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Category Archives: Evolution
Evolution and the Church, plus You’re Going to Get the Coronavirus – Patheos
Posted: February 27, 2020 at 1:45 am
Science & Mormonism Series 1: Cosmos, Earth, and ManLDS Statements on Evolution and the Origin of Man
Part of our book chapter reprint series, this article originally appeared inScience & Mormonism Series 1: Cosmos, Earth, and Man(2016).
Abstract:This book section is composed of three parts. The first part contains the 1992 BYU packet on evolution and the origin of man that was prepared for distribution to students seeking authoritative answers by the Church on the subject. The second part contains the history and background of the BYU packet. The third part contains all known statements relating to evolution and the origin of man from Presidents of the Church that were made while they served as president, and that were not already part of the BYU packet. Private letters to individuals have not been included. In addition an article from theEncyclopedia of Mormonismby John L. Sorenson on the origin of man is reprinted.
Virginia Tech paleontologists identify 1 billion-year-old green seaweed fossils, ancestors to modern land plants
Why DNA tests are suddenly unpopular:23andMe and Ancestry are laying off workers as interest in their DNA tests declines.
To tackle the new coronavirus, scientists are accelerating the vaccine process:Researchers are turning to nontraditional approaches to create vaccines and therapeutics
Youre Likely to Get the Coronavirus: Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain.
Very few infants seem to be getting sick with the new coronavirus:Scientists arent sure why kids seem to be more protected
I really like the distinction that Tom Chivers makes here between high decouplers and low decouplers:
Eugenics is possible is not the same as eugenics is good:Rows involving Richard Dawkins and Andrew Sabisky reveal how difficult it is to decouple controversial concepts in our heads
In my own self-evaluation, Im a quite high high-decoupler. And that has gotten me into rows with low-decouplers, and, Im pretty confident, with people who pretend to be lower low-decouplers than they actually are in order to score illegitimate rhetorical points. They grow tiresome, but they can be very loud.
I hope that youve seen the movie Hidden Figures. If you havent, you should. If you have, this item from the news will mean something to you:
NASA icon Katherine Johnson has died at the age of 101: The African-American researcher helped break barriers for minorities and women in science
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5G will be the most revolutionary network evolution, yet businesses have concerns about security: Study – BusinessLine
Posted: at 1:45 am
Businesses believe that 5G will be the most revolutionary network evolution technology, yet have concerns about its security, according to a study by Accenture.
The study found that four in five respondents (79 per cent) believe that 5G will have a significant impact on their organisation, including 57 per cent who believe that it will be revolutionary. In contrast, only one-quarter (24 per cent) said they believed that 4Gs impact was revolutionary, it said.
However, this optimism doesnt eclipse security concerns around 5G, which have grown slightly over the last year. Specifically, more than one-third (35 per cent) of respondents in the most recent survey expressed concerns around the security of 5G, compared with 32 per cent in last years survey.
In addition, more than six in 10 respondents (62 per cent) in the latest survey expressed fears that 5G will render them more vulnerable to cyber attacks, and businesses believe that most of the risk will begin at the user level, whether thats devices or people.
The link between 5G and its perceived security risks is complex, said George Nazi, senior managing director and Communications and Media industry lead at Accenture.
According to our study, executives believe that 5G can help secure their businesses, but that 5G network architecture also presents inherent challenges in terms of user privacy, number of connected devices and networks, and service access and supply chain integrity, Nazi added.
The survey suggests businesses are thinking ahead to how to deal with these challenges, with three-quarters (74 per cent) of respondents saying they expect to redefine policies and procedures related to security as 5G emerges.
The global survey was based on more than 2,600 business and technology decision makers across 12 industry sectors in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific.
The cost of accommodating the changes that 5G will bring is also weighing on business leaders minds. In particular, the cost of operationalising 5G is a hot topic, and four in five respondents (80 per cent) believe that the cost of managing their IT infrastructure and applications will increase.
Meanwhile, nearly one-third (31 per cent) still think that the upfront cost of implementing 5G will be too great.
In addition, the study found that businesses are beginning to realise that they require external support to unlock 5Gs potential.
For instance, nearly three-quarters (72 per cent) of respondents said they need help to imagine the future possibilities for connected solutions with 5G, and the percentage of businesses expecting to develop 5G applications in-house has dropped over the last year, from 23 per cent in the prior-year survey to 14 per cent this year.
The survey indicates that, despite the challenges of 5G, the future looks bright for businesses embracing the technology, with businesses globally recognizing its huge potential. The benefits are numerous, and awareness of them is growing.
For instance, 85 per cent of respondents said that they expect to use 5G to support mobile employees in the field within the next four years, up from 68 per cent who said the same in last years survey.
With the right business strategy and ecosystem collaboration, the signs point towards a world of compelling 5G use cases and business outputs, said Nazi. Communications service providers should act now to ensure they are at the heart of the 5G ecosystem to unlock the potential growth.
