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Category Archives: Cryptocurrency

Coin Brief Podcast #25: Cryptocurrency Bill, BitLicense Comments, USMS Bitcoin Auction, & More – Video

Posted: December 9, 2014 at 5:46 am

Coin Brief Podcast #25: Cryptocurrency Bill, BitLicense Comments, USMS Bitcoin Auction, More
Visit us at and follow us on social media! Twitter: Facebook: Sean Win...

By: Coin Brief

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Coin Brief Podcast #25: Cryptocurrency Bill, BitLicense Comments, USMS Bitcoin Auction, & More - Video

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Bitcoin: Behind The Cryptocurrency Curtain | KERA News

Posted: December 3, 2014 at 7:56 am

Fans of bitcoin tout the digital currency as secure, anonymous and efficient. But wildly fluctuating exchange rates and charges recently in an alleged bitcoin Ponzi scheme in North Texas have put a spotlight on bitcoins risks.

Tyler Moore is an assistant professor of computer science and engineering at Southern Methodist University and he joins KERA's Justin Martin for a conversation on bitcoin.

Interview Highlights: Tyler Moore ...

... On bitcoinand cryptocurrency:

"Bitcoin is a currency just like dollars or euros or pounds, but its completely digital so theres no paper equivalent. To do that, you need to have some rules in place so that people cant willy-nilly copy the bits and steal each others bitcoins so thats where the crypto comes in you have some cryptography to protect against double spending and sort of enforce the rules of the system."

... On how to acquire bitcoin:

"So theres two main ways - the more esoteric way is to mine bitcoins, but if youre new to bitcoin the most common way is to go to a currency exchange, just like you would when you enter a new country, go the airport, go to the exchange, and provide your dollars and get whatever currency youd like. You can get to an online currency exchange and pay your dollars and whatever the current market rate is theyll give you the equivalent in bitcoin."

... On bitcoin's value:

"Its like any other digital commodity in that it finds its value in the people who use it. Which is one reason we see these huge fluctuations in that there can be wildly differing demands for the currency at a given time."

... On the McKinney Ponzi scheme:

Originally posted here:
Bitcoin: Behind The Cryptocurrency Curtain | KERA News

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Cryptocurrency exchange EXMO.COM

Posted: November 30, 2014 at 9:50 pm

Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009. The main difference of bitcoins from other types of digital currency is its total openness: its source code is open for public perusal and has been repeatedly verified by security experts. There is no central authority that issues new bitcoins or controls money operations: all the transactions are available for tracking by all bitcoin users and are verified automatically. Despite that, one can preserve the anonymity of payment by not using the real personal information but only bitcoin addresses.Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009. The main difference of bitcoins from other types of digital currency is its total openness: its source code is open for public perusal and has been repeatedly verified by security experts. There is no central authority that issues new bitcoins or controls money operations: all the transactions are available for tracking by all bitcoin users and are verified automatically. Despite that, one can preserve the anonymity of payment by not using the real personal information but only bitcoin addresses.

As theres no central controlling body, your account cannot be blocked if you keep bitcoins on your computer, what is considered one of the major system advantages. Nobody is able to prevent you from sending or receiving money transfers. At the same time transactions are completed almost immediately and are charged with minimum fees or are free. You can forget about bank working hours, non-working days or money transfers that take days to be executed. You can manage your funds any day, at any time and in whatever way you see fit. In this manner the reliability of a bank or a bitcoin account keeper is stipulated by the verified mathematical algorithms and cryptography mechanisms.

You may not worry about your funds because in contrast to other currencies there cannot be issued an indefinite number of bitcoins, and thats why inflation and consequent decrease of the purchasing power of your savings are totally excluded. There can only exist a certain number of bitcoins, and once 21 million bitcoins have been issued, their mining will stop.

The way of creating new bitcoins is of a special interest: bitcoins are equally distributed among those who support the Bitcoin network with their computing power, verifying and protecting users transactions. Everyone can take part in this process, but in order to do this a very powerful computer hardware is required.

Bitcoins success drew great attention to it and there started to emerge new digital currencies that partially or totally copied the essence of Bitoin, sometimes bringing to the market new interesting possibilities. Nevertheless, Bitcoin is still the most known and popular cryptocurrency.

If on some web or in a shop you see written Bitcoin accepted here or just a Bitcoin sign, it means that at that place you can pay for requested services, goods or make a donation using bitcoins. You can also accept bitcoins as a payment for your services or products. Bitcoins are easily exchanged for other currencies (e.g. roubles or dollars) on special exchange platforms or exchange bureaus, as well as on this page.

If you want to get a deeper understanding of how Bitcoin functions or of its technical features, we recommend you to take a look at our F.A.Q. about Bitcoin and read the specialized article on Wikipedia.

In order to buy bitcoins or other cryptocurrency, please replenish your account making a deposit in roubles (or in any other currency that you wish to give for Bitcoin).

You can do this quite easily just clicking on Refill my account below the exchange field and choosing from the dropdown list the currency, the method (the payment system) and the desired amount.

After that you will be able to buy bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency.

Continued here:
Cryptocurrency exchange EXMO.COM

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A Name Matters: Cryptocurrency Names and Ratings

Posted: November 29, 2014 at 10:49 am

It has been mentioned before that the success of an alternate cryptocurrency depends on 5 primary things:

But it was quite unexpected that the name of the coin does play the most important role over the long term, since its the only one thing from the five features, mentioned above, that cannot be changed, or significantly improved.

