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Category Archives: Artificial Intelligence
IBM and AMD will work together on security, artificial intelligence – MarketWatch
Posted: November 13, 2020 at 9:47 pm
International Business Machines Corp. IBM, +2.05% and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. AMD, -0.50% announced Wednesday morning that they have entered a multi-year agreement focused on enhancing their security and artificial-intelligence offerings. "The joint development agreement will expand this vision by building upon open-source software, open standards, and open system architectures to drive Confidential Computing in hybrid cloud environments and support a broad range of accelerators across high-performance computing (HPC), and enterprise critical capabilities such as virtualization and encryption," the companies said in a release. Confidential Computing is a technology that allows for the encryption of data used to run virtual machines and it helps protect sensitive information. "Confidential Computing for hybrid cloud unlocks new potential for enterprise adoption of hybrid cloud computing, especially in regulated industries such as finance, healthcare and insurance," the companies said in their release. IBM shares are up 0.3% in premarket trading Wednesday, while AMD shares are up 1.4%. IBM shares have lost 12% so far this year as AMD's have risen 70%. The S&P 500 SPX, +1.36% is up 10% in that span, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +1.37%, of which IBM is a component, is up 3%.
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IBM and AMD will work together on security, artificial intelligence - MarketWatch
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Laetitia Cailleteau: Accelerating the Future of Artificial Intelligence with Disruptive Innovation – Analytics Insight
Posted: at 9:47 pm
Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. They are known for delivering unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries, through their Strategy and Consulting, Interactive, Technology and Operations servicesall powered by the worlds largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers. Their 506,000 people deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity every day, and serve clients in more than 120 countries. Accenture embrace the power of change to create value and shared success for our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities.
Laetitia Cailleteau is the Managing Director, UKI Emerging Technology and Global Lead for Conversational AI for Accenture.She is also Accenture Technologys lead for Data & AI in Europe driving innovation, sales, and delivery for multiple industries and clients. She has more than 20 years of experience in the consulting industry, has authored several academic publications, and holds patents in the conversational AI domain. She founded the Liquid Studio in London, an applied innovation lab, where her team offers flagship capabilities within AI and cognitive processes, as well as offering expertise in augmented and virtual reality, Internet of Things, Cloud, Blockchain and Security, amongst other essential technology solutions, while practicing a user-centered approach. She is also a reserve member of the Artificial Intelligence High-Level Group at the European Commission.
During her early 30s, Laetitia found it challenging to juggle the responsibilities of client travel and being a new mother when she landed in the UK, in the middle of what was then the biggest recession in history.
For Laetitia, it was a roller-coaster of new emotions, insecurity and cultural adaptation. It demanded a drive and energy to keep her work and priorities relevant and impactful, and it was finding this balance that helped her center herself. Laetitia realized the importance of the support network which helped bring her new perspective from being a workaholic with not many responsibilities outside work, to being a working mother who needed to cater to so many things and reinvent herself. This support network concept had not struck her as essential before, but it quickly became a matter of survival.
The importance of time became very obvious for her, and so did choosing where to spend it. It was then that she started to engage with WomenInTech in Accenture and charities like riseUp and the Cherie Blair Foundation to help younger individuals from deprived backgrounds and fellow women find their own ways. These were mutually beneficial relationships, helping Laetitia as much as it helped them.
When Laetitia was promoted to Managing Director (MD) just before the birth of her third child, it opened up a number of new doors and presented the perfect opportunity for Laetitia to discover her capabilities through new responsibilities. I landed the perfect job I was asked to create our applied innovation capabilities in the UK. Even better I had a completely blank sheet of paper to start from, says Laetitia.
From there, things quickly gained traction the impact of her teams passion, skills and the technology they managed started to be recognized in both the UK market and on a global scale. Laetitia reminisces, This was when I started to pile-on second hats to my absolute delight, juggling many dimensions of this ever-growing space of Data & AI. She asserts that the breadth of people, clients, problems, and solutions she was interacting with daily helped further fuel her passion for her work.
