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Category Archives: Automation
7 Tips to Improve Field Service Automation in Your Business – The Motley Fool
Posted: May 20, 2022 at 2:31 am
Image source: Getty Images
Though the field service industry is all about hands-on work at customer sites, multiple administrative tasks also need to be completed alongside each work order. These tasks are often repetitive and time-consuming, and if theyre not completed accurately, they can ruin a technicians day and damage your customer experience.
Thats where field service automation comes into play. It frees up time spent on recurring yet crucial tasks, giving you more time to optimize business operations and maximize both revenue and efficiency.
Here, we go through the many benefits of field service automation and the seven ways you can implement it to help boost productivity.
Field service automation involves using field service management tools and other types of software to streamline processes and procedures with the goal of maximizing efficiency.
Many field service processes involve complex yet repetitive workflows which, without a field automation platform, slow down the services companies provide to customers
From preparing quotations to creating tickets, scheduling, and route planning, field service automation uses software to process tasks in a faster and more efficient way.
Field service automation relieves dispatchers and technicians from completing many manual tasks daily. Below, we discuss just some of the benefits your company can enjoy by implementing field service automation.
Coordination between the back office and technicians is key to maintaining a successful field service business that keeps customers happy. Field service automation facilitates better coordination by bringing all communication together into a central hub, where all relevant people can access it conveniently.
Manually keeping tabs on tickets, the progress of each job, and each technicians availability is an unenviable task. Since conditions are so prone and quick to change in the field service industry, managing these tasks manually can often end in chaos, missed appointments, and wasted time. Field service software helps reduce the incidence of human error by automating these tasks in a few clicks.
With field service automation, tasks that once took an age to complete can be carried out much faster, meaning the transition from one job to the next is much more streamlined.
For example, technicians dont have to wait for you to complete a work order and plan a route but can access work orders and optimize their own routes within a mobile application, meaning quicker service for customers and more jobs ticked off the list.
So, what does field service automation look like in practice? Here, we go through just a few of the ways that field service automation can tighten up business processes.
Technician scheduling can be an arduous task when jobs can get canceled or rearranged at the last minute, and new and emergency jobs can enter the system at any time.
With field service management software automation features, you can easily view work orders and the availability and location of each of your technicians. Most of these features come with simple drag-and-drop functionality to help assign technicians new jobs in one click.
You can also identify productivity gaps in technicians schedules, where you can schedule smaller jobs such as routine maintenance or follow-up calls. Plus, when technicians have completed a job, you can automatically schedule recurring work orders or annual inspections and maintenance for future dates, streamlining the workflow entirely.
mHelpDesks dashboard displays the days schedule for dispatchers. Image source: Author
Route optimization benefits field service organizations by reducing the time spent creating route plans and recreating them when schedules change.
Using complex algorithms that take into account factors such as time of appointment, length of work orders, real-time and historical traffic data, and technician proximity, route optimization features create the most efficient routes for technicians to take.
Automated route optimization has a number of benefits, including:
Jobber notifies technicians of route changes as soon as they occur. Image source: Author
When you receive multiple customer requests from multiple communication channels, its almost impossible to create a coherent system without field service automation tools.
Centralizing customer requests pulls all communication into one place, making it easy for you to schedule and prioritize tickets. Freshdesk, for example, offers an omnichannel feature that automatically converts customer requests from email, phone, social media, and live chat channels into tickets.
This helps you not only respond to customers faster and streamline the creation of tickets but also create automated workflows, easily assign technicians, and change the status of work orders.
Users can easily create tickets from multiple communication channels. Image source: Author
When your technicians are in the field, they need to collect data such as photographs, customer signatures, and other job-related information. With field service automation, this data can be collected and sent to the back office in real time via mobile applications, meaning you dont need to wait to collect mountains of paperwork at the end of each day.
Instead of waiting to return to the office to hand in invoices, your technicians can use mobile applications to help automate the billing process.
Invoices can be generated quickly, as technicians can easily populate form fields during the visit.
Another benefit of field service automation is that all necessary information about each job can be collected and then automatically stored in the cloud. This means that information is on hand for different technicians who attend any follow-up appointments or maintenance calls.
