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Category Archives: Mind Uploading

Of OTTs and more! – The Times of India Blog

Posted: April 23, 2021 at 12:07 pm

I am no big fan of any OTT platforms largely due to time constraints. With loads of work always pending, I had only a bit of time to n catch up on news, that too in print. I would rather read something, understand facts and not be led into believing all the sensational perspectives shown on the idiot box news channels. But circumstances forced me to take a break from work, go to US, where I didnt have access to print version of my favorite news papers.

This led me to explore OTT. Facebook showed me photos and photos, especially of my middle-aged friends, who posed in all angles n from all places, they could visit. Also, they kept uploading photos from their youth, their old travels and what not. A kind of Blast from the past you may say. Instagram, on which I dont follow many people, showed me lots of skin. God knows why but I was bombarded with pics of young girls, in short skirts, bikinis, thrusting out their chests and backs. A young guy might have enjoyed the same scenes but not me. I found out that this happened as I clicked on home page and was taken to all these kind of softest porn (due to lack of a better word) but it only made me disgusted.

So OTT, it was. I saw a couple of episodes and it kind of zapped me. Gosh, who writes and directs them? It was all things which families shied away from. More debates on whether they should have, or discussed it in open with their kids. It was sex, kisses, bedroom scenes, bathtub shots and what not. Oh, yeah, lots of same-sex romances weaved in between. When did our society change so much? Or did we wake up one day and find that there are lots of permissible things, which are okay?

An anthology of 4 stories got me more shocked. The second one was about a maid and her kid sister. Yes, its sad that young poverty-stricken folks have lots of frustrations but what happens in the end is enough to churn anyones stomach. Violence is a meek word and I really wanted to know who wrote the episode. Were they able to sleep after filming that? Didnt the actors go into depression after playing out that horrible scene?

I still shudder and am trying to erase the memory of that episode from my mind. I am pretty sure that many would have been equally shocked. Funnily not many have written about it on social media. Guess it isnt a popular series or people have gone immuneread somewhere that people in charge of cleaning the internet of violence n horror need help after watching the gory scenes while cleaning up.

Right now, I need a feel good episode to feel good again!!

Views expressed above are the author's own.


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Fighting COVID-19: Vaccination picks up in Jammu and Kashmir – indiablooms

Posted: at 12:07 pm

Srinagar: After witnessing a drop during the first few days of Ramadhan, the number of people visiting the Covid-19 vaccination centres in Kashmir is again witnessing a sharp increase.

In the civil lines area of Srinagar, the Maternity Centre at Sanat Nagar which is also functioning as a Covid-19 vaccination centre is witnessing a huge rush of people for the last three days.

People visiting the centre told the Greater Kashmir that they turned up at the vaccination centre after getting clarity from religious scholars and clerics that getting Covid vaccination during the month of Ramadhan while fasting was not prohibited.

This virus is spreading fast again and now it has come to peoples mind that we need to go for vaccination. Initially people were hesitating but now they are coming forward for vaccination. I have also come here to get my first dose of Covid-19 vaccination, said Ikram Khan, a Sanat Nagar resident.

People at most of the vaccination centres say the awareness campaigns being run on social media regarding Covid-19 are quite effective.

The pandemic has spread across the globe. People should not hesitate in getting their dose of vaccines. I have taken the first dose of the vaccine today, said Farooq Ahmad.

People at some of the vaccination centres complained that they have to wait in queue for almost 20 minutes to finally get their dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

However, officials at these centres have urged people to cooperate during the process of vaccination. At one of the busiest vaccination centres in civil lines at Sanat Nagar, its in-charge Dr Naheed Malik says that uploading details of people getting vaccinated is a bit time consuming. She said people must cooperate at the vaccination centres.

We are here for the service of common people but we urge them to be patient and cooperate with us. Uploading details of the person being vaccinated is a bit time consuming which irks some people whom we appeal to be cooperative, Dr Malik said.

Dr Malik said apart from senior citizens, a large number of people above the age of 45 years are also visiting the vaccination centre to get the jab. However, she said the centre had witnessed a drop in numbers of people coming for vaccination but now the footfall has picked up once again, Dr Malik added.

Very few people visited the centre for vaccination during the first two days of Ramdhan but the clarity provided by clerics and scholars that the vaccine is safe during Ramadhan has led to an increase in rush once again, Dr Malik said

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Billions of bugs: Meet the cicada chasers trailing Brood X – CNET

Posted: at 12:07 pm

For Dan Mozgai, a marketing professional from New Jersey, the perfect vacation involves insects. Lots and lots of insects.

They can't be just any random bugs, though. They have to be periodical cicadas.

The critters spend almost their whole lives underground, living on sap from tree roots. Then, in the spring of their 13th or 17th year, depending on the brood, they tunnel out, synchronously and in huge numbers, for a short adult mating frenzy set to the sonorous sound track of the males' come-hither calls.

Mozgai knows the periodical cicadas' siren song well. He's packed up his car at least 10 times and driven nearly 30,000 miles on America's roads, from Maryland to Mississippi, Kansas to Kentucky, to follow it.

"They almost have a personality," Dan Mozgai says of periodical cicadas. Here, he holds a Magicicada cassini.

"I'll go anywhere," he says.

He's about to leave home in search of the insects again. This spring brings the first emergence since 2004 of a group of cicadas known as Brood X. Think of it as the Cicada Olympics. Brood X is one of the largest groups of 17-year cicadas, and 15 Eastern US states, as well as Washington, DC, will see throngs of the black-bodied bugs with red eyes.

Mozgai, 52, is one of the cicada devotees who regularly dedicate their free time to tracking periodical cicadas. These citizen scientists travel the country, snapping copious photos and meticulously recording data on where particular species show up, the time of day they sing, how they react to predators and what kind of foliage females lay their eggs in. Some come from as far as Japan.

Call them cicada chasers.

They help scientists better understand the broods' behavior and relationships to one another, and explore larger questions about biodiversity, ecology and climate change. Because periodical cicadas are sensitive to temperature, patterns of different broods and species reflect climatic shifts.

"I like contributing to scientific research," Mozgai says.

Dan Mozgai, citizen scientist

The return of the periodical cicadas typically starts around early to mid-May (though it could come earlier) and runs through late June. This year, Mozgai will head to western New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania for an up-close look at his favorite insects crawling out from their subterranean hideouts.

"There's an awesomeness to it because you're surrounded by thousands, maybe millions of these creatures that weren't there the day before," Mozgai says. "It's like an alien invasion, like being in a movie."

It's thought that so many periodical cicadas emerge at once so enough can evade predators and live on to mate and start the cycle all over again. Needless to say, not everyone welcomes the idea of millions of bugs descending like a biblical plague. But even those who view the influx as a loud, pesky annoyance would be hard-pressed to deny they're witnessing nature unfold on an awe-inspiring scale.

