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Global Right-Wing Extremism Networks Are Growing. The U.S. Is Just Now Catching Up. – ProPublica

Posted: January 27, 2021 at 5:25 pm

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During the past two years, U.S. counterterrorism officials held meetings with their European counterparts to discuss an emerging threat: right-wing terror groups becoming increasingly global in their reach.

American neo-Nazis were traveling to train and fight with militias in the Ukraine. There were suspected links between U.S. extremists and the Russian Imperial Movement, a white supremacist group that was training foreigners in its St. Petersburg compounds. A gunman accused of killing 23 people at an El Paso Walmart in 2019 had denounced a Hispanic invasion and praised a white supremacist who killed 51 people at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and who had been inspired by violent American and Italian racists.

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But the efforts to improve transatlantic cooperation against the threat ran into a recurring obstacle. During talks and communications, senior Trump administration officials steadfastly refused to use the term right-wing terrorism, causing disputes and confusion with the Europeans, who routinely use the phrase, current and former European and U.S. officials told ProPublica. Instead, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security referred to racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism, while the State Department chose racially or ethnically motivated terrorism.

We did have problems with the Europeans, one national security official said. They call it right-wing terrorism and they were angry that we didnt. There was a real aversion to using that term on the U.S. side. The aversion came from political appointees in the Trump administration. We very quickly realized that if people talked about right-wing terrorism, it was a nonstarter with them.

The U.S. response to the globalization of the far-right threat has been slow, scattered and politicized, U.S. and European counterterrorism veterans and experts say. Whistleblowers and other critics have accused DHS leaders of downplaying the threat of white supremacy and slashing a unit dedicated to fighting domestic extremism. DHS has denied those accusations.

In 2019, a top FBI official told Congress the agency devoted only about 20% of its counterterrorism resources to the domestic threat. Nonetheless, some FBI field offices focus primarily on domestic terrorism.

Former counterterrorism officials said the presidents politics made their job harder. The disagreement over what to call the extremists was part of a larger concern about whether the administration was committed to fighting the threat.

The rhetoric at the White House, anybody watching the rhetoric of the president, this was discouraging people in government from speaking out, said Jason Blazakis, who ran a State Department counterterrorism unit from 2008 to 2018. The president and his minions were focused on other threats.

Other former officials disagreed. Federal agencies avoided the term right-wing terrorism because they didnt want to give extremists legitimacy by placing them on the political spectrum, or to fuel the United States intense polarization, said Christopher K. Harnisch, the former deputy coordinator for countering violent extremism in the State Departments counterterrorism bureau. Some causes espoused by white supremacists, such as using violence to protect the environment, are not regarded as traditionally right-wing ideology, said Harnisch, who stepped down this week.

The most important point is that the Europeans and the U.S. were talking about the same people, he said. It hasnt hindered our cooperation at all.

As for the wider criticism of the Trump administration, Harnisch said: In our work at the State Department, we never faced one scintilla of opposition from the White House about taking on white supremacy. I can tell you that the White House was entirely supportive.

The State Department focused mostly on foreign extremist movements, but it examined some of their links to U.S. groups as well.

There was clearly progress on some fronts. The State Department took a historic step in April by designating the Russian Imperial Movement and three of its leaders as terrorists, saying that the groups trainees included Swedish extremists who carried out bombing attacks on refugees. It was the first such U.S. designation of a far-right terrorist group.

With Trump now out of office, Europeans and Americans expect improved cooperation against right-wing terrorists. Like the Islamist threat, it is becoming clear that the far-right threat is international. In December, a French computer programmer committed suicide after giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to U.S. extremist causes. The recipients included a neo-Nazi news website. Federal agencies are investigating, but it is not yet clear whether anything about the transaction was illegal, officials said.

Its like a transatlantic thing now, said a European counterterror chief, describing American conspiracy theories that surface in the chatter he tracks. Europe is taking ideology from U.S. groups and vice versa.

International alliances make extremist groups more dangerous, but also create vulnerabilities that law enforcement could exploit.

