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Category Archives: Federalist
Podcast: These Women Want To Share Their Happiness Secrets With The World – The Federalist
Posted: May 7, 2021 at 3:46 am
On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Carrie Gress and Noelle Mering of The Theology of Home join Executive Editor Joy Pullmann to discuss the importance of home life and share their secrets to flourishing.
We have this blaring message coming from the culture that is telling us things like the patriarchy is the problem, my body my choice, and children are our enemy, are a real obstacle to our success and our happiness. And these are the things that the left has been telling us for 50 years and I think a lot of us, you know, in our bones know that theres just something wrong with this framework, Gress said.
Both Gress and Mering said what happens in the home is vital and life-altering but needs to be cultivated.
The home impacts the future society but also just the human beings that were having to lead the next generations. Mering said.
The eternal life and the interior life of those souls is actually where all of the other things emanate from either for better or for worse, she said. Our capacity as women to affect the culture and society in ways that are extraordinarily powerful starts in the home life.
Mering is the author of Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response To The Cult Of Progressive Ideology.
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Jordan Davidson is a staff writer at The Federalist. She graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.
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Podcast: These Women Want To Share Their Happiness Secrets With The World - The Federalist
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60 Years Ago, Alan Shepard Became The First American In Space – The Federalist
Posted: at 3:46 am
A confluence of events has drawn renewed attention to the 1960s-era race to the Moon between the United States and the Soviet Union. Last Wednesday, Michael Collins, the command module pilot for the Apollo 11 mission that first landed men on the moon, died at the age of 90.
Collins and his fellow astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong ran the final leg in a relay that began eight years earlier, when Alan Shepard became the first American in space on May 5, 1961. Since six decades have passed since the United States entered the Space Age, its worth a look back to remember the pioneering accomplishments of the crews both in space and back on earth that led to this historic triumph.
A graduate of West Point, Collins joined the Air Force in 1952, and his years as a fighter and test pilot made him eligible to apply for the astronaut corps. NASA selected Collins among its third group of astronauts in 1963; his first mission in space, the July 1966 Gemini 10 mission, successfully demonstrated orbital rendezvous and docking a critical component of any trip to the moon.
The Apollo 11 mission put all the lessons that Collins and NASA had learned in Gemini to the test. It also saw Collins occupy a unique role, as he orbited the moon in the command module Columbia while Armstrong and Aldrin traveled down to the surface in the lunar module Eagle. That role made Collins one of the few Westerners alive at the time who couldnt watch the lunar landing as it happened, as he didnt have access to a television aboard Columbia.
Every time Collins orbited around the back side of the moon out of reach of any radio signal from Earth he was, as he wrote, truly alone and absolutely alone from any known life. While he said at the time of the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission that he experienced exultation during his day of solitude in space, Collins also spent that time pondering his worst fear: That a mechanical failure aboard Eagle would prevent Aldrin and Armstrong from rejoining him, forcing him to return to Earth alone.
As Collins wrote at the time:
My secret terror for the last six months has been leaving them on the Moon and returning to Earth alone; now I am within minutes of finding out the truth of the matter.If they fail to rise from the surface, or crash back into it, I am not going to commit suicide; I am coming home, forthwith, but I will be a marked man for life and I know it.
Fortunately, such a fate met neither Collins nor his colleagues. Collins retired from the astronaut corps following Apollo 11, ultimately heading the National Air and Space Museum during seven critical years (1971-78) that saw the construction and opening of Washingtons most-visited museum. As his Apollo comrade Aldrin eulogized of him last week, Collinss public service exemplified the best of America, someone who instinctively put himself out for others, a lifetime commitment.
Collinss role in the historic Apollo 11 mission of 1969 came about in no small part due to the feats and decisions of individuals eight years earlier. Sixty years ago this week, Mercury 7 astronaut Shepard became the first American in space, with a suborbital flight on a Mercury Redstone rocket what amounted to a slightly modified ballistic missile.
Rather than delivering a nuclear warhead to the Soviet Union, the Redstone carried a human payload that would start Americas voyage of discovery in space. Politically minded observers thought it little surprise that Shepard, a graduate of the Naval Academy in Annapolis, would get chosen as the first American to enter into space the better for NASA to please President John Kennedy, a Navy man himself.
Americans did receive a surprise, however, when, three weeks before Shepards mission, the Soviets beat the United States into space, placing Yuri Gagarin into orbit. The Project Mercury astronauts fumed, as NASAs caution the agency insisted on adding another test flight with a chimpanzee before putting a human aboard a Redstone prevented the American space program from launching the first man into space.