A member using the moniker alt19 explained:

You can add an infrastructure, you can add innovative features to any coin, theoretically, but you cannot change the past, you cannot change the history that is in price logs and in a peoples memory.

So lets try to build a rating of the cryptocurrency names of real coins, based on various criteria:

This story is based on the ideas of Bitcointalk community members. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you will find the thread here:

Do you think the name of a coin matters? Whats your favorite name? Log in below using your favorite social network and weigh in on the discussion.

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A Name Matters: Cryptocurrency Names and Ratings

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Cryptocurrency cruncher cranks prime number constellation

Posted: November 28, 2014 at 7:47 pm

Intelligent flash storage arrays

Bitcoin mining, our own Simon Rockman wrote last January, is essentially a brute-force attack on the generating algorithm.

Bitcoin, and all the other alt-coins, is training a skillset for building password-cracking hardware that is both powerful and portable, he wrote.

It looks like cryptocurrencies are also helping to spot some useful prime numbers, according to the folks behind Riecoin.

Riecoin is a fork of Bitcoin and offers the chance for distributed or standalone mining. Participating in currency's gestation also has a by-product of highly-verified prime sextuplets. As the Riecoin folk note, there's a US$1million prize up for grabs for anyone who can prove The Riemann Hypothesis' suggestion that prime numbers occur in some sort of pattern.

As prime numbers are rather handy when encrypting data, there's some value in knowing more about them. Detail-oriented Reg readers will, by now, have noted that Riecoin and Riemann Hypothesis are rather similar: that's no accident, as the currency is named in homage to the mathematician.

Riecoin claims that its cluster of distributed coiners have, during November, twice broken the world record for creating a prime sextuplet, a collection of six prime numbers packed together as tightly as possible.

On November 17 the Riecoin swarm cranked out a sextuplet in 70 minutes. A week later, it beat that record and produced longer primes while doing so. There's more detail about Riecoin and the maths behind it in this FAQ.

Riecoin's also a cryptocurrency and is traded on several exchanges, at a value of about 0.0000175 bitcoin.

Top 5 reasons to deploy VMware with Tegile

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Cryptocurrency cruncher cranks prime number constellation

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Matthias Krner talks about – Video

Posted: November 27, 2014 at 1:53 pm

Matthias Krner talks about
Matthias Krner talks about the cryptocurrency bank initiative. There will be a workshop on the 15th/ 16th December in Munich. Go to http://cryptocurrency-ba...

By: Fidor TecS

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Matthias Krner talks about - Video

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Quit Dough Cryptocurrency for use with e-cigs and e-liquid – Video

Posted: at 1:53 pm

Quit Dough Cryptocurrency for use with e-cigs and e-liquid
Our vision for Quit Dough is to create a currency that is backed by a product that has faced similar issues to Crypto Currency, e-liquid. The aim is to offer...

By: Mindy Bridgeman

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Quit Dough Cryptocurrency for use with e-cigs and e-liquid - Video

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CryptoCurrency Report 11-20-14 – Video

Posted: November 26, 2014 at 1:49 pm

CryptoCurrency Report 11-20-14

By: El Greco

CryptoCurrency Report 11-20-14 - Video

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086 PRIVACY InfoSec Bitcoin CryptoCurrency Philosophy Anarchy Anonymous Naughty Sexy Kitty Cat Tech – Video

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 3:50 pm

086 PRIVACY InfoSec Bitcoin CryptoCurrency Philosophy Anarchy Anonymous Naughty Sexy Kitty Cat Tech +

By: VanosEnigmA Enigmaisland

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086 PRIVACY InfoSec Bitcoin CryptoCurrency Philosophy Anarchy Anonymous Naughty Sexy Kitty Cat Tech - Video

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Bitcoin might fail but the blockchain is here to stay

Posted: at 3:50 pm

Bitcoin could end up being the MySpace of cryptocurrency, but the underlying technology powering new payment methods is here to stay. That's according to Brock Pierce, a tech entrepreneur with his eyes firmly fixed on cryptocurrencies.

"By having a baseline protocol that allows you to innovate around finance, a lot of interesting things can happen," he says. The protocol Pierce is talking about is the blockchain -- a public, transparent ledger that gives a chain of transactions that is secure and reliable.

"This protocol is going to democratise the global financial system," Pierce explains to the audience at WIRED Retail. In South America and Africa the blockchain, be it through Bitcoinor another cryptocurrency, has huge transformative potential.

Pierce also believes that the technology could have an impact on other processes. Voting systems that used the blockchain could ensure that elections were free of corruption and easier to run.

He compares the use of Bitcoin in the developing world to Africa's "jump" to mobile communications. With little in the way of fixed line networks many countries went straight to mobile phones -- similar things could happen with Bitcoin. Pierce ought to know, he's the cofounder of Crypto Currency Partners (CCP) which has invested in 25 crypto projects so far this year.

One market already using the blockchain to bypass traditional banks is international money transfer. People who move abroad to find work and want to send money home are hampered by expensive international transfer speeds, but cryptocurrency removes this barrier.

"This innovation is more substantial than the internet. The blockchain is going to have an even larger impact. As to what currency does it -- that's difficult to say."

"I think that people are starting to recognise the value of the blockchain, whether that be large banks becoming incredibly friendly to the blockchain and the innovation it represents. The opportunities it creates are substantial enough that I don't see this trend coming to an end."

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Bitcoin might fail but the blockchain is here to stay

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