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Category Archives: Automation
IT Priorities 2023: Business automation intensifies as data … –
Posted: May 15, 2023 at 11:28 pm
Accelerated business automation, a rediscovery of data governanceand a significant shift to customer experience activities are highlights of enterprise software and data management investment for IT buyers in the UK, according to the annual TechTarget/Computer Weekly IT priorities 2023 survey.
The 2023 iteration of the survey was carried out between November 2022 and February 2023. The UK cohort of the global survey comprised 156 technology decision-makers, of whom one-third were chief information officers, 30% were IT managers and 13% were other IT professionals.
The survey found that investment in business automation projects was up by 9% to 36%, compared with the 2022 research. Robotic process automation (RPA) projects were up by 81% to 20% of respondents saying those were investment priorities for 2023. Customer experience (CX) was also significantly up as an investment area, by 37% to 26%.
The research indicates 2023 to be the year of automation, from the use of super-hyped generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as ChatGPT to more traditional business and IT automation. Organisations in the EMEA region are planning to increase their use of automation more than North America and Asia-Pacific, according to the research.
But in terms of a specific area of business applications, customer experience is well to the fore of investment projects. Some 43% said they will invest in customer experience software spanning marketing, sales and contact centre management.
Stephanie Corby, practice director at TechTargets analyst division, Enterprise Strategy Group, says: CX is a top business driver for enterprise organisations ... but the reality is that most organisations are still in the early stages of CX maturity and strategy. The complexity of CX technology stacks has created integration and adoption challenges that will inevitably drive conversion to platforms.
Learning and skills development came in as a distant third to CX, at 32% of respondents. Enterprise resource planning, the core application of business applications, came in at 26%, while supply chain management was bottom of the pile at 15%, down from 23% in the UK cut of the same survey for 2022.
Supply chain management had been a high priority in 2022, at 23%. Many of the more complex companies, with inelastic global supply chains, had a torrid Covid-19 pandemic, and been forced into unexpected supply chain changes.
Customer analytics and customer service support are both growing in 2023 as against 2022, the research found. Significant numbers of respondents are increasing their investments in advanced customer understanding technologies: 26% are investing in customer journey mapping, 19% in marketing automation and KM, and 16% in chatbots.
HR software is another region growing in 2023 as against the previous year. Learning management and skills development was the top category for investment, at 35%. This may suggest organisations are proactively investing in in-house talent as a means to obviate such trends as quiet quitting or the great resignation of the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Similarly, another business applications area that organisations are planning to invest in heavily which might suggest a buttress against attrition is knowledge management, long considered a relic of the late 1990s. KM came out as third in the content management category, behind the more routine and mechanical areas of content management systems and e-signatures.
In terms of the emperor of business applications, ERP, this years research found that users of legacy systems are struggling to migrate to cloud delivery, but that more are willing to make the leap because of new functionalities that derive from artificial intelligence/machine learning, the internet of things, blockchain and better application integrations.
Better customer understanding and service is one of the use cases for real-time data analytics. Not coincidentally, that technology emerged as a top investment area from the research.
Stephen Catanzano, senior analyst at the Enterprise Strategy Group, said, apropos the research: In 2023, I see a significant shift toward the use of data for real-time decision-making becoming a reality for all sizes of companies, as technology in this space has innovated and matured over the past few years.
Three areas that emerged as growing in 2023 as against 2022 were: data science and machine learning platforms, at 23%; embedded analytics, at 19%; and data preparation, at 17%.
Data governance seems to be seeing a re-emergence as a new wave of regulation in the area of AI one example being the EUs AI Act comes into being.
2023 has been shaping up as the year of data value, as digital transformation and the underpinning digitisation of data has brought data governance, stewardship, data observability and IT Ops into the spotlight.
Growing this year as against 2022 as areas for investment are: data quality, at 36%; data governance, at 56; cloud data warehousing, at 19%; and data lakehouses, at 8%. The data lakehouse is a portmanteau term combining the data warehouse with the unstructured data lakes that emerged with and after the rise and fall of Hadoop, as a software framework for big data. It has mainly been the domain of Databricks, but has gained traction outside that particular supplier, for example, chez Cloudera.
