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Category Archives: Caribbean
Royal Caribbean and Carnival Cruise ships leave from Baltimore for the first time since the collapse of the Key Bridge – Yahoo! Voices
Posted: May 29, 2024 at 2:09 am
Cruise ships left the Port of Baltimore for the first time since March 26.
The port's terminal was blocked after the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed and killed six workers.
Rebuilding the bridge will take four years and could cost up to $1.9 billion.
Two months after Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed, cruise ships are now taking off from the Port of Baltimore.
A Royal Caribbean ship called Vision of the Seas left from the port on Saturday for a trip to Bermuda. And a Carnival Cruise ship called Pride destined for Greenland and Canada left Baltimore on Sunday.
The two trips are notable as the first cruise ships to leave Baltimore since the port was blocked by the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26. The bridge collapsed after being hit by a cargo ship, killing six workers. The Francis Scott Key Bridge services about 30,000 people a day.
"We've been working through this process for the past two months," Jonathan Daniels, the director for the Port of Baltimore said in a video posted to X on May 25 by the port.
One week ago, the port's terminal was the headquarters for the recovery operations for the Francis Scott Key Bridge, Daniels added. The terminal is also a massive area of tourism for Maryland, bringing in 440,000 cruise passengers a year, Daniels told the Baltimore Sun.
The project to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge will take four years and is estimated to cost between $1.7 billion and $1.9 billion, a spokesperson for the Maryland Department of Transportation said in May 2023.
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Tropical threat may arise in Caribbean days after hurricane season begins – AOL
Posted: at 2:09 am
June 1 marks the official start of the Atlantic hurricane season, and there is a zone AccuWeather meteorologists are already watching for tropical development. The area extends from part of the northern Caribbean across the central islands of the Caribbean and into the southwestern Atlantic.
"The area of interest we are looking at may not evolve until well into the first week of June -- the period from June 4-6 to be exact," AccuWeather Lead Hurricane Meteorologist Alex DaSilva said.
As of the start of the week, this area was already active with a band of clouds, showers and thunderstorms. A disturbance, known as a tropical wave, was interacting with the moisture and has been enhancing the activity just a bit. However, it was far from showing any signs of tropical development and not likely to do so for several more days at the very least.
"Later during the first week of June, a disturbance in the middle part of the atmosphere will move across the eastern part of the Gulf of Mexico and may interact with that tropical moisture zone," AccuWeather Lead Long-Range Meteorologist Paul Pastelok said. "There is a remote chance it could initiate a tropical depression or more in this area."
Part of this zone, along with an area along the southern Atlantic coast of the United States, experienced some cooling of water temperatures earlier this spring.
"The cooling trend in that area has now reversed," Pastelok said.
Much of the Atlantic was experiencing record or near-record high sea surface temperatures this past winter and spring.
Warm water and moisture do not make tropical development a lock, however.
"Indications are that the system may fight with stiff breezes, known as wind shear, and the proximity of a front," DaSilva said.
The steady or shifting breezes associated with wind shear can disrupt an organized tropical system or prevent it from developing. The warm and cool clash of air associated with a front is another deterrent, as tropical systems need a uniformly warm environment to form. Anything to the contrary results in a non-tropical or subtropical storm.
Should wind shear drop off or the system detach from the front, it could slowly develop tropically. DaSilva said, "Water temperatures are not super warm in the region northeast of the Bahamas, but they are warm enough to support a tropical system."
The critical temperature for tropical development is about 80 F.
Should the system overcome the obstacles, it would be the first tropical depression and storm of the year. Alberto is the first name on the list for the 2024 Atlantic season.
Since the winter, AccuWeather meteorologists have anticipated a super-charged hurricane season with many tropical storms and hurricanes. Their team has raised concerns about multiple threats to the United States and the likelihood that some storms may rapidly intensify as they approach land, adding to the danger.
"Even if this system fails to develop into a tropical depression or storm, it will deliver a substantial amount of rain on Hispaniola and some of the other islands in the northern Caribbean in the coming days," DaSilva said.
Should the system develop, it would not pose any threat to the U.S., as steering breezes would take it to the northeast of the southern Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos and into the central Atlantic.
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Tropical threat may arise in Caribbean days after hurricane season begins - AOL
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What you need to know about record-breaking heat in the Atlantic Yale Climate Connections – Yale Climate Connections
Posted: at 2:09 am
Waters across the Atlantics tropical belt extending from the coast of Africa through the Caribbean are hotter now than in any other late May on record, with over 90% of the areas sea surface engulfed in record or near-record warmth. The extent of marine heat has never been greater heading into a hurricane season, outpacing by wide margins the previous late May record-holder in 2005, a year remembered for one of the most active and destructive hurricane seasons in modern history.