NASA quickly recovered from the setback, however, as Kennedy used an address to Congress three weeks after Shepards flight to set an audacious goal for the space program: I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.
Collins helped accomplish that goal, within the allotted time frame, in July 1969. Shepard also played an important role in the Apollo program. After persistent vertigo grounded him from flights in 1963, experimental surgery in early 1969 resolved the condition. Shepard returned to flight status in time to participate in the Apollo 14 mission, 50 years ago this past February.
Shepards biggest claim to fame from his time on the moon came in the form of an implement common to weekend duffers. After smuggling the head of a golf club into space in a sock, he attached it to one of his rock-collecting tools and took a couple of swings on live television (while he claimed the balls went for miles and miles and miles in the thin lunar gravity, analysis conducted as part of this years 50th anniversary suggests the balls only traveled a few dozen yards).
As the nation continues to rebound from COVID lockdowns, it seems fitting that the Air and Space Museum will become the first Smithsonian museum to reopen this Wednesday. The museum Collins helped bring to fruition will host the 60th anniversary celebration for Shepards flight, with the public getting to see his Freedom 7 spacecraft for the first time ever at the museums expansive Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center outside D.C. in Chantilly, Virginia.
While astronauts like Shepard and Collins performed incredible feats under pressure in space, NASAs success during the Space Race also came from the hard work and dedication of hundreds of thousands of individuals on the ground. Scientists and engineers of all shapes and sizes male and female, black as well as white worked to achieve a common goal.
The Space Race did not come without setbacks, most notably the tragic Apollo 1 fire that killed three astronauts during a launch pad test in January of 1967. But in the end, the exploration of space expanded human knowledge while serving as an important source of pride during the Cold War an impressive legacy of Americans historic achievement.
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60 Years Ago, Alan Shepard Became The First American In Space - The Federalist
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White House Support Of Critical Race Theory Debunks Biden’s ‘Unity’ – The Federalist
Posted: at 3:46 am
It cannot be harped on enough. Critical race theory, a left-wing movement proclaiming the idea that the United States is systemically racist, is rifling through the American education system. Children are held hostage by handsomely paid administrators, teachers are forced to attend racially extremist trainings hosted by for-profit groups, and parents are left in the dark to contact media outlets and assume the role of a whistleblower.
As president, Donald Trump signed an executive order in November 2020 to launch a 1776 Commission comprised of 18 individuals an initiative he should have taken on far earlier in his term.
Despite the virtues and accomplishments of this Nation, many students are now taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but rather villains, the White House wrote of the commission. This radicalized view of American history lacks perspective, obscures virtues, twists motives, ignores or distorts facts, and magnifies flaws, resulting in the truth being concealed and history disfigured.
But, as was foreseeable given the Democratic Partys increasing push for the lie of institutional racism, President Joe Biden canceled the commission on day 1. In its place, Bidens order claims, Our country faces converging economic, health, and climate crises that have exposed and exacerbated inequities, while a historic movement for justice has highlighted the unbearable human costs of systemic racism It is therefore the policy of my Administration that the Federal Government should pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.
This word salad, an obfuscating juxtaposition of concepts such as equity and equality that denote separate things, was a predictable step for the Biden administration to take. The order declares that equality of opportunity is moot due to systemic racism a claim that requires unpresentable evidence Americas institutions are entirely discriminatory but then says the way to address this systemic imbalance is to abandon equality in favor of equity (redistributed equality of outcome).
If Democrats wish to convince Americans the United States remains institutionally racist like during Jim Crow,it only makes sense they would move to be as vague as possible while pushing buzzwords to evoke emotion. It is precisely what the White House did after the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd. Biden and Harris sought to craft an image of systemic racism through imagery and pathos.
We still must reform the system This work is long overdue. America has a long history of systemic racism. Black Americans and Black men, in particular have been treated, throughout the course of our history, as less than human, Harris said.
It was a murder in full light of day, and it ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism the vice president just referred to, Biden said. This systemic racism is a stain on our nations soul. The knee on the neck of justice for black Americans, profound fear and trauma, the pain, the exhaustion that black and brown Americans experience every single day.
This brings us back to critical race theory. A plan put forth by the Biden administration on April 19 directly cites race extremist Ibram X. Kendi and the ahistorical New York Times 1619 Project to argue school funding should go to schools across the country working to incorporate anti-racist practices into teaching and learning.
