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Both political parties are a mix of conservative and liberal values | Education. Appreciation. Action. – Enumclaw Courier-Herald

Posted: December 25, 2021 at 6:01 pm

The statement in the request for authors in this paper suggested a surprise that no one had tackled the subject of conservative politics. Well, here goes. I have identified two processes, both of which could have a reflection of conservative politics.

The first is the tried and true decision that means you always vote for the same party, as you are a loyal and staunch member of that party, just as your parents, even grandparents, have always been. A definition from Websters dictionary, 1987 edition, simply states that to be conservative is keep from change, to decay; in other words an unwillingness or inclination to change. The decay part, I would presume to be the result of excessive unwillingness to change, no matter what the circumstance or outcome may be.

On the surface, this might be where it ends and you could honestly say that these individuals are definitely conservative. But what happens to the vote when this is the reason an individual is elected? Does it mean that the person who is elected has the same firmness in the desire not to change? Is their an expectation that, because it always was, that it will remain the same? Or, does it open up an opportunity for those elected, and supported, who are far from what you would call conservative, are strong-minded, narrow-minded and just attracted to change that will affect their current or future personal benefit? Is this still to be considered conservative, or perhaps a better description would be dreadful, alarming or even frightening? Have these staunch devotees to the conservative party received what their expectations were? So, when you look at this image, how could it ever be referred to as even slightly conservative seeing that these changes have unimaginably overtaken any vision or choice of being conservativeness.

The second option is referred to a liberal. Websters describes this as generous; open minded; of a political party, favoring changes making towards democracy. This more positive definition leads me to believe that Mr. Webster was a liberal! Most people would describe this party as opposite to the other. However, quite often, you hear comments, if not wishes, that we should go back to the way it used to be. From the prior definition, this sounds a lot like a conservative view. While the views are inclined to be more optimistic in general, many of the same characteristics of the conservative party are the same here. Many vote because this is the party they have always followed, as did their father and so on. Does this mean they should also be identified as conservative? And current change is very obvious when it is compared to the prior party, but taken on its own, isnt a lot of it what has traditionally been demonstrated by a liberal administration of the past? So both parties are in reality both conservative and liberal in some ways. Both have merit and misery. Both have the desire, if not an obsession, to convince and change the other.

So here you are in the middle of it. Divided families, friends and neighbors display signs, endlessly talk politics and create disunity everywhere they land. What is to be found is extremely dedicated (perhaps a better word, stubborn) individuals who are convinced that they are on the right side. It often reaches a point of violence, as happened on several occasions. Those individuals are ready to defend what they believe to unbelievable heights, causing harm and fear in their path. Is this really the way we want to live?

There is a third option. There is a way to govern that includes unity. We hear that word a lot in this new administration, and its intention, I think, is good. But unity cannot be legislated. It cannot be forced or manipulated or manufactured. It only comes from individuals who truly believe it can happen and are willing to do the necessary work it requires to be effective.

The solutions are not simple, but here are some possibilities. Who would you vote for if there were no designation of party affiliation on the ballot? Its kinda like ordering food in a restaurant from a menu with no description and no prices. You want to know that before you order. You might end up with a $50 hamburger, with no cheese.

Its no different in politics. Do you know who you are voting for? What do they promise, what do they believe? Are they for or against what you want? You may end up with a lying bigot, with no cheese as well. Part of the freedom to vote includes the freedom to make decisions. Are you going to make these decisions strictly on the fact that they have identified themselves with a certain party? Are your decisions based on a total lack of information?

Now, about the money. We actually witnessed a miracle this year. I am not sure the amount, but there was a lot, a real lot, of money assigned to the research and creation of the vaccine. The medical experts talked about it taking two to five years to develop a vaccine, but it happened in 10 months. It was because the money was plentiful, and it provided extensive funds that were needed for this research and it proved successful.

Oh, about the money. Have you ever looked at the cost of our elections? More money there than we spent on curing the virus? It would seem so. Someone smarter than me just might figure out that amount, but it must have been a lot. Imagine if a bunch of that money was also applied to medical research what would we cure next?

Bottom line is, do your research! You are smarter than you think, and you dont need someone else to do your thinking for you. Investigate, collect data, evaluate it and then decide. You could just perhaps make a better world by doing it!

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Both political parties are a mix of conservative and liberal values | Education. Appreciation. Action. - Enumclaw Courier-Herald

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Opinion: Randy Boissonnault knows he must master a delicate balancing act as the Liberals’ ‘minister for all Albertans’ – The Globe and Mail

Posted: at 6:01 pm

Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance Randy Boissonnault stands with members of the federal cabinet after a swearing in ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, on Oct. 26.Justin Tang/The Canadian Press

Western alienation might not be the front-burner issue it once was. But for federal Tourism Minister and associate minister of finance Randy Boissonnault, the most consequential role he holds is likely lone Albertan at the federal cabinet table.

First elected as an MP in 2015, Mr. Boissonnault lost his Edmonton Centre seat in the 2019 election, when Alberta disenchantment with his Liberal Party was so strong that the governing party was shut out of the province completely. However, he was barely out of public life for two years before COVID-19 changed the tone and tenor of politics in his home province.

In the final days of this years federal election campaign, Mr. Boissonnault campaigned as did other Alberta Liberal candidates on the popularity of the federal governments pandemic policies, and by attacking the provinces disastrously slow response to Albertas fourth wave.

