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Category Archives: Antifa
Jewish Antifa Hacks KKK Website: ‘We Will Destroy Their Lives’ – Newsweek
Posted: February 6, 2021 at 8:34 am
An Israeli hacking group has taken responsibility for exposing the personal details of a number of alleged members of a Ku Klux Klan group after targeting a website linked to a white supremacist cell.
A Twitter account linked to the anti-fascist group Hayalim AlmonimHebrew for Anonymous Soldiersboasted about how the website of The Patriotic Brigade of the KKK "has been exposed" on January 30.
The website, which previously contained a number of racist and anti-Semitic hate material, has now been entirely altered. The site, which had its URL changed to, reveals the names of several people who are allegedly members of the KKK.
"Any Klansmen reading this, we know who you are, and we are coming for you," a message on the hacked site reads. "We never forgive, never forget, and never stop coming."
The site also reveals the apparent leader of the Patriotic Brigade, Texan man Kevin James Smith. The site doxxed Smith to include his home address, email, and proof that he registered and ran the previous domain name.
The hacked site also provides a link to the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry, where Smith is registered for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.
In a statement to The Jerusalem Post, Hayalim Almonim said: "Our objective is to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of humanity.
"Neo-Nazi and other white supremacist groups believe that Jews have an all-seeing eye. Our desire is to make their fantasies a reality, and exploit their conspiracy theories as a form of psychological warfare. We want them to know, wherever they are in the world that will find them and expose them.
"And we will bathe in their tears, and mock at the gnashing of their teeth. There is nowhere that is beyond our reach."
The group also claims to have unmasked the leader of the Church of the Ku Klux Klan as George Bois Stout, an arms dealer in De Kalb, Texas. Stout is reported to go by the name TexasKKK on the infamous neo-Nazi website Stormfront.
The group said they will also be posting further updates via the Twitter account @justice_jew, which they told The Jerusalem Post acts as an "information relay" for Hayalim Almonim.
The Patriotic Brigade of the KKK are listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and have cells in South Carolina as well as Texas.
Hayalim Almonim has been contacted for further comment.
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Jewish Antifa Hacks KKK Website: 'We Will Destroy Their Lives' - Newsweek
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Antifa and the Capitol: A tale of two insurrections – opinion – The Jerusalem Post
Posted: at 8:34 am
The shocking attack on the US Capitol has been uniformly characterized in the past few weeks as an insurrection incited by a sitting president and carried out by a seditious mob. Its worth reviewing what preceded the riot, and considering the impact of its aftermath.The event was entirely predictable. It was evolutionary rather than revolutionary; the logical next step in the trend we have witnessed over the past four years. Here are just a few examples of efforts to overturn the 2016 election that were at least as seditious as what happened at the Capitol. Violent anti-Trump demonstrations began even before his inauguration. The American intelligence apparatus assisted the Democratic Party in advancing the Russian collusion hoax based on a source and document they knew to be unreliable from the outset. In 2018, left-wing demonstrators occupied the Senate office building and attacked the Supreme Court. This summer, mayors rushed to declare solidarity with rioters as police stations and federal courthouses were fire-bombed and thousands of businesses were looted and destroyed. Laying siege for a full week, a mob attempted to break through barriers surrounding the White House, injuring several Secret Service officers. They then assaulted people leaving the White House, including members of Congress.An atmosphere of lawlessness was created. The media and the Democratic leadership minimized or ignored violence incited by Marxist Black Lives Matter and anarchistic Antifa supporters. Political violence was not only tolerated; it was encouraged by people in power. Rioters were hailed as patriots.Violent Antifa demonstrations in Washington State and Oregon continue to this day, with rioters chanting, We dont want Biden. We want revenge! Clearly, Antifas ultimate goal was not removing Trump but destroying the American system. Democrats have remained silent.None of this justifies the abhorrent attack on January 6. However, the Capitol rioters did not act in a vacuum. Their inexcusable actions were the foreseeable extension of what came before.The reaction to the Capitol riot has been very different.
