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Category Archives: Mars
Traditional Mars procession held in Dhaka on Bengali new year – India Today
Posted: April 15, 2022 at 1:06 pm
Mars procession in Dhaka on Bengali new year (Photo: India Today)
The traditional Mars procession of the Bengali New Year 1429 has been held in Dhaka under the slogan 'Nirmal Karo Mangal Ke Malin Marm Mushaye'. The procession was filled with people of different classes and professions dressed in Baishakhi, holding colourful masks in their hands.
The people gathered in the procession sang - 'Purify, do good and wipe away the filthy heart'.
The new year celebrations in 2020 were cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic and the Mars procession did not take place. In 2021, despite an improvement in the situation, there was no opportunity for everyone to participate. The restrictions have been lifted this year after the decrease in the spread of the virus.
The Mars procession organised by Dhaka university on the first Baishakh has been a part of the new year celebrations in the city for a long time. The program is also seen as a tool in the fight against bigotry.
The procession was started in the 1980s by the faculty of the fine arts department of Dhaka university on the first Baishakh with the call to break the shackles of military rule. The procession was later named 'Mars procession'. The program was recognized as a cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2016.
ALSO READ | BSF arrests cattle smuggler along Indo-Bangladesh border
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NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter makes its 24th flight on Mars –
Posted: April 11, 2022 at 6:35 am
It was up, up, and away last weekend for NASA's Ingenuity helicopter, which completed its 24th Martian flight on Sunday (April 3).
The sortie was just a short repositioning hop, covering 154 feet (47 meters) of ground in 69.5 seconds at a maximum altitude of 33 feet (10 m). But it was an important flight, helping reposition Ingenuity for its exit out of the Stah region of Mars' Jezero Crater on its way to an ancient river delta, where the helicopter will work in tandem with NASA's life-hunting, sample-collecting Perseverance rover.
Sunday's flight also marked the first time the helicopter took off at a different time of day 9:30 a.m. local mean solar time (LMST), rather than the standard 10 a.m. LMST.
Related: 1 year later, Ingenuity helicopter still going strong on Mars
Since March 10, Ingenuity has been making its way across Stah, a region filled with hazards for little helicopters namely rock- and dune-filled terrain that could cause the vehicle to flip upon landing. (Perseverance, on the other hand, is taking a roundabout route to avoid the uneven Mars terrain.)
The first three Stah flights went off without a hitch, but Ingenuity's team faced a tough decision for the final leg of the journey, with three options that each presented challenges. The team ultimately chose a flight plan that included the tiny hop completed on Sunday, which put Ingenuity in an opportune position for the final flight out of Stah, mission team members explained in a blog post on Tuesday (April 5).
That flight plan, however, required Ingenuity to fly 30 minutes earlier in the day than usual on Sunday. Because the helicopter uses its solar-powered batteries to heat itself at night, it "wakes up" with some battery depletion, which it replaces when the sun rises in the morning. Taking off earlier in the day means that Ingenuity has less time to recharge before a flight, adding to the risk.
But Ingenuity demonstrated the capability to fly earlier on Flight 24, so the helicopter is currently preparing for its exit out of Stah;the flight instructions have already been uplinked to Mars.
Ingenuity is proving to be the little engine that could, vastly exceeding its original mission a five-flight technology demonstration designed to show that it's possible for a helicopter to explore Mars. Since its first flight on April 19, 2021, Ingenuity has flown 23 more times, covering a total distance of 3.21 miles (5.17 kilometers).
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NASA Mars rover spots dusty weather blowing across the Martian desert – Mashable
Posted: at 6:35 am
Martian weather is awfully dusty.
A camera aboard NASA's Mars Curiosity rover a car-sized robot that's explored the planet for nearly a decade recently spotted a dusty wind gust blowing over the red desert.
You can see the weather in the footage below, which was captured by one of the machine's Hazard-Avoidance Cameras, or Hazcams. The top image shows the Hazcam footage, while the bottom shows frames processed (with "change detection software") to help visualize how the gust moved.
