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Category Archives: Alternative Medicine
Benefits of Alternative Medicine – Everglades University
Posted: June 2, 2021 at 5:37 am
Alternative medicine has been playing a large role in the healing industry for centuries and its popularity is showing no sign of slowing down.
The numerous benefits directly linked with alternative or natural medicine has created a wave of interest, especially in the western world, that seems to continue to grow at a rapid rate.
Alternative medicine includes a range of treatments that, while considered unorthodox, have various advantages that many modern forms of medicine simply cannot achieve.
Due to its practices being generally not accepted as a traditional or standard approach in the medical field, alternative medicine consistently receives criticism and backlash for being backwards and unreliable.
Unfortunately natural medicine is also commonly associated as a remedy that is only used by those who are unable to afford modern treatment despite the countless studies focused on the subject that say otherwise.
One study, for example, found that majority of individuals who use alternative medicine use it because they find these health care alternatives to be more congruent with their own values, beliefs, and philosophical orientations toward health and life says the Jama Network.
There is no denying the substantial difference between a standard hospital room with sophisticated tools and equipment and an acupuncture table where needles are inserted into specific points of the body to help cure ailments such as depression or anxiety.
Just because the former is considered superior doesnt mean the latter isnt as effective.
There are several common forms and their benefits of alternative medicine are extraordinary and have been helping people in need for hundreds of years. Lets take a look.
An extremely popular form of alternative medicine, acupuncture has helped millions of Americans with its use of needles and/or electric stimulation and is even used by licensed physicians who say it has increased success in treating problems that often resist Western medicine, such as female sexual dysfunction.
This ancient Chinese technique has been tested with case-controlled clinical studies and has shown that acupuncture can successfully help cure illnesses such as:
Herbal medicine is tailored around the use of plants, roots, berries, and leaves and is utilized to employ the bodys natural healing capabilities.
This technique has not only been around for thousands of years but it has also been known to help cure conditions such as heart problems, skin rashes, chronic fatigue, and premenstrual cycle, obesity and more.
There are about four billion people (80% of the worlds population) who are currently using herbal medication treatment as their primary health care further proving the benefits of alternative medicine.
Similar to acupuncture, acupressure therapists use their feet, hands and elbows to focus on the pressure points of the bodys meridians or channels of the body instead of needles.
Meridians are believed to be the invisible channels that carries the flow of energy, or chi, that connects all parts of your body and acts as a passageway for communication between your vital organs.
The theory goes that when one of these meridians is blocked or out of balance, illness can occur according to WebMD.
Acupressure has been known to relieve anxiety for individuals who are about to endure surgery and nausea for those are in the process of chemotherapy. Acupressure also helps those dealing with motion sickness and sickness from pregnancy.
Generally referred more as a complementary medicine as opposed to alternative due to its wider range of acceptance, chiropractic is constantly used to help develop strong bones and healthy surrounding muscles.
Chiropractors focus on manipulating the spinal cord with force exerted from their hands to realign and ensure proper form in regards to the spine.
They focus on the direct relationship between the nervous system and the spine to reduce pain in the lower back or neck. It also helps headaches, joint pain and high blood pressure.
Alternative medicine has helped people for hundreds of years and will continue to help people for years to come.
Prices for modern medicine are skyrocketing and there are countless cases of people finding help and relief from alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine works to find the core of the problem and takes a different route than most are used to.
With so many countless benefits of alternative medicine it only makes sense that we offer a degree program that specializes in the teaching and preparation for entry-level careers in the respected field as we understand and recognize the unlimited potential.
If youre interested in learning more about our degree with a Major in Alternative Medicine do not hesitate to reach out to Request More Information.
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What are Popular Career Options in Alternative Medicine?
Posted: at 5:37 am
Alternative medicine is a broad field that covers a wide range of career options. Some popular choices include Chinese medicine practitioner, massage therapist, personal trainer, nutritionist, chiropractor and aromatherapist. Learn more about some of these career options here.
Alternative medicine offers a number of different treatment options for patients and career choices for potential practitioners. Wellness with a focus on natural remedies is a common theme throughout the various branches.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chinese alternative medicine includes acupuncture, oriental medicine and herbology. As one of the healing arts, it deals with understanding and treating the body as a whole by identifying the body's energy points, which are known as meridians. The techniques seek to balance the body's Yin Yang. Acupuncture involves the application of fine needles to the body's meridians to cure certain ailments, while herbology uses natural plant remedies as an alternative to prescription drugs.