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Antifa and the Capitol: A tale of two insurrections - opinion - The Jerusalem Post
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Trump’s Antifa Obsession Diverted Feds From Right-Wing Threats: Officials – The Daily Beast
Posted: at 8:34 am
President Trumps obsession with the bogeyman threat of antifa led law enforcement agencies to direct resources away from right-wing threats and may have affected their ability to anticipate and prepare for the far-right attack on the Capitol, current and former officials told The New York Times. The DOJ pulled some prosecutors and FBI agents away from assignments focused on white supremacists and asked them to instead investigate anarchist groups like antifa over summer, the officials said. One official was concerned enough to go to the agencys independent inspector general.
Officials said efforts to alert colleagues to white supremacist activity were tamped down and mentions of domestic terrorism were discouraged. Requests for funding to track white supremacist activity online were denied. Meanwhile, threats of violence at the Capitol were visible on social media in the days preceding the Jan. 6 attack, an event for which law enforcement agencies have admitted they were unprepared.
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Trump's Antifa Obsession Diverted Feds From Right-Wing Threats: Officials - The Daily Beast
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LONSBERRY: Time To Move Against Antifa And The Proud Boys | 570 WSYR | Bob Lonsberry – KFI AM 640
Posted: at 8:34 am
There is no place in American society for paramilitary political groups, and there is no honest way their activities can be described as either free speech of peaceful assembly.
They are just what they were under Hitler tools of political intimidation and violence, meant to butcher both democracy and liberty, and the people who hold them dear.
Im talking about Antifa and the Proud Boys.
Cancer doesnt get better when you ignore it, and neither does insurrection in the nations Capitol or on its cities streets.
When you have groups that reek of the French Revolution or the Third Reich or some banana-republic dictatorship, you know youve got a problem. And history teaches that if you dont root out this sort of problem before it gets out of hand, it kills you.
And those who ignore that reality, unwilling to criticize the storm troopers of their own particular philosophy, are Quislings of the American Republic, traitors to their predecessors and their progeny, destroyers of the fabric of freedom.
Here are the facts.
The paramilitary actions of Antifa in support of the Democrat and progressive agenda are treason. As they have attacked police, intimidated citizens, destroyed property and shut down cities, they have been carrying out their own slow-motion Pearl Harbor, spreading their 9-11 out over months and years, instead of a day. But their attack has been just that an attack. Nothing they do comes anywhere close to peaceful assembly, and physical intimidation is not free speech. The only relationship their actions have with the Constitution is that they are calculated to destroy it.
The same is true of the Proud Boys.
When your people and your words are storming the Capitol of the United States, you are not We The People, you are in open rebellion against We The People. You are seeking to replace the voice of the people heard in our Republic at the ballot box with the rage of the mob which is always the enemy of freedom.
When so-called peaceful protesters show up with gas masks and shields, flak vests and uniforms, when they are organized with medical workers and communication systems and command and control, they are a militia, a band of thugs, and they are on the attack.
And those who sit silently in assent, or gather along in the throng to march behind a banner or a fist, are merely goose stepping in their own way.
The Republican Party and the Democratic Party are each horribly wrong for their silent support of their respective political paramilitary groups. Democrats in city halls have let Antifa and its associates wreak havoc across dozens of American cities. Democrats in Congress have offered to pay the bail of Antifa rioters. The progressive elites who control most of American society have been silent or encouraging in relation to Antifa. The press often been openly supportive and allied.
Republicans in Congress and the White House have sought to ride the tiger by encouraging and normalizing the Proud Boys and their associated fighters, and in this they have abandoned any moral authority on this subject.
And so both fuses burn ever shorter, from the left and the right. As the right tries to catch up with the left in terms of organization and funding and aggression, the escalation of tension becomes purposely intimidating and ultimately violent.
The Democrats cry and moan about the insurrection, and the Republicans cry and moan about the burning cities, but both lack the courage to stand against their own militias. Worse, both directly encourage their own militias. It is a bipartisan hypocrisy, and a threat to American freedom.
Evil doesnt become tolerable if it voted for you in November, or tried to intimidate those who voted against you. Evil is evil, and those who dance with it die. And no society which has tolerated political militias has long endured.
This is not America in 1776, it is Germany in 1932.
And political leaders who fail to stop this threat will be fundamentally failing the Republic.
