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Category Archives: Free Speech
Independent Voices 5×15: Max Mosley on free speech and the press
Posted: July 7, 2011 at 8:35 pm
Talk on the role of free speech in the press by Max Mosley, the former president of the FIA who brought a case against the UK's privacy laws in the European Court of Human Rights after winning a case against the News of the World.
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Independent Voices 5x15: Max Mosley on free speech and the press
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Independent Voices 5×15: Evgeny Lebedev on the importance of free speech
Posted: at 8:35 pm
Proprietor and chairman of the Evening Standard, The Independent and i, Evgeny Lebedev talks about the importance of free speech in the press.
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Independent Voices 5x15: Evgeny Lebedev on the importance of free speech
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Independent Voices 5×15: Johann Hari on free speech and religious fundamentalism
Posted: at 3:20 pm
From the inaugural Independent Voices 5x15 event from The Independent, Johann Hari talks about the importance of free speech as a tool to challenge religious hegemony.
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Independent Voices 5x15: Johann Hari on free speech and religious fundamentalism
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Violent Video Games are Protected by Free Speech
Posted: June 30, 2011 at 7:39 pm A California law that would prohibit the sale of "violent" video games to minors has been struck down by the Supreme court (7-2), after being deemed an unconstitutional violation of free speech. This ruling came after strong arguments from both side were weighed and considered.
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Violent Video Games are Protected by Free Speech
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Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Campaign Finance Law-Nick Dranias
Posted: at 7:39 pm
In a narrow 5-4 vote yesterday, the US Supreme Court struck down an Arizona public campaign finance law. The "Clean Elections Law' gave additional public funds to a candidate who adheres to personal spending limits of $500, agrees to participate in at least one debate, will return unspent money, and faces a high-spending opponent who does not accept public funds.
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Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Campaign Finance Law-Nick Dranias
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Mark Steyn on Free Speech
Posted: at 7:39 pm
Appallingly, that fine and prominent Australian journalist Andrew Bolt is being prosecuted in an Australian court for racial discrimination. Nine people are suing Bolt and the Herald-Sun over Bolt's suggestion that some people choose to assert Aboriginal ancestry in order to advance their careers. Prosecuted for racial discrimination
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Mark Steyn on Free Speech
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FSTV Newswire – June 23rd, 2011 Segment Two
Posted: June 27, 2011 at 9:15 am
Welcome back to Free Speech TVapos;s Newswire, Iapos;m Antoinette June The natural gas industry has a new tool in its public relations kit. A coloring book for kids featuring a friendly "Fracosaurus." Children coloring in the book wonapos;t be bothered with tap water that catches fire and other environmental concerns.
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FSTV Newswire - June 23rd, 2011 Segment Two
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'Geert Wilders verdict: Victory for Free Speech'
Posted: June 26, 2011 at 8:21 am
The far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders, tried for 'inciting hatred and discrimination', has been cleared of all charges. He had reportedly described Islam as 'a fascist religion that allows terrorism' and called for the Koran to be banned. Wilders insisted his comments were not directed at Muslim believers but at Islam - and they formed a legitimate political debate.
Excerpt from:
'Geert Wilders verdict: Victory for Free Speech'
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Wilders hails acquittal as 'a victory for free speech'
Posted: at 8:21 am
The controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders - head of the third largest party in the country's parliament - has been cleared of inciting racial hatred on screen and on the internet. Speaking to reporters outside court, Wilders described it as not so much a personal victory, but a triumph for free speech in the Netherlands.
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Wilders hails acquittal as 'a victory for free speech'
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Free Speech is Offensive*
Posted: at 8:21 am
I hope I can make this the last video I do on a topic that has become more drama than substance. Yes, some people hate Thunderf00t, some people love him, but more importantly, I want people to know that my position on Draw Mohammed Day, is the following: 1. The only way to protest a prohibition on images of Mohammed that makes sense to me is displaying images of Mohammed.
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Free Speech is Offensive*
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