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Category Archives: Mind Uploading
Order VII Rule 11 CPC | Existence Of Cause Of Action Cannot Be Equated With Merits Of Suit Filed: Delhi… – Live Law – Indian Legal News
Posted: April 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm
The Delhi High Court has observed that existence of the cause of action cannot be equated with the merits of the suit filed.
Justice Asha Menon was dealing with an application moved under Order VII Rule 11 read with sec. 151 of CPC on behalf of the defendants in a suit seeking rejection of the plaint.
The suit was filed for recovery of a sum of Rs.5 crores, by the plaintiff, daughter-in-law of the defendants. Her case was that the defendants had, by their words and actions, including a press-conference addressed by them, openly accused her of being guilty of and conniving and conspiring to have her husband murdered.
On account of the wide publicity of the said statement, including in the print media, the plaintiff had submitted that her reputation had been shattered and being a businesswoman, was also maligned through wrongful impressions being created not only with the general public, but also with her business associates.
The defendants, on the other hand, had contended that the plaint did not disclose any cause of action and since the defendants had only one thought in their mind, which was the apprehension of the true murderer of their one and only son and that malice could not be attributed to them and therefore, the plaint was liable to be rejected.
It was argued by the applicants/ defendants that the Court had no jurisdiction to try the suit, as the cause of action had not arisen in Delhi and that the interview was given in Faridabad, Haryana. It was also argued that no details of the URLs were given and in any case, the uploading of the video was never done at the instance of the defendants.
On the other hand, it was argued on behalf of the plaintiff that the Court had jurisdiction vested in it under sec. 19 and 20 of the CPC. It was also submitted that the plaintiff resided in Delhi and the impact on her reputation was suffered by her at Delhi, as a consequence of the statements of the defendants.
Noting that the application sought rejection alone, the Court said:
"In the circumstances, considering that the nature of relief under both provisions are different from each other, this Court deems it appropriate to consider the instant application only as one under Order VII Rule 11 CPC i.e., whether or not the suit has to be rejected on any of the grounds mentioned thereunder."
The Court was of the view that in cases, the Apex Court and the High Courts have held that while dealing with an application under Order VII Rule 11 CPC, the court can only consider the averments in the plaint and documents relied upon by the plaintiff. However, the stand of the defendant is irrelevant.
"If, on a demurer, a cause of action is disclosed or the averments appear to be such that none of the grounds under Order VII Rule 11 CPC are found applicable, there can be no question of the rejection of the plaint," the Court said.
The Court said that a perusal of the application revealed the frivolous nature of the application. It added that while claiming that the plaint did not disclose a cause of action, the defendants pleaded justification, lack of malice, privilege, freedom of speech and fair comment, as the grounds for rejection.
"Clearly, these are the defences that are normally raised by defendants to a suit for damages on account of defamatory and slanderous words having been allegedly used by the defendants. The contentions that the plaintiff has not justified how she has claimed Rs.5 crores, is again extraneous to the determination of whether the plaint is to be rejected," the Court said.
It added "The existence of the cause of action cannot be equated with the merits of the suit filed. It will be only after trial and on evidence produced that it could be determined whether the defendants were justified in making the statements they did to the media, whether there was any privilege involved in it and whether the plaintiff was entitled to damages of at least Rs.5 crores, as claimed. These are all questions of fact and require evidence to be adduced during trial."
Accordingly, the application was dismissed with costs of Rs.10,000.
Citation: 2022 LiveLaw (Del) 304
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Elon Musk says humans could eventually download their brains into robots and Grimes thinks Jeff Bezos would do it – CNBC
Posted: April 9, 2022 at 3:54 am
Elon Musk says a lot of seemingly fantastical things. For example: The billionaire Tesla and SpaceX CEO seems to believe that humans will eventually be able to live forever, by downloading their brains into robots.
"I think it is possible," Musk, 50, recently told Insider. "Yes, we could download the things that we believe make ourselves so unique. Now, of course, if you're not in that body anymore, that is definitely going to be a difference, but as far as preserving our memories, our personality, I think we could do that."
By Musk's account, such technology will be a gradual evolution from today's forms of computer memory. "Our memories are stored in our phones and computers with pictures and video," he said. "Computers and phones amplify our ability to communicate, enabling us to do things that would have been considered magical ... We've already amplified our human brains massively with computers."
The concept of prolonging human life by downloading consciousnesses into synthetic bodies has been a fixture of science-fiction for decades, with the 1964 sci-fi novel "Dune" terming such beings as "cymeks." Some experts today believe that "mind uploading" technology could, in fact, be feasible one day but the timeline is incredibly unclear.
In a 2019 Wall Street Journal essay, Michael S.A. Graziano, a psychology and neuroscience professor at Princeton University, wrote that mind uploading would require two pieces of technology: an artificial brain, and a scan of a person's brain that could "measure exactly how its neurons are connected to each other, to be able to copy that pattern in the artificial brain."
Creating the artificial brain, Graziano noted, would be relatively straightforward. "But to upload a human brain, we probably want a scanner that doesn't kill the subject, and we would need it to scan about a hundred million times as many details," he wrote. "That technology doesn't yet exist. The most wildly optimistic predictions place mind uploading within a few decades, but I would not be surprised if it took centuries."
One of Musk's current start-up ventures, Neuralink, is working to develop "brain-machine interfaces" that in Musk's own words could one day allow people to "store your memories as a backup, and restore the memories." But speaking with Insider, Musk emphasized that his company's current goals are much more immediately practical.
"Neuralink in the short term is just about solving brain injuries, spinal injuries and that kind of thing," he said. "So for many years, Neuralink's products will just be helpful to someone who has lost the use of their arms or legs or has just a traumatic brain injury of some kind."
Notably, Musk himself doesn't seem to want to live forever nor does he endorse the idea for anyone else. "I don't think we should try to have people live for a really long time," he said. "That would cause asphyxiation of society because the truth is, most people don't change their mind. They just die. So if they don't die, we will be stuck with old ideas and society wouldn't advance."
If mind uploading does become possible within the relatively near future, there's some speculation in the Musk household as to who'd want to try it: In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Musk's co-parent and ex-partner Grimes identified Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos as someone who "is gonna be a cymek."
