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Category Archives: NATO

NATO Completes Plans for Spearhead Force – Video

Posted: February 7, 2015 at 12:50 am

NATO Completes Plans for Spearhead Force
2015 NATO #39;s Secretary General describes a new, 5000 member force that can deploy within 48 hours.

By: DoD News

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NATO Completes Plans for Spearhead Force - Video

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PENA MULATA by Bea & Banda @ Nato Leipzig – Video

Posted: at 12:50 am

PENA MULATA by Bea Banda @ Nato Leipzig
Christoph Schenker (vc) - Stephan Knig (p) - Dominique Gaga Ehlert (dr) - Alfred Kallfass (b) - Beate Furcht (voc) Video by Daniel G. Schwarz.

By: Bea Banda

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PENA MULATA by Bea & Banda @ Nato Leipzig - Video

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NATO – Vikipedi

Posted: at 12:50 am

Bu madde asker ittifak hakkndadr. Baln dier anlamlar iin NATO (anlam ayrm) sayfasna baknz.

Koordinatlar: 505234.16K 42519.24D / 50.8761556K 4.4220111D / 50.8761556; 4.4220111

Kuzey Atlantik Antlamas rgt (ksaca KAA; ngilizce: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, ksaca NATO; Franszca: Organisation du trait de l'Atlantique Nord, ksaca OTAN), 4 Nisan 1949'da 12 lke tarafndan imzalanan Kuzey Atlantik Antlamas'na dayanarak kurulan ve farkl dnemlerde 16 lkenin daha katld uluslararas asker ittifak. rgt yeleri herhangi bir d gten gelebilecek saldrya kar ortak savunma yapmaktadr. NATO'nun merkezi, rgtn Kuzey Amerika ve Avrupa'daki 28 yesinden biri olan Belika'nn bakenti Brksel'de bulunmaktadr. 22 lke NATO'nun "Bar in Ortaklk" adl giriiminde yer alrken 15 lke kurumlam diyalog programlarna dahildir. Tm NATO yelerinin toplam asker harcamas, dnyadaki savunma harcamalarnn%70'inden fazladr.[3] yelerin savunma harcamalarnn GSYH'lerinin%2'si kadar olmas gerekmektedir.[4]

NATO, Kore Sava ye lkeleri harekete geirene ve yksek rtbeli iki ABD'li komutann ynlendirmesiyle birleik bir asker yap kurulana kadar siyasi bir ortaklktan tesi deildi. Souk Sava sreci, 1955'te kurulan Varova Pakt'na ye lkelerle ekimelere yol at. Avrupa lkeleri ile ABD arasndaki ilikilerin gc zerindeki pheler, bamsz Fransz nkleer caydrclna ve 1966'da Fransa'nn NATO'nun asker kanadndan ekilmesine yol aan NATO savunmasnn olas bir Sovyet igaline kar gvenilirliine olan pheler ile birlikte zaman zaman art gsterdi. 1989'da Berlin Duvar ykldktan sonra rgt, Yugoslavya'nn dalmas srecinin iine ekildi ve ilk asker mdahalelerini 1992-1995 yllarnda Bosna-Hersek'te ve daha sonra 1999'da Yugoslavya'da gerekletirdi. Politik olarak ise eski Varova Pakt lkeleriyle iyi ilikiler kurmaya alt. Bu lkelerin bir ksm 1999 ve 2004'te ittifaka katld.

Kuzey Atlantik Antlamas'nn rgte ye lkelerin silahl bir saldrya urayan herhangi bir ye lkeye yardm etmelerini ngren 5. maddesi, NATO tarihinde ilk ve tek kez 2001'deki 11 Eyll saldrlarndan sonra uyguland.[5] Gerekletirilen bu saldrlarn ardndan askerler, NATO liderliindeki ISAF'in emrinde Afganistan'a konulandrld. rgt aralarnda Irak'a eitmen yollanmas, korsanla kar operasyonlarn desteklenmesi[6] ve 2011'de Birlemi Milletler Gvenlik Konseyi'nin 1973 sayl karar uyarnca Libya zerinde uua yasak blgenin uygulanmas gibi eitli ek rollerde yer ald. NATO yelerini istiareler iin toplantya aran daha az etkili 4. madde, Trkiye tarafndan 2003'te Irak Sava srasnda ve 2012'de Suriye Sava srasnda silahsz bir Trk F-4 keif jetinin drlmesinin ve Suriye'den Trkiye'ye havan topu atlmasnn ardndan[7] ve Polonya tarafndan 2014'te Rusya'nn Krm'a mdahalesinden sonra[8] olmak zere toplamda drt kere uyguland.