The cicadas typically begin to come out when soil temperatures 8 inches (20 centimeters) underground reach 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius). "That seems to be the trigger that causes them all to emerge over a few days or weeks in one area," says Michigan State University entomologist Gary Parsons. A warm rain often prompts their appearance.

It's a spectacle of sight and sound, one of the wonders of the insect world.

"It's amazing that they can keep track of such a long period of time so precisely and emerge synchronously at any given location," says Chris Simon, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Connecticut. "They bring out the inner child in many people and recall the excitement of their youth at first seeing them."

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Count Greg Holmes among them. The 59-year-old photojournalist fondly recalls riding his green bike around Joplin, Missouri, as a kid and spotting annual cicadas molting on tree trunks. On warm nights, he'd hear them buzzing and rattling and see their translucent wings backlit by streetlights. They were part of the suburban landscape, as integral to summer as drinking iced lemonade and dashing through sprinklers.

Those early Midwest moments helped shape Holmes into an adventuresome, nature-loving spirit who can rattle off cicada species effortlessly: Magicicada septendecim. Magicicada cassini. Neocicada hieroglyphica.

"If you think bugs are icky, there's probably not anything anyone can say to change your mind," Holmes says. "If you're a citizen scientist, the adult form of a little kid who always had microscopes and telescopes and fossils to look at, cicada research is right up your alley."

Greg Holmes, in Missouri in 2011 tracking Brood XIX, a group of 13-year cicadas.

Holmes -- a fan of roadside attractions who writes a lively travel blog under the name Ace Jackalope -- drives around the country with a magnetic GPS puck stuck to the roof of his Toyota Avalon and a notebook computer, customized with a little numerical keyboard, adhered to the steering wheel. This year, likely in mid-May, he'll road-trip from his home in Hutchinson, Kansas, to a cicada hot spot in Maryland.

"As you're driving along, when you hear a particular species, there's a numerical code you punch in," he explains. "Because the GPS is hooked up to the computer, it makes a record of where exactly that was."

With three 17-year species making up Brood X, Holmes will be entering nine codes -- one for no activity, one for light activity and one for heavy activity. He'll get out his camera and ponder how to best capture the little winged creatures. Sometimes he'll just stop and catch his breath.

It's "never-ending amazement," he says of his cicada adventures. "It doesn't get old."

When Brood X last emerged, George W. Bush was president, the final episode of Friends had just aired, and Mark Zuckerberg had launched Thefacebook, Facebook's precursor, only months before.

"Those who weren't alive 17 years ago or who were too young at the time and can't remember ... are in for quite an experience," says Gene Kritsky, dean of behavioral and natural sciences at Cincinnati's Mount St. Joseph University and a recognized cicada expert.

Once the 17-year cicadas crawl out after years underground, they climb up the nearest vertical surface. They shed their exoskeletons and inflate their wings. Then the mating frenzy begins. It's impossible to miss once the males start emitting their high-pitched mating song via sound-producing structures called tymbals on either side of their abdomen. The noise can surpass 90 decibels, about the same level as a motorcycle 25 feet (about 8 meters) away.

The insects don't bite, sting or carry diseases, and while females can damage young trees by laying so many eggs in their branches, the egg-laying also naturally prunes trees, resulting in more flowers and fruit in the years that follow. Periodical cicadas aerate large amounts of soil when they emerge en masse, and when they die, their decaying bodies enrich the ground with nutrients.

To track cicada distributions over time, researchers need detailed, high-quality data. Holmes, Mozgai and their fellow citizen scientists play a key role in gathering such vital information because periodical cicada populations cover enormous areas of the country and the bugs only appear above ground for limited stretches of time, years apart.

Scientist Chris Simon, husband Steve Chiswell and young friend Dylan Kennan scour for Brood X cicadas remaining in the soil after the 2017 four-year-early emergence in Washington, DC.

Cicada chasers, Simon says, help fill in the center of the distribution of broods so scientists and their mapping teams can concentrate on the edges. Amateurs have even tipped off scientists to unknown populations.

Mozgai first became interested in periodical cicadas in the mid-'90s, when he started making random websites to teach himself how to code. When Brood II emerged in his hometown of Metuchen, New Jersey, he set up a simple site to share his photos. There weren't many cicada websites back then, and people interested in the phenomenon reached out to him. His interest in cicadas grew.

Now he's a go-to expert who runs Cicada Mania, an extensive online resource for all things cicada. He's administrator for a Facebook cicada discussion and study group with more than 700 members, and he knows fellow cicada enthusiasts around the country.

When Mozgai's in active cicada-chasing mode, he'll spend up to seven hours a day focused on the insects. He's even created his own app to collect data on the creatures.

"They almost have a personality," he says. "Because they're a bit bigger, you can see their whole face. When they first emerge, they're very timid, so you can pick them up and interact with them."

Mozgai also credits the cicadas with getting him to parts of the country he might not visit otherwise. Because of them, he's been to Graceland in Memphis and to Metropolis, Illinois, a small town dedicated to all things Superman.

But the cicada-curious needn't be as committed to cicadas as Mozgai to get in on the tracking. A free app, called Cicada Safari and available for iOS and Android, lets anyone with a smartphone record sightings by uploading photos and short videos. The app -- developed by Kritsky and others at Mount St. Joseph University -- automatically attaches the date, time and geographical coordinates of each observation for real-time and future study.

Cicada Safari users submitted nearly 8,000 photos and videos in 2020.

"Not only did [the app] map Brood IX, but it also verified the off-cycle emergence of four other periodical cicada broods," Kritsky says. "That had never been observed before."

This year, Cicada Safari's developers hope to see the app go huge for Brood X, with at least 50,000 observations. "This is the big one," Kritsky says. "A generational event."

Who knows? A whole new brood of cicada chasers could emerge.

Exoskeletons of newly emerged adult cicadas appear under a tree in Reston, Virginia, in 2004, the last time Brood X emerged. After coming above ground, the periodical cicadas shed their larval skin, inflate their wings and begin to mate, making considerable noise in the process.

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Billions of bugs: Meet the cicada chasers trailing Brood X - CNET

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Fashion Society stitches together first virtual fashion magazine – The Poly Post

Posted: at 12:07 pm

By Elizabeth Casillas, April 20, 2021

Cal Poly Pomonas Fashion Society plans to launch a virtual fashion magazine this year to substitute its annual fashion show, aiming to highlight student designers and entrepreneurs.

With the campus closure due to COVID-19, Fashion Society, the universitys leading fashion club, is unable to host its annual in-person fashion show. Instead, the club is working hard to produce a magazine that captures students creativity and imagination.

