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Category Archives: Quantum Computing

Quantum Networking and Clustering What Is It? Why Should You Care? Who’s Aliro? – HPCwire

Posted: October 5, 2021 at 4:28 am

Taking those questions in reverse order, Aliro Quantum is a young Harvard lab spin-out seeking to deliver the quantum networking technology many believe is critical to scaling up quantum computers. Aliro contends that clustering moderate size quantum computers, say 1000-qubit systems (still not buildable, though IBM says perhaps soon) or bigger, is the most likely way to create something resembling a monolithic 1M-qubit-or-more-sized quantum computer large enough to solve practical problems.

That thesis is at the core of our business model and of many others, said Prineha Narang, Aliro CTO, founder, Harvard professor. People, mostly from the hardware side, are trying to do this with us. Were interfacing down to the hardware getting down to the FPGAs were just not building the quantum hardware. We see the path to scale being through these networks, and those types of networks being part of the bigger picture of these entanglement-generating and entanglement-using large scale networks.

Whether these connected quantum computers end up being called clusters or distributed computing (both terms have currency now) or something else isnt yet clear, she said. Narang and Harvard colleague, John Philbin, have an interesting recentpaper(Computational Materials Insights Into Solid-State Multiqubit Systems) in the APS journal PRX Quantum.

There are, of course, many other quantum networking applications, but in essence they all connect some sort of quantum device (e.g. a sensor) to another quantum device. It should be noted not everyone agrees that clustering is the only or best path to scale-up quantum computers. PsiQuantum, for example, says its photonics-based quantum computer thats leveraging semiconductor fabrication techniques will scale to a million or more qubits.

That said, there is broad agreement that practical, scalable quantum networking is an important ingredient in the development of a robust quantum information sciences landscape. DOE has several related projects and there are similar efforts around the globe.

How do these devices work? Broadly, a quantum network must interface with a quantum computer (or other quantum device), capture and faithfully transmit a qubit-based information stream to another device able to use the data. Accomplishing that requires dealing with familiar quantum challenges: generating entanglement, managing coherency duration, enacting error correction, using quantum memory, and to reach any distance (WANs) reliable repeaters. Also, dont forget there are currently numerous qubit technologies such as semiconductor-based superconducting, trapped ions, cold atom, photonics, etc. A generalizable quantum network would need to be able to interface with any of them.

A positive for quantum networks is mature optical technology; high-quality optic fiber is a good transmission medium and the most viable current option. Aliro is focused on quantum network control plane and protocol development. It is leveraging quantum and traditional networking hardware. Think of Aliro as a little like Mellanox for quantum networking, said Narang.

Putting aside, for a moment, remaining technical challenges, consider Narangs ambitious milestones for Aliro and forecast for quantum networking:

Aliro was spun out of Narangs Harvard lab in 2019 where her research focuses on a variety of quantum topics spanning quantum materials, quantum information, and quantum molecular dynamics. The Aliro headcount is roughly 20 and growing, and Narang cites the greater Boston areas wealth of high tech resources (university, networking tech expertise, talent) as an important factor in deciding to set up shop there.

Weve been developing a control plane. Some of the things Im going to say are very similar to the language youd hear from classical networking. Were thinking about the quantum version in the same way. It has various layers, including a physical layer, like a classical network. The temptation is always, even in classical networking, to say lets do everything in the physical layer because the hardware is becoming better, said Narang.

But the reason classical networking has been so successful is that the details of the physical layer are abstracted away into some of these other layers. This is why every time theres a hardware upgrade, how I think about the internet doesnt change. That abstraction is what enables us to think about issues of timing, synchronization, and connecting these devices in the control plane. Thats really where the key value is.

The idea is to hide the underlying complexity such as qubit modality. Whats the right architecture for connecting to superconducting and trapped ion systems? What amount of architecting with a control plane is needed versus how much is overkill? So what can you do over a quantum channel versus what can you do over the classical channel in order to get the timing right or to get some of the synchronization problems solved? said Narang citing key questions.

We want people to come into this field and not have to figure out all of these other pieces, but to be able to easily interface with these systems. The phrase plug-and-play gets used a lot in the sales. [Quantum networking] is still not plug-and-play but its certainly become much more accessible to a broader set of engineers and scientists than five years ago, she said.

Besides clustering quantum computers, there is a major push to develop a so-called quantum internet. Among potential applications identified in a 2018 Science article are: secure communication, clock synchronization, extending the baseline of telescopes, secure identification, achieving efficient agreement on distributed data, exponential savings in communication, quantum sensor networks, as well as secure access to remote quantum computers in the cloud. (Figure from Science article, 10-31-2018, shown below.)

