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Category Archives: Antifa
Antifa-Hating Cops Keep Taking the Side of MAGA Terror – Daily Beast
Posted: August 28, 2021 at 12:24 pm
To successfully combat violent, far-right extremism in a post-Trump America, you absolutely do not need a new domestic front in the disastrous War on Terror. What you do need is for law enforcement to simply enforce laws that have been on the books for ages.
Also, it would be helpful if fewer cops ended up taking the side of MAGA extremists, far-right conspiracy theorists, andof coursethe Trumpist Capitol rioters.
On this weeks episode of The Daily Beasts Fever Dreams podcast, hosts Asawin Suebsaeng and Kelly Weill welcome NBC News journalist (and Daily Beast alumnus) Ben Collins, who breaks down some of his latest reporting and investigations into online disinformation and political extremismand how that kind of absurd disinformation can warp a police departments priorities.
Last year, there were these rumors of antifa buses that existed solely on the dumbest accounts on Instagram and Facebook. They didnt exist. Theres no such thing as this marauding magic school bus of antifa people just going around, Collins recounted. However, law enforcement [in California] put a helicopter in the sky to try to find an Antifa bus that was rumored on Instagram and Facebook, in one of the dumbest Instagram posts that youll ever see. They take that very seriously, when a lot of this stuff is coming from the militias This isnt just a police thing, or a training thing. Its like, how are law enforcement so targeted algorithmically by this stuff? Or how are they falling down these rabbit holes?
Collins pointed out that one of the biggest vectors last year of these, Antifa is coming to your house personally to, you know, take your grandmas medicine stuff was police Facebook pages, who have like blue checks next to the name on Facebook, who are trusted by the community So there's a larger systemic problem there with how police interact with social media on a local level.
Elsewhere on this episode, Weill and Suebsaeng also discuss how the horse paste and sheep drench craze raging among many anti-vaccine COVID truthersand to a certain extent, on Fox Newsis getting so out of hand that the FDA had to spend part of its weekend telling people to knock it off.
Listen, and subscribe, to Fever Dreams on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.
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Antifa-Hating Cops Keep Taking the Side of MAGA Terror - Daily Beast
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Mother of Baby Nearly Hit by Antifa Flash Bomb Slams Media for Biased Coverage – Faithwire
Posted: at 12:24 pm
A Christian mother from Portland, Oregon, is rebuking the media for failing to tell the full story about antifa.
Jamee Anatello, a mother of eight, is speaking out after her 8-month-old daughter was nearly hit in the face with a flash bomb set off by antifa agitators, The Christian Post reported.
The incident occurred, she told the outlet, during an Aug. 7 prayer rally for Artur Pawlowski, a Canadian pastor who has garnered international attention for his dustups with law enforcement officials, whom he has accused of targeting churches with restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anatello attended the event with five of her children, telling The Post she never imagined antifa rioters would show up at the prayer rally, which was held at Tom McCall Park along the Portland waterfront.
Nevertheless, she said, rioters outnumbered Christians.
Most of the media attention, Anatello noted, was on the the far-right group the Proud Boys, which has been described as a white supremacist group. Its leader, Enrique Tarrio, an Afro-Cuban man, was sentenced Monday to more than five months in prison for burning a Black Lives Matter banner stolen from a church in Washington, D.C., as well as carrying two high-capacity magazines when he was later arrested.
Anatellos husband, known for hosting The Black Conservative Preacher show on Facebook and YouTube, started recording a video after the flash bomb nearly hit their infant daughter. Subsequent footage showed a flash grenade explosion that Antifa threw or rolled toward men, women, and children of all nationalities and ages.
The Portland mother said news outlets have declined to tell her story.
No local media has taken my story, she said. I spoke with two different stations and they rejected it. I believe that the reason they have not taken my story is because the narrative around here is that the Proud Boys are white supremacists when theyre not. And people around here just refuse to name antifa as dangerous.
Anatello went on to say the violence that unfolded earlier this month sent her 7-year-old child into a state of shock and left her 9-year-old covered in pepper gas, and he touched his eye and it began burning and he was crying in a panic, not knowing what to do.
My husband was standing in front of me and our children, she recalled. And he was actually trying to catch some of the eggs and other things they were throwing to stop them from hitting us. And in the video, I show that we are dead center to the place they were directing their projectiles, whatever they were throwing. They were throwing several different things eggs, paint, bottles filled with feces and explosives.