Club President Brianna Harris, a fourth-year apparel merchandising and management student, recalled that one of the most important aspects of in-person shows is gifting students the spotlight and recognition for their designs and talents something all board members hope to transfer over to their virtual magazine.

I think the biggest thing is just a moment of celebration and reflection, Harris said. I feel like we didnt get a lot of time to have those recently, like just to look at something you created and celebrate that accomplishment.

Knowing that the campus closure would impede in-person gatherings, Fashion Societys executive board members originally planned for a virtual fashion show, but they ultimately decided on creating a magazine due to scheduling conflicts with the virtual show.

With no prior publishing experience, choosing to launch a magazine was an uncharted endeavor for the club members.

We are YouTube-ing it and putting all our Photoshop and Illustrator skills to the test, said Club Graphic Designer and Social Media Marketing Manager Jasmin Lopez, a fourth-year apparel merchandising and management student.

Lopez mentioned that the club has created lookbooks for previous fashion shows and the magazine would be an extension of them.

The board members first step in creating the magazine was reaching out to designers to collaborate with. With a virtual magazine being out of their comfort zone, they wanted to get a feel for what the designers responses would be. After receiving multiple sign-ups, they decided to move forward with their idea.

Apart from designers, the magazine will also include advertisements featuring student entrepreneurs who want to share their products with the campus community. All students are welcome to take advantage of the free advertising opportunity regardless of what they are selling.

Club members pride themselves on organizing a magazine amid the pandemic, especially when the transition over to virtual meetings was challenging for the board members. Keeping students engaged and entertained was a priority, yet the online mediums caused difficulties in maintaining rich engagement.

To combat this, Fashion Society has been active on various social media platforms to strengthen its online presence. Currently, the club is regularly uploading its Wear or Tear series on Instagram a series that allows students to decide whether they would wear or tear an outfit. The series is comprised of various topics, including thrifted clothing, fashion trends and celebrity styles.

Last semester, the club also hosted tutorials via Zoom with events demonstrating how to create scrunchies at home. This semester, Fashion Society expanded to host guest speaker events, with speakers like Clothes Closet organizers, to discuss internship opportunities. The club hopes these events will provide the campus community with an hour to destress, take their mind off of problems and have fun exploring the world of fashion.

That hope also reflects the goal of the magazine. Fashion Society wants as many students to be involved as possible, regardless of their majors or involvement with the club.

I know its a difficult time right now, but I feel like its something special and a pretty cool thing we made during a hard time in the world, said Club Secretary Maria Elena Munoz, a fourth-year apparel merchandising and management student. This magazine is just going to be out there. Its something the school will have forever, and its something students can look at any time.

Students interested in getting involved with the virtual magazine can contact Fashion Society via Instagram @fashionsocietycpp or email at

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BTS drive for Smart urges PH youth to ‘live your passion with purpose’ – Manila Bulletin

Posted: at 12:07 pm

Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) has released its long-awaited Live Your Passion with Purpose campaign headlined by the worlds leading pop icon, BTS.

The partnership also heralds Smarts first collaboration with the Grammy-nominated artists managed by HYBE, formerly known as Big Hit Entertainment.

BTS won over the hearts of millions all over the world not just with their talent, but also with their messages of hope and inspiration. On behalf of Smart, we are very honored to have this partnership with BTS that encourages the Filipino youth to keep their faith and continue pursuing their passion and purpose no matter the challenges the lie ahead, said Jane J. Basas, SVP and Head of Consumer Wireless Business at Smart.

Shot in Seoul at the height of the global lockdown, the campaign is set to two of the bands most recent hitsthe inspirational Life Goes On followed by the record-breaking hit Dynamiteappropriately providing the score to a timely and encouraging message to Filipino ARMY during the Philippines most challenging time.

The TVC has the seven BTS members walking up and down seven iterations of The Penrose Stairssymbolic of defying impossible situationsbearing wise and powerful words that defy all of lifes challenges:

Jung Kook goes up and down a staircase which appears to represent the entrance to a recording studio with the words KEEP INSPIRING;

RM is seen opening a book in the impossible stairways set with the words KEEP LEARNING;

j-hope is dancing in a dynamic disco set with the words KEEP MOVING;

Jin goes up a garden stairway set with the words KEEP CHASING YOURPASSION;

V is seen at a subway escalator with the words KEEP EXPLORING;

SUGA in a musical-inspired staircase set with the words KEEP LIVING YOUR PURPOSE;

Jimin is seen in a buildings fire exit with the words KEEP CONNECTING.

As the leading digital services provider in these crucial times, we at Smart are committed more than ever to make it simple and easy for Filipinos to go all out on their passions and fulfill their purpose, said Alfredo S. Panlilio, Smart President and CEO.

BTS also shared their thoughts on what it means to Live Your Passion with Purpose.

Jin reflects, Smart decisions have always been important to us and seem to have produced good results for us. I will encourage you [to live smarter and live with purpose] so you can only walk the path of happiness.

When you have a purpose, you have a reason to [live] and it becomes your driving force, says j-hope.

To this, V adds, No matter how many times you fall, dont give up and challenge yourself to break [big walls] in your life.

For a group whose passion and purpose are to create music and perform around the world, staying put in South Korea for more than a year now has only made them look forward to better times. What makes us move is the ARMY waiting for us, SUGA shares, eager for when seeing fans face-to-face is possible again.

Meanwhile, Jung Kook has everyones best interest in mind: Ill be rooting for you. Please stay healthy.

We know very well that you are always sending us messages through social media, uploading videos that cover our songs and dances, and participating in competitions, says Jimin.

Shooting the campaign also conjured up memories of the groups previous visits to the Philippines, mostly during their early years.

Band leader RM, alluding to the longingness expressed in their classic anthem Spring Day, says rather eloquently, Its been a while since we met with ARMY and everyone in the Philippines. Lets meet soon after this long winter is over. I miss you a lot.


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BTS drive for Smart urges PH youth to 'live your passion with purpose' - Manila Bulletin

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Dortmunds strict squad rules and fines revealed with Arsenal star Aubameyang branded punishment king dur… – The Sun

Posted: at 12:07 pm

BORUSSIA DORTMUND'S strict squad rules and list of fines has been revealed.

And Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang will be glad to be out of the club after being dubbed the 'punishment king'.



4,315 - unauthorised absence

863 - late onto team bus

863 - phone goes off on team bus

431 - late for training

215 - not parking in designated spot

86 - Wrong outfit

(Source: Bild)

The now-Arsenal captain, 31, spent five years with the German giants before his transfer to the Emirates in 2018.

And he forged a reputation for breaching the code of conduct on a regular basis.