From a hardware standpoint, key components are missing at the moment, quantum repeaters being a significant one. This is an area where my lab does a lot of work in looking at how we think about third-generation quantum repeaters that actually can enable the kind of capacity you need to have a meaningful large-scale quantum network using solid state components. Theres a lot of talk about this now. DOE has announced a very big roadmap and blueprint to connect the various DOE labs, which, of course, are all across the country. Essentially, this is the quantum version of the ARPANET. And there are some hardware advances needed before we can talk about connecting something as big as that.

Having said that, a metropolitan area network is definitely much more achievable. This is where youre within the repeater-less bound. Theres actually fiber between Harvard, MIT, and Lincoln Labs and these things can be connected. Now, over a network like that, youre not having a very high bandwidth conversation with your buddies on the other side. But these are entanglement using and generating networks, theyre a proof of concept, testbeds. We have one here. Theres one at Argonne and Fermi Lab in the Chicago area, thats getting a lot of attention. These are attempts at figuring out what are the components, both hardware and software, that will become part of a larger scalable network, said Narang.

Narang noted that codesign is important in quantum networking development. As much as we are abstracting away from the hardware, there are also many hardware choices that need to be made that are informed by the protocols (software), said Narang.

Theres a temptation from the hardware community to say, Were going to build out the hardware, these folks are going to throw some software on there and its all going to be great. It turns out theres some hard constraints that are imposed on the hardware, based on some of the protocols and algorithms of interest. So codesign has been a really key component here. Were collaborating very closely with the DOE labs, in particular ESnet based out of LBNL though they (ESnet) have fiber all across the country. [We are working with them] on thinking about how we can emulate these long-haul links because thats where we see the value. We dont see value in simple quantum key distribution (QKD). There are people doing it, but you can look up very public documents from the DOD and NSA that say that they dont view the path in secure communication to be at all related to QKD. So for entanglement generating and using networks, the biggest value really is from having these components and getting to getting to scale.

Aliro envisions being able to spec out the entire network. This would entail having Aliro boxes at both ends and gaining access to existing high-quality fiber in between. Generating entanglement and sharing entanglement are core capabilities required. Quantum memory is also important (needed for repeaters). Routing is also a challenge and Aliro has put forward a set of protocols for routing, said Narang, who is working with the Quantum Internet Research Group (IETF Quantum IRG) seeking to set standards and is active in the NSF-affiliated Center for Quantum Networks.

She expects there to be a variety of node types, think smart and less so. Fees for entanglement-as-a-service would likely be based on both transmission fidelity and transmission rates. Big customers such as a bank might want exotic boxes and pay a premium; others might not require that. The Aliro website lists quantum-secure communications, improved GPS precision and reliability, and accurate positioning, navigation and timing as potential application for its entanglement-as-a-service (EaaS). That seems less connected to the idea of scaling up quantum computers via clustering. To some extent, the promotion may be aspirational as the quantum network world is still nascent.

Were partnering with hardware vendors that weve established relationships with. Im being intentionally a little vague here. Its a tight rope here, said Narang. Currently, if you deliver a network, its going to be slow, the entanglement rates are very slow. And its very small in the sense of the geography because were waiting for repeaters to come online to take this across the country. However, there are a lot of things that we can do to anticipate what kinds of repeaters well have. Were working with various types of architectures at testbeds like, the folks at Argonne, and the folks at Brookhaven. They have different realizations of what a repeater would look like.

Like many, Narang thinks moving quantum processing out of icy cold dilution refrigerators (a few degrees Kelvin) will be an important step. Theres a strong push in my research to look at quantum memories that are at temperatures above four Kelvin that can operate with reasonable fidelity at that temperature, because we think that [operating] with liquid nitrogen cooled (77 kelvin) is no problem, but as soon as youre talking about, you know, these ultra-low temperature, pumped-helium systems, and there are. Shes a fan of solid state memory citing diamond and silicon carbide (color centers) which could offer higher temperature operating ranges.

Choosing partners and technologies is tricky. Weve been in deep conversations with both Google and Amazon and they have very different roadmaps going forward and we havent ourselves decided if would try to achieve both or pick one. There are reasons to pick and there are reasons to not pick, she said.

Likewise, photonics expertise will be critical. Xanadu and PsiQuantum are among the more prominent quantum computer companies trying to develop optically-based systems. PsiQuantum has been very direct about its plans to launch a million-qubit quantum computer.

We have talked with them, said Narang. We dont currently have a signed partnership with them. Were being very cautious to not get tied to one particular photonic platform. We think that we will need a long-term photonic platform partner, whether its going to be PsiQuantum or Xanadu, or another, were not sure. They, on their roadmaps, dont have plans for integrating quantum repeaters.

Thats okay, said Narang, but Aliro would prefer somebody on the photonics side thats interested both in these connected photonic processors, and how you bring in the repeater into the picture.

Stay tuned.