Bezos, 58, has not publicly expressed any interest in such technology, though he does have a track record of investing in longevity and anti-aging research. He did not immediately respond to CNBC Make It's request for comment.
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Heres how much power Elon Musk actually has at Twitter now and what he might do with it
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Best Free OnlyFans Accounts to Follow: Ultimate List of the Top Free OnlyFans Girls – Cincinnati CityBeat
Posted: at 3:54 am
Although, with every model claiming to be the best, the real question to ask is "how do I find the BEST free OnlyFans accounts to follow?
Here are the best free OnlyFans accounts with 100% free OnlyFans subscriptions in 2022.
Keep your wallets in your pockets and purses tucked away for this one.
1. Aisha Top Free OnlyFans Subscription
Top features:
This is another up-and-coming model on OnlyFans whos out to give you free entertainment on the platform. She brings a dash of the exotic too, which some just love.
Aisha has already uploaded over 90 media files to her wall. Her gallery comprises 81 pics and 10 adult-only, pre-recorded videos. These come in handy especially when you dont have enough bucks to buy some of her exclusive packages.
On the other hand, if you feel endowed in the wallet and want to order top-shelf content, then you can request a personalized bundle made just for you.
Another alternative is to buy from her gallery of exclusive content and ogle at her beauty or relish her voice as she explores what pleasure means.
2. Molly Sims Free OnlyFans Content With Best ProductionTop features:
Molly Sims might look like an angel but can be a charming devil once you get to know her. She has mastered the art of lustrous performance and knows how to deliver what makes her fans tick.
As of this moment, she has over 1,000 media uploads in her gallery among 1,033 posts. These numbers keep soaring by the day giving you enough content to peruse when youre lonely.
When it comes to production value, she comes second to none as she goes all out complete with a set design, lights, makeup, props you name it! What you get in the end is an experience youll always remember.
Aside from that, most of her fans love that this cupcake is very interactive. Engaging her in the private chats (paid, of course) is really cool and you dont have to cram a bunch of cheesy pick-up lines just to get her attention.
And if you want her to create custom content tailored to your needs, just show her how generous you can be and leave the rest to her tempting wits.
Shell give you your moneys worth up to the last cent.
3. Haley Brooks Best Free Onlyfans with Daily Posts
Top features:
Haley Brooks wins a top spot in this free OnlyFans roundup, thanks to her alluring profile and consistent video uploads.
As of the time of this review, this sweet fudge had already gotten well over 218K likes from her 1,000+ media uploads. This number is more than enough to keep you occupied on her page, what with all the good stuff on offer.
And if you like models with a bit of class, then Miss Haley Brooks will surely blow you away with her luxury-themed sets. Catch her by the pool or entertaining others in a bourgeois hotel suite.
To make it even better
She came in with a fresh style of uploading short, TikTok-like videos on her wall to give you a taste of what she has in store for you. And as short as they may be, these videos will only have you imagining much more.
So, if youre up for it and have a few bucks to spare, you can also check out her awesome catalog of exclusive content.
4. Paige Macky - Free Anime Onlyfans Girl
If you love cats, then you will surely love this talented anime girl who moans and purrs for your attention in her free and premium paid OnlyFans content.
Subscribing to her free account lets you take a peek at her hot stuff without busting out the green. Her best content, though, is hidden in a vault behind her paid OnlyFans subscription that is both raunchy and affordable. Definitely worth the price.
She does cosplays, and will dress up like your favorite characters like Pikachu, CatWoman, and loads of other anime characters.
What else makes her special? Many things, really. Firstly is her beautiful petite frame crafted with a nice, succulent onion butt that will make you cry. Additionally, her personality vibe is somewhat quirky or wacky, in a good way, but playful and colorful, like a gamer girl you would see at an anime convention.
She has an account on almost every social media site from Twitter to YouTube where you can see her antics.
5. Sunny Rayez Free OnlyFans Girl Next Door
Top features:
Sunny Rayez is the latest upcoming model that you need to watch out for. Just like her name suggests, this OnlyFans model will make your heart beam with pure gladness, as she explores what she likes and doesnt like.
Given the short time shes graced the platform, shes already posted 80+ media files to her gallery and theres no sign of her slowing down any time soon. So, make sure that you dont stay away too long or youll have a hard time catching up.
Oh! And if you love the laid back, girl-next-door vibe, then this is your stop. Many fans love how easy it is to interact with her and this makes her convos all the more exciting.
Her pics and videos are pretty impressive and youll still get access to a majority of them even with the free subscription.
However, if you want something a bit more interesting, then consider paying for her rad exclusives. You may also go the extra mile and request personalized content if you have a specific something in mind.
5. Daisy Dray Best Free OnlyFans Celebrity Look-Alike
Top features:
Shes one of the few OnlyFans Latinx models who know how to put on a good show. Daisy Dray is pretty generous with her goodies and her figure is something to marvel at for sure.
Perhaps what keeps most of her fans glued is her striking resemblance to the celebrity singer Ariana Grande. One could be forgiven for thinking that they might be actual sisters!
She currently has 421 media files uploaded on her page and has garnered almost 67K likes from them. Daisy also values quality performances and, as a result, uploads mostly high-res photos that reveal her gorgeousness in vivid colors!
Whats more?
Apart from her free subscription, this bunny throws loads of freebies on her wall to keep the fans company when shes away.
Also, for a few extra bucks, she can create personalized content if you want a piece of extra-spicy action. Alternatively, you may decide to hop on a private chat session if you want to hear all of Miss Drays secrets.
Thats a deal worth checking.
6. Emmy Beehz Most Chill Free OnlyFans Model
Top features:
This kitty cat is the ultimate definition of laid back. Emmy Beehz maintains a very calm yet fun demeanor that her fans adore.
With over 900 media uploads from her 924 posts to date, shes gained a stunning 104K+ likes and the number keeps cranking up.
.guess shes dishing out only the good stuff!
Join her party and take a swing at her 871 photos and 48 awesome videos if you want some eye candy for a lazy Friday afternoon.
This model maintains an all-natural look with no cosmetic modification whatsoever. All she needs to knock you off your feet is her killer figure and out-of-this-world poses.
To know more, then hit her up in the private chat if you have some extra bucks to spare. You can also check out her exclusives, red tapes and personalized content offers by subscribing to any of her premium content for paying fans.