Laws in Europe and Canada allow authorities to outlaw domestic extremist groups and conduct aggressive surveillance of suspected members. America's civil liberties laws, which trace to the Constitution's guarantee of free speech spelled out in the First Amendment, are far less expansive. The FBI and other agencies have considerably more authority to investigate U.S. individuals and groups if they develop ties with foreign terror organizations. So far, those legal tools have gone largely unused in relation to right-wing extremism, experts say.

To catch up to the fast-spreading threat at home and abroad, Blazakis said, the U.S. should designate more foreign organizations as terrorist entities, especially ones that allied nations have already outlawed.

A recent case reflects the kind of strategy Blazakis and others have in mind. During the riots in May after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, FBI agents got a tip that two members of the anti-government movement known as the Boogaloo Bois had armed themselves, according to court papers. The suspects were talking about killing police officers and attacking a National Guard armory to steal heavy weapons, the court papers allege. The FBI deployed an undercover informant who posed as a member of Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group, and offered to help the suspects obtain explosives and training. After the suspects started talking about a plot to attack a courthouse, agents arrested them, according to the court papers. In September, prosecutors filed charges of conspiring and attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, which can bring a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. One of the defendants pleaded guilty last month. The other still faces charges.

If the U.S. intelligence community starts using its vast resources to gather information on right-wing movements in other countries, it will find more linkages to groups in the United States, Blazakis and other experts predicted. Rather than resorting to a sting, authorities could charge American extremists for engaging in propaganda activity, financing, training or participating in other actions with foreign counterparts.

A crackdown would bring risks, however. After the assault on the Capitol, calls for bringing tougher laws and tactics to bear against suspected domestic extremists revived fears about civil liberties similar to those raised by Muslim and human rights organizations during the Bush administrations war on terror. An excessive response could give the impression that authorities are criminalizing political views, which could worsen radicalization among right-wing groups and individuals for whom suspicion of government is a core tenet.

You will hit a brick wall of privacy and civil liberties concerns very quickly, said Seamus Hughes, a former counterterrorism official who is now deputy director of the Program on Extremism at George Washington University. He said the federal response should avoid feeding into the already existing grievance of government overreach. The goal should be marginalization.

In recent years, civil liberties groups have warned against responding to the rise in domestic extremism with harsh new laws.

Some lawmakers are rushing to give law enforcement agencies harmful additional powers and creating new crimes, wrote Hina Shamsi, the director of the ACLUs national security project, in a statement by the organization about congressional hearings on the issue in 2019. That approach ignores the way power, racism, and national security laws work in America. It will harm the communities of color that white supremacist violence targets and undermine the constitutional rights that protect all of us.

There is also an understandable structural problem. Since the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, intelligence and law enforcement agencies have dedicated themselves to the relentless pursuit of al-Qaida, the Islamic State, Iran and other Islamist foes.

Now the counterterrorism apparatus has to shift its aim to a new menace, one that is more opaque and diffuse than Islamist networks, experts said.

It will be like turning around an aircraft carrier, said Blazakis, the former State Department counterterrorism official, who is now a professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.

The U.S. government is super slow to pivot to new threats, Blazakis said. There is a reluctance to shift resources to new targets. And there was a politicization of intelligence during the Trump administration. There was a fear to speak out.

Despite periodic resistance and generalized disorder in the Trump administration, some agencies advanced on their own, officials said. European counterterror officials say the FBI has become increasingly active in sharing and requesting intelligence about right-wing extremists overseas.

A European counterterror chief described recent conversations with U.S. agents about Americans attending neo-Nazi rallies and concerts in Europe and traveling to join the Azov Battalion, an ultranationalist Ukrainian militia fighting Russian-backed separatists. About 17,000 fighters from 50 countries, including at least 35 Americans, have traveled to the Ukrainian conflict zone, where they join units on both sides, according to one study. The fighting in the Donbass region offers them training, combat experience, international contacts and a sense of themselves as warriors, a theater reminiscent of Syria or Afghanistan for jihadis.