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Digitise your SMEs for Success: How can HR Automation empower you to Stay Ahead of the Game? – People Matters
Posted: at 11:28 pm
Automation has proven to be an impactful tool in improving business results. Its rapid adoption across key talent processes has today helped companies drive efficiency and raise productivity. By automating critical components within recruitment, employee engagement and EX, total rewards etc., HR payroll software has helped companies scale their talent processes and help HR play a more strategic role.
As India Inc continues to script its growth story, its important for SMEs to grow and leverage opportunities that HR automation presents. Reports today show that SMEs continue to play a crucial role in India's economy, accounting for 45% of industrial output and 40% of exports. While they today also employ a significant portion of Indias workforce, many find themselves at a disadvantage when competing with larger businesses; often due to their limited resources and inability to benefit from economies of scale.
It is in such business conditions that investing in HRIS systems provides strategic benefits to HR leaders across the SME sector and empowers them to support business growth.
In a fast-evolving business ecosystem, SMEs today face a wide ambit of challenges like talent shortages, lack of digitalisation, and funding restrictions. This in turn has been shown to hamper HRs capability in ramping up talent management practices and driving business results.
Shifting consumer preferences and inflationary pressures today mean SMEs face stricter competition from larger companies with better resources and access to funds. According to a study by the International Journal of Business and Management, SMEs in India often face aggressive pricing strategies from larger businesses.
In addition to changing consumer preferences, SMEs today face rapidly evolving employee expectations and demand. To attract, engage and retain people with the right skills, SMEs compete with tech-driven talent management processes, like HR payroll software of larger enterprise companies. Skill demand shifts put additional pressure on SMEs to create robust talent initiatives that enhance their experience and create personalised learning opportunities.
Skilled and engaged talent has fast emerged as the way to drive business success. To create newer ways to grow in the new world of work, SMEs require a renewed focus on talent management. And HR automation is the cornerstone of talent management practices that enable SMEs to compete with larger companies.
The lack of digitalisation among SMEs, especially HRIS systems proves to be a significant barrier to revamping talent management practices geared towards the new world of work. As a result HR processes lag and are unable to meet their business's talent needs. Many SMEs in India still rely on manual HR processes, which are time-consuming and prone to errors. According to the same KPMG report, 60% of SMEs in India still use manual processes for HR functions such as payroll and attendance management.
The dependence on manual functioning means that smaller enterprises today fall behind their larger, more established counterparts in terms of both talent and by extension business results. It comes as no surprise that the HR automation landscape is still in its early stages in SMEs in India. Only 10-15% of SMEs in India have adopted HR automation according to a report by KPMG, which is a low number. The report suggests that only 40% of SMEs in India use any form of HR technology.
But with a renewed focus on how effectively SMEs can hire, engage, and retain people with the right skills, the adoption of HR automation is on the rise. Automation can improve candidate sourcing, cut down screening time, make payroll error-free and provide HR professionals more bandwidth to play a more strategic role. The first step to reimagining talent processes for SMEs then becomes to adopt HR tech solutions like HR payroll software to improve the efficacy of such talent processes.
While there has been a growing interest in revamping their talent practices, many still face challenges when it comes to adopting impactful HR automation solutions. These challenges include limited financial resources, lack of technical expertise, and concerns over data privacy and security. What companies require then are HR automation solutions contextualised to their needs and demands.
It is here that solutions like PeoplesHR Turbo help meet talent demands and provide solutions to SMEs that are cost-effective and impactful. As a one stop solution for the growing HR demands of SMEs, PeoplesHR Turbo comes with express implementation, where the solution can be set up in just less than a week.
Without an impactful HR automation solution in place, SMEs face an uphill battle when competing with larger companies in both talent and consumer markets. With talent driving business success, SMES today must take the first step towards creating talent processes that reflect the realities of the new and evolving world of work. Talent processes that have HR automation are at the very centre of their effectiveness.
