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Trump’s MS-13 crackdown: Why progress may be temporary – Fox Business

Posted: July 28, 2017 at 7:05 pm

President Donald Trump visited Long Island, New York,on Friday, where local law enforcement, with the support of federal agencies, has begun to make progress in the fight against the violent street gang MS-13.

"It is the policy of this administration to dismantle ... and eradicate MS-13," Trump said Friday. "One by one we're liberating our American towns."

Still, some law enforcement specialists caution theprogress the president hailed could be temporary, andthat this will be a battle that is won over the long-term.

MS-13 is nowhere out in the force that they used to be, Michael Balboni, founder of securities firm Redland Strategies and former homeland security advisor for New York State, told FOX Business. [Law enforcement is] driving them underground, which is probably a good thing and a bad thing One day theyre going to come back.

Recent attention focused on MS-13, which has been reinforced by the president and his administration, has helped local communities obtain additional resources in their battle against the street gang, Balboni said. While MS-13 has been on one of its most deadly tears through Long Island since it took root there about 30 years ago, perception is that the tides are turning. Earlier this month, more than 15 suspected gang members were arrested, some of whom are believed to be connected to the violent deaths of four individuals in April.

Balboni said President Trumps visit to the region is an important step, but the complex underground world that MS-13 thrives in has an elaborate history that has proven difficult to stamp out.

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Its about sustainability for the safety of the people, you cant walk away from this, he said.

MS-13, a group that was started by Central American immigrants in Los Angeles in the 1980s, is known for its ruthless and violent tactics notably using machetes to hack victims. Most of the founding members were from El Salvador and fled to the U.S. during the countrys civil war that lasted 12 years, from 1980-92. Since then the gangs membership has ballooned to at least 10,000 members in the United States and more than 30,000 worldwide, according to the FBI and Treasury Department.

For years, MS-13 flourished by feeding off of immigrant communities that have suffered in silence, according to Balboni. The perpetuation of that process had made this a really challenging effort for law enforcement, he said.

Unlike other gangs, MS-13 is not particularly well-funded or organized. It traditionally resorts to theft, human trafficking, sex trafficking, selling drugs and extortion for financing, as previously reported by FOX Business. However, on Long Island the group has fostered an underground economy that law enforcement officials have largely been unable to reach over the past 20 to 30 years.

This is a really difficult thing to pry out into the open, Balboni said, adding that Trumps visit to Long Island shows real leadership on this issue.

On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions flew to El Salvador to tackle MS-13 at its source. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) told FOX Business the administration has been coordinating with officials in the Central American country in order to combat the threat across multiple fronts. The Department of Justice applauded the arrests of more than 100 MS-13 members in El SalvadorThursday.

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Review: ‘The Incredible Jessica James’ Is a Bold Woman in Progress – New York Times

Posted: at 7:05 pm

Photo Jessica Williams in The Incredible Jessica James, streaming on Netflix. Credit Netflix

One of the best scenes in The Incredible Jessica James comes two-thirds of the way through the movie. Jessica, arguing with a guy shes sort of been seeing, delivers a kiss-off: Im freakin dope. That bold declaration not only represents a strong young woman but is also a gift for fans of the actress who plays her, Jessica Williams, the former Daily Show correspondent and current co-host of the 2 Dope Queens podcast.

And yet the struggle is real for her character. Jessica James is a Brooklyn playwright going through a weird transitional phase, not really coping well with a recent breakup (her ex-boyfriend keeps coming to an untimely end in her dreams) and trying to remain optimistic as rejection letters from theater companies pile up. Those notices share a wall in her Bushwick apartment with Playbill covers, posters for old school productions and inspirational quotes from Lillian Hellman.

Her love of theater is deep, as witnessed in scenes with young students in a playwriting class she teaches. She bonds with one, Shandra (a delightful Taliyah Whitaker), who shows promise but is also processing the recent divorce of her parents. The snappy dialogue makes Jessicas silly moments with the kids as well as heart-to-hearts with her friend Tasha (Nol Wells, just as charming as she was in Master of None) feel most lived-in and natural, even when she is asked to recommend a show for a friend of her mothers back home in Ohio whos heard good things about Jersey Boys. Jessica prefers dialogue-driven dramas that explore the human condition.