7. Sara Mei Kasai Guys Favorite Free OnlyFans NicheTop features:
Sara Mei Kasai is undisputedly the best Japanese model on OnlyFans.
Interesting is the fact that she grew such a huge following that she had to create two separate OnlyFans accounts on the platform. One is strictly for the paid premium content, while the other is a free page giving access to budget visitors.
At the time of this review, she had 1,754 media uploads on her page that have attracted a staggering 2 million+ likes so far from over 234K fans.
Glide through her 1,582 pics and 172 videos for your personal amusement. You wont easily walk by this type of catalog anywhere else on the platform. Especially for free.
This hun also gets more pointers by dishing out daily surprises to her fans. You can say youll never miss a dose of goodness with Sara
8. Tana Mongeau Free Only Fans Subscription from a Barbie DollTop features:
Tana is one of several models who made a leap of faith from their booming Insta following to the then-upcoming OnlyFans platform. As things turn out, that was perhaps the best decision that she has ever made in her career.
Lucky us!
This cute damsel has made a solid name for herself, thanks to her live shows and Barbie doll appeal. Hoards of guys flock to her page for a taste of beauty on display in her gallery.
At the time of this review, she had 473K likes from only 470 media uploads. If anything, that should tell you just how good she is at her job.
Want to dive into some saucy texting? Just make sure that you come with an open wallet and youll get a one-of-a-kind experience.
9. Lucy Tisane Best Free OnlyFans Creator for Adults Only
Top features:
Lucy Tisane also entered the free OnlyFans party with a bang and is rapidly growing her fanbase, thanks to her super-fun personality and great content uploads. As of this moment, she had 4K+ likes and a total of 42.8K fans subscribed to her OnlyFans account.
Shes already put up about 398 media files on her wall. Of this, 312 are sassy pics while the remaining 86 are unspeakable videos we arent at liberty to describe in detail.
Her secret weapon is her unmatched prowess in chatting. She holds nothing back. All this under a free subscription?
Basically a dream come true.
If you want something more uncensored, check out her VIP profile. End of story.
10. Katelyn Runck Top Free OnlyFans Fitness Freak
Top features:
Katelyn Runck is another success story whose gamble paid off when she ditched mainstream social media and, instead, dedicated her efforts to her OnlyFans page.
Most of her shows mainly revolve around the fitness niche. So, if youre a workout junkie or love watching others push their bodies to the limit, then this account will sort you out.
On the downside, you wont get NSFW or personalized content from Katelyn. She knows her lane and sticks to it.
What she does offer, however, is one of the best paid exclusive catalogs on the platform. Once you buy-in, youll get immediate access to her top-grossing video and photo content.
Best OnlyFans Runner-Ups With Super Cheap Subscriptions
11. Lucy is Loud Special and Unique OnlyFans Page
Top features:
Lucy is the talk of the town, thanks to her unique niche as a differently-abled model. Shes mute, by the way, and not shy about the matter. But, dont let that fool you as she can be quite loud when excited.
If you want in on the action, we suggest you start with the private chats first. As you get to know her, you can then try requesting customized content to experience her full ability.
12. Sam Slayres Super Popular OnlyFans Creator
This lovely bunny is quite popular on the platform with some 366K+ likes and over 1K uploads on her OnlyFans gallery to lift your spirits. People love her across the board because of her sassy outlook and active interaction with fans whenever she comes online.
Dont mistake her cuteness for innocence, though.
Sams one of the most daring OnlyFans models. Watch Sam shoot her exciting videos from very public spaces thatll make you wonder if your mind isnt playing tricks on you!
And for a $3 a month deal, it doesnt get better.
13. Bella Bumzy Best OnlyFans Gamer Girl
Top features:
The bubbly Bumzy is that beautiful and sexy gamer girlfriend you constantly dreamed of but never had. Youll find her lounging in the gaming room most of the time, in a chilled yet styled wardrobe that leaves some to the imagination.
If you want an OnlyFans model that is as interactive as she is attractive, then youll definitely score big with Bella Bumzy. To watch her alter-ego go wild in an exceptional performance, then you ought to unclip your wallet and buy some of her exclusive materials.
14. Kacy Black Most Interactive Only Fans Model
Top features:
Kacy Black is a very popular figure among netizens and is currently enjoying a gigantic following of over 900K followers on Instagram. Her OnlyFans account is a huge deal and has a popping gallery hosting more than 1,000 picture and video uploads to quench her fans thirst.
The best thing about Kacy is that she always throws a bunch of freebies in the form of teasers onto her social media accounts.
These serve to hook you, and give you a small taste of her 7-course meal that youll only experience when you subscribe to her OnlyFans page.
15. Zayla Mature OnlyFans Creator
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Jennifer Egan’s ‘The Candy House’ is a follow to ‘ A Visit from the Goon Squad’ – NPR
Posted: at 3:54 am
I drew a character map while reading Jennifer Egan's The Candy House, just for the pleasure of charting the swooping, kaleidoscopic intersections of parents and children (and cousins and tennis partners and drug dealers) of a central set of people first introduced in her 2010 novel A Visit from the Goon Squad.
Mapping people in relation to each other is one of the central activities of characters in these novels anthropologists, publicists, anxious high schoolers, or employees of social media companies all seem to be asking, What makes people matter to each other? And can you predict or control it, either for love or for profit?
A Visit from the Goon Squad first introduced Mindy, a beautiful 23-year-old anthropology student on safari with the much older record executive Lou Kline and some of his family and hangers-on. In her narration of the safari, she breaks down the group's reactions to her presence with deadpan, diagnostic precision: The "Structural Hatred" of an older woman "who wears high-collared shirts to conceal the already thready sinews of her neck" for an older man's younger girlfriend; or the "Structural Affection," of that man's young son, who "hasn't yet learned to separate his father's loves and desires from his own."
In The Candy House, Mindy has become Miranda Kline, a reclusive, brilliant anthropologist who after years living among a remote tribe in Brazil developed algorithms predicting "patterns of affinity," that is, "what made people like and trust one another."
To the dismay of Miranda (MK to her tech bro disciples), these algorithms have been weaponized by social media companies especially Mandala, a company led by Bix Boulton, a minor Goon Squad character, reborn as the mononymous social media mogul "Bix." His biggest innovation is a product called "Own Your Unconscious," which allows you to externalize your mind and revisit your past whenever you want.