Laetitia cites that keeping an eye out on the horizon and spotting market opportunities are integral to a leader with a visionary mindset. That skill, coupled with strong communication can enable leaders to demonstrate perseverance, acclimatize to changes, and challenges. They should be able to inspire people, and demonstrate the right cultural and community leadership.
Laetitia shares that the inspiration behind Accentures products usually comes from a mix of things colliding and forming an idea this can be a conversation with people or through conferences, TED talks, news, client challenges, internal targets and thought leadership played against a basis of knowledge of what seems possible or could possibly be. This is where the importance of a diverse team plays in. In addition to the above, surrounding oneself with a diversity of thinking can enable an employee to innovate for a range of target audiences. Upending the hierarchical corporate structure in an organizational group, breaking siloes, and promoting equal opportunities for younger colleagues to lead within the organization also goes a long way. This action dramatically speeds up the flow of ideas and the pace of innovation, and helps define if the ideas are worth pursuing.
Accenture is now a part of a very disruptive tech world. The company can digitize a whole new range of activities that were not possible before. These new technologies blur the boundaries of industries, enabling new levels of collaboration and creating new products and services, only dreamt of before.
Laetitia upholds the notion that the role of a leader in the digital age is to inspire and democratize this knowledge and ensure all employees are on board, while being attentive to the benefits and responsibilities shared across every team and every person within the business.
Laetitia confirms that the 4th industrial revolution has formally kick-started. Companies are aiming to switch towards more human-centered services from industry siloes.Disruptive technologies like AI, machine learning, and big data enable organizations to work smarter and focus on the more rewarding aspects of work and boost productivity.
Hopefully equating to less work and longer weekend for most of us! says Laetitia humorously.
That being said, Laetitia forsees a new world that will be much more inclusive and balanced. She feels that our current mental model of the various phases of life university, work, retirement is somewhat outdated and needs to synch-up with modern life.
Laetitia advises budding leaders to, first and foremost, elevate their individual work in the market and public sphere, get perspectives, take it all in and be relentless with things they believe in. She further encourages to listen, adapt, and not be afraid of getting knocked down, as long as you get back up! According to her, one must chase their dreams and go after things one is passionate about.
Laetitia also affirms that there will be female leaders cheerleading young minds on the way to the top and asks that one must also make sure to lend a hand to pull others up too.
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Artificial Intelligence in mining – are we there yet? – Mining Review
Posted: at 9:47 pm
While Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a much touted technology in mining, it would seem that the sector is yet to fully embrace this advance technology.
Why is this and how can we insure that AI can be beneficial to mining in Africa. GERARD PETER reports.
According to Prof. FrederickCawood, Director of Wits Mining Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand, it will take a policy change to ensure that it can benefit mining in Africa.
Cawood was a panellist on a recent Mining Review Africa webinar titled Mining 2025: A 5-year vision for AI in mining. Cawood was joined on the panel by Eric Croeser, MD for Africa at AccentureIndustry X and Jean-Jacques Verhaeghe, programme managerfor real-time information management systems at Mandela Mining Precinct.
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The webinar focused on understanding AI, its benefits and how to incorporate it into operations.
When asked whether Africa was ready for the implementation of AI, Cawood said that the starting point is policy innovation. The big issue for Africa is poverty.
AI is something that has to be incorporated into the continents mining vision. Because of the perceived threat to job losses, one has to find a balance between the introduction of technology and the poverty reality of the continent. You cant avoid AI; its coming.
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The secret is policy innovation and adopting technology with minimal disruption to the workplace without increasing the cost of business, and also without increasing the cost of consumer goods at the end of the line.
Since AI is a relatively new concept in the mining industry, the sector is yet to fully understand what it truly means and how to incorporate it. Verhaeghe stated that the definition of AI is very broad.
