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Category Archives: Casino
‘What We Do In the Shadows’ Recap: The Casino – The Workprint
Posted: September 17, 2021 at 9:09 pm
Nearly 130 miles south of New York City lies what once was the countrys preeminent getaway destination. This Eastern seaboard town had it all: economic boom through tourism, economic boom through corruption and racketeering, economic boom through unenforced prohibition- and that was even before the advent of legalized gambling! Though no longer labeled The Worlds Playground, episode four of What We Do In The Shadows (FX) titled The Casino reminds us that though Las Vegas looms larger and prettier, Dirty Jerseys Atlantic City still remains something more real: The Devils Playground.
Its all aboard! at the Vampire Residence, as the crew is packing their trunks for a vacation. The Guide (Kristen Schaal) seems a bit taken aback by this with the backlog of Vampiric Council matters to be attended to, but its been several decades since last the crew cut loose and let their hair down. However, Shaun (Anthony Atamanuik) and Charmaine (Marissa Janet Winkour), whom you may remember from the Superb-Owl party last season have decided to renew their vows and planned a group getaway, with the whole gang invited! Viva Atlantic City (which, Laszlo tickles on the ivories), leading us into an unorthodox main title, complete with footage of their travel into the nocturnal mecca of sin.
It should be noted, before they leave, they must pack the soil of their coffins, as mere documentation for travel will not suffice. Without the ancestral terra firma, the vampires cannot eat, sleep, leave and their powers wane.
Settling into their hotel rooms, Colin Robinson (Mark Proksch) is already at it snapping Polaroids of banal things, Guillermo (Harvey Guillen) is setting out his cot, Nandor (Kayvan Novak) is attending to his soil while Laszlo (Matt Berry) is plowing his love Nadja (Natasia Demetriou).
At dinner, as the vampires struggle with how to convincingly eat, and the girls are gab about deals on fashion, Shaun proposes a toast to his wife and good friends. All eleven of them. Oh, we know why the nocturnal nabobs were invited group rate! and the number is not lost on Shaunie. Hes a massive Oceans 12 fan, as youll remember from the Superb-Owl episode, but now tearfully respects 11 as a prequel.
He brings the room up by shouting out to Laszlo, Frankie (Gavin Fox) and Mikey, before Mikey passes stone-cold out, causing the rest of the party to think hes plastered before the nights begun. Judging by the craven smile on ones face, we know who the culprit is.
Laszlo summarily commands the erstwhile familiar to fetch a broom from the hostess, as if he still thinks hes a familiar. Even Gizmo himself thinks that the transition to bodyguard status has been non-existent. Nandor does remind them that Guillermo no longer holds such a subservient title, so his inclusion is of import. Colin co-signs, citing that office drones work harder when feeling part of a family, thus neglecting their own families and building a higher threshold for degradation. Upon returning to his seat, the vampires ham-fistedly grill him on his interests, including his love life in order to gain more insight or feign more interest in someone theyve largely seen as a breathing piece of furniture in the house.
Guillermo is coy about divulging, but Laszlo breaks the seal, as is customary, citing the most beautiful thing in the world as fucking. Personally, who could blame the libertine lothario? Before Guillermo could spill the beans on his worldview on that due to his parents, which the vampires are waiting on with bated breath, Shaun interrupts.
It turns out that rascal Frankie put glass in the piccata, so the House comped the group a bunch of chips. With that, the group breaks off to hit the casino, leaving Guillermo all by his lonesome. Their respect is to be earned and it may take more than just saving their lives once to get there.
Charmaine and the girls decide to hit up a Rat Pack revue, which tickles Nadja to no end, thinking they are the OG lounge luminaries she partied with back in ACs heyday. Though she cannot imbibe with the women, Nadja still has a swingin time as if she had, calling out to them and reminding, spread eagle what they might have forgotten over the years.
At the tables, Colin is getting his crunk on, boring his competitors and the dealer with palaver about the Monaco Grand Monday nights fight of Jackson vs. Rodriguez.
Elsewhere, Nandors livin it up with his newfound love and no, it aint Guillermo. Its the Big Bang Theory slots. Hes more animated than Guillermos ever seen him, especially when hitting it big, causing him to shout Bazinga! (which is the war cry of Sheldon.)
While an overzealous Nadja takes the girls backstage at the Rat Pack revue, freaking out the trio (that bear zero passing resemblance to the originals), Colins all but drained the last of his little island of gamblers. Nandor is riding high on this new addiction, but the sun is coming up and they all must retire.