Anatello is not the only one who has spoken out against the violence committed by antifa members during the prayer event.
One woman described antifa as ruthless, according to CBN News, saying they just rolled in like an angry mob and started throwing flash bombs at everybody, macing everybody.
A woman attendee of the family Christian prayer event at the waterfront in downtown Portland describes what happened when antifa attacked them.
***As the number of voices facing big-tech censorship continues to grow, please sign up forFaithwires daily newsletterand download theCBN News app, developed by our parent company, to stay up-to-date with the latest news from a distinctly Christian perspective.***
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Mother of Baby Nearly Hit by Antifa Flash Bomb Slams Media for Biased Coverage - Faithwire
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Candace Owens: If You Don’t Pull Your Kids Out of School, They Will Become "Antifa Thugs" –
Posted: at 12:24 pm
Over the last few months, Republicans have been very focused on critical race theory. There were a number of viral videos from school board meetings where enraged parents demanded that their children arent taught CRT.
Of course, they dont really need to worry. What Fox News didnt explain to these parents is that CRT is largely taught in law schools. What the Conservative media wants, is for children not to be taught about civil rights at all.
Candace Owens was running along this line of thinking during a recent podcast. She told her listeners to pull their children out of school rather than having them turn into Antifa thugs.
The Conservative pundit began, They graduate college and they have no means to make money, Owens said. You know what that turns them into? An angry person, a person that their country, they go out and they become the Antifa thugs you see on the street, the Black Lives Matter thugs you see on the streets.
Owens continued:
We are intentionally churning out useful idiots. Why are you sending your children to school? If we do not win this battle nothing else will matter. If these kids grow up and they belong to the system, America will fall. I am passionate right now in speaking to mothers and fathers and telling you that the time is now, to pull your kids out, bring your children back home. They will learn more in your household.
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Letters to the editor, Aug. 29 – The Star Press
Posted: at 12:24 pm
Sons of AMVETS plan flag retirement ceremony
I would like to invite everyone to the 21th Annual Sons of American Veterans (AMVETS), Squadron #12, Muncie, Flag Retirement. This event will take place Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021, at 3 p.m., atAMVETS Post #12, 7621 N. Ind. 3, Muncie.
In the last 20 years, weve retired 43,742 flags, and again this year well be retiring approximately 2,000 flags at one time in a spectacular display of retiring our county's colors. (Hamilton Township Volunteer Fire Company will do us the honors).
If you have a worn, torn American flag that you would like retired just drop them off at Post #12.There is a drop box behind the Post, or you can put them in a bag and drop them off in the front foyer.
Well start if off again Friday night, Sept. 10,4-6p.m. as well be out in front waving American flags, in memory of the almost 3,000 people who lost their lives on 9/11.
Also, the Ladies Auxiliary will again be having their luminary display on Friday night.
For more details call the Post at 765-287-9054.
Saturday night the Band Back Woods Country will be playing outside from 7p.m. to 11p.m.
These events are open to the public so come on out and join us in honoring our country, flag, Gold Star/LODD families, veterans and first responders!
Don Finnegan
Sons of AMVETS #12,Past National Commander
On Oct. 9, hundreds of people in East Central Indiana will join the fight against Alzheimers disease and other dementia during the annual Alzheimers Association Walk to End Alzheimers. Plans are moving forward to host the event in person at Canan Commons in Muncie, with the option to watch an online ceremony and walk from home.
I volunteer for the walk in honor of all those living with the disease, and their caregivers. The isolation and challenges these families have faced in the last 18 months, especially, are staggering. The support programs of the Alzheimers Association are a critical lifeline for these families.About 110,000 Hoosiers are currently living with Alzheimers disease and another 215,000 are serving as unpaid family caregivers.
Please join me in raising funds and awareness by registering at Every dollar raised helps advance the Alzheimers Associations dementia research and support programs for our friends and neighbors who have been affected by this disease.
President Biden losing America's respect from all of our foreign allies while making deals with China, Iran and Russia (socialists). Defunding our brave police forces, and taking away our guns. They have bodyguards.
Doing away with the border fence, but they all have their own fences.
BLM andAntifa. They admit to being anarchists and wanting to create havoc and destroy America. Everywhere they go there is UNpeaceful rioting, looting, burning and destruction , while the Dems never condemn them and Vice PresidentKamala Harris bails them out.
