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Category Archives: Liberal

Tasmanian Greens and independents want external probe into allegations against Liberal candidate for Braddon, Adam Brooks – ABC News

Posted: May 16, 2021 at 12:54 pm

There are growing calls for an investigation into the Liberal Party's and Premier Peter Gutwein's handling of allegations surrounding Braddon candidate Adam Brooks, with the Tasmanian Greens confirming they would refer the matter to the state's integrity commission.

Just an hour before declaring the polls on Friday, Mr Gutwein announced Mr Brooks would not take up his seat in the state's house of assembly after being charged by Queensland police with being in possession of a handgun, unauthorised explosives and false driver's licences.

Mr Brooks is in Queensland, where he has been bailed to appear in court after he was visitedby police on Wednesday.

He has said he will seek legal advice and would defend himself against the charges, and is seeking mental health treatment.

Mr Brooks had also been facing allegations that he misled two women he dated online, which he has denied.

Last month, Tasmania Police said theyintended to charge Mr Brooks with an ammunition storage offence, an allegation he will also defend.

ABC News: Luke Bowden

Greens leader Cassy O'Connor said her party would refer the Adam Brooks case to the Integrity Commission for investigation.

"Exactly what was known about Mr Brooks' alleged conduct ahead of, during, and in the days after the election needs to be investigated," Ms O'Connor said.

"There are very real concerns about whether he was a fit and proper person to be standing for Parliament. What did the Premier know and when?

"Tasmanian voters did not have the full picture on Election Day. They still don't today."

ABC News: Laura Beavis

Labor's Michelle O'Byrne said it was an 'appalling fiasco' that must be externally investigated.

"Peter Gutwein must come clean and explain exactly what he knew about the allegations and when he first found out and why he chooses to believe Mr Brooks," Ms O'Byrne said.

"This goes straight to the credibility and nature of Peter Gutwein as leader. He has shown that he is prepared to accept anything to use Adam Brooks his money and his votes to win government."

Independent Nelson MLC Meg Webb said the Liberal Party and Mr Gutwein were "squarely in the hotseat" over the handling of the matter.

"Either their preselection processes are so inadequate that blatant red flags were missed, or they were fully aware of the existing issues associated with Mr Brooks and put him forward as an endorsed Liberal candidate anyway to garner electoral advantage," Ms Webbsaid.

"Incompetence or cynical political self-interest which was it?

"It's all very well to say it was up to the voters of Braddon to make an assessment of Mr Brooks, but it was his preselection by the Liberal Party that put the voters in that position.

"Is the Premier telling Tasmanians that when it comes to future Liberal party endorsed candidates it's a case of 'buyer beware'? That's simply not good enough."

Independent Murchison MLC Ruth Forrest, whose electorate covers much of the Braddon area, said Mr Gutwein needed to explain what he knew about the allegations and what inquiries he made into them during the campaign.

Ms Forrest said the Premier needed to implement a process to ensure a similar situation did not occur in future.

She said the likely delay in the return to parliament, caused by the need for a recount to fill Mr Brooks' seat, would further push back much-needed scrutiny of the government, as well as the work of important parliamentary committees that have been put on pause.

When asked for a response, one of the Premier's advisors pointed to comments made on Friday morning, in which Mr Gutweinsaid that he was first made aware of the Queensland charges by Mr Brooks in a phone call on Thursday evening.

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Tasmanian Greens and independents want external probe into allegations against Liberal candidate for Braddon, Adam Brooks - ABC News

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Liberals believe early election more likely after well-received federal budget – Sydney Morning Herald

Posted: at 12:54 pm

Liberal MPs believe an early election is increasingly likely after Josh Frydenbergs well-received third federal budget, but much will depend on Australias COVID-19 vaccination rollout.

Mr Frydenbergs big-spending, big-deficit pandemic-response budget included $17.7 billion for aged care, up to $1080 in tax relief for low and middle income earners, and billions for more childcare, mental health services, and prevention of domestic violence.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg poses for photos with budget papers before delivering his post-budget address to the National Press Club.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

While some Liberal MPs The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age spoke to expressed disquiet about the budget they called Labor-lite for its spending on social programs, there was broad acknowledgment that such spending could be justified during a pandemic.

