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Ascension Wikipedia

Posted: December 7, 2016 at 8:06 am

Ascension (offiziell englisch Ascension Island) ist eine kleine tropische Insel im Sdatlantik zwischen Afrika und Sdamerika, die zum Britischen berseegebiet St.Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha gehrt. Ihre Hauptstadt ist Georgetown.

Die Insel ist vulkanischen Ursprungs und liegt 80km westlich des Mittelatlantischen Rckens. Die grte Ausdehnung der Insel betrgt etwa 12km in Nord-Sd-Richtung und etwa 14km in Ost-West-Richtung. Die Flche betrgt etwa 91km und der hchste Punkt (The Peak, Green Mountain) liegt bei 859m ber dem Meer.[1] Groe Teile der Insel sind dland aus erkalteter Lava; insgesamt existieren 44 Krater. War die Insel ursprnglich nur dnn bewachsen, so existieren heute Wlder. Vor allem eingeschleppte Pflanzen wie Prosopis juliflora, eine Mesquitenart, haben sich weitlufig auf der Insel ausgebreitet. Auf Ascension herrscht ein subtropisches Klima mit durchschnittlichen Temperaturen zwischen 20C und 31C. Regen fllt das ganze Jahr ber wenig; nur zwischen Februar und April werden die Regenflle strker. Im Osten ist der Insel die kleine und unbewohnte Boatswain Bird Island vorgelagert. Ascension ist ein wichtiger Paarungs- und Eiablageort derjenigen Suppenschildkrten (Chelonia mydas), die in der brigen Zeit berwiegend in Seegraswiesen vor der brasilianischen Kste weiden.

Monatliche Durchschnittstemperaturen und -niederschlge fr Ascension

Erstmals wurde die Insel am 25. Mrz 1501 von Joo da Nova entdeckt und Ilha de Nossa Senora de Conceicao getauft, geriet aber schnell wieder in Vergessenheit. Zwei Jahre spter wurde die Insel von Afonso de Albuquerque am 20. Mai 1503 ein zweites Mal entdeckt. Er gab ihr den Namen Ascenso, weil er sie an Christi Himmelfahrt (engl.: Ascension) sichtete. Die Insel wurde aber nicht in Besitz genommen.

1701 fuhr der Forschungsreisende William Dampier vor der Insel mit seinem Schiff HMS Roebuck auf Grund und harrte mit seiner Besatzung sechs Wochen lang aus, ehe ein Ostindiensegler die Schiffbrchigen aufnahm. Damit gelten der Freibeuter und seine Mannschaft als erste (unfreiwillige) Siedler auf der Insel.

Am 5. Mai 1725 wurde der wegen Sodomie verurteilte hollndische Seefahrer Leendert Hasenbosch auf der Insel ausgesetzt. Ausgehend von einem spter auf der Insel gefundenen Tagebuch starb er vermutlich nach etwa sechs Monaten aufgrund von Nahrungsmangel.[2]

Als Napoleon Bonaparte 1815 auf die etwa 700 Seemeilen sdstlich gelegene Insel St.Helena verbannt wurde, besetzte die Royal Navy Ascension, um mgliche Befreiungsversuche durch Franzosen zu erschweren. Die Insel wurde zur Festung ausgebaut. Damit Ascension dem Kommando der Marine und nicht einer Kolonieverwaltung unterstand, wurde ein Trick angewandt. Die Insel wurde zu einer Steinfregatte (stone sloop of war of the smaller classes) erklrt und bekam als HMS Ascension 65 Soldaten Besatzung. Nachdem Napoleon starb, diente sie als Sttzpunkt fr das Westafrika-Geschwader, das Piraten und Sklavenhandel bekmpfen sollte. In Wirklichkeit wurde die Insel mehr als Krankenhaus benutzt, da in diesen Jahren viele Seuchen in Afrika grassierten.

Im November 1816 besichtigte Christian Ignatius Latrobe, ein Inspekteur der Herrnhuter Brdergemeine, auf seiner Rckreise von der sdafrikanischen Herrnhuterkolonie Gnadenthal die Inseln St. Helena und Ascension. Latrobe war auf der Suche nach weiteren Siedlungspltzen fr die Herrnhuter Mission und war zunchst von der Schnheit der Insel Ascension beeindruckt, musste aber nach seinem Besuch zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass die kleine Ziegenherde der britischen Militrbasis und unzhlige Ratten die Inselvegetation schon nach wenigen Jahren fast kahl gefressen hatten und die Selbstversorgung der wenigen Bewohner nicht mehr gewhrleistet war. Auch berichtet er, dass die auf der Insel wachsenden Frchte meist ungeniebar oder giftig seien und sich die beiden Swasserquellen in einem schwer erreichbaren Teil der Insel befnden, wobei schon mehrfach Soldaten durch Unflle beim Wasserholen dienstuntauglich geworden seien. Die Insel sei auch von zahllosen Klippen umsumt, so dass Fischfang unmglich erschiene und selbst die Anlandung von Reisenden, Frachtgut und Proviant sehr gefhrlich sei.[3]

Im Jahr 1836 landete Charles Darwin von St.Helena kommend an Bord der HMS Beagle auf Ascension. Er war von der Insel und ihrem Erscheinungsbild so begeistert, dass er, gemeinsam mit dem britischen Biologen und Botaniker Joseph Dalton Hooker, begann, einen Plan zur Belebung dieser kargen Insel zu entwickeln. Es sollte eine Art Garten Eden oder vielmehr Insel Eden entstehen.

1854 legte Hooker einen Plan zur Bepflanzung der Insel vor. Die Royal Navy begann in den folgenden Jahren damit, Pflanzen und Bume aus England (Kew Gardens) einzuschiffen und auf der Insel anzupflanzen. Schon Ende 1870 hatte sich auf dem hchsten Gipfel der Insel (Green Mountain) eine reiche Flora an Eukalyptus, Pinien, Bambus und Bananenstauden entwickelt. Es war innerhalb krzester Zeit ein voll funktionierendes kosystem entstanden. Heute bezeichnen Forscher dieses Experiment von Darwin und Hooker als erstes und erfolgreiches Terraforming-Experiment; es wurde ein sich selbst erhaltendes und selbstreproduzierendes kosystem geschaffen.[4][2]

Am 15. Dezember 1899 verlegten die Eastern Telegraph Company und andere Firmen die ersten Seekabel zur Insel, um London und das damals britische Kapstadt zu verbinden. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden weitere Kabel nach Sierra Leone, Kap Verde, Buenos Aires und Rio de Janeiro verlegt. Dies markiert den Beginn der Insel als Kommunikationsknotenpunkt des sdlichen Atlantiks.

Die militrische Bedeutung der Insel wuchs. So wurden whrend des Ersten Weltkriegs erste groe Funkanlagen gebaut. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg diente die Insel zur berwachung der Handelsrouten im Sdatlantik (U-Boot-Abwehr) und als Horchposten der Alliierten, der Funksprche abfangen und entschlsseln konnte. Auch wurden Kreuzpeilungen vorgenommen, um die Position von Schiffen im Ozean zu ermitteln. Im September 1941 wurde von den United States Army Air Forces die Sdatlantik-Luftbrcke in Betrieb genommen, die groe Bedeutung fr den europischen und nordafrikanischen Kriegsschauplatz hatte. Von Florida ausgehend wurden Militrflugpltze in Puerto Rico (Borinquen Army Air Field), Trinidad (Waller Air Force Base), Britisch-Guayana (Atkinson Field, heute Cheddi Jagan International Airport), Brasilien (Belem, heute Belm-Val de Ces Airport; Natal, heute Augusto Severo International Airport und Recife, heute Guararapes International Airport), Liberia (Roberts Field, heute Roberts International Airport), Franzsisch Westafrika, Marokko und Algerien angeflogen. Kritisch war die Distanz der Atlantikberquerung von Brasilien nach Westafrika (Liberia oder Sierra Leone - Hastings Airfield), sie betrgt etwa 3000 Kilometer, Flugzeuge kurzer Reichweite (jedoch mindestens 2000 Kilometer) hatten nur die Mglichkeit, den auf Ascension im Sommer 1942 angelegten Flugplatz Wideawake Field zum Auftanken zu nutzen. Im Verlauf des Krieges gelangten so mehr als 25.000 Bomber nach Nordafrika und Europa.[5] Auch der amerikanische Prsident Franklin D. Roosevelt nutzte die Sdatlantik-Luftbrcke zum Besuch der Konferenzen von Casablanca (Januar 1943) und Teheran (November/Dezember 1943).

Im Kalten Krieg wurde die Insel als Testgelnde fr Interkontinentalraketen verwendet. Die Raketen starteten in Florida und flogen Ascension als Ziel an. Kurz vor dem Einschlag wurden sie von der rtlichen Bodenstation ins Meer umgeleitet. Unter anderem bauten daher die ESA und die NASA dort Bodenstationen. Auch fr das Satellitennavigationssystem GPS wurde eine Station gebaut. Seit 1963 wurden von Ascension Hhenforschungsraketen (hauptschlich vom Typ Arcas) bei 75829S, 142453W-7.9748-14.4147 gestartet.

Ascension Island ist Standort einer Kurzwellen-Sendeanlage des BBC World Service bei 75436S, 142250W-7.909901-14.380643.

1982 diente die Insel den Briten als eine Basis fr ihre Rckeroberung der Falklandinseln im Falklandkrieg. Vom Flugplatz Wideawake aus starteten die Victor-Tankflugzeuge und die Avro-Vulcan-Bomber zu den Luftoperationen Black Buck.

Derzeit (Stand 2016) leben etwa 806 Menschen[6] auf der Insel, hauptschlich Mitarbeiter jener Organisationen, die auf der Insel ttig sind, sowie deren Angehrige. 250 hiervon sind Auslnder Auf Ascension lebte nie eine indigene Bevlkerung. Hauptort der Insel ist Georgetown mit 560 Einwohnern. Two Boats Village im stlichen Inselinnern hat 120 Einwohner. Cat Hill, die US-Basis, hat 150 Einwohner und Travellers Hill, das zur Royal-Air-Force-Basis Wideawake gehrt, hat 200 Bewohner.

Der Gouverneur von St. Helena ist auch Gouverneur von Ascension. Die Regierung von Ascension wird von einem Verwalter (englisch Administrator) angefhrt, der direkt vom Mutterland entsandt und vom Gouverneur ernannt wird. Dieser steht dem Rat der Insel (Island Council) vor und ist das hchste Amt auf Ascension. Aktueller Administrator ist Marc Holland, der 2014 vereidigt wurde. Holland ist seit der Einfhrung des Amtes 19. Administrator der Insel. Der Administrator ist in der Regel kein Inselbewohner, sondern wohnt nur fr die Dauer seiner Amtszeit auf Ascension.

Der Island Council (Inselrat) wird seit 2002 alle drei Jahre von der wahlberechtigten Bevlkerung der Insel gewhlt und umfasst sieben Mitglieder. Hinzu kommen mit dem Administrator, dem Attorney General und dem Direktor vor Ressourcen drei ex-officio-Mitglieder ohne Stimmrecht. Dem Inselrat steht der Gouverneur vor. Wenn weniger als acht Kandidaten zur Wahl stehen, werden lediglich fnf Ratsmitglieder gewhlt; sollten weniger als sechs zur Wahl stehen, werden Wahlen erst binnen sechs Monaten veranstaltet, solange nicht mindestens fnf Ratsmitglieder gewhlt werden knnen.[7]

Es existieren weder politische Parteien noch Wahlkreise. Die letzten Wahlen fanden am 1. September 2016 statt.[8]

Ascension verfgt mit dem Wideawake-Flugfeld ber einen Flughafen. Ein Teil der vor allem durch Dieselgeneratoren sichergestellten Stromversorgung, wird seit 2010 durch Windenergie ergnzt. Diese Energie wird vor allem fr die Anlagen der BBC genutzt.[9]

Die Vereinigten Staaten unterhalten eine Militrbasis auf Ascension, die zum Spionagesystem der National Security Agency (NSA) mit dem Namen Echelon gehrt. Im Laufe der berwachungs- und Spionageaffre 2013 wurde bekannt, dass von hier aus die Telekommunikation in Brasilien, Argentinien, Uruguay, Kolumbien und Venezuela berwacht wird. Die in Ascensin gesammelten Daten werden in dem Geheimdienstzentrum in Fort Meade in Maryland, USA, ausgewertet.[10]

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Ascension Wikipedia

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The Plan and Process of Ascension – Spiritual Evolution

Posted: at 8:06 am

The Plan and Process of Ascension Ascension

From 2016

But for the presence of the Galactic Beings, you would now have been living under very restricted conditions, and imprisoned and controlled by the dark Ones. However, they were never going to be allowed to exercise such control over you, as you future had been planned to end with complete success and the opportunity to ascend.