But it is one of the "ancillary features" of "Own Your Unconscious" that has upended society in The Candy House. The "Collective Consciousness" works like this: "By uploading all or part of your externalized memory to an online 'collective,' you gained proportionate access to the anonymous thoughts and memories of everyone in the world, living or dead, who had done the same."
(Sidenote: These fictional products raise obvious and enormous questions about truth and subjectivity in memory, not to mention the brain itself would watching your past be like a movie? Does your brain retain all the details of everything you've ever seen? Do different people remember the past differently, and if so, which versions are "true"? Hilariously, Egan bypasses these questions entirely and unapologetically.)
These two linked technologies are both inconceivably invasive and basically familiar our phones are in certain ways already our externalized consciousnesses (philosophers talk about "extended mind theory" that our cognitive processes increasingly happen externally as well as internally), and the Collective is a kind of exponential internet. The phrase "the candy house" (as in Hansel and Gretel) refers to the (also deeply familiar) Faustian bargain of convenience and connection for loss of privacy.
Egan makes the appeal of the Collective Conscious extravagantly obvious: In addition to the clear benefits (victims of child abuse being able to identify their abusers, missing people easily located), there is eternal appeal of entering someone else's consciousness, a longing threading through human culture from the myth of Tiraseus to the terrible teen movie Freaky Friday to the project of fiction itself.
Mandala's inventions feel especially poignant in Egan's fictional worlds, which are so densely populated by addicts and alcoholics. These are people who don't own their pasts, in either the sense of literally remembering them, or in the sense of feeling any agency in the events of their lives. So often her characters are unable to understand or accept what happened, those crucial, ill-understood moments when everything went awry. Far from being cartoonishly evil, an obvious wrong, "Own Your Unconscious" has deep instinctive appeal. This is characteristic of Egan, who isn't interested in moral problems with obvious answers.
In The Candy House, there is a persistent, lovely countermelody to the corporate project of mapping human experience and using it to predict what people will think and buy. The novel is full of people engaged in a kind of sweeter and more plaintive human algebra. I haven't recently read a gentler or funnier description of longing than in one chapter here in which a "senior empiricist and metrics expert" named Lincoln tries to determine what will make his crush, "M", fall in love with him.
Lincoln (also a Goon Squad character) has already analyzed the roots of M's charm (including "four primary freckles on her nose and approximately twenty-four secondary freckles"), and evaluated the competition (of which "fully half possess at least one possibly-to-likely-disqualifying personal trait"). But what remains elusive is "x: the unknown value required to secure M's love." Maybe x is a stuffed hippo, or a music box, or "some really long tulips that are actually made of silk." He begins accumulating items.
Lincoln's is perhaps the most literal attempt to predict and control patterns of behavior, but so many characters are engaged in it in one form or another, like Molly, a lonely teenager at a country club trying to identify the elusive quality of cool, which she lacks: "...if you're nice to everyone, then why should people near you feel special and why should people NOT near you WANT to be near you, and why should anyone assume that the Times they are having without you are worse than the Times they would be having with you?"
Another character is working to "algebraize" storytelling, identifying and separating stock elements of a story so that, presumably, they can be assembled without human help: "stockblocks" include "Funny Best Friend Gets Serious to Talk Sense into Protagonist," "Blurred Faces Lean Over Protagonist, Gradually Sharpening," "Makeover Montage Followed by Gaping Reaction Shots," etc.
It's parody, of course, but Egan doesn't discount the power of stockblocks either. Her last chapter is a sepia-tinted description of a young boy's unlikely game-winning homerun, seemingly assembled of the most stock of stock elements (bases loaded, homerun from underdog, crowd goes wild, proud father claps shoulder). This is an author endlessly capable of experimentation (Egan shocked readers in 2010 with a chapter written as a PowerPoint presentation, quaint as it might sound now). But ending on something so straightforwardly conventional so formulaic feels not like a copout but rather like a winking flex, a master pianist infusing unexpected feeling into Chopsticks. It is moving, somehow, both despite and because of its familiarity.
Besides, while chopping stories up into tiny moveable parts sounds like something out of a tech dystopia, folklorists have been doing it for centuries. (In the "Aarne and Thompson Type Index" classification of folk tale elements, the first iteration of which was published in 1910, the Hansel and Gretel formula is "ATU Tale Type 327A"). We tell the same stories again and again; the beauty lies in the details.
It calls to mind something Lincoln, the "senior empiricist and metrics expert" notes, in defense of his attempts to organize the world into comprehensible categories and patterns. Quantifiability, he thinks, "doesn't make human life any less remarkable, or even (this is counterintuitive, I know) less mysterious any more than identifying the rhyme scheme in a poem devalues the poem itself."
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Jennifer Egan's 'The Candy House' is a follow to ' A Visit from the Goon Squad' - NPR
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Christian YouTuber in Indonesia Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison – International Christian Concern
Posted: at 3:54 am
Muslim-Background Believer Imprisoned for Blasphemy Against Islam
04/08/2022 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on April 6, an Indonesian Christian YouTuber was sentenced to 10 years in prison for a viral YouTube video that allegedly offended Muslims across Indonesia.
Muhammad Kace, 56, is a former Muslim cleric who converted to Christianity in 2014. After his conversion, he began uploading videos to YouTube criticizing his former faith. He was arrested in Bali last August, following a sermon video in which he allegedly insulted the prophet Muhammad.
On April 6, the judges of Ciamis District Court in West Java province agreed with prosecutors to slap him with a 10-year sentence for his offenses. Thousands of Muslims surrounded the court in support of the harsher prosecution of Kace.
During his detention, Kace was treated in an inhumane way; he was allegedly beaten and tortured by a police official named Napoleon Bonaparte who was detained in the same prison due to a corruption case. Bonaparte forced Kace to eat his excrement. The police named five suspects in the alleged beating and torture of him after his maltreatment was revealed to the public.
According to UCA News, Martin Lucas Simanjuntak, Kaces lawyer, said the sentence was harsh and that his client would appeal the sentence.
In other such cases, sentences have been lighter, he said. We will appeal the verdict, or at the very least the sentence imposed on him.