Peoples psyche changed, he said of the two years between federal elections, recalling an Edmonton block where a woman identified seven households that were saved by the Canada Emergency Response Benefit program to one of his campaign workers.

There was a lot of heat on the doors in 2019, and none of that in 2021.

On voting day, Mr. Boissonnault bested long-time Conservative rival James Cumming, by 615 votes, and won the job as MP back. He and Calgary Skyviews George Chahal are the two Liberal MPs in the province, still a Conservative Party stronghold.

The pandemic and its effects continue to trump almost any other political or economic issue, and Mr. Boissonnault now says hes keen to work with Jason Kenneys United Conservative Party government on an array of issues. But at some point in 2022, the tension between Alberta and Ottawa will once again be about the evolution of the energy sector and climate policy. Still, Mr. Boissonnault argues the two levels of government are poised to make concrete progress.

Look, my family comes from the oil and gas sector. My dad and brother pulled rocks out of Fort McMurray for 10 years up at the Susan Lake gravel pit, he said in a recent interview.

I talked to dozens of people on the campaign trail and they said to me, We know that theres a change coming. Just make sure its not a switch.

The world is grappling with the contradictory crises of a shortage of fossil fuels this winter and a long list of climate-change weather disasters. At this moment, Canada will be pursuing both a cap on emissions from the oil and gas sector, and establishing a tax credit for carbon capture utilization and storage, or CCUS. Theyre big files for Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault and Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, and they will have an outsized impact on Alberta.

Its a delicate balancing act for a federal government: how to significantly reduce and capture emissions, while attracting new green-focused investment, without saddling the industry with rules and levies that will snuff it out decades before other oil-producing countries stop pumping crude.

Alberta got its wish for the inclusion of support for large-scale, industrial carbon capture in the April, 2021, federal budget. But the details are still under development in the leadup to the 2022 budget. A major question remains outstanding: How do you structure a CCUS tax credit that doesnt look like a subsidy for oil and gas (which the federal Liberals have promised will be a thing of the past by 2023), but also still manages to attract private-sector investment?

The Alberta government and the oil industry want billions of dollars in tax incentives for CCUS. To get into the weeds, a key sticking point is whether the credit includes enhanced oil recovery projects. EOR is a process that involves injecting carbon dioxide underground to draw oil or natural gas out of older petroleum reservoirs. While this seems like a counterintuitive process when the goal is reducing emissions, its a powerful incentive for oil companies to put their own money into projects. South of the border, the 45Q tax credit gives companies a deduction for carbon that has been captured and sequestered, and includes enhanced oil recovery projects.

Were very aware of the tax system in the U.S., Mr. Boissonnault said, adding, We dont want to put out in the media what might trigger different investment decisions. But Ill say this: We are actively exploring these issues right now, and we will have a made-in-Canada solution after and through deep consultations with industry.

Mr. Boissonault, who once served as Canadas special adviser to the prime minister on LGBTQ issues, has no qualms about being able to represent the whole province from his perch in Edmonton, even though Albertas two biggest cities often have different political outlooks and economic priorities.

He also suggested hes keen in his second chance in federal politics to bust up outdated stereotypes, mentioning the provinces penchant of electing progressive mayors, including Jyoti Gondek in Calgary and his former Liberal colleague Amarjeet Sohi in Edmonton.

Nobody is expecting Alberta to have a Nobel laureate in virology. And yet we do, he said, referring to Michael Houghton, director of the University of Albertas Li Ka Shing Applied Virology Institute, who was co-recipient of the prize in 2020 for his crucial role in identifying the virus that causes hepatitis C.

And nobody is expecting us to lead the way in capping greenhouse emissions, and have the oil and gas sector come to government and say, Were on a path to net zero. Were ahead of where you are. How do we work on this together? he added.

Its the honour of my life to be minister for all Albertans. Were a diverse bunch.

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Opinion: Randy Boissonnault knows he must master a delicate balancing act as the Liberals' 'minister for all Albertans' - The Globe and Mail

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Andrew Constance set to become Liberal party candidate in marginal Gilmore, after contenders withdraw – ABC News

Posted: at 6:01 pm

Andrew Constance is set to become the Liberal Party candidate in the marginal seat of Gilmore on the New South WalesSouth Coast after three remaining candidates vying for pre-selection have pulled out of the race.

Four candidates, including the Bega MP and former New South Wales Transport Minister, had nominated for pre-selection.

But in an email to the Liberal party state executive, leaked to the ABC, Vincentia businesswoman Jemma Triberequested her nomination for pre-selection be withdrawn.

"Andrew Constance is an outstanding and experienced candidate who would be an incredible representative for our region," she wrote.

"I witnessed this at a recent public meeting regarding the Milton Ulladulla bypass, where I was extremely impressed by his engagement with the community."

Ms Tribe said she would instead seek election in the New South Wales seat of South Coast,being vacated by Shelley Hancock.

Sanctuary Point veteran Stephen Hayes also confirmed on Fridaymorning, he too would bebowing out of the race.

"Having examined the Section 44 constitutional issues in considerable detail with experienced legal advice I would not be able to unwind my business interests in a timely manner ahead of the forthcoming federal election," he said.

"Andrew Constance is an outstanding candidate."

"Andrew and I have agreed to work closely on raising awareness in the community and federally of the need to take a more robust approach to improving our national resilience," Mr Hayes said.

