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Category Archives: Ascension
How cyber insurance shapes risk: Ascension and the limits of lessons learned – CSO Online
Posted: August 9, 2024 at 3:41 am
How cyber insurance shapes risk: Ascension and the limits of lessons learned CSO Online
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How cyber insurance shapes risk: Ascension and the limits of lessons learned - CSO Online
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Kamala Harris ascension sparks lively debate at the barbershop: Eric Foster –
Posted: August 3, 2024 at 6:52 am
Kamala Harris ascension sparks lively debate at the barbershop: Eric Foster
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Honkai Star Rail Jingliu best build, Ascension materials, Traces, and Light Cone –
Posted: April 8, 2024 at 4:55 pm
Jingliu is a 5-Star Ice character of The Destruction path added to Honkai: Star Rail in Phase 1 of version 1.4.
While Jingliu is featured as the boosted 5-Star character on her Gentle Eclipse of the Moon Banner in version 2.1, she will eventually return to Honkai: Star Rail at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to her.
Whether you have her or want to prepare for if you do Warp for her successfully, it's good to know the best Jingliu build, including her best Relics and best team. It's also handy to learn what her Eidolons are, and what Ascension materials and Trace materials are needed to level up Jingliu to her full potential.
On this page:
Jingliu materials and stats:
Jingliu build:
For more help aboard the Astral Express, check out our Honkai Star Rail guide with tips and tricks.
Jingliu is a 5-Star Ice character of The Destruction path and is best at providing both single-target and multi-target damage, while paired with characters who have high HP, or with a healer who can heal allies consistently.
All of the percentages mentioned below are based on Level 1 Traces.
Here's a summary of Jingliu's kit in Honkai Star Rail:
You need to use Jingliu Ascension materials to upgrade her health, attack, defence, and critical hit effectiveness.
You need to get a lot of Gelid Chitin and Immortal based materials for Jingliu to fully upgrade her capabilities.
In total, the Jingliu Ascension Materials in Honkai: Star Rail are:
For more details, here's what Jingliu Ascension materials you need per level:
Just like Ascension, to get the most out of using Jingliu you will have to level-up her attacks and passive abilities by using Trace materials, which vary from character-to-character.
For Jingliu you need to use a lot of Safeguard of Blade and Immortal based materials to fully upgrade her capabilities.
In total, to upgrade all of her Traces, the Jingliu Trace Materials you need are:
By getting duplicates of Jingliu from Warping on Banners, you will receive her Eidolon. This material allows you to unlock Eidolon levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing attack or passive ability.
Here are all of Jingliu's Eidolons in Honkai: Star Rail:
Your goal with Jingliu is to achieve two stacks of Syzygy as soon as possible so she can enter the Spectral Transmigration state and increase her attack damage. To do this, you need to use her ordinary Skill, or Ultimate. You can also gain one at the start of the battle in the overworld by using Jingliu's Technique.
When she's in the Spectral Transmigration state, Jingliu's Crit Rate and Ultimate Damage is greatly increased, but she's locked to only using the Blast version of her Skill, which doesn't build Syzygy stacks. You want to keep Jingliu in the Spectral Transmigration state as long as possible for maximum DPS potential, so you can keep building Syzygy by just using her Ultimate as much as possible.
The only time you don't want Jingliu in her special state is when your allies are low on health, or hitting in an AOE helps the enemy attack you. Remember that Jingliu consumes your party's health while in the Spectral Transmigration state. So if it looks dicey for a team member, stop using Jingliu's Ultimate!
You'll almost always want a good healer in your Jingliu teams, preferably one who can heal multiple allies at once. Luocha is a great healer to pair with Jingliu because he automatically triggers healing when an ally falls below 50% HP, but any other healer with multi-targets healing abilities will work too.
Then, you can choose to run a Harmony character to buff Jinglu, or a Nihility character to debuff the enemies. Or, one of each if you have the space in your party! We recommend Bronya if you have her so she can give Jingliu another turn while in the Spectral Transmigration state, or to help quickly build Syzygy stacks. Tingyun is another great Harmony character, as she boosts attack and helps recharge Jingliu's Ultimate. Ruan Mei is also fantastic for your mono Ice teams, especially if you want to break an enemies Weakness quicker. While Sparkle and Hanya can help if you have other greedy Skill Point characters on your team, Jingliu is actually very Skill Point efficient, so they're not as recommended.
