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Category Archives: Quantum Computing
Research Team Reaches Milestone in Quantum Computing with Error Correction – HPCwire
Posted: December 19, 2021 at 6:50 pm
Dec. 17, 2021 Researchers at QuTecha collaboration between the TU Delft and TNOhave reached a milestone in quantum error correction. They have integrated high-fidelity operations on encoded quantum data with a scalable scheme for repeated data stabilization. The researchers report their findings in the December issue of Nature Physics.
More Qubits
Physical quantum bits, or qubits, are vulnerable to errors. These errors arise from various sources, includingquantum decoherence, crosstalk, and imperfect calibration. Fortunately, the theory ofquantum error correctionstipulates the possibility to compute while synchronously protecting quantum data from such errors.
Two capabilities will distinguish an error corrected quantum computer from present-day noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors, says Prof Leonardo DiCarlo of QuTech. First, it will process quantum information encoded in logical qubits rather than in physical qubits (each logicalqubitconsisting of many physical qubits). Second, it will use quantum parity checks interleaved with computation steps to identify and correct errors occurring in the physical qubits, safeguarding the encoded information as it is being processed. According to theory, the logical error rate can be exponentially suppressed provided that the incidence of physical errors is below a threshold and the circuits for logical operations and stabilization are fault tolerant.
All the Operations
The basic idea thus is that if you increase the redundancy and use more and more qubits to encode data, the net error goes down. The researchers at TU Delft, together with colleagues at TNO, have now realized a major step toward this goal, realizing a logical qubit consisting of seven physical qubits (superconducting transmons). We show that we can do all the operations required for computation with the encoded information. This integration of high-fidelity logical operations with a scalable scheme for repeated stabilization is a key step in quantum error correction, says Prof Barbara Terhal, also of QuTech.
First author and Ph.D. candidate Jorge Marques further explains, Until now researchers have encoded and stabilized. We now show that we can compute as well. This is what a fault-tolerant computer must ultimately do: process and protect data from errors all at the same time. We do three types of logical-qubit operations: initializing the logical qubit in any state, transforming it with gates, and measuring it. We show that all operations can be done directly on encoded information. For each type, we observe higher performance for fault-tolerant variants over non-fault-tolerant variants. Fault-tolerant operations are key to reducing the build-up of physical-qubit errors into logical-qubit errors.
Long Term
DiCarlo emphasizes the multidisciplinary nature of the work: This is a combined effort of experimental physics, theoretical physics from Barbara Terhals group, and also electronics developed with TNO and external collaborators. The project is mainly funded by IARPA and Intel Corporation.
Our grand goal is to show that as we increase encoding redundancy, the neterrorrate actually decreases exponentially, DiCarlo concludes. Our current focus is on 17 physical qubits and next up will be 49. All layers of our quantum computers architecture were designed to allow this scaling.
More information:J. F. Marques et al, Logical-qubit operations in an error-detecting surface code,Nature Physics(2021).DOI: 10.1038/s41567-021-01423-9.
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Six Cybersecurity Trends to Be Aware of in 2022 – Yahoo Finance
Posted: at 6:50 pm
The upcoming year will be about increases: in legislation, security standards, ransomware attacks and technology risks.
IRVINE, Calif., Dec. 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Netwrix, a cybersecurity vendor that makes data security easy, today released key cybersecurity trends that will affect organizations in 2022.
(PRNewsfoto/Netwrix Corporation)
With cyberattacks especially ransomware on the rise, IT teams and security professionals must be on the alert as never before. Here are six specific predictions from Ilia Sotnikov, cybersecurity expert and VP of User Experience & Security Strategist at Netwrix:
Legislation will increase as security incidents at private companies affect national security. The impact of ransomware and other cyberattacks is no longer limited to just the victim company anymore; attacks are now affecting entire regions. For instance, attacks on companies that supply food or fuel have led to empty shelves in supermarkets and long queues at gas stations. Therefore, we can expect that security requirements for private organizations in critical sectors to become tougher. In particular, notification rules will be affected, as governments need more visibility into the specifics of cyberattacks in order to improve legislation. In some cases, governments may opt to use proverbial carrots as well as sticks, such as tax breaks that reward organizations for investing in cyber defenses.