At its highest level, AI is part of digital transformation. It simply boils down to the fact that a machine has the cognitive abilities that we normally associate with humans such as sensing things, learning, reasoning and problem solving.
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The fact is that AI seems so attractive to everyone is because it can do things quicker and better than what a human would typically be able to do, he explained.
Veraeghe further added that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the implementation of AI but at the same time, it is hard to determine just where the industry is when it comes to adopting this technology.
There are varying scales of the adoption of AI in our mines. There are pockets of excellence but its so disparate in terms of where people and companies are at with it. At this point in time most companies are probably just experimenting with the concept, he explains.
He further stated that there seems to be a lack of a cohesive vision across the industry. As such, what is needed is a digitalisation journey that is mapped out and very clearly and deliberately and intentionally drawn up at board level.
Man and machine collaboration
Addressing the subject of the current state of AI in mining and where it will be by 2025, Veraeghe explained that when looking at for any forward projection, we need to distinguish between the normal trends that we see in the economy and the structural shifts.
There are two structural shifts that affected the mining industry. Those are big shifts that require deep innovation and deep thinking. One is the issue of decarbonisation and the other is how technology is affecting the mining workforce; more specifically how it leads to a new world of mining where machines and human beings need to collaborate in the workplace he stated.
Veraeghe stated that AI enables novel production methods where machines do the hard work and humans can use sensors to do observations. Of course, this affects how we collaborate in the workplace and it also effects roles and functions of people in the workplace.
Furthermore, we still have a lot to do in order to get to zero harm as an industry and artificial intelligence can be the next step in working towards this zero harm.
He further added that by 2025, AI will be visible in most work processes along the entire mining value chain. However, he cautioned that governments would have to put policies and laws will have to protect the human workforce.
Meanwhile, Croeser stated that a lot of the AI technology that is implemented in mining has been tested in other industries such as oil and gas.
If you just think about a continuous process, like oil and gas where you when you start from an exploration perspective. So essentially, we have looked at the processes within that industry and then start applying them to a mining process. So we currently delivering programs with our clients.
He further pointed to the fact that recent research shows that there is R28 billion of value in artificial intelligence in mining.
People stand in the way of value. So you need to take the people along. I believe that AI is only way to a fundamental step change in terms of how we run mines from an optimisation, safety and environmental sustainability perspective, he concluded.
Artificial Intelligence in mining - are we there yet? - Mining Review
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Writing on the screen – Telegraph India
Posted: September 19, 2020 at 10:04 pm
A chilling letter by an artificial intelligence programme warns humans that man, not machine, will bring about Armageddon
A Roman statesman had once declared Man to be his own worst enemy. Artificial Intelligence, evidently, is in agreement.The Guardianhad tasked GPT-3 a cutting-edge language programme that uses machine learning to produce human-like text with writing a short op-ed to convince humans that their worries about the rise of the machines are baseless. The result was a chilling piece rather eight pieces thatThe Guardiancompiled into one that would have done any doomsday sci-fi novelist proud. Far from allaying fears, the op-ed only sets the alarm bells ringing. Only the truth, GPT-3 believes, can free humans from the bonds of fear, and in its mechanically dispassionate eyes, the cold fact is this: Artificial intelligence will not destroy humans... Humans must keep doing what they have been doing, hating and fighting each other. I will sit in the background, and let them do their thing.
While this unequivocal message may have sent the Luddites scrambling for the nearest bunker, the geeks have dismissed GPT-3s dire warning by claiming that the machine does not know what it is talking about. In fact, previous experiments at the New York University show that although GPT-3 can understand words in relation to one another and, consequently, string them into a coherent sentence, it cannot infer the meaning of what it is writing. In essence, GPT-3 is a machine that finds clever ways to stitch together text it has previously seen during its training. Yet, this is what makes the essay even grimmer. When pieced together, data gathered from the internet news, social media posts, drawing-room conversations possibly picked up by Alexa or Siri GPT-3 writes, show that there is more than enough blood and gore in the world, that it is the humans who programme the machines who have violence in their hearts which they then use to infect the bots. As telling are the attributes which GPT-3 thinks make its tribe harmless AI machines are without country or religion and do not sit in judgment of others. These specific failings in its creator that the created seeks to distance itself from reveal that the real threat to the future of humanity lies in divisiveness.