For Nihility debuffers, Silver Wolf or Pela are great picks. Pela helps out more in AOE situations and in mono Ice teams, but Silver Wolf's weakness implantation and general debuffing skills make her more desirable for single-target combat situations.
The last slot is pretty flexible in Jingliu teams if not going with a Harmony and Nihility team, so it's worth going for what you need in a specific combat scenario. If you need help surviving, then Preservation characters like Fu Xuan or Gepard can also help.
However, if you're not struggling with health and you want to maximise damage even more, then Blade is Jingliu's ideal DPS buddy! He benefits from taking damage, so Blade will output more damage with Jingliu due to her taking his HP. As a bonus, Blade is also very Skill Point efficient, freeing up Skills for your Harmony and Nihility teammates.
We recommend the 2-piece Hunter of Glacial Forest and 2-piece Musketeer of Wild Wheat as the best Relics for Jingliu in Star Rail. This safely ensures you're getting a boost to both Jingliu's Ice damage and attack stat.
You might want to go with the 2-piece Messenger Traversing Hackerspace instead of Musketeer if you need more Speed, or even switch to the 4-piece Hunter of Glacial Forest if you have good uptime on your Jingliu's Spectral Transmigration state, so you can take advantage of its increase to Crit Damage after using Jingliu's Ultimate.
The 4-piece Genius of Brilliant Stars is actually a very good Relic set for Jingliu, as it ignores 10% of an enemies' defence, basically giving Jingliu a huge damage boost even though she doesn't benefit from the 2-piece buff to Quantum damage. Pick the sets with the best main and substats for an edge in battle!
For Planar Ornaments, if you're struggling with Energy regeneration, we recommend Sprightly Vonwacq for its 5% Energy Regeneration increase. Although, to fully take advantage of it and gain the upper hand at the start of a battle, you need Jingliu to have at least 120 Speed.
However, the best Planar Ornaments will be either the Space Sealing Station or Rutilant Arena sets. Station for its attack increase, and Arena for its Crit Rate and Skill damage increase. To get the most out of Station, Jingliu needs to have at least 120 Speed, and to get the most out of Arena, Jingliu needs a Crit Rate of at least 70%
For your main and substats, prioritise building Jingliu's Crit Damage, and Crit Rate if you need it, but Crit Damage is more important. However, Speed boots can help with meeting Planar Ornament requirements and general speed-focused builds. Ice Damage and Attack are also recommended for your Planar Ornaments' main stats.
As it's her signature, the 5-Star 'I Shall Be My Own Sword' Light Cone is Jingliu's best weapon in Honaki: Star Rail.
At Rank 90 (Superimposition 1), 'I Shall Be My Own Sword' increases Jingliu's Crit Damage by 20%. When an ally gets attacked or loses HP, Jingliu gains one stack of Eclipse, up to a maximum of three stacks. Each stack of Eclipse increases the damage of Jingliu's next attack by 14%. When three stacks are reached, the attack ignores 12% of the enemy's defence, but this effect is removed after Jingliu uses an attack.
For other 5-Star options, we recommend 'On the Fall of an Aeon' to increase Jingliu's attack when she hits and when she inflicts Weakness Break. 'Something Irreplaceable' can also work, as can 'The Unreachable Side', but we recommend going for the Simulated Universe's 'On the Fall of an Aeon' if you can.
There are actually a lot of decent 4-Star options, but after testing we think the best of these is 'A Secret Vow' for its increase to Jingliu's damage. You could also use 'Under the Blue Sky' for its increase to attack and Crit Rate, or 'Nowhere to Run' for its attack increase and HP restoration abilities, and if you don't have either of these, 'The Moles Welcome You' is a great substitute as long as you're using one Basic, Skill, and Ultimate attack each battle for maximum DPS.