Mars rovers have snapped dust devils churning across the desert before. But NASA researchers think this latest burst of dust is a windy gust. "Scientists believe it's a wind gust rather than a dust devil since it doesn't appear to have the trademark vorticity, or twisting, of a dust devil," NASA explained.
Sometimes, Mars experiences extreme, long-lived dusty weather events, like dust storms. These storms can be huge, but they're also normal. "Every year there are some moderately big dust storms that pop up on Mars and they cover continent-sized areas and last for weeks at a time," explained Michael Smith, a planetary scientist at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center.
And around every five years or so, a truly monstrous dust storm can encompass much of the planet.
In this dusty world, the Curiosity rover continues to gradually climb a region called Mount Sharp, which is a peak inside Mars' Gale crater. The NASA robot seeks to determine if the planet could have ever been habitable enough for tiny microbes to thrive, perhaps in the moist soils of lakebeds or streams.
So far, there's no evidence of life existing anywhere beyond our extremely biodiverse planet, Earth.
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Is life on Mars a duckweed diet away? Not quite, but it could advance the cause of space travel – ABC News
Posted: at 6:35 am
Adelaide's River Torrens has, in recent years, earned a reputation for being about as friendly to animal lifeas the planet Mars is suitable for human living.
But the Torrens or, at least, an aquatic plant that iscommonly found on its surface has been recruited for a study into how humans could one day live long and prosper upon the red planet.
Duckweed, also known as water lentil, isbeing touted not only as a partialsolution tothe problem of getting to Mars, but also to the problem of how humans survive there.
"People often mistake it for an algae, and think maybe it's an algal bloom on the water but actually it's more closely related to land plants like wheat and barley," bio-scientist Jenny Mortimer told ABC Radio Adelaide's Stacey Lee and Nikolai Beilharz.
"Rowing clubs are a bit annoyed by it, having to paddle through it, but actually it's a perfectly normal thing, it doesn't release any toxins so it's not dangerous at all."
Associate Professor Mortimer is running a project with PhD students at the University of Adelaide looking at duckweed's many potent properties, and its suitability as a form of sustenance forhuman life and basis of future civilisation.
"If humans want to do long-term space exploration so going beyond the space station, but [also] maybe living on the surface of the Moon or even going to Mars then one of the biggest problems is food, because you just simply can't take everything you need with you," Associate Professor Mortimer said.
"We've done some calculations and if you send a crew of four people to Mars, it's about a three-year round trip, that's 10 tonnes of food and that doesn't even [take] into account trying to make sure the food is nutritiously stable across those three years.
"One solution is that maybe you want to grow some of the food as you go with you, but trying to do that in a small, confined space on a space shuttle is quite challenging so we're looking to different alternatives and duckweed is one of those."
While duckweed may not necessarily conform witheveryone's idea of what's appetising, it is eaten by humans in parts of the world, including south-east Asia.
Dr Mortimer said it has much to recommend it not only is it high in protein and nutrients, it grows fast and tends to take on the taste of whatever environment it has been exposed to, which can be both a blessing and a curse.
"It tends to pick up the flavour of whatever it's been growing in," Associate Professor Mortimer said.
"Someone else who works in the US, he's put a little bit of bacon flavouring in and it took up the bacon flavour."
But Associate Professor Mortimersaid there was no way anyone should be eating it from the Torrens, which has battled pollution in recent decades.
"You can actually [eat it] as it is.I mean, not directly out of the Torrens I don't know what else is in there," she said.
"One of the things we're doing in my group is collecting different Australian strains to compare how they behave and grow."
When scientists talk about making it to Mars, they tend to focus on the logistics of the journey.
Elon Musk once joked that he wanted "to die on Mars just not on impact".
But just as big a challenge as the landingis the aftermath and Professor Mortimer said duckweed could be part of the solution to the question of setting up a colony.
"We're also looking at a way of making other things out of it," she said.
"I'm really interested in using it as a system, so a little green photosynthetic reactor for making other molecules you might need in remote environments or on a space flight, so whether that's pharmaceuticals or even perhaps some types of building material."
