child, all in good motion. This happens, so no surprises here.
The other day a horse-drawn tonga clobbered my car bonnet. He simply backed into me. Red-eyed with fury, I confronted the devil at the reins. Amused and showcasing his brown teeth he simply laughed my theatrics off. He has no brakes, he stated matter-of-factly, and since my vehicle had them, I should in future keep fair distance from animal-driven carriages and use my foot in time to halt. Now who can counter that argument? Chastised, I retreated behind the wheel to call in for insurance and the haulers to undo the damage.
The garbage collection system in the city is semi-privatised, so if you are tailing one of the open trucks carrying refuse to the dump, you perhaps ought to leave your sensibilities as well as your sense of smell home. They potter along, dropping headloads of stink along the road. I am serious when I say I even saw a bloated body hanging precariously, one that had been recovered from a sewage drain by the bypass. Makes you wonder, as you dodge the next heap that slithered onto the road ahead of you, whether this was any better than the earlier garbage carts called Viceroy di gaddi? These were driven by white oxen and would always maintain bang centre, much as the English Viceroy who had right of way against Indian commoners. That was the time the English also ran a garbage train along the periphery of the walled city. Neat indeed.
While on garbage, you may well watch out for the missiles that emit from window panes of cars. After all, the disposables have to be disposed of the moment the food is consumed while on a drive from one eatery to the next, and definitely before you hit home. Try and stop the guy to reprimand him, for throwing the soiled food tray and plastic spoons that flew onto your windshield, and the baseball bat is sure to emerge to hammer you with, a call made to trigger-happy cronies, and the constable cousin thrice removed.
The cacophony
Oh yes, we just love to play our tunes. One-two, cha-cha-cha for the pretty damsel who you wish would turn and look at you, the-lean-on-it when you want someone to give you way regardless of the fact that you are all in the same jam, the siren just because your friends uncle is a politician, the fire-engine blast since you own the street on your new Thar with shining alloys and big tyres. Well, what can you say, its a cacophony out there and the decibel levels beyond compare!
Frankly one has nothing against the biker or the car owner for coming down the wrong way of the street or the highway. He is obviously troubled both by the persistent hikes in fuel prices, as well as the wrath of his wife, who wanted the vegetables yesterday. Not to mention the poor sod who on a two-wheeler is balancing an empty gas cylinder on his pillion and a kid in front of him.
Governments are also so very demanding on their personnel. Look at the electricity repairman who races on his motorbike with his assistant on the pillion who, in turn, is holding onto a 24-foot wooden ladder scraping the tar and surprising the lady driving her car while admiring her newly coiffured hairdo in the rear-view mirror. Or the garbage collector who has a six-foot broom contraption attached to his bike looking like a witch on wheels with a broom attachment for flying. Picture this.
Not to mention the guy who comes to your left, awaits the signal to go green, and as you accelerate to head straight, cuts you in, in an effort to take the right turn. Indicator lights, what the devil are they for? Traffic cops are of course there to catch the sun, have their cuppa delivered free from the tea stall close by, and ignore the traffic jam as well as the disorder. Blind eyes do not see. But they go rapt attention the moment they hear an official siren, slipping back into leisure the moment it passes.
And have we forgotten the other species? All the other animals are on our streets as well. Hundreds of canines, families of live pork, emaciated cattle and horny bulls, even the odd rooster or two. The other day, there was this poor, flustered horse which galloped the metalled road in peak traffic while its owners, a pair of Nihangs, chased it on motorcycles, much as those Texans would lasso stallions in Texan movies.
In this disorder and mayhem, we keep adding scores of vehicles by the day. And the bigger the better. Everyone seems to be graduating to MUVs & SUVs, would rather drive to the nearby store than walk a mile, care not for cyclist or pedestrian passerby, weave in and out from any which way. We drive the night with blinding headlights, striving to get the strongest beams to have a blinding competition on the highways. Stunning that these are the same drivers who obey all traffic rules the moment they step into the limits of the state capital, Chandigarh.