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Quantum Networking and Clustering What Is It? Why Should You Care? Who's Aliro? - HPCwire

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QunaSys to participate in IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE21) – PRNewswire

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TOKYO, Oct. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- QunaSys Inc. is a sponsor of Quantum Week 2021 (Oct 17 - 21) the leading quantum computing event that bridges the gap between the science of quantum computing and the development of the surrounding industry.

QunaSys researchers are deeply engaged in the event with an exhibit booth, a hands-on tutorial, and a panel:

"Japan's technology ecosystem is actively advancing quantum computing. QunaSys is a key player in driving business, government, and academia collaboration to enable the quantum chemistry ecosystem and boost the adoption of this technology." Tennin Yan, QunaSys Inc. CEO, and Hausi Mller, General Chair IEEE Quantum Week 2021 and Co-Chair IEEE Quantum Initiative.

"Companies are getting ready by learning the skills to develop and test quantum algorithms. Collaboration within an ecosystem and a multi-platform approach is key to expand use case proliferation that in turn advances the technology." Tennin Yan, QunaSys Inc. CEO.

"As organizers, we are very pleased with the outstanding contributions from the international quantum community for IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE). We look forward to welcoming 800+ participants from 45+ countries and 220+ companies." Hausi Mller.

Register now for the conference and learn how to maximize the power of quantum computing, understand the industry use cases potential and how to implement algorithms to solve chemistry related complex problems, please register here:

Additional resources

About QunaSys Inc.

QunaSys is the world's leading developer of innovative algorithms in chemistry focused on accelerating the development of quantum technology applicability. QunaSys enables maximization of the power of quantum computing through its advanced joint research that addresses cutting-edge technologies providing Qamuy, the most powerful quantum chemical calculation cloud software; fostering development of collaboration through QPARC industry consortium; and working with research institutions from academia and government. QunaSys software runs on multiple technology platforms with applicability in all chemical related industries to boost quantum computing adoption.

About IEEE event

IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE is actively contributing to the global R&D efforts to understand the power and promise of quantum computing. IEEE Quantum Week is bridging the gap between the science of quantum computing and the development of an industry surrounding it.

Media contact:

HIroki Oka[emailprotected]/ [emailprotected]+81-9060589550

SOURCE QunaSys Inc.

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Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Booming with International Business Machines, D-Wave Systems, Microsoft Canoom – Canoom

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The global Quantum Computing in Manufacturing market focuses on encompassing major statistical evidence for the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing industry as it offers our readers a value addition on guiding them in encountering the obstacles surrounding the market. A comprehensive addition of several factors such as global distribution, manufacturers, market size, and market factors that affect the global contributions are reported in the study. In addition the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing study also shifts its attention with an in-depth competitive landscape, defined growth opportunities, market share coupled with product type and applications, key companies responsible for the production, and utilized strategies are also marked.

Key players in the global Quantum Computing in Manufacturing market:

International Business Machines (United States), D-Wave Systems (Canada), Microsoft (United States), Amazon (United States), Rigetti Computing (United States), Google (United States), Intel (United States), Honeywell International (United States), Quantum Circuits (United States), QC Ware (United States), Atom Computing, Inc. (United States), Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc. (Canada), Zapata Computing, Inc. (United States), Strangeworks, Inc (United States)

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Quantum computing is the computing technique that uses the collective resource of quantum states, Some of them main resources are superposition and entanglement, to perform computation. As these are able to execute quantum computations that is why it also called quantum computers. Quantum computing harnesses the phenomena of quantum mechanics to deliver a huge leap forward in computation to solve certain problems. Quantum computing is an area of study focused on the development of computer-based technologies centered on the principles of quantum theory.

On 12 February 2021 To further progress into the quantum age, various projects are in the works to take computing to the next level. After forming a consortium in December, EU stakeholders have launched an effort to supercharge quantum processor production.

Whats Trending in Market?

Integration With Advance Technologies

What are the Market Drivers?

Raising Deposal Income

The Global Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:

by Application (Simulation & Testing, Financial Modeling, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Cybersecurity & Cryptography, Other), Component (Quantum Computing Devices, Quantum Computing Software, Quantum Computing Services)

The study encompasses a variety of analytical resources such as SWOT analysis and Porters Five Forces analysis coupled with primary and secondary research methodologies. It covers all the bases surrounding the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing industry as it explores the competitive nature of the market complete with a regional analysis.

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The Quantum Computing in Manufacturing industry report further exhibits a pattern of analyzing previous data sources gathered from reliable sources and sets a precedent growth trajectory for the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing market. The report also focuses on a comprehensive market revenue streams along with growth patterns, Local reforms, COVID Impact analysis with focused approach on market trends, and the overall growth of the market.

Moreover, the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing report describes the market division based on various parameters and attributes that are based on geographical distribution, product types, applications, etc. The market segmentation clarifies further regional distribution for the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing market, business trends, potential revenue sources, and upcoming market opportunities.