Belika, Birleik Krallk, Fransa, Hollanda ve Lksemburg tarafndan 17 Mart 1948'de imzalanan Brksel Antlamas, NATO'nun kuruluunun ncs olarak deerlendirilmektedir. Bu antlama ve Sovyetler Birlii'nin gerekletirdii Berlin Ablukas, Eyll 1948'de Bat Avrupa Birliinin Savunma Organizasyonunun kurulmasna yol at. Fakat Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nin katlm hem Sovyetler Birlii'nin asker gcne kar koymak hem de milliyeti militarizmin canlanmasn nlemek iin gerekliydi.[10] Bylece hemen yeni bir asker ittifak iin grmeler balad ve 4 Nisan 1949'da Washington, DC'de Kuzey Atlantik Antlamas imzaland. mzalayanlar arasnda Brksel Antlamas'na taraf olan be devlet ile ABD, Danimarka, talya, zlanda, Kanada, Norve ve Portekiz bulunmaktayd.[11] lk NATO Genel Sekreteri Lord Ismay, 1949'da yapt bir aklamada rgtn amacnn "Ruslar darda, Amerikallar ieride ve Almanlar aada tutmak" olduunu belirtti. Antlama, her kesim tarafndan olumlu ekilde karlanmad. Baz zlandallar Mart 1949'da gerekletirilen tarafszlk yanls, yelik kart ayaklanmaya katld. NATO'nun oluturulmasnn birincil kurumsal sonucu olarak Atlantikilik ad verilen ve Kuzey Amerika ile Avrupa arasndaki i birliinin nemine vurgu yapan dnce tarznn ortaya k gsterilmektedir.[13]

ye lkeler, herhangi bir yeye kar yaplan bir silahl saldry tm yelere yaplm sayacaklar konusunda anlatlar. Dolaysyla bir silahl saldr olmas durumunda her bir ye, bireysel veya kolektif savunma hakknn kullanlmasnda saldrya urayan yeye yardm edecek ve gerekli grldnde Kuzey Atlantik blgesinin gvenliini salamak ve srdrmek iin silahl gce bavurabilecekti. Antlama, yelerin bir saldrgana asker eylem ile yant vermesini gerektirmemekteydi. Yant vermeleri zorunlu olsa da, yeler bunu nasl yapacaklarn belirleme zgrlne sahipti. Bu durum Brksel Antlamas'nn yantn asker olacan aka belirten 5. maddesi ile farkllk gstermektedir. Yine de NATO yelerinin saldrya urayan yeye asker yardmda bulunacaklar varsaylmaktadr. Antlama daha sonra Fransa'nn baz denizar illeri de dahil olmak zere ye lkelerin Yenge Dnencesi'nin stnde kalan topraklar ile "gemi, asker veya uaklarn" kapsayacak ekilde akla kavuturuldu.[14]

NATO'nun oluturulmas, Avrupa lkelerinin ABD uygulamalarn benimsemeleriyle mttefiklerin asker terminoloji, yntem ve teknolojilerine bir standartlatrma getirdi. Yaklak 1.300 Standartlatrma Anlamas NATO'nun gerekletirdii pek ok ortak uygulamay sistemletirdi. Bunun sonucu olarak 7,6251 NATO tfek kalibresi, pek ok NATO lkesinde standart ateli silah kalibresi olarak 1950'lerde tantld. FN Herstal tarafndan retilen ve 7,62 NATO kalibresi kullanan FAL adl silah, 75 lkede kullanlmaya baland. Uak manevra iaretlerinin standartlatrlmasyla birlikte NATO uaklar tm NATO slerine inebilir konuma geldi. Dier standartlar arasnda bulunan NATO heceleme alfabesi, NATO snrlarn aarak sivil kullanma yayld.[16]

