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Category Archives: Food Supplements
The Key to Getting to Mars Could Be in Recycling Astronaut Pee Into Food Supplements – ScienceAlert
Posted: August 25, 2017 at 4:04 am
Researchers have shown how astronaut urine, poop and even exhaled breath could be turned into 3D-printed plastics and nutrients, the kind of smart waste recycling we're going to need if humans are to make the long trip to Mars and beyond.
The trick is in a yeast called Yarrowia lipolytica, which scientists have found can feed on the carbon from our breath and the nitrogen in our pee to produce everything from vitamin supplements to polyesters, perfect for the production of space tools.
Due to time and weight restrictions, we can't just take everything we're going to need on Mars up in a rocket, which is why the recycling system put together by a team from Clemson University could be vital for future missions to the Red Planet.
"If astronauts are going to make journeys that span several years, we'll need to find a way to reuse and recycle everything they bring with them," says one of the researchers, Mark A. Blenner. "Atom economy will become really important."
Right now, the carbon and nitrogen-eating yeast can only provide small amounts of polyesters and nutrients, but the team is working on increasing its output.
One of the developed yeast strains was engineered to produce omega-3 fatty acids, which help heart, eye, and brain health. The supplements we buy here on Earth have a shelf life of just a couple of years, so astronauts will need a way of making their own.
Another strain was developed to produce polyester polymers, the type of plastic you can find in clothes and which could eventually be repurposed to feed a 3D printer the hope is that astronauts could repair and replace tools while out in space.
If that wasn't enough, the yeast investigations might help in fish farming and human nutrition on our own planet, through its ability to produce omega-3.
"We're learning that Y. lipolytica is quite a bit different than other yeast in their genetics and biochemical nature," says Blenner. "Every new organism has some amount of quirkiness that you have to focus on and understand better."
As well as boosting the output of the yeast, there are other challenges to overcome: right now the yeast needs an extra ingredient added by the scientists to properly convert carbon, while the polymers are proving tricky to harvest from the yeast (which hangs on to them tightly as a potential food source).
Even with the limitations of the system as it stands though, it shows a promising way of developing the sort of deep space waste recycling we'll need for long space journeys.
The experiments have been funded with a grant NASA awarded in 2015 to look into this kind of biological processing, and to build on the human waste recycling systems we already have on board the ISS urine and sweat can already be converted back into drinking water, for example.
"Having a biological system that astronauts can awaken from a dormant state to start producing what they need, when they need it, is the motivation for our project," says Blenner.
The findings are being presented at the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society.
The American Chemical Society also put together a video looking at the research, which you can view below:
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The Key to Getting to Mars Could Be in Recycling Astronaut Pee Into Food Supplements - ScienceAlert
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Food supplements very popular, but not always healthy: poison information center – NL Times
Posted: at 4:04 am
Food supplements, for example for more energy or slimming supplements, are increasingly popular in the Netherlands. But they are by far not always healthy and some even contain forbidden substances, the national poisoning information center NVIC warned in its annual report for 2016. In some cases the information on the labels don't match the substances actually in the supplements, ANP reports.
The most risky supplements are those taken for sports and slimming. "Often illegal substances are found that can cause serious health problems", the NVIC warns. Supplements taken prior to sports can, "in some cases, lead to life-threatening situations".
The NVICreceived a total of 740 poisoning reports last year. A third involved young children who took an inappropriate supplement, such as melatonin. About 500 were about relaxing supplements, including 64 about people who took hemp oil. Nausea, sleepiness, dizziness, confusion, accelerated heart rate and hallucinations were some of the reported side effects.
Earlier this year Dutch food and consumer product safety authority NVWA already warned against libido boosters and . Over 60 percent of the supplements the NVWA tested contained hazardous supplements such as sildenafil, sibutramine and amphetamine-like substances like synephrine and caffeine.
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Food supplements very popular, but not always healthy: poison information center - NL Times
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Could high doses of vitamin B supplements raise lung cancer risk? – CBS News
Posted: at 4:04 am
Men, and especially male smokers, appear to be more likely to develop lung cancer if they take high doses of vitamins B6 and B12, new research suggests.
For men taking these vitamin supplements, the risk of lung cancer was nearly doubled. For men who smoked, the risk was between three and four times higher, the study found.
"High-dose B6 and B12 supplements should not be taken for lung cancer prevention, especially in men, and they may cause harm in male smokers," said study lead author Theodore Brasky. He is a research assistant professor at Ohio State University.