This results in the end of folders stuffed with job notes and invoices and calls to the office to confirm what tasks have been completed beforehand and the beginning of a start-to-finish streamlined workflow.
Automated reporting on your teams efficiency and productivity helps you identify areas of improvement and areas where things are going well.
Dashboards that collect information such as the number of jobs completed on time and the number of service tasks completed can help you gain insight into where operations can be adjusted to make improvements, such as building a bigger team or investing in training and development.
An investment in field service automation is an investment in field mobility -- the ability to be more responsive to your customers needs.
Automation frees up time for your team to complete more jobs more efficiently and enables you to implement smoother, more informed, and more insightful workflows.
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7 Tips to Improve Field Service Automation in Your Business - The Motley Fool
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Allied Electronics & Automation Supplies More Than 1600 Ready-to-Ship Pneumatic Products from Norgren – 69News WFMZ-TV
Posted: at 2:31 am
Norgren's extensive portfolio of pneumatic products is engineered to provide high-reliability, robust durability and standards compliance in a wide variety of industrial automation, food, beverage and pharmaceutical manufacturing, oil and gas, public utility, transportation, commercial vehicle, medical and construction applications.
FORT WORTH, Texas, May 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --Allied Electronics & Automation, a trading brand of RS Group plc (LSE: RS1), a global omni-channel provider of product and service solutions,supplies more than 1,600 ready-to-ship pneumatic products from Norgren, a leading global supplier of innovative engineering solutions optimized for the high-precision motion control and fluid power markets.
Pneumatic systems harness the energy generated by the controlled release of compressed air to power applications including pushing, lifting, gripping, punching and vacuum devices employed in the industrial automation, food, beverage and pharmaceutical manufacturing, oil and gas, public utility, transportation, commercial vehicle, medical and construction industries.
Norgren designs and manufactures an extensive portfolio of pneumatic products engineered to provide high-reliability performance and robust durability in a wide range of application environments including those exposed to extreme temperatures, corrosive materials and dirt and dust and compliant with relevant National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) specifications. Key components of pneumatic systems manufactured by Norgren and in stock at Allied include:
"Pneumatic actuators provide alternatives to electric actuators and motors and are typically used to power devices that handle relatively small, lightweight loads since pneumatic systems produce less force than hydraulic systems," said Dietmar Grn, Product Manager, Motion Control and Actuators, at Norgren. "But that doesn't make them any less vital to the many industries they're employed in. In fact, due to a combination of the relatively low cost required to maintain pneumatic systems and engineering advancements including corrosion-resistant seals that help prevent leaks, the application range for pneumatic systems is now comparable to that of the electric automated systems also used to handle smaller loads."
For more information about Norgren's extensive portfolio of pneumatic products, please visit the Norgren website and Norgren's manufacturer page.To view and compare the Norgren pneumatic products in stock at Allied, please click here. For assistance identifying and deploying Norgren pneumatic products optimized for your unique application, please contact your local sales office, call 1.866.433.5722 or reach out to the Allied's technical support team.
About Norgren
A well-respected world leader in motion control and fluid technology, Norgren is ideally placed to unearth breakthrough engineering solutions and play an active role in important industry sectors that contribute to the quality and success of everyday life. Norgren offers insight, technical excellence and a collaborative approach to help our customers forge a brighter future. Norgren's reputation rests on a world-class portfolio of high-performance products comprised of Bimba, Buschjost, FAS, Herion, Kloehn and Maxseal and an ability to deliver exceptional local service. Part of the 1.8 billion engineering group IMI plc, Norgren has a sales and service network in 55 countries, technical centers in the USA, Germany, UK and China, and manufacturing facilities around the world.
About Allied Electronics & Automation
Allied Electronics & Automation is a trading brand of RS Group plc (formerly Electrocomponents plc), a global omni-channel provider of product and service solutions for designers, builders and maintainers of industrial equipment and operations. We stock more than 700,000 industrial and electronic products, sourced from over 2,500 leading suppliers, and provide a wide range of product and service solutions to over 1.2 million industrial customers. With operations in 32 countries, we trade through multiple channels and ship nearly 60,000 parcels daily.
We support customers across the product life cycle, whether via innovation and technical support at the design phase, improving time to market and productivity at the build phase, or reducing purchasing costs and optimizing inventory in the maintenance phase. We offer our customers tailored product and service propositions that are essential for the successful operation of their businesses and help them save time and money.