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The Evolution of Anissa Pierce on ‘Black Lightning’ – Black Girl Nerds
Posted: at 1:45 am
Written By: Megan Maher
Over the past three seasons, we have watched Anissa grow into an even more resolute, intelligent, and openminded young woman, who happens to also be two different superheroes: Thunder and Blackbird. The show does an excellent job of highlighting Anissas superhero character evolution, but I feel like the unsung hero of Anissas character evolution is her as a lover.
In Season 3 of Black Lightning, we get to see Anissa apply those strong characteristics that she has as a person and superhero (resolute, loyal, etc.) to her love life. So, for this article, I would like to take a stroll down memory lane to highlight the evolution of Anissa as a lover. She has evolved from that emotionally unavailable lover that you should probably never get attached to, to Season 3s I dont care that youre a leopard, or an old man, or a shapeshifter. I love you, softest lover that there ever was.
The first time we are introduced to Anissa as a lover, we find her in bed with her ex-girlfriend, Chenoa. She is corny, to say the least, but still charming. Anissa doesnt have the most game, but she doesnt need it; she is attractive, smart, ambitious, and you know, all the things that you hope to find in a romantic partner. After Anissa charms Chenoa and the viewers with her corny pick-up line, we get the first inkling of a red flag. Chenoa tells Anissa that she wants more from their relationship. Rather than Anissa being honest with her intentions regarding their relationship, she manipulates the conversation to victimize herself. Not only is this the first sign of just how emotionally unavailable Anissa is, but it also exposes a manipulation tactic that she will continue to use to justify her self preserving behavior. In Anissas defense, she was reeling from the trauma of being kidnapped and almost forced to be apart of a sex trafficking ring.
Thesecond time we meet Anissa as a lover, she is innocently inquiring about apretty strangers reading list. The stranger happens to be Grace Choi. As acomic fan, it is an exciting moment, because who doesnt love ThunderGrace!But, objectively, Anissas wandering eyes are a bit trifling. Even though sheand Chenoa were having problems, they were still in an exclusive relationship.
The third time we meet Anissa as a lover, she is at a party dancing with Grace after avoiding her girlfriend Chenoa. When Anissa is confronted by Chenoa, she gets defensive and uses her manipulation tactic with the line, Im not cheating, unless dancing in spandex is cheating. This is true, but the entire situation is trifling, and it is all because Anissa was not being honest with Chenoa by saying she was not emotionally available. This scene is pivotal for Anissas love evolution. It is where the seed of growth is planted because she does open up and confide in Grace by the end of the party.
Thefifth time we see Anissa as a lover, the hints of a selfless protector andcaregiver come out. Anissa and her new friend Grace are being harassed. Anissafights the bad guys off and protects Grace with her superhuman abilities. But,you could argue that she would do that for anyone, not just her romanticinterest. However, when Anissa is taking care of Grace, this is the first timewe see a bare and soft side to Anissa as a romantic partner. She showcases herability to be endearing and gentle. Its subtle, but promising nonetheless.
Thesixth time we see Anissa as a lover, she gives us some deja vu of her old ways.She gives Grace some similar treatment that she gave to Chenoa at the party,but worse because Grace and Anissa were not in a relationship. However, after asisterly check from Jennifer Pierce, Anissa has an open and honest conversationwith Grace, apologizing and asking to take their relationship seriously.
Theseventh time we see Anissa as a lover, we see her in her most vulnerable andhonest state. She believes that she has lost her Uncle Gambi, and she tellsGrace just how much she means to her. Its a beautiful moment. Grace shares herfears concerning Anissa and rather than Anissa using her manipulation tactics(#growth), she listens to her.
Theeighth time we see Anissa as a lover, she is carefree in love with Grace.However, Anissa is so caught up in the love and fun of her new relationshipthat she is oblivious to the obvious omissions that Grace is beginning to show.Anissa is ready to take her relationship with Grace to the next level, andGrace literally pulls an Anissa on Anissa but to the extreme and disappears.
Theninth time we see Anissa as a lover, we see a resolute woman in a broken stateof love, desperate to understand why Grace has left her. Anissas family raisestheir concerns about continuing her search for Grace and she even finds a newlove interest in the meantime, but nothing can shake Anissas undoubted love ofGrace.
Thetenth time we see Anissa as a lover, she professes and shows all of us just howdeep her love is for Grace. Grace shows up out of the blue and tries her bestto tell Anissa not to love her, but nothing can shake Anissas resolute lovefor Grace (even Grace!) And she delivers my favorite ThunderGrace scene of the season,thus evolving from the emotionally unavailable lover that you should probably neverget attached to, to this current seasons I dont care that youre a leopard,or an old man, or a shapeshifter. I love you kind of lover. It has beenbeautiful to watch!
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The Evolution of SaaS — Why Datadog’s Growing Umbrella Makes the Stock a "Buy" – Motley Fool
Posted: at 1:45 am
The story begins in 1999 -- a one-bedroom apartment in the Telegraph Hill neighborhood of San Francisco. That's when a young Marc Benioff
This was the modern beginning of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) business model. Instead of paying big bucks at a brick-and-mortar location for a software package, customers could pay a much lower monthly fee for access to software via the cloud.