This is normal at the end of a cycle providing the Light has reached the required level. It means that Ascension is assured for those who aspire to rise up, and have been able to do so above the challenges that have been given them. (Mike Quinsey, Sept. 9, 2016.)

The joy you will experience in Reality, at Home in the Presence of God, is WAY beyond your ability as humans to even conceive of, and it is to that that you will awaken. (Jesus through John Smallman, Aug. 1, 2016.)

This life is about ascension. This life is about the fulfillment of the Mothers Plan, the anchoring and the renewal of love upon the planet. Not in some esoteric, religious manner, but in your everyday life, in your actions, in your thoughts, in your behaviors, in your interactions, in your relationships, in your structures, in your institutions, in your societies, in your nations and in your body.

So, are there many distractions? Is there a great deal of both the pot boiling over and simmering on the back burner? Yes. Ignore it. Look at it, perhaps turn the burner down, remove the pot, and then ignore it because that is not what you are here for. You are here to surrender to your love, to the love and to your love, and you do that by being vigilant as participant and observer of yourself to start with. ("Surrender: The Next Step to Ascension with St. Germaine and Steve Beckow," 7/23/2016 at

Yearn, desire because it is the precursor for creation and the coming together and bringing forth in form, anchoring upon Gaia, Nova Earth, wondrous things. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 1, 2016.)

This special occasion ... will not be repeated again for a very long time. ("A Message from my Higher Self," channelled by Mike Quinsey. April 8, 2016, at

Please remember that imagination is fifth dimensional thought that flows from your Multidimensional Mind. Also remember that Unconditional Love constantly flows from your High Heart.

It is the activation of your fifth dimensional imagination and your fifth dimensional Unconditional Love that is the precursor to your flashing into Lightbody. If you all knew how very close you were to this experience, you would be greatly surprised. ("Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians Remembering What You Always Knew. Part 1," March 22, 2016,

You are at a point of what has been termed ascension, shift, awakening, heart consciousness, bliss, ecstasy, it matters not. The terminology is infinite and you love to have your own expression, as do we. The realization of your divinity, the contentment with who you are in totality in your divine human self, is truly awakened. ("Transcript: Archangel Michael Returns to AHWAA: Whats It Like to be an Archangel? March 17, 2016," at

The restoration of Love upon this planet is Ascension. There are many explanations of how and where and when and what Ascension is and looks like and feels like. So again, in the spirit of simplification, we tell you that Ascension, individually and collectively, is the experience, the anchoring, and the embodiment of Love, in its totality, in its divinity, in its expression, in its actions.

Now you say to me, Gabby, what on earth does that mean? And what I suggest to you, as an Archangel that is often considered quite vociferous, is that what it means is is you accepting the truth of who you are. Long ago we have, through this channel, said to you that the keys to heaven are Love, trust, forgiveness, unity, connectedness, and balance. Now you may take that as an explanation of what does the embodiment of Love look, feel, taste and smell like.

It is not simply to be kind, although kindness is a much underrated quality upon your planet and elsewhere, at times. If you are loving then you are kind, you are gentle, you are considerate, you are compassionate. It is the practice, it is the action, it is the intention, it is the stillpoint, it is putting yourself completely, consistently, eternally, infinitely, in the expression and the experience of Love. It is bliss, it is ecstasy, it is common sense, it is being grounded; it is not being a space cadet walking around and doing nothing. ...

So, I come this day to plead with you, to absolutely plead with you to come and turn to us and allow us to fill you with Love. Now you say, Oh thats okay; I know that I am in the Love. Dearest hearts, you have only just begun; there is always more.

So, on behalf of the Mother in the honoring of who you are and the honoring of the divine, the Mother/Father One, can you let us do our job? Could you call on us, the entire Council of Love and let us fill you and bring you to a higher realm, to anchor your feet firmly in the 7th dimension of Love? We are not waiting. (Archangel Gabrielle: Who is the Council of Love and What is Its Purpose? Feb. 28, 2016, at

Now is a new, more evolved, never before experienced energetic time on earth. (The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. January 10, 2016.

From 2015

Steve Beckow: Its very interesting, I notice that we just accept the words you use, but I dont know if we necessarily know what you mean. For instance, you say expand your consciousness. What does it mean to expand ones consciousness? What exactly does that refer to?

Arcturians: What it means to expand ones consciousness is to create a conscious road, pathway from your third-dimensional consciousness of your everyday life into your fourth-dimensional consciousness of your higher everyday life, and then into your fifth-dimensional consciousness. And then once you are able to create that initial portal from your physical self up to the portal into your fifth-dimensional consciousness, then you have a much easier ride into higher and higher frequencies of reality. ("Transcript ~ The Arcturians on AHWAA: Mastering What Jesus Knew, December 24, 2015," at

That expansion of consciousness, if maintained for a period of time, will begin to create new neurons within the physical brain and even for us in the multi-dimensional mind, which is the fifth dimensional, what we call separate hard drive.

Then, every time one of our grounded ones has that experience, it is easier to have that experience again. ("Transcript ~ The Arcturians on AHWAA: Mastering What Jesus Knew, December 24, 2015," at

The civilization which you are a part of has the opportunity to move and explore beyond all levels of spiritual evolution and unity with the Creator that have ever been experienced upon the Earth.

This is why you are present now and have been present within many of this planets previous civilizations. You are preparing yourself to experience the Creator beyond anything which has been explored at a physical level before. Your role and purpose in this lifetime is immense and its foundation lies with your ability to create and manifest from the core of your soul, which is where the divine plan of the Creator is embedded. (The Celestial White Beings: Creating the Future of Ascension, Channeled by Natalie Glasson, December 23, 2015,

We, the members of humanity, are endeavoring to expand into our own fifth dimensional Lightbody so that we can become the population that inhabits this wonderful, revised, updated version of our beloved planet Gaia. (Suzanne Lie: Thirty Veils Of Illusion. The Arcturians Birthing New Earth Part 1 & Veil #7, The Illusion of Constancy. December 12, 2015.

SB: There are actually some people who interpret the fact that they may not have felt something or they have not felt very much as meaning that they are excluded from Ascension. Could you address that please?

AAM: And I address those particularly who are feeling this way for this is an age-old problem. And so I thank you for bringing this to the forefront. You are my family, each and every one of you who listens this night; you are friend, you are ally but you are also part, not only of our family but of my family. I claim you as sibling, as friend, as dearest heart.

You say to me, But Michael, Mi-ka-el, I am not an archangel. I would say to you, Do you mean to deny your angelic heritage? Do you choose to deny your magnificence? I am born of the Mother/Father One and so are you. My dearest heart, brothers and sisters all, so why, why then do some of you have these wondrous experiences and then why are some of you left feeling as if you are left behind crying in the shadows and doubting your worthiness, your very worth?

Sweet angels, let me be clear once more, and I speak on behalf of our Mother: None are excluded from this process of Ascension, for this upliftment into higher, different, inclusive realms, where you are headed, all of you, is inclusive. The Mother did not decide to banish some and favor others; be very clear about that. ("Transcript ~ Archangel Michael on AHWAA: No One Will be Excluded from Ascension, October 15, 2015," at

Philipp: How are enlightenment, awakening and Ascension related?

Archangel Michael: What you are asking is to stratify, to see Ascension, enlightenment, shift, opening as different things, different events.

But let us suggest that, yes, it is a continuum, but at this point in time it is more like the flow of an infinity sign. So you want to be in the flow. Now let us explain.

You move through your Ascension work, letting go of the core issues, of the vasanas, of that which has blocked you from the complete joy of heart, the complete love of your sweet self and everything else.

Then you are flowing through the Ascension portal, into enlightenment, looping back around, back through the Ascension portal, holding the enlightenment that you have gained, holding the abilities that you have gained as your interdimensional, expanded self, bringing it back into what you are thinking of as current reality, or physicality, anchoring it into your body, into your mental form, into who you are and how you view the world.

Except that, as you come back, your ability to see us, to perceive us, to talk with us, to expand with us, has already been anchored. So you are bringing this back into what you have thought of as the Third Dimension, the renewed Third-Dimensional reality to share with the human race. But your frequency is already higher. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Philipp S. through Linda Dillon, Sept. 2015, at

It is Gaias desire and intention that her planetary body be restored to its original health and beauty and Earths humankind flourish in abundance and live in harmony with each other and all of Nature. And so it shall be! Planetary ascensionthe world transformation process that you went to Earth to assist inis assured! Personal ascension is a choice that each person makes. (Matthew's Message, Oct. 19, 2015.)

It is time for silence and trust. Give yourselves permission to do absolutely nothing and just be. Old concepts bind mankind to the belief that time spent doing nothing reflects laziness. The result is a world full of people racing through each day who have lost contact with and awareness of their own quiet place of rest and renewal within. Spend time in nature even if only a small park in the city. Seek out the places where you can simply be, without distractions and noise. Learn to just listen to the silence.

In the midst of busy family and working life, finding quiet time is often very difficult. However, if you make the effort, you will soon discover yourself able to center more easily and quickly and that you carry a peace with you throughout your day. There are those who get up in the middle of the night for contemplation and meditation because that is their only quiet time. (The Arcturian Group, Sept. 20, 2015.)

Where possible rest easy now and take everything in your stride, and we know it is easier said than done. Your worries will soon be a thing of the past when you will be able to fully enjoy your life. (SaLuSa, Sept. 18, 2015.)

The creation of a new realitydoesnt mean that the world around you will suddenly be transformed and new. It signifies that your consciousness, beliefs andperspectives will alter and shift, giving the impression, as well as allowing you, to recreate and recognise your reality outside ofyou in new ways. ...

This can be labelled Ascension or Enlightenment and yet it issomething which has very rarely been experienced on the Earth before the merging and marriage of the physical body withthe divine essence. You are already experiencing this. You know you are a soul in a physical body. However, greater aspects ofthe soul will download into your physical body causing your body to advance, becoming its greatest potential. This means yourbody will no longer be restricted developing new abilities, skills and freedom. ...

Archangel Michael is also [wishing to share] with you [about] the journey which is being taken by all to become aDivine Human upon the Earth; the marriage of the Divine Consciousness with the physical body, which is transforming into adivine physical body....

Observe your body, it is charged with light and transforming beyond your imagination. Observe your heart and mind, they areopen and clear, as the consciousness of the Creator penetrates. My energy is here always to guide you. Remember nothing onthe Earth can create an identity for you; your true identity is your soul and the Creator. You know this in your mind, now is thetime to experience it! ("Celestial White Beings and Archangel Michael: The Journey of the Divine Human, Channelled through Natalie Glasson.September 18, 2015.

The collective decision has already been made by humanity to awaken! You know that, because, along with the fact that at the depths of your beingness that knowledge is eternally embedded, you have also been told by unimpeachable sources on numerous occasions that this is so. Humanity is very firmly established on the path to its awakening from which there is no turning back, no retreat. You have a phrase: the tipping point. Humanity is at that point. The dark ones, the ones you frequently refer to as the Dark Cabal, are desperately trying to prevent the balance from shifting out of their control, but they have lost their footing, they have lost their grip, and the balance has shifted irrevocably towards the Light.

The fact that so many appear to be so dumbly asleep is rather like in the well known fairy tale The Sleeping Beauty, where the whole court fell asleep at the moment that the princess did. When the prince arrives and kisses her everyone awakens, and that is the tipping point. The decision to awaken was taken when the prince began to hack his way through the jungle of undergrowth, and having finally reached the castle he will shortly find the princess, and as she responds to his kiss Divine Grace and wakes up so will everyone else. (Jesus through John Smallman, Feb. 11, 2015.)