RS Group plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange with stock ticker RS1 and in the year ended 31 March 2021 reported revenue of 2.0 billion. RS Group plc has nine operating brands: RS Components, Allied Electronics & Automation, RS PRO, OKdo, DesignSpark, IESA, Synovos, Needlers and Liscombe.
For more information about Allied Electronics & Automation, please visit or connect with us via social media on Facebook,Twitter andLinkedIn.
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Media Inquiries:
Karen Gavenda
Allied Electronics & Automation, part of RS Group
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SOURCE Allied Electronics & Automation
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Workato Concludes Second Annual Automate Conference featuring Top Leaders from Atlassian, Verizon, GitLab, and more – Business Wire
Posted: at 2:31 am
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Workato, the leading enterprise automation platform, recently wrapped its second annual industry conference, Automate 2022. The largest conference focused on automation, Automate 2022 brought together global leaders to discuss and share how their companies are investing in automation to help scale business operations and drive value. This years gathering saw over 50 Workato customers and partners take the virtual stage with registration surpassing 30,000 people, a 150% increase from last year.
This years conference focused on The New Automation Mindset a critical mindset shift in how companies of all sizes are taking a holistic, end-to-end approach to automating across all departments, not just IT. Workatos CEO, Vijay Tella, took to the main stage for the opening keynote where he connected with automation leaders from Atlassian, Autodesk, TripActions, Vituity, and Helen of Troy.
Automate brought together 30,000 business and technology leaders globally to learn from each other and inspire one another to take on the New Automation Mindset. It is great to see the enterprise automation movement gain force as more leaders from business and IT teams embrace the steps to building unstoppable companies, said Vijay Tella, Workato Founder, and CEO. I am especially grateful to our speakers - customers, partners, and the Workato team - for the hard work they put into sharing their insights and experience with the broader automation community.
Automate 2022 programming was largely virtual but included in-person elements and big company announcements. From certification courses to product enhancements, conference highlights include:
Automation Pro Certification Workshops
Product Enhancements
The Automation Impact Awards
A Culture of Excellence Podcast Announced
Global Happy Hour Gatherings
View all of the sessions from this years conference on-demand here.
About Workato
The leader in enterprise automation, Workato helps organizations work faster and smarter without compromising security and governance. Built for Business and IT users, Workato is trusted by over 11,000 of the world's top brands, including Broadcom, Intuit, and Box. Headquartered in Mountain View, Calif., Workato is backed by Altimeter Capital, Battery Ventures, Insight Venture Partners, Tiger Global, and Redpoint Ventures. For more information, visit or connect with us on social media:
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Global Home Automation Market (2022 to 2030) – by Connection Type, Application, Management, and System Type – – Business Wire
Posted: at 2:31 am
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Home Automation Market - Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast 2022-2030" report has been added to's offering.
The Home Automation Market size was valued at USD 84.33 billion in 2021 and is predicted to reach USD 210.15 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 10.7% from 2022-2030.
Home automation also known as smart home, is an automation system, which provides access to control appliances such as alarm systems, electrical outlets, lights, fans, and others, using a smartphone. In this system, the primary focus is on home security, safety, and surveillance, including smart locks' systems for windows and doors, fire alarms, surveillance cameras, and other sensors.
Market Dynamics and Trends
The demand for home automation is increasing due to factors such as rise in building construction and increase in urbanization in European countries such as Slovakia, Ukraine, and Austria fuel the growth of the global home automation market. For instance, urbanization in Ukraine grew by 0.3% from 2018 to 2020.
Moreover, surge in need for energy-efficient solutions and rise in demand for safety & security for homes are some of the major factors expected to drive the demand for home automation. In addition, rise in disposable income and increase in government initiatives for development of smart cities are anticipated to significantly contribute toward the growth of the home automation market during the forecast period.
However, need for high capital investment and lack of awareness among developing countries are the factors restraining the growth of market during the forecast period. On the contrary, increasing adoption of automated services is anticipated to provide lucrative opportunities for the growth of the home automation market.