The 12 Liberal MPs who agreed to speak anonymously - so they could offer a candid assessment of last weeks budget - broadly agreed the Morrison government would not need a third budget this term to put it on an election war footing.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said that he is a full-termer which would mean a poll held as late as May 2022. Early in the year, when the Labor Opposition was in the doldrums, there was a growing expectation in Liberal ranks that the Coalition could go to an early election. However the Brittany Higgins rape allegations and other scandals put paid to that thinking, at least temporarily.

But with the budget designed to cauterise political wounds and put the government back on the front foot, there is growing optimism a poll could be called to capitalise on the governments waxing political fortunes.


It was a very good week. Labor didnt lay a glove on us, theyve got nothing to latch on to. You could see it on their faces [in the Parliament], a senior member of the ministry said.

Opinion has now pulled back on us needing another one [budget]. The thinking was it would be May 2022, now its February-March or maybe even October-November. But vaccination is the other big part of it - we have to get the roll out right and that will be the focus from July until the end of the year.

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Liberals believe early election more likely after well-received federal budget - Sydney Morning Herald

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Quebec Ink: With Bill C-10, Quebec sets the Liberal agenda on Big Tech – The Logic

Posted: at 12:54 pm

MONTREAL Wearing a headset and a look of practiced indignation, Liberal MP Julie Dabrusin began her media availability Friday trying to convince everyone that her government hadnt just backed down. Despite a deliberate filibuster by our Conservative colleagues, Liberal members of the heritage committee were finally able to share the social media amendments to Bill C-10 while respecting parliamentary privilege, Dabrusin said.

Nevertheless, behind Dabrusins statement was an obvious concession. After weeks on the receiving end of ire from Conservative MPsas well as academics, legal experts, columnists and free-the-internet activiststhe government was making changes to a bill it hoped would update the Canadian Broadcasting Act for a world increasingly dominated by digital platforms.

Bill C-10, the federal Liberals effort to bring Canadas broadcasting rules into the 21st century, has sparked a firestorm of criticism from Conservative MPs, legal scholars and business leaders who see it as an assault on free speech and a travesty of big-government overreach. But those voices are notably English Canadian; in Quebec, it has been much more positively received. The provinces politically influential cultural sector backs the bill, which is in part an expression of the anxiety of a francophone community about an increasingly online world with English as its lingua franca.

Youd think legislation on the countrys broadcasting rules would be about as compelling as a Corner Gas rerun. In the Liberal telling, Bill C-10 seeks simply to promote and make discoverable our artists, our stories and our shared experiences, as Dabrusin put it. The government wants these services to pay into Canadian media funds, as well as make YouTube and other music streaming services to futz with their algorithms in order to up the discoverability of Canadian artists. No, Justin Trudeau doesnt want to regulate your cat videos.

And yet Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault has somehow ended up on the wrong end of a debate that has seen the Liberals accused of a full-blown assault on free expression in Canada and of running the most anti-Internet government in Canadian history.

Those accusations have by and large come from English Canada. But to understand how we got here, you have to understand Guilbeaults efforts to address the concerns of the countrys broadcasters and cultural institutionsspecifically those in his home province of Quebec. And, you have to understand Justin Bieber.

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Quebec Ink: With Bill C-10, Quebec sets the Liberal agenda on Big Tech - The Logic

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Liberal bill on organ donation would create system of presumed consent –

Posted: at 12:54 pm

The New Brunswick Liberals introduced proposed legislative amendments Tuesday that would see the province follow the lead of Nova Scotia and switch to a program of "deemed consent" to organ and tissue donation.

Right now, New Brunswickers may give their consent for organ and tissue donation when theyapply for or renew their medicare card, by checking the appropriate box.

The idea behind the Act to Amend the Human Tissue Gift Act is that every New Brunswickeraged 19 and over, who is not exempt, would be considered for organ and tissue donation, unless they opt out.

"Today, there are over 140 New Brunswickers waiting for transplants," said Opposition Liberal health criticJean-Claude D'Amours, whointroduced the proposed legislation,also known as Avery's Law,in honour of AveryAstle, 16, who died after a crash inMiramichi in May 2019.