The plan operates under the guise of civics education and says encouraging and funding identity politics in Americas classrooms is a step toward protecting the Nations democracyespecially at a time when its core institutions and values are threatened by misinformation.
The Department of Education notes it is fielding the responses of Americans until May 19 about this plan, but the Biden administration already reinstated an order Trump struck to grant federal funding to institutions performing critical race theory, white privilege training, or other diversity training. It is doubtless the agencys plan will proceed, especially given Secretary of Education Miguel Cardonas extensive history in Connecticut overseeing far-left curricula.
Without a doubt, the White House is conflating essential U.S. civics education with programs backed by prominent cult figures, like Kendi and Nikole Hannah-Jones of the 1619 Project, that only pits students against one another and promulgates a tense, racialized, and illiberal culture. The sort of culture that splits us off into our realms, tiptoeing away from one another due to the false advertisement of implicit bias.
Think back on the Biden narrative that legacy media constantly pushes. Supposedly, Americans are in for a return to normalcy that will foster unity, since it is a time to heal. Biden has been branded as boring old Joe from Scranton, Pennsylvania the veteran politician who has all the keys to the castle in how to shepherd the United States back to what leftists consider appropriate.
But recognizing the presidents position on critical race theory lays this hypothesis to rest. Biden is no boring president; he is governing from the far-left. There is no return to normalcy or unity on the table unless of course racial division is your definition of a positive culture.
The very idea of critical race theory, that we are not to be judged by our individual thoughts and beliefs, but by our skin color, is at the root of the systemic racism doctrine and equity strategy the Biden administration has championed. Its the very definition of divisive.
Critical race theorys tenets are antithetical to any realistic conversations of unity in America. The White Houses efforts will only expand the role of government atomizing and alienating the American people.
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5 Books Culturally Aware Americans Should Read This Summer – The Federalist
Posted: at 3:46 am
Five noteworthy books recently published seem, at first or second glance, to be totally unrelated to one another. Collectively, however, they address critical public issues in remarkably well-researched and illuminating ways.
Each addresses monumental, even foundational human issues intimately related to what it means to be human, how we order our lives together at the most basic level, and the nature of truth and how we can know it. Taken together, they provide a unique and much-needed perspective on what matters in an age of increasingly prevalent lies.
Consider putting them on your summer reading list, or diving in right now.
The first book is the most consequential because it speaks to the first command given to humanity. It also speaks to the primary driver of the evolutionary construct: go forth and multiply. Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline is meticulously researched and explicated by two secular Canadian demographers, who systematically mount a damning case that, rather than overpopulation being the most serious problem facing humanity, the truth is the precise opposite.
Their unapologetic case is that the overpopulation scare is completely, utterly wrong. Based on an impressive array of diversely authoritative data sources, they explain, We do not face the challenge of a population bomb, but of a bust a relentless, generation-after-generation culling of the human herd. Much of the book is devoted to why once that decline begins, it will never end. The diversity of approaches they take in demonstrating their case is refreshing.
For these researchers, from this demographic moment, the natural end of the world will realize itself toward the end of the century, resulting from too few people becoming moms and dads today. Since publication, their assertion received support in the form of newly published demographic research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The reports findings show humanitys population topping out and then shrinking by the end of this century in far more troubling numbers than anyone previously anticipated.
This curiously titled book by two busy activist wives and mothers from Seattle (and Federalist regulars) is a clarion call for us to think differently about how and why we form the families we do. The book presents a well-reasoned, pointedly argued case that adult desire, regardless of how pure and loving it claims to be, does not always lead to the healthiest family forms for children. No punches are pulled in making the case that Love makes a family is a wrong-headed sentiment that harms children and adults alike.
Whats noteworthy about this book is that it takes on both same-sex and heterosexual family forms, arguing afresh for the fundamental integrity of what family ought to be once we simply stop to consider the troubling choices we are making when adult desire is placed before what children genuinely need.
The startling truth is that every child has a right to the love and care of the mother and father who created him. If this not possible, the replacement family form should approximate this ideal as closely as possible. They demonstrate that every form of the celebrated modern family gay or straight is ultimately illegitimate if it denies the child this basic right.
Also asserted by the authors is that no adult has a right to a child that is not his or her biological offspring. As such, every departure from the married-mother-father household is, at its core, a threat to the rights of children.