As revealed by Bild, the Gabon star was slapped with a 3,450 fine for wearing green boots customised with Swarovski crystals all over.

Off the back of that particularly bold choice of footwear, former Dortmund boss Jurgen Klopp introduced a stricter dress code, ensuring 'appropriate sports clothing' is worn.

The Liverpool manager also introduced an Italian chef at his old club - with three now full-time in the kitchen serving up everything from salads and fish to rice pudding.

Another ex-head coach, Lucien Favre, even brought in fist-bumping to cut down on handshakes and hugging - even before coronavirus - after a flu outbreak in the camp.

There is an 86 fine for wearing the wrong outfit.

And players need to be extra careful this season as the club has different sponsorships - and therefore different training kit - for the Bundesliga and Champions League.


Sticking with clothing and players are allowed to give away just ONE matchday shirt per season across all competitions.

They must reimburse any additional jerseys given to opposition players or fans by buying a replacement from the club shop.

A big thing at many clubs is punctuality - as Aubameyang knows only too well after his snubbing for the North London derby for his tardiness.

Dortmund players are fined 863 if they do not get on the team bus ready for the time of departure and a further 431 if late for training - significantly less than the 20,000 when Frank Lampard was at Chelsea.

Jadon Sancho was slapped with an 86,300 punishment for returning to the club late after heading back to England for international duty.

On top of that, part of the retribution saw the winger walks across the training ground alone in the rain for 60 minutes.

Furthermore, players must live within 20km of the club's Signal Iduna Park home - many opt for the Lake Phoenix area - must pay 215 if they do not park in their designated spot and are charged 4,315 for any unauthorised absences.

On the technology front, if a phone goes off on the bus to the stadium the guilty party can expect a 863 bill.

The same amount goes for missing a sponsorship or advertising appointment.

Goalkeeper Marwin Hitz is the current treasurer looking after all the fines - whereas Manchester United have a committee of Harry Maguire and Nemanja Matic.

Hitz took over from left-back Marcel Schmelzer, who in turn replaced 'Iron Man' Sven Bender who was as brutal off the pitch spotting misdemeanours and collecting fines as he was on it collecting the ball.

Borussia Dortmund have a three-rule policy for social media.

Stars are reminded they are role models to many young people so must post with that in mind, they must also think three times before uploading a post because 'the internet never forgets' and they must be authentic, not boring to keep fans entertained and engaged.



Lastly, it appears there are some freedoms given to the players - they have free reign to play music inside before and after training, with Sancho often DJ.

And they can choose to drive whichever cars they like - unlike at rivals Bayern Munich where they must roll up in their 'company car' Audis.

Kingsley Coman has twice risked the wrath of the Allianz Arena chiefs and a 43,000 fine in the last year by driving in with his McLaren and, more recently, his Mercedes AMG.

Philippe Coutinhoand Niklas Sule had previously stirred the pot, by being spotted in their Mercedes and Ferrari motors respectively.

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All that you need to know about Facebook group cover photo size – TechPluto

Posted: at 12:07 pm





Facebook is a happening place these days. Not only is it used to stay in touch with your friends, but brands can connect with their customers too. The creation of groups and Facebook advertising are two of the most prominent methods companies use to keep their brand recognized. However, not many people know that the correct Facebook group cover photo size makes all the difference to the impression you create.

The image should be attractive and a clear representation of your groups purpose, but most importantly, it should be the correct size. Facebook keeps changing the exact guidelines of Facebook group cover photos, and it is hard for any brand to keep up. To help you in this, we have compiled a list of all the specifics you must keep in mind while changing your Facebook group cover photo.

The Facebook group header size is the first thing any customer visiting your Facebook page sees. It is stretched across your entire Facebook group cover page and is even more significant than the profile photo. Apart from that, the Facebook group photo also conveys what your groups message is and what it is actually targeting to achieve.

A solid cover photo actually works wonders in establishing your authority and showing that you are committed to promoting your brand. If you have kept your Facebook group closed, the outsiders only get to see your Group cover before deciding to join or not. A wrong size image can make or break impressions depending on how you choose to use it.

It is better to skip using generic photos, as many people are already using them as their group images. In case you are a brand, then use a Facebook cover photo that emphasizes what your brand is all about, its legacy, services, and products.

The ideal size of the photo should be with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 or 1,640-pixels-wide by 856-pixels-tall. If you want maximum users to notice you and minimum auto-cropping make sure that you adhere to these guidelines. In reality, a considerable percentage of people access their FB from their phones and mobiles. This means that the photo size you select should be such that it is visible to even people who access the platform on Mobiles and smartphones.

Facebook will not interfere with your cover photo quality or stretch it in any form. Instead, it will just crop your cover photo. Instead, it will just crop your cover photo as per your requirement. On mobile phones, the image will appear in its complete form, but when you see it on the desktop, it is cropped from the top and bottom.

Suppose you want your image to go as it is better to stick to the ideal Facebook group cover photo size. In the past few years, Facebook has modified the size of the group photo many times. In the year 2017, Facebook changed it to a size that looked great on desktops and pathetic on smartphones. They again had similar problems with their 2018 update. However, the present update rectified all issues, and it is now here to stay.

If you are confused about creating the perfect Facebook group cover photo, you must follow the below steps.

You have to first understand what the purpose of your Facebook group is. Who it is targeting, and what you want to achieve with it? Having a clear bait or hook proves helpful, and you may even offer a freebie for guests to join your Facebook group.

By creating this group, you want to target the right audience who will notice your brand, product, or services. This will happen only if you can convince the audiences why they should invest their time or money in you.

The next step in setting the Facebook group cover is to find the correct resolution. This is really crucial; otherwise, your image will appear blurry and hazy. So ensure that the size of your image remains constant at 1640856 pixels. Next, download the picture and import it into the Canva account you have.

Uploading a picture to your Facebook group cover is very easy. From News Feed, click on Groups and then choose your group. Click Upload photo or select an image to choose from your Facebook photos and save it.

You dont have to be Pro to create the perfect group cover photo size. Just follow the above tricks on Canva, and you are done.

If there is any future event coming up, make sure that you change your group cover as well. By doing that, you create a buzz in the group, and your participants eagerly wait for the said occasion. Apart from that, doing this also serves as a reminder, so the chances of them forgetting are minimized.

You can tie up with brands and add their images to your Facebook group cover photo size. This expands the brand reach and informs the other guests about any future conversations and events. The more attractive you make this cover page, the higher are the chances of new participants joining your group.

This is particularly impactful when you have a hobby or food group. You can everyday showcase one members talent or share his/her recipe and spread the buzz. By doing that, you remain in the good books of the other members and also garner huge engagement on the platform.

