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Category Archives: Polygamy

Can Africa ever Impose her Culture of Polygamy on the WesternWorld? – Modern Ghana

Posted: February 22, 2021 at 2:24 pm

Not many years ago, then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, sought to oblige African countries to recognise the practice and the rights of homosexuals in the various African countries.

Today, the newly sworn in President of the United States of America, His Excellency Joe Biden, is determined to ensure that African countries accept LGBTQ or be punished for failing to recognise such practices.

However, the practice is anathema to the culture and beliefs of the Africans.

The way these powerful countries are forcing their social practices on Africa appears to be forcing a bitter pill or a poisonous concoction down our throat.

Whatever is the whiteman's culture is right and must be swallowed hook, line and sinker. Nonetheless, whatever is the black man's practice is evil and uncivilized hence must be discarded.

The African practice of polygamy is evil and uncivilized to the Western world. It is even punishable. He who marries more than one is prosecuted for bigamy.

There is nothing the African countries can do to reverse this law of the superior master. Why should we on the other hand allow them to introduce something foreign to our culture in our countries?

If we were capable of managing our own affairs as rational human beings, could they do that to us? Will they ever dare ask Saudi Arabia to implement LGBTQ in that country?

African countries must blame themselves for their abundance of, and infatuation with, corruption. If our leaders are not used to stealing the nations' money to culminate in our reliance on them, they would not dare force us to recognise practices foreign to us as African nations and people.

Africans who have travelled abroad and believe in equality see nothing wrong about LGBTQ rights in Africa yet see more evil in polygamy.

Africans in general and Ghanaians in particular, will die of inferiority complex. Like the story of the Orwellian Animal Farm, "Four legs good, two legs bad", the black man in the whiteman's land sees LGBTQ as good but polygamy bad.

My hands are tied to my back so l will not go into the details of my viewpoint.

I believe fair exchange is not a robbery. Let them give African countries LGBTQ and Africa gives them polygamy.

I hope none of the overly irrational Ghanaian women abroad and their hypocrite pastors will come chasing me to hang for my suggestion.

Rockson Adofo

Wednesday 17 February 2021

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Can Africa ever Impose her Culture of Polygamy on the WesternWorld? - Modern Ghana

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The Browns visit their friends the Dargers and talk about how being away from other polygamist families is tough – Monsters and Critics

Posted: at 2:24 pm

Kody Brown and his wives visit the Dargers on Sundays episode. Pic credit: TLC

TLC shared another sneak peek into Sundays Sister Wives episode, where The Browns visit their polygamist friends, the Dargers, in Utah, where they once lived when they were first introduced on TV.

The clip opens with the nine spouses gathered in the Darger kitchen. The wives are preparing food while the husbands chat about designing their dream homes.

Joe Darger discusses building their final dream home, which would still include one shared family kitchen and separate apartments for each of his three wives, Alina, Vicki, and Val.

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Everyone has a chuckle when Joes first wife, Alina, interrupts, adding that Joe also wants his own separate bedroom.

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A fan recently asked #90DayFiance's Julia whether Brandon's parents are swingers. Read the...

A fan recently asked #90DayFiance's Julia whether Brandon's parents are swingers. Read the whole exchange, including the reason that prompted the fan to ask the question, and Julia's response at the link in the bio.(Pic credit: Bravo)......#90dayfiance #90dayfiancenews #90dayfiancememes #90dayfiancebeforethe90days #90dayplan #90dayfiancetea #90dayfiance_tlc #90dayfiancefans #90dayfiancedrama ##90dayfianceselfquarantined #90dayplan #90dayfiancewhatnow #90dayfiancepillowtalk #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #90dayfiancetheotherway #90dayfiancenews #90dayfiancerecap #90daymemes #90dayfiancefans #90dayfiancefanatics @90dayfiance #JuliaTrubkina ...