Their withdrawals comehours after Shoalhaven Heads lawyer Paul Ell confirmed in a statement thathe had withdrawn from the contest before a ballot would be held, after winning a seat on Shoalhaven Council.

The 31-year-old, who is also Gilmore's Federal Electoral Conference (FEC) president, had strong backing from local branch members.

On Thursday, he instead endorsed Mr Constance for the marginal seat and denied he had been pushed.

"Absolutely not. And I want to make that abundantly clear that this decision has been mine to make and mine alone," he said.

"It is critical that we have a strong representative for the federal seat of Gilmore.

"My judgement is that the best candidate to win Gilmore is my friend Andrew Constance.

Mr Constance has also received support from Prime MinisterScott Morrison, who previously said he would make a "good member of our team".

Mr Constance said no pressure had been applied to his contenders.

"I was very prepared to have a local preselection and I had been working hard at that for the past month and a half," he said.

"I'm not going to expend any more energy on internal party processes.

"Quite frankly our community have had a gut full of the nature of politics and ultimately we're going to get some great community outcomes and I'm going to be very focused on that."

This year, Gilmore's FEC was promised branch members would be given the opportunity to vote for the party's candidate, after Warren Mundine was controversially parachuted into the role in 2019.

Several party members resigned in the wake of the Prime Minister's decision.

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Andrew Constance set to become Liberal party candidate in marginal Gilmore, after contenders withdraw - ABC News

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The ultimate liberal hypocrisy: How the Left outrages over hate speech but turns a blind eye to hate crimes and violence – OpIndia

Posted: at 6:01 pm

Unabashed hypocrisy has become a defining feature of the Indian left intelligentsia. The liberals often subject others to higher standards of noble beliefs and virtues while refraining from holding their own to the same rigorous standards. They have a bloated sense of entitlement, stemming from the mistaken belief that they are a cut above the world, with a false sense of the notion that they are exempted from being evaluated by the same token as they use to judge others.

For instance, the left-leaning liberals have gone into overdrive to condemn Yati Narsinghanand Saraswati for the contentious remarks he made at the Haridwar Conclave. Ever prowling for issues to vilify Hindus, the liberals sensed it as a lucrative opportunity to build on their propaganda of vilifying Hindus and reinforcing minority victimhood. By contrast, they have studiously ignored actual hate crimes, like the murder of Kamlesh Tiwari and the Punjab lynching incidents.

The left-leaning brigade has accused Yati and others who attended the Haridwar Conclave of making hate speech designed to whip up genocide against Muslims. Calls for police action have also been made against the attendees. An FIR was also filed in connection with the case. However, the larger aim of the liberals seems to be somehow linking the Centre with the remarks made at the Haridwar Conclave. Several left ideologues have blamed the central government for indulging the leaders, who they claimed have felt emboldened to make the tendentious comments that they did during the Haridwar Conclave.

It is worth noting here that Yati Narsighanand Saraswati has himself been at the centre of a hate campaign directed at him by a section of society. Call for sar tan se juda or his decapitation have steadily grown, with even elected MLAs such as AAP leader Amanatullah Khan making a clarion call for his beheading. But none of the liberals who are today falling over themselves to condemn his speech cared to unequivocally denounce the death threats braved by the Dasna Devi Temple head priest in the past. Instead, they are using Dharma Sansad as yet another opportunity to besmirch the Centre.

Just like the liberals have been muted against the death threats faced by Yati Narsighanand Saraswati, they were also silent about the calls for the decapitation of Hindu Samaj leader Kamlesh Tiwari. No credible effort was taken by the Left intelligentsia to address the hate that was marshalled towards Tiwari, who years later was murdered in cold blood by followers of the murderous Islamist ideology that justified and called for his beheading.

And after Tiwari was ruthlessly murdered by Islamists, many of the liberals who are beating their chest today, demanding action for hate speech at the Haridwar Conclave, showed little concern to condemn his murder or call out the ideology that was responsible for his killing. In fact, an overwhelming number of liberals, including one of the left luminaries, who is the Wests latest damsel in distress in the Indian subcontinent, did not even bother to acknowledge his death, let alone issue an unequivocal condemnation.

Even in recent times, the hypocrisy exhibited by liberals cant be more pronounced. Even as they are outraging over the comments made by Yati Narsighanand Saraswati, they have maintained a stoic silence on the vitriolic speech made by AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi, a video of which has gone viral on social media.

In the speech, AIMIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi said, I want to tell the police. Remember this. Yogi will not be the Chief Minister forever. Modi will not remain the Prime Minister forever. We Muslims are silent because of the times, but remember we will not forget the injustice. We will remember your injustice. Allah, by his powers, will destroy you, Inshallah. We will remember. Times will change. Then who will come to save you? When Yogi will go back to his mutta, when Modi will go to the mountains, then who will come to save you. Remember, we will not forget.

Despite the brazenly communal undertones of Owaisis speech, it did not attract the same intensity of criticism as garnered by the Dharma Sansad in Haridwar. A day after speeches of leaders like Yati Narsinghanand and other Hindu leaders went viral, an FIR wasfiledin Uttarakhand over the speeches that called upon Hindus to collect arms. But in Owaisis case, some liberals even went to the extent of defending the incendiary remarks made by the AIMIM chief, arguing that his speech should not be seen in the same light as the comments made during the Dharma Sansad in Haridwar.