The organizing of individuals to violate the law, even in the name of protest, is criminal conspiracy, and has no protection under the Constitution. Peaceful assembly cannot include any sort of violence, and free speech cannot include any sort of physical disruption. The law must be used to push back against these criminal incursions.
Which is probably why both sides have targeted the police for their ire and intimidation.
Antifa and the Proud Boys are two peas in the same pod, evil seeds of chaos and mob rule, the eternal enemies of peace and rule of law. They are just todays manifestations of timeless evil, the dark side of history that seems intent on repeating itself.
And will, unless both parties denounce it, and the law moves against it.
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LONSBERRY: Time To Move Against Antifa And The Proud Boys | 570 WSYR | Bob Lonsberry - KFI AM 640
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Inside Antifa With Andy Ngo – The Federalist
Posted: at 8:34 am
On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, The Post Millenial Editor-at-large Andy Ngo joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to offer insight into the rise of the infamously secret radical group Antifa and discusses his new book, which documents how the left-wing organization uses violence to destroy democracy.
They dont just attack different institutions or state buildings or people affiliated with the state, but law enforcement, politicians, and people who support a particular party, Ngo said. They systematically go after the founding ideals of the U.S. They believe its all linked to fascism, white supremacy, racism.
Radical ideologies and teachings such as critical race theory, Ngo explained, play a large part in motivating Antifas destructive behavior.
I think its really the rational, logical outcome of ideologies that many of them are introduced to, and that could be critical race theory and all that, which is all about deconstructing and dismantling systems of oppression. And they view the United States as a system that enforces oppression, not just here but around the world, Ngo explained. In every way, this is like an anti-government insurrectionary movement, but yet theyre not treated that way.
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How the Media and Politicians Aided Antifa Rioters in Portland | Opinion – Newsweek
Posted: January 29, 2021 at 11:54 am
The following essay is excerpted from Andy Ngo's forthcoming book Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, due out from Center Street on February 2.
On July 5, 2020, hundreds of militant Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists returned to again attack federal law enforcement officers outside the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in downtown Portland. They were masked and dressed in black as they tried to burn down the federal building. They also assaulted construction crews who were working around the clock to replace wooden barriers that were torn down by Antifa rioters the previous night.
Christopher Fellini, 31, was arrested that night and charged with assaulting a federal officer. In his possession, officers found a knife, pepper spray and a powerful laser. For weeks on end, rioters had organized into subdivisions that used laser pointers to blind and injure the eyes of cops. Fellini's name stood out because he was previously charged at another fiery Portland Antifa riot in 2017 (his charge was ultimately dropped).
Another federal arrestee was Andrew Steven Faulkner, 24, who was also charged with assaulting an officer. During his arrest, he was found carrying pipe bomb components and a sheathed machete. He later pleaded guilty but was not given prison time.
For the next four weeks, Antifa's plan of escalating attacks on federal property to provoke a federal response for the cameras produced the exact propaganda they wanted. On any given night, there were dozens who identified as press. At its peak there were probably more than a hundred journalists and live streamers, most of whom were sympathetic to the rioters and protesters. Instinctively, and at the urging or demand of others, their cameras were trained solely on law enforcement to capture their every move. Those who ran afoul of Antifa's rules were forced out or assaulted and robbed. Leftwing live streamer Tristan Taylor was beaten to the ground and had his recording equipment stolen.
Every use of force by officers, whether it be tear gas, smoke, pepper balls or arrests, was heavily scrutinized. Outofcontext video snippets were released on social media and published by news outlets, generating mass rage and universally negative press for law enforcement and the Trump administration. The officers were called "Trump's gestapo," "storm troopers" and "thugs" by Democratic politicians and the media.
Erin Smith, a conservative trans woman and writer who goes undercover at large Antifa riots on the West Coast, tells me Antifa use a "calibrated level of violence" to provoke reactions by law enforcement for propaganda purposes.
"Antifa seek to force law enforcement into a dilemma action, where there are simply no good responses from a public relations standpoint," Smith said via email. "They either fail to respond to Antifa harassment and look weak, or react in ways likely to be perceived by the casual observer as an overreaction. Both choices undermine the legitimacy of the state and its security forces."
