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Category Archives: Cryptocurrency
MCAP: The New Buzz in the Cryptocurrency World – NewsBTC – newsBTC
Posted: May 9, 2017 at 3:05 pm
MCAP is a mining and ICO token launched by BitcoinGrowthFund (BGF) which is a Blockchain based Venture Capital Fund.
MCAP is a mining and ICO token launched by BitcoinGrowthFund (BGF) which is a Blockchain based Venture Capital Fund. BGF is a kick-starter where customers can own equity in the form of tokens in various investment opportunities.
BGF launched the sale of MCAP tokens on the 27th of April and took the Blockchain world by surprise by raising over $4 million in 10 days. The sale of MCAP tokens will end when we reach the sale cap or when the number of tokens released is exhausted. MCAP will be available to the public for trading on various platforms in the coming month.
The Blockchain community is showing a keen interest in our token sale and many members have been kind enough to offer their support and invest in our MCAP tokens.
As the public is slowly becoming more aware about the cryptocurrencies circulating in the market, more people have started investing in coins such as Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin etc.
In the recent months, the price of Bitcoin has gone from $954 to a little over $1500 and predictions are that by the end of 2017, Bitcoin will see an increase of nearly 150% of its price in March 17. Similarly, other cryptocurrencies such as Ether, Litecoin, Zcash etc. have also witnessed an exponential increase in their price.
We at Bitcoin Growth Fund have realised the potential profits which can be generated from mining and have developed an algorithm to calculate which cryptocurrency would be most profitable to mine at any given moment based on various parameters.
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the latest development in the market to raise funds for projects where companies raise money through tokens to invest in other avenues.
According to the recent article published in Forbes by Roger Aitken, the boom in cryptocurrencies by the end of 2017 will outpace bitcoin by a wide margin and their mining will yield substantial returns.
With MCAP tokens, our aim is to enable the average user to be able to earn huge returns in the long run by investing in one single coin rather than investing in multiple cryptocurrencies and hoping for their price to increase.
With the money raised through the sale of our MCAP tokens, BGF will invest in the mining of Bitcoin & other alt-coins along with investing in other ICOs. With the growing market cap and gradually increasing trading volumes of cryptocurrencies, our development team at BGF has developed algorithms to help us decide which alt-coin to mine at any time to get maximum profits.
Once released onto several trading platforms, supply and demand will be the only factors affecting the price of MCAP tokens. Our token is the best possible long term investment for customers as the MCAP tokens will surely yield huge returns and we hope to see the price of each of our tokens increase to $70 once the users start buying and selling MCAP tokens.
BGF is offering lucrative discounts to the early buyers of MCAP tokens. Kindly refer to the website link for more details.
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Cryptocurrency Users in Panama Can Now Trade Dash via …
Posted: May 7, 2017 at 11:30 pm
Dash, the privacy-focused cryptocurrency,is now live on Panamanian broker and cryptocurrency wallet Coinapult, allowing usersto tradeit against twenty national currencies. Furthermore, Coinapults partnership with Crypto Capital, holders of an international money transmitter license, provides a bridge for regulated crypto to fiat conversion.
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Dash VP of Business Development Daniel Diaz said: We have been interested in Coinapult and Crypto Capital for a long time, and were just waiting for the right time. This integration is massive for current and future Dash users because they really solve the question on how to buy and sell Dash in an easy and safe way using fiat. You get a digital currency on/off ramp that is directly connected with a fully functioning money-transmitting platform similar to online banking.
You get your own segregated account with Crypto Capital, which is fully integrated with Coinapult, and you wire funds from your current bank to your Crypto Capital account. Rather than wiring funds to a third-party exchange directly, you are in control of all the accounts involved in the wire transfer process. With less risk and less friction holding and storing value on Dash becomes safer if you add to this the fact that Dash has fast and inexpensive transactions, you get a great overall user experience.
CEO of Coinapult, Gabe Sukenik, said: Giving the Dash economy access to Crypto Capital via Coinapult could be a significant step forward for the liquidity of Dash for bank-settled fiat currency. Even in the midst of significant banking difficulties for bitcoin companies broadly, Crypto Capital has continued to service individuals and businesses that need access to bitcoin-friendly international wire settlement. Dash users now can directly buy or sell Dash in fiat, using Crypto Capital and Coinapult.