Avery'sparents wanted to donate his organs andtissues, including his blue eyes, butwere told no one from the specialized donation team, which is run by Horizon Health Network, was available to retrieve his organs.

"The stress [people waiting for transplants]and their families go through waiting to receive word of a positive match is extraordinary," said D'Amours."Anything governments can do to improve tissue and organ donation will be received with great relief and renewed hope.

"For all of these New Brunswickers, as represented by Avery Astle and his family, we urge the Higgs government to move forward with our amendments."

Health Minister Dorothy Shephard did not respond to a requestfor comment.

Dr. Jeff Steeves,president of the New Brunswick Medical Society, andKurtis Sisk, chief executive officer of the Heart & Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick, issued a joint statement, applauding the amendments and urging all political parties to support the switch.

"We need to reduce barriers to organ and tissue donation," it said. "Simply put, organ and tissue donations save lives."

Seventy-nine per cent of residents surveyed by Narrative Research indicated "they are likely to support presumed consent organ donation law," according to the joint statement by the groups that have advocated for the change. The total number of residents surveyed was not provided.

"According to the New Brunswick Organ and Tissue Program, approximately 347,000 New Brunswickers (46 per cent) have indicated they wish to be a donor. Another 279,000 (36 per cent) prefer not to donate, leaving 140,000 (18 per cent) as unknown. We can do better."

In April 2020, then-health minister Ted Flemmingtold CBC Newspresumed consent for organ and tissue donation was "well worth considering."

He had asked Department of Health officials to get a copy of Nova Scotia's bill and "examine its potential" for New Brunswick, he said. No findings have been released.

The Liberals propose a registry be establishedto record consents or refusals under the act.

New Brunswickers would register a decision to consent to donateall or some of their organs and tissues what's known as express consentor opt out of donation.

Those who do notregister a decision will still be considered a potential donor, with a few exceptions. Under the proposed legislation, their decision will be deemed to have been given, so-called deemed consent.

"Research indicates that moving to deemed consent in New Brunswick has the potential to improve the lives of 80 more New Brunswickers who are waiting for organ and tissue donations annually," said D'Amours.

Liberal Leader Roger Melanson said it's "just the right thing to do."

His party plans to have conversations with the MLAs fromall parties in the coming days to gauge their support, he told reporters.

"If there's a willingness, we can do this quicker, than later," he said."This would be a piece of legislation we'd like to see adopted and get royal assent before we break by the end of June."

D'Amours said he's encouraged by the success of the implementation of deemed consent in Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia became the first place in North Americato switch to an opt-out organ and tissue donation law on Jan. 18. The lawexempts children,people who lack decision-making capacity, and adults who have lived in the province for less than a year. Families will still have a final say at the bedside.

Nova Scotia was prepared to see the five to seven per cent of the population opt out, based on the experience ofWales in 2015. But thehead of theprogram is cautiously optimisticthe new presumed consent law is being embraced after only about one per cent of the population chose to opt out 10 days afterthe law was implemented.

A total of 250 Canadians died while waiting for a transplant in 2019, according to the most recent figures compiled by Canadian Blood Services, the Liberals said in a news release. That's an increase from 223 in 2018.

Another 4,419 Canadians were still waiting for transplants at the end of 2019, the figures show.

The World Health Organization reports that in jurisdictions with opt-outlaws and where consent is presumed, donation rates are 25 to 30 per cent higher than in those countries requiring explicit consent.

Wales, Spain, Croatia, Chile, France and Portugal are among many nations that have presumed consent systems.

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The Liberal Party suspends Glasgow candidate Derek Jackson ‘with immediate effect’ after Nazi-style salute and star of David wearing at Glasgow count…

Posted: May 9, 2021 at 11:25 am

Representatives from across the political spectrum physically and vocally stood by the Justice Secretary in support.

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Mr Jackson, and three colleagues, dressed in Men In Black style suits with white shirts, black ties and dark glasses, had pinned to their lapels handmade yellow Star of David badges with the word unvax written on them, as a protest against Covid vaccinations, he said.

The four men made a beeline for Mr Yousaf, where they tried to question him about child rapes in Pakistan.

Mr Yousaf said: Anybody witnessing that exchange would know they were directing questions to me about Pakistan obviously because of the colour of my skin.