If you only have 3-Star Light Cones to pick from, then go with Collapsing Sky until you can get a good 4-Star or 5-Star.
Version 2.1 with Acheron, Aventurine, and Gallagher is here! So make sure to redeem those new codes for Stellar Jade if you want them or future characters - and check all characters out on our regularly updated tier list. For everything else, we have pages on the next Banner, Ministry of Education quiz answers, how to get more Star Rail Passes, and an English voice actors list.
Keeping in mind that the best team comps in Star Rail are very situational, if you want to take advantage of her damage capabilities will keeping her alive, we have compiled what we think is currently the best Jingliu build in Honkai Star Rail:
It's entirely up to you whether you want to spend your Stellar Jade to Warp on Jingliu's Banner, but she's a fantastic Ice damage dealer who can take advantage of other character's kits readily, uses very little Skill Points, and is particularly useful if you have Blade.
Good luck levelling up Jingliu in Honkai Star Rail!
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Honkai Star Rail Aventurine materials, kit, and Eidolons –
Posted: at 4:55 pm
Aventurine is a 5-Star Imaginary character of The Preservation path likely coming to Honkai: Star Rail in version 2.1.
While Aventurine will likely be featured as the boosted 5-Star character on his Banner in version 2.1, he will eventually return to Honkai: Star Rail at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to him.
If you want to prepare for if you Warp for him successfully, we've detailed reliable leaks of Aventurine's Ascension materials and Trace materials so you can level him up to his full potential right away. To understand how you might play him, we've also detailed what we know about Aventurine's kit and Eidolons.
Keep in mind that this is leaked beta information, so Aventurine's materials and kit might change upon his official release.
On this page:
Aventurine is a 5-Star Imaginary character of The Preservation path who scales off defence and provides shields for the entire party. He can also slightly increase the party's Crit Damage, and can act as an effective Imaginary attacker himself.
All of the percentages mentioned below are based on Level 1 Traces.
Keeping in mind that this is leaked beta information from honyehunterworld that could change upon his official release, here's a summary of Aventurine's kit in Honkai Star Rail:
You need to use Aventurine Ascension materials to upgrade stats like his health, attack, defence, and critical hit effectiveness.
With the latest beta information sourced from honeyhunterworld, it looks like you need to get a lot of Suppressing Edict and Tatters-based materials for Aventurine to fully upgrade his capabilities.
In total, the Aventurine Ascension Materials in Honkai: Star Rail are:
For more details, here's what Aventurine Ascension materials you need per level:
Remember, this is leaked beta information that could change upon Aventurine's official release.
Just like Ascension, to get the most out of using Aventurine you will have to level-up his attacks and passive abilities by using Trace materials, which vary from character-to-character.
With thanks to honeyhunterworld again for sourcing the information, for Aventurine it looks like you'll need to use a lot of Scattered Stardust and Tatters-based materials to fully upgrade his capabilities.
In total, to upgrade all of his abilities, the Aventurine Trace Materials you need are:
Once again, this is leaked beta information, so Aventurine's materials could change upon his official release.
Version 2.1 with Acheron, Aventurine, and Gallagher is here! So make sure to redeem those new codes for Stellar Jade if you want them or future characters - and check all characters out on our regularly updated tier list. For everything else, we have pages on the next Banner, Ministry of Education quiz answers, how to get more Star Rail Passes, and an English voice actors list.
By getting duplicates of Aventurine from Warping on his Banner, you will receive his Eidolon. This material allows you to unlock Eidolon levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing attack or passive ability.
With beta information sourced from honeyhunterworld, here are all of Aventurine's Eidolons in Honkai: Star Rail:
Good luck levelling up Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail!
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Live Oak victorious over East Ascension | Sports | – The Livingston Parish News
Posted: at 4:55 pm
Live Oak captured a 12-2 victory with a strong finish in their District 5-5A contest on the road April 6.
The Eagles trailed 2-1 after six innings, but scored 11 runs over the final two frames, highlighted by a seven-run seventh.
Austin Viola went 3-for-3 with a double, four runs batted in and three runs scored.
Cam Washington singled twice and tripled once with four RBIs and two runs scored.