Theres only one problem- nobody can slumber. At hand lies the even bigger cause- their ancestral soil is gone all because of Colin. His favorite show (the in-house Monaco Grand commercial) he was caught up in binge-watching had him neglect noticing housekeeping doing what they do best. The vampires can already feel their powers wax and wane, as Laszlo goes from bat form to sparrow form, which is not only adorable but also a clever answer to a question I never had.
This prompts Nandor to send Guillermo on a journey and Nadja sending her beloved to ask his bestie, Shaun into lending him his credit card for the mission with no questions asked, since his power of persuasion is kaput. Laszlo proceeds with trepidation, as he doesnt want to jeopardize the only real human friendship he has on this blue spinning marble. Surprisingly, Shaun feels the love and lends him the credit card, on the sole proviso of being paid back ASAP, as the Commemorative Patrick Ewing Discover Card is an emergency only piece of plastic and with that, Guillermo heads to Europe!
At the Vow Renewal Ceremony, Nadja, Laszlo, and Nandor are fading and fast. This is a limbo from which they may never return. Colins still fine, still snapping photos, such as when Nadja succumbs to her soupy brain and falls down. In fact, what seems like weeks to the vampires only is 14 hours to Colin.
From the bustling Heathrow International to the majestic Paralia Urika Beach in Antipaxos to the precarious South Iranian Border (formerly Al Qolnidar), Guillermo shows why he not only protec, he attac but most importantly, he bringin dat shit bac.
Back in the rooms, as Nandor enjoys Chuck Lorres splooge on TV, Laszlos having a moment, guilt-ridden over the $7500 hes taken. By virtue of being a true gent, he goes down to explain himself. This only pours more salt on the wound when he learns that Shaun used to have a big-time gambling problem, with his second vow renewal this trip to not romance those demons.
Well, there are three absolutes in this world of chance you can set a watch to odds are lucky for a reason, never bet on the Knickerbockers, and that there are no absolutes.
This comes as a huge blow to Laszlo, but his dear Nadja attempts to remedy the situation by using her feminine wiles with her old pals, the Rat Pack and when that fails, she uses her next best non-vampiric asset: threats. Though she does fall flat, quite literally, she does succeed in collecting, as sometimes pity is more useful than power.
This is basically all for naught, however, as the amassed wealth is a mere 300 clams. Hubby isnt quite sure they were the hepcats she used to hang with, but Nadja wants none of that heresy.
Nandor listlessly bops away at his favorite slot, but not even Colin pointing out that he got a couple of Koothrapalis, a Hofstader, four Wolowitzes, and a Penny could prepare Nandor for getting him noodle baked about what the Big Bang Theory actually means.
They map out on opposite walls of the room in marker their views on the creation of the world, Colins being heliocentric and Nandors being one hes believed for seven and a half centuries: that the world rests on four elephants that reside on the back of a gigantic turtle. Hes been converted, due to science and logic trouncing fantasy and whim and even more depressed due to the fact that were but a spec of cosmic dust in the grand scheme of things.
A contemplative Nandor sits atop the Monaco Grand Hotel and Casino, feeling lonely as ever, even as Guillermo is soaring right above him with a little piece of home in hand.
Upon arrival, Guillermos greeted to a room of emotional and mental anguish across the board- Laszlos regret of possibly causing his best mortal friend financial and marital ruination, Nadjas rumination of the Rat Packs fall from grace, Nandors existentialist crisis, and Colins castrated viewing of his favorite tv show with the volume off.
Its time for Guillermo de la Cruz to put Frank Farmer to shame, first by getting everybody to night-nights and pumping up the volume on Colins show as he works on his plan on how to get them out of the jam.
Once they are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, as evidenced by their inherent treatment of him, Guillermo lays out the scheme with some Danny Ocean panache. At 6.47 pm, hell head to the box office to get the tickets to the fight. At 6.52 pm in the elevator, Nandor is to meet one of the boxers, Eli Jackson to hypnotize him. At 6.55 pm, Laszlo is to hypnotize the other, Arturio Rodriguez. At 6.59 pm, Colin Robinson is to place a nice, simple bet. At 8.00 pm, they all take their seats at the fight and, well, Ring-A-Ding-Ding
Ten seconds into round six, Nadja triggers the hypnosis of both pugilists by yelling out Aint That A Kick In The Head causing a knockout that can only be likened to when one successfully pops the cork off a bottle of champagne.
