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Category Archives: First Amendment

Nexstar's Top Executive Receives 1st Amendment Award in DC

Posted: March 12, 2015 at 7:48 pm

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Radio Television Digital News Foundation hosted its First Amendment awards in the nation's capital on Wednesday night.

The first amendment awards celebration honors working journalists and corporate executives for their hard work and dedication in the television broadcasting industry.

Receiving the 25th First Amendment award Wednesday night was Nexstar Chairman, President and CEO, Perry Sook.

"Our local television stations do two things, one, we produce local content which is our service to the community and our identity and we help local advertisers and local businesses grow," Sook told reporters.

"30 years I've been in the business, 15 with Perry, the man has lived up to the vision of everything he set out to do when he started this company," said Timothy Busch, Nexstar's Executive Vice President.

Nexstar Broadcasting started as one station 19 years ago. Now the company owns, operates and provides sales and other services to 105 television stations reaching approximately 15.6% of all US television households.

Sook says it's all about viewers having access to their news on a 24/7 basis.

"We have endeavored to offer local news throughout the day so that if you're working shift work, 3 to 11, we have a newscast for you, early afternoon or perhaps late night or we have expanded our morning shows," said Sook.

Sook has 33 years of experience in the television and radio broadcasting industry and credits the viewers for the success of his business.

"For viewers and advertisers, coupling digital and broadcast is an unbeatable combination."

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Nexstar's Top Executive Receives 1st Amendment Award in DC

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Balancing the First Amendment vs. racist chants at the University of Oklahoma

Posted: at 7:48 pm

University of Oklahoma President David Boren has expelled two members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity on his campus for leading a horrifying racist chant. Does his decision violate their First Amendment rights? And if it does, what's wrong with this picture, in which a public university wouldn't be able to sanction students who not only bar blacks from their organization, but also refer to lynching in the process?

A public university is bound by the First Amendment because it's an organ of the state. Admittedly, there is something weird about this fact, because a public campus isn't inherently different from a private one with respect to educational function and goals. Some strange free-speech anomalies can arise from treating a university like the government. For example, professors sanction speech based on its content all the time, by grading wrong answers lower than right ones. But usually free speech bars such content discrimination.

Discipline is another anomaly. A university is meant to be a community of learning, and making such a community work requires rules of decorum that are more restrictive than those that should apply in the public square. The First Amendment generally guarantees us the right to yell, scream, insult, offend, condemn and denounce. None of these forms of speech belong in the classroom, and few belong on a well-functioning campus.

In a perfect world, there might be a broad First Amendment exemption for public campuses. But there isn't so Boren's decision has to be judged by First Amendment standards.

Applying ordinary free-speech doctrine, the expulsion looks unconstitutional, as professor Eugene Volokh has pointed out. Racist speech is still protected speech under the First Amendment, no matter how repulsive. The fraternity can be banned for race discrimination, which is prohibited conduct. Speaking in favor of discrimination, however, is generally protected.

But Boren's explanation for the expulsion rests on a different theory. He said specifically that the students were being expelled for their "leadership role in leading a racist and exclusionary chant, which has created a hostile educational environment for others."

The important words here are "hostile educational environment." Under federal anti-discrimination law, as interpreted by the Department of Education, a university has an affirmative duty to guarantee students an educational environment in which they are free of hostility based on race or sex.

You may have heard about this principle in connection with Title IX, which prohibits discrimination based on sex. The law has similarly been interpreted by the Education Department to require universities to protect students against a hostile educational environment based on sex discrimination, including sexual harassment.

In the business context, the analogy would be to an employer's obligation to protect against a hostile workplace environment.

So Boren was saying that the students are being expelled not for their opinions per se, but because their speech was a form of discriminatory conduct that would create a hostile educational environment for black students. Given that the speech was literally designed to inculcate the value of racial discrimination by making pledges recite their commitment never to admit a black member to the fraternity, this conclusion seems plausible. Removing the chant leaders from campus is aimed to fulfill the educational goal of creating a nonhostile educational environment.

