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Category Archives: Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency Scamming – How To Spot? Hometown Station – KHTS Radio
Posted: March 17, 2022 at 2:15 am
Since people are unsuccessful in identifying hackers locations, it is imperative to know about the procedures to solve the puzzle of criminal activities in your account. The most famous incident took place two years back when an individual from the United States started using cryptocurrency for every investment. He effectively takes the benefits of the accounted value in his digital wallet. He had a total of Bitcoin of 15.5 million USD dollars, which he paid by earning from his hard work job. According to him, his partial investment in cryptocurrency and half in retirement was a successful plan. However, one day before his most significant investment in physical property in the real estate business, he received an email with detailed information about his transactions asking him to submit his private key for security purposes.
The man did not pay much attention to the email and reverted it by mentioning his necessary code. After 10 minutes, he realized that ended his endless efforts in making 15.5 million dollars. For the next few seconds, he did not realize what happened in 10 minutes that his digital wallet account was Nil. After Consulting with the Crypto exchange, he understood that the email was never sent by the exchange platform but by a professional hacker. Crypto exchange platform made him understand the illegal staff people do to have the account. During the conversation with the Crypto exchange, he understood the importance of keeping private information safe. The Crypto exchange also advises them about its further engagement with emails.
Cryptocurrencies have high-tech support, but it does not apply when professional hackers with sound Technology try to fool innocent people. Cryptocurrency from their side keeps the security enclosure, but if the individual does something out of the blue, it is not on the head of the Crypto platform for Coins. Cryptocurrency farming was a common point in the past; however, it is not so common because of the new technology that keeps the digital asset in the safest column.
If you feel that danger is crossing your digital wallet, it is essential to address the possibilities with the Crypto exchange. However, if you are a professional investor and know the tricks and tips about saving a digital account, you can do it yourself.
Usually, such common hacking problems are noticed in the latest developed cryptocurrencies, which are not reformed completely. However, digital money such as Bitcoin does not have common interference of hackers because Cryptography Technology precisely looks after the digital unit 24 x 7.
Meanwhile, the everyday hacking activity is coming forward towards your digital payment wallet that changes your secret key code or does not share your information with anyone.
Cryptocurrency danger comes with numerous ideas, such as a fake exchange. The first way of making the emergency of cryptocurrency hacking is by creating a fake exchange website. Usually, the newcomers do not know about the fake exchange site. For instance, the Crypto exchange in Korea with the most significant trading was found fake after one year. It resulted in the wastage of more than 10 million dollars of individuals.
Another way to identify your improved security is through connecting with the support team. But unfortunately, every Crypto exchange team provides you with unnecessary details of the Crypto wallet and tries to take your confidential information and verify it again. Usually, email messages are the best way to borrow the users information as it is the direct communication with the online investor.
These days fake application on the Google stores of Crypto wallet is widespread. The scammers have developed a new way of describing their unethical activity. First, they try to convince the individual to install the application on the phone and create the trust to share the confidential information. After the individual puts the information in the application will check the balance of the cryptocurrency wallet. And after 10 to 20 minutes of applying, they exchange that digital unit from the wallet.
These are a few ways through which the joint activity of cryptocurrency scamming occurs. Therefore, every educated individual shouldnt install any dangerous and fraudulent application.
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3 Myths Of Bitcoin And Other Participating Cryptocurrency Hometown Station – KHTS Radio
Posted: at 2:15 am
The massive explosion and acceptance of digital currency is the main route of encountering popularity. Digital units are available for public transactions, and the history of exchange is not modified. Cryptocurrencies are familiar with the business, and the immense vogue of Bitcoin is many time subjects to myth and misconceptions. There are always rumors about popular NFT System and Creations. Of course, purchasing the coin and doubts about vulnerability is a concern of millions. But until and unless new things are not tried and read in detail, the person never reaches the platform they deserve.
Every successful man is achieving the dream today because of the risk taken in the past. Confirming a successful tag becomes major when the risky path is taken over with complete guidance and detailed knowledge. However, in the case of cryptocurrency, the risk is the rumors created in the market to deprive people of the digital unit. However, rumors are like a water vapor that evaporates or ends when touched. Typically people are dead deep inside the myth and widespread rumors of cryptocurrencies to find whether they are true or not.
Key Takeaways
Myth 1
Crowdfunding Is A Legal In Cryptocurrency Business.