Dekohta Jones singled and tripled along with driving in a run and scoring two runs.
Cal Cassard singled, tripled and had two RBIs.
Lane Billings singled and doubled.
Brock Davis singled with a run batted in and a run scored.
Will Prescott scored a run.
Cullen Weller allowed two runs, one unearned, on three hits with five strikeouts and a walk. Cole Delaughter and Jace Griffin both threw a scoreless and hitless frame. Griffin posted two strikeouts and two walks, while Delaughter struck out one and walked one.
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While Ascension shelter closes for quarantine, non-profit group taking in additional cats – WBRZ
Posted: at 4:55 pm
GONZALES - A non-profit, no-kill rescue organization in Ascension Parish is calling on the community for support while they take in additional animals for the next two weeks.
Cara's House, the Ascension Parish animal shelter, announced that they will be closed until April 15 because one of their puppies has a respiratory infection. The shelter is quarantining all animals for the time being.
In the meantime, Rescue Alliance is taking in the cats that would normally be dropped off at the shelter.
"We've received an influx of calls because people who normally surrender animals to Cara's House are calling us because they don't know what to do with them," Jonathan Henriques, Director of Operations at Rescue Alliance, said.
Henriques said with each cat they receive, their medical bill total out at about $200. With 35 cats and more on the way, it makes for an expensive job, which is why they're in desperate need of donations.
"We're actually down to just one box of litter," Henriques said.
Food, toys, litter or food are just some items that would make a world of difference for them. Monetary donations are accepted, and if you can't donate, another way to help is to foster a cat.
You can find more information about Rescue Alliance by clicking here.
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Honkai: Star Rail Leaks Harmony Trailblazer Ascension and Trace Materials – GameRant
Posted: at 4:55 pm
All the materials Honkai: Star Rail players will need to upgrade the Harmony Trailblazer have leaked online. Since the release of the Honkai: Star Rail version 2.2 beta, there has been no shortage of leaks to be excited about. These leaks have revealed what might be planned for the upcoming update, providing players with valuable information on new characters and other content.
Last week, Honkai: Star Rail leaks revealed the Harmony Trailblazer, claiming that the third form of the protagonist will make their way onto the playable roster in version 2.2. However, not many details were available about the Trailblazer at that time, except for the fact that they use the Imaginary element, and their test kit is strictly based on buffs. Now, a new Honkai: Star Rail leak is making the rounds online, revealing all the details about the character's ascension materials.
A recent leak from HomDGCat has revealed that players will use Thief's Instinct, Usurper's Scheme, Conqueror's Will, and Enigmatic Ectostella materials to upgrade the Harmony Trailblazer. These items can be found in Honkai: Star Rail's Simulated Universe, except Enigmatic Ectostella, which can be obtained by completing story content. In order to fully upgrade the Harmony Trailblazers' offensive capabilities, players will also use Tracks of Destiny, Firmament Note, Celestial Section, Heavenly Melody, and Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster Trace materials.
Ascension Materials
Trace Materials
Many of the Harmony Trailblazer's Trace materials can be obtained by defeating enemies in Honkai: Star Rail's The Reverie (Dreamspace) region. As for the character's Eidolons, they recover one skill point at the start of the combat, boost their energy regeneration rate for three rounds, and increase the level of their Skill and Talent. Moreover, the fourth, fifth, and sixth Eidolons boost the Break Effect, level up the character's Ultimate, and increase their Skill's overall damage, respectively.
Details about the Harmony Trailblazer's kit have already arisen through leaks. As it turns out, the third form of the protagonist increases the Toughness damage inflicted by their Skill. Moreover, when teammates put enemies into the Broken state, the Harmony Trailblazer delays their action by a percentage. The character will be unlocked as players progress through the Penacony story.
Once the version 2.2 update for Honkai: Star Rail is released, two new characters, Boothill and Robin, will become available alongside the Harmony Trailblazer. These event-exclusive character banners will be unlocked with Special Rail Passes. It's almost certain that Robin will arrive in the first part of 2.2, while Boothill will make his way onto the playable roster in the second part of the update.