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Amritsar Calling: When on the road, Ambarsaris like to play Russian Roulette - The Indian Express
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Let’s not play Russian roulette with Omicron and embrace it as inevitable –
Posted: at 11:48 pm
This column is an opinion from Dr. Cory Neudorf,an interim senior medical health officer with the Saskatchewan Health Authority. For more information aboutCBC's Opinion section, please see theFAQ.
Waves of COVID-19 keep coming with disturbing frequency, wearing down even those who have followed public health advice up to now. Despite warnings that the pandemic would likely last twoto threeyears with multiple surges requiring an ebb and flow of restrictions,many people feel we should be back to normal with the availability of vaccines, and are feeling something akin to buyer'sremorse at this stage.
More transmissible COVID-19 variants have poked holes in our layers of defence, finding ways to get around masks and vaccines in some cases and taking advantage of our need for increased social connection. Due to its billing as a less severe form of COVID-19, is it any wonder that the Omicron variant wave is tempting us to just "get it over with already" and resign ourselves to getting sick?
Unfortunately, science and sober second thought shows us that is likely not a good idea. Eventually, we hope to be able to live with COVID-19 in a more endemic state, with some combination of a less severe variant and sufficient population immunity but we aren't quite there yet.
Here are a few reasons why it may not be a great idea to "get it over with" and catch the Omicron variant of COVID-19:
Intentionally exposing yourself to any disease is like playing Russian roulette. You don't know if you or those more vulnerable around you will get complications. While it is more transmissible, the Omicron variant is still stopped by the measures that have worked for previous waves, we just need to be more vigilant.
In addition, we are fortunate to have vaccines that are effective and safe against all current COVID variants with a booster dose, protecting many against infection and protecting most from severe disease if they happen to get breakthrough illness.
There is no need for returning to the full lockdowns that were required prior to vaccines, as long as people adhere to public health measures during these resurgences and get booster doses as needed.
Eventually, these waves will recede. They will resolve faster if we continue to use common sense, and think beyond ourselves for the good of our community, especially as more of the global population is immunized. We have come too far to quit before we get to the finish line.
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Low-priced stocks: A roulette that may well be a losing bet, say experts – Business Standard
Posted: at 11:48 pm
Many have weak fundamentals to back share price rise and may not live to see the next bull run: Experts
Topics Markets|Share price
Stocks trading at a low price denomination have risen sharply, largely due to speculator interest or new investors trading actively during the pandemic. The S&P BSE Sensex has gained 135 per cent from the lows it hit on March 23, 2020. And 666 of the 833 stocks trading at Rs 20 or below in March 2020 have outperformed the index.
Even from a one-year perspective, 657 of these stocks have outperformed the Sensex in 2021. In fact, some of these stocks have seen gains between 50x and 80x in less than two years. Of the 508 stocks trading at Rs 10 or below (popularly known as ...
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First Published: Sun, January 16 2022. 23:26 IST
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Low-priced stocks: A roulette that may well be a losing bet, say experts - Business Standard
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Rising Star to Red Roulette Here is what you need to read on China – ThePrint
Posted: at 11:48 pm
On popular demand, heres a shortlist of books on China that can help you to understand the country. The list isnt exhaustive, and there are plenty of other great books about China out there.
The list also includes some books on Tibet.
Governing China: From Revolution to Reformby Ken Lieberthal
The Third Revolution; Xi Jingping and the New Chinese Stateby Elizabeth C. Economy
Chinas Futureby David Shambaugh
Politics in China: An Introductionby William Joseph
Internationalizing Chinaby David Zweig
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of Chinaby Ezra Vogel
The Chinese Economyby Barry Naughton
The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China? by Susan Shirk
Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflationby Victor Shih
Also Read: Our pick of top 10 books in 2021
Chinas Good War: How World War II Is Shaping a New Nationalismby Rana Mitter
The Cambridge History of China (volumes)by John Fairbank
Great State: China and the Worldby Timothy Brook
Wealth and Power: Chinas Long March to the Twenty-first Centuryby Orville Schelle and John Delury
The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947by Tsering Shakya
Zhang, Y. and Buzan, B. (2012). The Tributary System as International Society in Theory and Practice.The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 5(1), pp.336.