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Three Million Active Cryptocurrency Users Says Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance – newsBTC
Posted: at 11:30 pm
A study conducted by the University of Cambridge has concluded the size of cryptocurrency community to be around 3 million. Read more...
A recent study conducted by the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance has set the number of active cryptocurrency users across the world at 3 million. It includes people who use either one or more cryptocurrencies that are currently available in the market.
A resulting report from the recently conducted Global Cryptocurrency Benchmarking Study includes data collected from over 100 cryptocurrency companies spread across 38 nations, which makes up for about 75 percent of the crypto-industry. With the help of this data, the organization has presented the statistics regarding the size of cryptocurrency community for the first time since Bitcoins inception in 2009.
Until now, the widely used conservative estimates considered the communitys size to be of about 1 million, with over 35 million operational wallets distributed among themselves. The systematic study has divided the industry into four distinct sectors which include exchange platforms, wallets, payments, and mining. All these sectors are important for the functioning of a well-defined cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin have been seen by some as merely a passing fad or insignificant, but that view is increasingly at odds with the data we are observing,
says Dr. Garrick Hileman, Research Fellow at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance
During their study, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance has found that the market share of Bitcoin is steadily declining due to the proliferation of other altcoins. In the past two years alone, Bitcoins market capitalization has reduced from 86 percent to 72 percent of the cryptocurrency industrys total market capitalization.
In terms of regulatory compliance among various market players, about 52 percent of small exchange platforms were found to have government issued licenses as against 35 percent of larger platforms. The number of cryptocurrency wallet services that also serve as exchange platforms has increased to 52 percent.
In the report, it is quite evident that there is a lot to be desired when it comes to cryptocurrency transactions between businesses. The average size of B2B transactions is found to be about $1878, which is a very small amount when compared to those in P2P and C2B segment.
The cryptocurrency mining industry has grown huge in the recent days. The use of powerful mining hardware combined with increasing cryptocurrency prices has seen miners earning as much as $2 billion in mining revenues since 2009. As expected, China leads the pack with the highest number of mining facilities. The cryptocurrency mining sector currently has 1800 people employed in a full-time capacity as the total value of the cryptocurrencies crosses $40 billion.
These numbers stated in the report are expected to go up in the coming days as more countries consider legalizing the cryptocurrency. Increasing demand for cryptocurrencies due to various geopolitical factors and growing community size will see its value increase further, eventually crossing the total value of gold which is estimated to be around $7 trillion.
Three Million Active Cryptocurrency Users Says Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance - newsBTC
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BOScoin – A Promising Self Evolving Cryptocurrency Framework – Live Bitcoin News
Posted: at 11:30 pm
BOSCoin is a self evolving decentralized cryptocurrency that is centered upon a special form of smart contracts, referred to as trust contracts, along with a system for decision making known as the Congress Network. Trust contracts represent forms of secure smart contracts that are based on a protocol layer known as Owlchain, which is comprised of Web Ontology Language and Time Automate Language. Trust contracts aims at addressing the issues of non-decidable smart contracts via means of a more comprehensible programming approach which promotes decidable and secure contracts transactions. The Congress Network represents the decision making system which mitigates issues of governance that usually arise in decentralized organizations. Via an automated and clearly defined governance framework, the creators of BOScoin aim to continuously develop the protocol and the community into a more anti-fragile platform.
Yesterday, the creators of BOScoin announced that the ICO will start on May 10, 2017. The ICO is expected to last for 41 days; throughout which, 276,093,688.786coins are to be sold.
When the ICO starts, participants will be able to buy 40,000 BOScoins for 1 bitcoin. The BOS platform aims at raising at least $10 million via this ICO. In November, 2016, the creators of the coin managed to raise $3 million USD via their Pre-ICO.
BOScoin is formulated to build a self evolving cryptocurrency network. Considering the recent technological advancements in various arenas including quantum computing, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, it is almost impossible to predict how cryptocurrencies will end up to be in 5 years time. BOScoin is designed to build a cryptocurrency that can be adaptable within every environment.
In most cases, cryptocurrencies turn into speculative tools with rather limited actual applications. However, this wont be the case of BOScoin, as the BOS platform will launch two apps; Stardaq and Delicracy, which will use BOScoin as their main currency, serve as routes for distributing free BOScoins, help grow the BOS platform via attracting new users and offer developers a new platform for creating apps.