The far right was not a priority for a long time, the European counterterror chief said. Now they are saying its a real threat for all our societies. Now they are seeing we have to handle it like Islamic terrorism. Now that we are sharing and we have a bigger picture, we see its really international, not domestic.

The assault on Congress signaled the start of a new era, experts said. The convergence of a mix of extremist groups and activists solidified the idea that the far-right threat has overtaken the Islamist threat in the United States, and that the government has to change policies and shift resources accordingly. Experts predict that the Biden administration will make global right-wing extremism a top counterterrorism priority.

This is on the rise and has gotten from nowhere on the radar to very intense in a couple of years, a U.S. national security official said. It is hard to see how it doesnt continue. It will be a lot easier for U.S. officials to get concerned where there is a strong U.S. angle.

A previous spike in domestic terrorism took place in the 1990s, an era of violent clashes between U.S. law enforcement agencies and extremists. In 1992, an FBI sniper gunned down the wife of a white supremacist during an armed standoff in Ruby Ridge, Idaho. The next year, four federal agents died in a raid on heavily armed members of a cult in Waco, Texas; the ensuing standoff at the compound ended in a fire that killed 76 people.Both sieges played a role in the radicalization of the anti-government terrorists who blew up the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995, killing 168 people, including children in a day care center for federal employees. Oklahoma City remains the deadliest terrorist act on U.S. soil aside from the Sept. 11 attacks.

The rise of al-Qaida in 2001 transformed the counterterrorism landscape, spawning new laws and government agencies and a worldwide campaign by intelligence agencies, law enforcement and the military. Despite subsequent plots and occasionally successful attacks involving one or two militants, stronger U.S. defenses and limited radicalization among American Muslims prevented Islamist networks from hitting the United States with the kind of well-trained, remotely directed teams that carried out mass casualty strikes in London in 2005, Mumbai in 2008 and Paris in 2015.

During the past decade, domestic terrorism surged in the United States. Some of the activity was on the political left, such as the gunman who opened fire at a baseball field in Virginia in 2017. The attack critically wounded Rep. Steve Scalise, a Republican legislator from Louisiana who was the House Majority whip, as well as a Capitol Police officer guarding him and four others.

But many indicators show that far-right extremism is deadlier. Right-wing attacks and plots accounted for the majority of all terrorist incidents in the country between 1994 and 2020, according to a study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The Anti-Defamation League reported in 2018 that right-wing terrorists were responsible for more than three times as many deaths as Islamists during the previous decade.

There have been more arrests and deaths in the United States caused by domestic terrorists than international terrorists in recent years, said Michael McGarrity, then the counterterrorism chief of the FBI, in congressional testimony in 2019. Individuals affiliated with racially-motivated violent extremism are responsible for the most lethal and violent activity.

During the same testimony, McGarrity said the FBI dedicated only about 20% of its counterterrorism resources to the domestic threat. The imbalance, experts say, was partly a lingering result of the global offensive by the Islamic State, whose power peaked in the middle of the decade. Another reason: Laws and rules instituted in the 1970s after FBI spying scandals make it much harder to monitor, investigate and prosecute Americans suspected of domestic extremism.

Critics say the Trump administration was reluctant to take on right-wing extremism. The former president set the tone with his public statements about the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, they say, and with his call last year telling the far-right Proud Boys group to stand back and stand by.

Still, various agencies increased their focus on the issue because of a drumbeat of attacks at home notably the murders of 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018 and overseas. The Christchurch massacre of worshippers at mosques in New Zealand in March 2019 caught the attention of American officials. It was a portrait of the globalization of right-wing terrorism.

Brenton Tarrant, the 29-year-old Australian who livestreamed his attack, had traveled extensively in Europe, visiting sites he saw as part of a struggle between Christianity and Islam. In his manifesto, he cited the writings of a French ideologue and of Dylann Roof, an American who killed nine people at a predominantly Black church in South Carolina in 2015. While driving to the mosques, Tarrant played an ode to Serbian nationalist fighters of the Balkan wars on his car radio. And he carried an assault rifle on which he had scrawled the name of an Italian gunman who had shot African immigrants in a rampage the year before.