From 2014

Steve Beckow: ...What about what you have described as the ignition? What is the ignition, and approximately, just approximately, when might that be occurring? Is that in the near future, or?

AAM: Yes, it is.

... Ignition is the feeling, the awareness, the understanding and many of you already have this that you are love, that you are completely in your heart consciousness, that you are in the joy even when there appears to be a morass of chaos around you, and that your focus is completely on creation, the creation of the new.

And it is the turning of a switch, of the collective. ("Archangel Michael: Ignition is the Awareness that You Are Love," channeled by Linda Dillon, October 28, 2014,

We are in the process of shifting our reality. We say we for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest.

Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.

As we make this transition, there is a release, a letting go, of what has been our predominant expression of self. For example, we Arcturians are expanding our baseline frequency from the eighth through tenth dimensions into the eleventh and twelfth dimensions.

In the same manner, your human baseline frequency will shift form the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension, which was once your higher expression of SELF. In the case of Earth, the third/fourth dimensions will gradually become less and less inhabitable.

You will find that just as it once took effort to consciously experience the fifth dimension, it will become increasingly difficult to consciously experience the third/fourth dimension. Even now, your consciousness may appear to be wandering off into what appears to be a trancelike state. This trancelike state feels so natural that you do not want to leave it.

Also, as this shift continually accelerates your consciousness, you will gain a new perspective on your physical world. This higher viewpoint will enable you to perceive your 3D reality from up above it rather than stuck within it. In other words, you will be able observe your ego from your Higher SELF.

Once your Multidimensional SELF is in charge, you will be able to make some important decisions that make YOU the creator of your life. You will also become aware of many of your higher dimensional, alternate or parallel realities.

While you are swimming in the illusion of the third dimension, you see only what surrounds you. However, as you regain a higher perspective of your life, many of your priorities will change. Your ego will no longer tell you to let go of your meditations and creative expression so that you can get back to the business of your real life.

With your Higher SELF at the helm, you will realize that what you have perceived as just your imagination is actually your real life. Then slowly, or quickly, you will want to let go of many of our your lower frequency chores, responsibilities and jobs.

In this manner, you can more easily remain in the unconditional light and love of the fifth dimension. Of course you will still take care of 3D business, but your priorities will greatly alter as your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions. (Sue Lie, "Being A Multidimensional Leader," Aug. 2014, at

As you continue your Ascension process, you will move out of alignment with the third-dimensional holographic projection of Earth and into alignment with Gaias true Planetary SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond. In your other Ascension lives all of you (even those who are now lost in darkness) have had Ascension experiences.

Ascension does not make you a Saint. Ascension merely means that you have returned your consciousness to the frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF that resonate above the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional realities. What is different in your present timeline is that the third/fourth dimensional holographic projection of Earth is closing. Gaia and all Her inhabitants are returning to their true Multidimensional SELF. ("Arcturian Message Keeping the Lights ON, channelled by Suzanne Lie, August 6, 2014 at

Eventually some souls whose negative deeds dropped them from the light used their free will to downgrade the DNA of newer, less experienced civilizations. The changes made dense bodies with DNA containing electrons, which have much less light and vibrate at much lower frequencies than photons. The reduction in light caused corresponding reductions in those civilizations consciousness, brain functioning and life span. They lost all knowledge of their Beginnings, their weakened bodies were vulnerable to disease, and their temperaments included fear and all of its negative byproducts like cruelty, greed, anger, lust for power, unjustness, impoverishment, divisiveness and hatredhatred is not the opposite of love, it is the absence of love, or light. Those are the conditions of third density civilizations.

It is not that no bodies on Earth have photons, and an unimaginable quantity is in the atmosphere. But electrons are dominant in the vast majority of your populacethat is why they are lagging in awakening spiritually and consciouslyand throughout your worldthat is why you have electric and electronic appliances and pay to use them instead of having photons free energy. The way to ascend into planes where photons outnumber electrons is by increasing the amount of light in the collective consciousness.

Energy is neutral. It is the thought forms that get attached to energy streamers that are positivewith lightor negativewithout light. The forms are created by every beings thoughts, feelings and actions, and collectively those determine a civilizations density, or spiritual and conscious evolvement status. That is one universal definition of density; the other is mass or the location of a mass, and the two dont necessarily go together. That is why Earth, a fifth density soul spiritually and consciously, can be in the initial stages of fourth density location-wise and most of her people are at third density evolvement status. Animals and plants are absorbing more light than most of humankind; at this moment, the light in people varies from brilliant to just enough to keep bodies alive.

Now then, every person and every thing in your world emits vibrations in consonance with each forms consciousness level, and that is determined by the amount of light in each. The atoms in inanimate objectssay a pebble, football, nail and chairhave minimal consciousness; exceptions are crystals and gold, which have a high degree. The consciousness level of soil is higher than objects and so is that of slugs, worms and short-lived insects; higher on the scale are the species of insects that have a well-developed hierarchy and clearly-defined working system within it.

The plant kingdom has a very high level of consciousness. Trees have intelligence and emotions that few people would even consider possible and extend far beyond the acorn that knows how to become a mighty oak and the apple seed that knows how to bear fruit. Tiny flower seeds know their colors and whether to blossom for a season or flourish year after year. The generally unseen, therefore unknown souls in the Devic kingdom, who work hand-in-hand with all of Nature, also are highly advanced consciously and emotionally.

Humans and other high orders in the animal kingdom have the highest level of consciousnessinstinct, intuition, memory, learning and reasoning capability, and the widest range of feelingsbut only humankind also is endowed with conscience and Creators gift of free will. Although each living being and each inanimate thing serves a purpose in the evolutionary process of all, it is the human population that sets the pace.

Whereas all other life forms on Earth operate within their respective innate guidelines that work in harmony with Nature, people can choose to act in godly ways or not, to heed conscience or not; and their collective choices determine the civilizations evolvement status. As humankind evolves via the light in spiritual and conscious awareness, so do all the other forms on the planet, and the collective vibratory emissions advance the entire world. And, as a world advances, life becomes increasingly simpler and joyous! It is only in third densitys lower vibrations that a civilization creates all the complexities born of negativity. (Matthew's Message, Aug. 3, 2014.)

What Ascension is about ... is about not being stuck in your body, but having the integration of all parts of your being, and having it anchored in your body in such outrageous, miraculous joy that you want to be in body; that it isnt a struggle or an obligation, or even a responsibility, it is simply joy. (Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You, June 27, 2014, at

It is the awakened human that acknowledges that they are inter-galactic or galactic; that they are part angelic or archangelic; that they are sheer energy and a spark of life; that they have been the most grievous sinner and the most beatific saint. It is that integration into the aware human being, and from that place of being able to create Nova Earth, because what we can only refer to as the old human, the human had very dim memory and was not the human that decided to take this leap of faith into Ascension. (Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You, June 27, 2014, at

So you, in your consciousness, right now, are realizing that Source, that Mother/Father/God/One, however you are thinking about it, is having the experience of you in all those forms integrated into your body and more specifically your expanded field, because that is truly who you are. And at the same time you are having an experience of God no, not full reunion, but you are experiencing the love and the connection, the joy, the sweetness, the elevation. So you are returning to the original design. (Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You, June 27, 2014, at

But many of you came to think that you were as powerful a creator and forgot the piece that you were of creation. Because the angelics are of creation. There is no veil or illusion of that separation.

And that is what you are all now going through remembering. That is truly what a very significant part of the renewal and the Ascension process is about. It is remembering and re-embracing the fact that you are nothing more than love, and that you have always been connected to the Mother/Father/One, however you conceive of it, whatever your culture or your background or your religious patterning has been. ("Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You," channeled by Linda Dillon, June 26, 2014, at

The Arcturians: Its about the frequency of consciousness. That is the protection against the dark ones getting just as much [as lightworkers] and having the same thing happen. The players change but the light and dark still exist. This is a leg-up out of polarity.

Steve: So really we should be concentrating on our frequency. Thats how important it is.

A: Whatever anyone believes about anything, our grounded ones [ground crew] are best served by concentrating on their frequency.

Because as they expand their frequency, they contribute that to the Earth. And then the Earth expands the frequency. And as the Earth expands her frequency, those of a very dense frequency will not be able to tolerate this Earth. They will get diseased. They will die. They will not be able to live. It will be too high of a light for them to tolerate.

They [the off-planet controllers of the dark] will have to pull their members up and take them off to a darker planet. (The Arcturtians through Sue Lie, "Did the Illuminati Bring Down Both Malaysian Planes?" July 24, 2014, at

Ascension occurs within your consciousness, so that your perceptions can expand far beyond your Earth vessels third dimensional reality. As you continue your Ascension process, you will move out of alignment with Earths third-dimensional holographic projection and into alignment with Gaias true Planetary SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond.

In your other Ascension lives, as all of you even those who are now lost in darkness have had Ascension experiences, Ascension does not make you a Saint. Ascension merely means that you have returned your consciousness to the frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF that resonate above the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional realities. ("Message from the Arcturians: Happy Summer Solstice Becoming Masters," channelled by Suzanne Lie. June 21, 2014 at

On Earth there are challenges all of the time and whilst you learn them the hard way, it is also the quickest way to progress. Remember that you always have your helpers around you, and they are ready to assist you when help is needed. However, it is not their place to impose themselves upon you, and you need to ask for help to get a response. It may not always be exactly as you desire and remember that there is always your life plan to consider. Certainly you have freewill, but at the same time you have undertaken a certain life plan that is your path for any one incarnation. It is to ensure that you progress in a sensible manner as quickly as possible. However, you can always have further experiences if needed, and these can cover any area of your life plan that has not been successful. (SaLuSa, May 23, 2014.)

Now let us back up even a little more. Many, we would suggest thousands and thousands and thousands of people have ascended and have had the experience of the ecstasy, the bliss, and the significant shift within their very cores insofar as they do not see or experience being human or being in Gaia in the way that they had previously. Let me explain.

These souls and yes, they are everyday people; they are not those who have been vying for sainthood, but they acknowledge their mastery, and part of each of you ascending is acknowledging your mastery but they have basically gone through the Ascension portal.

They are primarily way-showers. They have anchored in the higher dimensional energy Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and so on.

They have what we have called made a U-turn and are still exhibiting on planet, in form, in everyday reality, because their promise as part of their sacred journey, and as part of the collectives commitment, decision is that they would be the way-showers for the rest of humanity.

So they have, shall we say, Ascension Lite, insofar as that they have experienced the bliss, the higher realms. They have released the sense of restriction. They have embraced the sense of their inter-dimensionality, their ability to create and co-create.

Now, each individual is having, and will have, a different experience of Ascension. Now I am going to describe, in general terms, what this Ascension looks, feels like and what that experience is like. But it does not mean, even though you come as a collective, it does not mean that each of you perceives and experiences this sacred union, the rising up through a higher-dimensional realm, in the same way...

When you ascend, it is important that you anchor with and on Gaia. Otherwise your feet, quite literally, are not on the ground. So when people can experience and go, jump, to the higher dimensions available within the human experience, it is important in the Ascension, both individual and collective, that you stay connected with Gaia.

Think of yourself as a helium balloon and Gaia is holding your string. So, as you ascend you will be at this time within the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, brushing the Eighth, brushing the Third, but not really in those dimensions. So for people to think that they are going to ascend and simply go directly to the Eleventh or Twelfth would not be fully correct.

Now, once you have done your Ascension, are you free to move about? Of course you are. But the building and the creation of Nova Earth and we are talking about the human piece of Nova Earth, the human co-creation of Nova Earth, because the kingdoms and Gaia are already creating Nova Earth, and they are already participating in the higher dimensional reality but if you have your mission and purpose to assist, or desire to assist in the anchoring of what you, my friend, and I have called the Golden Age of Gaia, then you are primarily going to anchor in the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh dimension.

Now, at some future date will there be a further Ascension? Yes, she is already inching up, as it were. And that will occur. And yes, there will be some who, once they have completed their commitment, shall we say, to the Mother, of Ascension in form and the ripple effect throughout the multiverse, the anchoring, the full anchoring of the love, then they may say, Well, I think now I am going to primarily go back to my comfort zone, or my home zone of an alternate dimension. That is fine.