Another instance where the hypocrisy of liberals has been stark is the Punjab lynchings related to sacrilege cases. The country was recently roiled with two horrifying cases of mob lynching that took place in Punjab over allegations of sacrilege. Angry mobs took law into their own hands and lynched two individuals to death on the suspicion of sacrilege, underscoring the abject state of law and order situation in Punjab.

The first incident ofmob lynchinglinked to sacrilege took place inside the sanctum sanctorum of Darbar Sahib on Saturday evening when regular prayers were going on while the other one was related to a Gurdwara in Nizampur village in the Kapurthala district of Punjab where a man was killed on suspicion of committing sacrilege. Punjab CM today said there has been no evidence of sacrilege against the Kapurthala victim. It was also reported that the man was mentally challenged and was seeking food at the Gurudwara when he was lynched to death by a bloodthirsty mob.

These incidents should have shaken the liberal conscience to the core, prompting an unreserved condemnation of the ghastly murders committed in the name of sacrilege. However, as warped as it has become, the moral compass of the liberals did not push them towards condemning the sacrilege incident, instead, they remained tight-lipped about the deaths while decrying sacrilege. Many liberals, Punjab politicians, others were quick to denounce sacrilege but they did not find mobs taking the law into their hands scandalising and alarming enough to call for impartial and thorough probes into the two incidents.

While an FIR against Dharma Sansad took less than 24 hours to be filed, it has been over 5 days since the horrifying lynchings in Punjab and yet no FIR has been registered against the culprits. Apparently, an alleged hate speech has drawn more condemnation than the actual hate crime where two men were lynched to death by mobs on the mere suspicion of sacrilege, of which one case has been dismissed by Punjab CM himself stating that there has been no evidence of the victim committing sacrilege.

Yet, the liberals dont consider lynchings of two men worthy enough of their attention and outrage. There is a deafening silence on the Punjab lynching incidents even as new revelations are being almost on a daily basis, pointing towards a deeper conspiracy to hide what appears as an orchestrated incident of violence carried out under the pretext of sacrilege. However, even then, liberals have not felt the need to direct their ire on hate crime as they remain preoccupied with their campaign against Dharma Sansad.

Earlier yesterday, a high-intensity blast took place in Ludhiana, resulting in the death of two persons. The blast highlighted the precarious condition of security in the state that has been on the boil for over 12 months now since the start of farmers protest in November 2020 that saw the participation of anti-social elements, including Khalistani proponents, and witnessed routine incidents of riots, vandalism, murder, arson, rapes etc. But liberals had then thrown their weight behind the protests even though various criminal activities were reported to have been committed in the name of protests.

As it has been evident now, for liberals, hate speech is more important to outrage upon than the actual instances of hate crimes, insurrection, anarchy and terror incidents. The deaths, the rapes, the murders, the concomitant violence are probably nothing more than casualties suffered in the larger ideological war against the enemies they sorely despise, which in this case, are the Hindus. So they dont mind being hypocritical by placing outsize focus on condemnable comments made during the Dharma Sansad while paying no heed to the much more dangerous hate crime incidents happening across the country.

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The ultimate liberal hypocrisy: How the Left outrages over hate speech but turns a blind eye to hate crimes and violence - OpIndia

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Where weve got women, we win: NSW Liberals aim to replicate local government success at federal level – Sydney Morning Herald

Posted: at 6:01 pm

The Liberal Party in NSW is confident its push to get more women into federal Parliament will succeed after reaching its target for the proportion of female councillors elected in recent local government polls.

Final results of the December 4 council elections released on Thursday show of the 120 Liberals voted in, 48 were women, with significant swings towards the party in many areas where a woman headed the ticket.

Georgia Ryburn, pictured with her five-week-old baby Harvey, is among a wave of women elected to local councils for the Liberals.Credit:Flavio Brancaleone

This almost doubles the percentage of Liberal women elected to 40 per cent, from 21 per cent in 2017, meeting the goal the state division set for local government in 2019.

Its part of a wave of women of all political stripes elected to local governments across the state. Councils including Parramatta, Randwick and Woollahra now have a majority of female councillors.

NSW Liberal Womens Council president Mary-Lou Jarvis, who is also the state divisions vice-president, said achieving the 40 per cent target was the result of four years of methodical and committed work to identify women interested in running, and actively mentoring and supporting them.


Its the collaborative work of the NSW division and womens council, with men recognising the need for change, she said. Where weve had women standing and leading tickets, weve had swings towards us. It shows ... that where weve got women, we win.

These swings were as high as 10 points in the Hornsby local government area while in Sutherland Shire, a two-point swing in the ward where the ticket was led by Louise Sullivan meant the Liberals got a second candidate elected and gained control of the council.

And in blue-ribbon Woollahra, where Ms Jarvis led the ticket in the Vaucluse ward, the party won a three-point swing to get 63 per cent of the overall vote.

See the article here:

Where weve got women, we win: NSW Liberals aim to replicate local government success at federal level - Sydney Morning Herald

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Liberal MP Andrew Laming to be taken to court by electoral commission over Facebook page – The Guardian Australia

Posted: at 6:01 pm

The Australian Electoral Commission has launched legal action against Liberal MP Andrew Laming for allegedly failing to disclose his political links on a Facebook page which appeared to be operating under the guise of a grassroots community group.