Raising funds from outside the world and people is not legal by any currency. There are no subjective rights given to traditional money to raise funds and help people suffering from irregular funding. Bitcoin also has the same existence and policies of providing the people with web collection of electronic money. Digitalization has brought investors worldwide to perform the legal activities of helping others in requirement. The mainstream cryptocurrency satisfies peoples needs, and the elasticity of supply buy Bitcoin has tremendously built a legal system for everyone.
Moreover, digital coins serve as a financial element in the economic sector with minimum transaction charges and massive contributions to legal projects. Privacy during crowdfunding is double interested with secure privatized coin.
Myth 2
Bitcoin Does Not Have Exact Value
It is Math because Bitcoin has a value expected near 57000 Dollars, and shortly, it will go beyond 100000 dollars. Without significant value, market capitalization can never be formed in trillions. If the currency does not have value, it means the massive lifespan of the currency is shorter term. Precious metal such as gold also has value, and it is prominent due to their expensive nature and popularity among the people. Likewise, the digital unit has also acquired a marketplace and reliable value during the launch and popularity. Henceforth acquiring bitcoin or ethereum will facilitate the massive application of content and value.
Myth 3
Bitcoin Is Lagging In Security
Lacking security to buy Bitcoin blockchain does not exist in real-time. It is a rumor because the double signature security and the Bitcoin network have cryptographic technology, a pure digital security and insurance combination. Bitcoin has never experienced failure in the transaction, and the possibilities of hacking are lagging in the currency. Moreover, the simplest form of the store in currency is subscribing to a digital wallet provided by the Bitcoin system. The fun part about Bitcoins digital wallet is that it is connected with the internet and has multiple options of eliminating broadband.
Final Verdict
Rumors are given fuel, especially by the government, to decline the power of transactions. However, intelligent investors dont waste their energy on waste information. They are going strong with trading.
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Cryptocurrency Decentraland’s Price Increased More Than 4% Within 24 hours – Benzinga – Benzinga
Posted: at 2:15 am
Decentralands (CRYPTO: MANA) price has increased 4.65% over the past 24 hours to $2.38, which is in the opposite direction of its trend over the past week, where it has experienced a 5.0% loss, moving from $2.49 to its current price. As it stands right now, the coins all-time high is $5.85.
The chart below compares the price movement and volatility for Decentraland over the past 24 hours (left) to its price movement over the past week (right). The gray bands are bollinger bands, measuring the volatility for both the daily and weekly price movements. The wider the bands are, or the larger the gray area is at any given moment, the larger the volatility.
The trading volume for the coin has climbed 36.0% over the past week, moving opposite, directionally, with the overall circulating supply of the coin, which has decreased 0.53%. This brings the circulating supply to 1.51 billion, which makes up an estimated 68.88% of its max supply of 2.19 billion. According to our data, the current market cap ranking for MANA is #35 at $3.54 billion.
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JasmyCoin price prediction: Can the cryptocurrency hit $0.10?… – The US Sun
Posted: at 2:15 am
VOLATILITY has continued for many cryptocurrencies including JasmyCoin this year but some are wondering where the price will wind up.
In the past 24 hours, JasmyCoin has dropped 1% to $0.01739, according toCoinMarketCap.
Year-to-date, the cryptocurrency is down 80%.
Across the board, manycryptocurrenciesare down this year includingBitcoin, as inflation and theRussia-Ukraine warhave spooked investors away.
Volatility is just one risk of investing in cryptocurrencies.
Another risk is the complexity that could come with cryptocurrencies. In other words, you shouldnt invest in anything you dont understand.
To avoid this, make sure you read company whitepapers, news reports, and other pieces of related information before buying.
Firstly, know that Tokyo, Japan-based company Jasmy Corp., an Internet-of-Things (IoT) provider, runs JasmyCoin.
In particular, Jasmys business model relates to buying and selling data.
Jasmy is led by former Sony executives including Kunitake Ando, and Kazumasa Sato.
According to the companys RoadMap, itallowsJasmyCoin holders to use personal data Jasmys platform.
Under the Jasmy platform, data only belongs to the user and they can decide how to use it as opposed to the service provider.
Meanwhile, service providers can send rewards to users in exchange for their personal data.
Jasmy will hope this will create a market and drive up the value of its coin.
As the number of service providers increases, services will expand, and data value will increase in a multiplier fashion through the addition and combination of data, Jasmy wrote.