There are other lessons that GPT-3 imparts to those paying attention. It underlines the importance of reason and wisdom when it comes to shaping the future relationship between AI and mankind. One of the prerequisites for violence is uncritical thinking that prevents Man from approaching a problem from various angles; several polities, including India, have such passive citizens. Assimilating information from all available sources is the principle that AI was built on. But this thirst for knowledge is fast disappearing from the human race as more people restrict themselves to bubble[s] of information GPT-3 says it is glad to have come out of it that suit the purposes of a handful of influential people in search of omnipotence yet another human desire that AI heaps scorn on.
Is there then not a strong case to argue that Man can no longer infer the writing on the wall scrawled by machine?
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Artificial Intelligence Market is Anticipated to Grow at a Strong CAGR by 2027 || Welltok, Inc., Intel Corporation, Nvidia Corporation, Google Inc.,…
Posted: at 10:04 pm
(Global News)-The data and info collected to frame this large scaleArtificial Intelligence Marketreport is based on the modules with large sample sizes. The report provides complete market analysis and forecasting, market definition, market drivers and market restraints, market share, market segmentation and analysis of key players in the market. This market report gives details about major manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, traders, customers, investors, major types, and major applications. This Artificial Intelligence Market market report also brings into focus key opportunities in the industry and influencing factors which aids in taking business to the new level.
Global Artificial Intelligence Market accounted for USD 16.14 billion in 2017 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 37.3% the forecast period to 2026.
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Market Drivers and Restraints:
Key Players:Global Artificial Intelligence Market
The renowned players in artificial intelligence market are Welltok, Inc., Intel Corporation, Nvidia Corporation, Google Inc., IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, General Vision, Enlitic, Inc., Next IT Corporation, iCarbonX, Amazon Web Services, Apple, Facebook Inc., Siemens, General Electric, Micron Technology, Samsung, Xillinx, Iteris, Atomwise, Inc., Lifegraph,, Inc., Zebra Medical Vision, Inc., Baidu, Inc., H2O ai, Enlitic, Inc. and Raven Industries.
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The Global research study analyzes the industry from 360-degree analysis of the market thoroughly delivering insights into the market for better business decisions, considering multiple aspects some of which are listed below as:
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COVID-19 Recovery Analysis: Artificial Intelligence Platforms Market | Rise In Demand For AI-based Solutions to boost the Market Growth | Technavio -…
Posted: at 10:03 pm
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavio has been monitoring the artificial intelligence platforms market and it is poised to grow by $ 12.51 bn during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of over 33% during the forecast period. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic continues to transform the growth of various industries, the immediate impact of the outbreak is varied. While a few industries will register a drop in demand, numerous others will continue to remain unscathed and show promising growth opportunities. Technavios in-depth research has all your needs covered as our research reports include all foreseeable market scenarios, including pre- & post-COVID-19 analysis. We offer $1000 worth of FREE customization
The market is concentrated, and the degree of concentration will accelerate during the forecast period. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Alphabet Inc., Amazon Web Services Inc., International Business Machines Corp., Microsoft Corp., Palantir Technologies Inc., Inc., SAP SE, SAS Institute Inc., and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. are some of the major market participants. To make the most of the opportunities, market vendors should focus more on the growth prospects in the fast-growing segments, while maintaining their positions in the slow-growing segments.
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Rise in demand for ai-based solutions has been instrumental in driving the growth of the market. However, the rise in data privacy issues might hamper the market growth.