A career in massage therapy could be another option. It incorporates different features of alternative medicine with modern science. Traditional massage therapists manipulate the muscles to ease pains. However, massage therapists who are interested in alternative medicine often include elements of Reiki, herbology, aromatherapy, reflexology, ayurveda and other common forms of the healing practice.
Although personal training does not necessarily include elements of alternative medicine, some clients look for personal trainers who include both traditional and non-traditional techniques in their wellness regimens. Personal trainers may integrate life coaching, nutrition and other holistic healing techniques into a routine of personal wellness.
Chiropractic therapy, one of the most mainstream forms of alternative medicine, involves adjusting the spine to cure back pains. A chiropractor typically works with people who have suffered sports injuries, whiplash and related ailments.
Aromatherapy uses fragrances of various essential oils and plant extracts to cure a variety of conditions and relax the body. This practice involves a mixture of different elements of herbology and therapeutic massage.
Holistic healthcare treats the whole person, not just the symptoms. It takes into account one's spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health. Other career options might exist within the following branches of the healing and medicinal arts:
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Integrative medicine: Different techniques, one goal …
Posted: at 5:37 am
Integrative medicine: Different techniques, one goal
Discover how integrative medicine combines mainstream and alternative practices to improve health.
More than 30% of Americans adults report using health care approaches not typically associated with conventional medicine, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
Doctors are also embracing evidence-based alternative therapies, often combining them with mainstream therapies to treat disease and maintain health an approach called integrative (in-tuh-GRAY-tiv) medicine.
Exactly what's considered integrative medicine changes constantly as treatments are studied and move into everyday practice. To make sense of the many nonconventional therapies available, it helps to look at how they're classified by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH):
Dietary supplements and herbal remedies are considered natural products because they contain ingredients found in nature. Examples of herbal remedies include ginseng, ginkgo and echinacea; examples of dietary supplements include glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin and SAMe. Herbal products and supplements come in many forms, such as teas, oils, syrups, powders, tablets and capsules.
Mind-body techniques strengthen how your mind and your body work together. Practitioners believe these must be in harmony for you to stay healthy. Examples of mind-body techniques include meditation, prayer, relaxation, yoga, music and animal-assisted therapy.
Manipulation and body-based practices use human touch to move or manipulate a specific part of your body. They include chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation and massage.
Some traditions believe an invisible energy force flows through your body, and when this energy flow is blocked or out of balance, you can become sick. This energy has different names, such as chi, prana and life force. The goal of these therapies is to unblock or re-balance your energy force. Energy therapies include acupuncture, qi gong, healing touch and reiki.
Other approaches to integrative health focus on a system, rather than just a single practice or remedy. These systems center on a philosophy, such as the power of nature or the presence of energy in your body. Examples include:
Research on integrative approaches continues to grow as the use of these treatments becomes more common. Researchers are looking to identify safe, effective therapies as well as those that offer no benefit and may even cause harm.
In general, there has been a lack of research because large, carefully controlled medical studies are costly. Trials for conventional therapies are often funded by big companies that develop and sell drugs. Fewer resources are available to support trials of integrative approaches.
That's why NCCIH was established to foster research into therapies typically not associated with conventional medicine and make the findings available to the public.
Work with your conventional medical doctor to make informed decisions about integrative medicine. Even if your doctor can't recommend a specific practitioner, he or she can help you understand possible risks and benefits before you try a treatment.
It's especially important to consult your doctor if you are pregnant, have medical problems or take prescription medicine. And don't stop or change your conventional treatment such as the dose of your prescription medications without talking to your doctor first.
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Defining Complementary and Alternative Medicine …
Posted: at 5:37 am
Complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM, is a category of medicine that includes a variety of treatment approaches that fall outside the realm of conventional medicine. An increasing amount of research is being done to establish the safety and efficacy of alternative medicine. But compared with traditional "Western" therapies such as drugs, research on alternative medicine is still limited.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Whats the Difference?
It is important to understand the difference between complementary medicine and alternative medicine the two approaches are often lumped together but are, in fact, distinct.
Complementary medicine refers to healing practices and products that work in conjunction with traditional medicine. For example, a cancer patient receiving chemotherapy may also undergo acupuncture to help manage chemo side effects like nausea and vomiting. Alternative medicine differs in that it is not used as a complement to, but rather as a substitute for traditional therapy. An example would be a cancer patient who forgoes recommended chemotherapy and instead chooses to treat the disease with specific dietary changes.