The director Jim Strouse wrote this movie, which began streaming Friday on Netflix, for Ms. Williams after she appeared in his 2015 film, People Places Things. The camera lovingly follows her on her adventures in the city, and its easy to see why he was inspired to give her this breakout role.

Her characters forthrightness draws in friends and intrigues potential suitors, including the recently divorced Boone (played by a scruffy and slightly goofy Chris ODowd). They are complete opposites but find themselves in bed after an awkward first date. Their courtship involves an elaborate plan to break free of the obsessive cycle of stalking their exes on social media. The solution: Each will follow the others ex.

But this is Ms. Williamss movie, and she owns it. (Though, with its strong ensemble Lakeith Stanfield plays her ex I kept thinking it could make for a smart series.) Shes a radiant, tall glass of dopeness and isnt afraid to tell you so. And in New York City, isnt that how the strong survive?

NYT Critics Pick

Director Jim Strouse

Writer Jim Strouse

Stars Lakeith Stanfield, Chris O'Dowd, Nol Wells, Jessica Williams, Zabryna Guevara

Running Time 1h 25m

Genre Comedy

The Incredible Jessica James Streaming on Netflix. Not rated. Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes.

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Pride and Progress – First Things

Posted: at 7:05 pm

When God judges Israel, he throws the world clock into reverse and makes time run backwards. In one afternoon, Saul and his sons die, while the Philistines drive Israel from their cities and enslave some of the Israelites (1 Chron. 10). Conquest and exodus are reversed, as Israel loses land and freedom. David arrives on the scene as a new Moses, Solomon as a new Joshua.

A similar reversal happens at the end of the monarchy. Nebuchadnezzar invades, breaks the walls of Jerusalem, burns the temple, and takes the people of Judah into exile. Israel ends where she began, in exile, awaiting another Moses who eventually takes the surprising shape of Cyrus the Persian.

This literary-historical pattern takes a more complex shape in the Chroniclers account of Uzziah (2 Chron. 26). Uzziahs reign encompasses exodus and reverse-exodus, conquest and expulsion.

By comparison with previous generations, Uzziahwhose name means Yah is my strengthis a breath of fresh air. Crowned at sixteen, he does right and seeks the Lord. Led by the visionary Zechariah, he embarks on an ambitious plan of conquest, building, defense, and development. During his fathers reign, Joash of Israel burst through the walls of Jerusalem; under Uzziah, Judah bursts through the walls of the Philistine cities of Gath, Jabneh, and Ashdod. Uzziah doesnt even have to fight the Ammonites. They see what he does to the Philistines, and they pay tribute (26:8).

No army in Israels history is as well equipped as Uzziahs, each warrior being issued a sevenfold panoply of offensive and defensive arms (26:14). The battlements of Jerusalem are fitted with cunning engines of war (the Hebrew repeats the same root three timesdesigned-things designed by designers) that shoot arrows and huge stones from the walls (26:15). Uzziahs name spreads as far as the brook of Egypt (26:8). No king since Solomon has matched Uzziahs reputation.

Uzziah liberates Israel and reconquers land, but just at the climax of his strength (26:1516), things fall apart. Uzziahs success makes his heart strong, so that he commits a sacrilege, the same kind of sin that doomed Saul (1 Chron. 10:1314). The Chronicler reinforces the catastrophe with a pun: At his height, Uzziah is exalted (Hebrew maalah). He falls because he commits a maal.

Specifically, Uzziah tries to burn incense in the temple, an act of worship reserved for priests. Whatever his motives, Uzziah is strictly prohibited from entering the sanctuary, Gods space, which is open only to consecrated descendants of Aaron.

Eighty priests surround Uzziah, but they dont have to do anything. Just as the king is ready to offer incense, the Lord touches his forehead with the stroke of leprosy, a mark of impurity in the very place where the high priest wears his golden crown. Terrified, Uzziah hurries from the temple.

Uzziah experiences a personal de-exodus and un-conquest. Made permanently unclean by one of the Egyptian plagues, he cant worship in the temple courts. He cant return to his own palace, but lives in a separate house. His son Jotham takes over his royal responsibilities. Even in death, he is excluded: He is buried with his fathers, but not in the city of David. Seizing a privilege that is not his, Uzziah repeats the sin of Adam, and his life limps to its end in a series of Adamic exclusions. He rises only to fall. Because of a solitary act of pride, his life-clock ticks backwards.