Active Defense: Chinas Military Strategy Since 1949by Taylor Fravel
Strong Borders, Secure Nation: Cooperation and Conflict in Chinas TerritorialDisputes by Taylor Fravel
Junbo, Z. and Yunzhu, Y. (1996). Differences between traditional Chinese and Western military thinking and their philosophical roots.Journal of Contemporary China, 5(12), pp.209221.
Scobell, A. (2012). Learning to Rise Peacefully? China and the security dilemma.Journal of Contemporary China, 21(76), pp.713721.
Mastro, O.S. (2018). In the Shadow of the Thucydides Trap: International Relations Theory and the Prospects for Peace in U.S.-China Relations.Journal of Chinese Political Science, 24(1), pp.2545.
China Goes Global: The Partial Powerby David Shambaugh
Yan, X. (2014). From Keeping a Low Profile to Striving for Achievement.The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 7(2), pp.153184.
Chinas Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacyby Peter Martin
Rising star: Chinas new security diplomacyby Bates Gill
Feng, H., He, K. and Xuetong, Y. (2020).CHINESE SCHOLARS AND FOREIGN POLICY: Debating International Relations.Oxford: Routledge.
Also read: The 10 best books we read this year
India Versus China: Why They are Not Friendsby Kanti Bajpai
Indias China Challengeby Ananth Krishnan
The Fractured Himalaya: India Tibet China 1949-1962by Nirupama Rao
India and Asian Geopolitics: The Past, Presentby Shivshankar Menon
Powershift: India-China Relations in a Multipolar Worldby Zorawar Daulet Singh
Fateful Triangle: How China Shaped USIndia Relationsby Tanvi Madan
On Chinaby Henry Kissinger
The Long Game: Chinas Grand Strategy to Displace American Orderby Rush Doshi
Two Kinds of Timeby Graham Peck
Mearsheimer, J. (2010). The Gathering Storm: Chinas Challenge to U.S. Power in Asia.The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 3(4), pp.381396.
Fardella, E. (2009). The Sino-American Normalization: A Reassessment. Diplomatic History, 33(4), pp.545578.
Red Roulette: An Insiders Story of Wealth, Power, Corruption and Vengeance in Todays Chinaby Desmond Shum
Land of Big Numbersby Te-Ping Chen
Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister: Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century Chinaby Jung Chang
The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionageby Mara Hvistendahl
Eat the Buddha: Life and Death in a Tibetan Townby Barbara Demick
Also Read: T20 to coronavirus to RSS 6 books you need to read in self-quarantine
Thisbook list was originally published on Aadil Brars newsletter Asia Communique.
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Rising Star to Red Roulette Here is what you need to read on China - ThePrint
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Try these hidden Netflix features to get the most out of your subscription – New York Post
Posted: at 11:48 pm
If you have a Netflix subscription, you may be missing out on some fun features without realizing.
Netflix has a series of games that you can access via the Android or iOS app.
Open your app and type games into the search tool.
You should notice a selection of games pop up.
Theres even a Stranger Things 3 game.
Click the game you want to play and click Get Game to install it.
This tip is great for watching your favorite Netflix shows at the exact same time as your friends or family even if theyre not in your household.
Netflix Partyis a handy Google Chrome extension that allows you to watch Netflix with anyone.
Once you have downloaded the extension, you can create a shareable link, which all your friends can click on for the same-time viewing experience.
Netflix Party even comes with a chat feature so you can easily discuss whats happening.
If youre struggling to find something to watch on Netflix, a random button may be the answer.
An online tool called Netflix Roulette picks out a show or movie so you dont have to.
It even lets you filter bygenre and IMDb rating to help hone your searches.
You can even add other streaming services like Amazon Prime Video to search through all your viewing options in one place.
You can find the Netflix Roulette wheelhere.
There are a selection of codes you can type into the Netflix search bar that will bring up hidden categories.
Anime fans will be pleased to know code 7424 does still bring up lots of anime content.
You may see different codes suggested online, but Netflix changes codes regularly, so some of them may no longer work.
If you type the code 47465 into your Netflix search bar, you will see some classic Westerns pop up.
The code 48744 should bring up classic war movies.
This article originally appeared onthe Sunand was reproduced here with permission.
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Try these hidden Netflix features to get the most out of your subscription - New York Post
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