The federal court proceedings come after Guardian Australia revealed in April that the Queensland MP was operating 35 Facebook groups with at least one for each suburb in his electorate.

The AEC is launching action based on just one of the 35 sites, which was called Redland Hospital: Lets fight for fair funding, set up by Laming ahead of the last federal election to campaign against Labor.

It is the first time the AECs authorisation requirements for social media will be tested in court after disclosure laws were updated following the 2016 election to explicitly include social media posts.

According to the AEC website, the penalty for a breach by an individual can be a fine of up to $26,640.

In a statement, the AEC said it had instituted federal court proceedings against Laming alleging he failed to authorise Facebook posts leading up to the 2019 Federal Election.

The AEC alleges that Dr Laming published unauthorised electoral matter in the form of a Facebook page, Redland Hospital: Lets fight for fair funding and that this contravened the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 requirement that material promoting one candidate or political party over another comply with the authorisation requirements of the Act.

The AEC will not be making any further comment as this matter is now before the Court.

According to the Australian Electoral Commission, political authorisation is required for information that is a matter communicated, or intended to be communicated, for the dominant purpose of influencing the way electors vote in a federal election.

This includes, but is not limited to, a communication that expressly promotes or opposes a candidate, political party, member or senator.

Laming, who holds the bayside seat of Bowman, will not contest the next election after a series of controversies earlier in the year led to him losing preselection in April.

In October, Laming withdrew his apology to two Brisbane women over online comments that he previously acknowledged caused significant distress saying he did not believe the women were genuinely upset.

He was ordered by the prime minister, Scott Morrison, into empathy training in March before returning from personal leave, blaming a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for his behaviour.

Despite some MPs within the Coalition wanting stronger action taken against Laming for the complaints made about his behaviour and the Facebook pages, Morrison has defended the outgoing MP.

In May, Morrison said that Laming had formed a view since [March] that the issues that were the subject of complaints made against him have now altered and there have been new facts that have come forward.

Morrison highlighted the many good things Laming had done as a member of the government, saying he [expects] him to keep working hard for his electorate all the way to the next election.

Laming said in a statement: I respect the AEC decision and I will assist them to resolve the matter by conciliation.

Laming claimed that he was being investigated for five posts which amount to just 2% of the page posts, with an average reach of six people.

The entire page is less than 1% of the reach of my AEC-authorised pages, he said.

The statement said he had consistently acknowledged he has multiple community Facebook pages in order to better tailor information relevant to those communities.

These community pages were in full operation when requirements were tightened for social media authorisation. My office was confident at the time that we were complying by avoiding federal electoral matter.

Where there was perceived doubt at the time, individual posts on this page were correctly authorised. I do not dispute the AEC view that the page did in-effect promote me and was critical of another political party, and for those reasons, page authorisation should have occurred and for that I apologise.


Liberal MP Andrew Laming to be taken to court by electoral commission over Facebook page - The Guardian Australia

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Quebec’s COVID Count Rises and a Liberal MP gets Censured: In The News for Dec. 23 – Coast Reporter

Posted: at 6:01 pm

In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of Dec. 23 ... What we are watching in Canada ...

In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of Dec. 23 ...

What we are watching in Canada ...

Quebec Premier Francois Legault announced Wednesday evening that his province had recorded about 9,000 new COVID-19 cases during the day, and he said the "exponential" rise in infections over the past week will necessitate new restrictions.

As of Boxing Day, he said, private gatherings in the province will be limited to six people or two-family bubbles. Restaurants, which are already operating at half capacity and have to close at 10 p.m., will also have to limit groups at tables to six people or two families.

Quebec has already requested military help to accelerate the province's mass vaccination campaign.

Meantime, Canada's chief public health officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, says Omicron is now the dominant variant in several provinces.

"There were over 11,300 new cases yesterday alone," Tam said Wednesday. That was up from an average of just 5,000 cases per day last week. She added, "modelling shows that by the beginning of January we could have very high number of cases, which underscores the need to act urgently now to reduce the acceleration."

To avoid a sudden rush on the health-care system, Tam urged all Canadians to do what they can to lessen the spread of the virus.---

Also this ...

A Liberal MP has found himself in hot water after defying advice not to travel out of the country unless the trip is essential.

Chief government whip Steven MacKinnon issued a statement Wednesday saying he is "profoundly disappointed" that Liberal MP Yves Robillard travelled outside Canada, in contravention of party instructions. Robillard has been censured.

The whip says Liberal MPs were told to avoid non-essential international travel as the COVID-19 Omicron variant increases its grip -- mirroring the government advice to members of the public.

MacKinnon said although Robillard is fully vaccinated, the MP's trip during Parliament's holiday break was not considered essential, and he will be removed from his duties as a member of the standing committee on national defence as a result.

MacKinnon, who did not mention Robillard's destination or reasons for travel, intends to talk to the MP about his decision to leave Canada when Parliament returns. Robillard did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


What we are watching in the U.S. ...

WASHINGTON President Joe Bidens message to the American people on confronting the Omicron coronavirus variant comes with a heavy dose of cajoling as some other countries are issuing decrees to their citizens.

America's ideologically-polarized reaction to vaccines and masks, and its federal system in which states have broad authority over health matters, limits some of the options Biden can exercise at least without stoking political flareups that could distract from his urgent public health message.

Jen Kates, director of global health for the non-partisan Kaiser Family Foundation, says one of the major lessons the U.S. has learned from the pandemic is that politics matters.