Its not only single-parenting by choice or same-sex families that create this problem. They properly take on the divorce culture as well as the exploding and unregulated sperm/egg donation-surrogacy industrial complex as equally problematic for society and children.
All of these emerging, complicated issues are addressed together in a thoughtful way and with clarity, conviction, and compassion, making it one of the most important and ideologically challenging books on family formation in decades. An absolute must-read for all students of the family.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many good people have grown tired of many things face masks being one of them. Secular pulpit pounders like Neil deGrasse Tyson who make unscientific claims about the absolutist power of science with nearly religious zeal are another.
Michael Strevens, a leading philosopher of science at New York University, has written an incredibly important book that all fans of science and human knowledge should read. The Knowledge Machine: How Irrationality Created Modern Science is a refreshing offering from an unapologetically pro-science intellectual who carefully outlines both the remarkable powers and epistemic limits of science.
Strevenss seemingly counter-intuitive subtitle could have easily been The Humbling of Scientism. He gives his reader a hint of sciences limits in the titles of his second and third chapters: Human Frailty and The Essential Subjectivity of Science.
Strevenss confident humility about the glory and wonder of science allows him to put these two things together. When ideologues say science is the way we know anything, they demonstrate their misunderstanding and overstatement of what science is: one tool among many that can help guide us towards the truth. Ultimately, science has its limits, and its certainly not the truth itself.
The Knowledge Machine offers a refreshing explanation that while science is remarkably powerful and has produced stunning advances that have improved human existence in innumerable ways, it isnt more than it is. Science is a knowledge machine used by fallible people who will inevitability bring their prejudices and presuppositions to the task in varying degrees.
In fact, as a man who has committed his life to the study of science, he tells us science is far from the only thought system capable of generating novel and original ideas. Indeed, Stevens isnt shy in saying Philosophy, for example, is its equal in this respect. What makes science unique from, but not superior to philosophy, is its unparalleled ability to test those ideas thoroughly. But it is not foolproof by any measure.
Strevens calls us to praise science, but not worship it. So it goes with all scientific reasoning: The interpretation of evidence demands likelihoods, and scientists are not only permitted, but encouraged to use their subjective plausibility rankings in that role.We could use more of this kind of intellectual humility today.
The transgender issue has taken the world by storm with head-spinning speed across the globe, sucking up nearly all the oxygen in the culture war room.
Few people are writing on this development with the kind of razor-sharp incisiveness as writer Abigail Shrier. In Irreversible Damage, Shrier details an extremely troubling and anti-human trend that has developed in the last few years with our girls and its more than just about the trans issue.
Increasingly, girls suddenly dont want to be girls anymore and important power centers are taking incredibly dangerous and ill-advised medical steps to help them actively destroy their physical and mental womanhood. Its not even that they want to become boys, but that disturbing numbers of them want to be nothing.
Shrier explains these girls want to be seen as queer They flee womanhood like a house on fire, their minds fixed on escape, not on any particular destination. So whats happening here?
Shrier is highlighting the trans craze, not as merely a curious and trendy hop across the river from female to male or vice versa, but a wholly new kind of misogyny. The words of one leading therapist caring for gender dysphoric patients are emblematic of what Shrier has been witnessing. The young girls this therapist sees at her clinic are in great emotional pain.
A common response that I get from female clients is something along these lines: I dont know exactly that I want to be a guy. I just know I dont want to be a girl, she explains. Something very profound and troubling is happening to what it means to be one essential half of humanity. We would do well to get to the bottom of it and root it out.
Irreversible Damage is a chilling examination of this troubling development among our girls and a pointed challenge to the irresponsible ways far too many adults are uncritically responding to it.
It has long been a fundamental tenet of faith among leftists that fundamentalism is very bad. But what many on the left have failed to understand is that fundamentalism comes in varied shapes and sizes, and they have their own form of it.
Two professors from Northwestern University demonstrate just how true, and dangerous, this fact is in their new volume from Princeton University Press: Minds Wide Shut: How the New Fundamentalisms Divide Us.
The books pluralization of fundamentalisms is important, as its authors lament fundamentalism abounds and is no longer the singular domain of those people. These authors give a lucid explanation of how the term is not just for caricatured backwoods, white Southern Protestant yokels anymore. People across the political spectrum are unthinkingly adhering to and mouthing political rhetoric that seems to have bypassed their critical thinking faculties, all with increasingly high-pitched (and confident) moral pronouncements.