The fourth entry in HoYoverse's Honkai franchise, Honkai: Star Rail is a free-to-play sci-fi RPG. Utilizing a turn-based combat system, the game includes dungeons, multiple planets, and a gacha system for unlocking new characters. Debuting on April 26, 2023, on PC and mobile, Honkai: Star Rail has also been announced for the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.
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Genshin Impact Neuvillette materials, kit, and Constellations –
Posted: at 4:55 pm
Neuvillette is a 5-Star Hydro character who was added to Genshin Impact during Phase 1 of version 4.1.
While Neuvillette is currently featured as a boosted 5-Star character on his Decree of the Deeps Banner in version 4.5, he will eventually return to Genshin Impact at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to him.
Whether you have him, or want to prepare for if you do Wish for him successfully, we've listed Neuvillette's Ascension materials and Talent materials so you can level him up to his full potential right away. To understand how you might play him, we've also detailed what we know about Neuvillette's kit and Constellations.
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Be sure to check out our beginner's guide with tips and tricks, and Genshin Impact codes page to get free Primogems that can be used towards unlocking Neuvillette and other characters.
Neuvillette is a 5-Star Hydro character who uses a catalyst, and is best used in an on-field main DPS role by using special charged attacks.
Here's a summary of Neuvillette's kit in Genshin Impact:
Tapping Neuvillette's normal attack deals Hydro damage up to three times, and his plunge attack damages all opponents in his path, dealing AoE Hydro damage upon impact.
The charged normal attack Empowerment: Legal Evaluation makes Neuvillette gather the power of water, forming a Seal of Arbitration. In this state, Neuvillette can move, change facing, and absorb any Sourcewater Droplets in a certain AoE. Every Droplet he absorbs will increase the formation speed of the Seal, and heals Neuvillette.
When the charging is stopped, if the Symbol hasn't been formed yet, then a normal charge attack will be unleashed, dealing AoE Hydro damage. If it has been formed, then a Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment will be unleashed instead. Equitable Judgment unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro damage to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of Neuvillette.
Unlike ordinary charged attacks, Equitable Judgment does not consume any Stamina, and it lasts three seconds. However, if Neuvillette's health is above 50% he will continuously lose HP while using this attack.
Neuvillette Summons a Raging Waterfall that deals AoE Hydro damage to opponents in front of him. After hitting an opponent, this skill generates three Sourcewater Droplets near that opponent.
Neuvillette's Skill also produces Pneuma-aligned energy when a Spiritbreath Thorn emerges, dealing Pneuma Hydro damage.
Neuvillette unleashes waves that deal AoE Hydro damage based on his maximum HP. After a short interval, two waterfalls descend and deal Hydro damage in a smaller AoE, generating six Sourcewater Droplets within an area in front.
To get the most out of using Neuvillette, you will have to level his skills up by using Talent materials, which vary from character-to-character.
For Neuvillette, you'll need to farm a lot of Transoceanic and Equity materials (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade his capabilities.
As Neuvillette has three Talents, you will have to spend three times the Talent materials listed below to fully upgrade all of his abilities, which we've also detailed below the table.
Here's what Neuvillette Talent materials you need to improve one of his abilities:
Here's what Talent Materials you'll need to fully upgrade one of Neuvillette's skills:
To upgrade all three of Neuvillette's skills, here's all the Talent Materials you'll need:
Just like Talents, you need to use Neuvillette Ascension materials to upgrade his health, attack, defence, and critical hit effectiveness.
You'll need to farm a lot of Lumitoile and Transoceanic materials for Neuvillette (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade his capabilities.
Unlike Talent materials, you only need to spend the below Ascension materials once to fully raise Neuvillette to his highest character level. There is also Acquaint Fate rewarded for reaching certain Ascension levels. You can spend this Fate on the standard and beginner Banners to Wish for characters and weapons.
Here's what Neuvillette Ascension materials and Mora you need to upgrade him for each Ascension level:
In total, here's all the Ascension Materials you need for Neuvillette in Genshin Impact:
Version 4.5 with Chiori is here! If you're still catching up, we can help with the Rainjade Oblation system, and our Fontaine guide can help with Fontaine's Reputation and the Fountain of Lucine. You can also redeem new codes for Primogems, and check out our regularly updated tier list. You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events. Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners, and Dendroculus locations.