Although record-setting sea surface temperatures alone dont guarantee a busy hurricane season, they do strongly influence it, especially when the abnormal warmth coincides with the tropical belt known as the Main Development Region, or MDR, the area where 85% of Category 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes form. When considered alongside a developing La Nia the periodic cooling of the equatorial Pacific that reduces storm-busting Atlantic wind shear the unprecedented ocean heat is driving up seasonal hurricane outlooks higher than ever before.
Colorado State University the group that pioneered seasonal hurricane forecasts in the 1980s issued its most aggressive April forecast last month in almost 30 years of doing such preseason outlooks. NOAA, the parent agency of the National Weather Service, will release its first 2024 hurricane season outlook May 23, and expectations are for similarly bullish numbers.
The exceptional warm-up of the North Atlantic began in earnest last spring and continued through the 2023 hurricane season. Despite one of the strongest El Nio events on record, which would typically deter hurricane activity, the Atlantic churned out 20 named storms last season, the fourth-highest number since 1950, according to NOAA. Forecasters largely credited the record-warm tropical Atlantic for counteracting the heavy hand of El Nio.
Read: What is El Nio?
Although a rapid transition from La Nia to El Nio last year along with human-caused global warming remain the primary factors behind the Atlantics ongoing hot streak, they dont fully explain the abrupt jump into uncharted territory. A significant reduction in global sulfate emissions since 2020 from new shipping regulations and an increase in stratospheric water vapor from an explosive South Pacific volcanic eruption in 2022 are also likely contributors. However, the jurys still out on these players, and so far both appear to have only fractional effects on the recent temperature spike.
That leaves scientists closely monitoring the progress of El Nio in the eastern Pacific, which is already beginning a transition to La Nia. In theory, the transition out of a strong El Nio should begin to cool the Atlantic to levels more in line with the current trajectory of global warming. So far, this hasnt happened.
Locally, the Bermuda or Azores High in the Atlantic continues to remain much weaker than average. This semi-permanent area of high pressure controls the east-to-west flowing trade winds across the Atlantic tropical belt. With a weaker subtropical high, the Atlantic trade winds slow, which reduces ocean mixing that cools surface waters. This feedback loop further warms the Atlantic across its primary hurricane breeding ground.
The epicenter of the Atlantic heat wave is the Caribbean, where waters are averaging 84.7 degrees Fahrenheit for the week, a weekly temperature never seen before August, and already reaching well above the 1991-2020 average annual peak that typically isnt hit until September.
The Caribbean is home to some of the strongest Atlantic hurricanes ever recorded. Half of the 40 Category 5 Atlantic hurricanes since 1851 formed in the Caribbean, including Hurricane Wilma in October 2005, the most intense Atlantic hurricane ever observed.
But strong winds arent the only threat when sea surface temperatures rise. When water temperatures warm from 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, studies show tropical rainfall one of the deadliest calling cards of tropical storms and hurricanes increases by a factor of five. This amplifies the concern for flooding rains for those islands and land areas bordering the Caribbean, especially early in the hurricane season when waters are usually in the low 80s.
Additionally, if the anomalous warmth persists deeper into the hurricane season as forecast models suggest, it raises the specter of rapid intensification for hurricanes that do form. Once sea surface temperatures exceed 83 or 84 degrees Fahrenheit, fully-formed hurricanes are more likely to undergo periods of rapid intensification, especially when wind shear isnt strong. A peer-reviewed study published last fall also found the pace at which tropical storms and hurricanes are strengthening is quickening in the Caribbean compared to the past, with a bullseye in the western Caribbean.
Read: Climate change is causing more rapid intensification of Atlantic hurricanes
As absolute temperatures warm into the summer and early fall, these departures above the average will become increasingly problematic for the marine environment as well. 2023 saw some of the worst coral bleaching on record in the region due to the extreme heat stress across the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. The lengthening duration of heat stress NOAA confirmed in April the fourth global coral bleaching event is already underway could once again threaten the survival and recovery of corals in 2024.
Last week, most of South Florida bathed in heat not typically felt until the height of summer. Last Wednesday, Miamis high hit 96 degrees Fahrenheit, with another daily record reached on Sunday. The daily average temperature in Miami was a remarkable 89 degrees on Sunday, an average temperature never observed before late June in Miami.
The heat index in Miami hit 112 degrees Fahrenheit over the weekend, shattering the old heat index record for May by a full six degrees Fahrenheit. Since 1948, on only three days ever in Miami each in July or August has the heat index hit 112 degrees or higher, according to a heat index climatology maintained by University of Miami scientist Brian McNoldy.