Christchurch was part of a wave of violent incidents worldwide, the perpetrators of which were part of similar transnational online communities and took inspiration from one another, said a report last year by Europol, an agency that coordinates law enforcement across Europe. The report described English as the lingua franca of a transnational right-wing extremist community.

With its long tradition of political terrorism on both extremes, Europe has also suffered a spike in right-wing violence. Much of it is a backlash to immigration in general and Muslim communities in particular. Responding to assassinations of politicians and other attacks, Germany and the United Kingdom have outlawed several organizations.

Closer to home, Canada has banned two neo-Nazi groups, Blood and Honour and Combat 18, making it possible to charge people for even possessing their paraphernalia or attending their events. Concerts and sales of video games, T-shirts and other items have become a prime source of international financing for right-wing movements, the European counterterror chief said.

During the past two years, officials at the FBI, DHS, State Department and other agencies tried to capitalize on the deeper expertise of European governments and improve transatlantic cooperation against right-wing extremism. Legal and cultural differences complicated the process, American and European officials said. A lack of order and cohesion in the U.S. national security community was another factor, they said.

There was so little organization to the U.S. counterterrorism community that everybody decided for themselves what they would do, a U.S. national security official said. It was not the type of centrally controlled effort that would happen in other administrations.

As a result, the U.S. government has sometimes been slow to respond to European requests for legal assistance and information-sharing about far-right extremism, said Eric Rosand, who served as a State Department counterterrorism official during the Obama administration.

U.S.-European cooperation on addressing white supremacist and other far-right terrorism has been ad hoc and hobbled by a disjointed and inconsistent U.S. government approach, Rosand said.

The semantic differences about what to call the threat didn't help, according to Rosand and other critics. They say the Trump administration was averse to using the phrase right-wing terrorism because some groups on that part of the ideological spectrum supported the president.

It highlights the disconnect, Rosand said. They were saying they didnt want to suggest the terrorism is linked to politics. They didnt want to politicize it. But if you dont call it what it is because of concerns of how it might play with certain political consistencies, that politicizes it.

Harnisch, the former deputy coordinator at the State Department counterterrorism bureau, rejected the criticism. He said cooperation with Europeans on the issue was relatively nascent, but that there had been concrete achievements.

I think we laid a strong foundation, and I think the Biden administration will build on it, Harnisch said. From my perspective, we made significant progress on this threat within the Trump administration.

Originally posted here:

Global Right-Wing Extremism Networks Are Growing. The U.S. Is Just Now Catching Up. - ProPublica

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City-owned facilities being looked at for vaccination centres as part of province’s distribution plan – Edmonton Journal

Posted: at 5:25 pm

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Corbould said although active case numbers are dropping in Edmonton, the current provincial restrictions in place will likely remain in place until the strain on the health-care system has been reduced further. When the rules are lifted and recreation centres can reopen, Corbould said it will take between one and seven weeks to prepare and bring back staff.

It seems we have passed the peak in active cases for the second wave. We may have turned a corner, but we are not out of the woods yet, he said. Recent data shows the trend for active number of cases, hospitalizations and ICU admissions is tracking in the right direction, but theyre still too high.

Mayor Don Iveson raised concerns about rallies flouting the rules and called for strict enforcement of provincial health orders around gatherings and distancing.

Rallies of anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers and alt-right hate groups, continuing to gather and have mini-festivals of their own, are really starting to vex Edmontonians including myself, Iveson said. I am hearing more and more frustration from Edmontonians about the enforcement approach.

Police have issued 102 fines under the public health act throughout the pandemic. So far in January, the city issued 58 tickets for violation of the mandatory mask bylaw, with an associated $100 fine, and 12 fines for $1,200 under provincial orders.

Council is scheduled to receive the next COVID-19 update Feb. 10.

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City-owned facilities being looked at for vaccination centres as part of province's distribution plan - Edmonton Journal

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3 Observations About Culture, Politics, and Social Media Radicalization in the Post-Trump Era – artnet News

Posted: at 5:25 pm

Here are three observations about culture and politics as viewed through the prism of the last days of the Trump administration and the first days of the Biden one.