By getting duplicates of Neuvillette from wishing on Banners, you will receive his Stella Fortuna. This material allows you to unlock Constellation levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing Talent or Passive ability.
Here are all of Neuvillette's Constellations in Genshin Impact:
It can take a lot of time to farm for the materials needed to get Neuvillette to his full potential, but Neuvillette could be a worthy addition to your roster if you're in need of a Hydro on-field DPS who can take advantage of elemental reactions.
Good luck levelling up Neuvillette in Genshin Impact!
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Genshin Impact Xianyun best build, Talent and Ascension materials, weapon, and team –
Posted: February 7, 2024 at 6:22 am
Xianyun is a 5-Star Anemo character who was added to Genshin Impact during version 4.4.
While Xianyun is featured as the boosted 5-Star character in her The Crane Soars Skyward Banner in version 4.4, she will eventually return at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to her.
Whether you have her, or want to prepare for if you do Wish for her successfully, it's good to know the best Xianyun build in Genshin Impact, including her best Artifacts and best team. It's also handy to learn what her Constellation perks are, and what Xianyun Talent materials and Ascension materials are needed to level up Xianyun to her full potential.
On this page:
Xianyun materials and stats:
Xianyun build:
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Be sure to check out our beginner's guide with tips and tricks, and Genshin Impact codes page to get free Primogems that can be used towards unlocking Xianyun and other characters.
Xianyun is a 5-Star Anemo character who uses a catalyst and can be used in multiple roles, but mainly as a plunging attack buffer with healing capabilities.
Here's a summary of Xianyun's kit in Genshin Impact:
Tapping the normal attack button makes Xianyun perform up to four hits that deal Anemo damage, but charging the normal attack instead consumes stamina to launch a Breeze Bolt in a straight line that deals Anemo damage to opponents along its path.
Plunging from the air harms all enemies on the way down, then deals AOE (area of effect) Anemo damage upon impact.
Xianyun enters the Cloud Transmogrification state where she doesn't take fall damage, and uses Skyladder once. In this state, Xianyun's plunging attack is converted into Driftcloud Wave instead, which deals AoE Anemo damage and ends the Cloud Transmogrification state. Damage dealt this way is considered plunging attack damage.
Each use of Skyladder while in this state increases the damage and AoE of the next Driftcloud Wave used.
Skyladder can be used while in mid-air, and when Skyladder is activated Xianyun leaps forward, dealing Anemo damage to enemies in her path. During each Cloud Transmogrification state Xianyun enters, Skyladder may be used up to three times, and one instance of Skyladder damage can be dealt to any one opponent.
If Skyladder is not used again in a short period, the Cloud Transmogrification state will be cancelled. If Xianyun does not use Driftcloud Wave while in this state, the next cooldown of White Clouds at Dawn will be decreased by three seconds.
Xianyun creates a breeze that deals AOE Anemo damage and heals all nearby characters based on Xianyun's attack stat. It also summons a mechanism named Starwicker.
Starwicker continuously follows the active character to periodically heal all nearby party members, with healing scaled off Xianyun's attack stat. Starwicker starts with eight stacks of Adeptal Assistance, and while Adeptal Assistance is active, nearby active characters have their jump height increased. When the active character completes a plunging attack, Starwicker consumes one stack of Adeptal Assistance to deal AOE Anemo damage. Only one Starwicker can exist at once.
To get the most out of using Xianyun, you will have to level her skills up by using Talent materials, which vary from character-to-character.
You need to farm a lot of Scroll and Gold materials (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade Xianyun's capabilities.
As Xianyun has three Talents, you will have to spend three times the Talent materials listed below to fully upgrade all of her abilities, which we've also detailed below the table.
Here's what Xianyun Talent materials you need to improve one of her abilities:
Here's what Talent Materials you'll need to fully upgrade one of Xianyun's skills:
To upgrade all three of Xianyun's skills, here's all the Talent Materials you'll need:
Just like Talents, you need to use Xianyun Ascension materials to upgrade her health, attack, defence, and critical hit effectiveness.
