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Category Archives: Las Vegas
Las Vegas’ Black History preserved through the Harrison House – KTNV Las Vegas
Posted: February 15, 2022 at 6:05 am
LAS VEGAS (KTNV) An important piece of Black history still stands tall on Las Vegas' Historic Westside.
The Harrison House was a place where black musicians and performers would stay after being told they weren't allowed to spend the night on the Las Vegas Strip.
Today, the Harrison House symbolizes "protecting the past and preserving the future." That's the motto, as the home has now been transformed into an educational center. Its current owners hope this piece of Black history helps newer generations learn for years come.
The grand tour begins outside of the home, where you have a clear view of the Bonanza bridge that reads, "Historic Westside."
"Bonanza Road was the legal boundary between the Black and the white community during the segregationist period of Las Vegas," explained Katherine Duncan, a historian and the executive director of the Harrison House. "If you were Black, you were not welcome or tolerated past that bridge."
Today, though the Historic Westside is no longer legally segregated. It is still home to many black families, some whose ancestors passed down the land for generations.
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In those days, if you were a Black artist or performer, the Harrison House was the place to be.
"It's a gathering place for famous entertainers who would be performing at the Sands hotel or the Tropicana, but weren't allowed to stay there," Duncan said. "So, Mrs. Harrison opened up a guest home for those entertainers, and that's what makes Harrison House unique. It was famous for visitors like Sammy Davis, Jr., Harry Belafonte, Pearl Bailey, Joe Lewis."
Now, the Harrison House sits along the Pioneer Trail, a relic of the Black excellence of the 1940s, '50s, and '60s. Its history has been preserved through the advocacy of Duncan and others. Still, many questions loom as to whether the home will continue to stand the test of time.
"How do we sustain the house until the future? Like, who pays the bills? What happens here?" Duncan said.
Similar questions extend to other historic properties in the neighborhood.
"Are they important, historic buildings, or should they be torn down?" Duncan said. "Those are the kinds of questions we're grappling with today."
If you had come into Harrison House in 1940, you would have been brought into the sitting room. This was the exterior room of a standard of the 1942 house, Duncan said.
"So in those days, if you got into a person's sitting room, they would talk to you and get to know you. If they liked you, then they would invite you over into the living room. So, let's go in the living room," Duncan said.
Walking from the sitting room to the living room, it's hard not to admire the photos on the wall of stars like Sammy Davis, Jr. and Nat King Cole, and old memories of the Moulin Rouge that show the rich history the property at 1001 N. F Street holds.
"It was listed in the Negro motorist traveler's guide in 1949," Duncan said. "So, she (Mrs. Harrison) had to be doing well to be able to advertise to travelers across America."
"The Negro Motorist Green Book" was used by Black travelers all across the United States in the mid-'40s.
"It was just on the wrong side of town, so they came here because they could afford it, honestly, and Mrs. Harrison didn't have cheap rates," Duncan said. "She ran a first-class guest house. So she was, you know, high society."
In those days, Black entertainers weren't welcome to stay on The Strip, so if you wanted to sit down with Sammy Davis, Jr. or hang out with Harry Belafonte, you had to leave The Strip, too. That brought other well-known figures to the Harrison House.
"Of course, Marilyn Monroe, and I mean, all of these people would come through Harrison House to be with Sammy Davis, Jr. and Harry Belafonte and Joe Lewis. This is where they were," Duncan said.
"Having a one-bedroom suite with its own self-contained shower and walk-in closet I mean, this house was an amazing home," she added. "It had all of the amenities that any Las Vegas Strip hotel would have."
Over time, the Historic Westside has seen its ups and downs, including some wanting to get rid of the house.
"'All those old raggedy buildings over there,'" Duncan said. "I've heard that a lot. 'Why don't you just tear that stuff down and start over?' And I go, 'Oh, you know, why would we tear down everything and erase any foundation that we have as a people?'"
The Harrison House is currently open for educational tours. To learn more about the rich culture and history of the home that hosted the stars, you can visit their website at
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Las Vegas police arrest firefighter accused of recruiting for prostitution on the Strip – Reno Gazette Journal
Posted: at 6:05 am
LAS VEGAS A Clark County firefightersuspected of recruitingfor prostitution on the Las Vegas Strip was arrestedearlier this month, according to police and court records.