However, the study wasn't designed to prove cause-and-effect between the vitamins and lung cancer; it only showed an association.
It's also not clear why only men and current male smokers seem to face an extra risk.
And a trade organization representing the vitamin industry cautioned against reading too much into the study.
Most people in the United States get enough vitamin B6 through their diets, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Some people with certain health conditions may need supplements.
As for vitamin B12, the NIH reports that most Americans get enough from their diet. But some groups -- such as older people and vegetarians -- may be deficient and need supplements. The vitamin may also cause interactions with medications.
Dietary sources of vitamin B6 and B12 include fortified cereals and foods that are high in protein.
The new study included more than 77,000 adults, aged 50 to 76, in Washington state. The participants were recruited from 2000 to 2002, and answered questions about their vitamin use over the previous 10 years.
The researchers found that just over 800 of the study volunteers developed lung cancer over an average follow-up of six years.
The study found no sign of a link between folate (a type of B vitamin) and lung cancer risk. And vitamin B6 and B12 supplements didn't seem to affect risk in women.
However, "we found that men who took more than 20 milligrams per day of B6 averaged over 10 years had an 82 percent increased risk of lung cancer relative to men who did not take supplemental B vitamins from any source," Brasky said.
"Men who took more than 55 micrograms per day of B12 had a 98 percent increased lung cancer risk relative to men who did not take B vitamins," he noted.
Men who smoked at the beginning of the study period and consumed high levels of the B vitamins were three to four times more likely to develop lung cancer, he added.
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"B6 is typically sold in 100 mg (milligram) tablets. B12 is often sold between 500 mcg (microgram) and 3,000 mcg tablets," Brasky said.
"In contrast, most multivitamins include 100 percent of the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance, which is under 2 mg per day for B6 and 2.4 mcg per day for B12. People should really ask themselves if they need over 1,200 times the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of a substance. There's simply no scientific backing for these doses," he said.
The study doesn't conclusively link higher doses of the vitamins to higher rates of lung cancer. If there is a connection, it's not clear how the vitamins might influence the cancer risk, Brasky said, although it may have something to do with how the vitamins interact with male sex hormones.
Paul Brennan, head of the genetics section with the International Agency for Research on Cancer, said the study appears to be valid.
However, the findings conflict with his group's recent research, published July 22 in theJournal of the National Cancer Institute, which didn't find any links between high blood levels of vitamin B6 and lung cancer in people at large, or men specifically.
"If anything," Brennan said, "we found a small protective effect that was more apparent among men."
Still, Brennan added that "there is clearly no evidence that these vitamins have any substantial protective effect. Smokers taking these vitamins should quit smoking."
Dr. Eric Bernicker, a thoracic oncologist with Houston Methodist Hospital, agreed with that advice and said the study points to a higher risk of lung cancer from higher doses.
"There's a strong belief that vitamins would never harm you. As in much of nutrition, the story is more complicated than that," Bernicker said.
In a statement, Duffy MacKay, a senior vice president of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group for the vitamin industry, urged consumers "to resist the temptation to allow sensational headlines from this new study to alter their use of B vitamins."
According to MacKay, "The numerous benefits of B vitamins from food and dietary supplements -- including supporting cognition, heart health and energy levels -- are well-established."
In addition, McKay said, the study has limitations. Among other things, it required participants to remember what they consumed over 10 years.
The study was published Aug. 22 in theJournal of Clinical Oncology.
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Food supplement: Probiotics may not boost gut bacteria for good … –
Posted: at 4:04 am
Probiotics can keep your gut healthy and help your digestion.
They work by replacing the bad bacteria - such as Bifidobacteria - with good bacteria, like Lactobacillus acidophilus.
The idea is that if they nurture beneficial bacteria in the gut, they can stall the growth of unwanted bacteria.
This could improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even lower rates of certain diseases.
You can get the benefits by eating foods such as live-cultured yoghurt, sauerkraut and kefir.
Research has found probiotics can be useful for treating symptoms of IBS. But other studies have found they make little difference to gut health.
Taking probiotic supplements has also become popular in recent years.
Research by the University of Chicago has found probiotics can be useful for treating symptoms of IBS, such as bloating and abdominal pain.
However, scientists are now questioning whether probiotics are as effective as previously thought.
"Thirty billion Lactobacillus sounds good, but after going through the stomach acid, only about 43 of them survive," said Ian Orme, a professor of microbiology and pathology at Colorado State University, to Business Insider.