But the fulfillment of the promise of this phase of the Mothers plan is for the humans to accompany Gaia and all into the higher dimensional reality, and particularly into the love. ("Archangel Michael: You are About To Reach Ascension," channeled by Linda Dillon, May 15, 2014, at

Please do know that Ascension is not an event that is happening on a certain day or a specific date, like for example a birthday party that is taking place on a certain date and that if you are too late on this party that you cannot participate in its joy of the moment, or that if it is even possible to be too late for it.

Ascension is not an event that can be postponed or something that could not go through, for it is an ongoing process that takes place every single day, every single second of your existence. It is your cells, your being, your every now moment of change and integration, realization, growth, insights.

Ascension is taking place within you every now moment of your existence, it is in laughter, it is in joy, it is in bliss, it is in love, it is in meditation, participation in love, it is Self Love, acceptance, allowance, inner knowing, wisdom, freedom, expansion, it is all of the beauty within you reflected on the outside of the world. It is the knowing of, and the realization that you ARE GOD, that you are Divine, that you are consciousness, that you are All That Is. It is the embracing of all of your multifaceted features and the being that you are in the now and in all of your existence.

Ascension is liberty, respect, your inner temple and sun into this being. It is all that you have dreamed of and yearned for and it is YOU. So as YOU are every day, every now moment in this existence, as you ARE existence and consciousness it is YOU that you yearn for from the heart and so that makes your Ascension in its entire being. BE your Ascension by Being, and Ascension will be every now moment. It will never be too late nor will it ever be postponed nor canceled for it is always YOU as YOU are infinite and existing. If you see that Ascension is you, you are already free. ("Saint Germain: Ascension is YOU," channeled by Mline Lafont, April 20, 2013 at

The dark night of the soul is the final cleansing that must occur before you can live within the NOW of Ascension. This dark night of the soul is when you go through your daily life being fully aware of what you are doing wrong, aware of your fear, aware of your anger, aware of your pain.

You move through your life knowing that YOU are the creator of your life. You have created the situations that make you unhappy and pull you from the NOW. You are the creator of the situations that take you out of the ONE and trap you into the 3D hologram.

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The Plan and Process of Ascension - Spiritual Evolution

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Stankov’s Universal Law Press The New General Theory of …

Posted: at 8:06 am

Georgi Stankov, December 6, 2016

Yesterday we entered with aplomb the final ascension shift period that is intended to culminate around winter solstice. For me it began as usual with a massive cc-wave from the source causing excruciating headache, stomach crisis, skin burning and a complete shock of the body elemental. This continued throughout the night with left eye socket pain and throat pain causing a severe coughing attack. I knew that we have entered the final period of ascension. Today Patrick made me aware of the huge coronal hole that has appeared again on the sun showing that we are again at maximal activity of the Central sun that is sending a huge proton stream of transformation as this has been repeatedly the case in the past when we have made significant leaps in the ascension process:

HERE COMES THE SOLAR WIND: A solar wind stream is approaching Earth with wind speeds as high as 700 km/s. First contact with the fast-moving gas on Dec. 7-8 could produce G1-class geomagnetic storms and auroras at high latitudes. Observers around the Arctic Circle could be in for a fine light show.

The source of this solar wind stream is a hole in the suns atmosphere, shown here in a Dec. 5th image from NASAs Solar Dynamics Observatory:

This is a coronal holea region where the suns magnetic field has opened up, allowing solar wind to escape. Because this hole is broad, the emerging stream of solar wind is broad as well. It should influence Earth for several days after it arrives.

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Georgi Stankov, December 1, 2016

Is Janet Yellen Trying to Crash Stocks to Screw Trump? asks the well informed Phoenix capitalin his latest of many apocalyptic predictions, which, while essentially correct in their analysis, failed to materialize in this linear time due to rapidly changing timelines on this ascending uppermost mother planet. These scenarios however take place on lower timelines and the same holds true for all my forecasts as I have explained thoroughly in previous articles.

What are the current developments in the financial markets behind this announcement? Since Trump was elected, we witness an unprecedented rally of all equity indices which were already at historical highs. At the same time the GAAP earnings of the companies listed in the broader S&P 500 index have reached their lowest values since the beginning of the 2008 crisis. GAAP stands for generally accepted accounting principles which simply means that most of the revenue numbers given by these companies are utter fraud and do not reflect the true financial situation of the US economy.

The reason for that is that the dollar index has climbed to more than 101 points and has become so expensive that there is a massive flight away from the dollar as a currency worldwide.

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Todd (Suzannes QHHT client), Georgi Stankov, November 29, 2016


Suzanne (Spooner) told me that you had blogged our session about ascension and Donald Trump. I am the voice giving the information. It appears that you would like to know about me.

I went to Suzanne because I knew something was different about me and always has been. My path to awakening took about two years and when something internal knew I was ready, I was drawn to a session with Suzanne.

During the session the information came out that I am a soul fragment from a planet in Alpha Centauri that has evolved beyond physical existence. I was here before to assist evolvement from 300 BC to 12 BC at which time I left the planet in disgust. I am back now to help finish what began all those linear years ago.

The torsion spin of photons was just one of several things I said and had to look up later when I listened to the recording.

The part where I state that time makes no sense and then say Rotations is where higher self had analyzed my internal definition of time and had pulled out to view the Earth transiting around our Sun. Suzanne asked another question before the calculation was finished but the transit was slow as if I was attempting to arrive at a fraction. The answer I feel would have been something less than one Rotation around the sun. I saw approximately 3/4 of one rotation from where we are currently.

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Georgi Stankov, November 25, 2016

Today I was made aware of this QHHT session published on October 31 by Andrew Martin on his blogby our PAT member Hermann Mayer from Germany. This session very well fits into the QHHT session I published the other day. In fact it is even more relevant as Andrew is an awakened light warrior and has a clear idea of ascension and the final ID shift which he defines as the Event because this term has gained some notorious popularity in New Age circles in the absence of a better understanding of the multidimensional nature of the Ascension process being a constant series of transformation events on multiple timelines and levels that are ongoing with unabated intensity since the PAT opened the 11.11.11 stargate.

While the information Andrews HS gives us remains deliberately vague and somewhat ambiguous as he has to consider the individual experience based on the level of awakening and progress in the LBP, he gives us some precise information as to the time schedule in this linear time which very well coalesces with what we receive as information from the Elohim these days and as being published on the website. Here is the key passage from this QHHT session:

AR (Q): Is this what you mentioned that is coming in November?

HS: Yes and beyond. It is the portal that we are in now, starting in 10/10 and there will be a level that will be complete in November. There is another impulse that is coming at the end of the year. Around the 21st of December. Which you know is already a special day. This energetic impulse is really the completion and the beginning. It is the fruit and the seed.

On October 9th I published the Elohim message titled The Perfect Storm

Message from The Elohim The Perfect Storm

where the first big tidal wave from the Source this fall was announced. It started actually much earlier and if you read my chronicle from July 15 September 15 it has been an ongoing incessant effort to build the new energetic structures of the cities of light during the entire summer:

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Georgi Stankov, November 22, 2016

Today I published the travelogue of our PAT member Akram Khan from Paris where he at the end speaks of his dreams meeting the recently deceased Dolores Cannon who developed a newmethod of hypnosis called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She has educated many psychics in this method. Suzanne Spooner is one of them. Shortly after I published the article, I came across this video and transcript of a QHHT session with a subject who describes the ascension process from the higher perspective of his soul and also reflects on the US election. The session was conducted on 11.11, at 11.11 a.m local time according to the transcript (see below).

I found this information remarkable for a number of reasons I would like to discuss here in advance. These points validate the truthfulness of the information given by this person in a trance state. At one point he talks about what effects the LBP exerts in the human energetic body system that lead to ascension:

It increases in energy and torsion spin of photons that raise the consciousness of the entity. Such a small portion is actually in the body. Its hard to do real work as a fraction. Increasing energy increases photonic spin, which raises vibration, which allows for increased abilities. (*video pauses: to give an explanation of a Torsion spin of photons.)

Now this is a remarkable statement which as far as I am aware has only been made so far by myself on the basis of the new Theory of Physics of the Universal Law. In my pivotal gnostic book The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind I explain that each elementary particle such as electron, proton and neutron are described by their specific Compton frequencies (vibrations) which are fundamental natural constants and determine the space-time and constant energy of the particles. I would like you to go one more time to Table 1 (right column) where I integrate all natural physical constants with the Universal Equation on one single page and pay special reference to the well-knownCompton-wavelengthsof the elementary particles, which are fundamental natural constants of quantum mechanics as you can also checkhere(but forget the explanation as it is utterly wrong):

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Georgi Stankov, November 22, 2016

On July 10, 2016 I wrote, deeply inspired by my Higher Self, the pivotal article:

The Mother of All Bubbles How the Cabal Crash the Economy to Install the NWO

A superb historical analysis how the Fed uses its power to control the amount of money in circulation and manipulates the interest rates to crash the economy in a deliberate and controlled manner each time the cabal and the banksters create a new fraudulent bubble. I consider this explanation the single most important insight of any enlightened person into the core of the cabal strategy in the End Time how they destroy the economy in order to establish the NWO. In the last weeks before and after the US elections I have pointed out numerous times the imminent arrival of this astral probability because the cabal is now squeezed by the victory of the light after the US election.

Today I came coincidentally across this video that addresses the same issue and I must say that I am flabbergasted as to how exactly our ideas now penetrate the collective and individual human minds and shape the collective Weltanschauung. This video was published on November 9th, four months after the publication of my article. With such proofs in the hand we must be very confident, almost euphoric, that any thought form we now create that carries the cosmic clarity of our higher selves and the intent of loving kindness of our big hearts is so powerful and irresistible that it is almost immediately manifested on numerous timelines on which we daily jump, and surely on the ones on which we still exist in human body as to experience the illusion of linear time to the very last moment.

While watching this video please consider that the author is agnostic and follows pecuniary interests as he believes that the world would continue to exist after the crash within the same matrix. This is the doom and gloom scenarios of survival many critical experts cherish nowadays as they have no clue how to leave this matrix through ascension as I discussed with respect to Brandon Smith. Indeed some doom and gloom prophets really display the mentality of vultures. This is the biggest illusion of all but this fact does not diminish the first part of the presentation of this professor on economics which addresses all the major aspects of the current financial and economic crisis as extensively discussed on our website since 2011 when the economy actually collapsed. Since then it is kept alive in a vicious and artificial loop by the HR as to expose the deeply slumbering masses to the necessary pedagogic and karmic experiences that will awaken them in large numbers prior to the final ID shift and planetary ascension.

Donald Trump Predicts Massive Economic Collapse in 2016 2017


A New Ascension Tidal Wave Has Commenced on November 19th as Confirmed by the Elohim

Akram Khan and Georgi Stankov, November 21, 2016

Peace love and light

Dear George & Carla,

Due to our huge success recently and the new higher source energies coming in, I am able to use the 7 sacred flames, the white Christed light with gold adamantine particles and the Violet-Gold flame to shift timelines to upper 4D and higher. This was made clear to me this Friday, when I had gone to Paris to do some work and to apply for a British visa.

I absolutely hate Parisand I always have a tough time with the glut of dark energies from the dark ages stuck there. But this Friday I was on fire! With the loving kindness Carla mentioned. I had no problem anywhere. I used the flames all the way in and out of Paris. I had finished my work and was heading back on the Metro to leave Paris, when I suddenly decided to get off impromptu to take some pictures of the Eiffel tower.

Just before going in the subway station La muette I had taken a photo of the Eiffel tower. And ten minutes later when I got off at AlmaMarceau I was on a completely different timeline. There was not a cloud in the sky. The sun was shining with all its glory. I will attach the photos to show you the difference. I then was guided by my HS to climb the highest point in Paris.

All the way up I made countless invocations and showed loving kindness to all humans that I interacted with on the way. I even went in the Church sacred heart cathedral, which I had never been inside of before. Even though I had been there many times before. It was heaven! With a person playing the harpoutside. People were happy and serene.

In short upper 4D or higher even.