Voting machines and China stole the election. (Soon to be verified) The Squad. A.O.C. , Omar, Talib and Pressley. Im not racist, but even I hate people that hate America.
Biden helping Iran get nuclear capabilities.
Boys cheating girls in sports. It does not impress me.
Big tech companiescensoring conservatives. They shut off the president, yet they allow BLM and Antifa and terrorist to keep broadcasting their hatred.
Fake news. No reporting on the border crisis. Nothing on the Bidens corrupt dealings with China, Russia, Ukraine or son Hunter's laptop evidence. The distribution of sick illegal immigrants all over the U.S. Allowing terrorists and gang members to enter the U.S. Nothing about V.P. Kamala and her refusal to secure the border. She is a joke, just like our so-called pres.
P.S. Im tired of B.H.O. Accusing Americans (Republicans) of being racist. Just how can he explain being elected president twice.
Jeff Felton
I find it fascinating that the very people who deride the younger generation for being ignorant, self-centered,lazy, unpatriotic and selfish are the very same people who, TODAY, are teaching our kids that they dont have to follow the rules, they dont have to be told what to do and they dont have to sacrifice for the good of the country and mankind.
I think its pretty clear who is to blame for these alleged selfish attitudes exhibited by some of the younger generation.Its a good thing yall didnt live during a world war or the Depression, when people actually sacrificed for the good of the country and their fellow man.The Greatest Generation didnt partake is conspiracy theories or cry that their liberties were being taken and the government was only looking to control them. Look in the mirror and see if you can make the correlation.You are the reason we are where we are today.
Melissa Hathaway
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You Don’t Need To Go To Kabul To See The End Of American Order – The Federalist
Posted: at 12:24 pm
The nations attention these past two weeks has focused nearly exclusively on Kabul, and rightly so given that the city has become the scene of the largest hostage situation in American history and a vivid image of the decline of Pax Americana abroad.
But Americans dont need to travel 7,500 miles to get a first-hand glimpse of the end of American order. In many of our own countrys major cities, gangs of masked thugs and criminals do what they please and our far-better-armed police arent allowed to stop them and protect the rest of us.
Take one August Sunday in Portland, Oregon, where two days ago political gangs roamed freely, beating people, including women, and even opening fire downtown. Meanwhile the police, who have been threatened with government action if they intervene, were nowhere to be seen.
The breakdown of law and order was crafted in the offices of politicians, and its results are as immediate as they are sickening: A beautiful port city is now a frequent host to pitched battles between masked and helmeted left- and right-wing mobs spanning across city blocks; paintballs, pepper spray, fireworks, and beatings in broad daylight; and while innocent civilians flee the violence under a cloudy gray sky, the only sounds audible are of rioting with nary a police siren in the distance.
Its long not been safe to be a reporter in Portland: Just Sunday, Antifa targeted independent journalist and photographer Maranie Staab. You f-cking endangered people by flying to f-cking Colombia and endangering everyone by opening them up to COVID, you little slut, one masked and armored man screamed at Staab, referring to her June reporting on violence in South America.
Minutes later, Antifa members pepper-sprayed her, knocked her to the ground, and reportedly broke her phone and damaged her camera, yelling, How many times do we have to f-cking tell you?
After other reporters moved her away from the mob and helped her wash out her eyes and mouth, an Antifa member sprayed them (and their cameras) with more paint. Once again, police were nowhere to be seen or even heard.
That same day, during riots and demonstrations downtown, a man opened fire on Antifa members, who reportedly fired back. Police were nowhere to be heard or seen, though they arrested the man minutes later.
So where are the police, exactly? Law and order has slowly, and then rapidly, broken down in Portland for years, with images of besieged courthouses, lawless autonomous zones, open drugs and violent crime, and roving, organized mobs hitting honest newspapers across the United States nearly every week. Indeed, Sundays festivities were organized to celebrate a violent clash that had taken place the year before.
Amid it all, local and national politicians have repeatedly attacked and undermined the men and women who maintain order at great personal risk, cutting the police budget by millions and threatening further cuts along the way.
Then on July 19, the governor signed a new law that opened police officers using non-lethal, anti-mob force to personal prosecution. This, independent journalist Andy Ngo reports, was the final nail for an effective permanent police stand down.