1 of 10
Indeed, a study published last year by the University of Copenhagen found no difference in the gut bacteria between participants who were taking probiotic supplements and others who werent.
This is the same for probiotic yoghurt which a study published in April by the University of Toronto found didnt contain enough beneficial bacteria to make a difference.
Scientists have now been looking at ways to create a more effective option for gut health.
They are working on a new type of supplement - synbiotics - which combine a probiotic bacterial strain with a prebiotic.
Prebiotics feed beneficial bacteria and help it to thrive in the gut.
With synbiotics, it is thought that the probiotic pushes out the bad bacteria and the probiotics simultaneously acts as the food supply.
A study published this month showed that newborns who were given a synbiotic were at a substantially lower risk of developing sepsis.
Additionally, it is thought the new type of supplement could also help with obesity, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
However, further research is required to confirm the findings.
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Consumers Redefining Dietary Supplement Categories – Nutritional Outlook
Posted: August 22, 2017 at 11:56 pm
By Bob Sanders, Executive Vice President, Healthcare Practice Leader, IRI
Armed with the confidence that comes from their Internet-driven research on the benefits of dietary supplements, todays consumers have gone after their health and wellness goals with a targeted approach that has changed the face of the supplements market in the past two decades. Today, consumers seek solutions, and not necessarily product categories, which has blurred category lines and opened up opportunities for key, sought-after benefits like immunity, pain relief, and memory, for example.
Diet and supplementation have spurred a hybrid approach combining the benefits of traditional pills and delivery methods with foods and now popular smoothies or shakes to combat chronic ailments and conditions. While 37% of Americans say that food is just as powerful as medicine and that they intentionally eat products such as kale and spinach with known health benefits, nutritionals and supplements will continue to play a critical role because most Americans also say that eating the recommended dietary allowance of a nutrient is often impractical, unhealthy, and expensive to do, according to IRIs 2017 Self-Care Study. Combined with healthy diets, supplements contribute to consumers efforts to seek solutions and drive the self-care movement.
Its a Mainstream Movement
Most notable in the evolution of supplements throughout the past two decades is their mainstream appeal; no longer are these products just the territory of health food stores. Todays nutritionals, including vitamins, minerals, herbals, and other supplements, are widely distributed through online and brick-and-mortar retailers, and theyre increasingly sought after by various demographics.
According to IRIs 2017 Self-Care Study, 85% of Americans say that they continue to engage in self-care activities at a similar level compared with the year prior. Some 15% say they are doing more. Specific to supplements, 22% of respondents say they take more supplements than they did a year ago.
Millennials, in particular, have embraced supplements and are buying and taking more than generations before them. Todays younger generation of adults is using supplements in daily living and before and after exercising, and theyre honing in on specific products to help them meet their health and fitness goals. This has been a huge mindset shift from the 30-somethings of 20 years ago. Twenty years ago, for instance, by no means could marketers have convinced the 30-something generation to take supplements, while today, this group demonstrates great engagement, potential, and spending power in this space. Theyre learning about supplements and their value online, and theyre buying niche products as they work to take control of their health and fitness as well as actively stave off any signs of aging.
Ready-to-drink smoothies have also captured a lot of attention in the past decade, delivering benefits in a convenient, on-the-go format, positioned as the perfect complement to todays busy lifestyles. Smoothies also allow for inclusion of specific value-added ingredients and removal of others, such as gluten or dairy, as consumers address their unique health goals.
Natural and organic ingredients are also popular, and they reflect a much more globally inspired marketplace than in decades past. Twenty years ago, hot ingredients were antioxidants, vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, and herbals such as ginseng and ginkgo, while today, hot ingredients better reflect our diverse, global ingredient world (think cumin, maca, turmeric, and protein-rich options as well).
As the blurring of nutritional lines continues, it will be harder to differentiate which categories and nutritional benefits are considered mainstream. For instance, consumers may indeed perceive nutritional shakes such as Boost and Ensure as very viable alternatives to meet nutritional needs. In years past, this benefit was only associated with the traditional vitamin supplement category.
The supplements market has grown dramatically, reaching nearly all consumer groups and delivering products in a global marketplace. Self-care is the consumer behavior shift, and health and wellness is the outcome. It is clear that consumers wish to increasingly control their long-term health, and they will seek a much broader, blurred solution set to meet these needs.