Treyveon Evans, 28, was taken into custody onFeb. 4 by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, court records show. He posted bond the following day.
Evans faces a felony count of pandering, although he had not been formally charged in the case as of Monday, according to the records.
Following his arrest, Evans wasplaced on unpaid leave from the Clark County Fire Department Nevada's largest firefighting agency pending the outcome of the case, a county spokeswoman said.
Evans joined the department last June.
Las Vegas police had not released the firefighter's arrest report as of Monday afternoon.
Evans is due in court early next month in Las Vegas, according to court records.
Rio Lacanlaleis the Las Vegas correspondent for the Reno Gazette Journal andthe USA Today Network. Contact her at or on Twitter @riolacanlale.Support local journalism by subscribing to the RGJ today.
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Las Vegas judge resigns, citing need to care for her family – Las Vegas Review-Journal
Posted: at 6:05 am
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Las Vegas judge resigns, citing need to care for her family - Las Vegas Review-Journal
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Man arrested in connection with fatal shooting after dispute over vehicle in east Las Vegas – FOX5 Las Vegas
Posted: at 6:05 am
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Venture into Penn & Teller’s Las Vegas tent for the sideshow of all sideshows – Lasvegasmagazine
Posted: at 6:05 am
The more things change, the more they stay the same for eccentric tricksters Penn & Teller. A Sunday evening show in late January at Penn & Teller Theater inside the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino finds Penn Jillette jamming on upright bass with virtuoso pianist Mike Jones, who is about to observe his 20th year with the act. They play a snatch of Violent Femmes Blister in the Sun before Penn departs, leaving the jazz demon to dazzle with solo renditions of Fats Dominos Im Walkin and Duke Ellingtons Caravan and Take the A Train. A camera captures his astonishing technique in close-up for the big screens above the stage.
Its the traditional Show before the Show, preceding the 9 p.m.-sharp start time, when the magicians take the stage together. Penn cuts through the applause with his booming voice. We are so, so happy to be here tonight, he says as Teller nods along. Weve said some version of that onstage over 12,000 times, but tonight we really mean it!
As Penn explains, the duo and their support team went 421 days without doing their headline show. As tonights new inventions indicate, they put their time to good use. The new tricks are inspired, bringing traditional elements such as decks of cards, disappearances and fire into new realms. Rather than eliminate audience participation, Penn & Teller adjusted and adapted, and the show flows as smoothly as ever.
Penns elucidations on magic-related subjects such as the misappropriation of the term misdirection and sideshows seem more engrossing than previously. Gratitude toward the crew is profusely expressed. Teller is poetry in motion, indicating back surgeries have been successful enough to allow him to continue to work at the craft he loves. He still has a way with goldfish that causes the audience to collectively respond with an involuntary Ahhhhh!
If there is one show to start with to break the pandemic blues, this is it. Nine of the tricks in the current set are brand new. Its easier to witness the threading of a ribbon through doughnuts than to explain whats magical about it, and any animals suddenly appearing onstage are too terrified of the audience to leave the stage. Lies, cheats, swindles, rip-offs, says Penn. That is what we do.
Theyve just signed on for a 10th season of Penn & Teller: Fool Us, for which the theater does double-duty as a television show set. A magician named Jandro is an integral part of one trick, fulfilling a Fool Us promise to feature winners from the show. Its fast-paced, and at times intimate-feeling due to Penns heartfelt reminisces of his exposure to magic acts and other illusory endeavors. Penn & Teller are the ultimate sideshow act, passing on the senses of wonder they were inoculated with at young ages and performing with apparently endless wells of ingenuity.
Why do we do it? asks Penn rhetorically at some point during tonights show. Because this is our tent.
Rio, 702.777.2782
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Venture into Penn & Teller's Las Vegas tent for the sideshow of all sideshows - Lasvegasmagazine
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PBS cooking show star Martin Yan opens MY Asia at the rebranded Horseshoe this summer or fall 2022 – Eater Vegas
Posted: at 6:05 am
Caesars Entertainment is upping its dining game with a bevy of new restaurants opening attached to celebrities and famous chefs. Now add James Beard Award winner and public television star Martin Yan to the mix as he brings his own restaurant, M.Y. Asia, to Ballys this year in the third quarter, just as the resort changes its name to the Horseshoe Las Vegas.