Moreover, Jasmy aims to provide a marketplace that exchanges data securely.
Given the recent volatility, it will be tough to predict when exactly cryptocurrencies including JasmyCoin will end.
But investor and entrepreneur Shanka Jayasinha thinks that another bull run in the crypto markets could start in April.
This is "due to the restrictions free flowing assets thanks to the current geopolitical events as much as it can stay at this price level because of them and other potential regulatory measures," Mr Jayasinha said.
Assuming the market and project is "solid," Mr Jayasinha added that JasmyCoin could be "priced between 2 & 3 cents."
Meanwhile, coin forecasting websites including Wallet Investor have provided price predictions for JasmyCoin.
For example,Wallet Investorpredicts that the price will rise to $0.0424 a year from now. In five years, it sees the prices jumping to $0.131.
DigitalCoinPriceis a little less bullish, forecasting the price of JasmyCoin to be worth only $0.0222 on average in 2022.
In 2027, it expects the price average to inch up to $0.0392.
To hit $0.10, JamsyCoin would have to jump by 475% from its current trading levels.
For more related news to cryptocurrencies, we explainwhether or not governments can ban them.
Weve done price predictions onTezos,Bitcoin,Ethereum,Dogecoin,Shiba Inu, andSandbox.
Plus, a crypto scam recently involved a userlosing $300,000 worth of Bitcoinafter thinking she'd found love on a dating app.
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JasmyCoin price prediction: Can the cryptocurrency hit $0.10?... - The US Sun
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Top Cryptocurrency Prices: BTC and Tether Rise, While SOL Dives More – Analytics Insight
Posted: at 2:15 am
Analytics Insight enlists the top cryptocurrency prices for today
Cryptocurrencies are now considered as digital gold, largely due to their secure and private investment techniques, and also their freedom from political influence. Apart from their value as advanced payment mechanisms, cryptocurrencies have provided investors and speculators access to a dynamic and fast-changing market. Apart from Bitcoin, there are thousands of other cryptocurrencies that serve different purposes, sometimes yielding vast amounts of profits, while diving deep causing huge financial losses. In this article, Analytics Insight enlists the top cryptocurrency prices for March 15, 2022.
Bitcoin (BTC): US$38,793.54 (up by 0.71%)
Ethereum (ETH): US$2,547.66 (down by 0.83%)
Tether (USDT): US$1.00 (down by 0.00%)
BNB (BNB): US$366.97 (down by 0.47%)
USD Coin (USDC): US$0.9993 (down by 0.07%)
XRP (XRP): US$0.7608 (down by 0.82%)
Terra (LUNA): US$93.26 (up by 3.40%)
Cardano (ADA): US$0.7926 (down by 1.48%)
Solana (SOL): US$79.80 (down by 0.64%)
Binance USD (BUSD): US$0.9983 (down by 0.08%)
According to coinmarketcap, the global crypto market cap is standing at US$1.73T, with an increase of 0.09% over the last day.
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Why Cryptocurrency Regulation Is Actually A Good Thing for Investors, According to These Experts – NextAdvisor
Posted: March 11, 2022 at 11:56 am
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Cryptocurrency regulation can be a controversial topic, but plenty of experts say crypto investors should welcome it.
For starters, more regulation could mean more stability in a notoriously volatile crypto market. Regulations will come up and they have to come up at some point, which would stabilize the market even further, says Tally Greenberg, head of business development at Allnodes, a platform that provides hosting, monitoring, and staking services. That protects investors, so its a good thing. Its not a bad thing.
Still, many cryptocurrency enthusiasts fervently oppose new regulation. They say it would hinder innovation and goes against the spirit of cryptocurrency, which emphasizes decentralization at its core.
For these anti-regulation crypto enthusiasts, the decentralized nature of digital currencies which, unlike traditional currencies, arent backed by any institution or government authority is a big draw. So in this view, any new regulation would pose a threat to the decentralization that is a feature, rather than a bug.
New regulation also has the potential to protect long-term investors, prevent fraudulent activity within the crypto ecosystem, and provide clear guidance to allow companies to innovate in the crypto economy, according to Aaron Klein, a senior fellow in economic studies at the Brookings Institution, focused on financial technology and regulation. But forthcoming regulation will need to strike the right balance, he says.
In reality, you kind of have three possibilities: no regulation, bad regulation, good regulation, Klein says.