Minds Wide Shut notes Democracy cannot long survive under these conditions of the new fundamentalists, explaining, if right is all on one side if one is absolutely certain that there is nothing to learn from those with whom we disagree then there is no reason not to have a one-party state. Thus, whatever can be done to neutralize the power of the people you disagree with becomes not only permissible but actually moral. People with minds that work this way are dangerous, they note.
The book closes quoting Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz, who held that War is the continuation of politics by other means. The growth of the new fundamentalisms has us entering an era when politics seems to be conducted as a war by other means. And our politics is increasingly dominated by new fundamentalist thinking [that] is utopian, if not apocalyptic. It is dictated by one [who] knows the truth and those who disagree are ignorant, evil, or insane. All goodness belongs to ones own camp.
Does that sound like anything you have been witnessing of late? Welcome to the new fundamentalism in many ways more brutal and dangerous than older fundamentalisms of the past, as its more convinced of its moral superiority. It doesnt merely wag its finger and look askance at your behavior; it crushes with its fist and obliterates you from public life.
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Dems Know Wokeness Is A Problem But Are Scared Mobs Will Cancel Them If they Say It – The Federalist
Posted: April 29, 2021 at 12:43 pm
Democrats know their wokeness is a problem, but are afraid to talk about it because they will risk getting canceled.
Take James Carville, for example. Hes a seasoned political consultant who, despite his affinity for guiding Democrat candidates such as Bill Clinton to political victories, is becoming increasingly worried that the lefts obsession with woke, unrelatable rhetoric such as Latinx and communities of color is distancing them from voters.
Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it, Carville recently told Vox News Sean Illing. Its hard to talk to anybody today and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party who doesnt say this. But they dont want to say it out loud.
This quiet acknowledgment, Carville continued, is simply because Democrats are scared they will be clobbered or canceled by the mob which is fueled by the culture war monsters they created.
I always tell people that weve got to stop speaking Hebrew and start speaking Yiddish. We have to speak the way regular people speak, the way voters speak. It aint complicated. Thats how you connect and persuade. And we have to stop allowing ourselves to be defined from the outside, Carville concluded.
This isnt the first time Carville cautioned those on the left side of the political aisle to refrain from using patronizing language and actions when approaching voters, especially those not in urban areas.
You know how fing patronizing that is to people in the South or in the middle of the country? Carville asked. We cant win the Senate by looking down at people. The Democratic Party has to drive a narrative that doesnt give off vapors that were smarter than everyone or culturally arrogant.
In leaked calls released late last year, President Joe Biden and Democrat leaders in the House led onto this same concept and acknowledged that it was woke talking points such as defund the police and socialized medicine that kept their winning margins small in 2020.
Thats how they beat the living hell out of us across the country, saying that were talking about defunding the police, Biden told civil rights leaders in December.
[If] we are going to run on Medicare for All, defund the police, socialized medicine, were not going to win, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, a Democrat from South Carolinasaid in November.
Rep. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia echoed Clyburns concerns, saying that if leftists couldnt reevaluate the platforms they relied on for the Nov. 3 election, they would lose in a landslide in the 2022 midterms.
No one should say defund the police ever again, Spanberger said. Nobody should be talking about socialism.
Jordan Davidson is a staff writer at The Federalist. She graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.
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Dems Know Wokeness Is A Problem But Are Scared Mobs Will Cancel Them If they Say It - The Federalist
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Trump: ‘Warmongering Fool’ Liz Cheney Only Wants To Run For President To Avoid Losing Her Congressional Seat – The Federalist
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Former President Donald Trump released a statement on Tuesday claiming that warmongering fool Rep. Liz Cheney is only considering a presidential run to avoid losing her congressional seat in Wyoming.
Liz Cheney is polling sooo low in Wyoming, and has sooo little support, even from the Wyoming Republican Party, that she is looking for a way out of her Congressional race, Trump said.
Based on all polling, there is no way she can win. Shell either be yet another lobbyist or maybe embarrass her family by running for President, in order to save face. This warmongering fool wants to stay in the Middle East and Afghanistan for another 19 years, but doesnt consider the big pictureRussia and China!
Cheney, who still sits on GOP House leadership after escaping a referendum concerning her role in February, teased a presidential bid on Monday when she refused to rule it out as a future possibility.
Im not ruling anything in or out ever is a long time, Cheney told the New York Post on Monday.
The congresswoman distanced herself from Trump and his allies in the GOP for years, but most recently by supporting the Democrats second sham impeachment attempt against the former president. Shortly after she announced her position on impeachment, she faced scrutiny and even censure from voters in her home state.