We are a big country, we are a complex country, and on every issue, partisans are divided, she said. That, coupled with local control, and we end up with a disjointed response.

France has banned public concerts and fireworks displays at New Years celebrations while calling on people to avoid large gatherings and limit the number of family members coming together for Christmas. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and state governors agreed on restrictions to take effect before the new year, including limiting private gatherings to 10 people, closing nightclubs and holding large events like soccer matches without in-person audiences.

In the U.S., Biden has not issued fresh travel warnings nor urged the cancellation of public events.

On Tuesday, the president seemed to be taking pains to try to connect with viewers on TV. He avoided a catchphrase that he and other members of his administration have often used pandemic of the unvaccinated and instead tried to appeal to vaccine refusers as fellow Americans.

I, honest to God, believe its your patriotic duty, Biden said, urging the unvaccinated to get their shots.

He even invoked his Republican predecessor. Just the other day, former president (Donald) Trump announced he had gotten his booster shot, Biden said. It may be one of the few things he and I agree on.


What we are watching in the rest of the world ...

BEIJING China has ordered the lockdown of as many as 13 million people in neighbourhoods and workplaces in the northern city of Xian following a spike in COVID-19 cases, setting off panic buying just weeks before the country hosts the Winter Olympics.

State media say city officials ordered all residents to stay home unless they have a pressing reason to go out and suspended all transport to and from the city apart from special cases. One person from each household will be permitted out every two days to buy household necessities.

Xian on Wednesday reported 52 new locally transmitted cases of the coronavirus over the previous 24 hours.

China has adopted strict pandemic control measures under its zero-transmission program, leading to frequent lockdowns, universal masking and mass testing.

Those measures have been stepped up in recent days ahead of the start of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games on Feb. 4.

The Xi'an restrictions are some of the harshest since China in 2020 imposed a strict lockdown on more than 11 million people in and around the central city of Wuhan after COVID-19 was first detected there in late 2019.

Social media posts recorded panic buying of groceries and household products, with the government saying new supplies would be brought in on Thursday.


On this day in 1983 ...

Jeanne Sauv was appointed Canada's first female governor general. The former broadcaster and federal cabinet minister had also been the first woman Speaker of the House of Commons.


In entertainment ...

MINNEAPOLIS Court officials are edging closer to dividing up pop superstar Princes estate.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Wednesday that November tax filings show the Internal Revenue Service and Comerica Bank & Trust, the estate administrator, have reached an agreement in November on the total value of Princes assets.

The specific number hasnt been disclosed but it could be more than $100 million. The IRS last year determined Prince's assets were worth $163.2 million. Comerica put the number at $82.3 million. IRS officials felt Comerica's total was so low they imposed a $6.4 million accuracy penalty on the estate.

The Carver County probate court still must approve the agreement. The court is set to begin discussions in February on how to divide up the assets.

The estate likely will be divided between New York music company Primary Wave and Prince's three oldest heirs or their families. Primary Wave bought out all or most of the interests of Prince's three youngest siblings.

Prince died of a fentanyl overdose at his Paisley Park home in Carver County in April 2016. He didn't have a will.



A University of Calgary paleontologist says she has seen well-preserved dinosaur egg fossils before, but nothing like this.

The fossil, the subject of a new paper published Wednesday, is so detailed it's revealing even more about the deep relationships between dinosaurs and birds, their modern-day descendants.

Darla Zelenitsky says the find is of a 65-million-year-old type of theropod dinosaur called an oviraptorid, a species already on an avian evolutionary path.

First discovered in China about 20 years ago, the specimen is so completely preserved it reveals the posture of the soon-to-be theropod inside its shell. With its back curled up against the broad end of the shell and its head tucked in between its arms and legs, it looks much like an unhatched chicken.

Zelenitsky says "The skeleton is curled up in a birdlike embryonic pose." She adds "birds were thought to have a unique posture within the egg before hatching. It's evident from this fossil that some of these postures seem to have first evolved in their dinosaur ancestors."

It's the first time scientists have been able to see how dinosaur embryos were positioned inside their eggs. Previous egg fossils have been too fragmented. Zelenitsky says "this reinforces the link between those theropod dinosaurs and birds." That link is growing stronger as more evidence comes in.


This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 23, 2021

The Canadian Press

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Quebec's COVID Count Rises and a Liberal MP gets Censured: In The News for Dec. 23 - Coast Reporter

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NDP call on the Liberal government to uphold commitments on human rights –

Posted: at 6:01 pm

Five years ago, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2334 on Israel and Palestine. The resolution was passed and is binding under international law. It stresses that the status quo is not sustainable and that significant steps are urgently needed in order to stabilize the situation and to reverse negative trends on the ground, which are steadily eroding the two-State solution.

Among other things, the resolution called on States to distinguish between the territory of the State of Israel and the territories occupied since 1967. It called on Israel to immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory--including East Jerusalem --and for immediate steps to prevent all acts of violence against civilians.

New Democrats mark the fifth anniversary of this resolution by urging the Government of Canada to uphold UNSCR 2334 and to call on the Government of Israel to halt all settlement activity in occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem. New Democrats also urge Canada to end all trade and economic cooperation with illegal settlements in Israel-Palestine.