Market Segmentations and Scope of the Study:
The global home automation market is segmented on the basis of connection type, application, management, and system type. By connection type, the market is divided into wired and wireless. By application, the market is segregated into security & safety, lighting, entertainment, Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC), and others. The lighting segment is segmented into dimmers, relays, switches, and others. Security & safety is divided into access control and video surveillance.
The HVAC segment divided into sensors, control valves, thermostats, and others. Entertainment is divided into volume & multimedia controls, home theatre systems, and others. Based on management, the market is bifurcated into cloud based and on-premise. Based on system type, the market is segmented into mainstream home automation, luxury home automation, DIY (Do It Yourself) home automation, and managed home automation. Geographic breakdown and analysis of each of the aforesaid segments includes regions comprising of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and RoW.
Geographical Analysis
North America region holds the lion share of home automation market and is expected to continue dominating the market during the forecast period. This is attributed to factors such as people of this region are moving towards the concept of smart homes, with approximately 30 million US households projected to include smart home technology in the future.
However, Asia Pacific is expected to show a steady rise in the construction market due to the surge in real estate, home construction, and high economic growth witnessed by countries in this region. The home automation systems are being deployed in such a way that they will help in achieving high energy savings, which will finally result in decreased electricity bills. Also, developed countries such as India, Japan, and China have aggressively started developing smart cities, which in turn is expected to raise the penetration of home automation systems in this region.
Key Market Segments:
Home Automation Market - By Connection Type
Home Automation Market -By Application
Home Automation Market- By Management
Home Automation Market - By System Type
Home Automation Market - By Geography
Companies Mentioned
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Increase In Demand For Industrial Automation Is To Drive Streaming Analytics Market Growth At A Huge Rate Of 29% As Per The Business Research…
Posted: at 2:31 am
LONDON, May 19, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to The Business Research Companys research report on the streaming analytics market, the increasing demand for industrial automation is significantly driving the growth of the streaming analytics market. Automation refers to the application of technologies with minimal human intervention for producing and delivering goods and services. The majority of the industrial sectors are adopting automated technologies to cut back on errors, analyze real-time information, and lower processing costs. The increasing demand for automation in various industries is directly promoting the increased use of streaming analytics tools and services. For instance, according to the Future of Jobs Survey 2020 and the World Economic Forum, 50% of business leaders are planning to adopt automation of repetitive tasks, and 85% of business leaders said that automation will give them more time to focus on the important goals of the company. Therefore, the increase in demand for industrial automation is expected to drive the growth of the streaming analytics market going forward.
Request for a sample of the global streaming analytics market report
The global streaming analytics market size is expected to grow from $13.12 billion in 2021 to $17.24 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.5%. The global streaming analytics market share is expected to grow to $48.85 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 29.7%.
Technological advancement is a key trend gaining popularity in the streaming analytics market. Major companies operating in the streaming analytics sector are focused on developing new technological solutions to strengthen their position. For instance, in March 2021, KX, a UK-based data analysis software company, launched KX Insights, a cloud-based platform for streaming analytics. It uses streaming analytics technology to deliver scalable real-time data insights without the need for complicated upgrades, additional infrastructure, or the need to optimize for different cloud environments.
Major players in the streaming analytics market are Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, Oracle Corporation, SAP SE, TIBCO Software Inc., Software AG, Striim Inc., Impetus Technologies Inc., SAS Institute Inc., Informatica Inc., Guavus Inc., Google, Cloudera Inc., and Conviva.
The global streaming analytics market analysis report is segmented by component into software, service; by deployment mode into on-premise, cloud; by organization size into large enterprises, small and medium sized enterprises; by industry vertical into BFSI, IT and telecom, manufacturing, government, retail and e-commerce, media and entertainment, healthcare, energy and utilities, others.
North America was the largest region in the streaming analytics market in 2021. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the global streaming analytics market during the forecast period. The regions covered in the global streaming analytics market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa.
Streaming Analytics Global Market Report 2022 Market Size, Trends, And Global Forecast 2022-2026 is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provide streaming analytics market overviews, analyze and forecast market size and growth for the whole market, streaming analytics market segments and geographies, streaming analytics market trends, streaming analytics market drivers, streaming analytics market restraints, streaming analytics market leading competitors revenues, profiles and market shares in over 1,000 industry reports, covering over 2,500 market segments and 60 geographies.