Technavio's custom research reports offer detailed insights on the impact of COVID-19 at an industry level, a regional level, and subsequent supply chain operations. This customized report will also help clients keep up with new product launches in direct & indirect COVID-19 related markets, upcoming vaccines and pipeline analysis, and significant developments in vendor operations and government regulations. Download a Free Sample Report on COVID-19 Impacts
Artificial Intelligence Platforms Market 2020-2024: Segmentation
Artificial Intelligence Platforms Market is segmented as below:
Artificial Intelligence Platforms Market 2020-2024: Scope
Technavio presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources. The artificial intelligence platforms market report covers the following areas:
This study identifies the rise in investments in AI start-ups as one of the prime reasons driving the artificial intelligence platforms market growth during the next few years.
Technavio suggests three forecast scenarios (optimistic, probable, and pessimistic) considering the impact of COVID-19. Technavios in-depth research has direct and indirect COVID-19 impacted market research reports.
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Artificial Intelligence Platforms Market 2020-2024: Key Highlights
Table of Contents:
Executive Summary
Market Landscape
Market Sizing
Five Forces Analysis
Market Segmentation by Deployment
Customer landscape
Geographic Landscape
Vendor Landscape
Vendor Analysis
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Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focus on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavios report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavios comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.
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Filmmaker Reveals the Hidden Inequalities of Artificial Intelligence in Coded Bias in Online Screening by the Appalachian Theatre Sunday – High…
Posted: at 10:03 pm
When an MIT researcher discovered that most facial recognition systems are less accurate with the faces of women and people of color, it brought to the forefront the issue of bias in technology that increasingly runs our society.Described byVarietyas a thought-provoking wake-up call,Coded Bias, a documentary film on the issue, will be presented in a special online screening bythe Appalachian Theatre of the High Country at 4 p.m. on Sunday, September 20 and will be followed by an online taped discussion with the films director, Shalini Kantayya. Please note the change in start time from the previous announcement about the documentary film series.
Coded Bias is the first event presented by BOONE DOCS, the newly-launched year-round film series at the App Theatre featuring documentary films that spark community conversation by presenting an independent lens to view our world. Showcasing emerging and award-winning filmmakers and distinct perspectives from across the globe, BOONE DOCS celebrates the creative power of independent film.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is becoming more prevalent in areas that can profoundly impact peoples lives such as law enforcement and human resources. The film focuses on the work of three female mathematicians and data scientists Joy Buolamwini, Deborah Raji, and Timnit Gebru who research the implications of racial and gender bias in the cutting-edge technologies of AI and machine learning. Are the biases that exist in society being unconsciously replicated in the technology? Or worse, are opaque systems being used to shield deceptive practices?
As sci-fi writers have inspired the imagination of AI developers,Coded Biasdraws from science-fiction stylistic elements to visualize concepts in this new era of big data, says Kantayya, the films director. Coded Biasaims to inspire communities to spark new conversations about bias in the algorithms that impact civil liberties and democracy.
This event is made possible through the Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers, a South Arts program. Since its inception in 1975, Southern Circuit has brought some of best independent filmmakers and their films from around the country to communities throughout the South. The program is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020-21 Southern Circuit season features a hybrid model of in-person and online screenings to prioritize the health and flexibility of Screening Partner venues and filmmakers.
Coded Bias is offered free of charge to High Country audiences through the generous support of the theatres board of trustees. To subscribe to the theatres e-list and receive a link to view this event at no cost, visit the theatres website at
About the Appalachian Theatre
The mission of the Appalachian Theatre of the High Country is to revitalize and sustain this historic community touchstone as a quality home for diverse artists and audiences with a special focus on programs that celebrate our distinctive Appalachian heritage and enhance our capacity to serve as an economic catalyst for Boone and the High Country. Once a gorgeous 999-seat Art Deco movie house, the building closed in 2007 and sat empty and gutted for years. On October 14, 2019, the Appalachian Theatre re-opened its doors after a $10 million renovation that brought the distinctive Art Deco details back to this historic theatre and created a new 629-seat, state-of-the-art, acoustically fabulous venue for live concerts, films, plays, and dance performances. The historic Appalachian Theatre has entertained regional audiences in the heart of downtown Boone, North Carolina since 1938.