Recent comments by Canadas new Foreign Affairs Minister regarding Palestinians are troubling. Equally concerning is her silence regarding Israels designation of six Palestinian human rights organizations as terrorists - an unjustified attack on civil society that will have severe consequences for the children and families who receive critical services from these organizations. We call on Minister Joly to explain how Canada intends to make tangible contributions toward peace and security in Israel and Palestine - rather than supporting the status quo.

The Canadian government should do its part to create the conditions for peaceful co-existence in viable, independent states with agreed-upon borders. By failing to call out Israel for breaching international law and violating the human rights of the Palestinian people, Canada is contributing to the problem.

On the fifth anniversary of UNSCR 2334, we call on the Liberal government do its part for peace and to stand up for international law and human rights.

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The full text of the Queen’s Xmas message – Daily Liberal

Posted: at 6:01 pm

In her Christmas Day address the Queen movingly spoke about her late husband as she empathised with families missing loved ones. But she also gave hope for the future. Here is the Queen's message, which she penned herself, in full: "Although it's a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. "This year, especially, I understand why. "But for me, in the months since the death of my beloved Philip, I have drawn great comfort from the warmth and affection of the many tributes to his life and work - from around the country, the Commonwealth and the world. "His sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation - were all irrepressible. "That mischievous, enquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when I first set eyes on him. "But life, of course, consists of final partings as well as first meetings - and as much as I and my family miss him, I know he would want us to enjoy Christmas. "We felt his presence as we, like millions around the world, readied ourselves for Christmas. "While Covid again means we can't celebrate quite as we may have wished, we can still enjoy the many happy traditions. "Be it the singing of carols - as long as the tune is well known - decorating the tree, giving and receiving presents, or watching a favourite film where we already know the ending, it's no surprise that families so often treasure their Christmas routines. "We see our own children and their families embrace the roles, traditions and values that mean so much to us, as these are passed from one generation to the next, sometimes being updated for changing times. "I see it in my own family and it is a source of great happiness. "Prince Philip was always mindful of this sense of passing the baton. "That's why he created The Duke of Edinburgh's Award, which offers young people throughout the Commonwealth and beyond the chance of exploration and adventure. "It remains an astonishing success, grounded in his faith in the future. "He was also an early champion of taking seriously our stewardship of the environment, and I am proud beyond words that his pioneering work has been taken on and magnified by our eldest son Charles and his eldest son William - admirably supported by Camilla and Catherine - most recently at the COP climate change summit in Glasgow. "Next summer, we look forward to the Commonwealth Games. "The baton is currently travelling the length and breadth of the Commonwealth, heading towards Birmingham, a beacon of hope on its journey. "It will be a chance to celebrate the achievements of athletes and the coming-together of like-minded nations. "And February, just six weeks from now, will see the start of my Platinum Jubilee year, which I hope will be an opportunity for people everywhere to enjoy a sense of togetherness, a chance to give thanks for the enormous changes of the last 70 years - social, scientific and cultural - and also to look ahead with confidence. "I am sure someone somewhere today will remark that Christmas is a time for children. "It's an engaging truth, but only half the story. "Perhaps it's truer to say that Christmas can speak to the child within us all. "Adults, when weighed down with worries, sometimes fail to see the joy in simple things, where children do not. "And for me and my family, even with one familiar laugh missing this year, there will be joy in Christmas, as we have the chance to reminisce, and see anew the wonder of the festive season through the eyes of our young children, of whom we were delighted to welcome four more this year. "They teach us all a lesson - just as the Christmas story does - that in the birth of a child, there is a new dawn with endless potential. "It is this simplicity of the Christmas story that makes it so universally appealing, simple happenings that formed the starting point of the life of Jesus - a man whose teachings have been handed down from generation to generation, and have been the bedrock of my faith. "His birth marked a new beginning. "As the carol says: 'The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.' "I wish you all a very happy Christmas." Australian Associated Press


December 26 2021 - 2:10AM

In her Christmas Day address the Queen movingly spoke about her late husband as she empathised with families missing loved ones.

But she also gave hope for the future.

Here is the Queen's message, which she penned herself, in full:

"Although it's a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones.

"This year, especially, I understand why.

"But for me, in the months since the death of my beloved Philip, I have drawn great comfort from the warmth and affection of the many tributes to his life and work - from around the country, the Commonwealth and the world.

"His sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation - were all irrepressible.

"That mischievous, enquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when I first set eyes on him.

"But life, of course, consists of final partings as well as first meetings - and as much as I and my family miss him, I know he would want us to enjoy Christmas.

"We felt his presence as we, like millions around the world, readied ourselves for Christmas.

"While Covid again means we can't celebrate quite as we may have wished, we can still enjoy the many happy traditions.

"Be it the singing of carols - as long as the tune is well known - decorating the tree, giving and receiving presents, or watching a favourite film where we already know the ending, it's no surprise that families so often treasure their Christmas routines.

"We see our own children and their families embrace the roles, traditions and values that mean so much to us, as these are passed from one generation to the next, sometimes being updated for changing times.

"I see it in my own family and it is a source of great happiness.

"Prince Philip was always mindful of this sense of passing the baton.

"That's why he created The Duke of Edinburgh's Award, which offers young people throughout the Commonwealth and beyond the chance of exploration and adventure.

"It remains an astonishing success, grounded in his faith in the future.