Image source: Getty Images.
It took a long time for the business community to catch on. But over the past five years, few publicly traded companies have seen their stocks skyrocket quite like SaaS players.
But the market is evolving, and it won't be that way forever. A select few SaaS stocks will be emerging from the pack. I suspectDatadog(NASDAQ:DDOG) will be one of them. And I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
Here is a simplified version of the nuts and bolts of the SaaS business:
Perhaps its not surprising, then, that some of the biggest winners of the past four years have been SaaS players. An ETF that follows the sector --PowerShares Dynamic Software ETF(NYSEMKT:PSJ) -- has vastly outperformed the S&P 500 index.
PSJ Total Return Price data by YCharts
At one point, it truly seemed that if an SaaS company went public, it meant big gains for investors.
But in the evolution of any business model, shifts occur. That's what I believe will soon start happening within SaaS.
Think of it from the perspective of a chief information or operating officer: You've got all of these different SaaS tools, which are great. But with each passing year, you're adding new ones -- one to monitor security, another to make sure your apps are working as they should, a third to run your website. It's enough to make your head spin.
That's why I think there will soon be consolidation within the sphere. While a CIO could go out and get the best tool for each specific need her company has, I suspect that won't be the standard approach. Instead, the SaaS company that can provide abroad enough umbrella, with "good-enough" serviceswill be the ultimate winner.
The simplification of dealing with a single platform, a single customer-service representative, and a single monthly billing will -- I suspect -- be enough to outweigh any efforts to optimize each individual software code.
That's one reason I'm very bullish on Datadog. The company has tools that can do a wide range of tasks, including:
During the most recent earnings call, management also announced it had released a security monitoring tool -- essentially signaling that it would soon include cybersecurity under its umbrella of tools.
This wide umbrella is paramount only because the company is growing so fast. Datadog isn't just creating tools in an attempt to lure new customers -- it is upselling existing ones in an effort to get them to dump their single-use SaaS providers.
In essence, Datadog is transitioning from an SaaS provider to a PaaS (platform-as-a-service) provider, where users can choose from several software solutions.
The results over the past three years speak for themselves.
Data source: SEC filings. ARR = annual recurring revenue. Growth rate = Compounded annual growth rate, or CAGR.
That's stellar growth. One reason for it: Customers not only stick with Datadog for the long haul, they upgrade to include more tools over time. The proof: The company's dollar-based net retention rate has been above 130% for 10 consecutive quarters.
By filtering out the effect of new customers, this metric tells us that existingcustomers increase their spending by at least 30%every yearwith Datadog.
That's astounding. It's also what I believe will continue to happen with companies that have enough "good-enough" SaaS tools under one umbrella.
I already own Datadog shares in my family's portfolio, but given the trends that I see emerging, I will be adding to our position as soon as Motley Fool trading rules apply.
If you're interested in fast-growing cloud companies -- and have the stomach for the volatility that can accompany richly valued stocks like Datadog -- you should consider doing the same.
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The Noteworthiness of learning about music and its evolution – The Daily Cardinal
Posted: at 1:45 am
When I was a freshman, I never expected to like a class so quickly. I had dread, of course, that college was going to be how everyone said it was: challenging, stressful and occasionally boring. When I took Afro-American 154, the History of Hip-Hop, my faith in my four years had been restored. Maybe all of college could be so awesome.
Whether it was the music videos displayed on the projector before class or the whole lecture dedicated to Beyonc and Jay-Z, the relevance of music in the classroom today shone through.
As times change, so does curriculum. Twenty-first century educators are constantly met with the challenge of adapting to new norms while preserving history. At UW-Madison, this challenge is hardly new.
Current lecturer and UW alumni Alexander Shashko has been teaching in the Afro-American American Department for nearly 15 years. In that time, Shashko has also scored a seat on the voting board for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Currently, Shashko teaches three courses at UW: Afro-American 272: Race and American Politics from the New Deal to the New Right, Afro-American 154: Hip-Hop And Contemporary American Society as well as Afro-American 156: Black Music and American Cultural History.
With a background in political history, Shashko focuses on creating a connection between what happened one hundred years ago to what people hear on the radio today.
When youre trained as a historian, part of your goal is to get people to connect the past to the present, Shashko said.
But, its not always that easy. When discussing the current, diverse music landscape and the inevitability of changing popularities, he admits it can be hard to figure out what he wants to teach.
I have the same amount of time every semester, Shashko said. Every few years I have to try and rethink how the class is going to be restructured.
As important as DJ Kool Herc and Afrika Bambaataa are to the foundations of hip-hop, getting to teach about current artists like Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar proves to be a rewarding experience for students.
The payoff, as students, is to be able to hear what you hear now and understand its resonance and its connections to the music of previous generations, he explained.
As an Afro-Am 154 alum, I can admit that being able to listen to Drakes Nice For What, intro and picking up on the fact that hes actually sampling Ms. Lauryn Hills Ex Factor, was sort of a surreal experience and one I owe to my time in the class.
On top of the generational gap that Shashkos classes might bridge, theres something to be said about learning where our current music comes from.