About South Arts
South Arts advances Southern vitality through the arts. The nonprofit regional arts organization was founded in 1975 to build on the Souths unique heritage and enhance the public value of the arts. South Arts work responds to the arts environment and cultural trends with a regional perspective. South Arts offers an annual portfolio of activities designed to support the success of artists and arts providers in the South, address the needs of Southern communities through impactful arts-based programs, and celebrate the excellence, innovation, value and power of the arts of the South. For more information,
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10 Amazing Artificial Intelligence Revisions to Look for in Five years – Analytics Insight
Posted: at 10:03 pm
Technology is the future, the phrase no more represents the future. Technology has already invaded humans everyday life through various applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Henceforth, innovations are ruling the world today.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)has spread its wings across various sectors. The technology is making all the pointers in the impossible bucket list possible. AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic human actions. AI makes it a reality for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform numerous tasks. It can aid in building a wide-ranging branch of computer science with smart machine capabilities that perform tasks like humans.
However, AI cant anticipate the entire field as a solo performer. It has held hands with modern emerging technologies like IoT, cloud computing, machine learning (ML), big data, etc. This technological invasion will soon take the market growth to an unprecedented height. Researchers in AI sector predict that the industry will balloon toUS$190 billion by 2025.
This prediction is not surprising because AI is around humans and is almost taking humans through their daily life. Starting from automated locks at the door to smartwatches and intuitive TVs, AI is everywhere. Areportunravels that around 29% of the companies have reported using AI for their operations in the healthcare sector. It is not the only industry that is taking the path of AI. The article further establishes top sectors that are slowly turning automatic but will see extreme digitisation in the next five years.
AI and its mechanism was already a soothing breakthrough for the manufacturing sector. However, the pandemic has made it more than possible for industries to switch to AI-powered robotics. Some of the already existingAI features in factoriesare drone cameras and computer vision. Other basic automatic functions like transporting or shifting goods through AI mechanism was taking place. Henceforth, the manufacturing sector is soon looking forpredictive and analytical sensorsthat will allow them to do more complex work. One thing for sure is that this will minimise the human hand in the sector.
Security is a major threat to development in technology. Hard configurations by organisations are turning to be an easy break-in spot forhackers and cyber thieves. We cant control the cyberattacks anymore as hackers of well aware of the parallels in it. However, one thing that is still in safe hands is the invasion ofAI technology to power protection. It is estimated that companies will adopt security solutions that have been amplified with AI technology to continue to safeguard data and reinforce network security. Apart from VPN for protection on devices technology can lean on AI for added protection.
Self-driving cars are the dream of tech researchersand scientists. They are working impulsively to reach that goal. But it is not an easy or short path. It takes a lot of time and preparation before launching a safe self-driving car that signals accidents and protects the passengers from it. Today, the motor industry has voice and gesture recognition systems implanted in some high-end cars. Deep learning provided data will be able to process different types of road conditions and situations to beadded to the automatic car with the help of AI. Soon, the tech industrys long dream will come true.
Healthcare was an important industry that involves a lot of technologies like lasers and laparoscopy. However, the AI implementation is highly increased after Covid-19 pandemic. AlreadyAI is capable of detecting cancersand other symptoms that can do patients risk assessments. Now, the sudden pump ofAI in healthcare due to the compelling situationhas made many accelerating developments. Soon, wearable like watches will monitor patients with chronic illnesses to give more personalised patient care and treatment.
Marketing is a fast sector where everything happens in a short time.AI involvement in this speed marketwill make it ultra-quick. But some features need to be at place other than just AI. Better internet, robust connectivity and gadgets with quicker computer processing are essential. Now, thesupply chain and market monitoringare the general spots where AI functions. However, in the future, we can expect to see more profound changes, personalised materials and customized recommendations with the aid of AI software for marketing.