There is a third category that also often gets lumped in with conventional and alternative medicine integrative medicine. Integrative medicine draws from both complementary medicine and alternative medicine and combines these with traditional Western therapies, says Donald Abrams, MD, director of clinical programs for the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Whos Using It?
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) recently surveyed Americans on their use of complementary and alternative medicine. The survey, which gathered information from more than 20,000 adults and nearly 10,000 children, found that about 40 percent of adults and 12 percent of children use some form of complementary and alternative medicine.
Women, people ages 40 to 60, and adults with higher levels of education and income tended to use complementary and alternative therapies more frequently. There have been considerable increases in the number of people using common forms of complementary and alternative medicine, such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and massage therapy.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: What Are the Categories?
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) recognizes five main categories of complementary and alternative medicine:
If you are considering using complementary or alternative therapy, make sure you consult with your regular doctor and do some research before your first session.
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Medicare slow to respond to seniors’ increasing interest in alternative medicine – MedCity News
Posted: at 5:37 am
People are not only living longer, but according to recent research from Duke University, theyre also living better. Todays seniors are increasingly healthier in mind and body as they age than ever before. Theyre also putting off retirement and working later. Over the last 20 years the percentage of Americans working in their 70s has risen from less than 10 to 15 percent.
As people live longer and continue to be active, they increasingly rely on healthcare professionals not just to heal them when they are sick, but to also provide services that enable them to live full, active lives. As a result, more are exploring alternative therapies as preventive medicine and to alleviate symptoms such as chronic pain and arthritis. In fact, according to a recent study conducted at Ohio State University, about 70 percent of those 50+ use alternative medicine an increase from the 53 percent reported in a 2014 study. Despite a rise in interest, Medicare has evolved little in the way of offering alternative medicine benefits.
What is Alternative Medicine?Alternative medicine is an umbrella term for medical practices or theories that fall outside the generally accepted Western traditional medicine. When used with traditional medicine, alternative medicine is sometimes referred to as complementary medicine.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has divided the field into four general approaches: biologically-based practices such as herbs or supplements, mind-body medicine approaches such as meditation or music therapy, body-based practices such as massage, chiropractic or acupuncture, and energy medicine, which can include approaches like Reiki or therapeutic touch. Many of these specific techniques are used by what NCCAM calls whole medical systems such as traditional Chinese, homeopathic, and naturopathic medicines.
Older adults tend to be more prone to encounter problems from standard medical treatment, suffering more from side effects and complications. Alternative medicine therapies like these are usually less invasive than conventional medicine and have fewer side effects making them more and more popular amongst seniors.
Medicare and Alternative MedicineAs of 2020, over 62 million US citizens (nearly 19 percent of the population) rely on some form of Medicare to help cover their healthcare needs. The primary rule of Original Medicare (government-funded Parts A & B) is that if a treatment or service is medically necessary it is covered; however, very few alternative medicine services meet this requirement by Medicares standards.
For example, Chiropractic care is one of the most commonly requested alternative medicine services amongst our Medicare insurance clients. However, while Original Medicare Part B does pay for manual manipulation of the spine when deemed medically necessary to correct a subluxation, it does not cover other services or tests a chiropractor might order, such as acupuncture, massage therapy or X-rays.
Massage therapy, another widely requested service, has been shown to ease joint and muscle pain and can reduce the increased levels of stress that tend to come with aging. However, Medicare categorizes massage therapy as an alternative treatment not deemed medically necessary, and so it is not covered by Original Medicare Parts A and B.
Acupuncture has been show to also ease chronic conditions such as low-back, neck and osteoarthritis pain. On January 21, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services passed the decision to cover acupuncture in certain circumstances as an alternative method of pain management in an effort to help fight the opioid use epidemic. As such, Original Medicare now covers acupuncture to treat medically-diagnosed chronic lower back pain.
According to Medicare, chronic lower back pain is described as pain lasting at least 12 weeks and caused by a non-identifiable condition or disease. If qualified, you can receive up to 12 sessions within a 3-month window. After that, if you show improvement, Medicare may cover an additional 8 sessions.
Medicare Advantage and Alternative MedicineMedicare Advantage is a type of Medicare health plan offered by private insurance companies. Medicare Advantage plans are required by the government to provide the same coverage level as Parts A & B, so they will always provide the same alternative medicine benefits offered by the Original Medicare program.