Yan who was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, and grew up in Hong Kong focuses his menu on Asian flavors, bringing a roster of dishes such as Peking duck, dim sum, live seafood entrees, and hand-pulled noodles from China, Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand.
PGAL out of Las Vegas designs the space with the Lucky Bell Bar at the front and a 130-seat dining room, where diners can watch chefs hand-pulling noodles and working the wok station. The dining room expects to showcase murals and natural textures. M.Y. Asia also plans to offer takeout, with orders placed in a digital carryout lockers.
Yan stars in Yan Can Cook on public television, dispensing his approachable recipes to viewers since 1982. The James Beard Foundation recognized him with an award for best TV cooking show n 1994, best TV food journalism in 1996, and a whos who of food and beverage in America in 2001. He won a Daytime Emmy Award for his show in 1998 for best cooking show.
Aside from founding a chain of Yan Can Restaurants and the Yan Can International Cooking School in San Francisco, Yan authored more than 30 cookbooks.
Ballys parent company Caesars Entertainment has a boatload of restaurants attached to celebrities, famous chefs, and big brands on the way. Lisa Vanderpump of Vanderpump Rules and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fame opens Vanderpump Paris at Paris Las Vegas while Nobu Matsuhisa and his fusion cuisine that melds traditional Japanese dishes with Peruvian ingredients arrive at a third Las Vegas location in early 2022 at the resort. Martha Stewarts first Las Vegas restaurant, The Bedford by Martha Stewart, is slated to open sometime this spring at Paris Las Vegas. Former New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees is a part-owner in Walk-Ons Sports Bistreaux, taking over the former Toby Keiths I Love This Bar & Grill at Harrahs Las Vegas with a sports dining venue. Cake Boss Buddy Valastro opens a Boss Caf by Buddy Valastro at the Linq in early 2022. Over at Caesars Palace, Peter Lugers Steakhouse opens in late 2022 in the former Raos space, while Dominique Ansel Las Vegas debuts his Cronuts and other pastries this summer.
Although not owned by Caesars Entertainment, the Forum Shops at Caesars plans to debut RPM Italian from celebrity couple Giuliana and Bill Rancic to the shopping center attached to Caesars Palace. In 2023, country music singer and coach on The Voice Blake Shelton brings his own venture to Las Vegas when Ole Red, a honky-tonk spanning 27,000 square feet, debuts at the Grand Bazaar Shops in front of Ballys Las Vegas.
In 2021, Ballys closed Tequila Taqueria Bar & Grill and Buca di Beppo, while the resort has not reopened its decadent Sterling Brunch at BLT Steak, which is also temporarily closed.
Caesars Entertainment plans to rebrand Ballys Las Vegas into the Horseshoe, an iconic name from Las Vegass past. Three new restaurants are on the horizon for the resort on the southeast corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo Road.
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See what Las Vegas thinks of the Risen Star runners – Horse Racing Nation
Posted: at 6:05 am
Photo:Scott Serio/Eclipse Sportswire
The Grade 2 Risen Star is the only Kentucky Derby points prep is on this weekend's calendar, but it's the first to offer 50-20-10-5 points to its top four finishers.
And the Fair Grounds event boasts a strong field, including Smile Happy, the top individual choice in the Kentucky Derby Future Wager Pool 3, which closed Sunday.
In the tables below, you can see the best odds available from either Caesars Sportsbook at William Hill Nevada or Circa Sports for likely the runners in the Risen Star. Although this is hardly a perfect barometer, it offers insight to how bettors are thinking. For horses not listed, the two Las Vegas racebooks could add them later this week.
Smile Happy is 2-for-2 and won the Kentucky Jockey Club (G2) last out by 4 1/4 lengths over Classic Causeway, who went on to Saturday's Sam F. Davis (G3). He was the individual favorite in pools 1, 2 and 3 of the Kentucky Derby Future Wager, helped by large bets from businessman Jim McIngvale, owner of Smile Happy sire Runhappy.