Cyber insurance costs will increase and policies will mandate higher security standards. With insurance payouts becoming both more frequent and more costly, the cost of cyber insurance has already skyrocketed: Prices rose 96% in the US and 73% in the UK for the third quarter of 2021 compared to the same quarter last year. We expect continued increases in 2022. Moreover, insurance policies will require implementation of critical controls that reduce the risk of cybersecurity incidents. With attacks becoming increasingly common, insurance companies will pay in exceptional cases only.
More attacks will target MSPs as a path to infiltrate large enterprises or government agencies. Attackers have seized upon a very effective strategy for getting access to large organizations through the relatively weaker IT infrastructures of SMBs that provide them with services. Accordingly, managed service providers (MSPs) will need to increase both the breadth and depth of their security measures, since many SMBs rely upon them on their security.
Quantum computing will begin to disrupt encryption. Most cryptographic algorithms today rely on the premise that there's no processor sufficiently powerful to crack them in a reasonable timeframe but quantum computing will allow such a processor to exist. While this technology is still far from any practical application, concern is growing. For example, the U.S. has announced export controls on eight Chinese quantum computing companies because of worries about China's ability to break encryption. As the technology matures, we can expect more widespread adoption of post-quantum encryption standards.
Companies will need to address challenges in machine learning. Well over half (59%) of large enterprises today are already using data science (DS) and machine learning (ML). However, these techniques bring risks as well as benefits. ML algorithms are especially vulnerable in the learning phase because bad actors can poison the input in order to subvert the results, which can break critical processes and even put lives in danger in cases such as healthcare or traffic lights in a smart city. Organizations using ML must understand these threats and redouble their efforts to defend against them.
Attackers will use residential home networks as their infrastructure. A home network is much easier to infect with malicious software than a professionally secured enterprise IT environment. With processing power and bandwidth connectivity in residences increasing, home networks will become more attractive to bad actors. For example, by infecting many devices, they will be able to change IP addresses or even domain names dynamically during malware campaigns, thwarting common defenses like IP blocking and DNS filtering. IT teams should keep this new threat vector in mind when reviewing their security strategies and incident response plans. Moreover, the IT industry should seek to increase user awareness and best practices adoption to reduce the number of easy victims.
"Prioritization is the only way for organizations to manage the risk of cyberattacks in this new era of advanced technologies that can be used for both good and evil," says Ilia Sotnikov, VP of User Experience & Security Strategist at Netwrix. "Simply put, organizations need to focus on securing their most important and valuable assets from the most likely incidents, and update their policies regularly. It is increasingly obvious that cyber insurance is not a lifebuoy. Risk assessment is first and foremost our own responsibility."
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About Netwrix
Netwrix makes data security easy, thereby simplifying how professionals can control sensitive, regulated and business-critical data, regardless of where it resides. More than 10,000 organizations worldwide rely on Netwrix solutions to secure sensitive data, realize the full business value of enterprise content, pass compliance audits with less effort and expense, and increase the productivity of IT teams and knowledge workers.
Founded in 2006, Netwrix has earned more than 150 industry awards and been named to both the Inc. 5000 and Deloitte Technology Fast 500 lists of the fastest growing companies in the U.S.
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Smart Internet Lab will deliver Quantum Data Centre of the Future –
Posted: at 6:50 pm
The University of Bristols pioneering Smart Internet Lab will work with industry partners to develop the first blueprint for a quantum data centre, as part of UKRIs 170 million pound Commercialising Quantum Technologies Challenge.
Quantum technologies, in the form of quantum computing and communications, promise to provide solutions to some of the worlds most challenging problems. However, to date, very little has been understood from a systems perspective about how to integrate them with existing data centres.
The Quantum Data Centre of the Future project will commence in early 2022, bringing experts in classical data centres and networking together with experts in quantum computing and quantum communications, to develop the first blueprint for a quantum data centre.