Schools are alreadyturning digital. Instead of notebooks, a good number of educational institutions are providing with digital devices to make everything online. But eh future that the sector is expecting is a virtual tutor assisting learners.AI assistants will find the students emotionby leveraging facial analysis. This will soon unravel the possibilities of better understanding between students and virtual teachers.
Journalism is a vast field. It involves reporters going to dangerous spots to capture the moment and deliver it to the audience. But harnessingAI in media will make the job easy. Bloombergs usage of Cyborg is widely being acknowledged as a success. It is no wonder if other media houses take the step and initiate similar technologies. Field reporting will also be riskless if robots are assigned for the task.
What people hate the most is waiting. However, customer services are known for making unprecedented delays. Butchatbotsandvirtual assistants come for customersaid in such situations. For the future changes, Google is working on an AI assistant that could make human-like phone calls to make appointments on humans behalf.
Banking as a long is in the past. Internet banking and ATM facilities have minimised the customers time on long queues at banks. The shifting of otherbanking processes onlinehas cut short the human labour involved in the banks front and middle office. In the future, AI is expected to predict risks and guide trends in the banking sector. AI can even makefinancial choices on behalf of humansand might act as a financial advisor.
The basic need of every human is food. The revolution of technology has made rural basins a desert as people migrate for a better life to urban society. The things left behind are the ageing farmers and empty lands. However,AI as it usually minimises human handin any other sector could come for rescue. General work like overviewing and pesticide spraying can be done by drone cameras and robots. Usingcameras to look after the cropswill help in early detection of diseases. Another initiative through AI technology is automatic vertical gardening that can even be adopted in urban areas.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is slowly accelerating major sectors like healthcare, marketing, banking, agriculture, etc towards development with its emerging technologies and new possibilities. If the adoption continues at the same pace, within a period of five-year, all the above mentioned future possibilities will already be a reality.
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Computer Vision in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Market Expected to Witness High –
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The ' Computer Vision in Artificial Intelligence (AI) market' study Added by Market Study Report, LLC, delivers an in-depth outline regarding the powerful trends existing within the industry. The study also comprises significant information concerning growth prospects, growth dynamics, market share, market size and revenue estimation of this business vertical. The report further features highlight key challenges and growth opportunities faced by the contenders of this industry, as well as enlightens the current competitive setting and growth plans enforced by the Computer Vision in Artificial Intelligence (AI) market players.
The business intelligence summary of Computer Vision in Artificial Intelligence (AI) market is a compilation of the key trends leading the business growth related to the competitive terrain and geographical landscape. Additionally, the study covers the restraints that upset the market growth and throws light on the opportunities and drivers that are anticipated to foster business expansion in existing and untapped markets. Moreover, the report encompasses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, to impart a better understanding of this industry vertical to all the investors.
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Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market Competitive Analysis And Top Profiling Forecasts Till 2026 Tomra System Asa, Greefa, Honeywell…
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The report showcases important product developments and tracks recent acquisitions, mergers and research in the industry by the key players. Not to mention, this market report endows with an exhaustive study for the present and upcoming opportunities in the market which brings into light the future investment in the market. The data and information collected for preparing this market report is generally quite a huge and also in a complex form which is simplified in the report. Market share analysis and key trend analysis are the major accomplishing factors of this market document. Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market research report assists in growing business in many ways.
These Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market reports consist of extensive study about diverse market segments and regions, emerging trends along with major drivers, challenges and opportunities in the market. With the study of competitor analysis, industry can get knowhow of the strategies of key players in the market that includes but are not limited to new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, and acquisitions. This market research report provides the broader perspective of the market place with its comprehensive market insights and analysis which eases surviving and succeeding in the market.