The Quantum Computing in Manufacturing market study further highlights the segmentation of the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing industry on a global distribution. The report focuses on regions of LATAM, North America, Europe, Asia, and the Rest of the World in terms of developing market trends, preferred marketing channels, investment feasibility, long term investments, and business environmental analysis. The Quantum Computing in Manufacturing report also calls attention to investigate product capacity, product price, profit streams, supply to demand ratio, production and market growth rate, and a projected growth forecast.

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In addition, the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing market study also covers several factors such as market status, key market trends, growth forecast, and growth opportunities. Furthermore, we analyze the challenges faced by the Quantum Computing in Manufacturing market in terms of global and regional basis. The study also encompasses a number of opportunities and emerging trends which are considered by considering their impact on the global scale in acquiring a majority of the market share.

Some Point of Table of Content:Chapter One: Report OverviewChapter Two: Global Market Growth TrendsChapter Three: Value Chain of Quantum Computing in Manufacturing MarketChapter Four: Players ProfilesChapter Five: Global Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Analysis by RegionsChapter Six: North America Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Analysis by CountriesChapter Seven: Europe Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Analysis by CountriesChapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Analysis by CountriesChapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Analysis by CountriesChapter Ten: South America Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Analysis by CountriesChapter Eleven: Global Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Segment by TypesChapter Twelve: Global Quantum Computing in Manufacturing Market Segment by Applications

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IonQ becomes the first quantum computing hardware firm to go public – Yahoo News

Posted: at 4:28 am

IonQ on Friday became the first quantum computing hardware company to go public, via a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC).

Why it matters: Quantum represents the next generation of computing, and while the industry is likely still years away from producing widely reliable hardware, IonQ's performance should be an indicator of how the market views the technology's potential.

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What's happening: IonQ began trading on the New York Stock Exchange Friday morning, and it ended the day down about 10%.

How it works: Maryland-based IonQ, which was founded in 2015, employs powerful lasers to trap ions from the rare Earth metal ytterbium, and uses them to form quantum bits or qubits the basic unit of quantum computing.

The company already produces a 22-qubit quantum computer that it sells access to through AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud platforms.

Fidelity is using IonQ's hardware to create algorithms that can crunch historical data to determine the likelihood of a borrower defaulting on a loan, while Goldman Sachs uses it to determine how the movement of one company's stock price is affected by changes in another company's price.

What they're saying: "It's still early in the overall lifecycle of the quantum market, but this is like asking investors whether they would have wanted to invest in Apple when the Apple II computer came out," says Peter Chapman, IonQ's CEO.

The catch: IonQ doesn't disclose its revenues though the company has said publicly it's in the "eight figures" and even some quantum computing experts believe the industry's promises have outpaced its accomplishments.

What to watch: Chapman says IonQ will use the capital raised from going public to fund its efforts to build a 64-qubit chip by the end of 2023.

Story continues

He claims those chips will eventually be able to be networked together to provide more than 1,000 qubits of processing power the level many experts believe is required before quantum computers can reliably outperform cloud-accessible classical supercomputers.

What's next: The XPRIZE Foundation announced yesterday that it would work with the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator to launch a global quantum computing innovation contest.

"The world faces massive computational problems, and we believe quantum computers can really help," says XPRIZE's Amir Banifatemi.

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Fujitsu and Osaka University Deepen Collaborative Research and Development for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers – HPCwire

Posted: at 4:28 am

TOKYO, Oct. 1, 2021 Osaka University and Fujitsu Limited today announced the establishment of the Fujitsu Quantum Computing Joint Research Division as a collaborative research division at the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology (hereinafter QIQB) of Osaka University.

The newly-established research division will focus on the development of foundational technologies for fault-tolerant quantum computers, which are able to perform accurate calculations while correcting errors that occur in quantum bits (qubits). These efforts will draw on the respective strengths of the two partners, combining QIQBs advanced quantum error correction and quantum software technologies with Fujitsus applied knowledge in computing and quantum technologies.

More specifically, QIQB and Fujitsu aim to develop quantum software for fault-tolerant quantum computers with up to several thousand qubits as well as technologies to verify its error correcting operations.

Going forward, the two partners will strengthen their cooperation in R&D towards the realization of fault-tolerant quantum computing technologies to innovate solutions to complex societal problems through quantum technology.


Quantum computers, which make use of the principles of quantum mechanics including quantum superposition states and quantum entanglement(1), offer the potential to one day revolutionize computing, significantly exceeding the capabilities of conventional computing technologies to perform high-speed calculations.

Fault-tolerant quantum computing, capable of accurate and large-scale high-speed calculations using error correction codes, may become a key technology especially in the fields of drug discovery and finance, which require a technology able to solve complex and large-scale problems at high speed.

