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Category Archives: Illuminati

Atheist Monument in Florida . Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. – Video

Posted: December 26, 2013 at 10:44 am

Atheist Monument in Florida . Illuminati Freemason Symbolism.
An investigative look into the Atheist Idol set up at Bradford County Courthouse. Showing how the Illuminati are using the atheist as Puppets. Albert Pike #39;s ...

By: TheGroxt1

Atheist Monument in Florida . Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. - Video

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Duck Dynasty Show run by Satan . Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. – Video

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Duck Dynasty Show run by Satan . Illuminati Freemason Symbolism.
An investigative look showing the Duck Commander store as the Mouth of Satan. This was all meant to happen. Jesus Christ is LORD and Savior the Son of God ra...

By: TheGroxt1

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Duck Dynasty Show run by Satan . Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. - Video

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Illuminati 666, Book 2- Ebook – Free Download [PDF,ePub,Mobi,ZIP] – Video

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Illuminati 666, Book 2- Ebook - Free Download [PDF,ePub,Mobi,ZIP]
Illuminati 666, Book 2 Author: William Josiah Sutton Download: Mirror: formats: PDF,ePub,Mo...

By: Kruno Claudius

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Illinois Stories | Illuminati Electric Car II | WSEC-TV/PBS Springfield – Video

Posted: December 25, 2013 at 10:44 am

Illinois Stories | Illuminati Electric Car II | WSEC-TV/PBS Springfield
A group of Springfield men developed an outstanding electric car and inspired a book about their project.

By: NetworkKnowledge

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Illinois Stories | Illuminati Electric Car II | WSEC-TV/PBS Springfield - Video

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Transcendence Johnny Depp. Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. NWO. RFID chip. – Video

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Transcendence Johnny Depp. Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. NWO. RFID chip.
An investigative Look into the New trailer for the Movie Transcendence . Showing the NWO coming. Jesus Christ is LORD and Savior the Son of God raised from t...

By: TheGroxt1

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Transcendence Johnny Depp. Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. NWO. RFID chip. - Video

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Celebrities and the iLLuminati – Video

Posted: at 10:44 am

Celebrities and the iLLuminati Ali Shakur breaks down the rumors of celebrities being in the "illuminati". In this video he uses Ja...

By: Ali Shakur

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Crossword Google Doodle. Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. The Time of Esau . – Video

Posted: December 24, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Crossword Google Doodle. Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. The Time of Esau .
An investigative Look into the December 20th 2013 Google Doodle. Showing the Time of Esau the red is coming. WW3 and the great tribulation. I Pet Goat 2 . ht...

By: TheGroxt1

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Crossword Google Doodle. Illuminati Freemason Symbolism. The Time of Esau . - Video

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Lana Del Rey's Tropico Illuminati Infomercial – Video

Posted: December 23, 2013 at 8:44 pm

Lana Del Rey #39;s Tropico Illuminati Infomercial
Lana Del Rey #39;s Tropico Illuminati Infomercial Subscribe to C...

By: Mark Dice

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Illuminati – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Posted: at 8:44 pm

Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre.

Illuminati, (plural do latim illuminatus, "aquele que iluminado"), o nome dado a diversos grupos, alguns histricos outros modernos, reais ou fictcios. Mais comumente, contudo, o termo "Illuminati" tem sido empregado especificamente para referir-se aos Illuminati da Baviera, uma sociedade secreta da era do Iluminismo fundada em 1 de maio de 1776. Nos tempos modernos, tambm usado para se referir a uma suposta organizao conspiracional que controlaria os assuntos mundiais secretamente, normalmente como verso moderna ou como continuao dos Illuminati bvaros. O nome Illuminati algumas vezes empregue como sinnimo de Nova Ordem Mundial. Muitos tericos da conspirao acreditam que os Illuminati so os crebros por trs dos acontecimentos que levaro ao estabelecimento de uma Nova Ordem Mundial, com os objetivos primrios de unir o mundo sob uma espcie de tirania global.

Dado que "Illuminati" significa literalmente os iluminados em latim, natural que diversos grupos histricos, no relacionados entre si, se tenham autodenominados de Illuminati. Frequentemente, faziam isso alegando possuir textos gnsticos ou outras informaes arcanas (secretas) no disponveis ao grande pblico.

A designao "Illuminati" esteve em uso tambm desde o sculo XIV pelos Irmos do Livre Esprito, e no sculo XV, o ttulo foi assumido por outros entusiastas que argumentavam que a luz da iluminao provinha, no de uma fonte autorizada, mas secreta, de dentro, como resultado de um estado alterado de conscincia, ou iluminismo, que representaria o esclarecimento espiritual e psquico.