Colin collects the cash, they all experience a flying on earth known as the escalator, hand over the winnings to a thankful Shaun who swears off gambling (before betting it all on 12 as they walk away) and head back into the party bus for, but not before giving Guillermo a welcome to the family card of sorts.
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'What We Do In the Shadows' Recap: The Casino - The Workprint
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Walker’s Bluff Hopes to Move Forward Soon with Permanent Casino Facility – WSIU
Posted: at 9:09 pm
We've learned more details about the Illinois Gaming Board's action last week in regards to the casino license sought by Walker's Bluff.
The gaming board's director of policy Joe Miller says members did not license Walkers Bluff at their meeting on September 9.
Rather, the Board approved a request from Walkers Bluff to amend its application to forgo operation of a temporary facility.
On September 3, the Williamson County Board approved an amendment to the economic development plan for Walkers Bluff, which now plans to move directly to construction of its permanent casino facility instead of operating a temporary casino as it initially intended to do while the permanent casino is under construction.
During the gaming board meeting, Walkers Bluff said the need for local infrastructure and road improvements drove this decision.
Walkers Bluff expects to seek approval from the Illinois Gaming Board to commence construction sometime in October with the estimated construction to last around 18 months.
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Walker's Bluff Hopes to Move Forward Soon with Permanent Casino Facility - WSIU
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Ohio casinos, racinos smash August record with $194 million in gambling revenue –
Posted: at 9:09 pm
CLEVELAND, Ohio - Ohios casino and racino industry set another monthly record, taking in $194.3 million in gambling revenue in August after paying out winnings, reports from the states casino control and lottery commissions show.
The revenue for the 11 facilities topped the previous August record of $172.1 million, set a year ago, with a gain of 12.9%. Ahead of the pandemic, the August record had been $164.4 million, set in 2019.
But despite the August record, business slowed the last full month of the summer. Monthly revenue records were also set in July ($211.2 million) and June ($196.8 million).
Through the first eight months of 2021, gambling revenue has totaled nearly $1.6 billion statewide. About a third of this money is turned over to the state in the form of taxes and fees.
In the Cleveland/Akron market last month:
* MGM Northfield Park had revenue of $23.3 million, up 20.8% from $19.3 million in August 2020.
* JACK Cleveland Casino had revenue of $21.9 million, up 20.2% from $18.2 million.
* JACK Thistledown Racino had revenue of $17 million, up 20.8% from $14.1 million.
Ohios four casinos are permitted to run table games, poker rooms and slot machines under the regulation of the Ohio Casino Control Commission. The seven racinos come under the regulation of the Ohio Lottery Commission, and are not permitted to offer only skilled-based, instead using slots-like machines known as video lottery terminals.
Best bets to make your entertainment dollars last longer at the casino - Thats Rich!
See inside JACK Thistledown Racinos new, climate-controlled outdoor gaming patio
JACK announces hiring events for Cleveland casino and Thistledown racino
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Rivers Casino in Schenectady to reopen its poker room after 17+ months – The Daily Gazette
Posted: September 4, 2021 at 6:09 am
SCHENECTADY The poker room at Rivers Casino will open Wednesday for the first time since March 2020.
It is the last major piece of the gaming operation still closed after the 2020 shutdown, and fans had missed it, the casinos management said.
The poker room is extremely popular and a big part of what makes for a fun and exciting gaming experience at the casino, and we couldnt be happier to reopen it for our guests, General Manager Rick Richards said in a news release Monday.
The poker room hours of operation will be 10 a.m. to 2 a.m.
The rest of the casino is open from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. The four-hour closure is in place to allow for deep cleaning each night.
When it reopens, the poker room will feature a variety of games on 16 tables. Its manager, Elliott Schecter, is awaiting state approval for a series of new promotions.
Rivers Casino & Resort was shut down from March to September 2020 as part of COVID-19 control measures, as were most other large-gathering venues. The casino has been building its operations back incrementally ever since.
Categories: Business, News, Schenectady County
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Rivers Casino in Schenectady to reopen its poker room after 17+ months - The Daily Gazette
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Riverside Casino and Golf Resort Celebrating 15 Years –
Posted: at 6:09 am
Photo courtesy of Elite Casinos
One of Washington Countys largest employers reached a milestone on Tuesday.