Bob Sanders is executive vice president, Healthcare Practice Leader, at IRI (Chicago). IRI is a leading provider of big data, predictive analytics, and forward-looking insights that help CPG, OTC healthcare, retailers, and media companies to grow their businesses.
Also read:
Is 2017 a Better Year for Dietary Supplements than 1998?
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High doses of vitamin B tied to lung cancer risk, study says – CNN
Posted: at 11:56 pm
The study found a 30% to 40% increased risk of lung cancer among men taking these vitamins from individual supplements -- not from multivitamins or diet alone. But the effect seemed to be driven by current smokers who far exceeded the recommended daily amounts of the vitamins, according to study author Theodore Brasky, an epidemiologist in the division of cancer prevention and control at the Ohio State University College of Medicine.
"I think these results point to a synergism" between high-dose B vitamins, smoking and lung cancer risk among men, Brasky said.
"If you look at B-vitamin supplement bottles ... they are anywhere between 50-fold the US recommended dietary allowance (to) upward of 2,100-fold," Brasky said. B12 injections have also become "in vogue" in recent years, he said.
In smaller quantities, these vitamins are involved in several vital processes in the body, including DNA replication. But many high-dose supplements, he said, claim to boost energy and provide other unproven benefits.
"That's marketing. That's not science," he said.
The study was limited to roughly 77,000 Washington state adults, ages 50 to 76. This included 139 cases of lung cancer among more than 3,200 current male smokers. Over 93% of participants were white.
There were too few cases of lung cancer among nonsmokers to include them in the full analysis. An increased risk of lung cancer was not seen among women or with the vitamin B9, also known as folate.
A focus on B vitamins may not be the most effective way to protect against lung cancer, experts warn.
"Combustible tobacco smoke is the No. 1 most important factor, not just only in lung cancer but in many cancers," Brasky said.
"When we're talking about what to be concerned about most: If you're a male smoker and you want to take B vitamins, you can stop smoking," Brasky said.
"Smoking is the most important thing here, and that's preventable."
"In the average person in this country, it's tough to be deficient" in B vitamins, Brasky said.
Those who are -- those with anemia or celiac disease, for example -- will feel tired and run down. For them, supplements might help.
But taking "megadoses" of these supplements doesn't do much for the average healthy person, Brasky said, nor does it cause immediate harm. The body tends to get rid of excess vitamin, he said.
Stomach acid and digestion, Bailey said, are able to "rip out" B12 from food so that the body can absorb it. Some synthetic supplements, however, may be more easily absorbed.
In high concentrations, however, the exact relationship between the vitamins and lung cancer is unclear. If the vitamins are indeed responsible for increasing the lung cancer risk, Brasky said, another question would be whether B vitamins are hastening the development of a lung cancer that's already there or leading to new cancers.
Bailey warned that we are nowhere close to claiming that these high-dose supplements cause cancer. She added that the dietary survey the researchers used -- which calculated the average daily intake over the prior 10 years -- can be imprecise. But Brasky said that adults generally recall which supplements they've taken, allowing researchers to get a good idea of their average doses.
"In my mind, people take supplements because they're sick and trying to get better or because they're healthy and want to stay that way," she said.
"There might be one reason why somebody takes something, but it can have other effects on our bodies," Kantor said. "We don't know the whole host of effects."
The good news, Bailey said, is that most people aren't taking the single-vitamin, high-dose supplements that go far beyond recommended levels.
"Most people are taking multivitamins," she said, "and for that, there's really been no (cancer) association, which I think is a success story."
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Here’s Why Taking Too Much Protein Powder Can Be Seriously Dangerous – Reader’s Digest
Posted: at 11:56 pm
The protein supplement market is booming. Protein powder, shakes, bars, and gels offer gym-goers and health-conscious people a nutritious alternative to junk food, or even a complete meal substitute.
Some 1 in 5 men regularly replace meals with protein drinks or bars, according to a 2015 study presented at the American Psychological Associations annual convention. And its not just men; a 2013 survey published in The FASEB Journal, reported on Shape, found that 50 percent of female recreational endurance athletes and 100 percent of female bodybuilders use protein supplements.
On balance, protein is super important for almost every function in the body. Everyone needs protein to help their body repair cells and make new ones. According to MedlinePlus, the daily recommended intake of protein (which is plentiful in eggs, quinoa, chicken, and fish) for healthy adults is 10 to 35 percent of your total calorie needs. For example, if a person on a 2,000 calorie diet ate 100 grams of protein per day, this would provide 20 percent of their total daily calories. (Here are signs you may not be eating enough protein.)