Therein lies an interesting connection to the most recent disaster weve been watching abroad: In Portland, city leaders demand say their refusal to back their own police or enforce their own laws is a national problem that demands national resources, adding thatthe idea that Portland, or any city, can single handedly defeat white nationalism is a fallacy. Across the country in Washington, White House leaders pretend 10-15,000 stranded Americans, a captured military base, hijacked American equipment in enemy hands, and outnumbered soldiers and Marines in a civilian airport surrounded by the Taliban is just what all withdrawals look like.
All of this is completely false, of course both these crises, in their immediate senses, have been created by the foolish decisions of the people directly in charge of them. We dont need a time traveler from 2010 to teach us how to maintain peace in our cities, just as we dont need Alexander the Great to teach us to remove civilians and equipment before the military departs and to hold bases until they arent needed anymore.
Our country here and abroad is held captive by radical and lying politicians unwilling to tell the truth or face it. Drive into your closest major city anywhere in the country and theres a good chance its gotten a lot worse than it was just a few years ago. Look at any foreign paper and see that our word is worth a lot less than it was just a few weeks ago.
Neither of these is, or were, inevitable: They are the conscious decisions of a country in decline. We dont have much time to put things right, but we know what we have to do to fix these things; the answers arent arcane. It already might be too late, but its worth the fight.
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You Don't Need To Go To Kabul To See The End Of American Order - The Federalist
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Who Are Antifa and the Proud Boys? Portland Protests Explained – Newsweek
Posted: August 24, 2021 at 10:14 am
Clashes in Portland, Oregon between far-left antifa activists and the Proud Boys, a far-right group, descended into violence on Sunday, August 22, following separate protests by both groups.
Antifa is shorthand for anti-fascists, and as a group with no central leadership, is a general description for the far-left-leaning militant groups that resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations and other events.
Sunday's events marked the latest of a series of violent confrontations between both groups in recent years, most prominently in Oregon, Washington and New York.
Portland has been a center for clashes among the opposing groups in the past year as protests raged across the nation following the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer on May 25, 2020.
Sunday's demonstrations took place on the anniversary of a clash that became violent between right- and left-wing protesters in Portland following Floyd's death.
Here we take a closer look at both groups and their history.
The term "antifa" is short for "antifascist" and followers of the movement are focused on going against the view of those they deem fascist or white supremicist.
It is a decentralized movement whose ideologies are based on various left-wing causes, including communism, anarchism, and socialism.
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the U.S. Congress reported in 2018: "Adherents do not necessarily just hold these opinions, however. Among many other things, they may also support environmentalism, the rights of indigenous populations, and gay rights."
The roots of the antifa movement can be traced back to a period just after World War I when German and Italian leftists came together and fought against fascist gangs, a June 2021 article published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) explains.
The 2018 CRS report said antiracist groups in the U.S., such as Anti-Racist Action (ARA), that took up antifa ideology in the late 1980s "embraced the international movement's provocative and occasionally criminaleven violenttactics.
"A portion of antifa movement members are willing to commit crimes to promote their beliefs," the CRS report added.
The CSIS article from June 2021 explains that while many followers of the antifa movement do not support violence as the only or even main medium for opposing fascism, "they do view violence as a legitimate option."
The antifa movement in the U.S. became more prominent after violent clashes between white supremacists and their opponents in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12, 2017.
The antifa movement saw increased national attention after a tweet on May 31, 2020 by former president Donald Trump said: "The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization."
Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr issued a statement at the time that read: "Legitimate protests have been hijacked by violent radical elements...the violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly."
However in September 2020, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Christopher Wray, said that while antifa activists were a serious concern, noting it was a "real thing," he clarified it is "not a group or an organization. It's a movement or an ideology," the Associated Press reported at the time.
According to a January 2021 report from the U.S. Department of Justice, the Proud Boys are a "nationalist organization."
They are self-described as a "pro-Western fraternal organization for men who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world; aka Western Chauvinists," the report said.
The 2021 report, which indicted two Proud Boys members for conspiracy and other charges related to the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, explained that members of the group are often seen wearing the colors yellow and black and other clothing bearing Proud Boys-related logos and emblems.
Others associated with the Proud Boys have been charged in connection with the Capitol riot since late January, including in February and in March this year.
The Proud Boys were established in 2016 by Gavin McInnes, the Canadian-British co-founder of Vice Media. McInnes left Vice in 2008 and has had no involvement with the publication since, according to Vice. In 2018, he stepped down from his role as the leader of the Proud Boys following the advice of his legal team, the BBC reported in September 2020.