The startling South Florida heat is partly the byproduct of a staunch high-pressure dome aloft extending from Mexico through the Florida Straits which has stifled afternoon Florida thunderstorms. But perhaps the bigger contributor to the extreme early heat has been the moisture influx from southerly flow over the record-warm waters of the Caribbean and nearby Gulf Stream. The dew point temperature an indicator of how moisture-ridden the air is was nearly 80 degrees in Miami on Sunday afternoon when air temperatures were approaching the mid-90s. This uncomfortable dew point at the apex of the day not only sent heat indexes into the lower 110s but kept nighttime lows from dipping below 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
Unless surrounding waters begin to cool down, South Florida may be in store for another long, hot summer.
All signs from seasonal forecast models point to a continued tropical Atlantic heat wave through the summer. Both the North American Multi-Model Ensemble forecast system and the European Centres long-range forecast system predict high odds of much warmer-than-average waters from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean through the Atlantics Main Development Region for the months ahead.
The extreme heat building in the waters of the Atlantic both at the surface and below doesnt bode well for the health of the marine ecosystem, nor will it lessen the health hazards for those living nearby and exposed to relentless feels-like temperatures.
Whether hurricane season lives up to this years hype is to be seen, but with 90% of the tropical belt immersed in record or near record warm waters, the Atlantic powder keg awaits its first spark.
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8 Reasons Why Margot Robbie’s Pirates Of The Caribbean Spinoff Is More Exciting Than POTC 6 – Screen Rant
Posted: at 2:09 am
The planned Pirates of the Caribbean spinoff starring Margot Robbie constitutes much more exciting possibilities than a straightforward sixth Pirates of the Caribbean installment. Since Johnny Depps Captain Jack Sparrow made his dazzling debut in the summer hit Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has seen a steady decrease in quality. Multiple final installments have been produced, only leading to another when it turned out to be a disappointing finale. Robbie's Pirates of the Caribbean spinoff recently got a promising update and could be the fresh start the franchise sorely needs.
Also in development is Pirates of the Caribbean 6, a reboot that may or may not feature Depp. When longtime Pirates of the Caribbean producer Jerry Bruckheimer clarified that there are two separate movies in the works, he stated that he would still like to see Depp return (via Deadline):
Its a reboot, but if it was up to me, he would be in it. [..] I love him. Hes a good friend. Hes an amazing artist and hes a unique look. He created Captain Jack.
However, a Captain Jack Sparrow cameo is the last thing the Pirates of the Caribbean reboot needs, for a variety of in-story and real-life reasons. What the franchise does need is a new story that will inherently bring with it other exciting new narrative and marketing concepts.
Rotten Tomatoes score
Metacritic score
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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
When Curse of the Black Pearl first came out, its biggest selling point was the character of Jack Sparrow. Mysteriously witty and erratic, Jack always fell somewhere between seeming like he had no idea what he was doing and reliably having a brilliant way out, while consistently delivering hilarious, razor-sharp one-liners. Depp scored a surprise Oscar nomination something that is still a rarity for action movies for his performance unlike anything anyone had ever seen before.
Yet over time, Jack's character was worn out. The stories forced too many moral dilemmas on him, and this was never what made the character popular. Additionally, Jack becomes less intelligent as the Pirates of the Caribbean story goes on, devolving more into a wacky and none-too-bright persona rather than maintaining any of Jack's original wit. By now, it would be preferable that Disney stopped trying to salvage Jack's character and doesn't ruin him even more.
Captain Jack Sparrow has become one of the most iconic characters in movie history. Quotes like these are exactly the reason why.
As a new story, Robbie's movie represents more freedom for a writer or director to do what they want with Pirates of the Caribbean.
Deadline reports that Jeff Nathanson (Catch Me If You Can, Dead Men Tell No Tales) is penning the script for the Pirates of the Caribbean reboot while Christina Hodson (Birds of Prey, Fast X: Part 2) is working on Robbie's Pirates spinoff. The fact that Disney is bringing back the writer of the worst Pirates of the Caribbean movie to date for its sequel is not reassuring. Yet Hodson and Robbie reuniting for Pirates of the Caribbean also represents an obstacle for the movie to overcome.
Yet despite Birds of Brey's box office failure, it received decent reviews, ultimately making Hodson the more promising screenwriter in this context. The situation also demonstrates how Robbie's Pirates of the Caribbean movie has the potential to draw in new filmmakers for a fresh take, particularly writers and directors. In the case of the reboot, the best Disney could do was bring back an old writer. As a new story, Robbie's movie represents more freedom for a writer or director to do what they want with Pirates of the Caribbean. On the other hand, there will be more constraints to writing a reboot.
Additionally, Robbie has worked with an impressive number of acclaimed filmmakers who may join Pirates of the Caribbean for the chance to collaborate with her again. Greta Gerwig writing and directing Pirates would be spectacular, although she will likely be busy with Netflix's Chronicles of Narnia reboot for the next few years. However, Robbie could still draw in other directors and actors who could restore the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.