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Verified acquires Pliance to compliment digital signatures with AML … – Biometric Update
Posted: at 11:28 pm
Swedish Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company Verified, has acquired Swedish regtech start-up Pliance, an AML automation platform for an undisclosed amount.
Verified, founded in 2012, provides a portfolio of digital signature and digital identification products for KYC and AML compliance, and claims to have 2,000 customers in the Nordic countries, across the healthcare, financial services, insurance, travel, and construction sectors.
The company provides integrations with popular existing electronic identification systems such as Sweden and Norways BankID, Finlands FTN, and Denmarks NemID.
Pilance, founded in 2018, offers tools that automate AML processes for companies. These include processes such as screening for Politically Exposed Persons ( PEPs) and Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO), as well as sanction screenings and ongoing monitoring for financial institutions.
Verified says that Pilances technology will complement its existing suite of KYC and AML services, including its partnership with its most recent acquisition, Assently, which specializes in secure and digital identity verification.
Verified acquired Assently, also based in Stockholm, for another undisclosed sum in April 2023.
Assently, also based in Stockholm, provides e-signature and e-authentication services for SaaS, operating in all the Nordic countries, as well as internationally.
The news comes after Verified recently received a 31 million (roughly US$33.7 million) investment from Verdane, a London-based investment fund that specializes in making growth investments in Northern European tech companies.
We are excited to join the Verified family and contribute to the companys mission of delivering best-in-class compliance solutions to businesses across Europe, says Siam Choudhury, CEO of Pliance. Our combined expertise and technological capabilities will enable us to provide an even more comprehensive and seamless compliance experience for our clients.
He added: As well as being an excellent culture fit, we share a strong commitment to our customers.
acquisitions | AML | electronic-signature | Pliance | Verified
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HireVue acquires Modern Hire to bolster hiring automation capabilities – HR Dive
Posted: at 11:28 pm
HireVue, a platform focused on video interviewing and text-enabled recruiting solutions, has acquired Modern Hire, an intelligent hiring platform, to build on its end-to-end hiring automation solutions, according to a May 9 announcement.
In combination, the platforms will aim to enhance pre-hire assessments and interviewing, powered by ethical AI, the company said.
HireVues mission is to change lives by connecting talent to opportunities. The acquisition of Modern Hire will enable us to continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in hiring technology, by adding to our own best-in-class science, technology, and industry experience, Anthony Reynolds, CEO of HireVue, said in the statement.
Modern Hire features Virtual Job Tryout role-based assessments, a rising point of interest as more employers consider ways to hire based on skills.
The acquisition also comes as employers lean hard into automation, in part pushing forward pandemic-era practices. Virtual hiring trends will likely continue, HR Dive has reported, and now hiring platforms are creating solutions for the later, more complex stages of the talent acquisition process. Pre-assessments, on-demand video interviews and job simulations are becoming more popular as hiring managers look for better ways to use data and AI to find the best candidates.
Of course, despite the growing popularity of these tools, employers may want to exercise caution when relying on automation and AI in the hiring process. The White House plans to examine automated tools that track and manage workers. Other federal agencies, including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Department of Justice, also have said they intend to address the use of AI and automated systems in workplaces. New York City, likewise, has issued regulations restricting AI in hiring; enforcement is expected to start July 5.
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Advanced thermal imager for industrial automation, inspection … – AZoM
Posted: at 11:28 pm
Fluke Process Instruments has launched the new ThermoView TV30 thermal camera for factory automation and asset monitoring.
The rugged, fixed-installation infrared camera measures a wide temperature range from -10 C to 1300 C (14 F 2372 F) and provides an unrivaled scope of features and functions. The standalone camera provides full connectivity for easy integration with a PLC via OPC UA, or MQTT.
Image Credit: Fluke Process Instruments
The new ThermoView TV30 thermal camera provides 24/7 monitoring of critical production processes or assets and real-time analysis and feedback to control systems to assure adherence to set temperature values and avoid downtimes or costly repairs. Users can program any number of Areas of Interest (AOI) with individual tolerances and automatic alarms.
The thermal camera is powered via a 24 VDC power supply or Power over Ethernet. It features a remote motorized focus. Three lens options are available with narrow or wide fields of view for different working distances. The camera housing is rated IP67. The manufacturer provides a full range of accessories for mounting outside or in hot, dusty or dirty environments.