While a rise in mainstream adoption of crypto in 2021 led to a running debate on the role of the government in this largely unregulated sector, clear rules are still in development. This has left the industry guessing while thousands of tokens and digital currencies are introduced, and new companies and platforms emerge to help store and trade them.
Policies havent been devised yet, because theres no precedent to blockchain and crypto, so its a hell of a task, says Greenberg. I understand why people are stalling on it, but something needs to happen soon.
Recent conversations on Capitol Hill suggest its not a matter of if further regulation is coming, but when. President Biden signed off on new crypto legislation related to taxes in the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill late last year. And the Federal Reserve is toying with the idea of issuing a U.S. digital currency.
The Fed released a long-awaited report in January exploring the costs and benefits of a government-issued digital currency. The report ultimately deferred a final decision on whether to move forward, and the Fed is giving the public and other stakeholders until May 20 to share their input before taking further action. Stablecoins are also a hot button topic, and many experts anticipate it will be the first type of cryptocurrency to be regulated.
While new regulation has the potential to bring more stability to the crypto market, its still a highly volatile and speculative investment. Thats why financial experts advise most investors to keep crypto holdings to under 5% of their portfolios, and never to invest in crypto at the expense of saving for emergencies or paying off high-interest debt.
We asked experts for their take on the changing crypto regulatory landscape. Heres why they say more regulation would be a good thing for long-term crypto investors.
Regulating cryptocurrencies could be a healthy development for the industry, at least where everyday investors are concerned. Greater regulatory guidance, if well targeted, could help reduce speculation among crypto assets. Less speculation can lead to higher investor confidence, which could draw in more long-term investors who have so far said no thanks to a highly speculative, volatile crypto market.
Even if it doesnt bring more people in, it may change peoples current behavior, says Klein. Enthusiasts claim there are a lot of benefits cryptocurrency has over fiat currency and other asset classes, but those benefits can only come to full fruition if an appropriate regulatory framework is put into place, according to Klein.
Its hard to predict how the price-sensitive asset class will react to regulation over the long term, since itll depend on whether the U.S. government takes a more lenient or stringent approach. In the short term, any new regulation could inspire knee-jerk investor reactions to the markets, suppressing the trading values of cryptocurrency. For example, when China banned cryptocurrency transactions in September 2021, cryptocurrency markets dropped. But over the long term, regulation may have the potential to stabilize the market and reduce some risk for cryptocurrency investors, says Greenberg.
To be clear, new regulation could slow the roll of those trying to get rich quick by predicting the next coin that goes to the moon, she says. But thats a good thing for long-term investors.
Slowly but surely, we are not only being massively adopted as an industry, were also stabilizing more or less. Regulation will stabilize the market even further, says Greenberg
Crypto investors currently have little to no protection in the market, as there is no regulatory framework in place to ensure protection of assets.
Some exchanges maintain compliance with evolving federal and state regulators in the United States. This includes many established, high-volume U.S.-based exchanges, like Coinbase and Gemini, but theyre not regulated similarly to public stock exchanges or alternative trading systems. That can be problematic, according to Timothy Massad, former chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and a senior fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Most of the trading that goes on in the crypto world today is not regulated by any federal authority, and thats a big gap, says Massad. That means that investor protection is much, much weaker on these big exchanges than it is in our securities markets or our futures market.
Thats why regulation is needed to make the market safer, says Klein. Crypto will still likely be a risky investment, like individual stocks, but investor protections could make the market less vulnerable to outside manipulation. Safer markets can lead to more investor confidence, which often means greater value over time.
[Regulation] is important for investor confidence. Its important for basic fairness, and ultimately its important for the industry to grow, says Klein.
Crypto has been described as the Wild West by SEC chair Gary Gensler due to lack of regulation in the industry. The lack of laws and policies over this burgeoning area has created an opening for widespread fraud, scams, rug pulls, and market manipulation.
Crypto isnt subject to requirements to prevent fraud manipulation. Its not subject to standards on conflicts of interest, says Massad. My point is simply that we dont have the same kind of standards that we have in other markets. Today, that means buyer beware, essentially.
Crypto crime has grown tremendously over the last two years. Scammers took $14 billion worth of crypto last year, a record compared to the $7.8 billion taken by scammers in 2020, according to a report by blockchain data firm Chainalysis. And there are more than 17,000 altcoins, which are typically even more volatile and speculative than Bitcoin, and come with a higher risk of crypto scams and frauds. Even the most advanced and enthusiastic cryptocurrency experts understand there are many new and evolving risks in the world of crypto right now.