To date, the Pirates of the Caribbean movies all adhere to a formula of there being two supporting female characters per movie who actually affect the plot barring roles that are essentially cameos, such as Elizabeth Swann (Kiera Knightley) in Dead Men Tell No Tales. Robbie's spinoff inherently breaks away from this formula, which seems to think that there can't be too many female characters because it would not be "historically accurate," in a franchise that is not at all historically accurate to begin with. Robbie suggested that her movie would thematically focus more on women's perspectives, saying (Deadline):
We had an idea and we were developing it for a while, ages ago, to have more of a female-led not totally female-led, but just a different kind of story [...]."
Additionally, Pirates of the Caribbean has yet to feature any confirmed LGBTQ+ characters. Meanwhile, Our Flag Mean's Death's brief but influential run has drawn even more attention to the history of queer individuals who participated in the Golden Age of Piracy. In addition to featuring more female characters, the Pirates of the Caribbean spinoff should strive to include gender-nonconforming characters and actors.
Disney's Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise has a lot of characters, but only these 15 are the best when ranked together.
A Pirates of the Caribbean reboot either has to recast old characters or adhere to some kind of continuity, depending on what kind of reboot it is. However, a spinoff can feature supporting characters from the previous movies without much explanation, as it is plausible that Robbie's character just happens to run across them at a different point in their lives. This means that any of the supporting or side characters from Pirates of the Caribbean could return for the spinoff including the ones who were maligned by their previous movies in the franchise.
To this day, Zoe Saldaa's Anamaria is the best supporting Pirates of the Caribbean character with the most untapped potential, due to Saldaa leaving the franchise because of a difficult filming experience before the character had been fully developed. However, Saldaa's Pirates of the Caribbean return is now possible, with Bruckheimer having apologized to her for the experience and apparently patched up their professional relationship. Saldaa, or a recast version of her character, would be an excellent addition to Robbie's movie.
There are still some other side characters from Pirates of the Caribbean who could have been handled better and could be given new life in Robbie's spinoff. The mermaids in On Stranger Tides were an interesting concept, but are associated with some of the plot holes spanning the five Pirates of the Caribbean movies. The Brethren Court from At World's End also represents a wide array of vaguely historically-inspired pirates, none of whom are fleshed out in their brief scenes.
Once, Pirates of the Caribbean was characterized by expertly choreographed, relatively down-to-earth sword fights that seemed to take inspiration from The Princess Bride. With each additional sequel, the filmmakers faced pressure to top whatever was seen in the last movie. For the most part, this worked in Dead Man's Chest and At World's End, where the characters still show off their dueling skills under increasingly difficult circumstances, such as the iconic wheel sequence or Jack and Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) fighting during the final battle.
However, the action in On Stranger Tides and Dead Men Tell No Tales is much lazier, utilizing a lot of cuts that hide most of the sword fighting and throwing in one major set piece to try and outdo the previous movies in terms of spectacle. As a spinoff, Robbie's movie is less attached to the previous installments and bears less obligation to do anything the way it has been done before. "Spinoff" typically connotes a smaller-scale story, meaning Robbie and her collaborators can return to more basic action concepts based on the actors actually learning swordplay.
One of the reasons that Black Sails is better than Pirates of the Caribbean is the former's use of historical pirates and depiction of the Golden Age of Piracy. The only historical pirate who plays a major role in any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies is On Stranger Tides' Blackbeard (Ian McShane). Additionally, according to Pirates of the Caribbean's chronology, the first movies take place roughly in the early 1720s, just around the time this era ended. With the latter movies' 1750-51 setting the Golden Age of Piracy is long in the past.
Robbie's spinoff once again, has less of an obligation to fit within the original's continuity and could be set at any time in the 18th century. As a new series with a new tone, it could also steer away from too many supernatural elements and towards more historical ones. Pirates of the Caribbean has always depicted a fictionalized version of the Golden Age of Piracy, but actually having it take place during this era could still lead to a better movie.
Robbie's career spans characters who are adventurous, vicious, carefree, down-to-earth, and completely bizarre.
Robbie is a proven dramatic actress, demonstrated by movies such as Bombshell, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and I, Tonya. However, she is also known for playing more eccentric characters, including Harley Quinn in the Suicide Squad movies and the bubbly title character of Barbie, both of whom still have some depth despite being wild and comedic characters. Robbie's career spans characters who are adventurous, vicious, carefree, down-to-earth, and completely bizarre.
In short, Robbie has all the tools and experience she needs to craft a new lead for Pirates of the Caribbean who can live up to and even surpass Captain Jack. Her experience suggests that by mixing her past characters' personality traits, she could come up with a character who embodies Pirates of the Caribbean's comedic elements but is still intelligent and adventure-savvy. She also has two Oscar nominations for acting under her belt, one of the reasons any movie she is in draws attention.
From The Wolf of Wall Street to Birds of Prey, were ranking the movies of Harley Quinn herself, Margot Robbie, from worst to best.