The project will leverage the significant research strengths of the University of BristolsHigh Performance Networks Groupin classical data centre, quantum Internet and quantum networking.
Professor Reza Nejabati, Head of High Performance Networks Research Group in theSmart Internet Lab, said: This is a truly exciting initiative. Adapting quantum computing and network systems to work in a data centre settingwill require significant acts of invention and creativity.
This will bring a more practical light to the field of quantum technologies so they can benefit businesses and support the emergence of new type quantum computing algorithms and applicationsthat will benefit from them far into the future.
Professor Dimitra Simeonidou, Director of Smart Internet Lab, added: In collaboration with the project partners, we aim to design, develop and demonstrate a solution for integrating a quantum computer in a classical data centre as well as providing remote quantum secure access to quantum computers at scale and in a data centre setting.
Quantum computers and communications systems are often described in isolation, but this misses the possibility for near term value to be created with quantum/classical hybrid systems. In this project, we will be investigating system-level solutions for optical metro quantum networks supporting remote access to quantum computing.
We are really excited to work with leading industrial and academic partners to connect and integrate our city scale test-bed to remote quantum accelerated data canter and demonstrate its use for future industrial applications.
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What Is Quantum Computing? – Data Center Knowledge
Posted: December 17, 2021 at 10:50 am
In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore observed that the number of transistors per square inch on a microchip had doubled every year since their invention while the costs were cut in half a phenomenon that became known as Moores Law.
More than 50 years of chip innovation have allowed transistors to get smaller and smaller until the point where its no longer physically possible to reduce the size of transistors any further. As a result, improvements in computing are slowing down and new ways to process information will need to be found if we want to continue to reap the benefits from a rapid growth in computing.
Enter Quantum computing a radical new technology that could have a profound affect all our lives. It has, for example, the potential to transform medicine and revolutionize the fields of Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity.
But what exactly is quantum computing and how does it vary from the computers we use today? In short, it is fundamentally different. Todays computers operate using bits which are best thought of as tiny switches that can either be in the off position (zero) or in the on position (one). Ultimately all of todays digital data whether thats a website or app you visit or image you download comprise millions of bits made up of ones and zeroes.
However, instead of bits, a quantum computer uses whats known as a qubit. The power of these qubits is their ability to scale exponentially so that a two-qubit machine allows for four calculations simultaneously, a three-qubit machine allows for eight calculations, and a four-qubit machine performs 16 simultaneous calculations.
According to Wired magazine, the difference between a traditional supercomputer and a quantum computer can best be explained by comparing the approaches that they might take in getting out of a maze. For example, a traditional computer will try every route in turn, ruling out each one until it finds the right one, whereas a quantum computer will go down every route at the same time. It can hold uncertainty in its head, claims Wired.
Rather than having a clear position, unmeasured quantum states occur in a mixed 'superposition', similar to a coin spinning through the air before it lands in your hand.
While a single qubit cant do much, quantum mechanics has another phenomenon called entanglement, which allows qubits to be set up in a way so that their individual probabilities are affected by the other qubits in the system. For example, a quantum computer with two entangled qubits is a bit like tossing two coins at the same time and while theyre in the air every possible combination of heads and tails can be represented at once. The more qubits that are entangled together, the more combinations of information that can be simultaneously represented.
Building a quantum computer is not without its problems. Not only does it have to hold an object in a superposition state long enough to carry out various processes on them, but the technology is also extremely sensitive to noise and environmental effects. Quantum chips must be kept colder than outer space to create superpositionsand information only remains quantum for so long before it is lost.
Nevertheless, researchers have predicted that quantum computers could help tackle certain types of problems, especially those involving a daunting number of variables and potential outcomes, like simulations or optimization questions. For example, they could be used to improve the software of self-driving cars, predict financial markets or model chemical reactions. Some scientists even believe quantum simulations could help find a breakthrough in beating diseases like Alzheimers.