Oftentimes, plans will also provide additional benefits. Most commonly, these include things like dental, vision, hearing or prescription drug coverage, but were seeing more plans begin to offer coverage of some alternative medicine services like chiropractic care, massage therapy and acupuncture. As with Original Medicare, these benefits are usually limited to medically-necessary situations. For example, some Medicare Advantage plans will cover massage therapy, but only if the therapy is related to a specific injury or illness. In these cases, policyholders are generally required to first obtain an order or prescription from an in-network doctor to treat the covered medical condition.
Room for Improvement Calls for Close ExaminationThere are currently 1.4 million Americans living in nursing homes at an average cost of $48,000 per year. Meanwhile, every day, 10,000 members of the Baby Boom Generation celebrate their 65th birthday (the age at which one becomes Medicare eligible.) While the insurance industry, and especially the Medicare program, continues to expand benefits there remains a lot of opportunity for improvement surrounding alternative medicine coverage.
Taking advantage of these opportunities will help ensure aging adults have the ability to receive not only treatment but also preventive measures that will help keep them healthy and out of nursing homes longer, saving insurers money in the long-run.
While insurance companies and Medicare work to keep up with increasing interest in these types of treatments, its important for adults 65+ to carefully examine any health insurance program theyre putting their money into. Close examination will help ensure they receive the coverage they need not just to get well, but to stay well.
Photo: photovs, Getty Images
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Medicare slow to respond to seniors' increasing interest in alternative medicine - MedCity News
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A revolutionary gene therapy is bringing hope to UK parents – but it comes with a steep price tag – Euronews
Posted: at 5:37 am
A baby in England has been the first patient on the countrys NHS to receive a potentially life-saving new gene therapy to treat spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).
Five-month-old Arthur Morgan was given a dose of the treatment known as Zolgensma at Evelina London Children's Hospital on May 25.
Arthur was born in December last year and diagnosed with SMA, a rare and debilitating neuromuscular disease that prevents muscle development, just a few weeks ago.
Babies born with SMA experience problems with movement, breathing, and swallowing.
The novel gene therapy treatment, produced by US pharma giant Novartis Gene Therapies, repairs affected genes inside the cells, making it easier to manage and potentially cure the disease.
But the wonder drug comes at a price.
Zolgensma is one of the world's most expensive drugs with a price tag per dose of 2.08 million. Fortunately for Arthur and his family, the NHS negotiated a non-disclosed discounted price for the drug, making it more accessible for patients suffering from SMA to receive the treatment.
Arthurs father, 31-year old Reece Morgan was overjoyed at the news.
"When we found out that Arthur would get the treatment, and be the first patient, I just broke down," he said.
"It had been such a whirlwind few weeks, filled with lots of anxiety and adjustment, as we learnt about his condition and what it might mean for him and our family".
In a statement, Sir Simon Stevens, the chief executive of NHS England, also acknowledged the importance of using innovative therapies to treat diseases and disorders, such as in this case.
"It is fantastic news that this revolutionary treatment is now available for babies and children like Arthur on the NHS," he said.
Getting to this moment was a long road, Imran Kausar, Medical Director at Novartis Gene Therapies UK, told Euronews.
"These are hugely transformative therapies. To bring something in that only requires treatment once, that actually requires a lot of systems and processes to change," he said.
"The NHS has tried its hardest to deal with the changes".
The agreement between Novartis and the NHS is part of a "series of smart deals" aimed to secure more cutting-edge treatments for the British people, according to the NHS website.
Novartis says that while the cost of the single-dose treatment sounds expensive, it isnt when you compare the alternative treatment for SMA which can include ongoing hospital admissions, ventilators and round-the-clock care.
"Our mindset is to think of things over a long period of time," Kausar added.
"When you consider lifetime costs - actually gene therapies arent expensive. The value we provide is more beneficial to healthcare systems".
Whilst Kausar was reluctant to say if Zolgensma was a complete cure given the many variables, including when the infant is diagnosed and when the drug is administered, he does believe there is a curative future for gene therapy drugs "if the entire system is in sync".
I do see us moving into a genomic era which is an era of medicine where we can harness our understanding of genetics and the impact on health in a much great way," he told Euronews.