The party he was meant to be representing has now apologised, saying Derek Jackson massively misrepresented their party and its core values.

The Liberal Party also noted that they are working with Police Scotland following the incident.

An emergency statement from the Liberal Party on the Glasgow Southside candidate stated: The Liberal Party notes with considerable concern the behaviour of its former candidate, Derek Jackson, at the election count for the Glasgow Southside Scottish Parliament seat and does not in any way endorse his actions.

Mr Jacksons membership has been suspended with immediate effect.

"The Liberal Party is sorry for any offence Mr Jackson may have caused to any member of the public or to the other candidates. Mr Jackson, who has acted entirely independently in adopting certain symbols and gestures has massively misrepresented The Liberal Party and its core values.

"The Liberal Party vehemently and actively opposes any form of anti-Semitism or racism or the use of any symbols which evoke or promote any such sentiments. The Liberal Party stands for a society that is open, tolerant and equal for all individuals and communities, whatever their heritage faith or gender.

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The Liberal Party suspends Glasgow candidate Derek Jackson 'with immediate effect' after Nazi-style salute and star of David wearing at Glasgow count...

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Liberal | Definition of Liberal at

Posted: at 11:16 am

Liberal means favorable to reform or progress, such as in religion or politics. Generally, a person is considered to be liberal if they support changes or reforms to something, as in The pastor was especially liberal and argued for changes to the ceremony to better fit with modern society.

Progressive is a commonly used synonym for this sense of liberal, while conservative, meaning in favor of existing conditions or restoring older ones, an antonym.

Liberal also means of, related to, based on, or supporting liberalism, a philosophy that argues for maximum individual freedoms and liberties.

Somewhat related to this, liberal can mean open minded or tolerant, as in She had a liberal attitude toward foreign immigrants.

Liberal is also used to mean not strict or not literal, as in The judge practiced a liberal interpretation of the truancy laws, often not punishing students for skipping school.

And liberal is used to describe generous giving, as in John was a liberal donor to his college.

Finally, liberal can be a synonym for abundant or ample, as in He dumped a liberal amount of sprinkles on his ice cream.

As a noun, liberal is used to refer to a person who has liberal views, especially on politics or religion. When capitalized, Liberal refers to a member of a liberal political party, such as the Liberal party of Great Britain.

Example: The prime minister faced intense criticism from the liberal members of the government, who demanded change to the traditional policies.

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Interesting New Pew Study; White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems –

Posted: at 11:16 am

Before everyone gets upset with me I want to explain that this is not me coming to the conclusion that white liberals are more likely to have mental problems it is science.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on a Pew Research Center survey that was published back in March of 2020. Apparently, not many people were paying attention probably due to the Coronavirus concern.

Even a liberal magazine titled Evie wrote an article talking about the very real possibility that there is a scientific correlation between liberal ideas and mental illness. This certainly explains a lot. I am constantly trying to figure out why liberals/Democrats think the way they do and believe in such destructive policies that tear our families and society apart.

According to Pews research white liberals/Democrats are much more likely than their conservative/Republican peers to have been diagnosed with one or more mental conditions.

Interesting to note the difference is more pronounced in the younger aged category of 18 to 29-year-olds. Another interesting finding was that young white liberal/Democrat females were the most likely to have been diagnosed with a mental condition.

Here are the statistics of young women diagnosed with a mental condition:

Here are the statistics of young men diagnosed with a mental condition:

These numbers seem to be pretty high across the board, why are so many people being diagnosed with mental problems? Could there be something else afoot here?

How old are congresswomen AlexandriaOcasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib? That could actually explain an awful lot about what they say and the policies they advocate for.

A doctoral candidate by the name of Zach Goldberg came to the rescue of these liberal/Democrats when he posited the following about the disparity between liberal/Democrats and Conservative/Republicans when he stated that liberals are :

"more likely to seek mental health evaluations

Sure Zach that could be it or perhaps not. I will once again point tocongresswomen AlexandriaOcasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib,Zach what are your thoughts about them and their hatred for everything?