Everyone is making media at all times, CNN reporter Elle Reeve reported of January 6 capital siege. Its crazy. Its like, Were you there if you didnt livestream it? And theyre all hoping for that viral moment that will give them more clout on social media.

The commitment to postingeven though this particular viral moment would ultimately provide authorities ways to track down the riotersshows the degree to which politics has been recoded, in the Trump Galaxy Brain, as some kind of media project. Politics is downstream from culture, Andrew Breitbart, founder of the eponymous hard-right web outlet, once said.

Supporters of US President Donald Trump enter the Capitol as tear gas fills the corridor on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images.)

You dont need an army of content-creating goons to have reactionary violence in the United States, of course. Reactionary mob violence, against the Indigenous and minorities, against the poor and the working class, has been an aspect of life in this country since before the creation of the Republic.

But whats become apparent to me is that the dynamics of the networked DIY media economy are particularly catalytic to reaction, in ways I havent heard talked about. Not just because it is an efficientvehicle for spreading unvetted misinformation, though this is true. Nor because it creates filter bubbles or incentivizes mob mentality, though this is also true.

After four years, everyone should know that the deepest reservoir upon which the Trump base drew was not the white working class, but the white petit bourgeoisie. Its a lot of small business owners.

The social media-ization of everything has added to that layer in a particular way. Social mobility may have declined in the United States, inequality has certainlysoared, debt has ballooned, and physical infrastructure is crumblingbut media has gotten easier and easier to access and consume. This expanding cornucopia of tech and entertainment has served as a compensatory narrative of progress and advancement for an empire in decline. The future seems more and more constrained, materially, but, on the flip side, you are freer and freer to build your own virtual worlds and get lost in them.

Supporters of US President Donald Trump enter the US Capitols Rotunda on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images.)

The promise of viral fame has also provided a new-model rags-to-riches story to keep gas in the tank of Americas myth of itself as a middle-class nation of self-defined, self-made people, despite the pervasive sense of narrowing opportunity (even as Big Tech consolidated its monopolies). Whether you are an independent journalist looking to Substack, a sex worker on OnlyFans looking to survive the pandemic via a paying fanbase, or a QAnon wingnut decoding breadcrumbs and monetizing the resulting notoriety via T-shirts and Trump merch, the recent past has held out the individual internet hustle as the path to some form of stable autonomy.

In her great book,Labor in the Global Digital Economy, theorist Ursula Huws makes the point that online attention economies are built around begging and bragging, creating systematic psychic stresses. There is, she writes, a cumulative battering of the ego that cannot be good for anyones self-respect even for those who (by definition a minority) emerge from the process as winners most of the time.

After the Capitol assault, the New YorkTimes wrote of participants that a number of the feeds we reviewed suggested that those whod made a sharp pivot to sharing misinformation were similar in their desire to cultivate a public persona. The protesters the Times interviewed

shared an entrepreneurial streak. They expressed a desire for connection with others and sought to achieve it online. But their attempts at conventional influencing (via modeling, reality television, running a small business and sharing motivational content) brought only modest attention.

Until, that is, they found an audience in extreme conspiracies, and a plausible route to the micro-influencer fame that was otherwise out of reach. Jake Angeli, the QAnon Shaman who became the face of the Capitol attack, is similarly a failed actor and web spirituality entrepreneur. Scotty the Kid, who single-handedly built last years Save the Children rallies, is a failed model and rapper (specifically rapping about BitCoin.)

The squeezed small-business-owner class has been, classically, considered the popular base for fascism. Official ideology privileges and glamorizes the dream of economic independence, yet small proprietors are slammed by competition, atomized, and relatively powerless. Thenetworked web economy specifically holdsout a dream of glamorous independence and celebrity inflated way beyond its ability to deliver to large numbers of people, creating a substantial and volatile base of thwarted small-media entrepreneurs looking for salvation.

This idea of digital medias role inthe fix we are in may make it seem that the unprecedented, coordinated action by Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Stripe, and more to deplatform both Trump and his more extreme fans in the last weeks can only be a positive development.