#RHONJ star Gia Giudice responds to Jackie Goldschneiders analogy, and calls it 'inexcusable." Read Gia's full statement and get caught up on this new seasons drama at the link in the bio.(Pic credit: Bravo)......#bravo #bravotv #bravomemes #bravoholics #bravolebrity #rhop #rhoslc #rhoa #rhonj #rhobh #rhod #rhoc #rhony #rhom #bravocon #housewives #realhousewives #realhousewivesofatlanta #realhousewivesofsaltlakecity #realhousewivesoforangecounty #realhousewivesofmiami #memes #funnymemes #GiaGiudice #JackieGoldschneider #andycohen #realhousewivesofnewjersey ...

Kody fist bumps Joe, excitedly saying, You want your own bedroom?! Ill never get that thatll never be allowed.

Christine confesses to the cameras that plural men never get their alone time, but plural women do. She theorizes that plural men get jealous of the time that plural women get to themselves.

Janelle comments that the Dargers are able to make their family work under one roof, with only one kitchen, commending them for figuring it out, like many polygamist families are able to do.

Janelle has made it no secret that she is an adamant supporter of the one-house idea for her family, which has since been met with rejection.

Robyn deservingly mocks Kody, impersonating him during her confessional. She imitates the way he complains about dealing with wives and their closets, saying, blah blah blah.

Apparently directed at Kody, she tells cameras with a smug grin, Youll survive! If I can survive sharing you and dealing with the jealousy and the drama and all the stuff that has to do with plural marriage, then youll be ok.

Kody takes Joe to the side while the women cook and tells him, I think one of our biggest problems is we dont have other polygamist families to fellowship with. Joe nods his head in agreement, seemingly agreeing with Kodys troubles.

Kody talks about how theres a feeling of safety and home when he sees the Dargers that makes him emotional.

Its hard being away from other polygamists. Its so different, he says.

Meri takes to the confessional and says their family is repeatedly separating. She claims that because they surround themselves mostly with non-polygamist families, theyre starting to react as individual families rather than tackling everything together.

She continues that there was once a time they pulled together and struggled together; she doesnt feel that theyre struggling together, but rather struggling independently of each other.

Meri says, It would be cool if it wasnt that way.

Christine adds that they could really benefit from being with other polygamists. She said theyve lived in the monogamous world for so long and its hard.

Its almost like we should move back or something, I dont know, reiterating her desire to move back to Utah, which was the original plan, rather than settling in Arizona.

Since the family fled Utah to escape prosecution for bigamy, the laws have changed and polygamy has been decriminalized in the state. This change in laws has many fans wondering if the family will return to Utah and reconnect with their polygamist friends.

Sister Wives airs on Sundays at 10/9c on TLC.

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The Browns visit their friends the Dargers and talk about how being away from other polygamist families is tough - Monsters and Critics

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Radio in Mali can empower women by remembering they are part of a social web – The Conversation CA

Posted: at 2:24 pm

The Malian politician, writer and womens activist Aoua Kita once argued that, The evolution of a country depends on the place that women occupy in the public space of that country. Today, Malian women face multiple and intersecting barriers that prevent them from realising this vision.

In a country with discriminatory laws, extensive polygamy and gender-based violence, and where husbands are often the sole decision-makers, Malian women live in an oppressive culture amid widespread poverty. To ease financial burdens, many Malian girls are forced to marry as children so their families can benefit from their bride price.

Empowerment can mean different things for different women. It can mean staying in school, negotiating more equitable relationships, or learning how to start a small business, in order to become financially independent and provide for ones family. Finding out how to do this is key.

Access to information is the route to empowerment and, in Mali, radio remains the main source of information. The country has 170 private radio stations, 121 of which are volunteer-run community stations. Radio is widely trusted, meeting a range of interests religious, community and confessional. It shares news from international sources such as RFI, BBC Africa, Deutsche Welle, UN radio and media development organisations.

Factual and awareness-raising broadcasts can raise womens critical and collective consciousness and help them gain greater control over their own lives. But this has to be done carefully. Women have to be accurately considered, both as radio presenters and as radio listeners.

Our research has shown that, when discussing a particular issue, women listeners in Mali consistently situate themselves in relation to many other people.