The Live with Renk show airs Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. tonoon, to let me know your thoughts call (269) 441-9595

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Despite recent wins, hypocrisy will rob liberals of a big victory over Modi – Firstpost

Posted: at 11:16 am

It won't hurt the 'liberal' order to criticise its own for their egregious mistakes. Trying to cover them up, however, will snatch defeat where victory is eminently in sight

File image of West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee. Twitter/@MamataOfficial

This is the golden hour of the so-called liberal-secular establishment in India.

Narendra Modis government is losing the perception battle in the war against the COVID-19 second wave, despite doing quite well in the first wave. Mamata Banerjees TMC has whipped his party, the BJP, in the Bengal state elections and put in motion brutal, violence against her opponents, cocking a snook at the prime minister and home minister Amit Shahs formidable influence.

Even Hemant Soren, the chief minister of Jharkhand, has mocked a private conversation on controlling COVID-19 with the prime minister in a late-night tweet. Something unthinkable even a couple of years ago.

But in spite of all this, it is unlikely that the self-proclaimed liberal establishment will come back to power at the Centre in the next elections. In fact, it may even lose more political ground. The only reason is its enduring hypocrisy and refusal to let go of it.

The liberal ecosystem, for instance, shouts from rooftops about fascism and breach of freedom of expression by the ruling Hindutva proponents. But how does it respond to an advertisement making fun of Congress president-forever-in-waiting Rahul Gandhi?

Comedian Sanket Bhosale and actor Sugandha Mishra had acted in an ad which made fun of Congress' first family Sonia and Rahul Gandhi. The two, who got married in a private ceremony in Punjab, have been booked by the Congress-led Punjab government for allegedly violating COVID-19 norms.

They were booked on the charge of allegedly breaching the Punjab governments COVID-19 restrictions during their wedding event on 26 April. The state authorities have also booked the manager of the venue, the Club Cabana Resort.

It is difficult to believe that this was not retaliatory. Earlier, popular anchor and owner of Republic TV Arnab Goswami was hounded and even sent to jail by the Maharashtra government, of which Congress is a part. While the facile official reason was TRP manipulation (although Republic TV has not yet been named as an accused) and a suicide of a vendor, it is well-known that Goswami openly took on Sonia over the lack of action on the killing of sadhus in Palghar.

The liberal establishment recently displayed brazen hypocrisy over the post-election killings, arson, and alleged molestation of BJP and Left activists in Bengal by goons as reprisal for working against the TMC. Liberal champions like Shashi Tharoor and Pritish Nandy cheered Mamata Banerjees victory as the victory of Bengals culture, inclusiveness and the idea of India. All this while, the TMCs opponents were hunted down, their houses set on fire, women dragged out and assaulted, and men murdered with the assuredness of the perpatrators getting away with it.

This crass, opportunistic and violent hypocrisy is most likely to stop the liberals from returning to power even when Modi fumbles. Hypocrisy cannot be hidden by even its masters for long, and does not invoke public trust.

It won't hurt the 'liberal' order to criticise its own for their egregious mistakes. Trying to cover them up, however, will snatch defeat where victory is eminently in sight.

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Despite recent wins, hypocrisy will rob liberals of a big victory over Modi - Firstpost

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Joe Oliver: Will Liberal failures and lapses never end? – Financial Post

Posted: at 11:16 am

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Have Canadians, weary of the Liberals failures, finally had enough? The polls suggest no. Hurt me once, shame on you; hurt me twice, shame on me

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Will the Liberal governments costly blunders and moral lapses never end? In the past few weeks Canadians have been subjected to assaults on their health, economic wellbeing and fundamental values. Yet by skillfully and cynically exploiting the pandemic, shifting blame to the provinces, claiming undeserved credit, never admitting fault and especially doling out hundreds of billions of dollars to those in need but also to many who were not, the Liberals have managed, so far, to avoid harsh condemnation from the public or from a largely forgiving media. It is all very remarkable.

Consider just four of their worst failures.

COVID-19 has been the governments most critical challenge. It responded with gross incompetence. In January 2020, the Chinese government strictly confined 60 million people in Hubei province, but allowed flights to foreign cities. Yet Canadas chief public health officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, opposed a ban on travellers from Wuhan, the pandemics epicentre, thus demonstrating a phenomenon I have long observed: IQ and common sense are independent variables. Prime Minister Trudeau either relied on her flawed advice or feared upsetting Beijing. Regardless, overseas flights have had fatal consequences.