Pride and humility are the hinges of Israels history and the personal histories of Israels kings. 2 Chronicles 7:14one of the few memory verses people take from this bookis key: If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray, I will heal their land. Rehoboam humbles himself, and the Lord preserves Jerusalem. Wicked Manasseh humbles himself, and the Lord gives him a reprieve. Uzziah becomes proud, and so the king who fights and rules like David ends his life as pathetically as Saul.

We may think progress requires resolute pride. We make progress by surging forward and seizing opportunities, damn the consequences. Humility, being timid, inhibits progress. The cautionary tale of Uzziah shows that this is an illusion. Pride turns the clock back, while humility opens a fresh future. Pride is regressive, and the humble are the true progressives.

Peter J. Leithart is President ofTheopolis Institute.

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Cycling: "Great progress" made in restoring UCI’s reputation – Cookson – Reuters

Posted: at 7:05 pm

LONDON (Reuters) - Brian Cookson, facing an election challenge for his presidency of cycling's governing body the UCI, launched a strong defence of his stewardship on Friday and said he expects to win another four-year period in office.

He believes he has greatly improved the disastrous and controversy-ridden organisation he took over in 2013 and will continue to do so, especially in the areas of anti-doping, women's cycling and inspiring participation in the sport.

The 66-year-old Briton beat Irishman Pat McQuaid in the last election and was hoping to be unopposed this time.

He is being challenged, however, by UCI vice-president and European Cycling Union president David Lappartient from France, who Cookson described as having been the leader of the opposition for some time.

The Frenchman announced his candidacy last month, 24 hours before the deadline.

The restoration of UCI's credibility was an absolutely essential step, given the disastrous state of our reputation at the time, and I think we've made great progress, Cookson told a news conference.

I worked very quickly to rebuild relations with the World Anti-Doping Agency at every level and we are now a highly trusted partner within the anti-doping community.

People have to believe and trust in our sport. I set about rebuilding the integrity of it because we suffered a lot of reputational damage. German television had actually stopped covering the Tour de France and four years ago we were threatened with being removed from the Olympics.

He pointed to a new ethics code, strengthening the UCI's financial position and growing cycling worldwide, with a record number of nations at the Rio Olympic Games and the development of the UCI Women's World Tour, with equal prize money.

His manifesto includes continuing the global development of cycling, keeping an eye on the ball with anti-doping and using the elite level of cycling to inspire people to get on a bike for health benefits."

Criticised publicly by his predecessor McQuaid, who called him a fraud, and by the disgraced former world champion and seven-times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, Cookson said: I don't want their support. (Their criticism) is the best possible endorsement of me.

The vote among 45 delegates will take place on Sept. 21 during the UCI road world championships in Norway.

I think I have substantial support from all (geographical) areas, Cookson said. Do I think I'll win? Yes.

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US national team’s Gold Cup title shows progress made under Bruce Arena –

Posted: at 7:05 pm

SANTA CLARA, Calif. When US national team coach Bruce Arena arrived at the podium Wednesday night following the Americans 2-1 win against Jamaica in the Gold Cup final, he was surprisingly dry and well-kempt for a man whose players were noisily dousing every corner of their locker room with bubbly.

Arena joked with reporters that he had stayed out of the fray by threatening anyone who got him wet with a ban from future World Cup qualifiers and any future trips to Russia next year.

But there was a subtext as well: While claiming the US sixth Gold Cup crown and Arenas third personaltitle in the competition the bigger picture remains unfinished. And when the celebrations had died down, it was time to shift the focus to the final four World Cup qualifying matches this fall.

Were getting better, but we need to get much better than we are now, Arena said. Were making progress, and we have to. I still think were behind the 8-ball, so we have to be successful in September and October. We have a group of guys that are motivated to do that.

Itll be harder to sell that narrative to a fan base who have watched the US recover from consecutive losses at the start of the Hexagonal round in Jurgen Klinsmanns final games to climb into third place, on eight points, one in front of Panama, who visit the US on Oct. 6 in Orlando, Fla.

Arenas second stint in charge has opened with a 9-0-5 unbeaten run, the longest such streak to start a US coaching tenure. Americas veteran players would likely say thats not a coincidence.

Its back because Bruce has lit a fire under us, US goalkeeper Tim Howard said. Hes got us going again. Thats why you change managers, right? To cause some sort of unrest among the players and light a fire under them. Bruce has come in and given us a lot of confidence and I think weve repaid him through these results.