The Riverside Casino and Golf Resort opened 15 years ago this week. Over 26 million people have visited the casino, though one of the bigger impacts its made has been through the Washington County Riverboat Foundation. The non-profit license holder for the casino has awarded nearly $47 million to businesses and organizations in southeast Iowa through competitive and municipal grants. Riverside Casinos Director of Marketing Damon John explains how they helped support the community during the Iowa derecho, Our 15 year anniversary coincides pretty closely with the anniversary of the derecho in eastern Iowa. And our company donated $500,000 to derecho relief efforts with $100,000 of that going to the American Red Cross of Eastern Iowa. Certainly being in business and having all of our guests come through here and being community minded allows us to donate to those causes and help the community out.
John later that a lot of the success of the casino is thanks to the employees that have continued to work both in and out of the casino. Since its opening 71 employees have remained part of the company. Earlier this year, employees logged over 17,000 hours of community service in a two-month period winning the Give Back Iowa Volunteer Challenge for a large employer.
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Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off: Everything you need to know – Reno Gazette Journal
Posted: at 6:09 am
After missing last year due to COVID-19, the Nugget Casino Resort is hosting the 32nd annual Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off at Victorian Square in Sparks.
StartingWednesday, Sept. 1 through Monday, Sept. 6, 22 rib cookers from 14 states are set to compete in one of the most prestigious rib festivalsin the country.
Four new rib cookers are joining this year's competition, including local favorite Brothers BBQ from Reno and Big Daddy's Sin City BBQ from Henderson.
Several of the rib cookers are returningwinners, with Joey's Texas Thunderchampions in 1992 and 1997remaining a yearly participant since the inauguralfestival in 1989.
Other returning champions are2018and 2019grand champion Montana Q Bar-B-Que and Back Forty Texas barbecue, whichhas participated in every Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off since 1991 and won best sauce in 2018and 2019.
"It really is a prestigious event," Nugget spokesman Randy Kennedy said."You ask any of the rib cookers and they'll say that as far as high volume rib cooking, this is the biggest, best event that they all look forward to every year."
Winners will be determined at 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 6, with $19,500 in prize money.
Amenities for patrons include a beer garden and Rib Village, which features an all-you-can-eat rib buffet from the rib cookers and a private shadedseating area adjacent to the Main Stage concert venue. Tickets are $105 and are nearly sold out.
Kennedy said that though there are concerns about COVID-19 and smoke fromCalifornia wildfires, turnout for this year's festival should be good based on ticket sales.
"The response we've seen so far has been overwhelmingly positive," he said. "The Rib Village ... sold out very quickly and if you go by that, I think we're looking at a good festival."
Kennedy said there will be enhanced cleaning protocols within the Rib Village along with extra hand sanitizer, gloves and masks available.
"This is an outdoor event, so they're not mandated (to wear masks) at this point, but we understand people want to feel safe so we're trying to accommodate that to have a happy event," he said.
The festival will also feature live entertainment from 7-9 p.m. on the main stage each day:
Inside the Nugget Events Center, a kids area featuresbounce houses and a dunk tank.
A two-day cornhole tournament willbe held in the parking lot west of Dotty's Casino over the weekend.Participants must bring their own partner and bags. Cost to play is $60 per team witha 70% cash payout for the competitive division and a 70% prize payout for the social division.Pre-register at or registeras a walk-up asspace permits.
The following areas will be closed from 12:15 a.m. Saturday, Aug.28 until 6 a.m. Wednesday:
Public parking is available in the NuggetWest Parking Lot and the City Parking Garage next to the Galaxy movie theater.
As parking fills up quickly each day, All-West Coachlines and RTC Ride will be providing a free shuttle service from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 6.
There will be round-trip shuttlesfrom the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center at1350 N. Wells Avenue in Reno and theGreenbrae Shopping Center/Sparks Christian Fellowship at 510 Greenbrae Drive in Sparks.
The drop-off and pick-up location for ride-share passengers will be on 13thStreet between Avenue of The Oaks and Victorian Plaza Circle.
"A lot of people don't see the logistics of what goes into putting this on becauseit is a massive effort," Kennedy said. "Generally though, everybody on the street goes home pretty happy and we want to keep that going."