Music is one of the ways you potentially define your identity. Who you are, what kind of music you like, the people around you, what the music says. Its a way of navigating the world when youre young and trying to figure it out, Shashko said.
The role music has played in history is one that has contributed to its great significance. Learning about the world through music and through songs and through lyrics is something we have had in human society longer than the written word, he mentioned.
Shashko also talks about how the history of hip-hop is one that cannot ignore its political surroundings. Shashko said the class gives him an opportunity to recontextualize the story of race relations in a way that is political but not strictly speaking about politics.
When asked about how todays political climate plays a role in his classroom, Shashko admitted he tries to let history speak for itself. He said having students understand the ways music has allowed African Americans to be engaged in the public sphere and to have a public voice allows them to see the role culture plays in our political dialogue in the present.
Students should be able to realize a lot of what theyre learning about is not new, Shashko mentioned. He hopes to provide the context needed to better understand the bigger picture of the present.
While our climate today can be described as divisive, Shashko tries to have every student with every sort of political belief feel welcomed. He describes his classroom as a place where he wants students to feel like they can learn something about themselves and how they perceive the world through the material they are learning.
Teaching college kids about the ins-and-outs of hip-hop can lead to great rewards. Whether students take the class because they like music or have to fulfill a requirement, most leave at the end of the semester with a lot more musical knowledge than they had before.
One of the best parts of the gig, Shashko admits, is when students go back and talk with their parents or talk with their friends about music, and they come back and want to pursue stuff they havent heard before.
As someone who expanded her music taste tremendously after that fall in 2018, I can gladly say guilty as charged.
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Sempra Energy (SRE) is primed for evolution with the beta value of 0.45 – The InvestChronicle
Posted: at 1:45 am
Sempra Energy (SRE) is priced at $149.84 after the most recent trading session. At the very opening of the session, the stock price was $149.95 and reached a high price of $150.93, prior to closing the session it reached the value of $149.57. The stock touched a low price of $149.35.
Sempra Energy had a pretty favorable run when it comes to the market performance. The 1-year high price for the companys stock is recorded $161.87 on 02/03/20, with the lowest value was $117.74 for the same time period, recorded on 02/27/19.
Price records that include history of low and high prices in the period of 52 weeks can tell a lot about the stocks existing status and the future performance. Presently, Sempra Energy shares are logging -7.43% during the 52-week period from high price, and 27.26% higher than the lowest price point for the same timeframe. The stocks price range for the 52-week period managed to maintain the performance between $117.74 and $161.87.
The companys shares, operating in the sector of utilities managed to top a trading volume set approximately around 553659 for the day, which was evidently lower, when compared to the average daily volumes of the shares.
When it comes to the year-to-date metrics, the Sempra Energy (SRE) recorded performance in the market was -1.26%, having the revenues showcasing 1.89% on a quarterly basis in comparison with the same period year before. At the time of this writing, the total market value of the company is set at 42.55B, as it employees total of 16823 workers.
During the last month, 9 analysts gave the Sempra Energy a BUY rating, 0 of the polled analysts branded the stock as an OVERWEIGHT, 5 analysts were recommending to HOLD this stock, 1 of them gave the stock UNDERWEIGHT rating, and 0 of the polled analysts provided SELL rating.
According to the data provided on, the moving average of the company in the 100-day period was set at 150.34, with a change in the price was noted +6.62. In a similar fashion, Sempra Energy posted a movement of +4.61% for the period of last 100 days, recording 1,405,249 in trading volumes.
Total Debt to Equity Ratio (D/E) can also provide valuable insight into the companys financial health and market status. The debt to equity ratio can be calculated by dividing the present total liabilities of a company by shareholders equity. Debt to Equity thus makes a valuable metrics that describes the debt, company is using in order to support assets, correlating with the value of shareholders equity. The total Debt to Equity ratio for SRE is recording 1.60 at the time of this writing. In addition, long term Debt to Equity ratio is set at 1.28.
Raw Stochastic average of Sempra Energy in the period of last 50 days is set at 25.63%. The result represents improvement in oppose to Raw Stochastic average for the period of the last 20 days, recording 9.86%. In the last 20 days, the companys Stochastic %K was 4.71% and its Stochastic %D was recorded 13.08%.
Lets take a glance in the erstwhile performances of Sempra Energy, multiple moving trends are noted. Year-to-date Price performance of the companys stock appears to be encouraging, given the fact the metric is recording -1.26%. Additionally, trading for the stock in the period of the last six months notably improved by 7.60%, alongside a boost of 27.20% for the period of the last 12 months. The shares increased approximately by 1.71% in the 7-day charts and went down by -7.04% in the period of the last 30 days. Common stock shares were driven by 1.89% during last recorded quarter.