Arena got a look at almost every one of the 29 players he had on hand at various points of the tournament only goalkeepers Jesse Gonazlez and Sean Johnson didnt see action and blooded some of them in critical moments. That was why, for example, he made sure that fully half of his starting XI in the final consisted of less experienced players Kellyn Acosta, Paul Arriola, Jordan Morris, Darlington Nagbe and Jorge Villafaa in what was in some ways an audition for more important matches still to come.

We put them in the fire tonight and it was good, Arena said. I think they walked away with passing grades. So thats encouraging.

Of note to lineup prognosticators: Arena said he considered starting Clint Dempsey against the Jamaicans before opting instead to keep him in the role of supersub. Dempsey notched a goal and two assists in a combined 59 minutes during the Americans semifinal and final victories.

I think Clint has been fantastic in the role we gave him the last two games, Arena said.

It all added up to a team that ticked pretty much every box Arena could have come up with something that probably would have been shocking to him when he took the job.

If you had asked me in November if this is where we would be with the program, Id probably say, I dont think so, Arena said.

Of course, you shouldnt necessarily take all of Arenas answers at face value. That no-champagne spray anecdote, for example? Not quite the whole story, according to forward Jozy Altidore.

Yeah, we didnt listen to that, Altidore said with a chuckle. We doused him. Of course we did. Hes got a couple of suits. It looks like he changed pretty fast.

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Texans’ O’Brien pleased with Watson’s offseason progress –

Posted: at 7:05 pm

WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.Va. (AP) Houston Texans coach Bill OBrien has insisted throughout the offseason that fourth-year quarterback Tom Savage is the starter entering the season.

And thats even with rookie Deshaun Watson having impressed during the offseason and two days of training camp.

Watson entered camp with plenty of accolades after a collegiate career that featured a national championship last year at Clemson and being a two-time Heisman Trophy finalist.

The Texans thought so highly of the 6-foot-2, 221-pound quarterback that they traded up in the NFL draft in April to take Watson with the 12th overall pick.

The selection was the first time the Texans had selected a quarterback in the first round since taking David Carr with the first overall pick in their first season.

So far, so good for Watsons progress at least in the eyes of OBrien.

Hes a very mature kid, OBrien said after Thursdays practice. Like I said last spring, hes wise beyond his years for a young guy. So, I think hes handling it well, from my perspective, to this point.

Watson said following the draft that however soon his time came on the field he was prepared to do whatever Houston asked of him, saying All I need to do is put my head down, dont say anything and learn from the veteran guys.

Watson, who threw for 4,593 yards and 41 touchdowns last season for the Tigers, has held true to that plan.

In addition to praising Watsons approach, OBrien stressed how difficult the transition from the college game to the NFL can be at times.

I would tell you that for any rookie its very different, OBrien said. We start with the quarterbacks at 7:30 and then theyre out of here at about 8:00, 8:30 at night. So its a 12-, 13-hour day and theres a lot of information thats being given to them and then they come out here in a very competitive atmosphere.

Savage took over as the starter for former Houston quarterback Brock Osweiler late last season, completing 41 of 65 passes (63.1 percent) for 436 yards while starting the last two games of the regular season.

He missed the postseason with a concussion, but hes the clear top choice at quarterback for the Texans entering this season following Osweilers trade to Cleveland.

That is, for now while Watson goes about the business of adjustment to the NFL.

Thats the big thing about being a pro; its a lot different than college, OBrien said. I love college football. College is college and pros is pros. Its just a little bit different.

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GOP negotiators hint at progress on tax reform this week – Washington Examiner

Posted: July 27, 2017 at 10:14 am

Congressional Republican leaders and administration officials suggested that there would be movement this week in their tax reform talks, but remained tight-lipped about what form that progress could take.

"Wait and see," National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn told reporters Wednesday upon leaving House Speaker Paul Ryan's office after a nearly hour-long meeting.

Cohn didn't rule out that the "Big Six" of congressional GOP leaders and administration officials would release an outline of or guidelines for a tax reform plan this week, a possibility reported by several publications earlier in the day. "We're all on one page, one unified page," he said.

Kevin Brady, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee that has jurisdiction over taxes, indicated that the group would release something this week, but declined to give any indication of what form that update would take.