Ultimately, Robbie's spinoff would likely be the true Pirates of the Caribbean reboot that would allow the franchise to start anew.Dead Men Tell No Tales was said to be a soft reboot, but ultimately followed up on the franchise's older storylines. The upcoming, so-called reboot is likely to do the same thing if Jack is a part of the story in any way. If it is a true remake with recast characters or tells a story that is very similar to Curse of the Black Pearl, it bears the burden of living up to the flagship movie's success.
In contrast, Robbie's Pirates of the Caribbean movie probably has no connection to the original other than having the same setting and aesthetic and can function as its own original story. One of this franchises biggest problems in the past 10 years is how it has been trying to recapture the success of the original. This more than anything illustrates how Bruckheimer and his team need to let go of the old, admittedly beloved characters and dedicate their efforts to new ones.
Source: Deadline
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13 Best Jack Sparrow Quotes in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean,’ Ranked – Collider
Posted: at 2:09 am
Ever since he was first introduced to global moviegoers, Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp) has become a fan-favorite personality on the big screen. It's not difficult to grasp what's so great about this iconic character ranging from his unique personality and masked, good-natured motives, Sparrow is a well-written, three-dimensional and layered anti-hero that audiences may even find it easy to relate to at times.
While several moments in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies left a strong imprint, some inevitably stood out more than others thanks to the impeccable dialogue between characters and the line deliveries of the charming trickster. Whether they're comical or thought-provoking, Sparrow has had his fair share of iconic lines in the franchise. But which are his finest? Below, we look back at the bestJack Sparrow quotes, ranking them by greatness.
Starting this list is one of Jack's funniest quotes, which he says at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (the last movie in the original trilogy) when the crew comes to save him from a sea of sand in Davy Jones' Locker. Immediately upon Jack saying it, the crew looks around and no one but Pintel, Ragetti, and Jack the Monkey cautiously raise their hands.
Even though the eccentric character has had many hilarious bits throughout the movies, this is certainly one that immediately pops into mind. Even though this being an iconic one among Jack's does not require much explaining, it is worth noting that it perfectly encapsulates Jack's self-confidence and humor, resulting in a genuine, laugh-out-loud moment in the film.
Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) join forces with Capt. Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) to free Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) from Davy Jones' locker. Meanwhile, the crew of the Flying Dutchman ghost ship wreaks havoc on the Seven Seas. The friends must navigate dangerous waters to confront Chinese pirate Sao Feng (Chow Yun-Fat) and, ultimately, they must choose sides in a battle wherein the pirate life hangs in the balance.
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When Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Jack are walking beneath the sea with an upturned rowing boat over their heads to trap air in, the two share an interesting conversation about the phenomenon. This, of course, incites Turner to remark that it is either "madness or brilliance." Jack does not hesitate to answer, "It's remarkable how often those traits coincide."
It's been widely discussed that the two characteristics walk hand in hand, with many believing that there is a link between, say, creative genius and madness. This Jack Sparrow quote rings true in a sense, and its great timing helps make for a memorable, funny, and even philosophical bit in the movie.
Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) arrives at Port Royal in the Caribbean without a ship or crew. His timing is inopportune, however, because later that evening the town is besieged by a pirate ship. The pirates kidnap the governor's daughter, Elizabeth (Keira Knightley), who's in possession of a valuable coin that is linked to a curse that has transformed the pirates into the undead. A gallant blacksmith (Orlando Bloom) in love with Elizabeth allies with Sparrow in pursuit of the pirates.
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Jack delivers one of his best lines in a conversation with Barbossa during At World's End, though audiences may need to read between the lines while analyzing it. After the former Black Pearl Captain says that the world "used to be a bigger place," Jack pauses momentarily to contemplate and remarks: "The world's still the same. There's just... less in it."
Considering Jack's background and everything he has gone through when working for the East India Trading Company he freed and saved around 100 slaves, was branded a pirate with an uppercase "P" burn engraved on his wrist, and lost his beloved boat as a consequence and his extensive, knowledge-filled journey as a pirate, this particular At World's End moment holds much value. It is significant both in the sense that Jack looks back at his past in a sad manner and in that, when compared to the present moment, there used to be so much more to accomplish and explore.
When Will Turner suggests that the crew should fight, Jack Sparrow quickly makes a point to highlight that such impulses are often not as worthwhile as negotiation. The truth is that, both in the pirate and real world, good deals frequently get one far without blood being spilled.
"Why fight when you can negotiate?" is a quintessential Jack Sparrow quote, suggesting that the character has never been keen on conflicts. Furthermore, this particular moment in Dead Man's Chest reflects Sparrow's calculating personality well contrasting with Will's impulsive temperament, Jack is always one step ahead, looking for the most cunning and clever way to get what he wants. What also helps make it memorable is its quotability: it's a relatable line that many people, particularly those who hate confrontation, may resort to from time to time.