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Sempra Energy (SRE) is primed for evolution with the beta value of 0.45 - The InvestChronicle
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The evolution of the Kent State gun girl – UConn Daily Campus
Posted: at 1:45 am
Last Tuesday, Kaitlin Bennett was trending on Twitter after being met with riots during her visit to Ohio University. While trying to film a segment for her YouTube channel, Liberty Hangout, Bennett was bombarded by Ohio students who made it clear that herpresence was unwelcome. With such heavy backlash on Bennetts controversial methods of displaying her political opinions, especially from college students, I thought it would be important to spread awareness of the situation.
You probably know her betteras the Kent State Gun Girl. Kaitlin Bennettsmedia debut was undoubtedly her graduation photosetfeaturing an AR-10 rifle strapped to her back. In her YouTube video, How My Graduation Photo Changed My Life, she explains how her motive for thevexed decision actually came from her brothers idea.
Since Kent States policy prohibits students from carrying firearms on campus, but not guests, Justin said I should come back to campus with a rifle after I graduate to show how I couldnt even conceal-carry my handgun as a student, but could come back with an AR-10 and a 30-round magazine strapped to my back later that same day.
Since then, Bennett has changed the structure of her YouTube channel to visiting protests, parades and college campuses to interview pedestrians. Many have criticized the nature of her questions as they are interpreted to help support her own opinions rather than accepting others. Questions like What do you think about putting urinals in the womens restroom? and Should we put tampons in the mens restroom? have become infamously linked to Bennett. Her tendencies to ask questions regarding gender and sexuality have been denounced on social media for herdesignation to filter out certain answers, only to question or deny those who do not comply.
Bennetts manner of interviewing is not the only thing that has been the topic of such scrutiny. Clips of her saying controversial statements, including claiming to be a woman of color, have circulated online, resulting in even more backlash regarding her defense against protesters. Because of this, students are becoming aware of her campus visits, resulting in events such as Ohio University.
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Maxar Technologies Inc. (MAXR) is primed for evolution with the beta value of 0.82 – The InvestChronicle
Posted: at 1:45 am
Maxar Technologies Inc. (MAXR) is priced at $15.52 after the most recent trading session. At the very opening of the session, the stock price was $16.61 and reached a high price of $16.91, prior to closing the session it reached the value of $16.52. The stock touched a low price of $15.15.
Maxar Technologies Inc. had a pretty favorable run when it comes to the market performance. The 1-year high price for the companys stock is recorded $21.45 on 01/21/20, with the lowest value was $3.83 for the same time period, recorded on 03/29/19.
Price records that include history of low and high prices in the period of 52 weeks can tell a lot about the stocks existing status and the future performance. Presently, Maxar Technologies Inc. shares are logging -27.65% during the 52-week period from high price, and 305.22% higher than the lowest price point for the same timeframe. The stocks price range for the 52-week period managed to maintain the performance between $3.83 and $21.45.
The companys shares, operating in the sector of technology managed to top a trading volume set approximately around 1.91 million for the day, which was evidently lower, when compared to the average daily volumes of the shares.
When it comes to the year-to-date metrics, the Maxar Technologies Inc. (MAXR) recorded performance in the market was -0.96%, having the revenues showcasing 41.09% on a quarterly basis in comparison with the same period year before. At the time of this writing, the total market value of the company is set at 950.91M, as it employees total of 6100 workers.
During the last month, 2 analysts gave the Maxar Technologies Inc. a BUY rating, 0 of the polled analysts branded the stock as an OVERWEIGHT, 4 analysts were recommending to HOLD this stock, 0 of them gave the stock UNDERWEIGHT rating, and 1 of the polled analysts provided SELL rating.
According to the data provided on, the moving average of the company in the 100-day period was set at 13.30, with a change in the price was noted +8.19. In a similar fashion, Maxar Technologies Inc. posted a movement of +111.73% for the period of last 100 days, recording 1,973,491 in trading volumes.
Total Debt to Equity Ratio (D/E) can also provide valuable insight into the companys financial health and market status. The debt to equity ratio can be calculated by dividing the present total liabilities of a company by shareholders equity. Debt to Equity thus makes a valuable metrics that describes the debt, company is using in order to support assets, correlating with the value of shareholders equity. The total Debt to Equity ratio for MAXR is recording 4.48 at the time of this writing. In addition, long term Debt to Equity ratio is set at 4.45.
Raw Stochastic average of Maxar Technologies Inc. in the period of last 50 days is set at 45.60%. The result represents improvement in oppose to Raw Stochastic average for the period of the last 20 days, recording 7.74%. In the last 20 days, the companys Stochastic %K was 22.56% and its Stochastic %D was recorded 31.96%.
If we look into the earlier routines of Maxar Technologies Inc., multiple moving trends are noted. Year-to-date Price performance of the companys stock appears to be encouraging, given the fact the metric is recording -0.96%. Additionally, trading for the stock in the period of the last six months notably improved by 135.51%, alongside a boost of 123.95% for the period of the last 12 months. The shares increased approximately by 14.52% in the 7-day charts and went up by -12.91% in the period of the last 30 days. Common stock shares were driven by 41.09% during last recorded quarter.