Cryptography will be one key application. Currently, encryption systems rely on breaking down large numbers into prime numbers, a process called factoring. Whereas this a slow process for classical computers, for quantum computers it can be carried out very easily. As a result, all of our data could be put at risk if a quantum computer fell into the wrong hands. However, one way data could be protected is with quantum encryption keys which could not be copied or hacked.
Theres no question that quantum computing could be a revolutionary technology. And while the prospect of a quantum notebook or mobile phone look a very long way off, its likely that quantum computers will be widespread in academic and industrial settings at least for certain applications - within the next three to five years.
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Is Taiwan’s Five-year Quantum Computing and Talent Initiative the Wrong Strategy for the Island Nation? – OODA Loop
Posted: at 10:50 am
Ukraine may be the Gray-zone in the headlines right now, but Taiwan is the more significant strategic hybrid warfare battlefield, in no small part due to its global leadership in semiconductor manufacturing. Considering the hype cycle around all things Quantum, you would think it would be positive, sound strategic news that Taiwanese leaders recently announced a strategic initiative focused on quantum computing. The Taiwan News and Focus Taiwan (CNA English News) translations are tough, but here are the basics of the Taiwan Quantum Initiative as reported in Mandarin Chinese by the aforementioned Taiwanese local press outlets:
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Now more than ever, organizations need to apply rigorous thought to business risks and opportunities. In doing so it is useful to understand the concepts embodied in the terms Black Swan and Gray Rhino. See: Potential Future Opportunities, Risks and Mitigation Strategies in the Age of Continuous Crisis
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Lecturer in Computer Science, Quantum Computing job with ROYAL HOLLOWAY, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON | 275274 – Times Higher Education (THE)
Posted: at 10:50 am
Department of Computer Science
Location: EghamSalary: 44,283 to 52,430 per annum - including London AllowancePostType: Full TimeClosingDate: 23.59 hours GMT on Sunday 13 February 2022Reference: 1221-502
Permanent, Full Time (Multiple posts)
The Department of Computer Science at Royal Holloway is looking to appoint multiple academic members of staff to support its research and teaching.
We carry out outstanding research and deliver excellent teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level: we ranked 11thin the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) for the quality of our research output, and in teaching we are typically in the top 10 in the UK for graduate prospects (e.g., Guardian 2022).
Over the past seven years, we have undertaken an ambitious plan of expansion: eighteen new academic members of staff were appointed, new undergraduate and integrated-masters programmes were created, and multiple new postgraduate-taught programmes were launched. We have strong research groups in the broad areas of Intelligent Systems, Machine Learning, Algorithms and Complexity, and Programming Languages and Systems, as well as good connections with the Information Security Group. We are also involved in multiple inter/multidisciplinary activities, from electrical engineering to psychology and social sciences. Our research strength generates significant interest and collaborative opportunity from universities and third stream partners.
Recently, Royal Holloway launched a research catalyst Advanced Quantum Science and Technologies, with multiple connections to Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, and the Information Security Group, and the Computer Science department is seeking to strengthen its research activities via increased engagement in the catalyst.
We are therefore recruiting academic members of staff with research expertise in Quantum Computing, to complement and extend the departments research profile. We welcome applicants with expertise in any area of quantum computing, including but not limited to quantum algorithms, quantum information theory, quantum simulation, and potential application areas such as quantum linear algebra and quantum machine learning. We also welcome exceptional candidates from all disciplines in Computer Science, who can contribute to the new catalysts.
The successful candidate will help us seek and seize opportunities for research funding and industrial engagement. They will hold a PhD or equivalent, and will have a proven research record with a solid background in the underlying theory. Experience in attracting funding, engaging with industry, or contributing to outreach activities would also be valuable.
The appointee will be expected to contribute across the full range of departmental activities, including undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and the supervision of mainstream projects over a wide range of topics. In particular, duties and responsibilities of this post include: conducting individual or collaborative research projects; producing high-quality outputs for publication in high-profile journals or conference proceedings; applying for research funding; delivering high-quality teaching to all levels of students; supervising research postgraduate students.
This is a full-time and permanent (tenured) post, available from April 2022or as soon as possible thereafter. The post is based in Egham, Surrey, within commuting distance from London, Europes most dynamic technology hub.