When ghostly pirate Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) comes to collect a blood debt, Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) must find a way to avoid his fate lest his soul be damned for all time. Nevertheless, the wily ghost manages to interrupt the wedding plans of Jack's friends Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley).
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Like many pirates, Jack Sparrow is a drunk who's especially fond of rum. Many instances throughout the saga emphasize his love for the drink, often claiming, in no uncertain terms, that rum is among the most important things in his life, with very few others to compare.
During the third movie, Jack escapes from Cutler Beckett's ship by using a canon and catapulting himself to the Black Pearl. Most impressively, he claims he did it "without even a single drop of rum." Jack isn't afraid of recurring to a bit of liquid courage, especially when the battle is particularly challenging. In this instance, his actions come from a true sense of self-preservation, proving that Jack can find his inner strength even without alcohol.
Although there have been some exciting relationships in the franchise, no one comes close to the ever-lasting bond that Jack shares with his ship after all, when it was sunk as a consequence of Jack freeing the slaves abroad, the beloved protagonist went down to the bottom of the sea with her in an attempt to save her.
That said, it's not the least surprising that Jack's love for The Black Pearl is unmatched: he wanted her back so much that he literally sold his soul and traded 100 years of servitude to the savvy villain Davy Jones so that he would raise the ship and allow him to captain it for 13 years. This particular line is said to Keira Knightley's Elizabeth Swann when the two are trapped on an isolated island, showcasing a side of Sparrow that audiences weren't yet familiar with and highlighting The Black Pearl's powerful symbolism. According to Jack, his true love is "not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom."
In a conversation with James Norrington (Jack Davenport), who wore a shocked expression before exclaiming that Jack was "actually telling the truth," in Dead Man's Chest, Sparrow couldn't help noting that he is actually a truthful person despite being a pirate, but people are always surprised. This results in a genuinely humorous and memorable bit in the film.
While this line is pretty straightforward and doesn't hold as much meaning as other more profound entries on this list, it is still a defining Jack Sparrow move that encapsulates his fun and forthright personality. Despite him being a flawed character who does take advantage of omitting the truth, Sparrow is not exactly a compulsive liar (even if some are surprised to learn this). This particular quote hints that Jack, too, can be an honest man.
Jack closes his first big adventure with this highly symbolic and memorable quote. Once he's back in control of the Black Pearl and with his crew in the fold, Jack starts shouting orders before using his special compass to chart their next course. Looking towards the horizon, he smiles confidently knowing he's back where he belongs.
This line is almost poetic, a metaphorical way of saying the sea and the sky themselves are the true destination. As pirates, Jack and his crew are compelled by ambition, but their first and true love is the sea, and life aboard the Pearl is, in many ways, a reward in and of itself. Jack goes on to sing the classic Disney song "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me), which doubles down on this sentiment.
While locked up in a cell at the beginning of The Curse of the Black Pearl, Jack listens to the rambles of a fellow prisoner, who claims the Black Pearl "has been praying for ships and settlements for near ten years" and "never leaves any survivors." Sparrow fires back with this claim, which instantly makes the man question everything he thinks he knows.
This quote is one of Sparrow's few moments of wisdom. He's a clever man and is usually spot-on in his assessments. However, this quote speaks to a deeper knowledge of history itself and how it passes down from person to person. It also implies he knows how the concept of "legends" starts, using it to his advantage to build his reputation as a well-known, albeit ineffective, pirate icon.
Considering that Jack has always loved to make an impression (his iconic grand entrance in the commercially successful The Curse of the Black Pearl comes to mind), it only makes sense that the Pirates of the Caribbean protagonist enjoys the attention that comes with it. Jack says this as a response to Norrington's allegation of the character being without doubt "the worst pirate" that he has "ever heard of."
Sparrow takes great pride in his piracy, the knowledge he has obtained, and everything he's done; this unforgettable, well-timed, and humorous joke proves that he takes his legacy very seriously. In addition to shedding light on the character's enviable confidence, it cleverly assures audiences that whether for good or bad reasons Captain Jack Sparrow is a popular name in the Caribbean seas.
Even though Jack counts on plenty of memorable quotes under his belt, this surely earns a spot among the most significant. While having a discussion with Geoffrey Rush's Barbossa regarding his plan to sell out Elizabeth and Will in exchange for treasure and his life, Jack successfully deceived and befuddled the character by arguing that his insincerity is actually a trait to be proud of, asserting that, contrary to self-entitled honest people, "a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest."
Captain Jack Sparrow's irony has always been one of his fortes. Moreover, this comical bit is also oddly complex, which is why it works so well. While the character may seem forthright at first, he is double-crossing Barbossa while being true to his word, saving Will in the end, and keeping his promise.