As useful idiots for Antifa, the press predictably published reports that helped provoke more hatred for law enforcement, contributing to more people showing up to the protests-turned-riots.
"Trump sent cops to Portland and they're 'kidnapping people off the streets,'" read a Vice News headline. "'It was like being preyed upon': Portland protesters say federal officers in unmarked vans are detaining them," read another from The Washington Post.
All these stories based on Antifa talking points were meant to create an impression that Trump had literally sent secret police to disappear leftwing opposition. It was false. Using unmarked vehicles to make targeted arrests is neither illegal nor unusual. Every law enforcement agency around the world uses unmarked vehicles. When officers had attempted the usual route of moving in to physically arrest someone at the riots, they were mobbed by rioters who "dearrested" their comrades by surrounding police and pulling them away. Antifa claimed victory online each time this happened.
Accusations of there being "secret police" and "unidentified federal agents" were also false. Every officer wore official uniforms that displayed their federal agency via badges on the shoulders with clear words on the front that read "POLICE." That politicians and journalists did not or pretended not to recognize the uniforms is not an excuse. And no one was ever "disappeared." All those detained were properly processed and read their Miranda rights. Most were released within hours and later had their charges dismissed.
As bad as the riots already were, Portland City Council and local politicians actively worked to undermine the federal government's attempts to protect federal property. In effect, they were acting as cobelligerents with Antifa in their uprising. When ex-acting secretary Chad Wolf of DHS flew to Portland from Washington, D.C., in midJuly to survey the extent of the violence and destruction, local officials preemptively refused to meet with him.
"We're aware that [DHS leadership is] here. We wish they weren't," tweeted Mayor Wheeler. "We haven't been invited to meet with them, and if we were, we would decline."
Oregon Democratic senator Ron Wyden called federal officers an "occupying army."
Oregon governor Kate Brown echoed and amplified the false media headlines. "This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. We cannot have secret police abducting people in unmarked vehicles," Gov. Brown tweeted. By midJuly, the Portland City Council officially banned Portland Police from cooperating in any way with federal law enforcement.
The antipolice and antiTrump echo chamber involving Antifa, the media and local politicians brought Portland into international headlines. With that, protesters from the region and around the country descended on the city, believing they were opposing "fascist" cops. Gatherings in front of the federal courthouse swelled from a couple hundred to more than five thousand by mid-July. Antifa now had the perfect opportunity to carry out attacks they planned using huge numbers of protesters as human shields. It worked incredibly well. When I was undercover on the ground, what I saw was a war zone with armed belligerents. And they were just getting started. Over time, they came better and better prepared with explosives, guns and even power tools to cut into the courthouse's defense barrier.
Andy Ngo is author of the upcoming book Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy. Twitter: @MrAndyNgo
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.
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How the Media and Politicians Aided Antifa Rioters in Portland | Opinion - Newsweek
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Candace Owens slams AOC for trying to cause an insurrection against ICE and says ANTIFA attempted to murde – The Sun
Posted: at 11:54 am
CANDACE Owens has slammed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, claiming she's trying to push an insurrection against ICE.
Sharing AOC's post on Twitter on Wednesday, the conservative commentator asked Twitter why it wasn't investigating the congresswoman for "inciting violence" over her post.
On January 26, AOC claimed that despite President Joe Biden ordering a half to deportations that the "rogue department" of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement was not "refusing to comply."
In the tweet, she said: "People must understand the depth of what's happening here: the President of the United States has ordered a halt to deportations.
"ICE, a federal agency, is refusing to comply. There's no reforming this rogue dept. It's time for a new, just vision."
In response, Owens, 31, asked the social media platform why it wasn't fact-checking AOC as it was a "federal judge that halted the order."
She tweeted: "Can anyone explain to me why Twitter is not fact-checking this post?
"Shouldn't our FBI investigate this for 'inciting violence'?
"This is a LIE and ANTIFA has attempted to murder ICE agents in the past due to lies like these. A federal judge has halted the orderNOT ICE."
The attempted murder that Owens was referring to was the 2019 Antifa attack at an immigration detention center in Washington state.
Willem Van Spronsen, 69, had written and distributed a manifesto before the attack and was once part of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club which claimed to be an "anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro-worker organization."