The report also gives in-depth analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the market. The reports draw on 150,000 datasets, extensive secondary research, and exclusive insights from interviews with industry leaders. A highly experienced and expert team of analysts and modelers provides market analysis and forecasts. The reports identify top countries and segments for opportunities and strategies based on market trends and leading competitors approaches.
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Profiles In Success: BirchStreet Systems, the Procure-to-Pay Automation Platform That Is Leading the Way to a More Automated Future for Hospitality…
Posted: at 2:31 am
What makes a hotel successful? The answer likely varies, depending on who you ask, and, often, guest experience receives the most attention as the key differentiator between brands. This is justified. After all, hospitality professionals are in the business of providing a warm welcome to guests and going above and beyond to delight each guest at every opportunity. However, just as a theater show cannot receive a standing ovation without the stagehands working behind the scenes to ensure the show runs smoothly, hotels cannot achieve front-of-house service excellence without first optimizing their backend procedures. In the world of hospitality, efficient operational workflows empowered by intuitive technology place hotels in a position not only to reach their full potential but also to set new standards of excellence. Digital transformation is a critical catalyst to continued growth and success, especially in today's market.
It was precisely this line of thinking which inspired the creation of BirchStreet Systems. Uniquely designed for hospitality, BirchStreet solutions, including eProcurement, Inventory Management, Invoice Management, Reporting and Analytics, and more, are borne from deep collaboration and relationships with their customers. The need for automation of manual procurement processes was undeniable, explains Gareth Fraser, vice president of sales and marketing enablement at BirchStreet Systems. The complexity of hospitality procurement has been a well-known industry challenge, but there didnt yet exist a solution that effectively championed this business segment. We felt that hotel brands needed one reliable system of record to reduce their manual processes and improve reporting while enabling increased spend compliance and a proven increase in profitability. So we set out to create that system. At the same time, founder and chairman Sushil Garg, a longtime complex enterprise software designer, worked to create a company culture that reflected and celebrated the values that guided his career: entrepreneurial spirit, technological excellence, and a keen desire to deliver ongoing customer successes.
With a clear mission in mind, BirchStreet was established in 2002 and headquartered in Newport Beach, California, with offices in China, Singapore, India, and the UK. In 2021 it relocated its headquarters to Las Vegas, Nevada. Our solution was built around our customers' unique and complex business needs in the hospitality industry, including hotels, casinos, restaurants, and food suppliers. This collaboration streamlines and automates otherwise manual processes while driving actionable visibility and control into direct materials spend, risk of loss, and workflow efficiencies. Through unique proprietary code, our founder coined the phrase, procure-to-pay on-demand. When our first customer inquired as to what company name to place on the contract, our founder, excited by the first big sale, looked out his office window and saw the street sign, Birchstreet, and that he was what he went with, says Fraser.
Today, BirchStreets procure-to-pay automation platform is the leading cloud-based solution in the hospitality industry and serves over 15,000 contracted locations worldwide. BirchStreets solutions allow hotel brands of all sizes and scale to better optimize their food and beverage procurement and improve the efficiency of managing inventory and recipes across properties based on real-time food costs and margin control. When hoteliers can rely on fast and accurate inventory counts and access to cost-effective group purchasing networks, they can save time and increase profitability. We collaborated closely with our customers every step of the way to ensure that system was and remains to be truly best in class, Fraser explains.
Of course, the last two years have been a notoriously challenging time for the hospitality industry. Even as we enter a period of post-pandemic recovery, the global supply chain remains in disarray. When asked if hotels can use BirchStreet to fuel their recovery and come out even stronger on the other side, Fraser says their technology is perfectly suited to this moment in history. Hotels need to save valuable money and time by automating their manual processes, he shares. For far too long, the industry has relied on manual accounting processes, which pay a costly price in overhead. This was highlighted by the impact of the pandemic and full-scale industry shut down. Our end-to-end SaaS platform positions hospitality management companies to save significant money and time for their staff and back-of-house processes.