Accordig to the BBC, the group's name is a reference to a song from the musical version of Aladdin, the Disney animation film.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a nonprofit civil rights advocacy group, members of the Proud Boys "regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists."
The SPLC claims the Proud Boys are known for "anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric" and have "appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings."
The group has been banned from several major social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
In February 2021, the Proud Boys were classified as a terrorist entity by the Canadian government, noting the role the group played in the U.S. Capitol riot in January 2021.
The AP reported at the time that authorities in Canada were reported to have been monitoring and collecting evidence about the Proud Boys before the January riot and the event provided information that aided their decision to list the organization as a terrorist group.
Canada's Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said at the time: "Their intent and their escalation toward violence became quite clear."
Calling the terrorist designation "ridiculous," Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of Proud Boys, told the AP in February 2021: "There is no basis for it. It's [an] infringement of free speech rights. All the Canadian Proud Boys have ever done is go to rallies. They used what happened at the Capitol to push for this."
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Letters to the Editor: No, LAPD, it wasn’t ‘Antifa’ that protested anti-vaxxers – Los Angeles Times
Posted: August 22, 2021 at 4:03 pm
To the editor: One must really try not to giggle at the Los Angeles Police Departments use of the term Antifa to describe people who showed up at Los Angeles City Hall on Saturday to protest against a group of anti-vaccine and anti-mask demonstrators.
Antifa is not an organization. It is a concept, even a trend at times, but there are no meetings, no rosters, no dues or fees and no secret handshakes.
This lack of serious intelligence by the LAPD is astonishing. Who gives these people a gun and badge? Santa Claus, the Lone Ranger and the Bogey Man all have more standing in reality than antifa.
The LAPD would have us believe that it is an organization. How embarrassing.
Robin Doyno, Mar Vista
To the editor: Can we please call anti-vaxxers what they truly are virus lovers?
By refusing to get a vaccine or wear a mask, they signal their desire to keep the coronavirus around so it can kill people, destroy the economy, put companies out of business and wreak havoc on everyones life. They do this under the false flag of freedom, a word with no fixed definition.
This pandemic wont be over until everyone gets in the fight, and Im not talking about the one on City Halls steps.
Nancy Zaman, Beverly Hills
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Letters to the Editor: No, LAPD, it wasn't 'Antifa' that protested anti-vaxxers - Los Angeles Times
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Fact Check-Black Lives Matter and Antifa did not disappear after the election – Reuters
Posted: at 4:03 pm
Users are falsely claiming that Black Lives Matter and Antifa have disappeared or been laid-off, implying that the groups were hired for the 2020 presidential election. There is no evidence to support this.
Examples can be seen here and here .
The text in one post reads: Has anyone heard from Antifa or BLM lately or, were they laid-off after the election?
Reuters Fact Check previously debunked the claim that both groups disappeared in March 2021 (here). These claims echo conspiracy-linked narratives that Antifa and BLM are not real movements, but actors or a faade for greater occult forces.
The summer of 2020 saw the United States biggest protests for racial justice and civil rights in a generation, giving a global profile to the BLM movement. The protests were sparked on May 25 by the death of George Floyd, a Black man who was killed after a white police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes here .
Since then, the group has been active on social media , here and here . There have been news updates on its website .
Examples of Black Lives Matter protests, rallies and demonstrations that took place since March can be seen in Reuters photographs here , here , here , here and here .
Antifa is an amorphous movement whose adherents oppose people or groups they consider authoritarian or racist, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors extremists. Antifa aims to intimidate and dissuade racists, but its aggressive tactics, including physical confrontations, can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame, the ADL said here .
The group has also not disappeared since the election or since March 2021, when Reuters last addressed these claims.
Antifa protesters clashed with the proud boys group in Portland, Oregon on Aug. 7, 2021 at a gathering hosted by anti-LGBT and anti-COVID pastor Artur Pawlowski, as reported by Insider here and the Portland Tribune here .
Two anonymous members appeared in an interview with ABC News earlier on May 5, 2021 here to discuss violence and protests in Portland.
False. Black Lives Matter and Antifa did not disappear or get laid-off after the 2020 presidential election.
This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here .
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Fact Check-Black Lives Matter and Antifa did not disappear after the election - Reuters
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Jason Aldeans wife wont shy away from politics amid belief her followers are afraid of cancel culture – Fox News
Posted: at 4:03 pm
Jason Aldeans wife, Brittany, is hoping to be a voice for people who feel they cant share their political opinions out of fear of online retribution.