Haziran 1950'de Kore Sava'nn patlak vermesi, birlikte alan tm komnist lkelerin belirgin tehdidini arttrmas NATO'yu somut asker planlar gelitirmeye zorlad.Avrupa Mttefik Kuvvetleri Yksek Karargh (SHAPE) birletirilmi bir komuta yaps olarak kuruldu ve Ocak 1951'de Yksek Mttefik Komutan Dwight Eisenhower'n altnda almalarna balad.[18] NATO'nun Uzun Dnem Savunma Plan iin gerekli olan gleri salamay amalayan 1952 Lizbon konferansnda tmen saysnn 96'ya karlmas ars yaplsa da, bu gereklilik bir sonraki yl nkleer silah kullanabilecek yaklak otuz be tmene drld. O zaman iin NATO, Orta Avrupa'da on be civar, talya ve skandinavya'da ise on hazr tmeni arabiliyordu. Lizbon'daki konferansta rgtn en rtbeli sivil amirlii olan NATO Genel Sekreterlii pozisyonu da oluturuldu ve bu greve Hastings Ismay getirildi.[21]

Eyll 1952'de, Danimarka ve Norve'in savunulmasnn uygulamas olan ve 200 gemi ile 50.000'den fazla personelin katld, NATO'nun ilk byk deniz tatbikatlarndan biri olma nitelii tayan Mainbrace Tatbikat balad.[22] Takip eden dier byk tatbikatlar arasnda Akdeniz'de gerekletirilen deniz ve amfibik tatbikatlar olan Grand Slam Tatbikat ile Longstep Tatbikat, Kuzey talya'da gerekletirilen hava-deniz-kara tatbikat Italic Weld, ngiliz Ren Ordusu (BAOR), Hollanda Kolordusu ve Orta Avrupa Mttefik Hava Kuvvetleri'nin (AAFCE) katld Grand Repulse, Merkez Ordu Grubu'nun katld simle edilmi atomik hava-kara tatbikat Monte Carlo ve ABD, Birleik Krallk, talya, Trkiye ve Yunanistan deniz kuvvetlerinin katld Akdeniz'deki amfibik karaya kma tatbikat Weldfast yer ald.[23]

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NATO phonetic alphabet – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 12:50 am

The NATO phonetic alphabet, more accurately known as the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet and also called the ICAO phonetic or ICAO spelling alphabet, as well as the ITU phonetic alphabet, is the most widely used spelling alphabet. Although often called "phonetic alphabets", spelling alphabets are not associated with phonetic transcription systems such as the International Phonetic Alphabet. Instead, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) alphabet assigned code words acrophonically to the letters of the English alphabet so that critical combinations of letters and numbers can be pronounced and understood by those who transmit and receive voice messages by radio or telephone regardless of language barriers or the presence of transmission static.

The 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26 letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order as follows: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.

After the phonetic alphabet was developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (see history below) it was adopted by many other international and national organizations, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the American Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). It is a subset of the much older International Code of Signals (INTERCO), which originally included visual signals by flags or flashing light, sound signals by whistle, siren, foghorn, or bell, as well as one, two, or three letter codes for many phrases.[1] The same alphabetic code words are used by all agencies, but each agency chooses one of two different sets of numeric code words. NATO uses the regular English numeric words (Zero, One, with some alternative pronunciations), whereas the IMO provides for compound numeric words (Nadazero, Unaone, Bissotwo...). In practice these are used very rarely, as they frequently result in confusion between speakers of different languages.

A common name for this spelling alphabet, "NATO phonetic alphabet," exists because it appears in Allied Tactical Publication ATP-1, Volume II: Allied Maritime Signal and Maneuvering Book used by all allied navies of NATO, which adopted a modified form of the International Code of Signals. Because the latter allows messages to be spelled via flags or Morse code, it naturally named the code words used to spell out messages by voice its "phonetic alphabet". The name NATO phonetic alphabet became widespread because the signals used to facilitate the naval communications and tactics of NATO have become global.[2] However, ATP-1 is marked NATO Confidential (or the lower NATO Restricted) so it is not available publicly. Nevertheless, a NATO unclassified version of the document is provided to foreign, even hostile, militaries, even though they are not allowed to make it available publicly. The spelling alphabet is now also defined in other unclassified international military documents.[3] The NATO alphabet appeared in some United States Air Force Europe publications during the Cold War. A particular example was the Ramstein Air Base, Telephone Directory published between 1969 and 1973 (currently out of print). The American and NATO versions had differences and the translation was provided as a convenience. Differences included Alfa, Bravo and Able, Baker for the first two letters.