In March 2020, Osaka University established QIQB in order to promote quantum information and quantum biology research, focusing on research in a wide range of fields ranging from quantum computing, quantum information fusion, quantum information devices, quantum communications and security, quantum measurement and sensing, and quantum biology.

QIQB has also been chosen as the main center for quantum software research in the field of quantum technology of the COI-NEXT program(2)of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and thus plays an important role in Japans strategy for quantum technology innovation.

Cooperating with domestic and overseas research institutes, Fujitsu has been engaged in full-scale research and development of quantum computing since 2020, aiming to further improve the performance of computing technologies.

Leveraging its quantum-inspired computing(3)solution Digital Annealer, which is designed to solve large-scale combinatorial optimization problems, Fujitsu is providing customers solutions in various fields like drug discovery and logistics.

In October 2020, Fujitsu started collaborative research(4)with Osaka University on quantum error correction. The establishment of the Fujitsu Quantum Computing Joint Research Unit will further strengthen R&D in fault-tolerant quantum computer systems.

Outline of the Joint Research

Name: Fujitsu Quantum Computing Joint Research Division

Location: Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology (QIQB), International Advanced Research Institute (IARI), Osaka University (Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture)

Research Period: October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024

Research Contents: R&D of Quantum Software for fault-tolerant quantum computers

*Assuming a quantum computer with a scale of several thousand qubits, the joint division will research and develop an error correction algorithm able to restore the original information from faulty qubits, as well as technologies to evaluate the performance of this algorithm.

*In order to perform quantum computation using logical qubits(5)generated through quantum error correction codes, the joint division will focus on the R&D and implementation of a set of software solutions required from program input to the result output.With regard to future practical applications of this technology, the division will furthermore verify the operation of these solutions using a virtual machine environment to evaluate the effects of noise add up.

Roles and Responsibilities

Osaka University


Future Plans

In order to contribute to the further development of quantum computing science and technology, Osaka University and Fujitsu will strengthen their cooperation with a variety of research institutions and companies. Through the practical application of the results of this joint research, the partners aim to contribute to an early practical application of quantum computing with the potential to drive innovations and create a sustainable society.

Osaka University and Fujitsu will also collaborate with related industries and academia to support the training of new human resources in the field of quantum technology.

All company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Information provided in this press release is accurate at time of publication and is subject to change without advance notice.

About Osaka University

Osaka University was founded in 1931 as one of the seven imperial universities of Japan and is now one of Japans leading comprehensive universities with a broad disciplinary spectrum. This strength is coupled with a singular drive for innovation that extends throughout the scientific process, from fundamental research to the creation of applied technology with positive economic impacts. Its commitment to innovation has been recognized in Japan and around the world, being named Japans most innovative university in 2015 (Reuters 2015 Top 100) and one of the most innovative institutions in the world in 2017 (Innovative Universities and the Nature Index Innovation 2017). Now, Osaka University is leveraging its role as a Designated National University Corporation selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to contribute to innovation for human welfare, sustainable development of society, and social transformation. Website:

About Fujitsu

Fujitsu is the leading Japanese information and communication technology (ICT) company offering a full range of technology products, solutions and services. Approximately 126,000 Fujitsu people support customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. Fujitsu Limited reported consolidated revenues of 3.6 trillion yen (US$34 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. For more information, please

Source: Fujitsu

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Fujitsu and Osaka University Deepen Collaborative Research and Development for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers - HPCwire

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IonQ is set to make its public trading debut. Here’s a look at the quantum computing company’s 2021 highlights – DC

Posted: at 4:28 am

This week, College Park, Maryland quantum computing company IonQ is officially going public.

Following a merger with dMY Technology Group Inc. III, which is a special purpose acquisition company based in Las Vegas, the firm will begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday, Oct. 1. The merger was officially approved on Tuesday by dMY III stockholders.

The company will be trading under the symbol IONQ, and CEO Peter Chapman said it is expected to raise $635 million, with an additional $132 million in outstanding warrants. Of this, $350 million will be raised through private investment in public equity (PIPE) funding from investors including Fidelity Management & Research Company, Silver Lake, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, MSD Partners, Hyundaiand Kia.

Founded in 2015 by University of Maryland College Park professor Dr. Chris Monroe and Duke University professor Dr. Jungsang Kim, IonQ specializes in trapped ion quantum computing. Drawing on two decades of research, the company is working to create more powerful computers than those currently available, and apply the technology to solving foundational problems in new ways.

IonQ first announced plans to go public earlier this year, estimating that the company would be valued at $2 billion when the deal closed. Chapman told that the IPO will make IonQ more competitive in talent recruiting and help it to reach the manufacturing stage with its products, particularly in quantum networking.

This was not actually a liquidity event for us, Chapman said. Most people when they get to an IPO, theyre thinking about how can they cash out there. But there isnt anyone actually cashing out. We just thought of this as a means to an end on how to raise money.