The wife of the country star has been politically outspoken on her social media many times in the past, often leading to controversy and debate among her followers. However, she revealed recently that her ability to speak out publicly has actually helped a number of her followers who reach out to her privately.
When the 33-year-old mother of two conducted a question and answer segment on her Instagram Stories on Thursday night, she was confronted with the question, "What helped you be more open about your political views on here when most people don't agree?"
Thats when she noted that she gets more private support in her DMs for her politically charged posts than her followers may realize, and certainly more than they can see publicly.
Jason Aldean's wife, Brittany, opened up about sharing her political views on social media. (Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)
"I personally don't give a damn if people don't agree with me. I think it's important now more than ever to stand for what you believe, even if it 'goes against the grain.' Do your research, and form your own opinion - speak out if you wish. But most importantly, don't bully people who feel differently than you," she added.
While her public-facing social media may be a hotbed of political debate among her fellow Republicans and her Democrat followers, it seems Brittany Aldean gets enough support from DMs to keep her not only engaged politically but fighting for those who feel cancel culture has stripped away their voice.
In fact, her comments echo those she previously made after catching immense backlash from supporters of Joe Biden around the time of the 2020 presidential election. She posted a video at the time showing off her blue sweatshirt with Donald Trumps name on it next to an American flag with a caption that reads "... STILL MY PRESIDENT."
She followed that up with a note explaining that the backlash on her page led many to privately message her their support for Trump. She explained then, as she did last week, that she plans to keep speaking up for people who can't for fear they'll lose their job or status in their community simply for voicing pro-Trump or pro-Republican political views.
The follow-up post included a heart sticker that reads "you are not alone."
However, her decision to speak out and voice her political beliefs got her into a bit of disinformation trouble when the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol took place. On Jan. 6, supporters of former President Trump gathered in Washington, D.C., in a demonstration that led to riots in which hundreds of people breached the security at the U.S. Capitol building while the Senate was voting to certify then President-elect Bidens electoral college votes. Some people died as a result of the riots.
Brittany Aldean is often outspoken on behalf of fellow Republicans on social media. (Getty Images)
Brittany shared her thoughts on the matter at the time with a repost of an image that made the since-debunked claim that two of the men who breached the Capitol building were not protesters for Trump, but members of Antifa. The Associated Press has since deemed claims that any known Antifa members were present at the Capitol Wednesday as false.
According to Rolling Stone, Instagram removed the image, prompting Aldean to take to her Instagram Story to complain about being censored.
"Instagram wanted me to know that it was against their guidelines to post," she said in a video at the time. "Its getting so ridiculous the filters you put on everyone thats against your narrative. Its unbelievable and its ridiculous. Its just really sad what this worlds coming to."
She further called for unity in her Story from the Sunday after the riots.
"Apparently freedom of speech doesn't apply to everyone and that's the issue I have. I have AMAZING conversations with my liberal friends and we can agree to disagree. It's the people that aren't willing to hear you that chap my a--," she said.
Despite the backlash and controversy over her opinions on the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 riots, Aldean remains undeterred. On Memorial Day of 2021, she took a jab at Vice President Kamala Harris after she was criticized tweeting "Enjoy the long weekend."
Brittany Aldean took to Instagram to share a series of photos of her family's gathering in honor of the significant holiday, showing "stars and stripes" balloons and an American flag waving in the wind.
Almost immediately, Brittany appeared to troll language Harris used just days ahead of Memorial Day in which she told her Twitter followers to "enjoy the long weekend" above a photo of her smiling.
"Our family doesnt take Memorial Day lightly," Brittany began the post. "It's more than a long weekend."
Brittany Aldean believes she's speaking up for her fellow Republicans on social media. (Matt Winkelmeyer/ACMA2019/Getty Images for ACM)
"@jasonaldean and I both come from military families and understand the importance our loved ones and others have sacrificed for us, and our freedom. We fly our flag highEVERY SINGLE DAY. It's the least we can do to show our appreciation," the mother of two continued.
The responses to the stars most-recent political post were largely positive as people began to share their thoughts on the significance of Memorial Day, which was likely vindicating for the celebrity who has stated numerous times that her followers find her "against the grain" political takes refreshing.
Fox News' Melissa Roberto contributed to this report.