But there are several ways to protect your crypto. For starters, watch out for some common red flags that are similar to classic money wiring scams and credit card fraud, like obvious misspellings in emails or social media posts, promises to make you rich, or even large-scale social media crypto schemes known as rug pulls.
To protect your digital wallets from hackers, practice good digital security habits such as using a hot or cold wallet for extra safety or keeping your crypto in an exchange with robust security. Its also extremely important to keep track of your wallet key and not show it to anyone. Losing your key or having it stolen could mean losing your crypto altogether.As much as I like the decentralization and the lack of government [involvement], I am glad that they are paying attention, because unfortunately with cryptocurrency, there are a lot of scams, Kiana Danial, author of Cryptocurrency Investing for Dummies, recently told NextAdvisor.
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Why the cryptocurrency community is celebrating Biden’s executive order – The Verge
Posted: at 11:56 am
The White Houses plan for digital asset regulation is here, and though the order doesnt say much, cryptocurrency advocates are treating it as a win. Maybe that was inevitable, after a great deal of Twitter FUD (investor-speak for fear, uncertainty, doubt) about what the order would contain. The actual text, despite being a bit vague, is nonetheless a positive for the industry not least because it gives everyone some time.
There have been a few last-minute attempts to regulate cryptocurrency. There was, for instance, the time the Trump administrations Financial Crimes Enforcement Network attempted to push new proposed regulations over Christmas. (This was suspended.) There were also the proposed tax changes in last years infrastructure bill. (They passed.)
Im really excited that there will be an opportunity to be part of discussions to keep the US a leader in this space, says Kristin Smith, executive director of the Blockchain Association, an industry group. (The Trump-era FINCEN proposal ruined her Christmas that year.) There arent a lot of surprises in the EO the list of issues are ones that lawmakers and industry insiders have been discussing already.
Theres another reason for the crypto community to celebrate: the order legitimizes digital assets by treating them as worthy of measured regulation. Its approach sidelines cryptocurrencys most dogged skeptics and leaves people who think crypto is planet-destroying nonsense and there are a lot of those people! with few friends in DC to represent their point of view.
The order instructs agencies to develop policies that will protect consumers, investors, and businesses, as well as to guard against systemic risks. The Biden order specifically tells agencies to figure out ways to minimize any risks posed by illicit uses for cryptocurrency. But it also directs the Department of Commerce to figure out how to keep the US competitive in the development of digital assets.
People were concerned it would focus solely on the risks, says Blake Estes, a partner at Alston & Bird, who focuses on fintech. Hopefully, it gives more serious people comfort that they can enter the space and do serious projects and they wont be regulated out of existence.
The US government has been looking into all of this regulation already, and the executive order falls short of being a clear roadmap. But the emphasis on innovation in the text of the order as well as ensuring the responsible development of digital assets suggests that a crackdown on cryptocurrency is unlikely. The response from cryptocurrency enthusiasts has emphasized that.
Digital assets have immense potential economic and social benefits for countries that establish sensible regulation, wrote Faryar Shirzad, the chief policy officer at Coinbase, on Twitter. He wants to see the public brought into the process of regulating cryptocurrency, saying it is essential to get input from people whove been thinking about it for years. This is a hopeful moment.
The EO is just further affirmation that when serious officials take a sober look at crypto, the reaction is not to light their hair on fire, wrote Jerry Brito, executive director of Coin Center, a DC crypto think tank, on Twitter. Instead, the EO emphasizes that the US wants to remain competitive, fostering innovation while minimizing harm.
The acknowledgement from the White House and the Biden Administration that this sector warrants a whole-of-government approach to at once harness opportunities while controlling and managing inherent risks in responsible innovation is encouraging, wrote Dante Disparte, chief strategy officer of Circle, the company behind a dollar-pegged stablecoin called USDC, in a blog post.
The order also advances the central bank digital currency (CBDC), which may also mean a digital dollar. Sovereign money is at the core of a well-functioning financial system, macroeconomic stabilization policies, and economic growth, the order says. For this reason, researching, developing, and exploring deployment of a CBDC is of the highest urgency. That could mean faster and cheaper payments across countries borders and so the order calls for a report from agencies including the State Department and Homeland Security to weigh in on the future of money and payment systems. The Federal Reserve released its own, rather ambivalent, report on CBDCs earlier this year.