No ICE employees or detainees were hurt in the attack, an agency spokeswoman Tanya Roman told The Washington Post.
Owens continued that AOC was knowingly looking to cause an "insurrection" against the federal agency by lying about ICE.
She said: "Look at the comments beneath her post. AOC is knowingly looking to cause an 'insurrection' against a federal agency by lying about ICE.
"Surely Twitter will use the same standard they have applied heavily across conservative accounts for 'inciting violence.'"
Twitter did not publicly reply to Owens' post.
It comes after Owens said that Washington, DC, was "more out of control" during the Black Lives Matter riots and the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.
Protesters took to the streets last year following the death ofGeorge Floydin May, who died after a whitepoliceofficer knelt on his neck for eight minutes.
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"As aD.Cresidentour city burned for WEEKS this summer duringBLMriots. They destroyed & looted private businesses for WEEKS,"Owenstweeted earlier this month.
"What happened at theCapitollast week registered as a 2 on a scale of to 1-BLM. Watching the media pretend otherwise is appalling brainwash."
The conservative authorwent on to say she was "so confused" when her family were asking if she was okay during the riot "and yet didn't ask over this summer when we were virtually under siege for weeks."
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Ohio Man Radicalized by Trump Tried to Blame Riots on Antifa While Admitting He Was in the Capitol. It Didnt Work. – Law & Crime
Posted: at 11:54 am
TFW you try to blame Antifa, but only incriminate yourself.
Ohio man Stephen Ayres claimed to have special knowledge that it wasnt Donald Trumps supporters who orchestrated the siege of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. He tried to blame Antifa, but the only thing he ended up accomplishing was implicating himself in criminal offenses.
Ayres was arrested in the Northern District of Ohio on Monday. According to the FBI, Ayres and two unnamed associates took it upon themselves to post a video on social media after the Capitol siege. In that video, Ayres allegedly blamed Antifa for breaking into the Capitol. Dozens of federal criminal cases against Trump supporters show otherwise. In any event, the feds allege that Ayres blamed everyone but Trump supporters for what happened that day. It was just a vast left-wing conspiracy between police and the media against pro-Trump individuals, Ayres suggested while acknowledging that he was inside the Capitol that day:
Male 1 stated that he and AYRES walked right into the Capitol building afterAntifa breached the door so it was left open. Male 1 stated that the police escorted them from one end of the building to the other, and AYRES added, they walked us, yep, yep. AYRES stated that the police basically let everyone walk in. Male 1 stated that it wasnt just all these hostile Proud Boys people and that multiple types of people were there. Male 1 explained that the police marched them down, and AYRES added that the police did a bunch of chanting and then they basically marched them out to go out that door, so everybody walked out the other door. Male 1 said that they just wanted that footage of people inside the Capitol building to make it seem like all the Trump people bum-rushed the Capitol.
Also in the video, Female 1 stated that the police moved the barricades and let people through. The female said she had her picture taken with an individual whom she later learned was a member of Antifa and who was at the Capitol to make us look crazy. Male 1 stated that it was a staged Antifa setup coordinated by the media, police, and the Mayor of Washington, D.C. AYRES agreed that the entire incident was definitely planned out. AYRES said that, at one point during the incident, the police flipped the switch and everyone dispersed from there after the police got what they needed. Female 1 stated that, when it was time to clear everybody, they were like really rough and physical with people, and someone was jabbing [her] with his club.
The affidavit stated that Ayres agreed with Male 1 when he said that the whole point of Jan. 6 was to expose [Mike] Pence as a traitor.
An unnamed tipster who said that they witnessed Ayres Facebook Live video described the defendant as acting like he was at war.
At some point during the streaming video, AYRES stated that the incident at the Capitol was just the beginning because there was more to come next week,' the affidavit said.