If you keep the same cover page on your Facebook group for a long time, the guests start losing interest in it. As it is, you have to make your Facebook group a happening place. Why not incorporate the same thought in your Facebook group cover photo as well. Change the image as frequently as you can. However, maintain one image for a sufficient time so that the guests are able to understand and grasp its essence in your group.

You must ensure that whatever elements you are using in the cover photo is big enough to be seen on the mobile as well. These days customers lose interest very quickly, and if they notice something that they are unable to understand, they would clearly move on to some other competitor.

Apart from focussing on the Facebook group cover photo size, there are a few points that you may keep in mind while setting up the same.

When you look for preview, you will see tiny previews alongside. Last year they were changed from a circle to a round-cornered square. This year they appear as circles sometimes and round cornered squares at times. As a result, some previews are easily noticed while others are plainly confusing.

Where does the Facebook group thumbnail preview come from

The preview is usually grabbed from the center of your banner. But if you already have a strong focal point in your Facebook group cover photo, then they will pick it from there. To get them to choose the best photo for preview, just follow the tips:

Another aspect you should pay real attention to while creating the new Facebook group cover photo size is the concept of Facebook gradient. On Desktop displays, Facebook pulls a single color from the top sides of the group banner. After this, it creates a gradient that stretches towards both sides of the image.

In case your cover image has separate colors on both sides, this gradient may look odd and unbalanced. If your photo has contrasting colors in its edges that contrast with your brand image, this concept does not look quite neat.

At the end of it all, you need a fantastic resource from where you can derive images on a regular basis. This is important as your Facebook group cover photo cannot be repeated, and for that, unique images are required every now and then. Though you will find many such resources online, only a few of them are trustworthy, and here we mention them.

Bannersnack claims that they are the best online banner makers ever. Their collection has thousands of banner templates that you can pick from at any time. All the templates shared here are customizable so that you can modify them as per your choice. You can add a personal touch or just insert some basic additions to the image. Using these templates, you get the feel as if you are the one who is designing these templates instead of using a resource. Whats more, all these templates are absolutely free, and you can use them without paying any money. You just have to sign up and get a Facebook group banner for your use.

Again this is a free Facebook group cover creator platform and has the backing of a solid company like Adobe behind it. To begin, you have to select the ideal size of the banner, which is 1640 pixels by 856 pixels, as already mentioned. Later you can make it more enticing and exciting by adding elements to it. Add an attractive image, or just perk it up with a valuable quote. The options are many, and it is solely up to you as to how you want to play around with it. The variety of banners is interesting, and you will never get bored of the choices.

At Snappa, you get the most exciting experience of creating a Facebook group cover photo. There are many professionally designed templates, and you can update them as frequently as you want. Easily customizable, you can modify these images, graphics, templates, and texts to create the perfect banner. Plus, the website boasts of having a fantastic collection of 3,000,000 high-resolution stock-free photos that you can use. Since the collection is so huge, there is no chance you will not get what you were looking for.

Crello again is relatively simple to work around with. In fact, through this platform, you can create the perfect Facebook group cover photo in just four easy steps. Similar to Adobe Spark, you first need to choose the size of the banner required. There are nearly 20 000 templates on display, and you can easily select one from among them. Now customize the template to suit your needs. You can easily add or subtract any element to the template. This makes it a breeze to add information about your brand and make it noticeable. Once you have made a perfect banner, you can download it and apply it to your Facebook group cover.

Fotor allows you to create a simple Facebook group cover photo in a matter of minutes. You just apply a few clicks and your work is accomplished. Not only that, here you can customize a pre-made template to suit it to perfection. As a bonus, you can start your own banner from scratch and make it as per your needs. Once you are sure that the perfect group cover has been created, you can even preview the image. Download it in any size that you want and apply it to the Facebook group cover though it is always wise to maintain the size specified by Facebook.

PicMonkey promises that with their help, you can make some rather interesting Facebook group cover photos. Using these covers, you can easily attract new and focused followers to your page on a regular basis. The templates provided on their website are helpful to make on-brand designs. If your brand has a particular style or color scheme, you could incorporate the same into your cover page. This helps the guests to recollect your brand and link it with your page. You may edit the graphics, fonts, and effects to match the style and make it suitable for your requirement.

Sometimes you would want to make a collage of all the images you already have or are interested in showing. BeFunkys website helps you do just that. Apart from that, the platform is also famous for the features that it offers for Facebook cover photo creation. Just manipulate the features provided by the Photo editor and smoothly create a customized Facebook group cover photo. Click on the edit panel and select the crop tool showing. Now resize your image to the aspect ratio of the Facebook banners. This ratio in most cases is 1.91: 1, and you must adhere to it. This tool is quite simple to comprehend and navigate around.

8. Piktochart

Piktochart claims and actually provides attractive options for your Facebook group covers. Using the templates offered by Piktochart, you can comfortably create pretty enticing group covers. Navigation and application of the tool are easy and can be done without any prior training. All the templates are created by experts and therefore thus look very professional. With their free library of graphics, templates, and design components, you can create wonders with your Facebook group cover photos. You can even use your data to prepare a story and post it as a banner.

Fotojets collection of image templates is pretty extensive. So much so that you have innumerable options to choose around from. Whether you want a classical cover page or a professional template, the Fotojet collection has everything for you. You can browse through this collection and decide which combination you would want to pick. In fact, you can use the platform for preparing a collage Plus, the registration is free, and you do not need any download or installation to use the resources. The platform is easy to use, and with just a few clicks, any novice can create a template that is stunning.

10. Stencil

Using Stencil, any user can create a beautiful Facebook group cover within just two minutes of time. This is because they have the correct Facebook group cover photo size, so you do not have to figure out which size to choose. You could also upload your own photo or choose from the huge library of photos available for your disposal. Apart from that, there are 3000 Google fonts that you can add to your banner and make it look distinct and attractive.

When you start your Facebook group, your first objective is to get in as many members joining as possible. Naturally, the first thing any interested group member will see in your group is your cover photo. Remember that if you are a business, the popularity and success of your group dictate the future sales you will make.

The more attractive the Facebook group cover photo is, the higher are the chances of new audiences to notice it. That is why it is considered so critical to pay attention to the cover photo you choose and set on your page. You can use a lot of ways and make your Facebook group cover photos enjoyable. We have mentioned some of them, and following them is vital to gain substantial traction.

Apart from that, you will find many resources from where you can procure the images easily. These images can be converted into Facebook cover photos and grant an attractive touch to your page. At any point in time, you can use the platforms available and take advantage of the collection of images available. You could also prepare a slideshow, and the photos will automatically be changed as per the settings.