While she conceded its use in actual space missions might be decades away, Associate Professor Mortimer said it could help with a more rarefied culinary problem.
Duckweed's capacity to absorb other flavours could again prove useful to counteringmenu fatigue on space missions and preventingweight loss, albeit inzero gravity.
"If astronauts lose weight, it's a huge problem because they are really sort of meant to be performing at the top of their game," she said.
"NASA and this is the same in the military and all sorts of other places they develop these highly crafted menus that are the right amount, of calories for these elite athletes who are astronauts, but people just get bored of eating the same old dehydrated microwave food.
"Sometimes you want something that's fresh or spicy or has crunch one of the most requested up in the space station, when they're allowed to get things from home, is apples because it has that crunch and freshness."
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See three planets, two stars and the moon share the night sky on April 9 –
Posted: at 6:35 am
Look up at the sky before sunrise Saturday (April 9) to see a trio of planets, twin stars and the moon entering its next phase.
The planets Venus, Mars and Saturn appear close together in the southeast predawn sky. Saturn moved steadily toward Mars, reaching its closest proximity on Tuesday, April 5, when the planets were only half a degree apart. While the three worlds still appear close to one another, Saturn is slowly moving away from Mars each day, according to a statement from NASA (opens in new tab).
Venus can also be seen to the lower left of Saturn and Mars, rising about 10 degrees above the southeastern horizon before sunrise. You'll need to get up early to see the three planets align.
Related: The brightest planets in April's night sky: how and when to see them
There's even more to see in the twilight sky on Saturday. In addition to the planetary trio, the stars Castor and Pollux shine bright in the constellation Gemini the Twins. The stars appear to the lower right of the moon, which reaches its first quarter phase.
Castor and Pollux are the two brightest stars in the constellation, representing the heads of the twins with fainter stars outlining the pair's bodies. Pollux is a red giant star located 33 light-years from Earth, while Castor is actually made up of six stars, located about 51 light-years away.
Skywatchers can use the moon as a reference point to spot the twin stars, as the moon passes near Castor and Pollux on April 8 and 9, according to (opens in new tab).
Reaching its first quarter stage on April 9, the moon will appear prominent in the evening sky. It will be visible starting around 7:47 p.m. EDT (2347 GMT) and set in the middle of the night. Skywatchers will have the best viewing opportunity shortly after sunset, as dusk fades to darkness.
The moon will rise 69 degrees above the south-western horizon, appearing almost exactly half illuminated. It will dip below the horizon by 3:06 a.m. EDT (0706 GMT). However, the moon will stick around longer in the night sky over the next few days, setting later each day, according to (opens in new tab).
If you're looking for binoculars or a telescope to see planets in the night sky, check out our guides for the best binoculars and best telescopes. If you need photography equipment, consider our best cameras for astrophotography and best lenses for astrophotography to prepare for the next planet sight.
Editor's note: If you capture a stunning photo of the night sky and would like to share it with for a story or gallery, let us know! You can send images and comments to
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Prince Andrew branded alien from Mars amid hopes of using Queen for comeback – Geo News
Posted: at 6:35 am
Prince Andrew is asked to understand the trouble his presence at Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations can cause for the royal family.
Chairman of Reputation Management Consultants, Eric Schiffer, is urging the Duke of York to not crave for the limelight and tread carefully.
He told The odds of seeing Prince Andrew at the Jubilee are the same as Martians landing on the Mall to honour Her Majesty.
Prince Andrew earlier sparked public fury in a failed attempt to make social media comeback via ex-wife Sarah Ferguson's Instagram handle.
The Duke commented on Falkland wars after hijacking Fergie's social media and declared that he is a 'changed man' months after settling out of court for his sexual assault scandal.
US Weekly hosts Christina Garibaldi and Christine Ross dubbed the attempt 'very cringey.'
"He could not read the room on how people are feeling about him right now," they noted.
Mr Garibaldi said: "He really just needs to kind of remove himself from the situation."