The FBI said that Ayres posted on Dec. 27 that he would be heading to Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6. He allegedly hoped to hear that Trumps enemies would be tried for treasona crime punishable by death. Trump falselysaid on numerous occasions that his political enemies committed treason, but the affidavit indicates those falsehoods were taken very seriously by this defendant:
In another post made on December 27, 2020, AYRES stated that he and a handful of other people are headed to D.C. for the Trump rally on the 6th!! . . . . So hopefully we are going to hear about [how] all the DS are being tried for treason!! In the comment section of the same post, AYRES commented that it was time for us to start standing up to tyranny! History is happening as we speak! . . . Its time for us partiers to stand up and act! Before its too late!!
On Jan. 3, Ayres allegedly posted that all of his and Trumps perceived enemies had committed treason and are being put on notice by We the People.
In a post made on January 3, 2021, AYRES stated: Mainstream media, social media, Democrat party, FISA courts, Chief Justice John Roberts, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, etc.all have committed TREASON against a sitting U.S. president!!! Allare now put on notice by We The People!
The feds said that Ayres posted on Dec. 28 about a Trump tweet that urged supporters to go to D.C. on Jan. 6. That response used language that the then-president would later utter at the rally he held just before the deadly violence broke out at the Capitol.
Where will you be on January 6th? Chilling at home? HOPING this country isnt going to hell in a hand basket? Or are you willing to start fighting for the American Dream! Again!?!? Ayres asked.
On Jan. 6, Trump told his supporters they needed tofight like hell or else they wouldnt have a country anymore.
According to the affidavit, Ayres gleefully posted on Jan. 1 about Speaker Nancy Pelosis home being vandalized and ominously posted about things to come:
d. In the following post made on January 1, 2021, AYRES shared a picture and link to an article that purports to show that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosis home was vandalized. AYRES added a caption to the post that stated, This is just the beginning! The governors, senators, representatives, etc..Really dont have a clue what is coming!!
The defendant was apparently a reader of The Gateway Pundit; the FBI said he shared an article on social media on Jan. 4 claiming Joe Bidens Inaugural parade was in doubt, reinforcing his baseless belief that the election was rigged!!!
Interestingly, the FBI also said Ayres posted on Facebook derisively about Fox News at 7:15 p.m. on Jan. 6: Made it on Faux News!! Front and center!! [Male 1] on the left and me on the right!
The charges against Ayres are as follows:
Willfully and knowingly utter loud, threatening, or abusive language, or engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct, at any place in the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of Congress or either House of Congress, or the orderly conduct in that building of a hearing before, or any deliberations of, a committee of Congress or either House of Congress.
[Image via FBI]
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Jonah Goldberg: Both sides need to condemn bad actors – Grand Forks Herald
Posted: at 11:54 am
Federal law enforcement used tear gas to repel the gangs of anti-democratic goons unwilling to accept the lawful verdict of voters.
But heres the thing: The bloodthirsty goons werent MAGA-hat wearing Trumpists, but members of antifa, and the protests werent in Washington, D.C., but in Portland and Seattle.
Now, I dont bring this up to score partisan What about antifa? points. The violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was uniquely despicable, not merely for the American carnage it unleashed but for its intent. The goal was to override the Constitution and install an unelected demagogue as president. Destroying businesses and beating innocent people is always evil, but it is a profound category error to pretend that the sins of one side cancel out the sins of the other.
Rather, I think its important to point out the violence and mayhem in response to Bidens election from you pick the label left-wing or anarchist hooligans because it illustrates how facts on the ground dont always fit neat, tidy us-versus-them demagoguery.
During the hothouse summer of riots, racial protests and armed anti-lockdown demonstrations, a common talking point among Donald Trump supporters was that antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters were in effect the military wing of the Democratic Party. These are Biden voters, these are Democrat voters, that are out there doing this, Donald Trump Jr. insisted in September.
Over the weekend, Tucker Carlson of Fox News proclaimed in July, we saw exactly what [ruling liberal elites] will excuse from their own supporters. Armed mobs of Joe Biden voters torched buildings, smashed cars, attacked police officers. They rioted. They hurt people, a lot of people.
After the election, radio host Mark Levin tweeted, Notice, there are no post-election riots because the media have declared Biden the next president, and Biden declares himself president. So, most of the looters, arsonists, rioters were, in fact, pro-Biden voters.
It seems likely, as a matter of gross generalization, that some of the rioters and looters associated with Black Lives Matter protests preferred Biden to Trump. After all, Trumps record on race and police misconduct is not exactly the sort of thing that would attract people protesting racial inequity and police abuse to his banner.