"He was also an early champion of taking seriously our stewardship of the environment, and I am proud beyond words that his pioneering work has been taken on and magnified by our eldest son Charles and his eldest son William - admirably supported by Camilla and Catherine - most recently at the COP climate change summit in Glasgow.

"Next summer, we look forward to the Commonwealth Games.

"The baton is currently travelling the length and breadth of the Commonwealth, heading towards Birmingham, a beacon of hope on its journey.

"It will be a chance to celebrate the achievements of athletes and the coming-together of like-minded nations.

"And February, just six weeks from now, will see the start of my Platinum Jubilee year, which I hope will be an opportunity for people everywhere to enjoy a sense of togetherness, a chance to give thanks for the enormous changes of the last 70 years - social, scientific and cultural - and also to look ahead with confidence.

"I am sure someone somewhere today will remark that Christmas is a time for children.

"It's an engaging truth, but only half the story.

"Perhaps it's truer to say that Christmas can speak to the child within us all.

"Adults, when weighed down with worries, sometimes fail to see the joy in simple things, where children do not.

"And for me and my family, even with one familiar laugh missing this year, there will be joy in Christmas, as we have the chance to reminisce, and see anew the wonder of the festive season through the eyes of our young children, of whom we were delighted to welcome four more this year.

"They teach us all a lesson - just as the Christmas story does - that in the birth of a child, there is a new dawn with endless potential.

"It is this simplicity of the Christmas story that makes it so universally appealing, simple happenings that formed the starting point of the life of Jesus - a man whose teachings have been handed down from generation to generation, and have been the bedrock of my faith.

"His birth marked a new beginning.

"As the carol says: 'The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.'

"I wish you all a very happy Christmas."

Australian Associated Press

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Omicron grounds hundreds of US flights – Daily Liberal

Posted: at 6:01 pm

US airlines have cancelled more than 900 Christmas flights, the second straight day of massive disruption as surging COVID-19 infections sideline flight crew. The widespread cancellations on Saturday have upended plans for tens of thousands of holiday travellers over the holiday weekend. A total of 913 Christmas Day flights, domestic and international, were cancelled, up from 690 on Christmas Eve, according to a running tally on flight-tracking website More than 1100 flights were delayed. The Christmas holidays are typically a peak time for air travel, but the rapid spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19 has led to a sharp increase in infections, forcing airlines to cancel flights as pilots and crew need to quarantine. United Airlines cancelled 230 flights, a company official said. "The nationwide spike in Omicron cases this week has had a direct impact on our flight crews and the people who run our operation," spokeswoman Maddie King said. "We are working hard to rebook as many people as possible and get them on their way for the holidays." FlightAware data showed Delta Air Lines scrubbed 301 flights as of 6am AEDT, while American Airlines said they had to call off 90 mainland flights. Globally, more than 2590 flights were called off on Saturday, with 5438 others delayed. Among the most impacted US airports were Atlanta's Hartford-Jackson International, New Jersey's Newark Liberty International, Los Angeles International and New York's JFK International. The Omicron variant was first detected in November and now accounts for nearly three-quarters of US cases, and as many as 90 per cent in some areas, such as the eastern seaboard. The average number of new US coronavirus cases has risen 45 per cent to 179,000 a day over the past week. While recent research suggests Omicron produces milder illness and a lower rate of hospitalisation than previous variants of COVID-19, health officials have maintained a cautious note about the outlook. Ahead of the Christmas holiday, Americans scrambled for COVID-19 tests and many went ahead with their travel plans. US officials have said people who are fully vaccinated should feel comfortable proceeding with holiday travel. Australian Associated Press


December 26 2021 - 6:38AM

US airlines have cancelled more than 900 Christmas flights, the second straight day of massive disruption as surging COVID-19 infections sideline flight crew.

The widespread cancellations on Saturday have upended plans for tens of thousands of holiday travellers over the holiday weekend.

A total of 913 Christmas Day flights, domestic and international, were cancelled, up from 690 on Christmas Eve, according to a running tally on flight-tracking website

More than 1100 flights were delayed.

The Christmas holidays are typically a peak time for air travel, but the rapid spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19 has led to a sharp increase in infections, forcing airlines to cancel flights as pilots and crew need to quarantine.

United Airlines cancelled 230 flights, a company official said.

"The nationwide spike in Omicron cases this week has had a direct impact on our flight crews and the people who run our operation," spokeswoman Maddie King said.

"We are working hard to rebook as many people as possible and get them on their way for the holidays."

FlightAware data showed Delta Air Lines scrubbed 301 flights as of 6am AEDT, while American Airlines said they had to call off 90 mainland flights.

Globally, more than 2590 flights were called off on Saturday, with 5438 others delayed.

Among the most impacted US airports were Atlanta's Hartford-Jackson International, New Jersey's Newark Liberty International, Los Angeles International and New York's JFK International.

The Omicron variant was first detected in November and now accounts for nearly three-quarters of US cases, and as many as 90 per cent in some areas, such as the eastern seaboard.

The average number of new US coronavirus cases has risen 45 per cent to 179,000 a day over the past week.

While recent research suggests Omicron produces milder illness and a lower rate of hospitalisation than previous variants of COVID-19, health officials have maintained a cautious note about the outlook.

Ahead of the Christmas holiday, Americans scrambled for COVID-19 tests and many went ahead with their travel plans.

US officials have said people who are fully vaccinated should feel comfortable proceeding with holiday travel.

Australian Associated Press

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