Stardaq is expected to be a prediction market for the popularity of international celebrities. An index is used to represent a celebritys popularity and participants can bet on whether or not a celebritys popularity will rise. Users can only place bets via BOScoins.
Delicracy represents a collective tool for decision making that can be utilized by any organization. All participants can get involved in the process of decision making via betting on a group of proposals, similarly to Augurs prediction market. The proposal that receives the highest bets will be passed.
BOScoin is based on the proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithm, so no mining takes place. So, if you run a node, you will receive incentives in the form of freezing and confirmation rewards. Also, the coins board are giving away free coins to participants. Visit BOScoins thread for more details.
In my opinion, BOScoins is a very promising coin, so if you have a PC lying around, use it to set up a node to earn some BOScoins, whose price will mostly rise within the next 1-2 years.
For more details about BOScoin, you can read the white paper via visiting this link. .
Image from BOScoins official website
About Dr Tamer Sameeh
View all posts by Dr Tamer Sameeh
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Tim Draper to Back Tezos Cryptocurrency ICO – newsBTC
Posted: at 11:30 pm
Renowned investor, Tim Draper will participate in an ICO for the first time, setting an example for other angel and VC investors. Read more...
Tim Draper, a well-known name in the Silicon Valley investor circles, has announced his plans to take part in an initial coin offering (ICO) for the first time. By doing so, Draper will not be deviating from the conventional investment practices followed by many investors while putting their money into a business. The upcoming ICO that got Draper interested is for a blockchain platform called Tezos.
Cryptocurrency technology and its applications are catching everyones attention in the recent days. The number of currently available blockchain platforms and the involvement of almost all the leading names in financial and technology sectors has played a significant role in encouraging people from mainstream technology and business segments to start investing in crypto-sector. Some of the mainstream tech investors like Tim Draper and a shift in their investing habits are sure signs of the changing times, influenced by Bitcoin and its counterparts.
Tim Draper has been one of the active supporters of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technology based ventures. He became well-known in the cryptocurrency community after buying over 30,000 bitcoins that belonged to Silk Road during the US Marshal Services auction.
The new Tezos blockchain platform is being created by Dynamic Ledger Solutions Inc., run by a husband and wife team. They are putting their extensive Wall Street and hedge fund experience from working in companies like Goldman Sachs and Bridgewater Associates to develop the blockchain solution. According to reports, in addition to his participation in the Tezos ICO, Tim Draper will be investing in the platforms parent company, created by Arthur and Kathleen Breitman.
Draper rightly believes that by participating in the ICO, he will be setting an example for rest of the investor community to follow the new age of fundraising. These ICOs, also known as crowdsales are increasingly being used by the cryptocurrency platforms as a form of crowd fundraising where any interested party can buy the tokens in return for the investment made into the platform and reap benefits from its success. Drapers participation in the ICO will not only encourage others to take part in it, but it will also increase the chances of successful completion of many crowdsales. Investors can also diversify their risk, keeping it to a minimum while having the tokens as collateral.
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Botnet Mines Over $1000 Worth Cryptocurrency Everyday – newsBTC
Posted: May 6, 2017 at 3:18 am
The new Bondnet botnet infects over 15000 Windows servers, mines cryptocurrencies worth almost $1000 a day. Read more...
Cybersecurity at the time of cryptocurrencies must be taken seriously. The sheer processing power needed to mine cryptocurrencies and the increasing value of various digital currencies has got hackers and cybercriminals exploiting the processing power of unsecure IT infrastructure. A malware developer, allegedly based out of China was recently found to be operating a botnet going by the name Bondnet after compromising over 15,000 Windows servers.
According to reports, the malware creator Bond007.01 is using the botnet to mine various cryptocurrencies. The Bondnet botnet was discovered by security researchers at the GuardiCore cyber-security firm. Their reporton the newly found botnet states that the Bondnet has been operational since December 2016, earning a small fortune daily in the process.
Even though Bondnet has been actively mining a variety of cryptocurrencies, its focus seems to be on Monero a CryptoNote based digital currency known for its anonymity. The infected Windows Servers that are part of the botnet includes those belonging to various global companies, universities, local government bodies and even public institutions. It is estimated that the person(s) behind Bondnet have been earning about $1000 or upwards of $25000 a month by harnessing the processing power of compromised servers.