Going forward, Chapman said the company expects to double its 90-person team, which is spread across offices in College Park, Seattle and Boston.

Since it announced the IPO in March, 2021 has been a banner year for IonQ. It has landed partnerships that will help to further explore real-world applications of quantum computing with GE Research, the Fidelity Center for Applied Technology, Goldman Sachs and QCWare, Google, Accenture andSoftbank. It is teaming with theUniversity of Maryland on a new lab in College Park.

When it comes to tech advances, the company launched what it says is the industrys first reconfigurable multicore quantum architecture, as well as designed and launched a chipset known as Evaporated Glass Traps. This year also brought its second research credit program cohort, which offers free credits to academics building novel quantum algorithms (Want to know more about quantums rise out of the lab? Check out our explainer here).

[Going public] will lift all the boats in quantum computing in this sense that we can show that it can be done in quantum now, and thats probably good for the entire industry, Chapman said.

Nir Minerbi, CEO and cofounder of Classiq, a fellow quantum company, agrees, although he thinks theres still more work to be done in the industry.

Organizations understand that the ability to extract true business value from quantum computing grows as more qubits with higher quality are available, said Minerbi in a statement. IonQs funding is good news for the industry and their quantum roadmap is encouraging as well.

As the company moves into the new year, Chapman said IonQ will be expanding into the drug discovery, materials science and battery industries. But, he noted, the possibilities with quantum computing offer plenty of new, yet-to-be-discovered options, as well.

Every day at the company is fun. You have a customer thats doing something that has never been done before, Chapman said. Its a pretty exciting place to be.

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IonQ is set to make its public trading debut. Here's a look at the quantum computing company's 2021 highlights - DC

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Quantum Computing Technologies Market | Global Industry Analysis, Segments, Top Key Players, Drivers and Trends to 2026 – Northwest Diamond Notes

Posted: at 4:28 am

The latest Quantum Computing Technologies Market research report elaborates on significant aspects such as the industry reach, worldwide demand, marketability, profitability, and potential of this industry sphere over 2021-2026. Moreover, it assesses each sub-market to offer a broader view of this domain, helping stakeholders in apprehending the opportunities available.

As stated by experts, the Quantum Computing Technologies industry size is anticipated to achieve remarkable returns throughout the study duration, registering XX% CAGR through 2026.

The research literature also reviews the implications of the pandemic and recommends strategic solutions for effectively managing the market instability. Furthermore, the competitive landscape section of the report covers latest data on current acquisitions, partnerships, mergers, as well as strategies deployed by the prominent players to aid industry partakers in better decision-making.

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Key features of the Quantum Computing Technologies market report:

Competitive dashboard:

Quantum Computing Technologies market segments covered in the report:

Geographical fragmentation:

Product types: Hardware , Software and Cloud Service

Application spectrum: Medical , Chemistry , Transportation , Manufacturing and Others

Key Questions answered in the Quantum Computing Technologies Market Report:

What will be the market growth rate of Quantum Computing Technologies in 2026?

What are the key factors driving the Global Quantum Computing Technologies ?

What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Quantum Computing Technologies ?

Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of Quantum Computing Technologies Market?

Who are the key vendors in Quantum Computing Technologies space?

What are the Quantum Computing Technologies Market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Quantum Computing Technologies ?

What are the market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Quantum Computing Technologies Market?

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Quantum Computing Technologies Market | Global Industry Analysis, Segments, Top Key Players, Drivers and Trends to 2026 - Northwest Diamond Notes

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Singapores NUS and Thales to develop quantum technologies for commercial applications – Tech Wire Asia

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An engineer adjusts a laser to test chips with waveguides for quantum computing. (Photo by THOMAS KIENZLE / AFP)

Quantum computing applications may not be particularly mainstream now, although quantum computing as a field has been growing at an accelerated rate these past few years.

While the frequently-bandied about term may sound intimidating, quantum computing is essentially computing that can be performed at speeds and efficiencies far, far superior to what typical computers can do today. In short computing on steroids.

Aside from university labs, were already seeing it being used in a few sectors, such as cybersecurity, pharmaceuticals, and even logistics. Indeed, quantum computing has come a rather long way, in a short amount of time, mainly because of the immense benefit it can give to quickly compute and thus, analyze massive sets of data at breakneck speeds.

The rise of quantum computing has Big Tech to thank giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and IBM have been heavily investing in developing quantum computing and related technologies in recent years. The same has gone for governments such as China, South Korea, India, and Japan, all of whom have invested in or are planning to invest in developing this technology.

Just last month, UK-based Oxford Quantum Circuits launched the worlds first commercially available QCaaS (Quantum Computing as a Service), even. Prior to OQC, both Amazon and Honeywell had worked on developing and piloting commercial QCaaS.