Follow reporter Terell Wilkins on Twitter,@terelljwilkins, call himat 252-367-8463or email himat
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Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off: Everything you need to know - Reno Gazette Journal
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Master Classics of Poker Plans to Return to Holland Casino Amsterdam on Nov. 13-20 –
Posted: at 6:09 am
September 03, 2021Jason Glatzer
After a year off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the iconic Master Classics of Poker announced it plans to return for its 29th edition to Holland Casino Amsterdam on Nov. 13-20. The plans are pending a press conference of the national government on September 17 with organizers hoping that the 1.5-meter distance regulations will be lifted allowing not only for the festival to take place, but also allow Holland Casino to offer poker once again.
Holland Casino will make its final decision about the festival after the press conference including releasing this year's schedule if the event is allowed to take place.
Director of Gaming & Services at Holland Casino Pieter Boers made the following announcement about the festival according to (translated from Dutch to English):
"We are very happy to finally be able to get back into poker. Even if it is still only with the planning and preparations. We can't wait to finally be able to receive poker players again in Holland Casino after a year and a half. We had to cancel the 2020 edition of the Master Classics of Poker because of Corona. The health and safety of our guests and employees naturally came first. Nevertheless, we are now hopeful of organizing another Master Classics of Poker. In addition, we are also busy preparing for the reintroduction of the live poker offer in our branches. What the event will look like exactly and when and how we can offer live poker again."
The Master Classics of Poker is one of the longest-standing poker festivals not only in Europe but around the world. The festival began with humble beginnings in 1992 with a small 7-card stud event won by a local poker player Eng Angh for 18,600 (8,749).
The following year, the Main Event switched to no-limit hold'em where it remains that day. British poker player Surinder Sunar won that event for 41,800 (19,661).
Dutch player Belinda Blokker won the Main Event in 1995 before there was a 16-year gap between the next Dutch winner in David Boyaciyan in 2011. The Dutch have had better success in the Main Event during the past decade with Noah Boeken (2013), Ruben Visser (2014), Alberto Stegeman (2018), and defending champion Kevin Paqu (2019) all hoisting the trophy.
Related: Kevin Paqu Beats Steve O'Dwyer to Win 2019 Master Classics of Poker Main Event
*denotes a three-way deal
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Play Real Money Online Casino Games | 300% Casino Welcome …
Posted: August 18, 2021 at 7:47 am
They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression which is why we welcome all first time casino depositors with a 300% deposit match plus 100 free spins!! That's 10 free spins for the first 10 days ensuring that you have every opportunity to maximize your winning potential.
If you aren't sure of what a free spin is, think of it as a courtesy bet from us to you in order to get your wagering experience started on the right track. When you use your free spins, the most important thing to remember is that these are separate from your balance, which is the money you deposited. This way you can try your luck with your free spins before touching your own money. With 10 free spins a day for the first 10 days, we give you every opportunity to try your luck in our casino.
After getting you started on the right foot with the deposit bonus you can get started on our favorite casino games. Our featured games are of course Blackjack, American Roulette as well as some of our more popular slot games such as Fire Storm 7 (3-reel slot) and Jumping Jaguar (5-reel slot). There is no shortage of games for you to get that real casino experience right from the comfort of your home. Of course you aren't limited to your home as our mobile application makes it possible for you to play on the go as well.
For those of you looking for tips and strategy on how to play certain casino games, you've come to the right place. We prefer not to make assumptions as every casino player has a different level of experience. The more information you have at your disposal, the better your chances are of making the correct decisions while playing. One of the advantages of playing in an online casino is not having the pressure of an audience. Not everyone has the confidence or the experience to make split second decisions when wagering. Often times in a live casino, you have others that are waiting not so patiently for you to make your move. Not to mention all of the eyes that are on you. Sometimes you might even be in the dreaded position of being at a table with a disgruntled player that criticizes your decision.
While playing at, you will have time to make the appropriate choices and we help you get that done with a few wagering tips about your favorite games.
Roulette is one of the most popular games in the casino for various reasons. The simplicity of the game makes it an easily accessible to players from beginner to expert. Although it is a game of chance, following a plan when you bet gives you more opportunity for success.
The first thing to understand is that you are playing against the house and not the other players at the table should there be any. An American Roulette table has 38 numbers ranging from to 36 with two extra slots for 0 and 00. Half of the numbers from 1 to 36 are Red while the other half are Black while the numbers 0 and 00 are green. In order to place a bet, the player must place their chips on the corresponding number, color or section they would like to wager on.