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Warehouse Automation Survey 2023: More robots are coming to a … – Modern Materials Handling
Posted: at 11:28 pm
If we needed more proof that the worlds warehouses and DCs are being equipped with more robots and automation, then ProMat 2023 definitely sealed the deal.
Sprinkled among the many different traditional materials handling vendors on the exhibition floorand in some cases, integrated right into those vendors own boothswas an amazing number of advanced robotics solutions that a record 51,000 show attendees oohed and aahed over during the shows four-day run.
The ongoing worker shortage, growth of e-commerce, pressure to do more with less, and the advancements weve seen in warehouse robotics over the last couple years are just some of the reasons more companies are interested in or investing in robotics for their fulfillment centers.
By 2026, research firm Gartner predicts that 75% of large enterprises will have adopted some form of intralogistics smart robots, which it defines as cyber-physical robotic automation thats primarily aimed at warehouse and DC environments.
According to Mordor Intelligence, the warehouse robotics market was valued at $9.9 billion in 2021 and is on track to exceed $23 billion by 2027. Using the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and connected systems, companies are using robotics to tackle a number of tasks, including material batching, picking, ordering, packaging, warehouse security and inspection.
Leading into the Automate show (May 22-25 in Detroit), where we expect to see 700 exhibitors and 25,000 registrants evaluate even more robots, and to gauge current adoption rates and learn more about how companies are using intralogistics robotics and automation in their operations, Peerless Research Group (PRG) conducted a new Intralogistics Robotics Study in March 2023.
Nearly 200Modern Materials Handlingand sister publicationLogistics Managementreaders provided input for the online survey, which was largely focused on the current state of robotics automation adoption and use cases.
Responsible for hiring, interviewing or sourcing full-time or part-time labor to manage materials handling, distribution and/or fulfillment, the survey respondents work in manufacturing (39%), transportation and warehousing services (10%), and retail trade (14%) industries. Specific to manufacturing, 21% of respondents work in the food, beverage and tobacco sector; 11% in textiles and apparel; and 9% in automotive and transportation equipment.
For this survey, the key industry sectors represented include fabricated metals, industrial machinery and plastics and rubber. The majority of companies (38.8%) have annual revenues of less than $50 million, while 11.2% have somewhere between $100 million to $249.9 million in revenues. Another 9.2% work for organizations that reported revenues of $2.5 billion or more.
Survey respondents hold a range of positions from corporate management (23%) to plant manager (13%), to logistics director or manager (13%), to purchasing or procurement (7%), to industrial engineers (7%). Thirty-nine percent of them are either potential buyers or current users of robotic automation systems and/or services, while 12% are sellers of robotic automation systems and/or services and 9% provide robotic automation consulting and systems integration services.
A growing number of companies are interested in using more robots and automation in their DCs and warehouses. According to our survey, nearly half (43%) of companies plan to use robots in their facilities at some point within the next three years. Thirty-seven percent have already made a move in this direction, and another 13% plan to start using robots by 2026 or later.
A stunning 4% of readers said they have no plans to use robots in their warehouses. That number fell significantly compared to a similar survey last year, when 40% of survey respondents said they have no plans to use robots at this time.
When asked to share their main reasons fornotinvesting in robotics, respondents to the 2022 survey cited warehousing and storage; order customization; inventory management; and individual pick, pack and ship as their biggest hang-ups. Other obstacles included a lack of management support, too many variables in products, space and cost constraints, and inventory fluctuations. It appears that at least some of those hurdles have come down over the last year.
According to this years survey, the majority of companies (63%) are currently using or considering other types of large-scale intralogistics automation like conveyors, sortation, storage/retrieval or shuttle systems, while 21% are not using this type of equipment in their operations.
When it comes to economic factors impacting operations over the next two years, 33% of responding companies expect significant impacts as a result of inflation, while 32% are concerned about an economic recession, and 34% see workforce constraints as an ongoing problem for their companies over the next 24 months. About 19% of respondents feel their organizations are very well positioned to address workforce constraints.