Nick Starichenko/shutterstock
However, the recent death of bodybuilder Meegan Hefford from Australia highlights some potential dangers of consuming too much of the nutrient. According to Perth Now, Hefford increased her protein consumption (both from food and dietary supplements) leading up to a competition, and she was not aware that she had urea cycle disorder, a rare disorder that prevented her body from properly metabolizing protein. (Urea cycle disorder has no outward symptoms.) Heffords death certificate listed the condition as a cause of death, along with intake of bodybuilding supplements. Heffords mother revealed that she found half a dozen containers of protein supplements in Heffords kitchen, along with a detailed diet plan including protein-rich foods like lean meat and egg whites.
Consuming too much protein powder can be dangerous for your health, particularly if there are underlying medical conditions, says Vinh Nguyen, MD, family medicine physician at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA. People who have disorders where protein cannot be properly metabolized can become very ill or die, as the incompletely processed protein metabolites can build up to toxic levels in the body. Studies show that excess protein consumption can lead to kidney disease, as well as kidney stones. Excessive protein intake can also cause dry mouth, constipation, and hair loss.
When it comes to recommended daily amounts of protein, there are no hard and fast recommendations. You must factor in a persons dietary protein intake and wheather he or she has a medical condition that needs to be factored in, explains Renato Roxas Jr., MD, Chief of Medicine at DMC Detroit Receiving Hospital. Some reputable sources suggest that 1.2 grams of whey protein supplementation per kilogram of body weight as a good guide. It is best for people to work with their doctor to determine the safe amounts for them. [In Heffords case], she unknowingly had a fairly rare congenital condition that hindered her ability to properly metabolize protein, leading to the accumulation of toxic byproducts.
Here are great sources of lean protein from foods, so you can lean less on supplements. But if you are going to dabble in supplements, heres how to choose the best protein powder for you.
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Here's Why Taking Too Much Protein Powder Can Be Seriously Dangerous - Reader's Digest
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Hungarian authorities pull more supplements due to banned substances –
Posted: August 20, 2017 at 6:14 pm
Two brands of dietary supplements imported from China have been withdrawn from sale in Hungary after banned pharmaceutical substances were found.
According to the Hungarian, The National Food Chain Safety Office (NBIH), the two Chinese made supplements were found to contain forbidden pharmaceutical ingredients including Sildenafil and its analogues Thioaildenafil and Tadalafil.
All three active pharmaceuticals are banned from use in food products, including dietary supplements, and are the main ingredient(s) in pharmaceutical products to treat erectile dysfunction.
The two products, Ingenium Nutritional and SPX - Nutritional Supplement, were removed from sale by Hungarian authorities and an immediate recall was made for the dietary supplements that had already been supplied to customers.
The presence of drug agents can only be tolerated in medicinal products that are produced under controlled and controlled conditions.The use of these substances in food, including dietary supplements, is strictly forbidden! said the NBIH
In the absence of medical expertise and supervision, drug agents in the human body may cause circulatory or neurological problems, it added.
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Assessing Nutrition in Pregnancy and Additional Supplements – Medical News Bulletin
Posted: at 6:13 pm
Many pregnant women have trouble obtaining the required amount of various nutrients through diet. A recent study assessed nutrition during pregnancy and additional multivitamins required to reach the optimal nutrient intake.
Diet and nutrition during pregnancy are essential for maintaining both the mother and babys overall health. When the required prenatal care and nutritional requirements are not met, there can be serious short and long-term health consequences for mother and child. However, many studies now recognize that the required amount of nutrients cannot be obtained through diet only, but also require additional supplements. A study published in 2011, presented data from various developed countries that showed women have difficulty meeting national dietary guidelines during their pregnancy and lack the necessary amount of macro and micronutrients. As a result, multivitamins were recommended,in addition to having a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy.
A recent study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, investigated nutritional intake in a large group of pregnant women in Quebec, Canada.Diet and nutritional intake during pregnancy was assessed according to the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI). This cohort study consisted of 2366 pregnant women during 8-14 weeks of pregnancy from one of nine hospital research centers in Quebec between May 2010 and August 2012. The women had middle to high income and an average age of 31.5 years. Participants were interviewed each trimester to collect information related to their health and to track the progress of the fetus. Data was collected with questionnaires, interviews, and anthropometric measures such as, body measurements related to height, weight and body fat percentage.Furthermore, the women completed a 3-day food record during their second prenatal visit, when they were between 20-24 weeks pregnant. They were asked to record the food and beverages they consumed on one weekend and two weekdays in a given week to understand their dietary intake.