In return we offer a highly competitive rewards and benefits package including:
For further details of the Department contact the Head of Department For further details on the Royal Holloway research catalysts
To view further details of this post and to apply please visit queries on the application process the Human Resources Department can be contacted by email
Please quote the reference:1221-502
Closing Date: Midnight, 13thFebruary 2022
Interview Date:W/C 7thMarch 2022
Furtherdetails: JobDescription PersonSpecification
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Multiverse Computing Awarded $14.2M in New Funding from European Innovation Council – HPCwire
Posted: at 10:50 am
SAN SEBASTIN, Spain, Dec. 17, 2021 Multiverse Computingtoday announced it will receive 12,500,000 ($14.2 million USD) as part of the latest funding from theEuropean Innovation Council(EIC) Accelerator program, makingMultiverse one of the most well-capitalized quantum startups in Europe.
The investment comes on the heels of Multiverses10,000,000 seed roundless than 2 months ago. This latest financing is primarily an equity investment (10,000,000) with the remainder (2,500,000) coming in the form of a grant.The EIC was established by the European Commission this past March to support the commercialization of game-changing innovations in the European Union from researchers to promising start-ups.Companies selected for funding under the EIC Accelerator program are assessed by experienced investors and entrepreneurs under a rigorous process for excellence, impact and risk level.
It is an honor for Multiverse to be recognized by the EIC as among the most innovative and promising startups in Europe. This investment serves as a testament to the incredible potential of our flagship Singularity product, the first quantum-powered computational solution for financial services, said Enrique Lizaso, CEO of Multiverse Computing. This is a pan-European recognition that financial institutions can derive benefit today from quantum technologies that are high performing and easy to use. Singularity is best-in-class on both fronts.
Some of the funding will be used to further optimize the companys Monte Carlo asset valuation engine, as well as derivative evaluation capabilities and stress test tools for financial institutions and central banks, Lisazo said. The funds will also be deployed towards attracting and retaining talent and expanding into additional vertical markets as the company accelerates the commercialization of its toolkit.
This announcement is a sign that the market has confidence in what weve accomplished thus far and what will be able to achieve in the future. The science is solid and there is a lucrative global market for our products which is ready to be cultivated, said Romn Ors, Chief Scientific Officer at Multiverse Computing. It also brings us tremendous pride as a Spanish startup in particular to have the confidence of the EIC in an emerging field often dominated by actors from outside continental Europe.
Multiverses Singularity toolkit for financial institutions is designed to leverage the power of quantum computing to outperform leading classical approaches to solving many business challenges in finance, including capital allocation, fraud detection and risk management. With its intuitive UX and PC-based interface, Singularity enables financial professionals to harness the capabilities of quantum computing with a few clicks of a mouse without any special expertise or training.
About Multiverse Computing
Multiverse Computing is a leading quantum software company that applies quantum and quantum-inspired solutions to tackle complex problems in finance to deliver value today and enable a more resilient and prosperous economy. The companys expertise in quantum control and computational methods as well as finance means it can secure maximum results from current quantum devices. Its flagship product, Singularity, allows financial professionals to leverage quantum computing with common software tools. The company is headquartered in San Sebastian, Spain with offices in Toronto, Canada and Paris. For more information,
Source: Multiverse Computing
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Multiverse Computing Awarded $14.2M in New Funding from European Innovation Council - HPCwire
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Connected moments and quantum computing impro – EurekAlert
Posted: at 10:50 am
The Science
Advancingquantum computingrequires models that can solve many-body problems quickly and accurately. These problems involve anywhere from three to an infinite number of particles so small they are subject to quantum mechanics. This research proposes a new algorithm for performing quantum calculations on chemical systems that reduces the effect of random noise on the results. The approach uses a mathematical tool called connected moments first described 40 years ago. When applied to quantum calculations, the connected moments tool requires fewer qubits in quantum circuits to reach a desired level of accuracy for many-body systems. The researchers used their method to describe relatively simple models. This allowed them to compare the results and accuracy of their approach with previously validated full-scale computing models.