The "Big Six" comprise Cohn, Brady, Ryan, Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

They have engaged in regular talks at the Capitol to hammer out a unified Republican plan, discussing issues such as the the target for lowering tax rates, which tax breaks to eliminate, and how comprehensive the plan will be. So far, they have kept their deliberations to themselves. On Wednesday evening, they remained discreet, but talked up their progress.

"Excellent meeting. Continue to make a lot of progress," said Mnuchin, breezing past reporters assembled outside Ryan's office.

Republicans have said that their goal is to pass tax reform in 2017.

"We're going to be submitting a tax bill in the very near future," President Trump said earlier in the day at an event at the White House.

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Mourinho satisfied with United’s progress despite Barca loss – Reuters

Posted: at 10:14 am

(Reuters) - Manchester United ended their pre-season tour of the United States with a defeat to Barcelona but manager Jose Mourinho was satisfied with his team's overall performance and fitness level ahead of the new season.

Barcelona secured a 1-0 win with a first-half goal from Neymar, who capitalized on United full back Antonio Valencia's mistake in the 31st minute to score from close range.

The Spanish side were in control during the first half but failed to extend their lead with United goalkeeper David de Gea forced to make six saves to keep his side in the match.

Anthony Martial, Paul Pogba and Andreas Pereira had their chances on goal to equalize for United in the second half but failed to test Barcelona stopper Jasper Cillessen.

United's defeat at the FedexField was their first in their pre-season campaign.

"It's very important to lose a match in pre-season," Mourinho told reporters after the match.

"I think it would be very bad for us to leave the U.S. without a defeat, playing against teams like Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester City, it would be very bad to go home with just victories.

"I think in the game we did some very good things and we did bad things. The very good things are to keep and the bad things are to improve."

Mourinho was particularly impressed with another solid display from midfielder Paul Pogba, who the Portuguese manager believes is among the best players in the world.

"(Lionel) Messi and Neymar, there is only one; there is not two. (Luis) Suarez, (Andres) Iniesta, (Gerard) Pique, (Cristiano) Ronaldo, (Gareth) Bale, (Luka) Modric, Toni Kroos; there is only one so they can only play for one club, not for two clubs," said Mourinho.

"We can't have them, they belong to the clubs. But I have to say that Paul Pogba showed the level... he showed he belongs to that level."

The United manager also confirmed midfielders Juan Mata and Ander Herrera will resume training when they return to Manchester on Saturday.

Mourinho's side will next visit Norwegian side Valerenga on Sunday before facing Italian Serie A team Sampdoria in their final pre-season match in Dublin on Wednesday.

They kick off their competitive campaign with a UEFA Super Cup meeting with Real Madrid on Aug. 8 in Skopje.

Reporting by Hardik Vyas in Bengaluru; editing by Sudipto Ganguly

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The Senate’s Skinny ACA Repeal Shell Game – Center For American Progress

Posted: at 10:14 am

As the Senate continues to hold votes on repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it appears more and more likely that Senate leadership plans to offer a skinny version of ACA repeal as the final version that senators must vote on. This version would reportedly repeal the individual and employer mandates and the medical device tax.

This plan is simply a feigned retreat; the Republican leaderships end game most certainly includes cutting financial assistance for people buying insurance in the individual market, ending the ACAs Medicaid expansion, and capping federal support for the remaining Medicaid program. Both the House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA) and the Senate-introduced Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) include these draconian changes.

If senators fall for this maneuver and pass the skinny ACA repeal bill, a limited number of senior senators and their counterparts in the House of Representatives would then meet in a conference committee, during which they would make changes to the House and Senate-passed versions of the ACA repeal legislation so that both versions are identical. At that point, Republican congressional leaders could execute their plan to re-insert provisions that lower financial assistance, end the Medicaid expansion, and cap support for the program. The version approved by the conference committee would then be voted on by both the House and the Senate, with no opportunity for further changes or amendments. If the bill passes, it would then go to the president for signature into law.

But the skinny repeal bill alonewithout the reinsertion of provisions from the AHCA and the BCRAwould still have devastating effects on health insurance coverage if it became law. It would jeopardize consumer choice in the individual market by creating chaos and uncertainty for issuers in the marketplace and increasing premiums.