We conducted a content analysis of a series of women-related radio programmes produced and broadcast in 2018-2020 by Fondation Hirondelles Studio Tamani. We then ran focus groups among the studios listeners, before and after they listened to the series, to determine the programmes impact.

The focus group respondents said that womens activities tend to be conducted for, with, or dependent on others. Information targeted at empowering women should reflect this and consider women within their web of relations. This means how women live in relation to other people, and to collective cultures and norms that influence and shape their lives.

Among all the people we interviewed, men and women alike, empowerment for women meant independence, but never from children. Such independence would empower women to make decisions about their family life and support their wider communities.

For younger women respondents, empowerment could mean being able to make their own decisions and not being restrained by a future husband. But none of them considered a future without a husband. Independence did not necessarily mean being on their own.

It became clear that womens empowerment in Mali cannot be reduced to a matter of individual choice or agency. It refers to collective agency and decision making. This is in stark contrast with the emphasis often found in development campaigns.

Development programmes tend to regard womens empowerment as an individual issue. They can artificially isolate women from the socio-cultural traditions that surround them. They do not fully consider the many webs of relations that can be affected by potential changes in empowerment. Nor do they consider the webs that can influence womens lives and their freedom to make decisions.

Our study showed that radio can effectively represent the complexities of womens lives. It can help women navigate the many obstacles they face by broadcasting diverse and varied information about womens rights. If the information uses examples and role models which are free from negative stereotypes or stereotypical representations, it can have a positive impact on raising awareness.

The radio programmes portrayed women in relation to others (in-laws, siblings, widows, husbands, men, family and children) and to other groups or roles, cultural and structural values or webs which shape womens status. The contents rarely portrayed women as individuals; they were always associated with others. However, they were often in secondary positions, for example, in relation to in-laws and husbands, upholding social norms.

Studio Tamani, as a radio studio, is normalising debate on womens issues by broadcasting women-related programmes. This is a first step to taking advantage of radio as an ideal medium for creating an empowering environment. But for this to be effective for collective empowerment, women must not be extracted from the web of relations that surround them.

Malian women do not speak with one voice, so their diverse perspectives, experience and expertise must also be considered in radio broadcasting. This will go some way to offsetting the individualistic perspectives portrayed in development contexts, particularly with regard to their empowerment.

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Radio in Mali can empower women by remembering they are part of a social web - The Conversation CA

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‘I have two wives and we’re happy’ – Namibian

Posted: at 2:24 pm

BERNARD Namayonga (50), a polygamist in the Zambezi region, says he has found the perfect formula for keeping his two wives happy, despite them sharing a husband.

Namayonga married his first wife at the age of 25, and 15 years later married his second wife.

This means he has been in a polygamous marriage for the past 10 years.

Namayonga says he is dedicated and committed to both wives and they are a happy family despite challenges.

Having two or more wives is not easy to handle them you have to have a heart. For instance, if I give them both N$100, one would use it wisely, and the other one would not. She would waste it and start complaining. That is how you would know who has a problem and who does not,'' he says.

He says he has learnt to live with the challenges that come with a polygamous marriage, adding he had to formally ask his first wife for permission before taking his second wife.

Even though it was a hard decision to build two homes, I had no choice, because it inspired me, he says.

Namayonga says he has made peace with constantly mediating between his wives due to petty fights, unnecessary competition and jealousy.

The wives seem to be competing, and they are jealous of each other for no reason, as they are getting the same love, affection and attention, he says.

A recent survey by The Namibian shows that polygamy is a common practice in the Zambezi region.

Men in this region believe they can have more than four wives under one roof, as long as they look after them.

This is despite traditional leaders and community members speaking out strongly against polygamy, forced marriages, widow inheritance, widow cleansing, dry sex and the high price of lobola.

They say these practices violate women's rights to be in charge of their own bodies and lives, thereby fuelling the prevalence of HIV-AIDS in the region.

So widespread is the practice that it is also said to be encouraging forced marriages, which involves young girls being married off at a tender age.