When asked about the current state of their organizations pursuit of robotic systems in their warehouses or DCs, 46% of respondents that plan to implement robots in the future say they are in the education and knowledge gathering stage, and 14% are in the strategy and vision formulation phase. Another 14% are documenting requirements and others are currently focused on impact analysis (6%), the active selection process (6%), finalization of commercial conditions (3%) or are implementing their first robots in the live production environment (3%).
The most popular use cases for robotics today are packing (35%), unit load/heavy payload transport (35%), collaborative picking (29%), put-away to storage (29%) and case/tote transport (29%). Other use cases include robotic picking (24%), order/case picking (24%), sorting (24%) and replenishment (24%).
In most cases, companies invest in robotics with the goal of reducing labor costs; increasing flow and throughput; and addressing labor shortages and availability constraints.
Asked about their top reasons for using robotics, respondents said the primary use cases included truck loading and unloading (37%), packing (37%), robotic picking (33%), order/case picking (33%) and put-away to storage (33%).
Other companies want to use robotics for cycle-counting/data collection (27%), order consolidation (20%), unit load/heavy payload transport (17%) or case/tote transport (17%).
Of the top robotic automation systems that companies will be evaluating over the next three years, robotic picking systems (45%), stationary industrial robots (38%) and order/case picking systems (35%) hold the top spots on respondents wish lists right now. Other companies are interested in truck-loading/unloading (31%), sortation robots (24%), heavy payload high-reach systems (21%), case/tote transport robots (21%) and collaborative in-aisle picking systems (21%).
Forty-one percent of survey respondents say they would prefer to buy the entire robotic solution as a pure capital expense (capex) with both hardware and software, while 38% would prefer a robot-as-a-service model (pure operating expense, or opex). Fourteen percent want to buy their robots outright and then subscribe to the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model.
Fourteen percent of companies currently have funding for a robotic automation system initiative. Another 45% dont have the funding in place yet but say the process is underway, while 38% have no funding available for a robotics initiative.
Half of the respondents who are planning to implement robotic automation say that return on investment (ROI) is extremely important to them when choosing a robotics solution, while an equal number of respondents say safety is a top concern. Thirty-nine percent of them say total cost of ownership (TCO) is extremely important.
Over the next three years, 35% of companies are considering using robotics for order/case picking and an equal number are considering case/tote transport robots or robotics for truck loading and unloading. Other companies would like to implement autonomous retrieval-to-person or put-wall robots (29%); mobile goods-to person systems (24%); or robotic picking systems (24%).
About 35% of companies that have already deployed robotics are now planning to pursue new robotic automation use cases and are already making moves in this direction. Additionally, 29% say their new projects are already underway and 24% say they have no current plans to pursue other robotic use cases.
The additional robotics use cases that are being explored include replenishment (31%); unit load/heavy payload transport (31%); goods receiving and unloading (25%); packing (25%); and case/tote transport (19%).
Over the next two to five years, the primary types of robotic automation systems that companies will likely invest in include case/tote transport robots (31%), mobile goods-to-person systems (31%), heavy payload carry-on-top transport robots (25%) and stationary industrial robots (25%).
An equal number of survey respondents (19%) will be evaluating heavy payload forked/tugger transport robots, collaborative in-aisle picking robots, mobile goods-to-person systems and cleaning robots over the next two to five years.
When selecting these and other robotics solutions, the top business factors that organizations will consider include ROI (which 56% of companies consider extremely important), time to value (44%), TCO (31%), payback time (31%) and investment risk (31%).
Asked whether their current intralogistics robotics met these objectives, survey respondents were positive. For example, 67% of them say their time to value and investment risk objectives were met, while 53% say the TCO aligned with their expectations. Just more than half (53%) of intralogistics robotics users say their ROI goals were met, and 27% said those goals were exceeded once the equipment was put in place and implemented.