Based on a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis, the Center for American Progress estimates that the so-called skinny bill would raise premiums $1,238 higher than it would otherwise be under current law. The benchmark premium for a 60-year-old, for example, would be about $2,014 higher in 2018 under mandate repeal. Among states, these increases would be highest in Alaska because of its already-high premium levels. (see Table 1)

Consumers who were not subsidized, including those who buy their coverage outside the marketplaces, would pay the full premium increase from mandate repeal. For consumers eligible for subsidies, any 2018 premium increase would largely be mitigated by increased premium tax credits, and therefore borne by taxpayers.

Because insurers must finalize their 2018 rates in just a few weeks, any further changes to the market rules for 2018 could force some to withdraw altogether. The repeal bill poses an even greater risk in states with fewer insurers offering plans in the individual market. In 2017, for example, there was just one insurer offering marketplace plans each county throughout Alaska and Arizona. Many counties in other states, including Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and West Virginia, also have just one insurer. Given the uncertainty created by congressional action on repealing the ACA and the administrations repeated actions to sabotage the law, insurers remain very nervous about participating in the marketplaces nextyear. As of July 26, 2017, four counties in Indiana, 14 counties in Nevada, and 22 counties in Ohio were at risk of having no insurer in the marketplace in 2018.

Voting for the skinny repeal bill authorizes Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other opponents of the ACA to finalize in secret an ACA repeal bill that will harm millions of Americans. Senators should not fall for this political maneuvering.


To estimate what average premiums would be next year, we used information on the 2017 average premium and inflated it to 2018 rates. Among states that reported average 2017 premiums to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the average was $471 per month, or $5,652 annually. To estimate premiums for a 60-year-old, we started with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report on state average benchmark silver plan premiums and then adjusted those averages to reflect premiums for a 60-year-old. Average premium and benchmark premium data were not available for all states.

Under implementation of the ACA, including continued payment of cost-sharing reductions and enforcement of the individual mandate, premium increases next year would reflect mostly increases in medical trend. The consultancy Oliver Wyman predicts that premiums should rise about 8 to 11 percent in 2018. We used the midpoint of this prediction, 9.5 percent, to estimate 2018 average and benchmark premiums. To apply the CBOs estimate that premiums would increase by 20 percent relative to current law, we applied that increase to expected 2018 premiums under the ACA implementation. We estimate that without the mandate, the national average marketplace premium would be $7,427 next year, $1,238 higher than it would otherwise be.

Emily R. Gee is the health economist for the Health Policy team at the Center for American Progress. Maura Calsyn is the managing directorfor the Health Policy team at American Progress.

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Making progress, ‘slowly but surely’: 55 dogs rescued after owner’s death – First Coast News

Posted: at 10:14 am

The canines were found dirty and uncared for after their owner died.

Andrew Krietz , WTSP 8:58 PM. EDT July 26, 2017

On left: a group of Pyrenees dogs in the conditions they had been living in before being rescued. On right, top: Bonsai and the Florida Great Pyrenees Rescue and Club. On right, bottom: Franck at the rescue. (Photo: Florida Great Pyrenees Rescue and Club)

LAKELAND, FLA. - Slow yet steady progress is being made toward the rehabilitation of 20 rescued dogs in northern Florida.

Members of the Florida Great Pyrenees Rescue and Club were notified that 55 dogs were left running free on some 35 acres of land in Vernon after their owner died in June. The ones that weren't brought to Lakeland are at rescues across the Southeast.

"It was overwhelming, but truthfully, just helping them kicks in," Terry Sandlak, director of the organization, said. "That's your main goal."

The dogs in Lakeland are being cared for by vets at TLC PetSnip, Inc. It was quite the medical undertaking: all 20 were malnourished and had internal parasites. Thankfully, none tested positive for heartworm.

Three of the dogs needed surgery -- one due to wounds from another -- while five required several teeth to be removed. Some other dogs also underwent eye entropion surgery.

"We work with them every day on their social skills, as most have not had contact with people except the elderly lady," Wilson said. "We are making progress, slowly but surely."

It will take at least six months until the dogs are ready for adoption.

"I want them all to have their own family and be spoiled rotten and have doggie beds and toys," Sandlak said. "They deserve it."

The medical cost for the dogs is at least $20,000 dollars. You can donate money or food through the Florida Great PyraneesRescue and Club's website. Updates continue to be posted on the Florida Great Pyrenees Rescue and Club's Facebook page.

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