Albius Kamwi, one of the Masubia traditional leaders, says such marriages are not appropiate today, but long ago marrying two or more wives was respected.

Some people marry more than one wife, because their partner cannot have children, but they love her. They therefore have no choice but to marry another woman who can give them children, he says.

Having many children is a blessing, because they replace those we lost. We name the children after those who passed on to show that even if they are gone, we do not forget them, he says.

Kamwi says times have changed though, and today it is not necessary to have many children any more.

Children's education, medical needs, clothes and food have become too expensive, he says.

I do not see the need to have more than two wives, he says.


Albertina Kawayo has been in a polygamous marriage for most of her life and says it has not been easy, but she has learnt to adapt.

I'm not against polygamy, but being in this marriage is not easy at all.You will start sinning if you are not careful. In this marriage there are too many fights, competition, and jealousy, and you can find yourself poisoning your husband, because sometimes they come with bad manners. You tell them, but they don't change, she says.

Kawayo had no choice when her now late husband one day told her that he wanted to bring another wife into their home. Kawayo further explained that the family has grown and has 13 kids in total, which has made their bond very strong.

Shaun Whittaker, a Windhoek psychologist, says polygmous marriages are a burden to men and their spouses.

The man is burdened with the heavy responsibility of sustaining a big family, which sometimes can be very depressing.

And the wives are deprived psychologically.

This leads to child negligence, as children do not receive the same amount of love and attention, and are less supported.

I don't really support polygamy, because it is better to choose happiness where you are loved and respected, Whittaker says.

He says men have favourites and there is too much competition in this type of marriage.

Whittaker says if a man wants to take in another woman his spouse must file for divorce, because women and children go through a lot.

They may not show it, but it is to their detriment mentally, emotionally and financially.

In some cases women are abused and the children could resort to drugs, alcohol, and theft.

Woman are strong and brave, therefore they should stop torturing themselves settling for less. Why would a man take in another woman if he truly loves you? If your husband wants to marry another woman, ask him for a divorce , he says.

My advice to women is to stop settling for less. You are better than that. If there's no love in your relationship, take your children, comfort them and support them, because no one is going to love them the same way you do.

* This story was produced with the assistance of the Google Grant.


'I have two wives and we're happy' - Namibian

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Cash-strapped Thai Airways plans to buy 20 to 30 aircraft in 2025 – The Thaiger

Posted: at 2:24 pm

While polygamy in Thailand isnt as prevalent as it was a century ago and the marriages arent recognised under Thai law, the lifestyle is still practiced by some. Thai media reporters recently interviewed a polygamous trio and apparently life is good, according to the husband with 2 wives. The wives didnt seem to do much talking in the interview.

Reporters from the Thai news outlet Sanook spoke with 44 year old Wacharatorn Tum Sironam about his taboo family arrangement. The trio have been living together for 7 years. Tum says his family is perfectly happy, they have no arguments and they work together to care for Tums 4 children, 2 from each wife.

Tum has nicknames for his wives which translate to big wife and little wife. In the past, Thai law assigned women in polygamy marriages a certain category.

Polygamy in Thailand could be freely practiced before 1 October 1935. Polygamy was recognised under civil law. The old family law assigned wives to three categories, in accordance with the way they became wives. (The official wife known as mia klang muang, the minor wife known as mia klang nok, and slave wives known as mia klang thasi.)

While polygamy has since been abolished, it is still alive in Thailand. Wikapedia

Worapat Pla Sroinam, who has been with Tum for 18 years, is called the big wife. Tum says their love has remained strong over the years. One day, Tum told her he wanted another wife to join the family.

Pla was shocked, but said it would be okay as long as Tum loved them both the same, Tum says. He then spoke with Kochakorn Wan Tapchom, admitted that he was married and asked her to be his little wife.

The family now runs a noodle shop in Ratchaburi province, west of Bangkok, where they sell noodle soup for 10 baht. The Pla and Wan each receive 10,000 baht per month to help with the family business.