While it is not unusual for Christians to fall victim to Indonesias draconian blasphemy laws, a Christian-turned-Muslim cleric who was arrested last August for insulting Christianity, Muhammad Yahya Waloni, was sentenced to merely five months in prison in comparison. The inconsistent standard embedded in Indonesias legal system is self-evident.
Andreas Harsono, a senior researcher for Human Rights Watch Indonesia, told ICC, The Indonesian government should promptly repeal the blasphemy law. Both Christian preacher Mohammad Kace and Muslim cleric Yahya Waloni need not to stay a single night in prison because of the toxic law.
The right to speak ones mind is essential and must be protected. This sort of treatment and punishment under Indonesian law is a shameful reality, said Timothy Carothers, ICCs Advocacy Manager for Southeast Asia. As long as Indonesia continues to enforce religious harmony through regulation and prosecution, it will continue to achieve the opposite.For interviews, please
Since 1995, ICC has served the global persecuted church through a three-pronged approach of advocacy, awareness, and assistance. ICC exists to bandage the wounds of persecuted Christians andtobuild the church in the toughest parts of the world.
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Christian YouTuber in Indonesia Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison - International Christian Concern
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Win NFTs and Prizes: A Cosmic Guide to Phemex Universe – Geeks World Wide
Posted: at 3:54 am
Originally posted here.By: NewsBTC
Phemex continues to celebrate all its achieved so far, making it their mission to help everyone Break Through and Break Free. It is well-known that the conventional frameworks for financial services are often inefficient and unfair. As blockchain technology continues to digitize and decentralize the world, fresh opportunities for financial freedom are gradually emerging. With a successful past, Phemex now keeps a vigilant and hopeful eye on the future and the platform is no stranger to adopting nascent concepts. This time, Phemex is bringing the Phemex Universe to everyone and is now opening its doors for crypto enthusiasts who want to become a Citizen X. With a vision to delve into different business areas: new currencies, financial tools, investing opportunities, games, NFTs, and a lot more, Phemex is looking into a freer tomorrow, where every crypto user is empowered. The recently launched Phemex Universe will allow users to receive grand prizes and potentially even win their very own NFT. Enjoy the opportunity of winning up to $15 trading bonus! Ten lucky winners will be chosen at random and be awarded their Citizen X cards as NFTs. The campaign period will start 6:00 UTC on April 8 to 6:00 UTC on May 7, 2022, while the winners will be announced on May 30. Jump into the universe Launched in 2019, Phemex is now one of the most prominent and comprehensive cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Over the past two years, its user-base has grown exponentially as a result of its exceptional and user-friendly features. The Singapore-based platform intends to position itself as the worlds most trustworthy and efficient cryptocurrency derivatives exchange. In addition, Phemexs user-base has grown tremendously over the past two years, thanks to its unique approach of prioritizing user-oriented features and community feedback. Currently, Phemex hosts over 2 million traders and over 200+ spot trading pairs. What makes Phemex stand out amongst other platforms is that it offers a variety of services for both newbies and experts in the crypto space. Phemex aims to provide users with the best trading experience by making transactions simple and managing risks efficiently. Learn and Win Prizes The Phemex Universe Campaign aims to educate the public about the emerging industry. Heres how to begin your journey in the universe: Visit the Phemex website Explore the four planets BTC, ETH, SAND, and DOGE to learn how the Phemex universe works Fun minigames can earn you points that can be exchanged for trading bonuses, so play them! During the promotion period, enter your email address and sign up for Phemex. The trade bonus you earned from the minigame will be yours if you complete KYC verification during the campaign duration Your own Citizen X card can be created by uploading an image or by connecting to your social media accounts Continue by downloading and sharing your Citizen X card on social media. Winners at random will be awarded Citizen X cards as NFTs after the event has concluded. With the Phemex universe, users will not only learn more about crypto but also win rewards and prizes. This campaign is beginner-friendly and offers a quick and easy way to earn money for everyone. Terms and Conditions Qualifiers must complete the tasks on the official page in order to participate in this competition. The promotional benefits of this event are only open for new users who create an account during the events duration (April 8, 2022 May. 7, 2022). On May 30, 2022, at 06:00 UTC, the NFT winners will be announced. Although trading bonuses cannot be withdrawn immediately, they can be used to initiate trades, pay fees, and cover losses. Attempting to withdraw trading bonuses straight from your trading accounts will result in the loss of any remaining bonuses. Profits earned from trading the bonus, on the other hand, can be withdrawn. Each email address is only eligible for one bonus claim. Your bonus will be calculated based on your score. Please keep in mind that in order to receive your bonus, you must register your Phemex account using the email address you provided. India, Venezuela, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, and Vietnam users are not eligible to participate in or get bonuses from the event. KYC verification is required before a user may claim prizes. Participants may only use one account to participate. Every account that shares the same IP address or UID will be instantly removed from consideration. The following activities will immediately disqualify you: Profits via market manipulation, self-dealing, or wash trades. Only main-accounts are allowed, sub-accounts will not be counted. These rules are subject to change at Phemexs sole discretion. For more information on terms and conditions, visit the Phemex Universe Campaign Announcement.
Phemex continues to celebrate all its achieved so far, making it their mission to help everyone Break Through and Break Free. It is well-known that the conventional frameworks for financial services are often inefficient and unfair. As blockchain technology continues to digitize and decentralize the world, fresh opportunities for financial freedom are gradually emerging. With a successful past, Phemex now keeps a vigilant and hopeful eye on the future and the platform is no stranger to adopting nascent concepts.
This time, Phemex is bringing the Phemex Universe to everyone and is now opening its doors for crypto enthusiasts who want to become a Citizen X.
With a vision to delve into different business areas: new currencies, financial tools, investing opportunities, games, NFTs, and a lot more, Phemex is looking into a freer tomorrow, where every crypto user is empowered. The recently launched Phemex Universe will allow users to receive grand prizes and potentially even win their very own NFT. Enjoy the opportunity of winning up to $15 trading bonus!
Ten lucky winners will be chosen at random and be awarded their Citizen X cards as NFTs.
The campaign period will start 6:00 UTC on April 8 to 6:00 UTC on May 7, 2022, while the winners will be announced on May 30.
Jump into the universe
Launched in 2019, Phemex is now one of the most prominent and comprehensive cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.