The ICAO developed this system in the 1950s in order to account for discrepancies that might arise in communications as a result of multiple alphabet naming systems coexisting in different places and organizations.[4]

In the official[5] version of the alphabet, the non-English spellings Alfa and Juliett are used. Alfa is spelled with an f as it is in most European languages because the English and French spelling alpha would not be pronounced properly by native speakers of some other languages who may not know that ph should be pronounced as f. Juliett is spelled with a tt for French speakers, because they may otherwise treat a single final t as silent. In some English versions of the alphabet, one or both of these may have their standard English spelling.[6]

The final choice of code words for the letters of the alphabet and for the digits was made after hundreds of thousands of comprehension tests involving 31 nationalities. The qualifying feature was the likelihood of a code word being understood in the context of others. For example, football has a higher chance of being understood than foxtrot in isolation, but foxtrot is superior in extended communication.[8]

The pronunciation of the code words varies according to the language habits of the speaker. To eliminate wide variations in pronunciation, recordings and posters illustrating the pronunciation desired by the ICAO are available.[8][9] However, there are still differences in pronunciation between the ICAO and other agencies, and the ICAO has conflicting Roman-alphabet and IPA transcriptions. Also, although all codes for the letters of the alphabet are English words, they are not in general given English pronunciations. Assuming that the transcriptions are not intended to be precise, only 11 of the 26Bravo, Echo, Hotel, Juliet(t), Kilo, Mike, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Whiskey, and Zuluare given English pronunciations by all these agencies, though not always the same English pronunciations.

Several important short words and responses have set equivalents designed to make them more reliably intelligible, and are used in the same situations as the NATO alphabet.

For "yes" and "no", radio operators say affirmative and negative, though to avoid possible confusion affirm is sometimes used for affirmative

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NATO Wikipedia

Posted: at 12:50 am

Die NATO (englisch North Atlantic Treaty Organization Organisation des Nordatlantikvertrags bzw. Nordatlantikpakt-Organisation; im Deutschen hufig als Atlantisches Bndnis bezeichnet) oder OTAN (franzsisch Organisation du Trait de lAtlantique Nord) ist eine Internationale Organisation, die den Nordatlantikvertrag, ein militrisches Bndnis von 28 europischen und nordamerikanischen Staaten, umsetzt.[5] Das NATO-Hauptquartier beherbergt mit dem Nordatlantikrat das Hauptorgan der NATO; diese Institution hat seit 1967 ihren Sitz in Brssel. Nach der Unterzeichnung des Nordatlantikpakts am 4. April 1949 zunchst auf 20 Jahre war das Hauptquartier zunchst von 1949 bis April 1952 in Washington, D.C., anschlieend war der Sitz vom 16. April 1952 bis 1967 in Paris eingerichtet worden.[6]

Bald nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs traten die Gegenstze zwischen den ehemaligen Teilnehmermchten der Anti-Hitler-Koalition der UdSSR auf der einen und den westlichen Siegermchten Vereinigtes Knigreich, Frankreich und USA auf der anderen Seite klar zu Tage. Bereits mit dem Brsseler Vertrag vom 17. Mrz 1948 schlossen sich die westeuropischen Lnder Frankreich, das Vereinigte Knigreich, die Niederlande, Belgien und Luxemburg zu einem Bndnis fr wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Zusammenarbeit sowie zur kollektiven Selbstverteidigung zusammen. Dieses Bndnis war ursprnglich noch als Versicherung gegen eine eventuelle erneute deutsche Aggression vorgesehen. Mit der Berlin-Blockade und dem Februarumsturz in der Tschechoslowakei 1948 rckte eine mgliche kommunistische Bedrohung durch den von der Sowjetunion angefhrten Ostblock ins Blickfeld.

In der weiteren Entwicklung kam es, statt zu einer einseitigen Garantie der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika fr die europischen Verbndeten aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, zu einem wechselseitigen Abkommen, dem Nordatlantikvertrag. Die Beratungen ber den Vertragstext und Inhalt fhrten die Delegierten seit dem 6. Juli 1948, am 4. April 1949 wurde er durch die Grndungsmitglieder unterzeichnet und trat am 24. August desselben Jahres in Kraft.