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Agriculture Automation and Control Systems Market Untapped … – Digital Journal
Posted: at 11:28 pm
Agriculture Automation and Control Systems Market Growing Demand and Growth Opportunity 2023-2032 :
Agriculture Automation and Control Systems Market research report is a high-quality report having in-depth market research studies. This market report provides the best solutions for strategy development and implementation depending on the clients needs to extract tangible results. It helps businesses obtain granular level clarity on current business trends and expected future developments. Businesses can achieve practical and enduring results which are driven by accurate and timely research. It enables clients to take strategic decisions and accomplish growth objectives. By leveraging the global experience of industry analysts, consultants, and domain experts, the global Agriculture Automation and Control Systems report has been prepared and delivered with excellence.
Agriculture Automation and Control Systems Market Research Report is spread wide in terms of pages and provides exclusive data, information, vital statistics with tables and figures, trends and competitive landscape details in this niche sector.
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The list of Key Players Profiled in the study includes:-Ag Leader Technology, Argus Control Systems, GEA Group, Autonomous Solutions, BouMatic Robotic, Trimble Agriculture, Grownetics, Raven Industries, Granular, AGCO Corporation, Topcon Corporation, DICKEY-john Corporation, The Climate Corporation, Deere
Report overview:
Agriculture Automation and Control Systems Market Dynamics:
This section deals with understanding the market drivers, advantages, opportunities, restraints and challenges. All of this is discussed in detail as below:
Growth Drivers:
Segmentation Analysis of the Market:
Global Agriculture Automation and Control Systems Market forecast report provides a holistic evaluation of the market. The report offers a comprehensive analysis of key segments, trends, drivers, restraints, competitive landscape, and factors that are playing a substantial role in the market. Global Agriculture Automation and Control Systems Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminatedAgriculture Automation and Control Systems Market, By Type (yield Monitoring, Irrigation Management, Field Mapping, Weather Tracking & Forecasting, Crop Scouting, Farm Labor Management, Inventory Management), By Application (commercial, Personal), By Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, And South America) Market Size and Forecast to 2032
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Regional Coverage:
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Himachal Pradesh Government Prioritizes Digitization and … – TheNewsHimachal
Posted: at 11:28 pm
The Government of Himachal Pradesh is focused on digitizing and automating the states food distribution management system to increase efficiency and ensure transparency. The state has a strong network of 117 wholesale godowns and 5,078 retail fair-price shops, making it one of the most robust public distribution systems in the country.
To date, 19.08 lakh ration cards have been digitized and Android-based devices have been installed at all fair price shops for automation. The Food and Civil Supplies department is implementing end-to-end computerization to improve the efficiency and transparency of the public distribution system. Inspections of wholesale stores, flour mills, and fair-price shops are conducted regularly to ensure the quality of food items. Liquefied Petroleum Gas distribution is also being ensured throughout the state.
The distribution of essential commodities is being done under APL, BPL Antyodaya Anna Yojana, and Annapurna Yojana. Additionally, all ration cardholders in fair-price shops throughout the state receive edible oil containing iron, folic acid, and Vitamin D.
To ensure fairness in sales, point-of-sale machines have been installed at fair-price shops. Aadhaar seeding has almost been completed to identify eligible consumers and check bogus and duplicate ration cards in the state. The governments focus on digitization and automation is expected to increase the efficiency and transparency of the public distribution system.
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Himachal Pradesh Government Prioritizes Digitization and ... - TheNewsHimachal
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An IT Executive’s Guide to Automation – free eGuide – Neowin
Posted: at 11:28 pm
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IT executives need more than IT software and tools to get their company where it needs to be. They need a long-term strategy, an experienced partner and a valued automation platform.
IT automation can help give organizations the ability to work efficiently, while scaling infrastructure. By using a single automation tool for their IT needs, they can reduce complexity and better unify siloed teams, and processes.
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>> An IT Executive"s Guide to Automation - free eGuide Offered for free by Micro Strategies. This is a time limited offer.
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Are You Looking for a Top Momentum Pick? Why Rockwell Automation (ROK) is a Great Choice – Zacks Investment Research
Posted: February 20, 2023 at 12:56 pm
Are You Looking for a Top Momentum Pick? Why Rockwell Automation (ROK) is a Great Choice Zacks Investment Research
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