Over the past two years, its user-base has grown exponentially as a result of its exceptional and user-friendly features. The Singapore-based platform intends to position itself as the worlds most trustworthy and efficient cryptocurrency derivatives exchange.
In addition, Phemexs user-base has grown tremendously over the past two years, thanks to its unique approach of prioritizing user-oriented features and community feedback.
Currently, Phemex hosts over 2 million traders and over 200+ spot trading pairs. What makes Phemex stand out amongst other platforms is that it offers a variety of services for both newbies and experts in the crypto space. Phemex aims to provide users with the best trading experience by making transactions simple and managing risks efficiently.
Learn and Win Prizes
The Phemex Universe Campaign aims to educate the public about the emerging industry.
Heres how to begin your journey in the universe:
Visit the Phemex website
Explore the four planets BTC, ETH, SAND, and DOGE to learn how the Phemex universe works
Fun minigames can earn you points that can be exchanged for trading bonuses, so play them!
During the promotion period, enter your email address and sign up for Phemex.
The trade bonus you earned from the minigame will be yours if you complete KYC verification during the campaign duration
Your own Citizen X card can be created by uploading an image or by connecting to your social media accounts
Continue by downloading and sharing your Citizen X card on social media.
Winners at random will be awarded Citizen X cards as NFTs after the event has concluded.
With the Phemex universe, users will not only learn more about crypto but also win rewards and prizes. This campaign is beginner-friendly and offers a quick and easy way to earn money for everyone.
Terms and Conditions
Qualifiers must complete the tasks on the official page in order to participate in this competition.
The promotional benefits of this event are only open for new users who create an account during the events duration (April 8, 2022 May. 7, 2022).
On May 30, 2022, at 06:00 UTC, the NFT winners will be announced.
Although trading bonuses cannot be withdrawn immediately, they can be used to initiate trades, pay fees, and cover losses.
Attempting to withdraw trading bonuses straight from your trading accounts will result in the loss of any remaining bonuses. Profits earned from trading the bonus, on the other hand, can be withdrawn.
Each email address is only eligible for one bonus claim. Your bonus will be calculated based on your score.
Please keep in mind that in order to receive your bonus, you must register your Phemex account using the email address you provided.
India, Venezuela, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, and Vietnam users are not eligible to participate in or get bonuses from the event.
KYC verification is required before a user may claim prizes.
Participants may only use one account to participate.
Every account that shares the same IP address or UID will be instantly removed from consideration.
The following activities will immediately disqualify you: Profits via market manipulation, self-dealing, or wash trades.
Only main-accounts are allowed, sub-accounts will not be counted.
These rules are subject to change at Phemexs sole discretion.
For more information on terms and conditions, visit the Phemex Universe Campaign Announcement.
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Win NFTs and Prizes: A Cosmic Guide to Phemex Universe - Geeks World Wide
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Selena Gomez has switched off from the internet. If only we all had that privilege – iNews
Posted: at 3:54 am
Could you get by without using the internet for four and a half years? Thats exactly what singer and actress Selena Gomez has done in a bid to improve her mental health and she told Good Morning America that going offline had changed her life completely.
While she helps her team to produce the promotional pictures and videos regularly shared on her Twitter, Instagram and other social media feeds, the 29 year old isnt the one actually uploading the content to her millions of followers. I am happier, I am more present, I connect more with people, she said. It makes me feel normal.
Ms Gomez has spoken extensively about the relationship between her social media usage and her mental wellbeing, recalling feeling like an addict when she became Instagrams most followed user in 2016. At one point Instagram became my whole world, and it was really dangerous, she told InStyle magazine in January. Taking a break from social media was the best decision that Ive ever made for my mental health The unnecessary hate and comparisons went away once I put my phone down.
So, should we ordinary people follow in Ms Gomezs footsteps step away from the internet? Its one thing to ditch social media and Im sure we can all agree that creating and following a more considered, balanced approach to accessing apps and platforms is no bad thing.
Ditching the web at large, however, is a far more nuanced and complicated prospect. The increasing digitisation of our society means that everything from paying a gas bill and taxing your car to plotting a route to a friends house and even making a phone call are at the mercy of your internet connection. Actively opting out of using the internet becomes a matter of privilege.
Ms Gomez multi-millionaire status has allowed her to take the social out of social media, handing over the passwords to her accounts so she can continue to leverage her colossal fame while keeping the trolls at bay. The fact shes still the second most-followed woman on Instagram (behind cosmetics billionnaire Kylie Jenner) suggests its entirely possible to maintain a significant web profile to promote various projects by way of a dedicated team without being exposed to the cruel comments, hate mail and rape or death threats. While other A-listers Benedict Cumberbatch, Scarlett Johansson and Kate Winslet, among others, opt out of social media entirely, Ms Gomez has created a kind of halfway house that meets both her financial and health needs, but relies upon others to properly function.
It goes without saying that this is fundamentally different to how the rest of us without beauty deals and films to publicise use the likes of Instagram, TikTok and Twitter, but even the concept of a digital detox requires having a device and connectivity to choose to disconnect from.
The UKs digital divide has worsened over the past two years of Covid restrictions, with poorer families significantly less likely to have working broadband connections in their homes. Around 1.1m households, equating to five per cent of the population, are struggling to afford broadband, according to a recent report from Ofcom. Meanwhile, telecoms giants plans to move all 29m UK homes to a new digital phone system that works over the internet have been sullied by tales of pensioners left without phone lines. Digital exclusion is a major threat to wider societal equality in the UK, so witnessing companies like Facebook championing the metaverse as the next great frontier when schoolchildren are struggling to complete their homework feels particularly grating.
Consequently, its worth bearing in mind that while deleting all social accounts will undoubtedly make some, including Ms Gomez, feel infinitely better when it comes to prioritising their mental health and wellbeing, many other people benefit from the strong sense of community that sharing and entertainment platforms (or wider internet access generally) can simultaneously engender.
Internet access will continue to grow in importance as we edge further towards web 3.0, and greater resources and initiatives are needed both to help those in the UK feeling underprepared and to connect the families without the connectivity they desperately need to learn, work and live. Its crucial that people who feel that social media is having a detrimental effect on their mental health are allowed to switch off and for those living in digital exclusion to be able to switch on in the first place.