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Yes, the resistance to the Democrats’ communist agenda is growing – Washington Times
Posted: at 4:03 pm
Before we get to the more upbeat portion of this column, heres a brief recap of what were facing.
Democrats are ramming through a multi-trillion-dollar socialist agenda and hope to kill voter ID laws and other state election safeguards to usher in a one-party government, for starters.
Republicans are trying to decide whether to be at least a speed bump to this coup or to bask in the glow of media praise for bipartisanship. So far, 19 GOP Senators have been there for the basking.
The southern border is wide open, with nearly one million illegal aliens crossing in the last eight months and another million expected. Bodies are piling up in the desert, and people infected with COVID-19 are being released by the thousands in McAllen and other Texas cities and then bused and flown to other states.
Deportations of illegals, even criminal sex offenders, have been halted. The whole scheme is designed to replace ornery Americans with a dependent Free Stuff Army of voters so that the Democrats can wreck America faster.
The willful spread of infected illegals helps gin up COVID-19 hysteria. Even for people who had the virus and have protective antibodies, a push for mandatory vaccinations is in full swing, from the military to school districts and corporations. Columnists in major papers are increasingly caustic toward the unvaccinated and are zeroing in on evangelical Christians and other religious objectors.
Gasoline prices are through the roof, even as the Biden Administration begs foreign oil nations to make up for his deliberately sabotaging Americas energy independence.
I could go on, but you get the picture. Were in the throes of what amounts to a communist takeover under moderate placeholder Joe Biden, who is to unfinished sentences what Babe Ruth was to home runs.
But the encouraging news is that more and more Americans realize that we cannot wait until 2022 or 2024 to get our country back. The resistance is growing rapidly at the grassroots level.
In Portland, Oregon, a once beautiful and now lawless city, a group of Christians gathered in a public park to hold a worship session. In short order, a group of black-suited and hooded Antifa thugs came and assaulted the Christians while police stood by.The next day, the Christians came back to the park to praise God and stand their ground in much larger numbers. Antifa attacked again but could not rout the faithful.
Members of Antifa showed up in Portland last night to threaten, harass, bully and intimidate us, organizer Scott Feucht tweeted. A mom and her baby were tear-gassed. Antifa stood 10 feet from me as we lifted our voices in praise, but we didnt back down. We kept worshipping, and God moved powerfully! One member of Antifa who came to disrupt our service was SAVED giving his life to Jesus!
In Loudoun County, Virginia, a second young schoolteacher has exposed the woke school boards behind-the-scenes antipathy toward Christians. Earlier, physical education instructor Tanner Cross was suspended after telling the board that he couldnt lie to children about their gender as a Christian. A court reinstated him, but the board is still intent on making an example of him.
This past week, Laura Morris told the board that she was informed in one of my so-called equity trainings that White, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools and this has to change.
Clearly, youve made your point. You no longer value me or many other teachers youve employed in this county. School board, I quit, she said, adding as she choked up, I quit your policies, I quit your training, and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas to our most vulnerable constituents children.
The board voted the very next night to adopt a sweeping transgender policy, complete with re-education sessions for teachers. Their motto should be: Driving out dedicated teachers while imposing a radical agenda.
Frustrated by the boards tin ear, Fight for, which is leading a petition drive to recall six board members, held an alternative board meeting so citizens could air their views.
Among the speakers was Monica Gill, who teaches AP government in Loudoun. She explained why she opposes Critical Race Theory.I have been teaching for 26 years, and I have never, once, ever been afraid to deal with the issues of race and injustice in our history, she said. In fact, I welcome the opportunity to teach about them because it allows me to point to Americas moral compass, which we have used time and time again to right those wrongs and right the ship.
Thank God for these brave souls who are not taking it anymore. Dividing children by obsessing on race is criminal.
Likewise, openly subverting laws instead of upholding them should be impeachable. Whoever is really running the Biden Administration is more dangerous than any foreign entity. They are consolidating power, stoking dangerous inflation and public debt, destroying our energy independence, and sowing division and hatred between the races.
As Christians, were being set up to play a role seen before in history that of the scapegoat or even a subversive element that must be identified and eliminated. We must keep in mind three things.
1. There is power in numbers; a sleeping giant appears to be awakening.
2. We still have the incomparable United States Constitutions legacy of liberty.
3. And most importantly, Almighty God is greater than any earthly ruler.
From Psalm 2: Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. His website is
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