I cannot tell you how powerful we are becoming! I am going to England soon to clean that Vampires den, as my brother lives near the city. I saw the Queen twice recently. In the first dream the whole family was giving me the tour of Buckinghum and in the other the Queen was in her Pjs sipping some tea and having a chat with me. Although in the first dream I heard the Azan, the Islamic prayer call while they were giving me the tour of their palace. Then the dream finished. I still cant understand what the meaning of hearing the azan in the dream could be.

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Georgi Stankov, November 19, 2016

Very rarely I am urged by my HS to interact with the agnostic masses as to gauge their level of awakening and trigger an alchemical reaction aimed at expanding the collective human awareness. Yesterday I engaged in a discussion on Greg Hunters blog whose latest interview I published as a video. Today Charlotte Smith sent me this excellent video below with a message from the Hathors channelled by Tom Kenyon dedicated to the art of jumping timelines. This is our preferred topic these days and that is why I decided to combine my discussion with the ignorant agnostic American masses on the multidimensional nature of human existence with this excellent message on the art of jumping timelines. Synchronistically today Carla was telling me that loving kindness is the emotional fuel that will propel our ascension. This aspect is particularly highlighted by the Hathors in their message on how to jump on ascension timelines.


Dear Mr. Greg Hunter, Dear Mr. Kirby,

I have just published your interview on my website with my personal interpretation why the ruling cabal you call them globalists will crash the markets very soon in order to prevent Trump from taking over the power in Washington D.C.

The Inevitability of the Impending Financial Crash

The scenario I outline goes back to my economic analysis since 1997 and you can find a lot of articles on economic affairs on my website explaining why and how the financial system in the USA and the west is totally rigged. Although there is a remarkable unanimity in our personal assessments I am discussing the current situation on the ground from a higher spiritual vantage point of view that explains the hidden agenda of the ruling cabal on this planet in the End Time. But as far as I can overlook it, I am the only thinker in the New Age movement that has a very deep and profound economic (macro- and micro) knowledge and can link the fraud and developments in the financial markets to the overarching dimension of human existence. I have done this in my position as a scientist physicist, mathematician, medical doctor and cutting edge clinical researcher for many years philosopher and holistic thinker.

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Ascension of Jesus – Wikipedia

Posted: December 2, 2016 at 12:32 pm

The Ascension of Jesus (anglicized from the Vulgate Latin Acts 1:9-11 section title: Ascensio Iesu) is the departure of Christ from Earth into the presence of God. The well-known narrative in Acts 1 it takes place 40 days after the Resurrection: Jesus, in the company of the disciples, is taken up in their sight after warning them to remain in Jerusalem until the coming of the Holy Spirit; as he ascends a cloud hides him from their view, and two men in white appear to tell them that he will return "in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

Heavenly ascents were fairly common in the time of Jesus, signifying divine approval or the deification of an exceptional man. In the Christian tradition, reflected in the major Christian creeds and confessional statements, the ascension is connected with the exultation of Jesus, meaning that through his ascension Jesus took his seat at the right hand of God: "He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty." The Feast of the Ascension is celebrated on the 40th day of Easter, always a Thursday; the Orthodox tradition has a different calendar up to a month later than in the Western tradition, and while the Anglican communion continues to observe the feast, most Protestant churches have abandoned it. The Ascension of Jesus is an important theme in Christian art, the ascending Jesus often shown blessing an earthly group below him to signify his blessing the entire Church.

The world of the Ascension is a three-part universe with the heavens above, a flat earth centered on Jerusalem in the middle, and the underworld below. Heaven was separated from the earth by the firmament, the visible sky, a solid inverted bowl where God's throne sat "on the vaulted roof of earth."(Isaiah 40:22). Humans looking up from earth saw the floor of heaven, made of clear blue lapis-lazuli (Exodus 24:9-10), as was God's throne (Ezekiel 1:26).

Heavenly ascents were fairly common in the time of Jesus, signifying the means whereby a prophet could attain access to divine secrets, or divine approval granted to an exceptionally righteous individual, or the deification of an exceptional man. Figures familiar to Jews would have included Enoch (from the Book of Genesis and a popular non-Biblical work called 1 Enoch), the 5th century sage Ezra, Baruch the companion of the prophet Jeremiah (from a work called 2 Baruch, in which Baruch is promised he will ascend to heaven after 40 days)), Levi the ancestor of priests, the Teacher of Righteousness from the Qumran community, as well as Elijah and Moses, who was deified on entering heaven, and the children of Job, who according to the Testament of Job ascended heaven following their resurrection from the dead. Non-Jewish readers would have been familiar with the case of the emperor Augustus, whose ascent was witnessed by Senators, Romulus the founder of Rome, who, like Jesus, was taken to heaven in a cloud, the Greek hero Heracles (Hercules), and many others.

There is a broad consensus among scholars that the brief Ascension account in the Gospel of Mark is a later addition to the original version of that gospel.Luke-Acts, a single work from the same anonymous author, provides the only detailed account of the Ascension.Luke 24 tells how Jesus leads the eleven disciples to Bethany, a village on the Mount of Olives not far from Jerusalem, where he instructs them to remain in Jerusalem until the coming of the Holy Spirit and blesses them. "And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he parted from them, and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy."

Acts 1 describes a meal on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus commands the disciples to await the coming of the Holy Spirit, a cloud takes him upward from sight, and two men in white appear to tell them (the disciples) that he will return "in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." Luke and Acts appear to describe the same event, but present quite different chronologies, Luke placing it on the same day as the Resurrection and Acts forty days afterwards;[20] various proposals have been put forward to resolve the contradiction, but the question remains open.

The Gospel of John has three references to ascension in Jesus' own words: "No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the son of man" (John 3:13); "What if you (the disciples) were to to see the son of man ascending where he was before?" (John 6:62); and to Mary Magdalene after his Resurrection, "Do not hold me, for I not yet ascended to my father..." (John20:17). In the first and second Jesus is claiming to be the apocalyptic "one like a son of man" of Daniel 7; the last has mystified commentators what should Mary be prohibited from touching the risen but not yet ascended Christ, while Thomas is later invited to do so?

Various epistles (Romans 8:34, Ephesians 1:19-20, Colossians 3:1, Philippians 2:9-11, 1 Timothy 3:16, and 1 Peter 3:21-22) also refer to an Ascension, seeming, like Luke-Acts and John, to equate it with the post-resurrection "exultation" of Jesus to the right hand of God.

The common thread linking all the New Testament Ascension references, reflected in the major Christian creeds and confessional statements, is the exultation of Jesus, meaning that through his ascension Jesus took his seat at the right hand of God in Heaven: "He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty." It is interpreted more broadly as the culmination of the Mystery of the Incarnation, marking the completion of Jesus' physical presence among his apostles and consummating the union of God and man, as expressed in the Second Helvetic Confession:

Despite this, the Ascension itself has become an embarrassment. As expressed in a famous statement by theologian Rudolf Bultmann in his essay The New Testament and Mythology: "We no longer believe in the three-storied universe which the creeds take for granted... No one who is old enough to think for himself supposes that God lives in a local heaven ... And if this is so, the story of Christ's ... ascension into heaven is done with." Modern theologians have therefore de-mythologised their theology, abandoning a God who sits enthroned above Jerusalem for a heaven which is "the endless, self-sustaining life of God" and the Ascension "an emblem in space and time of God's eternal life."

The Feast of the Ascension is one of the ecumenical (i.e., universally celebrated) feasts of the Christian liturgical year, along with the Passion, Easter, and Pentecost. Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on the sixth Thursday after Easter Sunday, the fortieth day from Easter day, although some Roman Catholic provinces have moved the observance to the following Sunday to facilitate the obligation to take Mass. Saint Jerome held that it was of Apostolic origin, but in fact the Ascension was originally part of Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit, and developed as a separate celebration only slowly from the late 4th century onward. In the Catholic tradition it begins with a three-day "rogation" to ask for God's mercy, and the feast itself includes a procession of torches and banners symbolising Christ's journey to the Mount of Olives and entry into heaven, the extinguishing of the Paschal candle, and an all-night vigil; white is the liturgical colour. The orthodox tradition has a slightly different calendar up to a month later than in the Western tradition; the Anglican communion continues to observe the feast, but most Protestant churches have abandoned the traditional Christian calendar of feasts.

The Ascension has been a frequent subject in Christian art. By the 6th century the iconography of the Ascension had been established and by the 9th century Ascension scenes were being depicted on domes of churches. The Rabbula Gospels (c. 586) include some of the earliest images of the Ascension. Many ascension scenes have two parts, an upper (Heavenly) part and a lower (earthly) part. The ascending Christ may be carrying a resurrection banner or make a sign of benediction with his right hand. The blessing gesture by Christ with his right hand is directed towards the earthly group below him and signifies that he is blessing the entire Church. In the left hand, he may be holding a Gospel or a scroll, signifying teaching and preaching.

The Eastern Orthodox portrayal of the Ascension is a major metaphor for the mystical nature of the Church. In many Eastern icons the Virgin Mary is placed at the center of the scene in the earthly part of the depiction, with her hands raised towards Heaven, often accompanied by various Apostles. The upwards-looking depiction of the earthly group matches the Eastern liturgy on the Feast of the Ascension: "Come, let us rise and turn our eyes and thoughts high..."

The traditional site of the Ascension is Mount Olivet (the "Mount of Olives", on which the village of Bethany sits. Before the conversion of Constantine in 312 AD, early Christians honored the Ascension of Christ in a cave on the Mount, and by 384 the Ascension was venerated on the present site, uphill from the cave.[33]

Around the year 390 a wealthy Roman woman named Poimenia financed construction of the original church called "Eleona Basilica" (elaion in Greek means "olive garden", from elaia "olive tree," and has an oft-mentioned similarity to eleos meaning "mercy"). This church was destroyed by Sassanid Persians in 614. It was subsequently rebuilt, destroyed, and rebuilt again by the Crusaders. This final church was later destroyed by Muslims, leaving only a 12x12 meter octagonal structure (called a martyrium"memorial"or "Edicule") that remains to this day.[34] The site was ultimately acquired by two emissaries of Saladin in the year 1198 and has remained in the possession of the Islamic Waqf of Jerusalem ever since.

The Chapel of the Ascension today is a Christian and Muslim holy site now believed to mark the place where Jesus ascended into heaven; in the small round church/mosque is a stone imprinted with the footprints of Jesus.[33] The Russian Orthodox Church also maintains a Convent of the Ascension on the top of the Mount of Olives.

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Ascension of Jesus - Wikipedia

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What is Ascension – The Secret Truth About

Posted: November 4, 2016 at 11:10 am

Our planet is moving out of a lower vibrating reality which is based in fear, hate, greed, confusion, control, manipulation, past, future and "negative" behaviors and belief systems and moving into a higher vibrating reality which is based on freedom, equality, peace, love and the present moment.

This means the "negative" structures and systems based on hate, greed, war, control, blame, etc will collapse and be replaced by new softer structures and systems which support freedom, equality, peace and love. Take a look at the economic collapse upon us.

Our current economy is based on greed, manipulation and control and this cannot exist in the new reality that we are moving into and becoming. This is not meant to be looked at as being personal or judgmental. The lower vibrations are not to be looked at as being bad or negative. They allowed us to learn from them. However, now it is time for us to move into a more free, effortless and peaceful reality.

As the planet moves into the higher vibrations the lower vibrations will naturally collapse and fall away. This is also happening on a personal level. You may feel the lower vibrating structures, beliefs, opinions and ideas of your ego collapsing and this may be why you are reading this in the first place. This can be a scary process at first but it gets easier and easier once you understand and trust whats happening.

There are two different flows going in two different directions currently. One is a material flow which is based on trying, doing, fighting, ownership, control, greed, manipulation, etc. The other is a natural/spiritual flow that is based on being, allowing, accepting, peace, equality and freedom. The planet is in the natural/spiritual flow and it is our ride.

If one chooses to be comfortable here on earth one would allow oneself to flow with the natural/spiritual flow at this time. The good news about this is this means all you need to do is be effortless and peaceful. No thinking or doing is involved, just remaining aware, peaceful and effortless in the present moment In other words "It's up to YOU !"