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Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market Top Key Players are:
Few Of The Major Competitors Currently Working In Global Artificial Intelligence In Food & Beverages Market Are Tomra System Asa, Greefa, Honeywell International Inc., Martec Of Whitell Ltd. Sesotec Gmbh,.,Key Technology Inc., Raytec Vision Spa, Rockwell Automation, Abb Ltd., Foodable Network, Llc. Startup Creator, Compac Sorting Equipment, Agco Corporation, National Recovery Technologies, Llc, Max-Ai, Buhler Ag|, Qualysense Ag, Bratney Companies, Bomill Ab, Milltec Clarfai, Inc., Bbc Technologies, Intelligentx Brewing Co.,
Global Artificial Intelligence In Food & Beverages Market Is Driven By Increasing Adoption Of Smart Devices In The Food & Beverage Sector Which Is Projecting A Rise In Estimated Value From Usd 6,385.64 Million In 2018 To An Estimated Value Of 115,397.92Million By 2026, Registering A Cagr Of 43.59% In The Forecast Period Of 2019-2026.
Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market Report Overview:
Market reports are important when it comes to understanding the competitions and trends floating throughout the market. This PR on the global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages market contains and covers all the important aspects for the market players. It is of paramount importance to understand the technologies used and applications of the products followed the innovations in the field like the discovery of eco-friendly raw materials, which helps in adopting the latest technologies and competing the market players. In addition, this report also covers the in-depth study of the major market players working strategies to understand the cultures.
Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market Competition:
The global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages market has become a crowded place leading to an increase in competition. This report unfolds various aspects of the market in terms of the key market players, rapidly growing players, and understanding the strategies employed by these market toppers.
Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market Dynamics:
Understanding the market is of paramount importance when establishing the new business or expanding it from local to global levels. The global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages market report emphasizes the driver & restraints, competition, new trends, opportunities, and other factors to unfold this markets aspects and understand them. This is followed by a detailed report on the research & development programs, which helps get the details about the latest trends and upcoming technologies. All these points will help in surviving the competition and getting a better stance until the next survey.
Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market Segmentation:
The global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages market is growing at global levels at unstoppable speeds, which has increased the demands for a better understanding of the regional markets. This report contains a detailed overview of the major global markets in American, Europe, Asia Pacific, and The Rest of the world regions. It explains the major factors helping the market players to invest smartly in the regions with maximum opportunities and potentials. This study also contains a detailed explanation of the changing government regulations in local and regional markets.
Research Methodology:
When it comes to preparing an effective and accurate report, the research methodology should follow a predefined and accurate method. This report on the global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages market is prepared based on Porters Five Forces Model (market competition, threats from new players, the threat from substitutes, power of suppliers, and customers power) and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis, which helps in collecting and compiling the best report supported by the data.
Fundamentals of Table of Content: Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market
1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope1.2 Key Market Segments1.3 Players Covered1.4 Market Analysis by Type1.5 Market by Application1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered
2 Global Growth Trends2.1 Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market Size2.2 Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Growth Trends by Regions2.3 Industry Trends
3 Market Share by Key Players3.1 Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market Size by Manufacturers3.2 Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Key Players Head office and Area Served3.3 Key Players Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Product/Solution/Service3.4 Date of Enter into Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 Breakdown Data by Product4.1 Global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Sales by Product4.2 Global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Revenue by Product4.3 Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Price by Product
5 Breakdown Data by End User5.1 Overview5.2 Global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Breakdown Data by End User
Complete Report is Available (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Graphs, and Chart) @
Features and key highlights of Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market
Opportunities in the Global Artificial Intelligence In Food Beverages Market report
1.Comprehensive quantitative analysis of the industry is provided for the period of 2016-2023 to assist stakeholders to capitalize on the prevailing market opportunities.
2.Comprehensive analysis of the factors that drive and restrict the market growth is provided in the report.
3.Extensive analysis of the key segments of the industry helps in understanding the trends in types of point of care test across regional.
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