Facebook is quite strict about the specifications of size of FB group cover photo. If you mess up with the exact dimensions, it could mean that your image will look haphazard and blurry. Apart from that, on the Facebook mobile app, these cover page images might be trimmed, which is not suitable for you either. Follow the guidelines as mentioned earlier, precisely and take advantage of the engagement benefits you derive from it.

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Jimmie Johnson ready to make his official jump from NASCAR to IndyCar this weekend – ESPN

Posted: April 19, 2021 at 7:13 am

It was a little over a month ago when seven-time NASCAR Cup Series champion-turned-IndyCar rookie Jimmie Johnson and four-time IndyCar champion and one-time NASCAR Cup Series rookie Dario Franchitti sat in Johnson's Charlotte home and talked racing. OK, they were trying to talk racing. But they were quickly interrupted by Chandra Johnson, wife of a NASCAR legend-turned-IndyCar rookie.

So what did Mrs. Johnson ask Mr. Franchitti?

"'Is my husband going to make a fool out of himself?'" Johnson recalled Thursday morning, chuckling as he prepared to jet south to Birmingham's Barber Motorsport Park for Sunday's Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama, his first open-wheel start and first of 13 planned road and street course events.

And what did Mr. Franchitti tell Mrs. Johnson?

"He never hesitated. He said to her, 'No, he is not. You have nothing to worry about,'" Johnson said. "That's the good news, that Dario isn't worried. The bad news is that I don't feel nearly as confident about it as he does."

It's not that the man lacks for confidence. He is, after all, the winner of 83 Cup Series races, including a pair of Daytona 500s. He just wishes he had a little more seat time in the lighter, faster, more nimble IndyCars. OK, a lot more seat time. Moving from a racing life lived behind the wheel of a 3,400-pound stock car and into the cockpit of a 1,600-pound open-wheel machine is like going from piloting an Airbus to an F-22 fighter jet. NASCAR is about momentum, how one throws that weight around and how it throws them around, building speed one lap after the other. IndyCar is point-the-nose-and-go, with everything and anything happening instantly.

In July, after Day 1 of his oft-COVID-delayed first test session, Johnson responded to a "How was it?" text with a GIF from the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon as it made the jump to light speed.

"It is so exciting, but it is also so challenging," he said. "I have had to literally rethink everything I know about driving a race car. In a stock car, speed is all about how you attack the exit of a turn. In an IndyCar, it's about how you attack turn entries. There is so much acceleration into the turn. That's new."

There is so much that's new it's hard to keep track. Everything from race starts and pit stops, to terminology (when the rear end of the car loses grip and goes sideways, that's no longer "loose," it's "oversteer") and tire spin. It's the latter that's been giving him fits, struggling a bit to understand braking and acceleration points with the bigger tires on a lighter car. He's really wrestled with getting his Firestones up to the right temperature and air pressures, accidentally spinning and burning up those tires prematurely. With strict tire limits, there's no rubber to be wasted.

"The biggest worry I have is making a dumb mistake, something that stems from inexperience," Johnson said. "Using up tires or botching a pit stop, or even just getting in the way when I don't mean to. We were limited to only five tests, and the last one of those was a while ago, early March. I got probably 150 laps in during each test, so do that math and it's not a lot of laps."

To make up for that lack of seat time, Johnson has traveled to Speedway, Indiana, to strap himself into race car manufacturer Dallara's sci-fi film-worthy 360-degree simulator. But pandemic travel restrictions kept engineers from gathering and uploading updated 2020 data. It's still set up to 2019 race specs. So while the sim time gave Johnson a great handle on the racetracks, it provided only a partial feel for his 2021 ride. To fill in those gaps, he has worn out the video and data servers of his new team, Chip Ganassi Racing, watching every angle of every 2020 race lap and pit stop over and over, as well as everything gathered during his five tests.

Right now, those downloads have been limited to the road and street courses, the 13 events he is running this season, sitting out the four ovals. That means no Indy 500. For now. Asked to gauge the possibility he might change his mind next month, he rated the chance as "a sliver."

The other data banks he's mined are the human ones, especially Franchitti and teammate Scott Dixon, who also happens to be the six-time and reigning IndyCar champ, aka the Jimmie Johnson of open-wheel racing. "Yeah, I have leaned on Dixon some, but when I was so many seconds off his pace in the beginning, I tried not to bother him," Johnson said. "As we inched closer, I feel like I'm a little more worthy to ask a few more questions."

Dixon scoffs at such remarks, echoing the universal praise being heaped upon his 45-year-old rookie teammate, coming from every corner of the IndyCar paddock. "He has already covered so much ground with very limited laps. You saw immediately how competitive he is. The intensity is just insane. Everyone knows what amazing shape he is always in physically, but he has even changed how he trains to prepare for the different feel of these cars, for the G-force loads. He is covering all his bases. That's how you win seven championships. This is going to be so big for IndyCar to have him with us."

How big? No matter what Johnson's results might be, he will make motorsports history simply by showing up in Birmingham this weekend. While there has been a long list of IndyCar superstars to jump into NASCAR with some success -- A.J. Foyt, Mario Andretti, Parnelli Jones, Dan Gurney and Johnny Rutherford all won Cup Series races -- that has rarely happened in reverse. A few NASCAR stars, including Indy 500 Rookies of the Year Donnie Allison (1970) and Kurt Busch (2014), have shown flashes of potential, but no NASCAR driver has ever won an IndyCar event and only one crossed over to run the full open-wheel schedule, a fact so little known that not even a fellow legend knew about it until he was told on Thursday.

"Wait ... Cale Yarborough ran a full IndyCar schedule?!" Johnson replied when told the three-time Cup Series champ did indeed run the USAC Championship Trail calendar in 1971. He also came the closest to winning an open-wheel race, leading with less than 10 laps remaining at Ontario Motor Speedway. A decade later, after Yarborough had won three consecutive Cups and had 83 wins, a kid who grew up not far from Ontario made his family drive out of their way to find a Hardee's hamburger joint so he could buy a die cast toy of Yarborough's famous No. 28 Hardee's-sponsored ride.

That kid's name was Jimmie Johnson, and he recalled that story for Yarborough in 2008 after he tied that record of three straight championships. Now they also sit together with 83 Cup Series victories, sixth on NASCAR's all-time wins list.

"That's the part of this experience that I get the most excited about, following in the footsteps of the racers who were my heroes," Johnson added, his voice beaming through the phone line. "When we were kids we'd say, 'Who do you think you are, Parnelli Jones?' We said that because he raced everything everywhere. Parnelli, A.J. Foyt, the guys who have run the Charlotte/Indy Memorial Day weekend double duty. Being able to cross over like that, like I have the opportunity to do now, this is as old school as it gets. I'm ready to go, man."