SOURCE: Thai Residents

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Cash-strapped Thai Airways plans to buy 20 to 30 aircraft in 2025 - The Thaiger

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A French report on plastic surgery in Morocco, between prejudice and superficiality – Yabiladi in English

Posted: February 8, 2021 at 11:12 am

French free-to-air television channelTF1 has chosen to focus on cosmetic surgery in a documentary that portrays Morocco as a very conservative country. Entitled Maroc, la folie du bistouri ('Morocco, the plastic surgery craze'), the report addresses the phenomenon, with a series of stereotypes and prejudices about Morocco and women in the country that opt for plastic surgery.

Petit mot spontan pr @7a8 1.Vs avez choisi le mdecin le plus sulfureux de Casa pr reprsenter la mdecine marocaine. 2. La seule contradiction mane dune journaliste et a dur une seule minute. Lavis dautres mdecins auraient t la base.

Indeed, the report introduces the Kingdom as a conservative country with Western values. The program mentioned forced marriages and polygamy in contrast with a new class of young and rich girls who want to look Instagrammable.

This youth, according to the same report, wants to stay young and is concerned about physical appearance in opposition to conservative values in Morocco.

Les nanas avec les pommettes aussi gonfles que les seins et que les fesses, c'est juste... Flippant...#septahuit

The report mentions the case of two girls who are active on Instagram and discrete about their sources of income, assuming that in the Kingdom, moral customs are ubiquitous and young people must hide to exercise their freedoms.

To the report, these young men and women find refuge in plastic surgery sometimes without the consent of their families. Some of them would, accordingly,even contract consumer loans to afford these surgeries.The report gives the floor to famous plastic surgeon Mohamed Guessous.Cameras even follow him into his operating room where he admires his work.

A spa owner in Casablanca also testifies with her face uncovered, to talk about her first cosmetic surgery 15 years ago. We are modern, but we accept veiled girls, speaking of her assistant who wears the veil.

Sarcasm and derision to mock stereotypes

With explicit images showing curves in close-ups, caricatured attitudes of those interviewed and numerous prejudices, the report has been criticized and derided on social media.Under the hashtag#septahuit, Moroccan internet users slammed the report that enhances stereotypes about Moroccans.

The report was rubbish.All I recall from watching it is talks about surgery and religion.When you have never set foot in Morocco, your opinion on the country can quickly be tainted, wrote an internet user. A horror of surgery, we have the impression of seeing mini Bogdanofs everywhere.The girls are 25-35 years old when you look at them you see 60-year-old ladies with botox.No nose, lips like Michelin tires, frog cheekbones, and horse butts,another one added.

I am blown away by this report.It will not help young people to accept themselves as they are. Anything to please others at all costs, regretted another person.

Les kim karda du Maroc ! C est pas des Ferrari dsigne, c est plus des pigeots des annes 90 tuning #septahuit

The health risks associated with a surgical operation sometimes requiring general anesthesia has also moved some Internet users. They are sick. For my part, when I have to barely do blood tests I prepare myself mentally for it all night.When I see all this butcher's material, it's madness, yet another Internet user says with worry.


A French report on plastic surgery in Morocco, between prejudice and superficiality - Yabiladi in English

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Is Soulmates the least romantic show about love ever? – British GQ

Posted: at 11:12 am

There was before the test and theres after, says a man looking directly into the camera, as tranquil spa music tells you that this is a very deep and meaningful statement. Cut to a couple running towards each other for a passionate kiss, then to more people looking at you through the screen, as they tell you how happy they are: I met my match. I cant imagine life without him. She made me feel alive again for the first time in years.

If this sounds like an advert for to you, then youre not far off. The company in this instance, however, is Soul Connex, a fictional matchmaking service that serves as the premise for Amazon Primes new series, Soulmates. Set 15 years into the future, the company has capitalised off the discovery of the soul particle, offering clients the chance to be matched with their genuine soulmate after a quick test. It soon becomes the test, seemingly all anyone can talk about, be they dinner party guests or chat show hosts. Attending weddings between people who have only known each other for a couple of weeks after being matched becomes the norm, so too does sitting down with your spouse to break the news that youre not soulmates after all, because the test said so.