Earlier this week, the National University of Singapores (NUS) Singapores Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP) announced that they would be working with Thales to develop and test quantum technologies for industry use.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on 29 September marks the start of a two-year partnership to jointly develop and test quantum technologies for commercial applications.

A Memorandum of Understanding was inked by (front row, from left) Professor Chen Tsuhan, Deputy President (Research and Technology), National University of Singapore, and Mr Kevin Chow, Country Director and Chief Executive, Thales in Singapore. The signing was witnessed by (back row, from left) Mr Ling Keok Tong, Director (Smart Nation and Digital Economy), National Research Foundation, Singapore, and Mr Chen Guan Yow, Vice President and Head (New Businesses), Economic Development Board. (IMG/Thales)

Under the MoU, Singapores Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP) and Thales aim to advance quantum technologies and prepare industry players for their arrival. The partnership will see industry and academic experts from Thales and QEP develop capabilities to test and evaluate interdisciplinary quantum security technologies.

They will also explore potential research collaboration opportunities in the fields of new materials and design for quantum sensing. Additionally, they will organise joint activities such as seminars and conferences to share their expertise and showcase their research outcomes.

The Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP) is an initiative launched in 2018 by the National Research Foundation, Singapore (NRF) and hosted at NUS. The projects under the collaboration span technologies for security and sensing, and involve QEP researchers across Singapores institutes of higher learning and research centres.

Professor Chen Tsuhan, NUS Deputy President (Research & Technology), said, Building on this momentum, QEPs partnership with Thales, a forerunner in the quantum revolution, will accelerate innovation and development of quantum solutions that are commercially attractive locally and globally.

With its track record in developing security and cybersecurity equipment, Thales will make available its SafeNet Luna Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and high-speed network encryptors that support interfaces to quantum devices for research use.

The algorithms and quantum random number generation technology in these types of equipment provide the crypto-agility to easily implement quantum-safe crypto and combat the threats of quantum computing. This equipment would be deployed for proof-of-concept trials and testbeds in Singapore.

In May 2021, Thales launched a network encryption solution capable of protecting enterprise data from future quantum cyber-attacks. It supplements standard encryption with a scheme resistant to quantum computing that is under consideration for international standards.

Quantum technologies open almost infinite possibilities for the future and our researchers see real potential in three types of quantum applications, namely in sensors, communications and post-quantum cryptology, shared Mr Kevin Chow, Country Director and Chief Executive, Thales in Singapore.

Thales, which has 33,000 engineers across the world, also aims to be a key player in what is often called the second quantum revolution, which exploits subtle properties of quantum physics and requires mastery of the associated technologies.

Thales collaboration with QEP is a strong testament to the companys approach towards using quantum technologies to solve real-world, end-user challenges.

According to Chow, while this initial partnership will involve their network encryption technology to provide crypto-agility and cybersecurity, Thales will continue to work with the R&T ecosystem in Singapore to explore new topics, including using novel materials for quantum sensing or in secured communications in quantum technologies.

Additionally, the joint team of scientists and engineers will also develop devices that tap on quantum physics for higher performance. According to QEP, this is an area of focus under Singapores Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2025 Plan (RIE2025).

Mr Ling Keok Tong, Director (Smart Nation and Digital Economy) at NRF shared that quantum communications and security, as well as quantum devices and instrumentation, are two significant focus areas under the QEP.

Jamilah Lim| @TechieKitteh

Jam (she/they) is the editor of Tech Wire Asia. They are a humanist and feminist with a love for science and technology. They are also cognizant of the intersectionality of the above with ethics, morality, and its economic/social impact on people, especially marginalized/underdeveloped communities.

See the article here:

Singapores NUS and Thales to develop quantum technologies for commercial applications - Tech Wire Asia

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QC Ware Raises $25 Million Series B Financing to Accelerate Development of Applications for Near-Term Quantum Hardware – PRNewswire

Posted: at 4:28 am

PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --QC Ware, the leading developer of quantum algorithms running on near-term quantum computing hardware, todayannounced it has raised $25 million in Series B funding. Koch Disruptive Technologies, an investment unit of Koch Industries,and Covestro,one of the world's leading polymer companies, co-led the round with participation from Samsung Ventures andreturning investors Citi, the D. E. Shaw group, and Pegasus Tech Ventures. The new capital will be used to expand the QC Ware team, composed of some of the world's foremost quantum algorithms and quantum computing experts, to support the accelerated development of Forge.

QC Ware's growing network of customers, which includes Aisin Group, Airbus, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), BMW Group, Equinor, Goldman Sachs, and Total collaborate with QC Ware on the design of practical algorithms that deliver performance on near-term quantum computing hardware. By potentially halving the industry timeline for quantum advantage, QC Ware has boosted enterprise and U.S. federal sector adoption of its algorithms for quantum machine learning, quantum Monte Carlo simulations, and quantum optimization. The company is experiencing brisk growth in collaborations with customers and hardware partners in fields that are ripe for quantum disruption, including chemistry simulations, materials discovery, drug design, and beyond.