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2020 Porsche 911 Review & Buying Guide | The icon, evolved – Autoblog
Posted: at 1:45 am
While its often clich to call a car iconic, the 2020 Porsche 911 is one of the few cars that truly earns it. The sleek, almost-a-supercar sports coupe has changed a lot over its many generations, yet it stays true to what the 911 has always embodied: power, agility and status. The new generation continues this pedigree, with a familiar shape and driving dynamics, but a gradual evolution in terms of styling and technology.
And, as ever before, the 911 coupe and Cabriolet convertible are more customizable than most cars on the market, but itll cost you. There is an almost endless list of features available that enhance performance, convenience and comfort, but you'll find that checking off options boxes will quickly balloon the price by five digits. This is a high-end sports car, so perhaps that doesn't matter, but for the slightly frugal-minded, you've been warned.
The Porsche 911 enters a new generation with the internal designation 992 for the 2020 model year. As such, it has updated styling inside and out. Its slightly wider than before, and boasts a larger, 21-inch rear wheel offering. The door handles are now flush with the body work. All models now have full-width LED rear lighting, whereas only all-wheel-drive models did in the previous generation. Heated seats and an auto-dimming mirror are now standard equipment.
The 911 still uses rear-mounted, twin-turbocharged flat-six engines, but power is up slightly.
The base models gains 9 horsepower, while the Carrera S goes up by 23 horsepower and 22 pound-feet thanks in part to larger turbos, a new intercooler and new injectors. A new eight-speed PDK dual-clutch transmission is standard, though there is a seven-speed manual option for the S models. The 911 also offers a Wet Mode, which adjusts the stability and traction management to improve grip in the rain.
The dash, which previously featured a vertical arrangement of binnacles and controls, returns to a more traditional horizontal shape that recalls the wing-like structure from pre-996 era cars. It's an elegant look, making the cabin feel at once spacious and streamlined. A thin strip of upward-facing real estate can be trimmed in materials like leather, carbon fiber, or wood.
Switchgear has also been modified, pairing a simpler interface with a wide touchscreen and five knurled toggles that activate with satisfying clicks. Thankfully the 911 avoids the glass panel haptic setup in the Panamera, retaining the physical feeling of buttons and dials. The big, analog tach remains (albeit subtly redesigned), but it's now flanked by digital screens that are thankfully unobtrusive if slightly blocked by the steering wheel rim. We really appreciate that the 911s touchscreen menu like other new Porsches is configurable, allowing you to put things where you want on the home screen. It also resists glare in the Cabriolet when the roof is down.
The Porsche 911 is pretty small. Its front seats will easily accommodate taller drivers, but headroom can be on the rare side, depending on your personal seating position. There are two second-row seats, but theyre not suitable for adults. Headroom is essentially nonexistent, and most front passengers will have to adjust out of their preferred seating position to accommodate rear foot- and legroom. We managed to shoehorn a front-facing child seat behind the front passenger seat, but it rendered the front seat unusable.
Basically, think of the 911 as having two seats and a large parcel shelf that's a useful place to put your purse, a couple grocery bags or small dogs. In that way, it's clearly superior to strictly two seaters. As the engine is where the trunk would usually be, the 911 has a front trunk (aka frunk) that can accommodate several grocery bags or a small rolling suitcase.
At the heart of every 911 is a rear-mounted flat-six engine. These days, in every model save for the GT3 and GT3 RS (which arent available for the 992 generation as of this writing), the engine is assisted by a pair of turbochargers. In the base rear-wheel-drive Carrera and all-wheel-drive Carrera 4, it makes 379 hp and 331 lb-ft of torque. With the standard seven-speed dual-clutch automated manual transmission (PDK), these models in the Coupe will do 0-60 mph in 4.0 seconds, or 3.8 with the optional Sport Chrono package and its Launch Control function. Add 0.2 seconds to that time for the Cabriolet versions.
The EPA has rated fuel economy for the 2020 Porsche 911 Carrera, Carrera Cabriolet, Carrera 4 and Carrera 4 Cabriolet at 18 mpg in the city, 24 mpg highway, and 20 combined.
The rear-drive S versions have 443 hp and 390 lb-ft. The Carrera S will do 0-60 in 3.4 seconds, and the 4S will do it in 3.5. The Sport Chrono package shaves two tenths of a second of that sprint, while a droptop, again, adds two tenths.
The Carrera S gets 18/24/20 mpg with the PDK, but 17/25/20 with a manual transmission. The 4S, S Cabriolet and 4S Cabriolet get 18/23/20 mpg with the PDK, and 17/24/20 with the manual.
Its sublime. If you want to experience driving essentially boiled down to its essence in a modern vehicle thats comfortable enough to daily drive, thats the 911. Driving the new 911 reveals strong, familiar traits, and the new car's wider stance and its staggered front/rear wheel size lend it a surefootedness that belies its relatively sedate ride (although don't expect the 911 to be as plush a grand tourer as a Lexus LC or BMW 8 Series). Turn-in is crisp and accurate with very little roll. Even in Sport Plus mode, the dampers feel more pliable than their former iteration, aided by new Porsche-calibrated controllers which take into account factors like road condition, vehicle weight and suspension kinematics. Every input is responsive, but without punishing occupants with a harsh ride.