Soulmatesis available to watch now on Prime Video.

Cowritten by Brett Goldstein and Will Bridges, the latter having worked on Black Mirror, the portrait of sci-fi romance that Soulmates paints is terribly bleak. An anthology series that explores different ramifications of the test in each episode, as is often the case with doom-tech concepts, the most unsettling thing about Soulmates is not the technology itself but the way it changes us as humans. Chance, whirlwind romances and close bonds forged over years of companionship are all thrown out of the window for a sense of certainty. Whether youre happily married or happily single sans test, the swaths of loved-up couples in the streets will always leave you wondering, Could I be happier?

Take Soulmates first case study, for instance, Nikki (Sarah Snook) and Franklin (Kingsley Ben-Adir). They found love in college, before the soul particle was discovered, and are now parents to young children, living a frantic but content existence. But then Nikkis brother takes the test and finds a wife, while her neighbour breaks up with her husband after discovering her soulmate is in Argentina. When did we stop being the normal ones? she asks Franklin, as a couple gush about being matched together on her futuristic, transparent iPad. Every time the test is mentioned, be it in friendly conversation or on the radio, you see the seed of doubt in her mind blossom into something bigger. At the end of the episode, Nikki picks her children up from Franklin and his soulmates new house. Is this better? he asks her when alone. The fact that the question is even on Franklins mind indicates that the answer is probably no. But its too late. The tests damage has already been done.

Thats the main takeaway from Soulmates, that any technology designed to find a persons one true love will generally do more harm than good. In one episode, a man is coerced into cheating on his partner by a catfish soulmate, making you wonder if the connections people form with their matches is genuine or merely a placebo effect. In another, a couple attempt to find a way to incorporate their soulmates into their existing relationship, experimenting with polygamy so that they can each have two cakes and eat them. Some endings are more hopeful than others, but theres a quiet sadness to each episode that tells you that things may have turned out better if that soul particle was never discovered. The excitement of romance is replaced by the mundaneness of inevitability. What if this person is the one? becomes What if this person isnt the one?

Some of the greatest love stories ever told are drenched in heartache and sorrow, but those emotions are intrinsically linked to passion, somehow persuading us that two teenagers dying for each other is the pinnacle of romance. There are no Montagues or Capulets in Soulmates. Instead, the sorrow comes from the loss of faith in falling in love naturally. Before Nikki and Franklin break up, she recalls giving birth to their first child at home, the three of them snuggled together in the aftermath, blissfully in love. Those are the moments that bond people together for the rest of their lives, whether it was written in the stars or on a birth certificate. Do you think wed still be retelling Romeo And Juliet had they double checked their soulmate status before their accidental suicide pact? Of course not. Its their determination, despite their inability to fact-check their feelings, that tugs at the heartstrings. Romance isnt dead yet, but if Soulmates is to be believed, its technology that will put the nail in the coffin. May it rest in peace, while us humans find the next thing to engineer excitement out of.

Soulmates is available to stream on Amazon Prime.

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Zero Zero Zero is proof that when it comes to crime, Italians know best

Warmcore TV: why shows like Parks And Recreation and Ted Lasso thrive in dark times

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Is Soulmates the least romantic show about love ever? - British GQ

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We cant wait to finally see Zumas ex, Laconco, on Real Housewives of Durban – All4Women

Posted: at 11:12 am

Its going to be hard for Showmax to tope the drama they served in the first episode of The Real House Wives of Durban, especially without Laconco.

After last weeks baby-daddy drama with Nonku revealing that Ayandas late husband, Sfiso Ncwane was also her daughters father, we are waiting for another baby-mama to appear and bring a unique package of drama.

Real Housewives baby mama drama: Ncwane family misses Sfisos love child

The wives have picked a side. While Nonku and Ayandas drama seemed to fizzle out into a civil conversation about a weird misunderstanding that lasted over 13 years and involved Nonkus daughter missing out on a relationship with her father.