"QC Ware's revenues have been climbing at a strong and steady pace as organizations around the world ramp up their explorationsof quantum computing algorithms to help solve some of their biggest challenges and gain competitive advantage," said Matt Johnson, CEO, QC Ware. "With a hyper-focus on practical quantum computing we will use the new investment to align the Forge software platform with the great headway we've been making in global markets."

Designed for data scientists and quantum engineers,Forge delivers a competitively advantageous path to quantum readiness. Forge distinguishes itself from other quantum computing cloud services by providing users with access to pioneering and fine-tuned turnkey quantum algorithms for practical industry problems.

QC Ware collaborates with some of the world's leading Fortune 500 companies and government organizations to explore and test drive quantum computing algorithms. Learnings from these projects are distilled into the quantum algorithms on Forge. With the new funding, QC Ware will further expand its team to meet high customer demand for collaborations in algorithm development.

"Accelerating complex R&D processes is critical to the transformation of the chemical and plastics industries towards carbon neutrality and a circular economy," said Torsten Heinemann, Head of Group Innovation at Covestro. "At Covestro, we're fostering new digital technologies that will increase computing power and drive the development of sustainable products for our customers. Our investment in QC Ware stems from our collaborative explorations with the QC Ware team in developing quantum computing applications for future materials discovery."

"Quantum computing has significant potential to disrupt industries in ways that weren't possible before, including multiple opportunities we're already evaluating across Koch Industries," said Navin Maharaj, Director at Koch Disruptive Technologies. "QC Ware is consistently pushing software and hardware limits with a focus on delivering transformative quantum applications to customers, and we are excited to partner with the QC Ware team to accelerate the company's next phase of growth."

"QC Ware's research in financial services demonstrates the promise of quantum computing in the sector," said Sandeep Arora, ICG Head of Digital and ICG Chief Investment Officer at Citi. "We are looking forward to exploring how quantum computing can benefit Citi as the space continues to develop."

Samsung Ventures' investment in QC Ware aligns with the venture firm's focus on technologies that have great potential to drive new growth engines, including quantum computing. It especially illustrates Samsung Ventures' support of QC Ware's advances in developing quantum software that significantly cut the timeline for the real-world implementation of practical quantum computing.

Koch Disruptive Technologies' Navin Maharaj and Citi's Sandeep Arora will join QC Ware's board of directors.

About QC Ware

QC Wareis a quantum software and services company focused on ensuring enterprises are prepared for the emerging quantum computing disruption. QC Ware specializes in the development of applications for near-term quantum computing hardware with a team composed of some of the industry's foremost experts in quantum computing. Its growing network of customers includes AFRL, Aisin Group, Airbus, BMW Group, Equinor, Goldman Sachs, and Total. QC Ware Forge, the company's flagship quantum computing cloud service, is built for data scientists with no quantum computing background. It provides unique, performant, turnkey quantum computing algorithms. QC Ware is headquartered in Palo Alto, California, and supports its European customers through its subsidiary in Paris. QC Ware also organizesQ2B, the largest annual gathering of the international quantum computing community.

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SOURCE QC Ware Corp.

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QC Ware Raises $25 Million Series B Financing to Accelerate Development of Applications for Near-Term Quantum Hardware - PRNewswire

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Op/ed: ‘An Industry That Will Change the World’ – Maryland Today

Posted: at 4:28 am

Quantum science and technology just made a major stride in a century-long journey from the notebooks and experiments of scientific luminaries like Einstein to its position todaypoised to deliver once-impossible solutions to a range of pressing societal problems, University of Maryland President Darryll J. Pines writes in a new op/ed in The Baltimore Sun.

IonQ, a company founded in part on UMD technology and based in its Discovery District, became the first purely quantum-focused company on the New York Stock exchange, cementing UMDs place at the center of what Pines calls the DMV: the Capital of Quantuma potential ground zero for the next world-changing technological upheaval of the sort that began in Silicon Valley in the 1970s.

Friday morning, I traveled to New York City to witness IonQthe revolutionary startup born out of research at the University of Maryland, where I am presidentbecome the first publicly traded pure-play hardware and software company in the quantum computing space.

As I prepared to stand alongside IonQs founders and leaders to ring the ceremonial bell, I was struck by a heavy realization: Its herethe quantum revolution Ive been preparing for, talking about incessantly, and working tirelessly to champion has arrived.

Think about personalized medicinenot just a vaccine, but a vaccine designed just for you. Think about climate change and having the computational power to actually tackle it and reverse the damage we humans have caused to our planet. Quantum makes it ever-so-much-more possible. Its going to be a game-changer for the entire Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia (DMV) area.

Read the rest in The Baltimore Sun.

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Op/ed: 'An Industry That Will Change the World' - Maryland Today

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