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See what Las Vegas thinks of the Risen Star runners - Horse Racing Nation
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From Las Vegas to Munich: The BMW iX Flow featuring E Ink at BMW Welt – Automotive World
Posted: at 6:05 am
From today, the BMW iX Flow featuring E Ink is on display in the new BMW i exhibition at BMW Welt
At this years Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the BMW Group presented the BMW iX Flow featuring E Ink a unique technology that enables the exterior to change colour. From now until the mid-March, visitors to the BMW Welt have the opportunity to view the spectacular vehicle in the recently opened BMW i exhibition.
The special paint finish works in a similar way to the technology in e-book readers. A special body foiling integrates several million colour capsules. Negatively charged white or positively charged black pigments are stimulated by electrical signals and collect on the surface and in this way change the exterior colour. In this way, we give drivers the freedom to express different sides of their personality to the outside world and redefine them on every journey, says Stella Clarke, Project Head of BMW iX Flow featuring E Ink. With the ability to change the exterior colour and to display different patterns, the BMW iX Flow featuring E Ink opens up new worlds for an individual driving experience. But the technology also offers numerous potential areas of application beyond the customer experience, for example to improve energy efficiency. The electrophoretic paint in the BMW iX Flow featuring E Ink differs from displays in that it does not constantly consume energy. Only when switching over is electricity very briefly required. The matching exterior colour actually improves the energy efficiency of the vehicle. A white surface will reflect sunlight significantly more than a black one, meaning the interior heats up less. Changing the colour thus reduces energy consumption. The colour change in the all-electric BMW iX not only boosts the mood of the passengers, but also the vehicles range.
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From Las Vegas to Munich: The BMW iX Flow featuring E Ink at BMW Welt - Automotive World
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Tyson Fury says he will face Francis Ngannou in Las Vegas next year – DAZN News US
Posted: at 6:05 am
Tyson Fury believes a clash with the UFC's heavyweight champion will come sooner rather than later.
Tyson Fury has revealed a possible date and venue for a crossover fight with the UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou.
The WBC world heavyweight champion has been involved in numerous social media exchanges with Ngannou and it now looks like the two could possibly go head-to-head in 2023.
Speaking to IFL TV, Fury claimed a clash with Ngannou would break all sorts of records.
"I am going to fight Francis Ngannou in Las Vegas next year in March or February, Fury said.
Theres been no talks this year, because I have got some boxing to do, But next year we can have some crazy fights.
"Its a massive fight I believe it breaks all pay-per-view records in the United States. Two heavyweight champions going head to head."
Fury is scheduled to face mandatory challenger Dillian Whyte sometime in April and if he comes through that fight, the 33-year-old will then be expected to face the winner of Oleksandr Usyk vs. Anthony Joshua 2 for the undisputed world heavyweight championship.
Tyson Fury says he will face Francis Ngannou in Las Vegas next year - DAZN News US
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The Interview: Andrew Woods | University of Nevada, Las Vegas – UNLV NewsCenter
Posted: at 6:05 am
Community parks bustling with laughing children. Brightly painted murals accentingold buildings. The rattle of hammers and drills from nearby and distant construction sites. Cracked sidewalks in front of homes that have outlived many Las Vegas Strip properties.
These are just some of the contrasting experiences Andrew Woods encountered in Las Vegas a few years back as he trained for a two-day, 200-mile bicycle race in the Pacific Northwest that he competed in with his dad, an avid bicyclist.
During his training rides, often in the scorching Vegas summer heat, Woods would ride from Downtown Las Vegas all the way to the Red Rock loop and back again. His rides toward the mountains took him through different communities, along sidewalks, through streets, and past athletic fields, parks, public art installations, and green spaces. The long rides sometimes up to eight hours gave him time to think about the city he lived in, the modes of transportation available, and what was and wasnt working. Woods began envisioning what Southern Nevada could be like if the streets were better designed for the communities they encompassed.
I would think about what would happen if it was a little easier for people to do the things they do every day, like get to work or school, and how little changes could make a big economic impact and set our community apart, said Woods, who joined UNLV in 2021 as director of the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER).
You might think getting to work as quickly as possible is all that matters," he said. "But if traffic is better managed, more people are given choices on how to commute, and they are incentivized to drive safely, they'll be less stressed and more productive. Ive seen data on how these types of projects actually spur economic development and generally help grow and diversify a city.
His time spent riding his bike through the streets of Las Vegas sparked a lot of ideas. Now, with a passion for building a better community, a background in public policy, business, politics, and a masters degree in economics, his position as CBER director has given Woods the opportunity to explore those ideas further through research and economic development projects with local governments.