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Texas veteran and state representative advocate for psychedelic therapy to treat veterans with PTSD – KYTX
Posted: at 5:37 am
House Bill 1802 would allow the study of the use of alternative therapies for treating PTSD, more specifically the use of psychedelic therapy.
TYLER, Texas House Bill 1802 was sent to Governor Greg Abbott's desk for his signature Monday.
The bill would allow the study on the use of alternative therapies for treating post-traumatic stress disorder, more specifically the use of psychedelic therapy.
"It's a reset of the things that are going on in your head," Marcus Capone, veteran and advocate for the bill, said.
Capone has been pushing for the bill alongside it's author State Representative Alex Dominguez.
"This specific type of psychedelic has been studied for the treatment of depression, it's also being looked at for the treatment of anxiety," Dominguez said.
The bill has passed both the senate and house.
"More importantly, we want to show the FDA and Congress and in Washington DC that there are ways to treat our veterans that they haven't been looking at," he said. "So we can start that conversation to help our veterans nationwide."
According to a statement, HB 1802 directs the Health and Human Services Commission, in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine and in partnership with a military veterans hospital or medical center that provides medical care to veterans, to conduct a clinical study on to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of psilocybin in the treatment of PTSD in veterans. The Commission shall also complete a literature review evaluating the safety and efficacy of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and ketamine in the treatment of veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
"One of the first psychedelic medical treatments that has been approved by the FDA is medication called ketamine." Dr. Carlos Tirado, addiction psychiatrist and chief medical officer of Carma Health, said. "It's been used for decades, in general anesthesia, in part two, to act as a sedative and pain reliever."
Dr. Tirado says in this case the psychedelic therapy would be administered under medical and therapeutic supervision and guidance.
"For instance, say they [patient] have a psychotic disorder or they have a familial history of certain types of severe mental illness, you either, you may not be able to safely take that treatment or it has to be done with a lot of lead time and upfront assessment to decrease the possibility of any risk of becoming psychiatrically unstable," he said.
Capone says the therapy has been life changing.
I'm a better person, I'm more aware, you know, higher level of consciousness. however you want to call it," he said. "I'm still me. But, you know, I'm a better version of me."
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Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market Impact and Recovery Analysis| Nordic Naturals, Helio USA, Yoga Tree, Pure Encapsulations, Inc KSU | The…
Posted: at 5:37 am
Relatively high demand for alternative medicine in developing countries and the expansion of applications of traditional medicine practiced in Asia are two key factors in the market. The increase in the number of licensed and trained physicians who can offer advanced complementary therapies will boost patient preference for traditional medicine.
Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market research report is the new statistical data source added by A2Z Market Research.
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Note In order to provide more accurate market forecast, all our reports will be updated before delivery by considering the impact of COVID-19.
Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new entering market industries are studied in detail. Well explained SWOT analysis, revenue share and contact information are shared in this report analysis.
Top Key Players Profiled in this report are: Nordic NaturalsHelio USAYoga TreePure Encapsulations, IncQuantum TouchThe Healing Company
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the Complementary And Alternative Medicine market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.
Market Development: Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.
Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine market.
Various factors are responsible for the markets growth trajectory, which are studied at length in the report. In addition, the report lists down the restraints that are posing threat to the global Complementary And Alternative Medicine market. It also gauges the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat from new entrants and product substitute, and the degree of competition prevailing in the market. The influence of the latest government guidelines is also analysed in detail in the report. It studies the Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine markets trajectory between forecast periods.
The key questions answered in this report:
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The cost analysis of the Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market has been performed while keeping in view expenses, resource cost, and raw entities and their market concentration rate, suppliers, and price trend. Other factors such as Supply chain, downstream buyers, and sourcing strategy have been assessed to provide a complete and in-depth view of the market. Buyers of the report will also be exposed to a study on market positioning with factors such as target client, brand strategy, and price strategy taken into consideration.