See the article here:
Balancing the First Amendment vs. racist chants at the University of Oklahoma

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Nexstar CEO honored at First Amendment Awards

Posted: at 7:48 pm

WASHINGTON (ABC 4 Utah) The Radio Television Digital News Foundation hosted its 25th annual First Amendment Awards dinner Wednesday in Washington D.C.

The First Amendment Awards celebration honors working journalists and corporate executives for their hard work and dedication in the television broadcasting industry.Nexstar Chairman, President and CEO, Perry Sook received the First Amendment Service Award.

"Our local television stations do two things: one we produce local content which is our service to the community and our identity, and we help local advertisers and local businesses grow," said Sook.

"Thirty years I've been in the business, 15 with Perry, the man has lived up to the vision of everything he set out to do when he started this company," said Timothy Busch, Nexstar Executive VP and Co-Chief Operating Officer.

Nexstar started with just one station 19 years ago. It now owns, operates and provides sales and other services to 105 television stations reaching approximately 15.6 percent of all US television households. Sook says it's all about viewers having access to their news on a 24/7 basis.

"We have also endeavored to offer local news throughout the day so that if you're working shift work 3 to 11 we have a newscast for you early afternoon or perhaps late night..or we have expanded our morning shows," said Sook.

Sook has 33 years of experience in the television and radio broadcasting industry and credits the viewers for the success of his business.

"For viewers and advertisers, coupling digital and broadcast is an unbeatable combination," said Sook.

Also honored at the event was Bob Simon, former correspondent for CBS News and 60 Minutes and journalists Steven Stolid and James Foley who received the Citation of Courage Award.

Nexstar is the parent company of ABC 4 Utah and Utah's CW30.

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Nexstar CEO honored at First Amendment Awards

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Nexstar President and CEO Receives First Amendment Service Award

Posted: at 7:48 pm

The Radio Television Digital News Foundation hosts its 25th Annual First Amendment Awards Dinner tonight in Washington D.C. And among the honorees was Perry Sook, President and CEO of WEHT's parent company, Nexstar Broadcasting.

The First Amendment Awards celebration honors working journalists and corporate executives for their hard work and dedication in the television broadcasting industry. Wednesday night, Nexstar's Chairman, President, and CEO, Perry Sook received the First Amendment Service Award.

"Our local television stations do two things," said Sook. "One we produce local content which is our service to the community and our identity, and we help local advertisers and local businesses grow."

"30 years I've been in the business, 15 with Perry," said Nexstar Co-Chief Operating Officer Tim Busch. "The man has lived up to the vision of everything he set out to do when he started this company."

Nexstar started with just one station 19 years ago. It now owns, operates, and provides sales and other services to 105 television stations reaching approximately 15.6% of all us television households. Sook says it's all about viewers having access to their news on a 24/7 basis.

"We have also endeavored to offer local news throughout the day," said Sook, "so that if you're working shift work 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., we have a newscast for you early afternoon or perhaps late night, or we have expanded our morning shows."

Sook has 33 years of experience in the television and radio broadcasting industry and credits the viewers for the success of his business

"For viewers and advertisers," said Sook, "coupling digital and broadcast is an unbeatable combination."

Also honored tonight was CBS News Correspondent Bob Simon, who was killed in a car crash last month, and journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, who were abducted and beheaded by ISIS last year.

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Nexstar President and CEO Receives First Amendment Service Award

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First Amendment Free Food Festival – Video

Posted: March 11, 2015 at 7:49 am

First Amendment Free Food Festival
The smell of pizza and free food signs drew students to Lindenwood #39;s Society of Professional Journalist #39;s Free Food Festival. But just like the saying goes....