Using quantum simulations will significantly advance scientists understanding of chemical processes. These processes are key to fields such ascatalysis, photochemistry, biochemistry, and materials science. This work is a promising step toward creating accurate simulations of complex chemical systems. The connected moments approach significantly increases efficiency. This provides a novel route towards the effective use of quantum computers in the future for modeling chemical systems.
Quantum computing has the potential to accurately describe the quantum behavior of chemical processes. From a practical perspective, this task is impossible for todays classical computers to perform for medium to large chemical systems. On the other hand, current quantum computing devices are inherently noisy and error-prone. Researchers are developing algorithms for quantum simulations that reduce the effect of noise. However, these algorithms require complex circuits and a large number of qubits, leaving room for error to enter the calculations.
To address the potential for error in quantum computing devices researchers developed a quantum computing approach that employs finite-order connected moment expansions and computationally affordable procedures for preparing the systems initial state. They used a dihydrogen molecule potential energy surface and a model with a broad range of correlation strengths as test cases to evaluate the performance of this new approach. The results of the quantum calculations agree with results from established classical computing. This result establishes the novel approach as robust, flexible, and accurate. The approach maintains good agreement with the exact solutions even at the dissociation and strong correlation limits, providing further evidence of the broad utility of this approach.
This work was supported by the Embedding QC into Many-body Frameworks for Strongly Correlated Molecular and Materials Systems project funded by the Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences and the Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences. All calculations were performed at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Computational simulation/modeling
Not applicable
Quantum simulations employing connected moments expansions
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On the way to scalable quantum processors – Innovation Origins
Posted: at 10:50 am
A physics research group at TU Darmstadt, which has received funding of 3.3 million euros as part of the Quantum Technologies program of the German federal government, is pursuing ambitious goals.
Larger memory units and more processing cores result in increased computing power. We are all familiar with this classification from the technical specifications of classical computers. This applies even more to quantum computers and quantum simulators. A sufficiently large number of memory cells for storing quantum information we speak of quantum bits or qubits in reference to bits as the classical information units is required in order for these novel computing systems to exploit their full potential.
Accordingly, intensive research is being carried out worldwide to develop novel technological platforms for quantum computers and quantum simulators that make it possible to increase the number of qubits with a reduced use of the additional resources required for this. So what is required is the most efficient scalability of the underlying quantum processors, writes TU Darmstadt in a press release.
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In this worldwide competition, the Institute of Applied Physics at the Technical University of Darmstadt can now provide new impulses. With theDarmstadt Neutral Atom Quantum Technology Platform (DaNaQTP)project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) by a total of 3.3 million euros as part of the Quantum Technologies funding program,Professor Gerhard Birklsteam can significantly develop its architecture for quantum processors, which is particularly ambitious in international comparison, and fully exploit the potential for scalability. The approach is based on a combination of state-of-the-art optical technology with the most advanced methods of quantum optics, which facilitate scalable manipulation of quantum states.
Based on lithographically manufactured microlens arrays, two-dimensional trapping architectures for individual neutral atoms are generated with laser light. Every single atom stores a qubit, which presents the lowest physically achievable limit of material allocation for a qubit. In DaNaQTP, each atom can be individually inscribed with quantum information and this can be read out again in a fully controlled manner. The necessary control of one qubit by another qubit required for processing information in the quantum processor is achieved by the interaction between the atoms in high-lying states, known as Rydberg states.
The central goals of the project are, on the one hand, to develop the quantum memory already demonstrated in Darmstadt into a functional quantum processor with 100 interacting qubits, and on the other to significantly increase the number of memory cells for qubits. Here, the tremendous innovation potential of the DaNaQTP platform comes into its own. The next step with scaling to 1000 qubits is to be achieved during the course of the project. But beyond that, the technological basis used already points the way to quantum processors with 100,000 fully controllable qubits. Currently, only few other platform can predict scalability such explicitly.