Ms Ross then added: "He needs to lay low and take a step back.
A source told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: He was meant to stay invisible during the Platinum Jubilee so there is no way he will be at events like Trooping the Colour.
But the Queen needs a chaperone on all occasions at the moment due to her mobility issues and Andrew has earmarked the Derby as the one he will accompany her at. He just doesnt seem to understand the public outcry.
Last weekend, the Duke came under further scrutiny after a series of posts were shared on his behalf on his ex-wife Sarah Fergusons Instagram account.
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Mars Transit to Aquarius on April 7: How it will impact zodiac signs – Hindustan Times
Posted: at 6:35 am
Mars is all set to transit in the sign of Aquarius on April 7, 2022, at 14:24. The red planet will remain here till May 17. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Mars shares a neutral relationship with the dark planet. Mars is considered as an Army commander and an executor, and its placement in Aquarius continues to demonstrate its leadership skills and dominant qualities. On a personal level, Mars' transit through Aquarius may generate discontent or resentment toward our intimate connections. Our relationships require increased attention to ensure that we remain connected and satisfied with our loved ones. On the career front, one needs to regain energy, refocus on goals, and make additional attempts to progress. Let us consider the effect of this transit on various zodiac signs:
Aries: You and your co-workers will have a great time. You can make a strong a claim for any promotions that are due. For business owners, now is an excellent time to invest. Your finances will be in order. A source of income from property is also highlighted. Things will start to look up in your family life. Elder Siblings may be able to help in a pinch. For lovers, there is the possibility of misunderstanding.
Taurus: This is your chance to show the world what you're best at. At work, you will be well-known and respected. Financially, you'll do well and you'll make wise investments. As a general rule, you need to be a little more patient and polite in your personal relationships so that they don't get overly strained. In terms of your love life, this is not a good time to consider long-term commitments.
Gemini: A new source of bonding and a solution to your financial woes will come your way, and your income will rise. Real estate would be a particular area of success. Be wary of your opponents' attempts to damage your reputation in the workplace. Arguments between you and your father are expected. There will be opportunities to make a long-distance travel with a loved one.
Cancer: When dealing with superiors or co-workers at work, you may experience frustration and a lack of encouragement. Some of you may be intending to take out a loan because you may not feel financially safe. Stocks, speculation, and other mobile assets should not be included in a portfolio. There may be misunderstandings and ego issues in your marriage and in-laws.
Leo: For individuals involved in business or in partnership, profits will be made, and those who are employed will be given a raise. You'll need to exercise patience if you don't want to establish a habit of getting into arguments with your co-workers. An investment could pay off financially for you. Any pending payment will be released. Your spouses behaviour can be a bit unpredictable.
Virgo: Regardless of the situation, you will maintain your passion and vigour. Your superiors will be delighted to see how dedicated and focused you are towards your work. Financially, you'll have to be patient and need to wait for the profits to come in the future. If there is a pending court case, the outcome could be favourable to you. The health of your spouse may be an issue.
Libra: Your career may have ups and downs, and some of you may consider changing jobs. At work, you should be particularly cautious as others may be plotting against you. Your financial situation will improve, but you will have trouble paying off any loans. In your personal life, you may experience difficulties in your love life. Be cautious while getting into new relationships.
Scorpio: You will succeed in large scale projects and have complete support from friends and family. You can feel overly aggressive, which may harm your relationships with others. Financially, this is a mediocre phase, so investing in stocks or property may not be a good idea. In personal life, you may face strained relation with your, but your spouse will fully back you.
Sagittarius: As a result of your productivity and technological expertise, you may find yourself in a position to pursue new ventures. Traveling will be advantageous at this time, especially if it has to do with your career. You'll benefit financially as you'll get a healthy return on your investment. In personal relationships, all is well. There's a possibility of celebrating a family function.
Capricorn: In your family, you may have to deal with mental stress. Your words may also contain some bitterness and wrath, which might cause you some difficulty. This behaviour should be avoided at all costs. To some extent, you can build some financial riches if you do thorough study and make wise investments. Avoid driving rashly as there's a risk of injury.