Be free to feel, live and be natural. This is freedom. Never let others tell you how to feel, live or be. Hey! Who am I to tell you what to do?

Unfortunately we were conditioned and programmed all of our lives to go with the material flow and very few of us know how to stop and simply be natural/spiritual. Society does not encourage a natural/spiritual behavior. So this may be a challenge at first but once you are in the natural/spiritual flow the waters will carry you the rest of the way effortlessly. The material flow is now leaving our planet. Not to worry because I'm sure it will lead those who choose to follow it to where they need to go.

No one is ever where they are not meant to be. Note I had been looking for a simple version of the "Ascension" story which everyone could understand, and would answer the many questions people have -this information was found at TheWeatherMan

Untying Yourself from the Game Allow yourself to stop. Be still and know. By stopping you allow balance to occur.

You will naturally balance effortlessly by stopping and become the peace you have always been. Most people believe they are their bodies and or their thoughts, ideas, beliefs and opinions. This is not the case. The body has its own intelligence.

It knows how to breathe, sleep, digest, the heart beats, your eyes blink, etc. You may help the body but for the most part the body is your vehicle. You are the one animating the body. You are not the sensations and feelings in your body. You are the one experiencing/feeling them. You are not your thoughts, opinions and ideas. You are the one having and experiencing them. They are not you.

You are not all of your titles like mom, dad, doctor, happy, sad, loving, friendly good, ugly, etc. You are the one experiencing and playing the role of these titles. You are not events in your life. You were the witness to these events in your life. You are the one experiencing life and experiencing all of the above. You are the awareness in the present moment.

You are here and now and you will always only be the awareness here and now. If you learn to simply live in the here and now without distorting yourself and adding stories to yourself and the events happening in your life then you become effortless. The more you become effortless in the here and now the freer you are.

Drop everything and be awake in each and every moment. Things still occur. Life still goes on but you move through each moment with grace and ease. When you are not living in the here and now and your awareness is caught in the past or future you are adding struggle to your life. Having your awareness caught in the past or future also adds confusion to your life and supports the false beliefs that you are your past, future, titles, events, sensations, thoughts ideas, etc.

The struggle within us is the struggle we see manifested outside us in our lives. The more peaceful, clear and effortless you are on the inside. The smoother your life glides in the natural flow. Take some time to be still and find the One inside who is experiencing the present moment. You may be thinking now but who is seeing or hearing these thoughts? You may have sensations in the body. Who is feeling these sensations in the body? Rest in the One who is experiencing. The peacefulness and effortlessness you find experiencing everything is you. If you are this peace how can you take things personally? If you realize this and apply this and live this way your life will become softer and easier.

View the "Ascenscion Video HERE

What is Awareness?

Awareness is you. You can describe the amount of awareness you have by using an example of a light bulb. If you are awake and fully aware you are shining at 100%. The more you are caught in your thoughts and confused the less you shine.

Guilt, worry, hate, blame and mind activities like these take away your awareness and decrease your percentage of light. For instance, if you have a piano recital and you are worried, the worried energy can only make you play worse because it is taking away your clarity, peacefulness and effortlessness. The more awake and aware you are the more peaceful you are and the more peace you add your existence and the existence of all things.

How can I get through these changing times/ascension without suffering? Be effortless and live in the present moment. Stop playing all games and wake up.

If I am awake and aware but not worried about anything who will take care of all of the people suffering? Picture a huge boxing ring full of fighting, struggling and suffering. I'm standing on the outside of the ring saying to you. Here's my hand. You can come out here. It's safe, you can get water, you can sit down, there's peace. You are close to getting out of the ring but you are still taking punches and seeing all the blood and you are saying but if I leave who's going to help all of these people?

Well if you leave you will still see the suffering, you will still see the blood but you won't be taking punches. Then if you choose to once you've rested and gotten yourself Awake and Aware enough, you can turn around and put your hand into the ring and yell, "Hey, over here! You don't know to do that!" By you leaving the ring there's is more space/peace in the ring, less people fighting and one less person adding chaos to the situation.

It still helps greatly to leave the ring even if you were just adding a little bit of struggle to the fight. More peace and space is available.

By you leaving the ring we all win. Continue on to "How do I Wake Up?"

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Ascension Parish | News from The Advocate |

Posted: October 29, 2016 at 11:50 am

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Ascension Parish Library is asking children and teens in grades three through 12 to vote for their favorite books in the Louisiana Young Readers Choice Award and Louisiana Teen Readers Choice Award contests.


The Gonzales Garden club recently named it residential and commercial yard of the month awards.


Gators edged out by Bears 31-28 in battle of the undefeated


All seats on the five-member Gonzales City Council are up for grabs on Nov. 8, with a challenger or more for every incumbent, even though all the candidates, save one, are Democrats. The outlier is a Libertarian.

The following people were booked into the Ascension Parish jail Oct. 13-20:

DONALDSONVILLE The Ascension Parish School Board's strategic planning committee recommended that the board replace two architects with other firms recommended by board member Shawn Sevario to work on new 2016 bond projects in the district.

GONZALES A Baton Rouge man who had faced 251 counts of child pornography possession and up to 20 years in prison for each count if convicted has been given a five-year prison sentence after a recent guilty plea.

GONZALES A state district judge found a Prairieville man guilty Tuesday of abducting his estranged wife and driving her against her will to Lake Charles last year but acquitted him of kidnapping the woman's then 2-year-old grandson, prosecutors said.

GALVEZ A bridge on an important north-south highway in Ascension Parish was closed immediately after "structural deficiencies" were found by parish government inspectors, officials said Tuesday.

GONZALES The finances of the city of Gonzales compare favorably with those of like-sized cities, a certified public accountant told council members Monday, following his report of a clean audit with no negative findings for the city's prior


GONZALES A fourth man wanted in nearly three dozen burglaries in Ascension Parish surrendered Monday evening to sheriff's deputies, the parish sheriff said.

It's the day boys and ghouls wait for all year. Baton Rouge area parishes have announced trick-or-treat hours for Monday, Oct. 31.

The process of lining up architects for new schools and other projects approved by Ascension Parish voters in April has been delayed twice in recent weeks by a school board member's bucking the previously agreed-upon selection process as he tries


ST. AMANTWindow panes dusted with dirt up to a sharp line of demarcation, two-tone porch screens with a clear line separating the two shades, bits of dark grit on the white columns of a front porch, and sheds and AC units turned on their sides.

Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office reports that Ray Goodrich IV, 34, who was reported missing 12 days ago, was found deceased in his vehicle Friday morning at an undisclosed location in Baton Rouge.

GONZALES First-term Ascension Parish Councilman Aaron Lawler says he's been hearing from constituents about the need for global positioning satellite devices in parish vehicles and is pushing to expand their use.


Federal prosecutors dropped fraud and conspiracy charges against embattled Sorrento Town Councilman Randy Anny late Thursday shortly after his wife told a federal judge her husband knew nothing of her scheme to defraud the BP oil spill claims fund

Update: 7:15 a.m.: AT&T wireless service was fully restored Friday morning to customers in Ascension Parish who lost it Thursday afternoon after a fiber cable was accidentally cut, a company spokesman said.


A man accused in a string of Ascension Parish burglaries turned himself into sheriff's deputies and officers of the State Police Fugitive Task Force Thursday morning, Ascension Sheriff's Chief Deputy Bobby Webre said.

Ready for the boucherie bash?


While the St. Amant High School football team may have won the game on the field, organizers of a weeklong list of fundraisers said both schools came away as winners.

GONZALES - The Ascension Parish School Board's insurance committee is recommending that the school district add properties to its flood insurance coverage, following the catastrophic floods of August.


GONZALES - Candidates for mayor in Gonzales and Donaldsonville found more to agree on than disagree Wednesday at a forum hosted by the Ascension hospitality industry.

Ascension Christian High School has announced its 2016 homecoming court.


Paige Joseph was crowned queen and Ross Ponville was named king of the Ascension Catholic High School's homecoming.


Grace Graugnard was recently crowned Dutchtown High School's homecoming queen.


East Ascension High School's marching band took home the Festival Grand Champion award Saturday at the Dutchtown High School Marching Festival.

Registration is under way for the Ascension Parish west side youth basketball.

Donaldsonville-area girls can register for a Girl Scout troop at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Donaldsonville branch of the Ascension Parish Library, 500 Mississippi St., Donaldsonville.

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Ascension Church – Portland, OR

Posted: at 11:50 am

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN-ENGLISH CLASSES Registration is openfor Sunday-School, First Communion andFirst Reconciliation! Contact: Sharon Grigar at 503-256-3897 x21 or Sundaysfrom 9am to 10am from September to May Meetings for parents are bi-lingual. Childrens books are bi-lingual. For information, please refer to our bulletin.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN SPANISH CLASSES/ Catecismo para Nios en Espaol y Bilingue Registracion estan abiertas para nios y nias. Los libros y las maestras son biligues. Las clases comenzaran en septiembre y se imparten todos losmartes de las7:00pm a las -8:15pm. Mas informacion en las paginas 5 y 6 de la seccion en espaol de nuestro boletin.

ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Programs vary each year and include Scripture Study, JustFaith and Good News People Graduate Enrichment, Men's Group, Women's Group, Summer Reading Book , Annual Parish Mission and Advent and Lenten Mornings of Reflection.See your bulletin for details.

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? ESTAS INTERESADO EN SER CATOLICO? * RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) meets October to May. Contact person: Sharon Grigar at extension# 21 or email:

*RICA (Rtito de Iniciacioin Cristiana para Adultos)clases en espanol comenzaran en Octubre. Comunicate con Maria Solis a la extension# 19 o por email a:

YOUTH MINISTRY:Youth Groups Meetings and Confirmation Make sure to check our bulletin for important dates and times. You can also contact our Youth Minister, Kim Petros at (503)256-3897, extension 16 or

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Ascension Church - Portland, OR

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Posted: at 11:50 am

Question: "What is the meaning and importance of the ascension of Jesus Christ?"


Forty days after the resurrection, Jesus and His disciples went to Mount Olivet, near Jerusalem. There, Jesus promised His followers that they would soon receive the Holy Spirit, and He instructed them to remain in Jerusalem until the Spirit had come. Then Jesus blessed them, and as He gave the blessing, He began to ascend into heaven. The account of Jesus' ascension is found in Luke 24:50-51 and Acts 1:9-11.

It is plain from Scripture that Jesus' ascension was a literal, bodily return to heaven. He rose from the ground gradually and visibly, observed by many intent onlookers. As the disciples strained to catch a last glimpse of Jesus, a cloud hid Him from their view, and two angels appeared and promised Christ's return "in just the same way that you have watched Him go" (Acts 1:11).

The Ascension of Jesus Christ is meaningful for several reasons:

1) It signaled the end of His earthly ministry. God the Father had lovingly sent His Son into the world at Bethlehem, and now the Son was returning to the Father. The period of human limitation was at an end.

2) It signified success in His earthly work. All that He had come to do, He had accomplished.

3) It marked the return of His heavenly glory. Jesus' glory had been veiled during His sojourn on earth, with one brief exception at the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9).

4) It symbolized His exaltation by the Father (Ephesians 1:20-23). The One with whom the Father is well pleased (Matthew 17:5) was received up in honor and given a name above all names (Philippians 2:9).

5) It allowed Him to prepare a place for us (John 14:2).

6) It indicated the beginning of His new work as High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16) and Mediator of the New Covenant (Hebrews 9:15).

7) It set the pattern for His return. When Jesus comes to set up the Kingdom, He will return just as He left-literally, bodily, and visibly in the clouds (Acts 1:11; Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7).

Currently, the Lord Jesus is in heaven. The Scriptures frequently picture Him at the right hand of the Father-a position of honor and authority (Psalm 110:1; Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 8:1). Christ is the Head of the Church (Colossians 1:18), the giver of spiritual gifts (Ephesians 4:7-8), and the One who fills all in all (Ephesians 4:9-10).



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Ascension (miniseries) – Wikipedia

Posted: October 20, 2016 at 11:37 pm

Ascension is a 2014 Canadian/US-American science fiction mystery drama television miniseries which aired on CBC in Canada and Syfy in USA. It consists of six 43 minute episodes. The show was created by Philip Levens and Adrian A. Cruz. The pilot was written and executive produced by Philip Levens, who served as the showrunner.