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Canada is now a humiliating and dangerous 80th in the world for full vaccinations per capita, largely because the government pursued a doomed development deal with Chinas CanSino Biologics, with no backup from major pharmaceutical companies. The late delivery of vaccines is causing thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations, deaths and business closures.

Ten million Canadians are waiting four months for their second shots, the only people in the world with so long a delay. According to a recent U.K. study, the effectiveness of one dose is very, very feeble against variants. Canadians are guinea pigs in a national medical experiment designed to compensate for disastrous procurement management. Government rolled the dice and some people have died. The policy needs urgent reevaluation in the light of new health data.

After an unprecedented 25-month wait, Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland tabled a wildly profligate federal budget, which will create deficits for 2020-2022 of over $500 billion and national debt of $1.2 trillion. With no meaningful fiscal anchor, it heavily mortgages this generation and the next. To the four-month vaccination gap it adds another reckless gamble: that inflation and interest rates stay below economic growth and there are no financial shocks. If not, we will hit a fiscal wall, requiring a brutal reckoning. Meanwhile, the government is keeping mum about broad-based tax hikes and tax-the-rich schemes until after the next election.

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Internet regulation bill C-10 is an alarming assault on freedom of expression, a core value of our democracy protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It would have given and may yet give the CRTC power to control audio and audio-visual content that individuals post on social media used by over 25 million Canadians. Minister of Heritage Steven Guilbeault claimed opponents of this Soviet-style censorship were extremists. In the face of fierce opposition, he now promises to back off. It is chilling to consider what the most anti-internet government in history, as one observer has characterized it, would do with a parliamentary majority.

In sunnier times, Justin Trudeau declared that a woman alleging sexual misconduct must always be believed except, it now seems, when the conduct is his own or former Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Jonathan Vances. Since 2018, complaints about sexual harassment by the CDS were ignored by Harjit Sajjan, minister of defence, and senior members of the Prime Ministers Office, likely because the allegations coincided with news of the PMs own infamous Kokanee grope. After this wilful blindness was uncovered, the government appointed former Supreme Court justice Louise Arbour to re-write former Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps 2015 report on this issue. The main goal of the exercise is clearly to protect our feminist leaders crucial advantage among women prior to the next election. The entire sordid story is a shameful betrayal of womens safety and dignity.

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To this dismal list could be added: an unprecedented evasion of parliamentary accountability; a fired Governor General the PM neglected to vet; two female former cabinet ministers ejected from caucus for standing on principle (imagine if Dr. Jane Philpott were still minister of health); a finance minster lost to a WE scandal the PM prorogued Parliament to contain; two confirmed ethics violations; and so on and so on.

Have long-suffering Canadians, weary of the Liberals harrowing failures, finally had enough? The polls suggest they are not there yet, so we may have to brace ourselves for four more years of the same or even worse. Hurt me once, shame on you; hurt me twice, shame on me.

Joe Oliver was minister of natural resources and minister of finance in the government of Stephen Harper.

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Joe Oliver: Will Liberal failures and lapses never end? - Financial Post

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Megyn Kelly Irked By Liberal Action Figures: UWS Week In Review –

Posted: at 11:16 am

UPPER WEST SIDE, NY Miss any stories from the Upper West Side this week? Here are the top tales.

UPPER WEST SIDE, NY Megyn Kelly, the former Fox News host and longtime Upper West Side resident, is not so happy about action figures of liberal elected officials and other major individuals on... Read more

UPPER WEST SIDE, NY A significant new neighborhood coalition announced itself to the Upper West Side on Monday. Eleven local Block and Neighborhood Associations are founding members of the... Read more

UPPER WEST SIDE, NY Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this week a $348 million investment aimed at rehabilitating the Overbuild Bridges in Riverside Park from West 72nd to West 123rd Streets on the... Read more

UPPER WEST SIDE, NY Three restaurants on the Upper West Side just received recognition from the top culinary review organization in the world. On Tuesday, the 2021 NYC Michelin Bib Gourmands... Read more

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