By: LUTVNews

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First Amendment Free Food Festival - Video

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Court: Milwaukee archdiocese can't use First Amendment to protect against claims in bankruptcy

Posted: at 7:49 am


In a decision that could have far-reaching implications, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Milwaukee archdiocese can't rely on the free exercise of religion clause in the First Amendment or the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as protections against claims in its bankruptcy case.

The key question in the Milwaukee case of whether approximately $55 million placed in a trust for the care of cemeteries can be used to pay off the archdiocese's debts in bankruptcy was not answered in the decision. Mounting legal fees -- now at least $16 million but possibly as high as $20 million -- raise the question of whether much will be available to pay debts and compensate those who claim to have been sexually abused.

The appellate court decision issued late Monday is not a final decision. The court also found that U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa, who ruled in the archdiocese's favor, should have stepped aside because of a conflict of interest. A new judge will have to be appointed to decide the issue of the trust fund based on the appellate findings that the First Amendment and Religious Freedom Restoration Act do not apply.

James Stang, a lawyer representing the claimants in the Milwaukee case, said a number of states have local laws similar to the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act that allow some cases to be handled at the state level.

"In states that do not have these laws, bankruptcy is seen as a way of shielding assets from creditors," he said. "This decision means they can't hide under RFRA anymore."

Stang, who represents many claimants in bankruptcies involving dioceses or religious orders, said he will be in New York this week on a case involving the Christian Brothers who transferred a school in an attempt to minimize its assets.

"Does it happen often?" he asked. "Yeah, it does."

The Milwaukee archdiocese filed for bankruptcy in January 2011, just before lawsuits involving 17 survivors of sexual abuse were about to go to trial in state court. The Wisconsin Supreme Court had ruled that archdiocesan officials could be sued for fraud if they knowingly allowed abusers to continue in their ministries despite credible allegations having been made to the archdiocese. The state's high court had also ruled that insurance coverage did not have to pay if the archdiocese committed fraud.

When Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki authorized the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, he said the pending lawsuits forced the action. The backdrop for the case was a 2006 agreement by the archdiocese to pay $17 million -- about half from insurance coverage -- to 10 California victims of sexual abuse by priests who had been transferred there after abusing victims in Wisconsin.

Court: Milwaukee archdiocese can't use First Amendment to protect against claims in bankruptcy

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Volokh Conspiracy: What speech is going to justify expulsion next, if the OU / SAE expulsion is accepted as proper?

Posted: at 7:49 am

Two members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at the University of Oklahoma have been expelled for their role in video that showed members singing a racist chant. (AP)

University of Oklahoma President David Boren has expelled two students for leading a racist chant. These students speech was indeed quite repugnant, but for reasons I discuss here, its protected by the First Amendment.

And heres one reason why. Consider the presidents statement to the students: You will be expelled because of your leadership role in leading a racist and exclusionary chant which has created a hostile educational environment for others. Similar things could be said about a vast range of other speech.

Students talking to each other about a student group event about how Hamas has it right? (The Charter of Hamas, recall, expressly says, The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews. (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).) Why, that could be labeled leading an anti-Semitic and exclusionary discussion that, once its publicized on campus, creates a hostile educational environment for Jews.

Black students talking to each other about how all whites are racist, and white cops and maybe other whites should get shot? Again, that could be labeled racist and exclusionary speech that, when publicized, can create a hostile educational environment for whites.

Students talking about what a horrible, oppressive religion Islam is, or Scientology is, or Catholicism is, or conservative Christianity is, and how no-one should associate with people who have such evil religious views? Could be called religiously bigoted and exclusionary discussion that, when publicized, can create a hostile educational environment for members of that group. To be sure, this hypothetical doesnt include discussion of violence but president Boren seems to think that even this isnt required for expulsion, so long as the speech is bigoted and exclusionary. And the rhetoric of hostile educational environment, when it has been used to try to restrict speech on campuses, has never been limited to speech that mentions violence.