As this is a section where we give roulette advice so we aren't going to go into the specific strategy for every type of wager but it is important to understand the options at your disposal. You can bet on any single number or on what color the number will be, also known as betting on Red or Black.
You can also bet on 2 numbers at the same time which is known as a "split" meaning you place your chip on the line that separates the two numbers. For example, you can bet on 2-3 at the same time by placing the chip on the line between the numbers. This works in all directions meaning if you place the chip to the line on the right of the number 2 you would be betting on 2-3. Place the chip on the left side the you're betting on 12 and finally if you place it on the line at the bottom you would be wagering on 2-5. Once you've gotten used to the layout of the roulette table, this will seem like second nature.
The betting options is what makes American Roulette so popular and many people take advantage of this by playing 'Outside bets'.
An outside bet is a wager that involves several numbers usually between 12-18 numbers at one time. Of course the amount you will win is less than betting on single numbers, however your chances of winning are significantly higher. We've already discussed betting on Red or Black which is the most popular of the outside bets. Another is 'Low' or 'High' which involves betting on 118 (Low) or 19-36 (High). You can also bet Even numbers or Odd numbers which gives you the same odds at the High/Low and Red or Black wagers.
Finally, you can also bet on a column or on dozens. These are again very straightforward with column bets involving one of the three columns on an American Roulette table or dozens which involves betting one of the three dozen in the 1-36 grid (1-12, 13-24 or 25-36).
Now that you have all of the betting options clear, it's time to talk strategy.
There is no Roulette strategy that has been proven to work significantly better than the other. Whether it's the Martingale strategy, the Reverse Martingale, the Paroli system or the D'Alembert, none of these is clearly better than the other. It is simply a matter of preference and it is best to do one's research to find a strategy that makes sense for you.
Blackjack, unlike Roulette, has a fixed strategy that has been developed according to the best possible outcome if an infinite amount of hands were to be played. When implementing the Blackjack strategy, it is important to understand that it is based on a chart of all possible hands and the correct decision to make based on that specific situation. This seems basic but most novice Blackjack players will still follow their instincts in certain situations. That might be ok with Roulette but in Blackjack, the strategy chart is based on mathematical probability meaning any deviation from the chart is to not make the best possible choice available to you.
Of course memorizing the betting chart does not guarantee success, it only improves your chances of winning which is your end game. Understanding basic strategy like when to 'surrender', when to 'split' and when to double down are all part of a winning strategy.
Something that has become popular with players due to television and movies is the practice of counting cards. We will go ahead and tell you that strategy will be ineffective when dealing with machines using 4-8 decks of cards that shuffle them at random. Or in your case when playing online using a random number generator that deals the cards from a fresh deck with every hand.
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Free Slots No Download - Play Free Casino Slot Games for Fun
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Casino (1995 film) – Wikipedia
Posted: at 7:47 am
1995 film directed by Martin Scorsese
Casino is a 1995 American epic crime film directed by Martin Scorsese, produced by Barbara De Fina and distributed by Universal Pictures. The film is based on the 1995 nonfiction book Casino: Love and Honor in Las Vegas[3] by Nicholas Pileggi, who also co-wrote the screenplay for the film with Scorsese. It stars Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, Don Rickles, Kevin Pollak and James Woods. The film marks the eighth collaboration between director Scorsese and De Niro.
Casino follows Sam "Ace" Rothstein (De Niro), a Jewish American gambling expert handicapper who is asked by the Chicago Outfit to oversee the day-to-day casino and hotel operations at the Tangiers Casino in Las Vegas. Supporting characters include Nicky Santoro (Pesci), a "made man" and friend of Sam, and Ginger McKenna (Stone), a streetwise chip hustler whom Sam marries and has a daughter with. The film details Sam's operation of the casino, the difficulties he confronts in his job, the Mafia's involvement with the casino, and the gradual breakdown of his relationships and standing, as Las Vegas changes over the years.
The primary characters are based on real people: Sam is inspired by the life of Frank Rosenthal, also known as "Lefty," who ran the Stardust, Fremont, Marina, and Hacienda casinos in Las Vegas for the Chicago Outfit from the early 1970s until 1981. Nicky and Ginger are based on mob enforcer Anthony Spilotro and former dancer and socialite Geri McGee, respectively.
Casino was released on November 22, 1995, to mostly positive critical reception, and was a worldwide box office success. Stone's performance was singled out for acclaim, earning her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama and a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress.