Rhiannon Williams is a technology journalist
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Selena Gomez has switched off from the internet. If only we all had that privilege - iNews
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Why are small-ticket loans gaining popularity in todays environment? Here are the reasons – Times of India
Posted: at 3:54 am
Being the second-most populous country in the world, India always had the need for credit. But with the complex lending process and the unwillingness of financial institutions to lend money to low/absent credit scores, people were left with no choice but to borrow from friends or families.
Since there was a lot of white space created, the new-age lending platforms were born to serve the demand of millennials who were mostly salaried and self-employed, between 25-45 years of age. They had many aspirations, and with the pandemic hitting the country, they also started facing many medical and financial emergencies.
The new-age lending platforms simplified and boosted lending in India and provided micro-loans to the vast underserved middle/lower-income segments. They were getting good reviews because they were 100% digital, had a rapid online process, instant disbursal, and reduced ticket values (as low as Rs. 1000).
If managed properly, these small-ticket loans increased the purchasing power of people. Lets say a consumer wants to buy a laptop worth Rs. 50,000, but he only has Rs 40,000 with him now. Now he has two options to settle for a laptop with a lower configuration or buy later whenever he saves the required sum. But with short-term personal loans coming into the picture, he can borrow Rs. 10,000 through a digital lending platform instantly and buy his favourite laptop. All that is needed is selecting the loan amount and tenure, uploading the required documents, and getting the money instantly in his bank account.
So, why were they gaining popularity, and what advantages did they give to customers?
Builds credit history
For new borrowers, it came as a huge relief. Apart from supporting their day-to-day needs, these loans build a credit history, which later helped them become eligible for high-value, long-term loans they may require in the future.
100% Digital
Applying for a loan was never digital before. Instead, a lot of time and energy is wasted on paperwork. With todays technology, new-age lending platforms give loans in an entirely digital format. All you need is a smartphone and internet connectivity.
Quick online process
Remember how people used to plan ahead of time if they wanted to buy something? From the time the loan papers are filed until the time the loan is disbursed, it can take days or even weeks. Because of the paperwork, most of us despise the loan procedure.
But the digital lending platforms only take a few minutes. You just need to download the app and register> upload the documents> choose the loan option and apply, and the funds will be transferred to your account.
Instant Disbursal
With digital lending apps, there is minimal buffer time between you applying for a loan and its disbursal, making borrowing just a tap away. The basic set-up takes a few minutes for registration & uploading the necessary documents for authentication. You can choose from the available options that suit your requirements, apply easily, and receive the funds in your bank account. The instant disbursal feature spiked the demand even higher due to medical emergencies in the Covid times.
Instant repeat loans
The ease of borrowing and repaying money through online platforms certainly saves energy and time. But, the smaller amount will automatically have a smaller repayment tenure that attracts the buyers for re-borrowing. Once you repay the borrowed amount, you can again borrow a smallticket loan instantly and easily since you have already submitted all the required details and documents.
Better management of loans
If we look from the lenders glasses, the digital disbursal has also aided them in better tracking and management of loans. Companies were able to verify prospects through AI and social media mining. They were also able to minimise costs and risks using data analytics and geo-tagging.
Final verdict:
Considering the above-stated points, the new-age lending platforms made it very easy for people seeking loans anytime and anywhere. More and more players are entering the market and trying to grab the pie with differentiated features, speed, user experience, data encryption, and serve customization as per borrower requirements.
Important:One thing to keep in mind while taking out loans through digital lending apps is whether or not RBI-registered NBFCs are processing the loans. This will save you from the trap of shell companies operating in an unregulated manner.
With the use of cash being minimised and masses going cashless with digital payment methods, online lending and borrowing space would be interesting to observe.
Views expressed above are the author's own.
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IPC encourages shoppers to step out of the metaverse and into the ‘Jumpaverse’ for this year’s Raya Celebrations – PR Newswire APAC – PR Newswire Asia
Posted: at 3:54 am
Enjoy Ramadan and Raya celebrations with loved ones at IPC's Jumpaverse
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- With the upcoming Raya celebration around the corner, IPC Shopping Centre (IPC) celebrates Ramadan and Hari Raya with their "Jumpaverse" campaign from now till 15th May where shoppers will enjoy special promotions and great rewards when they visit and shop at IPC Shopping Centre.
IPC encourages shoppers to step out of the metaverse and into the Jumpaverse for this years Raya Celebrations
The pandemic has led many to live their lives online, in the digital metaverse where they work, engage, and interact with friends and family. This upcoming Raya celebrations, IPC wants to encourage people to step out from the metaverse into the real world through its "Jumpaverse" campaign for richer real-world interactions where they can meet up and mingle in their home away from home, at IPC Shopping Centre.
In conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan, IPC has transformed their outdoor al-fresco area where Muslim diners can berbuka puasa with their friends and family while also enjoying 20% off pick-up orders from Foodpanda, whereas Pandapro members enjoy an additional 5% off. Diners can also do their part for the environment by segregating their food waste and packaging into the allocated bins.The outdoor dining area is open daily from 10am to 10pm.
Shoppers who spend a minimum of RM600 in three receipts will receive a Jumpaverse cutlery holder set while those who spend a minimum of RM200 in two receipts will receive RM10 Jumpaverse E-vouchers. There are also Raya Packets redemption for shoppers who spend a minimum of RM150 in two receipts. Furthermore, there are additional benefits for IPC Tack Club members who will enjoy the same promotional offers at a lower shopping value.
"Raya celebrations in the past have been celebrated differently due to the pandemic but as we return to normalcy, IPC wants to provide our Muslim shoppers with a platform, a location for them to come together this Ramadan and Raya and to celebrate togetherness over a meal, an outing or even preparation shopping. IPC wants to continue being their home away from home where they can have comfort and peace of mind to celebrate the festivities while being rewarded," said Mark Tan, Marketing Manager of IPC Shopping Centre.
During the Jumpaverse campaign, shoppers will be entertained with fun and exciting activities such as free weekend arts and craft children's workshops, cultural music and dance performances and kid's favourite mascots, Sm Club Buddies who will be making their rounds. Shoppers can also participate in a social media redemption by taking a selfie at any of the Raya theme dcor around IPC Shopping Centre and uploading it on their Instagram Stories. Participants need to only tag @IPCShoppingCentre and include the hashtag #Jumpaverse to redeem complimentary IPC recycle totebags at the i-Counter on Level G.