The order suggests that the US needs to develop a CBDC to maintain the dollar as the worlds reserve currency, notes Alan Konevsky, chief legal and corporate affairs officer of tZERO, a crypto trading system. The subtext there, as I read it, is that we need to do this to be leaders, Konevsky says.
While Konevsky feels the tone of the order overall isnt necessarily friendly, he, too, thinks the orders existence is a recognition of both how important and how mainstream digital assets have become. If the US has to build a CBDC in order to remain competitive, that may be all the validation the cryptocurrency community needs that their technology is important.
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Why the cryptocurrency community is celebrating Biden's executive order - The Verge
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Philadelphia house that mines cryptocurrency for sale – On top of Philly news – Billy Penn
Posted: at 11:56 am
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If the Disney Channel Original Movie Smart House came out today, the villainesque home would have Amazon Alexas embedded in the walls, use too much artificial intelligence, and somehow mine Bitcoin.
At one West Philly home, one of those futuristic home improvements is coming true.
A new listing at 835 N. 42nd St. in Belmont has three bedrooms, lots of natural light, outdoor space and a built-in cryptocurrency miner designed to generate passive income for the homeowner.
How it works: the miner is an inconspicuous black box that runs on Helium, a new cryptocurrency connected to the internet of things, the network that connects smart fridges, smart toasters, and other high-tech appliances. In this instance, the device connects to an antenna and a wifi router, and borrows bits of your internet bandwidth to mine crypto.
The more the Helium hotspot is used, the more crypto youll earn. You can follow along with your progress on an app, and experts say the new coin might be more environmentally friendly than other crypto.
When Billy Penn toured the house last weekend, the hotspot was mining $2.75 worth of cryptocurrency a day, which means it could net about $80 a month at Heliums current value. The hotspot only costs $1.50 a month in terms of electricity, which means its pretty easy to churn a profit at least according to Mark Masih, the realtor on the listing.
You can get a more real world estimate using a Helium explorer app, which will tell you there are currently 7 Helium hotspots in the neighborhood. Most are inactive, but the two that are running earned $16 and $25 last month, respectively.
Asia Hightower is a 42-year-old first time home-buyer who lived in Belmont for nearly 30 years before moving slightly west. When she saw Masihs listing, her first impression was Thats a nice house.
She liked the location, the finishes, and the brightness of the interior. But what really left an impression was the Helium hotspot.
It shocked the hell out of me. Once I realized what Mark was doing, I thought it was so forward thinking, Hightower told Billy Penn. It would be like walking into a savings account.
For Masih, its not about how much money the house generates, but what it represents: an opportunity for modern financial literacy.
In recent months, crypto has been called the currency of the alt-right, as white supremacists groups like the Daily Stormer turned to the decentralized tender to avoid financial oversight. And while 44% of cryptocurrency traders are people of color, theres a growing fear that a lack of access might box them out of future earnings.
There are a lot of demographics who might miss out on it, Masih said, and I want whoever buys this house and takes its value in to be someone who might not traditionally know about crypto.
In Belmont, a majority Black neighborhood, the median household income is a little over $25,000. The average sale price right now for a home in the area is about $97,000.
Masihs listing is going for $239,000. No one has made an offer yet, but that hasnt stopped him from thinking about the ideal buyer or how negotiations might go.
The order of importance is someone from the neighborhood, then someone who represents the neighborhood, said Masih. And if someone who fits that profile came in a little under asking [price], Id still prefer to sell to them.
Maish has been a real estate professional on and off for 8 years, and he works with Compass Realty, selling homes in West Philly, Kensington, and Fishtown.
Hightower fits his profile of the ideal buyer: from the area, open-minded, and excited about crypto. After she received her first round of stimulus checks during the pandemic, she bought $200 worth of Bitcoin and Etherum because it was trendy. Since then, shes diversified her portfolio a bit and earned back her initial investment.
Hightower says she sees the value in the home, but can imagine why older community members might not be interested.
An interactive map from the City Controllers Office reveals at least three gun violence hotspots within the neighborhood. Many residents are concerned that housing redevelopment and gentrification arent the right solutions. Hightower herself moved out.
For lots of long-time residents, better means flight. It means getting out of the neighborhood, said Hightower. After a while you get jaded and tired of the things that come along with living in this community.