Aquarius: You may notice a shift in your demeanour, with a sudden burst of irritability and stubbornness. You'll do well at work, and you'll finish all of your chores ahead of schedule. You should avoid making any decisions in a rush and refrain from initiating any new ventures. Your expenses may rise. Control your emotions and maintain your composure for harmony in personal life.
Pisces: Your adversaries and rivals will do everything they can to put you under stress and damage your reputation. You may become irritated and acquire a tendency to be jealous of others. If you're attempting to make ends meet, be prepared for a flurry of financial obligations and challenges. Your family life can be in disarray, and you may not be content with your personal relationships.
Neeraj Dhankher
(Corporate Astrologer, Founder - Astro Zindagi)
Contact: Noida: +91991009477
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Record selling price inflation mars strong rebound by North West businesses | – The Business Desk
Posted: at 6:35 am
North West firms enjoyed a sustained rebound in activity in March, with growth helping to support further job creation across the region.
However, the latest Regional PMI data from NatWest showed further evidence of rising price pressures, as local businesses reported a record increase in average charges for goods and services.
The headline North West Business Activity Index a seasonally adjusted index that measures the month-on-month change in the combined output of the regions manufacturing and service sectors registered 56.9 in March.
Up from 56.7 in February, the latest reading was well above the 50.0 threshold that separates expansion from contraction and the highest since last November. It signalled a slower rate of growth than seen across the UK as a whole (60.9), however.
The first quarter ended with a further strong rise in inflows of new business at firms in the North West, with the rate of growth holding close to Februarys seven month high and continuing to far exceed the long run average since 1997.
The upturn in new work was centred on the service sector, where there were reports of pent-up demand being released with the easing of pandemic-related restrictions. Manufacturing order books grew only modestly by comparison.
Firms in the North West remained optimistic towards the year ahead outlook for activity in March. Expectations slipped slightly for the second month running, although they remained firmly above the historical series average (since July 2012) and were the fourth highest among the 12 monitored regions.
A number of surveyed firms reported hopes of a post-pandemic upturn in activity. That said, some stated that Russias invasion of Ukraine had clouded the outlook, making it more difficult to predict.
There was sustained sharp upward pressure on business costs in March. This reflected not only higher prices paid for energy, fuel and materials amid a surge in global commodity prices, but also a rise in labour expenses. Measured overall, the rate of input price inflation ticked up for the second month running and moved closer to last Novembers series record high.
Acute cost pressures led many businesses in the North West to raise their output prices in March as they sought to protect profit margins where possible.
The rate of inflation in average prices charged for goods and services accelerated notably from the previous survey and was the quickest seen since this particular series began in 1999. Goods price inflation continued to exceed that of services, albeit with the gap showing signs of narrowing.
The upturn in private sector employment across the North West observed since March last year continued up to the end of the first quarter. Furthermore, the pace of job creation quickened to the fastest for five months and outstripped the UK average.
Hiring activity generally reflected efforts to keep up with demand, anecdotal evidence showed. Workforce growth was broad based by sector and led by services.
March saw a further rise in backlogs of work at private sector firms in the North West, thereby extending the current sequence of accumulation to 12 months.
Richard Topliss, chairman of NatWest North Regional Board, said: Businesses across the North West enjoyed a sustained robust recovery in activity in March, amid signs of demand continuing to pick up after the Omicron-induced slowdown around the turn of the year.
It was also encouraging to see local firms remaining in hiring mode, despite coming under increased pressure from escalating costs, with employment levels continuing to rebound strongly.
To try to offset sky-rocketing costs, businesses raised their own prices at a rate unseen for more than 20 years, painting the picture of a broad inflationary environment. Although businesses remained confident about their growth prospects in the year ahead, geopolitical uncertainty and soaring inflation has started to dampen optimism.
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Mars crater complex shows layers of ice in stunning spacecraft photos –
Posted: April 4, 2022 at 3:21 pm
Ice and dust pile on the Martian surface like a layer cake in fresh images based on data from the Mars Express spacecraft.