Ensuring that shoppers have peace of mind, IPC has increased its sanitisation efforts and is committed to a high standard of hygiene, contact tracing, and social distancing protocols according to the latest government directives to curb the spread of the virus to ensure the safety of all shoppers, tenants, and the community. IPC Shopping Centre has also introduced new upgrades to the facilities for shopper convenience and ease.
For more information about IPC Shopping Centre's "Jumpaverse" campaign, visit follow IPC on Facebookand Instagramfor the latest promotions, events and updates.
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With Over 30 Million Reached Across 46 Countries, the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) Makes a Global Impact for 2022 Myeloma Action Month -…
Posted: at 3:54 am
STUDIO CITY, Calif., April 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- As this year's Myeloma Action Month came to a close, the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) was unwavering in achieving its goals. By encouraging individuals and groups to take action for myeloma through a powerful social media campaign, the IMF succeeded in increasing awareness of the disease, and in inspiring a culture of hope and resilience among the members of the myeloma community.
As Myeloma Action Month comes to a close, we encourage you to keep TAKING ACTION for myeloma and to continue supporting the International Myeloma Foundation in fulfilling its mission: improving the quality of life of myeloma patients while working toward prevention and a cure.
46 countries joined the #MYelomaACTION movement and reached over 30 million people across the globe.
The IMF is proud to report that the myeloma community went above and beyond when it came to taking action and making a difference for myeloma. Despite the pandemic and an ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the global community came together to participate in the Myeloma Action Month movement with over 30 million people in 46 countries reached across the globe.
IMF President & Chief Executive Officer and 26-year myeloma survivor Yelak Biru is truly elated at the success of this year's Myeloma Action Month: "Throughout this year's Myeloma Action Month, the IMF focused on encouraging engagement through the theme, #MYelomaACTION. Each of us has a role in advancing the art and science of cancer care in general, for better outcomes for myeloma in particular."
In 2009, the IMF launched March as Myeloma Awareness Month to shed light on this little-known cancer. By 2016, the organization elevated the campaign to Myeloma Action Month, with the added purpose of encouraging individuals and groups to take actions that positively impact the myeloma community.
This year, Myeloma Action Month was all about TAKING ACTION TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Participants in this year's campaign were able to join the movement by uploading photos of their chosen action at the Myeloma Action Month website, using the hashtag #MYelomaACTION, and sharing their photos of "action" on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. To further increase awareness about the disease, the Myeloma Action Month website also featured 31 IMF Facts and Stats about myeloma.
Story continues
Forty-six countries joined the #MYelomaACTION movement this year, with Myeloma Action Month social badges and infographics translated into more than 12 international languages. Individuals and groups shared their actions, posts, and photos across the globe.
Some of the highlights of this year's Myeloma Action Month include:
For 31 days, the Myeloma Action Month advent calendar was filled with inspiring posts of actions taken by members of the myeloma community to draw attention to the disease while encouraging others to share their own actions.
Myeloma Action Month was declared in Hamilton County, TN and in Walker County, GA
The IMF Support Group Team virtually presented and provided tech support to 80 support groups during the month of March, with updates and resources from the IMF.
IMF Regional Director of Support Groups, Kelley Sidorowicz, created guided audio meditations and yoga videos for those living with myeloma. These interactive programs are available for free at the Mind and Body Experience website.
Sponsor participation exceeded expectations with their active engagement in social media.
In China, a series of myeloma lectures were produced and were available for viewing in real time and as replay videos.
In Hong Kong, a program introducing myeloma to the public was produced and aired locally.
In South Korea, a series of events were carried out throughout Myeloma Action Month. The Korean Blood Disease & Cancer Association (KBDCA) produced a video where patients asked Dr. Ki-hyun Kim of the Korean Multiple Myeloma Working Party (KMMWP) various questions related to multiple myeloma treatments. The KBDCA also produced a collection of online videos, which featured myeloma patients in various themes. The videos are available on YouTube via the KBDCA channel.
In Italy, Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie, linfomi e mieloma Onlus (AIL) an organization which works to raise public awareness of the fight against blood diseases held a patient webinar on March 28.
Thanks to the kind and generous contributions of individuals and groups, the IMF is delighted to announce that 2022 Myeloma Action Month made an enormous difference in building a powerful mosaic of activity for every myeloma patient, caregiver, nurse, doctor, and advocate thus, fortifying the myeloma community's collective hope, understanding, and resilience.
The IMF is grateful to the following Platinum Sponsors for supporting Myeloma Action Month: 2seventy bio, Amgen, Binding Site, Bristol Myers Squibb, GSK, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, Karyopharm Therapeutics, Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi, and Takeda Oncology.
ABOUT MULTIPLE MYELOMAMultiple myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow plasma cells white blood cells that make antibodies. A cancerous or malignant plasma cell is called a myeloma cell. Myeloma is called "multiple" because there are frequently multiple patches or areas in bone where it grows. It can appear as both a tumor and/or an area of bone loss, and it affects the places where bone marrow is active in an adult: the hollow area within the bones of the spine, skull, pelvis, rib cage, and the areas around the shoulders and hips.
ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA FOUNDATIONFounded in 1990, the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is the first and largest global foundation focusing specifically on multiple myeloma. The Foundation's reach extends to more than 525,000 members in 140 countries worldwide. The IMF is dedicated to improving the quality of life of myeloma patients while working toward prevention and a cure by focusing on four key areas: research, education, support, and advocacy. The IMF has conducted more than 250 educational seminars worldwide, maintains a world-renowned InfoLine, and in 2001, established the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG), a collaborative research initiative focused on improving myeloma treatment options for patients. In 2012, the IMF launched the Black Swan Research Initiative, a groundbreaking research project aimed at curing myeloma. The IMF can be reached at (800) 452-CURE (2873). The global website is
Follow the IMF on:Twitter: @IMFmyelomaInstagram: @imfmyeloma Facebook: @myeloma LinkedIn: International Myeloma Foundation
Media Contact:Jason London818-487-7455
International Myeloma Foundation (PRNewsfoto/International Myeloma Foundation)
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