Our representative did not represent our voice, said Carbon County GOP Chairman Joey Correnti IV.
Cheney also received a challenger, Republican State Sen. Anthony Bouchard, who vowed to unseat her after the political stunt.
Despite the backlash, Cheney continues to denounce her fellow congressional Republicans for their support of Trump.
I think that were going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House, Cheney concluded. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge not to certify the election, you know, in my view thats disqualifying.
Jordan Davidson is a staff writer at The Federalist. She graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.
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Hunter Biden To Teach Class On ‘Fake News’ At Tulane University – The Federalist
Posted: at 12:43 pm
President Joe Bidens son Hunter landed a speaking gig at Tulane University where he will reportedly lecture to a class called Media Polarization and Public Policy Impacts onfake news.
The 10-week course in the fall focuses on the current state of the media landscape in the United States and how media polarization, fake news and the economics of the new business impact public policymaking in Washington D.C.
Hunter, 51, is one of 10 guests scheduled to appear. The others include New Yorker columnist Susan Glasser, Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan, CNN correspondent Kylie Atwood, Fox News political analyst and The Five co-host Juan Williams, Margaret Brennan of CBS Face The Nation, andformer White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Deborah Birx.
The Federalists attempts to reach Tulane University to understand how Hunter Biden has expertise in media or public policy went unanswered.
Hunters memoir Beautiful Things was released April 6 and chronicles his struggles with addiction. The New York Post reported in October that the Biden son arranged a meeting between his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and a Ukrainian energy firm executive about a year prior to Joe pressuring the foreign government to fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016. With no energy experience, Hunter raked in as much as $50,000 a month on the Burisma board.
A laptop obtained by The New York Post, which Hunter reportedly dropped at a repair shop in Delaware, showed he also received millions of dollars from Chinese oil magnate Ye Jianming, who has ties to the Chinese Communist Party, and a former Russian oligarch.
Hunter should be familiar with fake news, considering it was an unsubstantiated claim about him that Big Tech colluded on him to push after the Post broke the laptop story. Top Democrats, such as Rep. Adam Schiff of California and Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, claimed the Hunter Biden stories were Russian propaganda. John Ratcliffe, the former Director of Intelligence, swiftly shut down this fake news.
Let me be clear, the intelligence community doesnt believe that, because theres no intelligence that supports that, and we have shared no intelligence with Chairman [Adam] Schiff or any other member of Congress that Hunter Bidens laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign its simply not true, Ratcliffe said.
Interestingly, the syllabus lists the occupations of all other scheduled speakers but does not provide a job title for Hunter. Perhaps Crony Capitalism Beneficiary would do.
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Bishops Voting On Whether Pro-Abortion Biden Should Cease Communion – The Federalist
Posted: at 12:43 pm
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) will determine at their next meeting in June whether President Joe Biden and other politicians who support abortion should be urged to stop receiving Communion, according to the Associated Press.
Biden is the second Catholic president ever the first being John F. Kennedy, who was not vocal about abortion and nominated pro-life Justice Byron White to the Supreme Court. Supporting abortion is a grave moral evil, said Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, the chair of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
Because President Biden is Catholic, it presents a unique problem for us, Naumann also told the AP.It can create confusion. How can he say hes a devout Catholic and hes doing these things that are contrary to the churchs teaching?
A document is set to be prepared for the upcoming U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The group leading the effort, the Committee on Doctrine, will reportedly clarify where the church stands on the Communion issue. The document would need to be approved by the bishops.
The bishops aim to send a clear message to Biden and change his mind on the abortion issue, but their actions would not prohibit the president from receiving Communion. Bishop W. Francis Malooly of Wilmington, Delaware, and Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., have both said they will allow the president to receive Communion.
In November, USCCB president, Los Angeles Archbishop Jos Gomez, said Bidens support for abortion gives the church a difficult and complex situation. After making this statement, Gomez announced the creation of a group to study it. These policies pose a serious threat to the common good, Gomez said. When politicians who profess the Catholic faith support them it creates confusion among the faithful about what the church actually teaches on these questions.
San Fransisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone told the AP, Theres a growing sense of urgency in communicating to Biden he ought not to receive Communion. Abortion is not just one among many important issues. Its a direct attack on human life, Cordileone continued. [Politicians] need to understand the scandal that is caused when they say they are faithfully Catholic and yet oppose the church on such a basic concept.