Bondnet makes use of a variety of known exploits, both old and new to install a Windows Management Interface trojan. The trojan acts a link between the Command and Control and the infected server, giving Bond007.01 complete control. However, the operator of Bondnet doesnt seem to be interested in the data as he/she hasnt attempted to hold it for ransom. GuardiCore believes that the exploit is purely financially motivated, where a sustained mining operation could yield more returns than one-time ransom demand.
The botnet network is constantly expanded with about 500 new servers being added to it daily. The attack has left many owners shortchanged due to increased power consumption, with bills going up by anywhere between $1000 $2000 per month.
In order to prevent such incidents, it is advisable for businesses and server owners to frequently monitor the performance of their IT infrastructure and keep the software updated to latest versions. whenever there is any discrepancy in the performance, they should conduct a thorough investigation to find the cause and take necessary steps to mitigate the issue.
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CME Explores Cryptocurrency Derivatives Contracts in Patent Filing – CoinDesk
Posted: at 3:18 am
Derivatives giant CME has developed a system for delivering digital currencies tied to derivative contracts, patent documents show.
The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published CME's application on 4th May, entitled "System for Physically Delivering Virtual Currencies". At its heart, the concept envisions delivering cryptocurrency holdings tied to a particular contract without the clearing party actually taking possession.
The firm is already known to be looking, at least conceptually, at the idea of derivatives contracts for bitcoin miners. As previously reported by CoinDesk, the proposed derivatives would enable miners to more effectively hedge against the ever-increasing difficulty of mining (the energy-intensive process by which new transactions are added to the blockchain), as well as the declining value of their mining hardware.
The new application indicates that CME is looking at additional products tied to the tech, with the firm explaining:
"A clearing counter-party could facilitate physical delivery of virtual currency contracts by instructing the sellers of expiring contracts to transfer the virtual currencies directly to the clearing counter-party, and the clearing counter-party would then transfer the virtual currencies to the buyers."
That CME would be looking into this area is perhaps unsurprising. Last November, it launched a pair ofbitcoin price benchmarks, which would ostensibly serve as part of the infrastructure for any products it may facilitate.
Whats more, the firm'sexecutives have previouslydiscussed the prospects of financial products around digitized assets.
"In fact, some of the most exciting areas to explore are at the intersection of digital assets and tokenized fiat and tokenized commodities, CME executive director and digitization lead Sandra Ro said during an event last November.
Ro is one of three inventors listed on the patent application, along with digitization director and technology architect Ryan Pierce, and Mansoor Ahmed, who serves as director of clearing for the firm.
CME image via Shutterstock
Disclosure: CME Group is an investor in Digital Currency Group, of which CoinDesk is a subsidiary.
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Study highlights growing significance of cryptocurrencies – Phys.Org
Posted: at 3:18 am
May 5, 2017 Credit: fdecomite
More than 3 million people (three times previous estimates) are estimated to be actively using cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, finds the first global cryptocurrency benchmarking study by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.
While many members of the general public may have heard of "bitcoin", the first decentralised cryptocurrency launched in 2009, a new report from the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) paints a broader picture of "cryptocurrencies".
The report shows that cryptocurrencies broadly defined as digital assets using cryptography to secure transactions between peers without the need for a central bank or other authority performing that role are increasingly being used, stored, transacted and mined around the globe.
The Global Cryptocurrency Benchmarking Study gathered data from more than 100 cryptocurrency companies in 38 countries, capturing an estimated 75 per cent of the cryptocurrency industry.
Prior to this research, little hard data existed on how many people around the world actively use cryptocurrencies. The conventional wisdom has been that the number of people using bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies was around 1 million people; however, based on newly collected data, including the percentage of the estimated 35 million cryptocurrency "wallets" (software applications that store cryptocurrencies) that are in active use, the CCAF research team estimates that there at least 3 million people actively using cryptocurrency today.
While bitcoin remains the dominant cryptocurrency both in terms of market capitalisation and usage, it has conceded market cap share to other cryptocurrencies declining from 86 per cent to 72 per cent in the past two years.
The study by the CCAF at Cambridge Judge Business School breaks down the cryptocurrency industry into four key sectors exchanges, wallets, payments, and mining. Highlights of the findings are:
Cryptocurrency exchanges provide on-off ramps to cryptocurrency systems by offering services to users wishing to buy or sell cryptocurrency. This sector was the first to emerge in the cryptocurrency industry, and has the most operating entities and employs the most people. Currently, about 52 per cent of small exchanges hold a formal government license, compared to only 35 per cent of large exchanges.