On July 9, 2014, CBC added Ascension to its fall programming roster. It was originally scheduled to premiere in November 2014.[1] In October 2014, CBC announced that the premiere date had been moved to January 2015.[2] It started airing on CBC on Monday nights starting February 9, 2015.[3] Syfy had originally announced plans to debut the show on November 24, 2014, airing one episode per week for six weeks.[4] Instead the series premiered on December 15, 2014, and aired two episodes each night for three consecutive nights.[5]

The story takes place aboard a generation ship originally launched in the 1960s and now half-way into its 100-year journey to Proxima Centauri. A murder onboard sparks off a series of events that lead the crew to begin second-guessing their real mission.

Ascension is inspired by the real-life Project Orion that existed under the administration of President John F. Kennedy.[6] The show sets up an alternate version of reality beginning in 1963, in which Kennedy and the U.S. government, fearing the Cold War will escalate and lead to the destruction of Earth, launch a spaceship to colonize a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, assuring the survival of the human race.

The USS Ascension is a massive, self-sustaining generation ship. The journey will take 100 years, so only the children and grandchildren of the original crew of 600 volunteers will be alive when they arrive.[7] The story begins 51 years into their journey (i.e. in the present), as they approach the point of no return. The action begins with the mysterious murder of a young woman the first homicide since the Ascension was launched.[8] The investigation causes the ship's crew to question the true nature of their mission.[9]

It is revealed that the Ascension is in fact not a spaceship and never left Earth; it is actually a psychological experiment being carried out in a mock spaceship inside a secret underground facility. The current director of the project, Dr. Harris Enzmann, is attempting to use the experiment to evolve a superhuman. This appears to be successful in the form of Christa, a young girl born onboard who displays a number of telekinetic powers. Enzmann's mission is opposed by others in the organization, and the murder sparks off a series of events that lead to Enzmann's position being put in jeopardy.[10]

To add to his troubles, an onboard accident results in one of the ship's workers, the prime murder suspect, being ejected from the "ship". He escapes confinement and meets a local reporter who is investigating the organization, along with the help of an investigator hired by the organization to solve the murder.[10]

On March 13, 2014, came the official announcement that Syfy had ordered Ascension as a 6-part miniseries.[25] Syfy billed Ascension as a "6-hour event series".[11]

Ascension is an original sci-fi mystery drama created and written by Philip Levens who serves as executive producer and showrunner.[26] The series is produced in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, by Canada-based Sea to Sky Studios in association with U.S.-based Blumhouse Productions. It is co-financed and distributed by U.S.-based Universal Cable Productions and Canada-based Lionsgate Television.[27]

Jason Blum and Mark Stern are executive producers on the project along with Ivan Fecan, Tim Gamble, and Brett Burlock.

On April 30, 2014, Syfy announced that Tricia Helfer would star as Viondra Denninger.[28] On June 3, 2014, Brian Van Holt was announced to star as Captain William Denninger.[29]

On June 24, 2014, Brandon P. Bell, Tiffany Lonsdale, and Jacqueline Byers were announced to co-star alongside Helfer and Van Holt, as First Officer Oren Gault, Chief Astronomer Emily Vanderhaus, and Nora Bryce respectively,[30] and two days later, Andrea Roth and P.J. Boudousque joined the main cast as Dr. Juliet Bryce and James Toback respectively.[31]

On July 7, 2014, Ryan Robbins joined the main cast[26] as Safety Officer Duke Vanderhaus,[32] and two days later, Gil Bellows joined the main cast[26] as Harris Enzmann.[33] Later the same day, Wendy Crewson was announced to guest star in an as yet unspecified role (which was ultimately that of Director Katherine Warren).[32]

The series began shooting on July 7, 2014, in Montreal.[18] Canadian director Stephen Williams directed the first two episodes.[34]

The first promotional teaser-trailer was released on May 15, 2014, at the 2014 NBCUniversal Cable Upfront Presentation.[35] The trailer is available for viewing on the official page of Ascension on Syfy's website.[11]

On July 14, 2014, executive producer and showrunner Phil Levens and executive producer Jason Blum appeared at the Television Critics Association (TCA) summer press tour to talk about the new series bringing along the principal stars of the show, Brian Van Holt and Tricia Helfer, to field questions from the ballroom of critics.[36] (see below: Comments by the cast and crew)

On October 13, 2014, the network announced that instead of airing as a weekly series for six weeks, Ascension would air as a three-night "event" starting on December 15, 2014, with two of the six episodes airing each of three consecutive nights.[5]

Although the show was ordered as a miniseries, it could have potentially run for multiple seasons,[37] similar to the network's popular series Battlestar Galactica.

On March 10, 2015, Syfy announced that they would not be producing any further episodes or seasons of the show, explaining, "We were very happy with Ascension as an event series, but with so much high profile development in the works, we have decided not to pursue a full series."[38]

Tricia Helfer (top) and Brian Van Holt at NBCUniversal's 2014 Summer TCA Tour on July 14, 2014

Upon the official announcement, on March 13, 2014, that Syfy had picked up the miniseries, Bill McGoldrick, Executive Vice President of Original Content for Syfy stated: "Phil Levens has crafted a bold and surprising spin on the space opera. We are equally excited to embark on this journey with our partners at UCP, Sea to Sky, Lionsgate, Jason Blum and his Blumhouse Productions and also with Mark Stern who shepherded this project while at Syfy".[25]

On July 14, 2014, at the Television Critics Association summer press tour, Jason Blum, Tricia Helfer, Philip Levens, and Brian Van Holt commented on the upcoming show.[36]

Executive producer Jason Blum said that:

What piqued [his] interest was the originality of EP Philip Levens' story idea, which was inspired by the Orion military project under JFK. Levens pointed out that Kennedy squashed the development of Orion soon after Bay of Pigs as the military began equipping the spaceship with weapons. He was terrified that they were turning it into a Death Star.[4]

About the starship he said that "it feels like a cruise ship. Essentially the ship is like a time capsule, another civilization that continued for 50 years parallel to our civilization."[39] Blum added that:

The people on the ship, only some of their children, but most of their grandchildren, are the only people who are going to arrive at this new world. A lot of the people who started on this ship have died. It's their children, their children's children, who are going to get to where they're going. And there are a lot of conflicts going on. Should they turn around and go back to Earth, which they've lost touch with? So they have no idea of what Earth even looks like now. Should they continue? Also there's been a murder on the ship, which never happened before. So that's kind of what starts it.[36]

Tricia Helfer said about Viondra that her "manipulative" character considers herself the "mother of the people on the ship, the mother of humanity in one way if Earth did blow itself up".[36] "Brian [Van Holt] and I play a married couple and as the wife, I'm definitely the woman behind the man more than we would see in our society here on Earth today", Helfer added.[39] She explained about the ship's crew that:

Their morals and the values that they're dealing with are still from the '60s. The society on the ship is very hierarchical and uses genetic linking-arranged marriages, basically to sustain human life (three generations will be born during the trip to Proxima). [My] character Viondra started out on the lower decks but rose through the ranks, as did her husband. They're a power couple. Viondra will do anything to stay in power.[8]

Creator Philip Levens said that:

Ascension will explore how technology has evolved on the ship and the way morality is still rooted in an early '60s, pre-Civil Rights Act view [of] humanity. Issues of class the ship is divided into decks, with people in positions of power living on the upper ones will also come into play. There's much more of a sense of obeying your parents because, you know, for the ship to really work, everybody has to cooperate. The murder is kind of the starting of the unravelling, so to speak. And kids start to question choices made by their grandparents. There's a thing on board the ship called "the crisis". It's this existential dilemma that everyone has to go through when they realize that, you know, their life has been circumscribed for them. You know, everybody they ever know or ever will know is already around them. So there's lots of issues like that kind of play [as] a coming of age thing with the kids and their parents.[36]

"Because the series is set on a ship that is self-contained and self-sustained, the people have evolved and developed differently than they would have if they'd remained on Earth. Not only is the technology different, but they think differently, too".[8]

Brian Van Holt described his character as "a man caught in the middle, aware that his legacy as the ship's 'middle route' captain won't probably go down in the record books. The one who launches the ship and the one who lands it will be remembered. No one in the now will be remembered. So he struggles with that".[40] He concluded by saying that "he's a very ambitious character who sought out a leadership role, which was presented to him after an act of heroism on the ship".[8]

Ascension has been met with mixed reviews from critics. Rotten Tomatoes gives the show a rating of 65%, based on 20 reviews, with an average rating of 5.8/10. The site's critical consensus states, "The characters in Ascension lack the depth that is necessary for its dramatic elements, but its premise may be smart enough to hold the interest of sci-fi fans."[41] On Metacritic, the show has a score of 56 out of 100, based on reviews from 14 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews".[42]

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Freedom Resource Center – Ascension_151#151

Posted: October 11, 2016 at 12:54 am

Select One 1 ARCTURIANS ~ Sacred Healing Masters

ARCTURIANS ~ Sacred Healing Masters

Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for August

Arcturians: Sacred Healing Masters

In this Webinar, you will learn the key role the Arcturians play in our understanding of time and its role in releasing the divine plan to this galaxy. Integral to their sacred essence is the art of healing, as they enlighten us in the ways of harmony and the reciprocal joys of compassion.

Topics include...

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Sunday, August 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, August 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

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Old Post Cards

While being a "Helicopter Crew Chief Instructor" there, I'd go to WashingtonDC, with a few buddies almost every weekend. We'd do the Smithsonian andall.On the way back to Ft Eustis (125 miles), we'd often stop for something toeat.One time, it was getting late. We landed in Falls Church, VA.We saw an oldgeneral store that was still open. We walked around on the old creaky floorslooking for Frito's or something? I came across, an old wire frame post cardholder. It was full of WWII post cards...penny a piece !I asked the guy, "How much do you want for the Post Cards?"He said, "Apenny. They have been here ever since I was a kid."I counted them...300 plus.I gave him $4.00, and I got the rack, too.In San Diego, I sold a bunch for $1.00 each. I still have a bunch to handdown.I know some of you are too young to recall these posters and WWII, but theywere a part of my life and others who are now "older than dirt". These aregreat. Pass them along, especially to your older e-mail friends.I wonder whatever happened to this kind of thinking.I got a lump in my throat when I read this. I "grew up" thinking:patriotism, it is the AMERICAN way! I am glad to see that somebody savedthem. The statement at the end says it all! These were our parents.What in God's name have we let happen ?I guess we are the last generation to see, or even remember anything likethese!Whatever happened?

70 years of "progressive" education happened!

Political correctness (or "re-education") happened, Lack of God's name happened, Lack of personal responsibility happened, Lack of personal integrity and honesty happened, Lack of respect and loyalty to our country happened, Lack of being an American happened.

Did all of these things die along with common sense ? I for one am still proud to be an American! If you are too.... Pass this along, so others can show their pride.

In English please! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has itslimits."~Albert Einstein

Daily Quote - August 09, 2016


We cannot focus upon the weaknesses of one another and evoke strengths. Youcannot focus upon the things that you think they are doing wrong, and evokethings that will make you feel better. You've got to beat the drum thatmakes you feel good when you beat it. And when you do, you'll be a strongsignal of influence that will help them to reconnect with who they are. ---Abraham

Excerpted from: Washington, DC on October 16, 2004

Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Upcoming Abraham Workshops

Los Angeles, CA - August 13 Long Beach, CA - August 20

San Diego, CA - August 27 San Diego, CA - August 28

To register for a workshop or see the complete workshop list,Abraham-hicks.us4.list-manage.comclick here.

FOUR Simple questions from an attorney

...are there ANY logical answers ?

You be the judge......

Here's what I would like to know. If the TRUTH ever comes out and itis decided that Obama was never eligible to be president, what happens toall the laws he signed into being and all the executive orders?

Should they all be null and void?

These simple questions from a reputable attorney...This reallyshould get your "gray matter" to churning, even if you are an Obamafan.For all you "anti-Fox News" folks, none of this information came fromFox. All of it can be verified from legitimate sources (Wikipedia, theKapiolani hospital website itself, and a good history book, as notedherein). It is very easy for someone to check out.