The results indicate that food alone did not provide enough iron, vitamin D and folate. Moreover, about 10-15% of women during their pregnancy had inadequate levels of vitamin B-6, magnesium and zinc. Other alarming results showed that a third of the women had a total fat intake higher than the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) and a significant number of women had a lower than recommended fiber intake. In agreement with previous studies, Health Canada recommends that during pregnancy women should take multivitamin supplements containing 0.4 mg of folic acid and 16-20 mg of iron. Another issue noted was that even though most of the women in this study consumed prenatal vitamins, these supplements had higher amounts of vitamins than required. For instance, a popular multivitamin contained 1.3-1.5 times recommended doses and folic acid higher than the upper intake level (UL).
The authors conclude that although many foods in Canada have mandatory nutrients and are usually accessible, the nutrient intake of women is still low and additional prenatal vitamins are needed. Dubois and colleagues found that additional supplements and vitamins helped to reduce the risk of deficiencies. One of the main issues they noticed was that there was a higher intake of fat and sodium and a lower intake of fiber and potassium than recommended. Further studies are required, particularly to determine vitamin D intake, as it has the highest prevalence of deficiency possibly due to minimal exposure to sunlight in Canada.This study consisted only of women located in Quebec and of a higher socioeconomic status so results may not be generalizable to other populations. Despite this, Dubois and colleagues, in accordance with many other studies, suggested that taking additional vitamins and supplements on top of a healthy balanced diet is very important during pregnancy.
Written By:Seema N. Goolie, BSc
Dubois, L., Diasparra, M., Bedard, B., Colapinto, C., Fonataine- Bisson, B., Morisset, A., Tremblay, R. and Fraser, W. (2017). Adequacy of nutritional intake from food and supplements in a cohort of pregnant women in Quebec, Canada: the 3D cohort study. The American Clinical Journal of Nutrition, doi: 10.3945/ajcn.117.155499.
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Give your healthy diet a boost with supplements – USA TODAY
Posted: at 6:13 pm
Mary Helen Berg, USA TODAY Best Years magazine Published 9:55 a.m. ET Aug. 18, 2017
Dietary supplements can help prevent deficiencies and improve your health.(Photo: Getty Images)
Dietary supplements cant replace a healthy diet and lifestyle, but as we age, we may need a little boost to stay in top shape.
The bodies of older women dont absorb or process vitamins and minerals the way they did when they were younger, and require more of some micronutrients to run smoothly, says Alexander Michels, clinical research coordinator for Oregon State Universitys Linus Pauling Institute, where scientists study the role of vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals.
Supplements can help prevent deficiencies and improve your health.
Here are the best to try:
Women 50 and older need 1,200 milligrams a day. It:
Vitamin D
Our bodies make less vitamin D as we age, says Michels. It:
This multitasking mineral is one of the most important, says Dr. Todd Born, a naturopathic doctor and certified nutrition specialist in Alameda, Calif. It:
Omega-3 fatty acids
These are the most widely used natural supplement in the U.S., according to the National Institutes of Health. They:
May help prevent, treat or lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, arthritis pain and stiffness, diabetes, Alzheimers and dementia.
Vitamin B12
If I have to pick just one vitamin that we need as we age, B12 is the one, Born says. Older adults have difficulty absorbing B12 from food. It:
Found in red wine, red grape skins, mulberries, blueberries and peanuts, this substance has been found to prolong life in non-human primates, fish, flies, mice and worms. In humans, it combats:
One of my favorite botanicals, says Born. It seems as if there isnt anything that Curcuma longa cant do. One 2017 study questions turmerics promise as a cure-all, but others show the super-spice, the main flavoring for curry, has the potential for treating:
Grapeseed extract
Found in grape skins and seeds byproducts of winemaking the extract is available in capsule, tablet and liquid form. It:
Coenzyme Q10
With age, your level of this naturally occurring antioxidant, also known as CoQ10, drops. Studies show it may prevent or treat:
A new study will test whether multivitamins and cocoa extracts prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease in women. Multivitamins:
Not all supplements are ready for prime time, advises Dr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Harvard University-affiliated Brigham and Womens Hospital. Consult your doctor before adding supplements. Some have side effects or can interfere with medications.
USA TODAY Best Years magazine(Photo: Studio Gannett)
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