Fraser also notes that, within this climate that faces both supply chain challenges and encroaching economic inflation, hotels should look to negotiate preferred pricing. With supplier partnerships in the multiple thousands, we provide our customers with a one-stop shop to obtain the best price for their procurement needs, he explains. Not only that, but our customer advisory board members hail from the top names in hospitality, and they often comment that we provide advance information regarding the hospitality supply chain based on our marketplace data, reporting, and business intelligence capabilities.
As the hospitality industry once again hits its stride, BirchStreet finds itself in an exciting period of growth in fact, they are rapidly scaling up. It is very encouraging to see the positive impact of pent-up demand for travel and hospitality activities after two incredibly difficult years, shares Fraser. After 20-years of leading the way for our industry, we also are scaling up. In 2017 private equity firm Serent Capital invested in our company, and in 2021 Parthenon Capital bought out the BirchStreet ownership team and reinvigorated the company with a fresh mindset for future growth. The company has added new board members, new CEO, CFO, CTO, VP roles, and is now hiring key talent for a number of roles.
According to Fraser, it seems undeniable that a bright future lies ahead for BirchStreet, which sees great opportunity in industry vertical expansion, cross-selling, upselling, and acquisitions in further service to global hospitality management. Other verticals that are not readily considered hospitality are now coming to us to help them solve their procurement challenges, he shares. This is opening new doors for our solutions to automate, streamline, scale, and, ultimately, transform their business processes.
Attendees at HITEC in Orlando are invited to visit booth #2515 to meet with the Birchstreet team and learn more about the companys game-changing procure-to-pay business solutions for hospitality.
Puzzle Partner Ltd. is a boutique marketing agency focused exclusively on complex B2B initiatives for the travel and hospitality technology industry. We are experts at combining strategy and tactical execution in a way that doesn't just maximize a company's potential; it redefines it. By delivering influential content, marketing services, and public relations rooted in the skills of our team and tested through real-world experience, we help our clients gain visibility, raise their profile and ultimately increase their sales revenues. We incorporate a holistic blend of paid, earned and owned media, along with creative services, into an integrated communications strategy to drive brand awareness ahead of competitors and deliver impactful business results.
To learn more visit
Lauren RamesbottomHead of Content, Puzzle PartnerPuzzle Partner Ltd.
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UiPath Partners with Adobe to Automate End-to-End Digital Document Processes and Workflows – insideBIGDATA
Posted: at 2:31 am
UiPath (NYSE: PATH), a leading enterprise automation software company, announced it has integrated its automation platform with digital document generation and e-signature capabilities from Adobe (NASDAQ: ADBE). By integrating with Adobe Document Services and Adobe Acrobat Sign to help customers automate end-to-end document processes, UiPath can boost employee productivity, enhance digital customer experiences, and lower costs through seamless, uninterrupted digital document workflows.
According to a Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Adobe, 97% of organizations with minimal digital document processes are seeing a negative impact on productivity. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have triggered a paradigm shift in existing ways of managing processes and repetitive tasks creating the productivity and efficiency gains that these fast-moving organizations demand.
Whether its onboarding new hires, creating NDAs, or ordering standard equipment, employees and customers spend a lot of time repeating manual, paper-based processes. These tasks not only take too much time, but they also introduce inefficiency and risk into every step of the process, said Deepak Bharadwaj, Vice President of Product Management, Adobe Document Cloud. In todays hybrid world, every department across an organization needs modern tools that accelerate document and e-signature workflows. And with UiPath and Adobes integration, organizations will have easy access to the best digital document experiences that drive productivity and scale in a secure manner.
By transforming manual processes into all-digital experiences, UiPath and Adobe are enabling organizations to accelerate and modernize their work with employees and customers alike. More specifically, these integrations:
Customers want a simple, affordable, and resilient solution without complex infrastructure and application changes. They also know that Adobe has been in the business of providing the best document tools and services for decades. Were here to help, said Param Kahlon, UiPath Chief Product Officer. As interest in accelerated document processes amongst organizations continues to grow, the UiPath integration with Adobe enables enterprise organizations to easily begin or continue their enterprise automation journey, successfully mature and scale their automation initiatives, and refocus their workforce on business transformation.
For more information on the integration and to get started, visit the UiPath Marketplace:
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Fox Logistics expands offering with freight automation platform Boxton – FreightWaves
Posted: at 2:31 am
Asset-based 3PL Fox Logistics announced Wednesday the acquisition of freight automation platform Boxton. The deal expands Fox Logistics freight capabilities globally to include ocean and air services.