In 1973, sports handicapper and Mafia associate Sam "Ace" Rothstein is sent by the Chicago Mafia to Las Vegas, Nevada to run the Tangiers Casino. Front man Philip Green serves as the casino and hotel CEO, but Sam unofficially runs everything. Sam quickly doubles the casino's profits, with cash skimmed directly from the count room before it is tallied and delivered to the Midwest Mafia bosses. Chicago boss Remo Gaggi sends Sam's childhood friend and mob enforcer Nicky Santoro to protect Sam and the casino. Nicky makes sure everyone is kept in line, but his own criminal activities start drawing too much media and law enforcement attention. He recruits his younger brother Dominick and childhood friend Frankie Marino to gather a crew that specializes in loan sharking, shakedowns, safe cracking and jewelry store burglaries. Nicky is eventually placed in the Nevada Black Book, banning him from every casino in Nevada.
Sam meets and falls in love with beautiful hustler, dancer, and former prostitute Ginger McKenna. They have a daughter and marry, but their marriage is quickly thrown into turmoil due to Ginger's relationship with her former boyfriend, con artist and pimp Lester Diamond. Sam has Nicky and his crew beat Lester when they catch him accepting $25,000 from her. Ginger turns to alcohol and develops an increasingly problematic drug addiction.
In 1976, Sam fires slot manager Don Ward for incompetence. When Ward's brother-in-law, Clark County Commission chairman Pat Webb, fails to convince Sam to rehire Don, Webb arranges for Sam's gaming license to be denied, jeopardizing his position. Sam starts hosting a local television talk show from inside the casino, upsetting both Nicky and the bosses back home for making himself such a public figure and bringing unneeded attention. Sam blames Nicky's recklessness for ongoing police and Nevada Gaming Board pressure, and the two argue furiously in the Mojave Desert.
When the Midwest bosses discover that people on the inside are stealing from their skim, they install incompetent Kansas City underboss Artie Piscano to oversee the operation. Piscano ends up keeping written records of the operation's financials. Additionally, an FBI bug placed in Piscano's store for a separate crime catches him talking in detail about the casino skim, prompting a full investigation into the Tangiers Casino.
Sam seeks to divorce Ginger, who kidnaps their daughter, planning to flee to Europe with her and Lester. Sam convinces Ginger to return with Amy, then overhears her planning on the phone to kill him. Sam kicks her out of their home but later relents. Ginger approaches Nicky to get her valuables from Sam's safe deposit box, and the two start an affair. Sam confronts and disowns Ginger, and ends his friendship with Nicky. Nicky throws Ginger out when she demands he kill Sam. Drunk and furious, Ginger crashes her car into Sam's on the driveway and retrieves the key to their deposit box. She takes the contents of the box but is arrested by the FBI as a witness.
In 1979, the FBI closes the casino and Green agrees to cooperate. Piscano dies of a heart attack when federal agents discover his notebook. The FBI approaches Sam for help by showing him photos of Nicky and Ginger together, but he turns them down. The bosses are arrested and get ready for trial, and start arranging the murders of anyone who might testify against them and prolong their subsequent sentences. Ginger dies of a drug overdose, and Sam barely escapes death by a car bomb, suspecting Nicky to be the culprit. The bosses, finally fed up with Nicky's recklessness, order Frankie and his crew to kill Nicky and his brother Dominick. Under the impression that they are attending a meetup in an Indiana cornfield, they are beaten with baseball bats, covered in quicklime, and buried alive in a shallow grave.
With the mafia now out of the casino industry, Sam laments the new impersonal, corporate-run resorts of Las Vegas. He is last seen working as a sports handicapper in San Diego, ending up in his own words, "right back where I started".