Jack is at his most philosophical in the scene just mentioned, as he also delivers one of his most thoughtful lines. This time it was in conversation with Will when the latter argues that he is not "obsessed with treasure," to which Jack responds, "Not all treasure is silver and gold," possibly referring to Turner's relationship with Elizabeth, a swashbuckling romance for the ages.
While, for pirates, treasure really is silver and gold most of the time, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is always the case. At the end of the day, treasure can come in many different shapes and forms. To some, it can even be the person they love. This surprisingly deep Jack Sparrow quote may catch some viewers off-guard as it displays a somewhat more authentic side of the character, and for that reason deserves a spot among his best.
The Pirates of the Caribbean saga features many iconic catchphrases, and this gem is undoubtedly at the top of the list mostly for the context in which it is said: Jack successfully running away from his enemies and gloriously rubbing it in their faces. The first time it is said is in The Curse of the Black Pearl when the character holds Elizabeth for ransom for a while in order to escape the Royal Navy guards.
Despite its simplicity, this self-explanatory line takes the crown for the best Jack Sparrow quote not only for its iconic but for the way it mirrors Jack's playful and self-assured personality. The flawless way it has been repeated throughout the series just makes the line even more legendary and an unforgettable Pirates of the Caribbean classic.
NEXT: Every 'Pirates of the Caribbean' Movie, Ranked by Rewatchability
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13 Best Jack Sparrow Quotes in 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' Ranked - Collider
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PAHO urges countries to strengthen dengue prevention in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean – Pan American Health Organization
Posted: at 2:09 am
Washington, DC, 24 May 2024 (PAHO)- As a result of the increase in cases of dengue fever in the southern hemisphere and the beginning of the season of increased transmission in the northern hemisphere, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) urges countries of Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean to strengthen preventive measures against this disease.
In anepidemiological alert issued today, PAHO emphasizes the importance of strengthening surveillance, diagnosis and vector control actions, as well as preparing health services for the proper management of patients. The aim is to prevent complications and avoid possible overcrowding of health services.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease that, in most cases, has no symptoms. However, when symptoms do occur, they usually include high fever, headache, body aches, nausea and rash. Although most people recover within one to two weeks, some can develop severe forms that require hospitalization. These can be fatal when not treated promptly and properly.
As of mid-May 2024, the Americas region has reported more than 8.1 million suspected cases of dengue,marking a 3.3-fold increase compared to the same period last year. The countries with the highest number of reported cases are Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia and Mexico. More than 3,600 dengue-related deaths have been reported throughout the region.
Mexico has reported more than 65,000 cases of dengue, Guatemala over 12,000, Honduras over 20,000 and Panama over 5,800. This is between 2.5 and nearly six times the number of cases reported during the same period in 2023. Meanwhile, countries and territories in the Caribbean have reported over 21,000 cases, representing a 5.7-fold increase compared to the corresponding period last year.
Faced with this unprecedented regional increase in dengue cases, PAHO urges countries to intensify efforts to combat the mosquito vector and the disease, for which there is no specific treatment.
In the epidemiological alert, PAHO emphasizes the importance of timely clinical diagnosis, early identification of warning signs, and proper management of patients to avoid serious cases and deaths. The Organization also calls on health care workers to provide clear guidance to patients and their families to monitor warning signs and seek immediate medical attention in the event of any of these signs.
PAHO offers resources and training through itsvirtual course on dengue, available free of charge on its Virtual Campus for Public Health.
PAHO also recommends that Member States make effective use of available resources to prevent and/or control vector infestations in affected areas and health services.
It reminds the population of the importance of eliminating mosquito breeding sites in their homes and surroundings, and to take precautions to avoid bites, such as the use of repellent and clothing that covers the arms and legs.
PAHO reiterates its commitment to support countries in the implementation of effective measures in the fight against dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases, and will continue to monitor the situation and provide technical guidance to affected countries.
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Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Ride SURPRISED Us in Magic Kingdom See WHY! – AllEars.Net
Posted: at 2:09 am
When youre planning a trip to Disney World, its a good idea to check on the latest wait time trends so you know what to expect. And last week between May 12th18th, the average Walt Disney World Wait times actually went DOWN.
Many of Walt Disney Worlds rides saw wait time decreases this week.except at Animal Kingdom, where things either stayed the same or even increased. Most of the changes at Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, and Hollywood Studios were on the tiny side, but every little bit helps. In addition, there was a (likely temporary) new champion at the top of Hollywood Studios highest average wait times.
Lets take a look at this past weeks average wait times from lowest to highest!
Here are the average weekly wait times for each ride below, from shortest to longest wait time:
(NOTE: Since Tron Lightcycle/Run does not use a standby line, we have not included it here)
Do you see what we see? One of Magic Kingdoms classic (and VERY popular) attractions had an average wait time of under thirty minutes! Yep, the Pirates of the Caribbean ride averaged a 23-minute wait. IMPRESSIVE!