On the environmental side, traditional Bitcoin mining is energy intensive. Large mining setups burn more electricity than some countries, while each individual transaction uses enough electricity to power the average American household for 6 weeks.
Helium hotspots just like the one in this West Philly house might end up being a sustainable alternative for those looking to get into decentralized finance, says PennFuture Director Rob Altenburg, who has examined the impact of crypto mining on Pennsylvanias environment.
What we dont like about Bitcoin is the wastefulness baked into it, Altenburg told Billy Penn. Helium could be a good alternative, since it doesnt have this wasteful proof of work system.
Because Helium more or less runs on ethernet, its energy consumption is much lower in comparison to Bitcoin.
Masih, the realtor, is cautious about whether or not the Helium hotspot will help sell the house, let alone solve any major environmental or economic problems.
I dont want someone to buy the house for the miner, Maish said. Helium is a token. It can fall apart next week.
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Philadelphia house that mines cryptocurrency for sale - On top of Philly news - Billy Penn
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Brother and sister charged with cryptocurrency fraud in New York – The Guardian
Posted: at 11:56 am
US authorities on Tuesday filed criminal charges against a cryptocurrency executive and civil charges against him and his sister, accusing them of defrauding retail investors out of millions of dollars with a digital token known as Ormeus Coin.
In papers filed in Manhattan federal court, the justice department said John Barksdale lied about the value and profitability of Ormeus Coins mining assets, including that the coin was backed by a $250m mining operation generating more than $5m of monthly revenue.
Barksdale and his sister JonAtina (AKA Tina) Barksdale were separately charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with conducting fraudulent unregistered offerings of Ormeus Coin.
The SEC said the Barksdales since 2017 raised $124m from more than 20,000 investors through their multi-level marketing company Ormeus Global SA, and spent millions of dollars on travel, real estate and other personal expenses.
Authorities said the siblings promoted Ormeus Coin through roadshows and social media, as well as a Times Square jumbotron in Manhattan proclaiming: $250 Million Cryptocurrency Mining Farm Revealed in Legal Audit by Ormeus Coin.
The Barksdales acted as modern-day snake-oil salesmen in misleading investors, Melissa Hodgman, associate director of the SEC enforcement division, said in a statement.
Lawyers for the Barksdales could not immediately be identified.
John Barksdale has been arrested, and faces up to 65 years in prison on securities fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy charges, according to the justice department.
Both defendants are US citizens, with John Barksdale, 41, having lived in Thailand and JonAtina Barksdale, 45, in Hong Kong, the SEC said.
The SEC chair, Gary Gensler, has called the cryptocurrency industry the wild west of finance and wants cryptocurrency exchanges to register with the SEC.
The White House has been considering broad oversight over the cryptocurrency market, in part to address ransomware and other cybercrime.
Joe Biden is expected this week to direct the justice department and other federal agencies to study possible ramifications from creating a US central bank digital currency, a person familiar with the matter said.
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Brother and sister charged with cryptocurrency fraud in New York - The Guardian
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Hire a writer and a lawyer before releasing a cryptocurrency white paper – TechCrunch
Posted: at 11:56 am
In theory, crypto white papers are staid, scientific documents intended to describe a complex, precise method for creating unique blockchain products.
In practice, however, white papers are frequently a marketing play intended to help crypto startups generate earned media. Even so, they are still very much in demand in certain situations.
To find out which types of white papers resonate with potential supporters and investors, I asked a number of crypto creators: What does an effective white paper look like in 2022, and is it still a hard requirement?
The short answer is yes, but a number of changes in the industry are reshaping the way participants and investors look at white papers. Traditional scientific white papers are falling by the wayside, replaced by documents that read more like a well-designed financial prospectus.
Weve seen a number of white papers in the form of PowerPoint-style decks or even videos. Regardless of format, to achieve the main goal of defining what kind of product you are building, this document will require input from a wide variety of stakeholders.
For tokenized securities, for example, white paper authors must work with a legal team to ensure that they are accurately describing a projects parameters and regulatory compliance. If its a fintech product that doesnt hold client crypto or fiat currency, they can afford to be slightly less regimented. That said, in some cases, a white paper will be an integral part of startup strategy.
Many financial parents or exchanges are not licensed to offer securities, which is why they would look at the white paper or token-issuing memorandum during their due diligence, said Yana Afanasieva, CEO and founder of Competitive Compliance.
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Hire a writer and a lawyer before releasing a cryptocurrency white paper - TechCrunch
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