Table of Contents
Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market Research Report 2020 2026
Chapter 1 Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market Overview
Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry
Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers
Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region
Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions
Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application
Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis
Chapter 12 Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market Forecast
Regions Covered in the Global Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market Report 2020: The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt) North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada) South America (Brazil etc.) Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
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Loncastuximab Tesirine Provides Alternative for Broad Range of Patients With DLBCL – OncLive
Posted: at 5:37 am
On April 23, 2021, the FDA granted accelerated approval to the CD19directed antibody and alkylating agent conjugate for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) not otherwise specified, DLBCL arising from low-grade lymphoma, and high-grade B-cell lymphoma, following 2 or more lines of systemic therapy.1
The decision was based on data from the single-arm phase 2 LOTIS-2 trial (NCT03589469), in which the agent elicited an overall response rate (ORR) of 48.3% (95% CI, 39.9%-56.7%) in 145 patients with DLBCL. This included a complete response (CR) rate of 24.1% (95% CI, 17.4%-31.9%) and a median duration of response (DOR) of 10.3 months (95% CI, 6.9-not estimable).2
In an interview with OncLive, Paolo F. Caimi, MD, an associate professor of medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at Case Comprehensive Cancer Center at Case Western Reserve University and medical director of the Clinical Trials Unit at University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center, both in Cleveland, Ohio, discussed what lies ahead for loncastuximab tesirine and how it fits into the rapidly changing treatment landscape of DLBCL.
Caimi: This trial was focused on relapsed/refractory DLBCL and included adult patients who had at least 2 prior lines of therapy. It included not only those with regular DLBCL but also patients with double-hit lymphoma, which is termed high-grade B-cell lymphoma with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements, as well as those who had primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma. Patients had to have acceptable functional and hematologic status and had to be within normal limits in terms of renal function and liver function. They also had to have a positive CD19 expression as demonstrated by biopsy if they had undergone prior chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy; however, patients with prior CAR T-cell therapy were not excluded. The study did exclude patients with bulky disease.
Loncastuximab tesirine was active with an ORR of 48% and a CR rate of 24%. It is notable that as a single agent, it elicited response rates that other agents [did not] achieve in combination. Secondly, there was a good DOR of over 10 months, and the DOR was not reached for those who had a CR. In addition, the population was high risk. We presented at [the 62nd American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition], and we are going to present a subgroup analysis [at the 2021 American Society of Clinical Oncology Virtual Scientific Program] showing how different risk factors didnt affect how the drug worked.
Paolo F. Caimi, MD In general, loncastuximab tesirine is a well-tolerated drug. Compared with other drugs that are approved [in this setting], the adverse effects are somewhat different. Loncastuximab tesirine has described elevations of -glutamyltransferase as a frequent adverse effect. [Patients also experienced] mild to moderate hematologic toxicity. Additionally, there were portions of populations [with lymphoma] who had thrombocytopenia, approximately 18%, neutropenia in approximately 26%, and there were occasional cases with fluid retention and edema.
Photosensitivity including a rash or other skin damage with exposure to the sun [was also observed]. Practitioners need to monitor [results of] liver function tests and hematologic function tests, and change or adjust dosing for patients who have fluid retention. I also advise patients to stay away from the sun as much as possible, use sunblock, and [wear] additional clothing.
How does this approval advance theDLBCL treatmentparadigm?
Weve seen several new agents approved for DLBCL in the past 24 months, including some CAR T-cell therapies. This is the first antibody immunoconjugate drug targeting CD19 that is approved as an off-the-shelf agent, that is active as a single agent, and that is well tolerated. In addition, loncastuximab tesirine really doesnt cause neuropathy, which is a common [adverse effect] with other agents.
With loncastuximab tesirine we have another drug that has single-agent activity and has the potential for combinations[I hope] this will be studied. Loncastuximab tesirine has significant value in the treatment of DLBCL, [particularly for those] with severe neuropathy, those who may not tolerate CAR T-cell therapy, or those you may think will need treatment relatively quickly.
[Next steps for loncastuximab tesirine include] delineating the activity as a single agent, which will be important. Single-agent activity promises the potential for combination, and this is something that I think will be studied in the near future to see whether we can elicit further activity by using combinations with other new agents, particularly targeted ones. Also, for loncastuximab tesirine in general, as weve seen with other anti-CD19 with CAR T-cell therapies, the potential for activity in other lymphoma and B-cell lymphoma subtypes is significant. Further examination of its role for patients with mantle cell lymphoma [in combination with ibrutinib (Imbruvica) in a phase 1/2 trial (NCT03684694)] and follicular lymphoma will be relevant.
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The Mouth-Body Connection: This Dentist Is Breaking Down The Wall Between Medicine And Dentistry – Forbes
Posted: at 5:37 am
With over 35 years of experience in the industry, Dr. Gerry Curatola's aims to bring down the wall ... [+] between medicine and dentistry by taking a holistic approach to health.