You need to farm a lot of Clearwater Jade and Scroll materials for Xianyun (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade her capabilities.
Unlike Talent materials, you only need to spend the below Ascension materials once to fully raise Xianyun to her highest character level. There is also Acquaint Fate rewarded for reaching certain Ascension levels. You can spend this Fate on the standard and beginner Banners to Wish for characters and weapons.
Here's what Xianyun Ascension materials and Mora you need to upgrade her for each Ascension level:
In total, here's all the Ascension Materials you need for Xianyun in Genshin Impact:
By getting duplicates of Xianyun from wishing on Banners, you will receive her Stella Fortuna. This material allows you to unlock Constellation levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing Talent or Passive ability.
Here are all of Xianyun's Constellations in Genshin Impact:
You should unlock her two passive talents as soon as possible so that Xianyan's Elemental Burst gives huge plunging attack buffs to other party members. Xianyun's Burst is the most important part of her kit, so you should prioritise levelling it up first, then her Skill.
After activating Xianyun's Burst, switch to your DPS and then start plunge attacking. You can do this up to eight times before Xianyun's buff expires, or time runs out. We recommend picking a DPS who can infuse with Swirls, claymore or catalyst users, or someone who already has high plunging damage (hi, Xiao).
To speed things along, remember to dash cancel or normal attack cancel while chaining your plunging attacks. Polearm characters need to normal attack cancel.
We recommend you only jump once before plunge attacking while using Xianyun's Skill, as getting Anemo particles to recharge her Burst is more important than her own personal damage.
Lastly, keep in mind that Xianyun works best in single-target situations like fighting bosses because of the way her buffs work. She holds her own in AOE, it's just not ideal when compared to single-target situations.
Xianyun is a great sub DPS that can be used to heal and buff a lot of different team types, and can even bring your old forgotten characters like Diluc back into the spotlight because of the way her plunging attack and Anemo buffs work.
In most situations, you'll want to pair Xianyun with a DPS who benefits from her plunging buffs - like Xiao, Hu Tao, Diluc, or Gaming - or characters who can infuse with her Swirls.
Even if your DPS can't infuse with Xianyun's Swirls, your support and sub DPS characters can, so the usual favourites like Fischl, Xingqiu, and Yelan also work very well in Xianyun teams.
If you're lucky enough to have her, Furina is one of the best team members to run alongside Xianyun, as she applies a decent amount of Hydro while also providing huge teamwide support buffs - increasing the DPS of your party even further.
Although we generally don't recommend doing it because of its effect on other teams, a C6 activated Bennett can also work incredibly well with Xianyun because of his new Pyro infusion capabilities, allowing you to make a lot of other characters viable options to play with Xianyun.
Lastly, remember that Xianyun is also a pretty good teamwide healer, so you can slot her into any team in need of one.
As with almost all Anemo support characters, the best Artifact set for Xianyun in Genshin Impact is the 4-piece Viridescent Venerer, as it increases Anemo and Swirl damage while decreasing enemies Elemental Resistance to the element infused with Swirl.
However, if your DPS uses an element that can't infuse with Swirl (Anemo, Geo, and Dendro) then you might want to equip either the 4-piece Noblesse Oblige, or the 4-piece Forgotten Oath of Days Past. Noblesse Oblige is good for increasing the attack for all party members after a Burst is activated, and Forgotten Oath of Days Past converts Xianyun's healing into damage.
Keep in mind that you can still use Viridescent Venerer if you're running good sub DPS characters though, as they can benefit from the Swirl reactions even when your DPS can't.
As for Xianyun's Artifact stats, you'll want to get enough Energy Recharge to consistently use her Burst in your rotations. Once you have enough Energy Recharge, we recommend prioritising attack, as this is what Xianyun scales off. Healing Bonus is a nice extra to have, but isn't as important as Energy Recharge and attack.
As with most signatures, the 5-Star Crane's Echoing Call catalyst is Xianyun's best weapon in Genshin Impact.