Its also worth noting that as a candidate, Biden unequivocally condemned violence in ways Trump did only after he faced a second impeachment for helping to inspire the assault on the Capitol.
Meanwhile, it should go without saying, given antifas anti-Biden protests in the wake of his inauguration, that they were never Biden voters in the first place.
Theres a lesson here for both parties. We live in a time when each side in our polarized society is desperate to cast light on the very worst actors of the other side and proclaim, See, this is what all of them are like. Left-wingers focus on neo-confederates, QAnon nutters and other goons and say, This is who the Republicans are! Right-wingers take dead aim at antifa or (real or alleged) BLM-inspired arsonists and looters and shout, This is who the Democrats are!
Politicians make this all the easier when they refuse to draw bright lines between themselves and the bad actors theyre associated with, fairly or otherwise. When Biden denounced rioting and violence, Trump defenders parsed every syllable in search of evidence he didnt really mean it. Biden supporters had an easier time with Trump, who told the people ransacking the Capitol, We love you!
But the point remains. The obligation to condemn outrageous and indefensible behavior falls on those who have the most credibility with those behaving outrageously. It doesnt matter if its unfair that Democrats are tagged with supporting antifa or BLM rioters; its in their interest, and the countrys, to either police their own or demonstrate that these people arent their own.
Similarly, decent and law-abiding conservatives, including Republican politicians, have every reason to take offense at being associated with the cop killers of Jan. 6. But if they want people to believe theres no association, they need to be at the forefront of condemning the rioters. Whining about double standards sends the opposite message.
Consistency on such matters is valuable. But credibility starts with cleaning up your own mess first.
Here is the original post:
Jonah Goldberg: Both sides need to condemn bad actors - Grand Forks Herald
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Letter to the editor: Trump is who we needed – Watauga Democrat
Posted: at 11:54 am
The authors rhetoric compared the recent protest in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 to his feeling of horror watching the Twin Towers fall on 9/11/2001. He says he was hurt by the violation of our nations capital and the depth of emotion that was awakened in him.
It made me wonder what he felt as he watched Antifa and BLM riot, loot, destroy and harm innocent American citizens. These protests in major progressive cities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, California, New York, Maryland, Virginia and Illinois resulted in 30 deaths and hundreds of businesses destroyed. The Washington, D.C., protest was perpetrated by protesters who invaded the capital and this should be condemned by all Americans. There should be investigations and arrests, and the guilty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!
The most violent anarchist arrested at the Washington, D.C., protest turned out to be a man named John Sullivan. He has been involved in past violent Antifa activities and is a known member of that domestic criminal group. Antifa is certainly not a Trump supporting group. I assume that this Antifa member did not act alone on that day.
The Democrat Party leadership supported by the mainstream media, high tech social media CEOs and wealthy donors such as George Soros began their attacks on President Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. Trump is still being attacked for his every word, act and policy which still benefits the American people.
The number of policies and actions taken by this president are unprecedented in such a short span of time. He promised the American people that he would enforce our immigration laws already on the books and he did. He promised to seal our borders from criminal trafficking, and he did. He promised to reduce the size of the federal government while growing jobs and he did.
He promised to allow us to keep more of our hard-earned money, while protecting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and he did. He promised to build the strongest military in the world to defeat the caliph and ISIS and he did. He promised to scale down never ending wars and bring our troops home and he did. He promised to get out of treaties with international organizations which did not support our best interests and he did. He promised to get all members of NATO to pay their fair share and he did. He promised to negotiate better trade deals that grow jobs for Americans and he did. He promised to cut the corporate tax rate to grows jobs in the U.S. and he did.
Trump did all these things while being opposed by the Democrat Party for four years.
We needed a successful business executive who understood the free market economy, who was willing to praise successful people and organizations, and who could make quick decisions to get rid of waste, incompetence and failure. Trump was the man to meet this need to make America great again.
I thank you, Mr. Trump. Seventy-four million legal American voters, and I include myself, are proud to have supported you!
See original here:
Letter to the editor: Trump is who we needed - Watauga Democrat
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