Evangelicals for Biden released a statement in March urging the president to honor his commitment to the Hyde Amendment, which restricts federal taxpayer money from funding abortions. Other actions from the White House have dismayed Catholics. Biden lifted federal restrictions on human fetal tissue research funding this month and rolled back a policy put in place by the Trump administration prohibiting groups that refer women to abortions from receiving federal grants.
He doesnt have the authority to teach what it means to be Catholic thats our responsibility as bishops, Naumann expressed. Whether intentional or not, hes trying to usurp our authority.
In order for Naumann and others to get the outcome they seek, a two-thirds majority will be needed.
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Seriously, Pray For Joy Reid And Everyone Who Double Masks On A Jog – The Federalist
Posted: at 12:43 pm
MSNBCs Joy Reid is living in a terrifying bubble, and she needs our prayers. Seriously.
On Tuesday, after the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updated its recommendations to offer a green light for fully vaccinated individuals such as Reid to ditch the mask outside when exercising in non-crowded spaces, Reid bragged on-air about wearing the mask anyway.
I am among the fully vaccinated, Reid said, gleaming with excitement as she declared she got the two-shot Pfizer vaccine. The mask, however, or, two masks, she said despite her immunity status, wont be coming off anytime soon.
I did go jogging today, in the park. This is the mask I wore, with a doctors mask under it, Reid said, holding her masks on screen. There are people who are getting really upset about that.
Reid can do whatever she wants of course. Wearing not one mask, but two masks, however, while exercising outside has no basis in science or public health, and only serves as self-harm while she attempts to virtue signal. Worse, it may deter others from the vaccine by sending the message that individuals lives wont change post-vaccination. In fact, wearing a face mask during cardio exercise only inhibits airflow which hinders peak performance and presents risks of its own.
Reid has either dismissed any value in the science behind rigid restrictions to merely embrace opposite measures endorsed by her political opponents, or has become genuinely terrified of the coronavirus to the point of no return. Considering her own environment, echo chamber, and public polling on the issue, its likely the latter, if not a mixture.
After more than 12 months of sensational coronavirus pandemic coverage at her network, it would make sense Reids anxiety has reached the point of self-restriction beyond what even the lockdown-embracing CDC has recommended.
A survey of 35,000 people from Gallup and Franklin Templeton last month showed a vast majority of Americans on all sides of the political spectrum, but especially Democrats, grossly overestimated the personal risks presented by the novel Wuhan coronavirus.
While 51 percent of Republicans believed COVID-infected individuals were more than 20 percent likely to end up in the hospital, when the actual probability currently lies somewhere between 1 and 5 percent, 69 percent of Democrats said the same.
While the survey serves as an indictment of Reid and the rest of the establishment media feeding COVID frenzy fear, it also offers insight into Reids own anxiety. Shes become an obsessive consumer of around-the-clock doomsday news by the nature of her work, but also its producer. That, would leave anybody terrified.
So in her interest, and for the people who listen to her, pray for Reid.
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Why The Senate’s Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill Is Political Theater – The Federalist
Posted: at 12:43 pm
In response to the rise of anti-Asian crimes, the U.S. Senate passed anAnti-Asian Hate Crime bill by a 94 to 1 vote. Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, the bills lead sponsor, said passing the legislation sent a solid message of solidarity that the Senate will not be a bystander as anti-Asian violence surges in our country.Yet a close examination of the bill raises the uncomfortable question of whether the effort will do anything meaningful to prevent anti-Asian hate crimes, as promised.
Essentially, the bill creates a position at the Justice Department to facilitate the expedited review of hate crimes. The bill also requires the U.S. attorney general to issue guidance to state and local law-enforcement agencies on how to establish online reporting of hate crimes or incidents, collect data, and raise public awareness about hate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To its credit, the bill does address some known issues regarding anti-Asian hate crimes, such as historically poor data collection and the tendency among many Asian Americans not to report crimes to law enforcement due to a desire not to cause trouble with the authorities. Better data collection and reporting will give law enforcement a better understanding of the scale of the problem and provide them insights.
Still, data collection and reporting come after crimes have taken place. As Asian Americans currently face an increase in violent crimes, we need a solution now. Especially for the sake of our elders, we need to not have to worry about being pushed, kicked, robbed, or even murdered when walking out of a bank, strolling down the street, or sleeping at home at night. Unfortunately, the Senate bill does nothing to address the safety concerns Asian Americans have.