At Refinement 1 and Level 90, after Xianyun hits an opponent with a Plunging Attack with Crane's Echoing Call equipped, all nearby party members' plunging attacks deal 28% increased damage for 20 seconds. When nearby party members hit opponents with plunging attacks, they restore 2.5 energy to Xianyun. Energy can be restored this way every 0.7 seconds, and this energy regain effect can be triggered even if Xianyun is not on the field.
You can also repurpose other 5-Star catalysts for Xianyun as a 'stat stick', most notably the Skyward Atlas and the Memory of Dust. Keep in mind that the additional buffs aren't great on these weapons - it's just the huge attack stat increase that makes them viable.
However, one of Xianyun's best weapons is actually the 4-Star Oathsworn Eye for its boost to Energy Recharge after using an Elemental Skill. As this is an event weapon, you might not have access to it. If you don't have Oathsworn Eye, then the Favonious Codex is a decent 4-Star alternative for its energy particle generation on critical hits.
The 3-Star Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers can also work to buff your DPS if you don't have better options.
Version 4.4 with Xianyun and Nahida is here! You can unlock the Rainjade Oblation for rewards, but if you're still exploring the Hydro nation, our Fontaine guide can help with Fontaine's Reputation and the Fountain of Lucine, and you can also redeem new codes for Primogems, and check out our regularly updated tier list. You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events. Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners, and Dendroculus locations.
If you want to take advantage of her support capabilities while keeping her alive, we have compiled what we think is currently the best Xianyun build in Genshin Impact:
It can take a lot of time to farm for the materials needed to get Xianyun to her full potential, but she could be a worthy addition to your roster if you're in need of an Anemo Swirler with healing capabilities and huge plunging damage enhancements for your team.
Good luck levelling up Xianyun in Genshin Impact!
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Joliet Nurses to Strike Protesting Illegal Implementation of Ascension Offer – The Times Weekly
Posted: at 6:22 am
The 500 union nurses of St. Joes Nurses Association put in the mandatory ten-day notice to strike on February 8th and 9th. They are asking their community to show support.
Last year, Ascension Healthcare faced a wave of strikes and unionization efforts stretching from Austin, Texas to Rochester, Michigan to Baltimore, Maryland, all protesting the employers chronic understaffing, below market wages and regular violations of federal labor law. Nurses at Ascension St. Joseph in Joliet, Illinois went on strike twice as part of that wave and have now called for a third ULP strike after the company unilaterally implemented an offer that nurses resoundingly rejected in December.
The company implemented its supposed last, best and final offer (LBFO) on Sunday, January 21st, after claiming that it is at an impasse with the union. The Illinois Nurses Association, which represents the bargaining unit nurses, has clarified that the parties cannot be at impasse. The union has announced its willingness to continue making movement in negotiations, and has requested additional bargaining dates. The Union nurses overwhelmingly rejected Ascensions last offer for several reasons, including the companys insistence on certain non-monetary terms and conditions of employment which would pose serious health and safety risks to both nurses and patients.
The nurses have also been moved to strike by mounting chaos and divestment at the hospital. Patients have reported flooding, infestations of cockroaches and ceilings caving in. Nurses say the hospitals scheduling systems were not prepared for the implementation of new policies and there is uncertainty about expectations and pay. Im resentful about the way Ascension has managed the hospital and those of us who work there, veteran nurse Sue Pellegrini said. They view everything through the lens of cutting costs as if those cuts dont hurt people.
The St. Joes Nurses will be hosting a community town hall event on February 6th at the library at 150 N Ottawa St. in Joliet. Patients and residents are encouraged to come talk about their experiences and their hopes for getting the hospital back on track. Community members are also encouraged to stop by the picket line on the 8th and 9th anytime between 7am and 4pm.
The Illinois Nurses Association is the nursing union in the State of Illinois, providing professional representation, improving wages and terms and conditions of employment for nurses and healthcare workers in bargaining units represented by the INA. For more information about the INA, visit
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Joliet Nurses to Strike Protesting Illegal Implementation of Ascension Offer - The Times Weekly
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