Casino is based on New York crime reporter Nicholas Pileggi's book Casino: Love and Honor in Las Vegas. The research for Casino began when news reporter and screenwriter Nicholas Pileggi read a 1980 report from the Las Vegas Sun about a domestic argument between Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal, a casino figure, and his wife Geri McGee, a former topless dancer.[4] This gave him an idea to focus on a new book about the true story of mob infringement in Las Vegas during the 1970s, when filming of Goodfellas (whose screenplay he co-wrote with Scorsese) was coming to an end.[5] The fictional Tangiers resort reflected the story of the Stardust Resort and Casino, which had been bought by Argent Corporation in 1974 using loans from the Teamsters Central States Pension Fund. Argent was owned by Allen Glick, but the casino was believed to be controlled by various organized crime families from the Midwest. Over the next six years, Argent Corporation siphoned off between $7 and $15 million using rigged scales. This skimming operation, when uncovered by the FBI, was the largest ever exposed.[6] A number of organized crime figures were convicted as a result of the skimming.[7]
Pileggi contacted Scorsese about taking the lead of the project, which became known as Casino.[4] Scorsese expressed interest, calling this an "idea of success, no limits."[8] Pileggi was keen to release the book and then concentrate on a film adaptation, but Scorsese encouraged him to "reverse the order."[9]
Scorsese and Pileggi collaborated on the script for five months, towards the end of 1994.[5] Real-life characters were reshaped, such as Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal, Geri McGee, Anthony Spilotro, and Spilotro's brother Michael. Some characters were combined, and parts of the story were set in Kansas City instead of Chicago. A problem emerged when they were forced to refer to Chicago as "back home" and use the words "adapted from a true story" instead of "based on a true story."[8] Real life mobster turned witness Frank Cullotta inspired the character Frank Marino (played by Frank Vincent),[10] served as a technical advisor for the film,[11] and also played an on-screen role as a hitman.[12][13]
They also decided to simplify the script, so that the character of Sam "Ace" Rothstein worked only at the Tangiers Casino, in order to show a glimpse of the trials involved in operating a Mafia-run casino hotel without overwhelming the audience.[8] According to Scorsese, the initial opening sequence was to feature the main character, Sam Rothstein, fighting with his estranged wife Ginger on the lawn of their house. The scene was too detailed, so they changed the sequence to show the explosion of Sam's car and him flying into the air before hovering over the flames in slow motionlike a soul about to go straight down to hell.[8]
Filming took place at night in the Riviera casino in Las Vegas, with the nearby defunct Landmark Hotel as the entrance, to replicate the fictional Tangiers. According to the producer Barbara De Fina, there was no point in building a set if the cost were the same to use a real-life one.[8] The opening scene, with Sam's car exploding, was shot three times; the third take was used for the film.[8] Saul Bass did the title sequence, which was his last work.[14] When first submitted to the MPAA, the film received an NC-17 rating due to its depictions of violence. Several edits were made in order to reduce the rating to R.[15][16] The film was shot in the Super 35 format as it allowed the picture to be reformatted for television broadcast. Scorsese said, "I wish I could just shoot straight anamorphic, but the lenses we had in this situation were actually much more diversified. To a certain extent, shooting a film this way can make certain technical aspects more difficult, but to me, anything is better than panning and scanning on TV. We can re-frame just about every shot we did on this picture for video."[17]
Casino was released in theaters in the United States on November 22, 1995.
Casino opened in 1,616 theaters and grossed about $10 million in its opening weekend.[2] The film grossed $43 million domestically and $73 million internationally, for a total of $116 million worldwide,[18] on a $4050 million budget.[1]
Upon its release, the film received mostly positive reviews from critics, although their praise was more muted than it had been for the thematically similar Goodfellas, released only five years earlier, with some reviewers criticizing Scorsese for retreading familiar territory.[19] On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 80% based on 64 reviews, with an average rating of 7.2/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "Impressive ambition and bravura performances from an outstanding cast help Casino pay off in spite of a familiar narrative that may strike some viewers as a safe bet for director Martin Scorsese."[20] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 73 out of 100, based on 17 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews."[21] Audiences surveyed by CinemaScore gave the film a grade "B-" on scale of A+ to F.[22]
Roger Ebert gave the film four out of four, stating that "Martin Scorsese's fascinating new film Casino knows a lot about the Mafia's relationship with Las Vegas. Like The Godfather it makes us feel like eavesdroppers in a secret place." He added, "Unlike his other Mafia movies (Mean Streets and Goodfellas), Scorsese's Casino is as concerned with history as with plot and character."[23] Philip Thomas of the Empire praised the film while highlighting its similarities to Goodfellas. He gave the film five stars commenting "It may not be Scorsese's greatest work, but this guy feeling a little off-colour is still far, far better than most people on fighting-fit form. It only gets more impressive as time goes on."[24]
The film's critical profile has increased in years after its release, with several critics expressing that, in retrospect, they feel it is a more accomplished and artistically mature work than the thematically similar Goodfellas.[19][25]
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