Also interesting: Fraunhofer and QuTech partner up for quantum internet
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On the way to scalable quantum processors - Innovation Origins
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IonQ Stock Is an Investment in Cutting Edge, Global Solutions – InvestorPlace
Posted: at 10:50 am
IonQ(NYSE:IONQ) seeks to lead the way in a very specific market: quantum computing. Fortunately, you dont have to be a mathematician or computer scientist to invest in IONQ stock.
Source: Amin Van /
It is important to understand what the company does, though. To put it simply, IonQ develops quantum computers designed to solve the worlds most complex problems.
This niche industry has vast moneymaking potential. According to IonQ, experts predict that the total addressable market for quantum computing will reach around $65 billion by 2030.
IonQ got in fairly early and aggressively, as the company has been around since 2015 and produced six generations of quantum computers. Theres a terrific investment opportunity here, yet the share price is down and if you ask me, this just doesnt compute.
Going back to the beginning, IonQoffered its shares for public tradingon theNew York Stock Exchange on Oct. 1, 2021, after reverse-merging with dMY Technology Group III.
The stock started off at around $10 but sank to the low $7s in just a few days time. However, that turned out to be a great time to start a long position.
Amazingly, IONQ stock staged a swift turnaround and soared to nearly $36 in November. In hindsight, however, this rally went too fast and too far.
Inevitably, a retracement ensued and the early investors had to cough up some of their gains. By early December, the share price had declined to $18 and change.
Sure, you could wait and hope that IONQ stock falls further before considering a position. Yet, you might miss out on a buy-the-dip opportunity with an ambitious, future-facing tech business.
I case I didnt make it abundantly clear already, IonQ is serious about advancing quantum-computing technology.
Case in point: in order to cement its leadership position in this niche, IonQ recently revealed its plans to use barium ions as qubits in its systems, thereby bringing about a wave of advantages it believes will enable advanced quantum computing architectures.
A qubit, or quantum bit, is basically a tiny bit of coded information in quantum mechanics.
Its perfectly fine if you dont fully understand the scientific minutiae, as IonQ President and CEO Peter Chapman and his team have the necessary know-how and experience.
We believe the advanced architectures enabled by barium qubits will be even more powerful and more scalable than the systems we have been able to build so far, opening the door to broader applications of quantum computing, Chapman assured.
Apparently, the advantages of using barium ions as qubits include lower error rates, higher gate fidelity, better state detection, more easily networked quantum systems and iterable, more reliable hardware, with more uptime for customers.
Thankfully, now I can leave the science to the scientists, and focus on what I do best: breaking down financial data.After all, Id be hard-pressed to recommend any company if it didnt at least have a decent capital position.
CFO Thomas Kramer was evidently glad to report that, as of Sept. 30 IonQ had cash and cash equivalents of $587 million.The companys strong balance sheet, according to Kramer will allow IonQ to accelerate [the] scaling of all business functions and continue attracting the industrys best and brightest.
Since IonQ is well-capitalized, the company should be well-positioned to benefit from Capitol Hills interest in quantum as shown by the infrastructure bill, the CFO added.
Its also worth noting that IonQ generated $223,000 in revenues during 2021s third quarter, bringing the year-to-date total to $451,000.
Hopefully, the company can parlay its quantum-computing know-how into seven-figure revenues in the near future.
IonQs loyal investors dont need to understand everything about qubits. They only need to envision a robust future for the quantum-computing market.
We cant claim that IonQ is generating massive revenues at this point. Therefore, it requires patience and foresight to invest in this company with confidence.
Yet, an early stake could offer vast rewards in the long run. After all, when it comes to deep-level, next-gen quantum computing, IonQ clearly has it down to a science.
On the date of publication, David Moadeldid not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the InvestorPlace.comPublishing Guidelines.
David Moadel has provided compelling content and crossed the occasional line on behalf of Crush the Street, Market Realist, TalkMarkets, Finom Group, Benzinga, and (of course) He also serves as the chief analyst and market researcher for Portfolio Wealth Global and hosts the popular financial YouTube channel Looking at the Markets.
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IonQ Stock Is an Investment in Cutting Edge, Global Solutions - InvestorPlace
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