Read the list below to see the Hollywood Studios ride wait times averages, from low to high:
In Disneys Hollywood Studios, even the popular rides like Tower of Terror and Mickey and Minnies Runaway Railway had average wait times under an hour. Thats not bad at all!
See the average EPCOT attraction wait times from the week below:
(NOTE: Since Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind does not use a standby line, we have not included it here)
The average wait times for Animal Kingdoms attractions are listed below:
Thats it for wait time updates at Disney World for now! Stay tuned to AllEars for more updates, and in the meantime, check out one of our newest videos below!
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How long have you waited in line for a ride at Disney World before? Let us know in the comments below!
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Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean Ride SURPRISED Us in Magic Kingdom See WHY! - AllEars.Net
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US issues severe ‘Do not travel’ warning for this Caribbean country – New York Post
Posted: at 2:09 am
Dont even go there.
The United States has renewed its Do not travel warning for Venezuela, urging American travelers to understand that their government has no ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens who run into trouble.
Officials blamed the notice the most severe the Department of State can issue on civil unrest, a slide towards dictatorship, ongoing threats of terrorism, and anti-American bias.
Violent crimes, such as homicide, armed robbery, kidnapping, and carjacking, are common in Venezuela, the agency added.
The threat is so dire that the US government advises travelers who insist on going to first establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones.
If you are taken hostage, your loved ones know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax), officials explained.
The Department has determined there is a high risk of wrongful detention of U.S. nationals in Venezuela. Security forces have detained U.S. citizens for up to five years, the agency added, warning that the American government is hardly notified or allowed access to incarcerated nationals.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans typically traveled to Venezuela annually.
The country is known for its miles of largely undeveloped Caribbean coastline and pristine adjacent islands.
Those numbers began to drop off, eventually going into sharp decline, when Nicols Maduro rose to power following the death of the iron-fisted Hugo Chvez in 2013.
Of the most recent election, the State Department said Maduro illegally claimed the presidency of Venezuela, despite global condemnation of a rigged election and is moving the country towards dictatorship.
Reminiscent of Chvez, Maduro is strengthening alliances with outside nations including Cuba, Russia, Iran, and China, that repress the Venezuelan people further.
The new warning, which was originally issued in 2019 when the US began pulling personnel from Venezuela, was reissued on May 13.
It comes ahead of a July election that the fate of the South American nation depends on.
Political rallies and demonstrations occur, often with little notice. Anti-Maduro demonstrations have elicited a strong police and security force response, the department added, including the use of tear gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets against participants.
These events occasionally devolve into looting and vandalism, they said.
Additionally, Venezuela is enduring a crisis of shortages that include, water, gasoline, electricity, and medicine.
Worse, terror groups from neighboring Colombia are highly active in the border regions.
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Royal Caribbean Sailing the Seas of Success – FX Empire
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EU Commissioner Urpilainen Meets With Caribbean Counterparts At SIDS Conference in Antigua & Barbuda – EEAS
Posted: at 2:09 am
This was the first political level meeting between the Caribbean and the European Union since the signature of the Samoa Agreement in November 2023, which provides a framework for the EUs cooperation with 79 countries of the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States.
Bridgetown, 27 May 2024
The EU and Caribbean strengthen their partnership and exchange on investment opportunities at the SIDS Conference
On 27 May, European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen and representatives of European Union Member States met with Caribbean countries in the sidelines of the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Antigua and Barbuda. It was the first political level meeting between the Caribbean and the European Union since the signature of the Samoa Agreement in November 2023, which provides a framework for the EUs cooperation with 79 countries of the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States.
Commissioner Urpilainen said: In this period of geopolitical tension and instability, the EU-Caribbean partnership stands as a beacon of hope: natural partners united by a common vision for a fairer, greener, and more sustainable future. Today, we become partners of choice, as we celebrate the Caribbean protocol of the Samoa agreement, which underpinned by the Global Gateway Investment Agenda enables us to deepen the cooperation between Caribbean states and the EU.
Key EU investors and private sector stakeholders travelled to Antigua to present concrete investment opportunities, under the Global Gateway Investment Agenda, in areas such as the fight against sargassum, digital transition, maritime connectivity, water, and energy. Caribbean countries were able to present their priorities and engage with EU investors.
We have over 130 projects aimed at advancing the green, digital, and fair triple transition in Latin America and the Caribbean. One of the novelties of Global Gateway is that to mobilise the level of investment needed to make a difference, we are bringing together public and private finance. I am happy to exchange with European companies and Caribbean partners to identify obstacles and opportunities for increased European investments in the region, Commissioner Urpilainen added.
The meeting demonstrated the commitment of the European Union and the Caribbean to work together in the face of global challenges, based on shared values and a common vision for inclusive and equitable societies. It will be followed by an inaugural CaribbeanEU Council of Ministers.
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