San Diego-based Boxtons platform automates freight quotes via artificial intelligence and API connectivity. The deal is expected to add 150 global customers to the Fox Logistics network, growing its customer base by 500%.
Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
Boxtons freight automation platform increases associate capacity by fivefold and elevates our customers user experience by meeting them where they already work, whether thats Slack, Microsoft Teams or email, said Fox Logistics CEO Matt Lawrence. Were excited about the relationships Boxton has with ocean and air freight carriers, and were going to continue to expand those relationships. This is the future of freight.
Starke, Florida-based Fox Logistics AI capabilities allow users to get a quote in minutes by scanning emails and PDFs. The companys platform provides visibility into ground, air and ocean shipments for retailers and manufacturers of all sizes. Shippers are able to consolidate and track orders in real time.
Boxtons customers are expected to benefit from more competitive freight rates given Fox Logistics direct relationships with carriers.
We started Boxton to help the most innovative companies in the world better manage complex shipments so that they can focus on growth, said Warren Kucker, Boxton founder. Fox Logistics ingenuity, focus on customer service and deep supplier relationships will continue to steward supply chains to the next level.
More FreightWaves articles by Todd Maiden
The FREIGHTWAVES TOP 500 For-Hire Carriers list includes Forward Air (No. 37).
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Worldwide Intelligent Process Automation Industry to 2027 – Advancements in New Computing Tools and Technologies are Driving Growth – PR Newswire
Posted: at 2:31 am
DUBLIN, May 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --The "Global Intelligent Process Automation Market, By Component (Solution and Services), By Deployment (On-premises and Cloud), By Application, By Organization Size, By Technology, By Industry Vertical, By Region, Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2017-2027" report has been added to's offering.
The global intelligent process automation market is anticipated to grow at a significant rate during the forecast period. Surging demand for innovative solutions for improving and streamlining business operations and rising adoption of novel technologies with automation technology are some of the key factors propelling the growth of the global intelligent process automation market.
Intelligent process automation refers to the convergence of different novel technologies such as machine learning, cognitive automation, computer vision, and robotic processes and next-generation tools to improve efficiency in operations and eliminate mundane tasks.
The rising adoption of intelligent process automation across various industries and advancements in new computing tools and technologies are expected to fuel the growth of the global intelligent process automation market in the coming years. Rising awareness about the benefits of intelligent process automation technologies, such as improving production volume, reducing operational costs, delivering better customer experience, etc., are also propelling the growth of the intelligent process automation market.
Besides, organizations are increasingly adopting advanced technologies and making high-end investments in developing machines that mimic human actions, which is anticipated to boost the global intelligence process automation market. Furthermore, high internet penetration and smart devices and the growing number of digital small and medium-sized organizations are rapidly advancing towards digital platforms and are also adding to the market growth.
The global intelligent process automation market is segmented into component, deployment, application, organization size, technology, industry vertical, company, and regional distribution. Based on deployment, the market is sub-divided into on-premises and cloud. The cloud segment is expected to register the fastest growth during the forecast period owing to its greater adoption across various end-user industries.
Cloud technology is affordable and provides greater flexibility, scalability, and adaptability. Based on the application, the market is divided into IT operations, business process automation, application management, content management, security, and others. The IT operations segment is expected to dominate the global intelligent process automation market during the forecast period. Many IT companies are adopting intelligent automation technology for development lifecycle management and lower operational costs, attributing to their dominance.
Major players operating in the global intelligent process automation market are Accelirate, Inc., Blue Prism Group PLC, Dell EMC Corp., IBM Corporation, WorkFusion, UiPath, Inc., Kofax Inc., Pegasystems Inc., Inc., SAP SE, etc.