While its clear that Neither Nonku or Ayanda is homewrecker the housewives of Durban have clearly taken Ayandas side and neglected to invite Nonku to their group workout session.The pleasant talk about where everyones husband works is all good and well, but were here for the drama and we know just who could deliver it. Nonkanyiso Conco.

Real Housewives of Durban kicks off with baby-mama DRAMA

Weve seen a reality TV show about polygamy, weve seen the wives and girlfriends of prominent mean on reality shows, but weve never seen the mother of an embattled former President on any type of reality TV show. Ever!

While Nonkanyiso shares a lot on social media there are only a handful of times shes let her guard down and gave us a window into who she is and what her life is about.Last year Nonkanyiso shared how she had made peace with raising her son alone, leading to rumours of a break up between the 25-year-old and her 78-year-old fiance.

Nonkanyiso quickly cleared up the rumours telling followers that while Jacob Zuma was a good father, he was also very busy; he has a big family and splits his attention between his wives and children.

Jacob Zuma is no stranger to baby mama drama and has recently been dragged to maintenance court by Thobeka Madiba-Zuma who has also filed for divorce.

A rumoured reality show following the polygamous Zuma family, then one centred around the youngest branch of the Zuma family with Nonkanyiso and her son have not materialised, leaving RHOD as our only window into the curious life of Nonkanyiso. And were hoping to see her sooner rather than later.


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We cant wait to finally see Zumas ex, Laconco, on Real Housewives of Durban - All4Women

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Fading Faith: Depictions that need looking into – Avenue Mail

Posted: at 11:12 am

By Aishwarya Ishwar

Ever wondered why faith is fading among the younger generation? Is it just to look cool or does it have a deeper meaning to it? Well, let us not be shallow but attempt to understand why this is so relevant in todays youth. Faith is described in Encyclopedia Britannica as, The inner attitude, conviction, or trust relating human beings to a supreme God or ultimate salvation. In religious traditions stressing divine grace, it is the inner certainty or attitude of love granted by God himself.

Ever since man came into existence, the concept of faith has also grew with the stages that man traversed. Early man was scared of Natures fury and therefore, worshipped it. Back then, it was only limited to the four elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air. As man evolved, so did the concept of faith that continued to intensify and it was then that small but probing questions sprung up. The intensification of this simple concept began in the form of dominance, rituals, sacrifices which started to blur the concept of faith. The intensification, brought with it, superstitions and unnecessary beliefs and this is when we also see Faith turning into a commodity, something that can be sold and people made money out of it.

Social evils such as the caste system, Sati, Child Marriage, Polygamy were all born out of this commodity. Especially for women, things became all the more difficult and stereotypes began to form.

These concepts are so deeply rooted in our society that it has now become almost impossible to eradicate it in totality. In the early times, only a certain section of society was literate. The masses who belonged to the lower strata of society were illiterate. What brought them on the same page was disbelief and superstitions and none had the vision to evaluate the wrongs in these concepts that had blinded the illiterate faithfuls.. The first Indian to ever oppose Sati and Child Marriage was Raja Rammohan Roy. But this was in the year 1814. Its obvious these evils had existed for over 500 years. You can now imagine how deeply mythical faith has penetrated society.

As we move towards the Modern era, we observe peoples perspectives changing and becoming more practical. This practicality is what clashes with faith. Practicality asks for scientific reasons or proofs about why a certain phenomena takes place but faith is not phenomena. It is misconception based on beliefs born out of ignorance. Our faith has brought us together but it is hard to explain.

Another reason why faith is fading is too many superstitions and impositions in society have been promulgated and woven into the mainstream social fabric. As a result we have a stream of nonbelievers or Atheists. Even today we see a number of people who only want us to believe in disbelief. Their only goal is to hold man in the web of illusions they create thereby belying the trust of their lambs in the name of groundless but charismatic orations. A closer look at the theories and philosophies of these god men and god women is enough to expose that none of them think alike or depict holy scriptures in the manner they are meant to be depicted. Their versions are full of contradictions. Thugs, after all, seldom see eye to eye on their individual brand of lies. But that does not mean that all preachers belong to this category. There are the ones who thankfully guide morals and beliefs towards The Light and that is what faith is all about. Faith is magical, in the sense that there have been many instances of scientific failures, phenomena which science has not been able to unravel and this where we see Faith proving its very existence.