Desta forma, durante os perodos moderno e contemporneo, foi designado por "Illuminati" um nmero de grupos (alguns dos quais tm reivindicado o ttulo), mais ou menos marginal e secreto, e muitas vezes em conflito com autoridades religiosas ou polticas; so eles: os Irmos do Livre Esprito, os Rosacruzes, os Alumbrados, os Illumins, os Martinistas, o Palladium... e, principalmente os Illuminati da Baviera. Embora as doutrinas desses grupos tenham sido variadas e por vezes contraditrias, a confuso entre eles tem sido muitas vezes mantida , e esta confuso levou s teorias de conspirao de uma sociedade secreta atuando atravs da histria.

Um movimento de curta durao de autointitulados livre-pensadores, o ramo mais radical do Iluminismo a cujos seguidores foi atribudo o nome de Illuminati (mas que a si mesmos chamavam de perfectibilistas ou "perfeccionistas") foi fundado a 1 de Maio de 1776 pelo professor de lei cannica e jesuta Adam Weishaupt, (falecido em 1830),1 , e pelo baro Adolph von Knigge, na cidade de Ingolstadt, Baviera, atual Alemanha.2 . O grupo foi fundado com o nome de Antigos e Iluminados Profetas da Baviera (Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria, AISB), mas tem sido chamado de Ordem Illuminati, a Ordem dos Illuminati e os Iluminados Bvaros.

Na Baviera, onde o Eleitor Maximiliano Jos III de Wittelsbach foi sucedido em 1777 pelo seu herdeiro Carl Theodor, a organizao no durou muito at ser suprimida pela polcia sob acusaes de conspirao. Em 1784, o governo bvaro baniu todas as sociedades secretas incluindo os Illuminati e os maons. A estrutura dos Illuminati desmoronou logo, mas enquanto existiu, alguns intelectuais influentes se contaram entre os seus membros. Eles eram recrutados principalmente dentre os maons e ex-maons, juravam obedincia a seus superiores e estavam divididos em trs classes principais: a primeira, conhecida como Berrio, compreendia os graus ascendentes ou ofcios de Preparao, Noviciado, Minerval e Illuminatus Minor; a segunda, conhecida como a Maonaria, consistia dos graus ascendentes de Illuminatus Major e Illuminatus dirigens, esse ltimo algumas vezes chamado de Cavaleiro Escocs; a terceira, designada de Mistrios, estava subdividida nos graus de Mistrios Menores (Presbtero e Regente) e Mistrios Maiores (Magus e Rex). Relaes com as lojas manicas foram estabelecidas em Munique e Frisinga, em 1780.

A ordem tinha ramos na maior parte dos pases europeus, mas o nmero total de membros parece nunca ter sido superior a 2000 durante o perodo de dez anos..2 O esquema teve a sua atrao para os literatos, como Goethe e Herder, e mesmo para os duques reinantes de Gota e Weimar. Rupturas internas precederam o desmoronamento da organizao, que foi efetivado por um dito do governo bvaro em 1785. A ordem foi encerrada em 1788..2

A Ordem dos Illuminati da Baviera foi fundada na noite de 30 de abril a 1 de Maio de 1776 (vspera da famosa Noite de Santa Valburga) em uma floresta perto de Ingolstadt (Baviera), no sul da Alemanha, onde um pequeno grupo de jovens criou e prometeu cumprir os fins da sociedade. Entre aqueles que estavam naquela noite, sabe-se apenas a identidade de trs: Adam Weishaupt, Max Merz e Anton von Massenhausen. O fato de que no se sabe exatamente quem estava presente naquela noite foi a causa da especulao sobre o nmero de pessoas que criaram a ordem, alguns dizem que eram apenas quatro e outros argumentam que foram treze.

Aps a fundao, Adam Weishaupt (que se proclamou a si mesmo o nome simblico de Spartacus) atraiu seus primeiros seguidores, um estudante de Munique chamado Franz Xavier von Zwack e um baro protestante de Hanver chamado Adolph von Knigge (Frater Philon) que j havia sido iniciado na Maonaria e, posteriormente, desenvolveu o Rito dos Illuminati da Baviera, junto com Weishaupt, a quem foi introduzido na loja de Munique: Theodor zum guten Rath.