Who do you see more in a year, your family physician or your dentist? Most people see their dentist on a more regular basis than they see their medical doctor, says Dr. Gerry Curatola, a biologic restorative dentist and founder of Rejuvenation Dentistry, a network of wellness-focused dental practices based in New York. The dentist has certainly witnessed this over the past year, as the pandemic has caused a surge in dental visits. We have seen an explosion of gum disease and tooth decay, just from the wearing of masks, Dr. Curatola tells Forbes. The heightened stress has caused grinding, clenching and chipped teeth too, and an imbalance of bacteria in the mouth, according to the dentist.
Dentists like Dr. Gerry Curatola have seen an increase in the prevalence of dental visits during the ... [+] pandemic.
Clearly there is a connection between oral health and overall well-being. Its why Dr. Curatola believes dental visits are a missed opportunity for checking in on peoples health beyond the state of their mouths. Dentists should be on the frontline for screening of major health problems, Dr. Curatola tells Forbes. We need to bring dentistry, medicine and wellness together to treat the whole patient. The dentist is leading the way in a more holistic approach, not only to treating oral issues, but to healing the entire body.
Dentists should be on the frontline for screening of major health problems, Dr. Gerry Curatola ... [+] tells Forbes.
With the pandemic bringing immune health into the spotlight, Dr. Curatola is optimistic that people are waking up to the importance of maintaining a healthy oral microbiome. Our oral health is intrinsically connected to the ability of your immune system to function optimally, the dentist says, referencing several studies confirming the link between gum disease and the severity and incidence of COVID-19. Describing the bacteria in our mouths as a coral reef protecting an island, Dr. Curatola says, when theyre unhappy, they de-regulate the immune system, making you prone to all kinds of diseases.
Oral health is intrinsically linked to the functioning of the immune system, according to Dr. Gerry ... [+] Curatola.
With 85-90% of infectious diseasesfrom tuberculosisto diabetes to leukemiahaving manifestations in the mouth, Dr. Curatola says the oral microbiome is not to be overlooked. The six to ten billion bacteria in the mouth do everything from protecting us from illness to aiding in digestion, according to the dentist. While good bacteria tends to get pitted against bad bacteria, Dr. Curatola insists our health is influenced more by the balance of flora in the mouth. Its all about the environment; the terrain, says the dentist. As naturopathic doctors say, its not about the seed, its really about the soil.
Dr. Gerry Curatola stresses the importance of maintaining a balance of good and bad bacteria in the ... [+] mouth.
Its this lack of education around bacteria in the mouth that fuels the misunderstanding that gum diseasea condition that Dr. Curatola says currently affects upwards of 80% of the U.S. populationis caused by bad bacteria, when in reality, its the result of a microbiome imbalance. The same bacteria that cause gum disease in the mouth are benign and even beneficial in a balanced terrain, explains the dentist. Bad bacteria in the mouth are actually resident bacteria in an imbalanced terrain, they flip a switch and become bad bacteria, expressing themselves as pathogens. Rather than eliminate bad bacteria in the mouth, the dentist encourages fostering balance to maintain overall health.
First developed by soap manufacturers, traditional toothpaste aims to kill all germs on contact, ... [+] rather than promote a balanced oral microbiome.
But this has been far from the mainstream approach. The philosophy in oral care has been this scorched earth policy of killing everything, critiques Dr. Curatola. With origins in the detergent industry, toothpaste was first developed by soap manufacturers, explains the dentist. Fifty years ago we thought it was a good idea to kill all bacteria, he says. While alternative natural toothpastes have since proliferated the market, they often contain sugar alcohols and essential oils, ingredients that Dr. Curatola warns disrupt the balance of bacteria in the mouth too. Frustrated with the prevailing killing all germs on contact approach, he created his own vitamin-packed prebiotic toothpasteRevitinfifteen years ago, to help consumers maintain a balanced oral microbiome.
Dr. Gerry Curatola's best-selling book The Mouth-Body Connection.
Its this determination to shift the way people think about oral care that impelled him to write The Mouth-Body Connection too. The best-selling book provides a 28-day program to keeping the oral microbiomeand by extension, the bodybalanced, with a four-step approach that includes cleaning out the medicine cabinet, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, exercising and reducing stress. I wrote my book because I want people to understand the mouth is a gateway, but its also a mirror for things that are going on in other parts of the body, the author tells Forbes.
Dr. Gerry Curatola developed the prebiotic Revitin toothpaste 15 years ago to counter the "scorched ... [+] earth policy of killing everything" that dominates dentistry.