Likewise, students talking about how they think homosexuality is evil, and that homosexuals shouldnt get equal treatment? Could be called bigotry based on sexual orientation and exclusionary statements that, when publicized, can create a hostile educational environment for gays. Students talking about how women are inferior to men, or men are inferior to women same thing.

And I take it that open membership in groups including off-campus groups that espouse actually or allegedly racist, religiously bigoted, antigay, sexist, etc. views would be covered as well. Surely a students membership in the KKK, if other students learn about it, will lead them to infer that the student is racist just as much (if not more than) the singing of a racist song would. Likewise, a students membership in a group that endorses the Hamas Charter, a religious organization that harshly criticizes homosexuality, an organization that believes whites are inferior or morally corrupt, and so on.

There is, as Ive mentioned before, no First Amendment exception for supposed hate speech. But if there is such an exception, there certainly is no First Amendment foundation for distinguishing speech that is actually or supposedly anti-black from speech that is anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-Catholic, anti-women, or anti-men. If the University of Oklahoma presidents position is accepted as legally sound, then thered be no legal basis for protecting the other kinds of speech while expelling students for this sort of speech.

And what I call censorship envy will make it all the more likely that there will indeed be calls for expelling students who express those other views. Right now, for instance, Jewish students who have to deal with their classmates holding anti-Semitic views, and expressing them to each other, may rightly assume that such speech is protected by the First Amendment and the university cant expel the anti-Semites. But if it becomes accepted that a university can expel people who express racist views about blacks, why wouldnt many Jewish students call for expulsion of students who express (even just to each other) anti-Semitic views? Indeed, many students might think that they would be chumps for failing to demand such expulsion, after theyve been taught that such speech victimizes them by creating a hostile educational environment that can be remedied by expelling bigoted students. And thats just one example.

Read the rest here:
Volokh Conspiracy: What speech is going to justify expulsion next, if the OU / SAE expulsion is accepted as proper?

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Missouri court rules worship act violates First Amendment

Posted: at 7:49 am

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 | 10:48 a.m. CDT; updated 8:18 p.m. CDT, Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ST. LOUIS The U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that the House of Worship Protection Act, which bans anyone from intentionally disturbing the order or solemnity of a house of worship through profane discourse, rude or indecent behavior, is a violation of the First Amendment.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that the St. Louis-based court ruled against the state law Monday after the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri filed a lawsuit challenging the law in 2012.

The lawsuit was on behalf of various groups, including the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. The groups argued that the First Amendment protects their freedom to protest, pray and distribute literature outside places of worship.

Under the law, which took effect in 2012, anyone who violated the act is guilty of a misdemeanor and faces months of jail time. Third and subsequent charges are felonies.

When the lawsuit was filed, American Civil Liberties legal director Tony Rothert cited the severe sentences that were handed down to members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot for their political protest inside a Russian Orthodox Church.

"In Missouri, Pussy Riot wouldn't have to set one foot inside a church to land in jail because the House of Worship Protection Act makes it a criminal act simply to protest on a sidewalk near a church," Rothert said.

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Missouri court rules worship act violates First Amendment

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Ep. 70: What Makes a Fair Election? (with Allen Dickerson) – Video

Posted: March 10, 2015 at 3:49 am

Ep. 70: What Makes a Fair Election? (with Allen Dickerson)
Allen Dickerson joins us to talk about First Amendment rights when it comes to funding campaigns. What does it mean to have an undue influence on an election? Modern campaign finance laws...


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Ep. 70: What Makes a Fair Election? (with Allen Dickerson) - Video

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Andrew Breibart Defender of the First Amendment Award CPAC 2015 – Video

Posted: at 3:49 am

Andrew Breibart Defender of the First Amendment Award CPAC 2015
Phil Robertson wins Defender of the First Amendment Award.

By: The ACU

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Andrew Breibart Defender of the First Amendment Award CPAC 2015 - Video

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