One of the bills most significant drawbacks is to define all recent crimes that target Asian Americans as COVID-19 related hate crimes. Although there is some evidence that verbal harassment and physical assaults against Asian Americans have happened due to COVID-19 fears, COVID-19-related hate doesnt explain all violent crimes against Asian Americans since last summer.
For example, COVID-19-related hate doesnt explain the rape and murder of Ee Leein Milwaukee, Wisconsin; the robbery and murderof 75-year old Pak Ho in Oakland, California; and the mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia that took the lives of eight people, including six Asian women. Since last year, the rise of violent crimes against Asian Americans has corresponded to the increase of violent crimes against Americans of all races nationwide.
The FBI crime data for 2020show murders surged 25 percent the most significant single-year increase since 1960. The Major Cities Chiefs Association reportsthat 63 of the 66 largest police jurisdictions saw increases in at least one category of violent crimes in 2020, which include homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. This worrisome trendcontinuesin 2021, as the number of violent crimes in major cities continues to rise, and a few police chiefs expect it would outpace last years numbers for some major cities.
Some leftists reluctantly admitted that Americas high crime rates are mainly due to the lack of policing. Since last summer, activists, leftist media, and leftist politicians have spread anti-police rhetoric and called to defund police. Subsequently, budget cuts and personnel reduction of some police departments have created a hostile environment for law enforcement, leaving many police forces demoralized. As a result, policing engagement fell.
Data shows violent crime rises as police retreat. For example, the New York Police Departmentreportedlymade 38 percent fewer arrests from June to December 2020, while the city saw its homicides increased 58 percent during the same period. Chicago saw a similar trend. As Chicagos police made 53 percent fewer arrests from June 2020 to February 2021, murdersrose 65 percentin the city during the same period.
The city of Milwaukee, where Lee was raped and murdered last year, saw a 98 percent increase in murders as the city laid off 120 police officers in 2020. After Portlands leftist Mayor Ted Wheeler defunded the citys police department by $12 million and slashed three police units, murders increased 255 percent, and shootings jumped 173 percent.
What will make all Americans, including Asian Americans, who live in major U.S. cities feel safe right now is an increase in preventative police engagement. Yet the Senate bill failed to address this obvious point.
Right after the bill passed, in New York City someone struck 61-year-old Yao Pan Ma and repeatedly stomped on his head. Ma is in critical condition and struggling for his life. This despicable incident shows the Senate bill does little to reduce actual violent crimes presently facing Asian Americans and their neighbors.
Another big flaw of the bill lies in the fact that its sponsor and her Democratic Party colleagues refuse to address the discrimination elite universities have perpetrated against Asian students. No other issue has caused Asian American parents and their children more anxiety than the fear of losing equal access to quality education. Such fear and anxiety are caused by critical race theorys divisive rhetoric and actions, which Democrats perpetuate instead of opposing.
Due to the relative overall success of Asian Americans, critical race theory treats Asian Americans as whites by adjacency, even though there is a wide wealth gap amongst Asian Americans. Critical race theory activists have argued that elite high schools and colleges are not diverse enough because Asians are overrepresented. In truth, the Asian American population is an incredibly diverse group of people linked to more than 19 different countries containing several dozens of languages.
Yet critical race theory activists have been pushing for lower admission standards and the removal of difficult entrance exams to top high schools. Instead, they seek to rely on race-based admissions in both elite high schools and colleges, all in the name of achieving an equitable outcome for other minority groups.
Many Asian Americans see such an attempt to limit their childrens access to quality education as an unjust exclusion of their childrens participation in the American Dream. Thats why the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York calledcritical race theory todays Chinese Exclusion Act and the real hate crime against Asians.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, sought to address this real hate crime against Asians by proposing an amendment to the anti-Asian hate crime bill. His amendment called to prohibit Federal funding for any institution of higher education that discriminates against Asian Americans in recruitment, applicant review, or admissions. Ultimately, his amendment failed when the Democrat majority in the Senate voted no.
Its such an irony that an anti-Asian hate crime bill fails to address the real hate crime against Asians. In reality, the Democratic Partys selective outrage about crimes against Asian Americans is more about advancing a political agenda rather than addressing the genuine concerns and fears of Asian Americans.
The passing of this Anti-Asian Hate Crime legislation may make senators from both parties feel good about themselves. But for the majority of Asian Americans, this bill amounts to nothing but hot air. We dont feel any safer, and we are still anxious about our childrens future.
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