Wallets have evolved from simple software programs to sophisticated applications that offer a variety of technical features and services. As a result, the lines between wallets and exchanges are increasingly blurred, with 52 per cent of wallets providing an integrated currency exchange feature.
Cryptocurrency payment companies generally act as gateways between cryptocurrency users and the broader economy, bridging national currencies and cryptocurrencies. They can fit into two broad categories: firms that use cryptocurrency primarily as a "payment rail" for fast and efficient cross-border transactions, and firms that facilitate the use of cryptocurrency for both users and merchants. The study found that the size of the average business-to-business cryptocurrency payment ($1,878) dwarfs peer-to-peer and consumer-to-business cryptocurrency payments.
In the absence of a central authority, cryptocurrencies are created by a process called "mining" usually the performance of a large number of computations to solve a cryptographic "puzzle". The study shows how cryptocurrency mining has evolved from a hobby activity into a professional, capital-intensive industry in which bitcoin miners earned more than $2 billion in mining revenues since 2009. The cryptocurrency mining map indicates that a significant proportion of publicly known mining facilities are concentrated in certain Chinese provinces.
The study found that more than 1,800 people are now working full time in the cryptocurrency industry, as more companies are engaged across various cryptocurrency sectors.
"Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin have been seen by some as merely a passing fad or insignificant, but that view is increasingly at odds with the data we are observing," says Dr Garrick Hileman, Research Fellow at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) at Cambridge Judge Business School, who co-authored the study with Michel Rauchs, Research Assistant at CCAF.
"Currently, the combined market value of all cryptocurrencies is nearly $40 billion, which represents a level of value creation on the order of Silicon Valley success stories like Airbnb," Dr Hileman says in a foreword to the study. "The advent of cryptocurrency has also sparked many new business platforms with sizable valuations of their own, along with new forms of peer-to-peer economic activity."
Explore further: Towards equal access to digital coins
More information: The report is available online:
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I setup a bitcoin node just out of interest, ran it for a couple of weeks, decided to disable it (You can't de-register a node by the way), and two weeks later someone from China was trying to stack smash my router.
The current blockchain header and transaction mechanisms are poorly managed and have many flaws and vulnerabilities.
Ethercoin seems to be the latest fad, and speculators are raving about it, yet it isn't even designed to be a monetary exchange, it's about remote code execution.
IMO, it has suffered from hype and most people are riding the bandwagon without any real understanding of what's happening behind the scenes.
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Study highlights growing significance of cryptocurrencies - Phys.Org
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Market Boom: The 10 Largest Cryptocurrencies Are All Up Today – CoinDesk
Posted: at 3:18 am
They say a rising tide lifts all boats.
Even as bitcoin surged above $1,500 late last night and crossed the $1,600 on several exchanges this afternoon the rest of the top 10 cryptocurrencies as listed by market capitalizationhave seen price increases of at least 8% today.
Ripple's XRP token is emerging as the early winner, rising more than 40%, with an average price of about $0.079 across exchanges. Likewise, litecoin which has already seen significant price rises in recent days ahead of an expected adoption of the scaling solution SegWit is up about 22% on the day.
And ether, the cryptocurrency underlying the ethereum network, is up about 14%, at an average price of roughly $89 to reach an all-time high.
As reported by CoinDesk, the development comes amid a larger shift in the cryptocurrency markets that has seen an increasing diversificationaway from bitcoin. At press time, the Bitcoin Dominance Index, a measurement of the percent of the total market cap invested in bitcoin, had fallen below 60% for the first time in its history.
Still, analysts were largely short on comment when reached.
While some pointed to the technical benefits of various platforms, others were at a loss for words, responding with simple statements such as "WTF" or crediting the increases to "pumping and FOMO".
Industry entrepreneur and analystPaul Buitink perhaps summed up the events the best, however, adding simply:
"Everything is going up."
Elevator imagevia Shutterstock
Pete Rizzo contributed reporting.
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Get Your Essay on Cryptocurrency Topics Here – The Merkle
Posted: at 3:18 am
The notion of Internet money is still largely unclear for most of the contemporary people. Thus, it is quite a challenging task to compose a good paper on the topic for those who have no idea about this phenomenon. What should a student do to get an A for his or her writing?
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If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter @themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and technology news.
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