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Illuminati – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

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The Illuminatus! Trilogy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 8:44 pm

The Illuminatus! Trilogy is a series of three novels written by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson first published in 1975.[1] The trilogy is a satirical, postmodern, science fiction-influenced adventure story; a drug-, sex-, and magic-laden trek through a number of conspiracy theories, both historical and imaginary, related to the authors' version of the Illuminati. The narrative often switches between third and first person perspectives and jumps around in time. It is thematically dense, covering topics like counterculture, numerology, and Discordianism.

The trilogy comprises The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, and Leviathan. They were first published as three separate volumes starting in September 1975. In 1984 they were published as an omnibus edition, and are now more commonly reprinted in the latter form.

In 1986 the trilogy won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award, designed to honor classic libertarian fiction,[2] despite the fact that there are several passages in the trilogy that savagely parody libertarians in general and Ayn Rand in particular.

The authors went on to write several works, both fiction and nonfiction, that dealt further with the themes of the trilogy, but they did not write any direct sequels.

Illuminatus! has been adapted for the stage, and has influenced several modern writers, musicians, and games-makers. The popularity of the word "fnord" and the 23 enigma can both be attributed to the trilogy. It remains a seminal work of conspiracy fiction, predating by years such novels as Foucault's Pendulum and The Da Vinci Code.

The plot meanders between the thoughts, hallucinations and inner voices (both real and imagined) of its many characters, as well as through time (past, present, and future)sometimes in mid-sentence. Much of the back story is explained via dialogue between characters, who recount unreliable, often mutually contradictory, versions of their supposed histories. There are even parts in the book in which the narrative reviews and jokingly deconstructs the work itself.

The trilogy's rambling story begins with an investigation by two New York City detectives (Saul Goodman and Barney Muldoon) into the bombing of Confrontation, a leftist magazine, and the disappearance of its editor, Joe Malik. Discovering the magazine's investigation into the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., the two follow a trail of memos that suggest the involvement of powerful secret societies. They slowly become drawn into a web of conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, the magazine's reporter, George Dornhaving been turned loose without support deep in right-wing Mad Dog, Texasis arrested for drug possession. He is jailed and physically threatened, at one point hallucinating about his own execution. The prison is bombed and he is rescued by the Discordians, led by the enigmatic Hagbard Celine, captain of a golden submarine. Hagbard represents the Discordians in their eternal battle against the Illuminati, the conspiratorial organization that secretly controls the world. He finances his operations by smuggling illicit substances.

The plot meanders around the globe to such far-flung locations as Las Vegas (where a potentially deadly, secret U.S. government-developed mutated anthrax epidemic has been accidentally unleashed); Atlantis (where Howard, the talking porpoise, and his porpoise aides help Hagbard battle the Illuminati); Chicago (where someone resembling John Dillinger was killed many years ago); and to the island of Fernando Poo (the location of the next great Cold War standoff between Russia, China and the USA).

The evil scheme uncovered late in the tale is an attempt to immanentize the eschaton (a catchphrase coined by Eric Voegelin), a secret scheme of the American Medical Association, an evil rock band, to bring about a mass human sacrifice, the purpose of which is the release of enough "life-energy" to give eternal life to a select group of initiates, including Adolf Hitler. The AMA are four siblings who comprise four of the five mysterious Illuminati Primi. The identity of the fifth remains unknown for much of the trilogy. The first European "Woodstock" festival, held at Ingolstadt, Bavaria, is the chosen location for the sacrifice of the unwary victims, via the reawakening of hibernating Nazi battalions from the bottom of nearby Lake Totenkopf. The plot is foiled when, with the help of a 50-foot-tall incarnation of the goddess Eris, the four members of the AMA are killed: Wilhelm is killed by the monstrous alien being Yog-Sothoth, Wolfgang is shot by John Dillinger, Winifred is drowned by porpoises, and Werner is trapped in a sinking car.

The major protagonists, now gathered together on board the submarine, are menaced by the Leviathan, a giant, pyramid-shaped single-cell sea monster that has been growing in size for hundreds of millions of years. The over-the-top nature of this encounter leads some of the characters to question whether they are merely characters in a book. This metafictional note is swiftly rejected (or ignored) as they turn their attention to the monster again. The threat is neutralized by offering up their onboard computer as something for the creature to communicate with to ease its loneliness. Finally, Hagbard Celine reveals himself as the fifth Illuminatus Primus; he has been playing both sides against each other in order to keep balance. He is a representative of the "true" Illuminati, whose aim is to spread the idea that everybody is free to do whatever they want at all times.

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