Years Considered for This Report:
Objective of the Study:
Key Topics Covered:
1. Service Overview
2. Research Methodology
3. Executive Summary
4. Impact of COVID-19 on Global Intelligent Process Automation Market
5. Voice of Customers5.1. Brand Awareness5.2. Factors Considered while Selecting Vendor5.3. Customer Satisfaction Level5.4. Major Challenges Faced
6. Global Intelligent Process Automation Market Outlook6.1. Market Size & Forecast6.1.1. By Value 6.2. Market Share & Forecast6.2.1. By Component (Solution and Services)6.2.2. By Deployment (On-premises and Cloud)6.2.3. By Application (IT Operations, Business Process Automation, Application Management, Content Management, Security, and Others)6.2.4. By Organization Size (Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises and Large Enterprises)6.2.5. By Technology (Natural Language Processing, Machine & Deep Learning, and Others)6.2.6. By Industry Vertical (BFSI, Healthcare, Telecommunications &IT, Government & Public Sector, Manufacturing, Consumer Goods & Retail, Media & Entertainment, and Others)6.2.7. By Region6.2.8. By Company (2021)6.3. Market Map
7. North America Intelligent Process Automation Market Outlook
8. Asia-Pacific Intelligent Process Automation Market Outlook
9. Europe Intelligent Process Automation Market Outlook
10. South America Intelligent Process Automation Market Outlook
11. Middle East & Africa Intelligent Process Automation Market Outlook
12. Market Dynamics12.1. Drivers12.2. Challenges
13. Market Trends & Developments
14. Company Profiles14.1. Accelirate, Inc.14.2. Blue Prism Group PLC 14.3. Dell EMC Corp.14.4. IBM Corporation14.5. WorkFusion14.6. UiPath, Inc.14.7. Kofax Inc.14.8. Pegasystems Inc.14.9. Inc.14.10. SAP SE
15. Strategic Recommendations
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Chemical innovator invests in automation to drive green growth – The Manufacturer
Posted: at 2:31 am
A manufacturer of innovative, eco-friendly domestic cleaning products is forecasting 25% growth and creating new jobs after investing in a new automation technology.
Qualkem (formerly Repclif Chemical Services), based in Crewe, has installed new tube labelling and filling machinery specifically for short production runs.
The second generation family business with 16 staff has been developing and making chemicals for half a century, and believes that the solution which uses up to 100% recycled plastic tubes and closures, 85% recycled polyurethane labels that are in-line applied, and 85% recycled cardboard packaging is unique to the market and will give it a competitive edge.
As a result, Qualkem is forecasting 25% sales growth over the next three years and creating two new jobs, while upskilling several existing roles.
The 57,500 technology investment, supported by a 20,000 grant from Made Smarters North West adoption programme, will also give the company visibility and access to valuable production data to drive continuous improvement across its processes.
Qualkem with Ivan Anketell-Clifford, director, front left, and Ian Hill, sales manager, front right. Credit: Qualkem
Ivan Anketell-Clifford, Director, said: Introducing the automatic tube labelling and filling machinery will see the start of our commitment to digitalisation. Not only will it allow us to offer another packaging regime to our existing customer base, but it will also allow us to actively market to new sectors, for example cosmetics.
The new Rigao machinery is going to make a huge difference to our companys future and will help us achieve our true potential. Moreover, this digitalisation project will allow us to offer customers the ability to source green chemistry in green packaging, driving more sustainably packaged products into the marketplace, doing our bit for society and the environment.
The impact of Made Smarters support has been instantaneous and we see them as an important partner to assist other technology projects as we search for production efficiencies, as part of our continued growth plans.
Launched by chemical engineer Robert Frazer and industrial chemist Doug Holt in 1971, as Repclif Chemical Services, the business has worked with many blue chip companies and household brands including Mercedes-Benz, Rowenta, Lakeland and Portaloo.
For the last two years the business has been run by Roberts son-in-law Ivan and daughter Rachael who have embarked on a change in business strategy focussed on developing its own label, or dual branded product ranges in partnership with market leading wholesale/distributors in growth sectors. The business was rebranded as Qualkem in January.
Donna Edwards, Made Smarters North West Adoption Programme Director, said: We are delighted to be supporting Qualkem on the first stage of its digital transformation. It is a fantastic example of a business using technology to automate how it manufactures products, creating growth, new jobs, new skills, while laying the foundation for further improvements.
Qualkem is among hundreds of manufacturers in the region grasping the opportunities offered by Made Smarter which include expert, impartial technology advice, digital transformation workshops to help take that first step to transform a business, and support with technology investment. I would encourage other SME manufacturers to do the same.
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