Describing himself as a wellness doctor who is a dentist-by-training, Dr. Curatolas holistic approach to oral care is explained by his diverse background. While the dentist studied complementary medicine at Harvard Medical School in the 1990s, it was his later exposure to biologic medicine in Germany and Switzerland that would plant the seeds to his alternative practice. The first thing that they look at when someone has cancer or a serious autoimmune disease is whats going on in the mouth, Dr. Curatola says, describing the whole-body approach he witnessed in Europe.
Dr. Gerry Curatola's alternative approach is influenced by the biologic medicine approach he ... [+] witnessed in Switzerland and Germany.
Rather than take a one-size-fits-all approach to treating an illness, biologic medicine believes there are, what Dr. Curatola describes as, five layers of healing in the human body: biologic, biochemical, energetic, psycho-emotional and spiritual. The biologic focuses on balancing the bacteria in the body while the biochemical considers hormonal imbalances. The third layer examines the energy balance of the body, including meridian lines, which Dr. Curatola says, run from the teeth to every organ system in the body.
The last two layers of healingpsycho-emotional and spiritualare focused on our mental health. I find myself counselling patients as they open up in the dental chair, says Dr. Curatola. There are psycho-emotional issues that people have that prevent them from getting well. The spiritwhat Dr. Curatola says is referred to as Prana in Ayurvedic medicine and Chi in Traditional Chinese Medicineplays an essential role in healing too.
We need to bring dentistry, medicine and wellness together to treat the whole patient, says Dr. ... [+] Gerry Curatola, founder of Rejuvenation Health, a wellness center in East Hampton, New York.
For a good part of my practice, I focused on the first two, the dentist tells Forbes. After 35 years in clinical practice, Dr. Curatola is now embracing all five with the latest incarnation of his holistic approach to oral careRejuvenation Health, a wellness center in East Hampton, New York. Dentistry has been divorced from medicine for over 150 years, and Im trying to bring the wall down, says Dr. Curatola. Thats why I created this center, Rejuvenation Health.
Rejuvenation Health's diverse team of health providers offers a holistic treatment plan based on the ... [+] specific needs of the patient.
Guided by the biologic medicine philosophy, the programming at Rejuvenation Health utilizes a wide variety of disciplines to promote balance in the mouth and body. The center offers advanced dental proceduresfrom traditional root canals to bespoke custom veneers to TMJ joint therapybut wellness treatments too, such as reiki, acupuncture, intravenous (IV) therapy, nutritional counselling and weight loss programs.
From reiki to intravenous (IV) therapyprogramming at Rejuvenation Health is diverse, keeping in ... [+] line with the holistic approach of biologic medicine.
More innovative offerings include EMsculpt, a physiotherapy that enhances the core musculature and improves posture and performance, and FLOWpresso, a spacesuit that uses infrared waves to encourage lymphatic drainage. It takes patients out of fight-or-flight mode and it puts them into this relaxed, parasympathetic mode of their nervous system, explains Dr. Curatola. Within thirty minutes many of them are sleeping like a baby. The dentist is the only practitioner offering this service on the East Coast.
Rejuvenation Health is the only center offering FLOWpressoa unique lymphatic drainage treatmenton ... [+] the East Coast.
Anticipating a busy summer ahead, Dr. Curatola looks forward to continuously expanding the treatments available. Im very excited about the meditation programs that are coming, he says. I think theyre the perfect icing on the cake for all the other collaborative services we offer. The dentist also talks enthusiastically about a master health wellness series in the works for August that will incorporate all the doctors associated with the center. Well be doing these evening classes to help empower and educate people on how they can take better care of themselves in a more holistic fashion, he says.
Rejuvenation Health continues to innovate with meditation programming in the works for the summer ... [+] ahead.
Such a wellness series would certainly be holistic given the diversity of expertise represented at Rejuvenation Health. From naturopaths to medical doctors to nutritionists, patients have a multi-disciplinary support team at their disposal. Its such a wonderful, collaborative environment where the patient partners with all of us, describes Dr. Curatola. And I say partners with us because it takes a village; it takes people partnering together in a collaborative ways to really restore them. The wellness doctor hopes visitors leave the center with an enlightened understanding of the mouth-body connection; of how it all works together in mind, body and spirit, he says, before pausing to laugh, or I should say mouth, body and spirit.
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