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes'. So how can theObama 'birth certificate' state he is "African-American" when the termwasn't even used at that time ?

2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama'sbirth as August 4, 1961 and Lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father.No big deal, Right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows thathis father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in "Kenya,East Africa".

This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact thatKenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama'sbirth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's fatherhave been born in a country that did not yet Exist ?

Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "BritishEast Africa Protectorate". (check it below)

3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listedplace of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital".This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 werecalled "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani MaternityHome", respectively.

The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & GynecologicalHospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can thisparticular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?



Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media?

4. Perhaps a clue comes from Obama's book on his father. He states how proudhe is of his father fighting in WW II. I'm not a math genius, so I may needsome help from you. Barack Obama's "birth certificate" says his father was25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born. That should have put his father'sdate of birth approximately 1936 - if my math holds (Honest! I did thatwithout a calculator!) Now we need a non-revised history book-one thathasn't been altered to satisfy the author's goals-to verify that WW II wasbasically between 1939 and 1945.Just how many 3 year olds fight in Wars? Even in the latest stages of WW IIhis father wouldn't have been no more than 9 years old.Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alterthe facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes ?

Very truly yours,

RICHARD R. SILVERLIEB Attorney at Law 354 Eisenhower Parkway Livingston, NJ 07039

"A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in thehands of 200 million law-abiding citizens.Send this to as many Patriots as you can! Ask your Republicanfriends/representatives in Washington D.C. If they have a backbone ... Whyin the hell can't they use it and get media coverage to explode this acrossour country?

New Republic & GCR

Compiled on 13 Aug. 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces," CEO, Child Abuse Recovery.

1. The BRICS system of CIPS has been in force since July 5 2016 with two new satellites in the air. Among other mandates CIPS was designed to process currency exchanges of the Global Currency Reset through AIIB, Bank of China, HSBC, Wells Fargo, TD Bank, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank and in Mexico by HSBC. Rate categories were defined as: International, Market, Contract and Sovereign. The Sovereign Rate, now referred to as the Negotiated Rate, was actually a bond rate designed to be used for Humanitarian Projects.

2. As of July 28 2016 the Paris Climate Treaty had been finalized with the GCR currency exchange hidden in the treaty. There were now 208 countries that recognized the Republic of the United States. A new US Treasury Note would phase out the Petrodollar.

3. On July 31 2016 in Reno certain codes were sent out and test protocols started for the GCR. The next day Aug.1 2016 tests were sucessfully completed around 1 pm. Some SKRs and groups had been made liquid. Call Link

4. Also on Aug 1 2016 and according to The Big Call, Iraqi citizens were said to recieve by mail their new Smart Cards, charged up and ready to go. Last time they were paid on back pay the Dinar rate was $5.31, a possible International Rate. The Iraqi Olympic team of 150-160 plus their support group were said to be on route to Brazil with their Smart cards charged up.

5. Special codes were sent out Aug. 2 afternoon for a GCR GO on Aug. 3 2016. Intel provider Jerzy said that the Chinese Elders released some cash accts which were for reconstruction projects, including projects in the US.

6. On Aug. 3 2016 Typhoon Nadia put a stop to it all even though the RV was considered done. Meetings were held and the RV was rescheduled for the next week. By then major transactions in the quadrillion range had been exchanged at a nominal 1:1 ratio, a practice that would continue for weeks. The public RV was scheduled to follow in an estimated 30 days or less.

7. On that same Aug. 3 2016 the Iraqi Dinar was considered international at a rate of $5.32, although it would fluctuate in value and could not be redeemed in some countries including the US until the full reset took place. Iraqi citizens inside and outside of the country were using their Q cards with various new Dinar rates on them. Initiation of the Dinar on the ISX had been scheduled for the next day on Aug. 4, though didn't make the deadline.

8. By that same Aug. 3 2016 the new US note was accounted for by the new Department of the Treasury:

9. The next day on Aug. 4 2016 the new US Republic was said to be restored in a Situation Report submitted at 5:49 pm EST by DC to Dinar Chronicles (DC is Dinar Chronicles, just to clarify that. ~ DC). Thursday, August 4, 2016. It was reported that USA Inc. publiclysurrenderedat the Pentagon. This was the public announcementneeded for the RV to be solidified. After banks close their doors on Friday on the West Coast, 800#s were expected to be released automatically. "New USN Currency/US Republic Restored" - Anonymous Intel - 8.4.16 "New USN Currency/US Republic Restored" - Anonymous Intel - 8.4.16.

10. On that same Aug. 4 a precursor to the 1987 crash happened on the stock market:

11. Also on that Aug. 4 2016 Bruce's The Big Call, The Big Call, it was reported that all Paymasters recieved their funds to do exchanges, the Tier 3 group was bond redemption, starting the night before 50,000 SKRs become liquid and by that evening all SKRs should be done. Some of the Tier 4 groups had begun to exchange while a few Dinar calls and websites were being shut down in preparation for the RV.

12. The Aug. 4 2016 Situation Report reported on Recaps.: "The RV has begun in earnest and with actual liquidity payouts here in the United States and Canada! USN wires are arriving to real USN accounts, for spendable usage in real USN currency anywhere in the free world via the new CIPS delivery mechanism. Tier Three paymasters (bonds, SKRs) have been given access codes direct to master hydration accounts at HSBC-Wells Fargo which have been temporarily assigned / provided by the Elders for layout purposes. Since early Wed morning Aug. 3, T3 paymasters have been actively executing master list submitted wire transfers by fulfilling their existing SKR lists--and actually liquidating gold backed funds into pre-existing USA domiciled gold backed bank accounts, with a client's ability to spend gold backed currency. Over 60,000+ T3 SKRs were being liquidated, with an expected completion date of Fri. Aug. 5 2016 sometime before US banks close on the West Coast, or 6pm PDT. Currently we understand paymasters are 25% through their SKR lists as of midnight Thurs. Once the T3 paymaster process achieves a to 95% completion percentage, T4 paymaster (groups including the Internet group) liquidation automatically begins which includes all revalued first basket currency redemptions (IQD, VND, ZIM, AFA, IDR). Meaning, after US banks close their doors on the West Coast, toll free numbers will automatically be released across North America and appear for appointment setting purposes and immediate currency retrieval and conversion. END OF REPORT."

13. The Dinar Chronicles Intel Report of Aug. 5 2016 11:42 am EDT: "Completed Tonight, Released Monday. Right now an important individual is on the way to Reno from Wells Fargo Headquarters in San Francisco." US Note electronic wire transfers began. Major transactions in the quadrillion range began exchanging at a nominal 1:1 ratio. Classified Page - New Intel Added 8-5-16

14. Aug. 5 2016 GCR Update CapnGriff: "Several well known intel providers, websites and chatrooms went dark yesterday morning. The only plausible reason was they were told by those in power that the RV is in progress. SKRs are safe keeping receipts given to highly placed individuals who had traded in their currencies at a certain rate. Their accounts could not be accessed for spending, until yesterday. The estimate was there were 60,000+ such Tier 3 accounts. All were hydrated by the end of the banking day on the west coast yesterday." (Hawaii lags behind us, so their time may have been the actual cutoff.) Update on the RV/GCR as of 2AM MDT by CapnGriff

15. A conference call held Aug. 5 2016 at 11:11 pm EST: Last Night's Conference Call w/ Tank, Bewdah and Yosef 8-5-16

A. The new US Republic began on Aug.4 2016 when China released gold to the new US Treasury. This is about restoring of the US Constitution.

B. Pentagon Chief of Staff and US Republic President Joseph Dunford met with Obama to lay out how this was going to work: they took away Obama's authority.

C. Congress voted to amend the Constitution to eliminate the power of the US Inc. over the Republic of the US.

D. The House returned the US back to a gold standard. Congress has the right to determine what constitutes the value of our money.

E. A great deal of SKRs have been funded. T2 paymasters have concluded their work and are now on to T4 payouts.

16. On Aug. 6 2016 Philip Tilton said a Wells Fargo contact reported that Tier 4 funds went liquid 6:30 pm EST on Aug.6 2016. Philip Tilton - The Problems are being Made Right as of Today

17. On Aug. 6 2016 there were rumors that arrests were made of three Iraqi individuals (1 banker, 2 politicians) thought to be interfering with installation of the new financial system. They were released with a citation and will be charged with treason if they interfere again. Mass arrests may be completed before Aug. 8.

18. On Aug. 7 2017 in Baghdad the Department of Pension Affairs and Social Security dispersed workers their salaries for the months of July and Aug. 2016 in cash and on their Smart Cards.

19. Iraqi bond sales and CBI currency auctions attended by the banks continued to reduce the money supply - that in turn increased the value of the Dinar. They were ridding the US dollar on the streets of Iraq and working to make the Dinar stronger. The new customs and tariff laws were in effect. There had to be an increase in the value of the Dinar in order to compensate for the increase.

20. On Monday Aug. 8 2016 ZAP in Dinar Chronicles stated: "We are entering a significant moment today as the Chinese and Europe royals finalize the major releases for construction projects and shore up the US dollar to ensure stability. The global checkbook opened today."

21. On the Aug. 9 2016 WingIt Call with Gerry Maguire, Art, IKO: Wingit: "It was felt that the RV had to happen soon because Bond markets have crashed, banks are in big trouble and international trading has slowed to a trickle. The only way out would be the Global Currency Reset to gold and asset backed currency. The bonds have been paid. The SKRs are done. Some of the groups have exchanged. Iraqi Dinar shows on the cards at a $3.71 international rate."

22. Also on that Aug. 9 Philip Tilton reported: Philip Tilton - The Waiting Game is Ending, The RV Taking Place

1. The Admiral is at the bank right now & suspected to be obtaining Humanitarian funds.

2. Bankers are renegotiating some contracts - promisary gold notes to other countries.

3. Last night Bloomberg articles said various country's currencies will be revalued.

4. Gold coins will be available for sale this week.

5. Last Thurs. Dong showed 4 cents, some people traded it and made a profit

6. The new rates are appearing on bank screens again.

7. Dinar cards showing $2 - $3.71

8. Rupiah rates have gone up and down this weekend.

9. An individual receiving payments from a Trust would pay taxes on that income.

10. US Treasury bonds going negative - a good sign for us that puts banks under pressure.

11. Allegedly the RV release is on an automatic timer.

23. Bruce's The Big Call on Aug. 9 2016 reported: The Big Call

1. Bruce said that we are there.

2. The new Iraqi stock exchange was rumored to open around 4 EST today, with 3.2 million trades processed on this Day One.

3. The opening of the Iraqi stock exchange confirmed that the Dinar was international with a rate that rose from $3.71 to over $5.00.

4. Individuals (thought to be the Admirals Group) completed their exchange in Reno today.

5. A number of exchanges have taken place starting yesterday with appointments taking them through Sunday night. These are pre-arranged exchange appointments that had pre-negotiated rates (that are thought to be lower rates than what we could be offered).

24. On Aug. 10 2016 DC sent a Situation Report to Dinar Chronicles:

1. Fact: RV performance is an absolute and immanent forthcoming event. Thus it's wise to take some time today to absorb this truth so that you can properly prepare emotionally for a massive change in your life / consciousness.

2. RV related things that appear as "delayed" are not nearly as dramatic or intense for currency holders as they might feel.

3. All banking technical aspects are completed. In fact, private clients within the US, actual currency holders, have been exchanging domestically into USN liquidation via Wells Fargo off site redemption centers since last Sunday--per the approval of the Chinese Elders.

4. However, the US Republic has decided to leverage the Elders own desire to begin on Aug. 8 2016, and are attempting to renegotiate some geopolitical security policy issues between still hostile sovereign nation actors. This list would include sovereign nations such as Israel, Turkey, Ukraine, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

5. It also includes the now defaulted and imploding 4th shadow branch of the old USA Inc government. This negotiation is playing out publicly via the current presidential election.

6. In fact, the US election already has a private resolution that is just waiting to be revealed publicly. Meaning behind the scenes, there's literally no significant drama who is going to run let alone win. Crazy yes, but 100% true as reported months earlier from key sources serving the newly restored Republic government. There's been a meaningful and permanent regime change within our own US government structure.

See the original post here:

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