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Vaccine passports for COVID-19: How they’ll be a part of global travel – CNET

Posted: at 7:13 am

Masked passengers line up at Ronald Reagan National Airport just outside Washington, DC.

COVID-19 vaccinationrates continue to ramp up in the US, and the promise of summer travel is becoming more reality than fantasy. As we crowd onto flights, a new question is emerging: Should governments and the private sector embrace the idea of a vaccine passport for international travel? Advocates say such passports, which would be a form of documentation (likely digital) that would allow you to prove to border officials or another gatekeeper, would ease the grip of thecoronavirus pandemicby making vacations and business trips abroad possible again. But the idea is not without controversy.

Before too long, though, proving yourcoronavirus vaccinationstatus (or maybe just a negative COVID-19 test) will likely be key to globetrotting again. Some countries, most of them with economies dependent on tourism, are pushing ahead either with real vaccine passport plans or allowing vaccinated visitors to skip quarantine requirements for entry. The private sector, most notably cruise lines and airlines, is also eagerly climbing aboard.

Proving you're vaccinated to travel abroad isn't a new concept -- some countries have required yellow fevervaccines for years -- but doing so for COVID-19 would be on a far grander scale than ever before and would present immense logistical challenges. Passport skeptics also predict they could result in discrimination and fraud, encourage risky behavior in the face of newcoronavirus variants, and be a privacy minefield. As the debate continues, here's what we know.

This story has been updated with new information.

Now playing: Watch this: Eager to travel abroad? Bring your vaccine passport


Despite its name, the vaccine passport likely wouldn't be like the little booklet you present to immigration officials when you cross an international border. Rather, the most probable concept is a mobile app with a scannable barcode that shows your vaccination status. The app could also allow you to check entry requirements for a country (possibly after uploading your itinerary) and hold the status of your last COVID test, and maybe other health information. For people without smartphones, some proponents are pushing for an alternative paper version. Multiple apps are currently in development (see next section).

The app could verify your vaccination a few ways. Perhaps you could take a photo of a paper vaccination certificate, but that method opens the door to possible forgery. A better option would link apps to databases that hold vaccination records. In the US, that data is held not at the federal level, but by individual states.

Keep track of the coronavirus pandemic.

Currently, a few businesses and organizations are working to create passports. Here's a partial list.

One is the International Air Transport Association, a trade group based in Montreal that represents 290 airlines worldwide. The IATA is developing an app called Travel Pass that would let users upload documentation to prove vaccination status. It would also allow passengers to check health entry requirements for countries they plan to visit and find COVID testing centers -- either before they leave for a trip or upon arrival. Eventually, the Travel Pass could incorporate biometric information, such as a thumbprint or facial recognition, to prove a person's identity.

The IATA says 23 airlines, includingQantas, Singapore Airlines, Virgin Atlantic and the parent company ofBritish Airways, arecurrently testingTravel Pass. The organization says airlines would have the option of integrating the data into their own apps.IBM is developingDigital Health Pass, which would "enable organizations to verify health credentials for employees, customers and visitors entering their site based on criteria specified by the organization."

Clear, the registered traveler program that allows you to speed through security at US airports, is pushing its own app'sHealth Pass feature. It recently partnered with The Commons Project Foundation to collect and manage vaccination records. The Commons Project Foundation, working with the World Economic Forum, also has its own app:CommonPass. that could link with the iOS and Android health apps. I'll discuss which airlines are using CommonPass a bit later.

Other possible apps include the AOKpass, Passport for COVID and Corona Pass.

The IATA is developing Travel Pass for its member airlines.

A lack of standardization would be a burden for everyone. Some apps, for example, could request more information than others or could work in different ways. Another potential problem could be countries and airlines accepting only some apps, forcing travelers to upload their vaccination records multiple times. We'll have to see how that plays out, but it could be one avenue for governments to step inand sort out the mess (more on that later).

That's unclear at this moment, and it's something that could get messy if some countries decide to exclude a vaccine that's not approved for use within their own borders. The European Union has already said as much, which I'll discuss later.

Not yet, at least on a cross-border basis. But Israel, which is leading the world in vaccination rates, has launched a "green passport" that gives holders access to places like gyms, theaters, hotels, concerts and synagogues. New York state has announced an app called Excelsior Pass, which shows your vaccination proof or the results of a negative COVID-19 test (you must also show a photo ID).

It's a broad coalition, with much of the push now coming from Europe. Denmark and Swedenhave both said they will develop vaccine passports for travel, and Estonia is working with the World Health Organization on a solution. Popular tourist destinations like Greece, Spain and Cyprus are eager, as well.

On March 1, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen tweeted that the EU would present a legislative proposal this month for a Digital Green Pass that would include proof a person has been vaccinated, has received a negative test result or has recovered from COVID-19. Two weeks later on March 17, the European Commission released a proposal(PDF) for resuming free travel within the bloc for EU citizens and residents with Green Passes. There will likely be some restrictions: The EU hasn't yet approved Russia's Sputnik V and China's Sinopharm vaccines for use, and vaccinated people from other countries would still be barred from entry. The Green Pass could be ready by June.

Outside of the EU, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said his government is reviewing their use. China and Japanare also advocating for vaccine passports, as are other tourism-dependent countries like Thailand and Aruba.

Keep in mind, though, that many countries remain closed to international visitors. Removing those barriers will be a completely separate issue.

As part of a Jan. 21 executive order aimed at curbing the pandemic, President Joe Biden directed his Cabinet to assess the feasibility of linking COVID-19 vaccination to the current International Certificates of Vaccination or Prophylaxis used by the WHO (more on that later). It's clear, though, that there will be no national mandate for using them.

Ina briefing on March 9, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the private sector would likely drive domestic use of vaccine passports. "There are lots of ideas that will come from the private sector and nonprofits," she said. "We welcome those. But our focus from the federal government is on getting more people vaccinated, and that's where we feel we can use our resources best." On April 6, Psaki said, "There will be no federal vaccinations database and no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential."

Andy Slavitt, acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,echoed those comments in a March 29 briefing. "We view this as something that the private sector is doing and will do," he said. "What's important to us -- and we're leading an interagency process right now to go through these details -- are that some important criteria be met with these credentials." That criteria includes equitable access to the passports (such as for people who don't own smartphones) and securing the privacy of user information.

Yes. Iceland was one of the first countriesto allowvaccinated visitors to skip testing and quarantine requirements. It's been joined bya handful of other countriesincluding Belize, Croatia, Ecuador, Estonia, Guatemala, Montenegro and Seychelles. That list will expand.

In the US, Hawaii is developing a program that will allow travelers who have been vaccinated to skip COVID-19 testing or quarantine.