In den ersten Jahren stand die Gemeinschaft unter dem Eindruck der Berlin-Blockade 1948/49 und der Zndung der ersten sowjetischen Atombombe am 29. August 1949. Zudem brach Mitte 1950 der Korea-Krieg aus, in den im November auch die Volksrepublik China eingriff. Als Grundsatz galt in dieser Zeit die Abwehr eines sowjetischen Angriffs mglichst weit im Osten. Hierzu verabschiedete der Nordatlantikrat am 6. Januar 1950 das erste Strategische Konzept zur Verteidigung des Nordatlantikraums (DC6/1). Am 28. Mrz 1950 wurde die erste Verteidigungsplanung zur NATO-Strategie vom NATO-Militrausschuss (Strategic Guidance for North Atlantic Regional Planning; MC14) genehmigt. Mit dem Ausbruch des Koreakriegs im Juni 1950 nderte sich auch die Militrpolitik in Europa. Die europischen NATO-Staaten sahen Befrchtungen, dass die USA die Prsenz- und Handlungsfhigkeit in Europa einben knnten und planten eine umfassende Erhhung der Verteidigungsausgaben sowie eine Aufstockung des Personals bei den Streitkrften bis 1954. Beides konnte allerdings aus Kostengrnden nicht vollstndig umgesetzt werden, obwohl umfangreiche Militrhilfe aus den USA geleistet wurde. Die USA verdreifachten ab August 1950 auch ihre in Grobritannien stationierten Bomberverbnde.

Am 7. Februar 1951 billigte die US-Regierung den Pleven-Plan zur Aufstellung einer europischen Armee. Auf der vom 10. bis 14. September 1951 tagenden Auenministerkonferenz der USA, Frankreichs und dem Vereinigten Knigreich in Washington wurde die Aufstellung westdeutscher Streitkrfte geplant, die in eine europische Armee eingegliedert werden sollte. Am 26. Mai 1952 erfolgte die Unterzeichnung des Vertrages ber die Europische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft (EVG), der am 30. August 1954 scheiterte, da die franzsische Nationalversammlung dem EVG-Vertrag nicht zustimmte.

Am 9. Dezember 1952 wurde die neue NATO-Strategie der Vorneverteidigung (Vorwrtsverteidigung) (MC14/1) beschlossen.

Am 16. Mrz 1955 kndigte US-Prsident Dwight D. Eisenhower fr den Kriegsfall den Einsatz taktischer Nuklearwaffen gegen militrische Ziele an.

Durch die Unterzeichnung der Pariser Vertrge am 23. Oktober 1954 im Zuge der Westintegration der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wurde diese zum Beitritt eingeladen, der kurz nach Inkrafttreten der Vertrge in einer Beitrittszeremonie im Pariser Palais de Chaillot am 9. Mai 1955 feierlich vollzogen wurde.[7] Am 14. Mai 1955 wurde wegen dieses NATO-Beitritts der Warschauer Pakt gegrndet. Am 15. Mai 1955 wurde der sterreichische Staatsvertrag in Wien unterzeichnet, der die Souvernitt des Staates wiederherstellte und bis Oktober 1955 zum Abzug der Besatzungstruppen fhrte.

Am 13. Mrz 1957 gab das US-Hauptquartier in der Bundesrepublik bekannt, die US-Streitkrfte mit Nuklearbewaffnung auszursten. Der polnische Auenminister Adam Rapacki unterbreitete den Rapacki-Plan, der die Errichtung einer atomwaffenfreien Zone in Mitteleuropa vorsah.

Am 23. Mai 1957 beschloss der Nordatlantikrat die Strategie der Massiven Vergeltung, Massive Retaliation (MC14/2).

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Ukraine war escalation russian air force first contact with nato jets / , – Video

Posted: February 5, 2015 at 3:49 pm

Ukraine war escalation russian air force first contact with nato jets / ,


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Synopsis | Nato’s Further Enlargement By Thomas S. Szayna – Video

Posted: at 3:49 pm

Synopsis | Nato #39;s Further Enlargement By Thomas S. Szayna
THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780833029614 Book Synopsis of NATO #39;s Further Enlargement by Thomas S. Szayna If you want to add where...

By: Heavy truck

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Synopsis | Nato's Further Enlargement By Thomas S. Szayna - Video

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SCUGNIZZI FREE GROUP e Bikers Nato – Video

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Vladimir Putin: "L’Esercito Ucraino una legione della NATO" – 26/01/2015 – Video

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Vladimir Putin: "L #39;Esercito Ucraino una legione della NATO" - 26/01/2015

By: Canale Italia

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Vladimir Putin: "L'Esercito Ucraino una legione della NATO" - 26/01/2015 - Video

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NATO Defence Meeting: Alliance to decide about boosting efforts to counter Russia military threat – Video

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NATO Defence Meeting: Alliance to decide about boosting efforts to counter Russia military threat
A multinational quick-response task force is expected to be given the go ahead at the talks one which specialises in reacting within a few days to potential threats on the fringes of NATO #39;s......

By: Aide Mayra

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