And of course, it is addictively fun to accelerate. We like the raw, mechanic sound from the flat-six, and that giddy feeling in our stomach as the car pulls us forward at something approaching the speed of thought. Shifts from the PDK are quick and crisp and even trust you to do your job when in manual mode. Wait too long or miss a shift with the wheel-mounted paddles and the tach will bounce off the rev limiter. Different driving modes evoke different throttle, shift and ride quality behaviors, but steering always remains the same (kudos to Porsche for that one), and the Wet Mode provides some much appreciated stability when the roads are soggy.
Now, for those days when the roads are bone dry, the 911 Cabriolet comes into its own as one of the best convertibles on the market. Thanks to an ingenious integrated wind deflector that disappears when not needed, the 911 Cab provides an impressively serene environment with the roof down and windows up. When the roof is up, you'll be hard pressed to realize there's just fabric over your head as wind and road noise are impressively quelled.
This drive in Germany was our first crack at the base model of the new 911, and we find that it doesnt suffer much in the way of fun compared to the more powerful S models.
This was our very first time driving the 992 generation of the Porsche 911, and its in the hotter S and 4S trims, which arrived before the base Carreras. We take them for a spin both on road and at the track in Spain.
We drive the new 992 Carrera S and 4S convertibles in Greece, and wring them out on some lovely mountain roads.
Here we detail the very unique opportunity of picking up a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S from the original 911 factory in Stuttgart, driving it on the Autobahn, packing it on a cargo plane, flying with it to the U.S., and then stretching its legs on some of Americas best mountain roads.
The 2020 Porsche 911 trim lineup starts with the 911 Carrera coupe, and has a base price of $98,750, including the $1,350 destination fee. The 911 Carrera Cabriolet starts at $111,550. Standard equipment and features include 19-inch front and 20-inch rear wheels, summer performance tires, Wet mode Porsche Active Suspension Management, LED headlights, dual-zone automatic climate control, parking sensors, auto-dimming mirrors, automatic wipers, two USB ports and an eight-speaker sound system. However, there is such an abundance of options available to customize your 911, it's best to direct you to this breakdown of features, pricing and specs here on Autoblog.
2020 Porsche 911 pricing:
Standard safety equipment in the Porsche 911 includes the usual airbags, seat belts and LATCH anchors, as well as forward collision warning and automatic emergency braking. Optional features include lane keep assist and traffic sign recognition, night vision assist, blind-spot monitoring, adaptive cruise control, and adaptive headlights. Porsche will also sell you a Porsche branded car seat for your child or infant.
The Porsche 911 has not been crash tested by a third party.
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Sharing Books Online: An Evolution Over the Last Decade – Book Riot
Posted: at 1:45 am
Imagine for a moment that its 2010 and sharing books online is beginning to explode. I remember following a couple book blogs and newsletters back in 2010, but I wasnt watching any bookish content on YouTube yet, and I definitely wasnt following bookish content on Instagram, which didnt launch until fall of that year. Now jump forward a decade into 2020, and people are beginning to ask the question, Is book blogging dead? So what happened? How has book blogging changed in the last decade, and what does the future hold?
Danika Ellis, a contributing editor at Book Riot, spoke about this on the Book Riot YouTube channel. In short, she believes book blogging isnt dead, its just different. I have to agree with her.
I believe when we talk about book blogging, what were really talking about is sharing about books and reading online. The platforms we choose to share that bookish content may change and evolvefrom Tumblr to podcasts, from blogs to YouTube, from Goodreads to Instagram posts, and countless more varieties and combinationsbut I dont think the concept of sharing books online is dead. If anything, I think it is on a trajectory to continuously grow and evolve.
I think part of the reason the book industry declares book blogging dead is the decline, evolution, or whatever you would prefer to call it, of some of the major book websites that were the indie pioneers in sharing about books online in the early days. Here Im thinking of The Millions, which launched in 2003 with URL, and was acquired by Publishers Weekly in early 2019. Or Bookslut, which launched in 2002 and closed in 2016, when the founder and editor-in-chief decided to close the site and instead pursue a career as a traditional book critic.
But are these types of sites even what we consider todays blogs? Take our own site: Book Riot describes our itself as the largest independent editorial book site in North America. And The Millions refers to themselves as an online literary magazine. These platforms are more editorial, more like online magazines with multiple contributors than our concept of blogs in 2020.
When I think of todays book blogger, I picture an individual content creator talking about books online with a community of other readers. Bloggers differentiate themselves by bringing an element of the personal into their content and recommendations. And that activity of sharing or blogging could happen on a website, YouTube, a podcast, or Instagramand sure, that part has changedbut the act of sharing and discussing books online actually seems to be thriving.
I spoke with a handful of content creators who have been sharing about books online for the last decade to get their thoughts on the matter.