Though the US alreadyrequires a negative COVID testto enter the country, it does currently not require a COVID vaccination. Visitors to the US and returning US residents are not required to be vaccinated against anything, though immigrants must be inoculated for 14 other diseases.

In the US, vaccine passports have already emerged as a partisan issue-- with Republican elected officials in particular decrying any use in domestic settings as a violation of personal freedoms. One of the loudest critics has been Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whoissued an executive order April 2 banning businesses and government agencies in the state from requiring vaccination passports. But that order may run afoul of the cruise industry, a powerful force in the Florida tourism sector (see below section about the private sector).

And around the world, the idea has yet to gain traction in developing countries with less access to the vaccine or with economies not dependent on tourism.

Though the WHO is exploring how a vaccine passport might work, in a Feb. 5 statement it said, "At the present time, it is WHO's position that national authorities and conveyance operators should not introduce requirements of proof of COVID-19 vaccination for international travel as a condition for departure or entry, given that there are still critical unknowns regarding the efficacy of vaccination in reducing transmission." WHO gives more reasons for its stance, which are included below.

Very much so. Cruise lines are motivated to support the use of vaccine passports given that cruise ships like theDiamond Princesswere major coronavirus hotspots when the pandemic began (and less recently forother diseases like norovirus).

"Cruise ships had a very, very difficult problem to solve," said Terry Jones, the founder of Kayak and Travelocity and a former CIO of American Airlines. "And they're a small microcosm of a lot of people. And so to get people to feel safe again, it simply makes sense."

Royal Caribbean announced on March 1 that itwill resume sailing from Israeland that all passengers 16 years and older will have to be vaccinated. It also has announced upcoming cruises fromCyprusandthe Bahamaswill be open only to vaccinated crew and passengers. It's not a stretch to assume that such a mandate will be enforced across all of the company's ships.

That's the case with Norwegian Cruise Lines, which announced April 6 that all passengers booked on cruises through Oct. 31will need to be vaccinated. Other cruise lineshave followedwith varying requirements of their own, including Cunard, Celebrity, Princess, Seabourn and Viking. Keep in mind, though, that theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention are still setting requirementsfor cruise lines to begin sailing from the US. At present, a vaccination requirement for passengers is not among them.

Qantas said it will require international passengers to be vaccinated.

Airlines, led by the IATA, cruise lines and others in the travel and hospitality industries are big supporters. Qantas, for example,will require visitorsto Australia to have a vaccine to fly. Given the country'sstrict quarantine policyand success insuppressing the pandemic, it's not surprising. The CEO of Qatar Airwayshas also said he supportsthe idea. Among the airlines using CommonPass on a trial basis for select flights are United, Cathay Pacific and JetBlue, Lufthansa, Swiss International and Virgin Atlantic.

There is a big incentive for airlines to endorse the idea of a vaccine passport for international flights. Keep in mind that airlines are responsible for ensuring passengers have the correct documentation to fly to any country before boarding a flight. In a sense, that makes an airline check-in desk the equivalent of a border crossing. And if an airline happens to fly someone to a country they can't enter because they're not vaccinated, the carrier is responsible for flying them back home at its own expense.

Terry Jones said it's unlikely that could happen for domestic flights, though that could change (see video). "The Presidentruled that flights must have masks. So, there could be some of that going on," he said. "I think it simply makes sense."

Advocates say they could:

The problem, though, is that these reasons aren't perfectly in line. So, which will be prioritized? That's something we'll have to decide.

There are a few critical ones here, as well:

Possibly. That would be the case with the EU's Green Pass. But we'll have to wait and see whether other countries or businesses adopt such a policy.

The WHO Yellow Card lists a bearer's vaccination status.

A vaccination as a requirement to enter a country is not a new concept. The affected diseases include not just yellow fever, but also meningitis and polio. Travelers can record their shots and prove vaccination status with the WHO's International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (also called a Carte Jaune or Yellow Card) [PDF], which is a vaccine passport. Or as Jones put it, "This is simply a digital representation of that time-worn idea."

COVID-19 is different because it's happening on a vastly wider scale than something like yellow fever. Only a handful of countries, all in equatorial Africa, require a yellow fever vaccination for all travelers. And other countries -- like China, Australia, South Africa and Colombia -- only require it if you're arriving from a country with a yellow fever risk (the WHO has a comprehensive list of vaccination requirements by country).

Advocates say there are a few reasons to go digital. Paper passports would be more subject to forgery, and they'd be more difficult to replace if lost, stolen or damaged. It's also likely that border officials would be able to check digital passports quicker than they would paper certificates. That would help at busy international airports where multiple flights with hundreds of people each can arrive within minutes of each other.

No. Social distancing and mask wearing are still absolutely essential for fighting the spread of the virus and protecting the health of yourself and others. And they'll remain that way for many months.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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Vaccine passports for COVID-19: How they'll be a part of global travel - CNET

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Sushmita Sen’s "Meditation In Action" Post Is Beating Our Monday Blues. Watch Her Workout Video – NDTV

Posted: at 7:13 am

Sushmita Sen posted this video. (Image courtesy: @sushmitasen47)

Actress Sushmita Sen is one of the best motivators you can find on social media. Time and again, she has kept her fans inspired by uploading jaw-dropping workout videos. In her latest post on Instagram, Sushmita gave us a glimpse of another intense workout, which has left us speechless. In the video, that she called "meditation in action", Sushmita, in an all-black athleisure wear, is seen performing an act on her favourite gymnastic rings. The former Miss Universe captioned the video, "Sharing a feeling, I call alive. It doesn't take strength...It takes will. Back to my practice...How I've missed this feeling. I love you guys."

Her hashtags were #alive, #practise, #will, #breathe, #gratitude and the customary one, #duggadugga. The comments by her fans ranged from "amazing" to "girl power" and "mind-blowing" to "brilliant workout".

Working out with gymnastic rings is no mean task. The actress has been doing it for a few years now, too, had a shaky start. During her first attempt at working out with gymnastic rings in 2018, she had posted that "knuckle push-ups are really a piece of cake in comparison".

When it comes to motivational messages as well, the actress has always been spot-on. In another post, that just had the line, "Never tell me the odds", the 45-year-old wrote, "I believe everything in life is possible, when we begin even. Just because someone couldn't do it, doesn't mean you can't. Go after what you want, leave the odds to the odd ones out."

So, what pushes her every day to radiate such positivity? Well, in another post, she says if you really want something "commit to it, cut out all the noise both inside your head and outside your being. Focus all your energies to honour your commitment and then you will prevail."

The actress confirmed in February that the second season of her web series, Aarya, was on the cards.

Aarya had marked her digital debut in 2020, and Sushmita had left a lasting impact on fans in the role of a drug lord, who takes on her husband's business.

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