The European Space Agency (ESA) mission shows so-called "mantle deposits" of ice and dust at in Utopia Planitia, a region that is roughly twice the size of Earth's Sahara Desert. Utopia is one of three major basins in Mars' northern hemisphere and has a lot of ice within it. (The plain also happens to be the landing site of the Chinese Zhurong rover.)
Studying the icy deposits of Utopia Planitia may give more clues about the basin's complex history, ESA officials said in a statement, as scientists suspect it was formed through depositions of sediments, lavas and volatile substances (like water or hydrogen).
Related: 12 amazing photos from the Perseverance rover's 1st year on Mars
These depositions blew across the Martian surface by wind, rain or similar processes, ESA officials noted; in fact, the depositions spotted at Utopia Planitia likely came in more than 10 million years ago, when Mars had a more tilted rotational axis that allowed snow to fall regularly. Today, all we see of that snow is the ice and dust that the precipitation brought with it.
The second-largest crater in the image, visible at left in the image at the top of the story and at left in the image below, features so-called "brain terrain." This terrain is often associated with icy material, and is named because the ridges look somewhat like the outer surface of a human brain.
Brain terrain tends to be located at the boundary of the lower, northern plains of Mars and the southern highlands, ESA said.
The image also shows a dark-colored region where the ground is contracting under the icy load, as well as numerous circular depressions that formed as ground ice melted or turned to gas, causing the surface to collapse.
Mars Express has found abundant evidence of water since the spacecraft began science operations in 2004, the ESA webpage about the mission states.
"Key discoveries include the presence of minerals that form only in the presence of water, the detection of water-ice deposits underground, and evidence to suggest volcanism on Mars may have persisted until recent times," ESA said on the mission webpage.
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Sound travels much slower on Mars than on Earth, researchers find – CBS News
Posted: at 3:21 pm
Researchers studying recordings made by microphones on NASA'sPerseverance roverfound that sound travels much slower on Mars than it does on Earth. In a study published inNatureon Friday, the team said it looked at recordings dating back to February 19, 2021, the day after the roverarrivedon the planet.
Using recorded sounds generated by the rover like shock waves from the rover's laser that was used to cut rocks, and flight sounds from the Ingenuity helicopter the researchers were able to compare the Martian sounds to Earth sounds. They determined that sound travels 100 meters per second slower on Mars than on Earth.
In addition, the researchers realized that there are two speeds of sound on Mars one for high-pitched sounds and one for low-pitched sounds. This would "make it difficult for two people standing only five meters apart to have a conversation," according to apress releaseon the findings.
The unique sound environment is due to the incredibly low atmospheric surface pressure. Mars' pressure is 170 times lower than Earth's pressure. For example, if a high-pitched sound travels 213 feet on Earth, it will travel just 26 feet on Mars.
While sounds on Mars can be heard by human ears, they are incredibly soft.
"At some point, we thought the microphone was broken, it was so quiet," said Sylvestre Maurice, an astrophysicist at the University of Toulouse in France and lead author of the study,according to NASA.Besides the wind, "natural sound sources are rare," the press release said.
But NASA scientists think Mars may become more noisy in the autumn months, when there is higher atmospheric pressure.
"We are entering a high-pressure season," co-author of the study Baptiste Chide said in the press release. "Maybe the acoustic environment on Mars will be less quiet than it was when we landed."
When the initial recordings were made last year, researchers declared it the first time sounds from a foreign planet had ever been captured.
Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, said at the time the recordings are "the closest you can get to landing on Mars without putting on a pressure suit."
Perseverance is now hunting for signs of ancient life in theJezero Crater. In October, it found Mars experienced"significant"flash floods that carved the landscape into the rocky wasteland we see today. And a decade from now, the rover plans to be the first tosend samplesfrom the red planet back to Earth.
Sophie Lewis contributed reporting.
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Sound travels much slower on Mars than on Earth, researchers find - CBS News
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