(The views expressed are personal opinion of the author. She can be reached at

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This Podcast Goes Behind the Scenes of Warren Jeffs’ Infamous Fringe Polygamous Group – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: February 6, 2021 at 7:57 am

If youre a fan of polygamy-focused TLC shows like Sister Wives or Seeking Sister Wife or Lifetimes Escaping Polygamy, youve likely heard about the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS). The Brown family of Sister Wives have repeatedly denounced the FLDS and its leaders they are members of the Apostolic United Brethren, another fundamentalist Mormon sect.

The FLDS, a fringe sect that embraces the practice of plural marriage, broke off from the mainstream Mormon church after its leaders were excommunicated in the early 1900s. Its members settled in an area on the Utah/Arizona border known as Short Creek.

The FLDS often named a cult by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center was led by Warren Jeffs for many years. After convictions for child sexual assault, Jeffs was sentenced to life in prison.

Unfinished: Short Creek, a 10-episode documentary podcast from Witness Docs and Critical Frequency (available on Stitcher), explores the aftermath of Jeffs conviction and how FLDS members are navigating the trauma.

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Sarah Ventre and Ash Sanders co-hosted Unfinished: Short Creek, which was released in 2020 and quickly named one of the best podcasts of the year by The New Yorker and The Atlantic.

The two journalists investigated the stories of the church members Jeffs left behind for nearly four years. According to the Arizona-based publication Jewish News, Ventre started out as a music reporter for Phoenix New Times and NPR before she began reporting on the 2016 U.S. Department of Justice trials for religious discrimination in Short Creek (which now comprises the two towns of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona).

Meanwhile, Sanders, a freelance journalist who covered the religion beat in her home state of Utah, was raised in the LDS church the mainstream Mormon church and developed an interest in fundamentalist Mormon sects over time. The podcast co-hosts began to interview former FLDS members to dig into everything they loved, hated, and feared about Jeffs and the Short Creek region.

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The 10 episodes of Unfinished: Short Creek take listeners on a journey from the original settlement of Short Creek in the 1930s and 1940s to the rise of Jeffs as a leader. Ventres and Sanders extensive reporting and in-depth understanding of FLDS beliefs and practices (especially polygamy), informed by numerous interviews with members of the sect, color the podcast with an immense, absorbing amount of detail.

According to Religion News, many listeners were surprised to learn about some members ambivalence toward their small hometown on the Utah/Arizona border. In fact, at first, many fundamentalist Mormons adored the setup of the church. Members of the polygamous group pooled their resources, from food and clothing to housing and money, and had an almost idyllic rural lifestyle for many years.

The episodes cover many little-known aspects of life in the FLDS, from the churchs early years to its many divisions and fractures after Jeffs rise to power. Ventre and Sanders also describe ex-believers efforts to make major changes in Short Creek, such as the areas first free and fair election.

Short Creek might have been a safe haven for fundamentalist Mormons at first, but Jeffs installment as the leader led to widespread abuse and manipulation. He hastily kicked out any members who disagreed with him, as well as any rivals who threatened his near-absolute power over the polygamy-promoting church.

Once Jeffs took hold of the FLDS, he began to divide members in as many ways as he could. He broke up marriages and families, ranked the church congregants according to his arbitrary labels of righteousness, and pitted relatives and friends against one another. Later, when former members returned to the community after Jeffs conviction, they faced discrimination from those who still believed that Jeffs was a living prophet.

Unfinished: Short Creek gives podcast lovers a rare, in-depth glimpse at life within a fringe religious sect. Ventre and Sanders were praised by many for their excellent investigative reporting, as well as their sensitivity in handling taboo subjects with care.

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This Podcast Goes Behind the Scenes of Warren Jeffs' Infamous Fringe Polygamous Group - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

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