I moved to Las Vegas in 2014 from upstate New York to work for the Nevada state treasurer. Prior to that, I lived in Buffalo, Chicago, Washington D.C., and even London. Ive spent time traveling and getting to know the world through the lens of cities of all sizes. Originally from the suburbs of Seattle, Washington, I knew I wanted to return to the West to settle closer to home, which brought me to Las Vegas.
Ive always been really passionate about cities how they operate, the people who live, work, and raise a family within them, and understanding what makes certain cities stand out. Prior to coming to UNLV, I was running my own business and I really wanted to be in a position of solving problems right here in Las Vegas.
To me that meant being able to help leaders in our community from all walks of life better understand the challenges we face so we can find solutions together. This is where economics, data analysis, and the tools of public policy come into play. These things, coupled with my background as a business owner and public policy experience, made the role of director of CBER a natural fit.
Later this spring, CBER, Lee Business School, and a host of partners will launch an economic micro-credential to help high school public school teachers in Southern Nevada teach economics in the classroom. This supports a requirement the Nevada Legislature passed into law back in 2017.
Its been inspiring working with multiple departments across the university to help get this program up and running. Weve received some private funding, too, so it wont be a financial burden for teachers to take this course..
To celebrate, I dont necessarily take a victory walk until I know something is really complete. At the same time, I like to think about whats the next big thing. But in the past, Ive celebrated by jumping in my car and climbing large mountains a few hours away. My last climb before winter arrived was Mount Massive in Colorado, the second tallest peak in the state. When you are above the clouds, the views are fantastic and it just clears your head.
Im looking forward to launching the Applied Research Collaborative in partnership with the Governors Office of Economic Development and Bo Bernhard at the UNLV Office of Economic Development. The goal with this project is to foster private-public partnerships and research between the university and our private sector partners.
This opportunity was serendipitous. When I read and heard past stories of what CBER was like under Keith Schwers leadership (a former director of the center who passed away in 2009) it resonated with me. He cared deeply about education and economics, and so do I. He was known as a sharp and level-headed economic voice as we navigated the pandemic, and Im grateful for the the chance to lead CBER and serve the community.
Engineers are constantly tinkering with machinery to make it better. Economics is similar, but instead of a machine we are constantly trying to understand data to better the world and the community we live in. That constant analysis and recalibration of our models and forecasts is very exciting to me.
I think it surprises people how much work we are producing, how many programs we are working on, and how we are stretching our resources and expertise to help solve problems right here in Las Vegas.
Every day we are producing an economic index, a forecast, responding to questions from the media, working with our graduate students, and fielding requests from the public. I am really impressed with our team, their expertise, reliability, and the quality of the work they produce.
Cross-disciplinary projects that bring together a team from across the university to tackle big questions. For example, the challenge of transportation and complete streets isnt just an economics dilemma. It poses challenges for public health, engineering, business, and public policy, to name a few. A perfect project for CBER is one where we can bring many experts at UNLV to the table and be the go-to resource for our leaders in Southern Nevada.
CBERs population forecast. We have been doing it since 1997. Keith Schwer forecasted in 2001 that there would be 2.4 million people in the valley by 2020, our current population is over 2.3 million. His models which we still use today, with some adjustments are delivering results.
The Southern Nevada Water Authority has been able to accurately plan for further population growth over the past 25 years in part because of CBERs work. Southern Nevada uses less water today than we did 20 years ago and yet we have almost a million more people. The research we produce annually doesnt just stop at water; it also impacts transportation, planning, jobs, and so much more.
I started alpine climbing during the pandemic. I have climbed a lot of peaks in Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, and Washington. There are certainly people that are more hardcore than me and able to commit more time to the sport, but I enjoy getting my head above the clouds.
In December I went to France and proposed to my now fianc, Lisa, in front of the Luxembourg Palace. My favorite memory was eating French cuisine in the middle of a rainstorm with her, drinking a bottle of wine, making jokes with the staff, and not worrying about my email inbox.
I remember giving my sisters best friend in high school a Valentine when I was in elementary school I think I was six or seven years old.
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The Interview: Andrew Woods | University of Nevada, Las Vegas - UNLV NewsCenter
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