Sanne Vliegenthart of Bookandquills started sharing about books online back in 2008 because, according to her, she couldnt find anyone in the Netherlands to share her new-found love of Twilight (since it hadnt been translated into Dutch yet). Since then, Sanne has made a YouTube video just about weekly, and ended up moving to London to work in the publishing industry herself. She spoke fondly about the early days of book tag videos (where a creator answers a set of questions and tags other creators to do the same) and meet-ups, and the great community that has come out of more and more people sharing their love of books online. And while the content shes sharing has evolved from 2008 to 2020, Sanne is still very much talking about books online every week.
Another creator who got her start at the beginning of the last decade was Christine Riccio. Christine started sharing her reads online in 2011 when she was 19, and today she has over 408k YouTube subscribers, 154k Instagram followers, and has written her own book, Again, But Better. It would definitely seem there are lots of other readers out there who are interested in what shes creating and sharing!
But back in 2011 she felt making videos about books was such a weird thing that I was super insecure about doing at the time. I didnt think it would gain any traction when I started, but that didnt matter to me. I was just a super lonely girl looking for bookish friends to discuss my favorite reads with. And just like Sanne, Christine began to see reading and book recommendationsonce solitary activitiesbecoming a community activity.
Another thing in common among these creators is that they started sharing about books online at a pretty young age, as a way to meet other readers. Ariel Bisset was the same wayshe started sharing her reading online when she was just 16 years old! Nine years later and shes still at it. Today, Ariel views YouTube as her preferred platform for more ambitious bookish projects and Instagramand to get even more granular, Instagram Storiesas the place where she does regular reading and life updates.
Hearing that made me realize how much the world of book blogging, or our perception of book blogging is, has really changed in this most recent decade. Maybe back in 2003 it meant you had a blog if you had a Blogspot, but in 2020, book blogging can be a 15-second update about what youre reading on Instagram stories.
Or, of course, your book blog could still be a website. Like Danikas blog, The Lesbrary, which has covered bi and lesbian books for the last ten years, and today has around a dozen contributorsright on, Danika and team! Or even a site like Boot Riot where readers gather around a website, podcast, YouTube, and social media. You name the platform, all that matters is were sharing about books online, right?
I will say, that unlike some of the first or largest book blogs, which have that more editorial approach, the bookish content creators I interviewed for this piece all bring an element of the personal into their discussion of books online. The Wikipedia entry for blog, does describe the form as being diary-like, after all. For example, Sanne has shared at length about her experience applying for jobs in the publishing industry, working for Hot Key Books and later Penguin Random House UK, and then even freelancing in the book world. She has also made videos about books in translation, and full videos in Dutch about living in the UK and the Netherlands.
And Ariel has shared frankly and honestly about her mental health struggle during her English literature masters degree program, and the way she feels about the traditional structure of the academy. She has also spoken about being mixed race (Ariel is half Honduran and half Caucasian) and seeing her identity represented (or rather, not represented often) in literature. For them, sharing about books online is about more than just reviewing books, its about their personal relationship to books and reading, and about conversations they have with other readers.
Is that so different than what these creators were doing in 2010, though? Creator, Jesse George, who has been sharing his reading online since 2012, commented that back in the early days the type of content that was shared tended to be a bit more traditional and editorial. And while he doesnt think book blogging is dead, he does wonder if the standard book review is dead. The types of content that were popular when he first started sharing his reading eight years agothings like TBRs (to be read lists), book hauls, reading wrap-ups, and tag videosare no longer king of bookish content. Now, he believes, the online community is more interested in the creative, and even unfiltered, ways you can share about the books that youve read. Jesse says, Im just really excited to see creators in our community taking risks with their content and pouring their souls into what they do.
But one thing that has really changed for these creators is the role they play in the publishing industry today. Christine said that in back in 2012 she didnt even know what an ARC (an advanced readers copy) was, but by 2013 she was attending her first Book Expo America where she was asked to do her first author interview. It is now quite common for creators to attend conferences and speak on panels, alongside members of the traditional book media. Ariel agreed, saying, When I started being a book creator I really felt like I was on the outside of publishing looking into the world I was so devoted to, but now I feel like a part of it!
And this integration of bloggers into the publishing industry may continue to grow as the generation that grew up online works their way into more leadership roles within the industry. Sanne has the perspective of both working inside the traditional publishing industry, and as a freelancer in the book community. Interestingly, she shared that its people in publishing who are similar to my age (in their early 30s) or younger, whove grown up with social media themselves and have experienced what its like to get all your reading recommendations from the internet, that really get how to organize a great Instagram or YouTube campaign together.
The platforms or technology we use to share may well change, but all signs point to the fact that in this next decade we will all continue to share our love of reading online.
I asked all of these creators for their predictions on where the future of book blogging is headed. Of course, no one has a crystal ball. They were all surprised to see where book blogging took them in the 2010s, and are optimistic and excited to see how it will evolve in the next decade.
Since it is community we all seem to seek in the blogging world, I think the best hope for the future of the industry is that more and more people see themselves represented and reflected in bookish content online. Sanne agreed: I hope to see things get even bigger and hopefully even more inclusive. The more a community grows, the more people can see themselves in it and find a spot within a niche that they feel most at home. I think we can agree thats a future for book blogging we all would like to see.
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