In the wake of the bans, everyone is now waiting to see what effects they might have beyond serving as a kind of temporary emergency brake that has been pulled.

Supporters of US President Donald Trump enter the US Capitols Rotunda on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images.)

But, actually, most experts already agree what will happen.

Bottom line is that de-platforming, especially at the scale that occurred last week, rapidly curbs momentum and ability to reach new audiences, Graham Brookie of the Digital Forensic Research Lab told the Washington Post. That said, it also has the tendency to harden the views of those already engaged in the spread of that type of false information.

And those who are already engaged, keep in mind, are literally millions of people at this point. For those committed to sharing Stop the Steal memes, the coordinated action of Big Tech was further evidence of a diabolical scheme against them and against Americawhich is the very sense that created the conditions of reaction in the first place. Way back when Trump was first running in 2016, RAND found that how you answered the question do you feel voiceless? was the best predictor of his support among Republicansbetter than age, race, college attainment, income, or attitudes towards immigrants or Muslims.

So, peace in the information sphere is bought at the price of further extremism, probably on a large scale.

Make no mistake, the loss of internet platforms is a huge blow for the right-wing culture warriors and internet conspiracy addicts, disorganizing, demoralizing, and dispossessing them. But there were, after all, much more sinister groups in attendance at the Capitol, dedicated to forms of militia actionIRL war instead of just the meme war. Theyve been prepping for years for a showdown and are actively looking to recruit.

Its easy to imagine that, in turning off the online attention spigot, you have not only radicalized a sense of grievance on the level of belief but also redirected a lot of thwarted energy towards groups more dedicated to the non-virtual world as the center of the action.

Marchers parade past an Apple Store in San Francisco, protesting Apple Incs profits held in tax exempt overseas accounts in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images.)

On the other side of the radicalization funnel, Big Tech absolutely does have way too much control over peoples livesthat is hardly a sense that only ultra-reactionaries share. There is a huge, unfocused mass of anger at tech that goes beyond political affiliation. Just as vaccine skepticism that crosses class and demographic lines has been a conduit into broad right-wing growth during COVID, this general angst opens dangerous pathways of solidarity.

We risk allowing righteous resentment at techwhich is only going to grow as more and more as people see these platforms as the last avenue of social advancementto be tangled up and channeled into the racist, xenophobic, chauvinistic narrative of those who are the most evident target of the ban and the loudest voices against it.

As Doug Henwood pointed out recently on the Behind the News podcast, the giants of Platform Capitalism today seem to be playing the same role in the public discourse as the railroads did in the late 19th century. Rail let small farmers get their goods to market, but also put them at the mercy of giant monopolies, stoking resentment. Now, social media behemoths control access to an audience, to visibility, to careers, to community, and so on, stoking resentment.

Ryan Walker, I Saw the Farmer and the Consumer and they who come between (1902).

It was in the broad revolt against the 19th-century rail monopolies that a term was born so potent that it endures in our political lexicon: Populism. It started out as a left-wing movement of radical democracy and redistribution of wealth, but has been channeled into right-wing strong-man anti-elite politics.

It matters a lot who captures the resentment generated by the real injustices of corporate domination over communication. It is very bad if people preaching an apocalyptic gospel are the ones who speak for it.

The Social Dilemma, last years blockbuster middlebrow clickbait documentary on the horrors of social media, contains a scene that is meant as a parable for what social media is doing to the kids. We are shown how phone-addled suburban teens are impelled by the sinister forces behind their screens to participate in a violent street protest, ending up in cuffs.

Press image from The Social Dilemma. (Image courtesy Netflix.)

The documentary, however, specifically refuses to show what the protest is all about. The problem at hand, the implication is, is neither left- nor right-wing extremism, just extreme opinions, generically. As if that term could be defined non-ideologically.(To symbolize the docs all-sided criticism, the signs you see at the protest tout the Extreme Centerprobably not referring to Tariq Alis book of the same namecritiquing technocratic liberalisms role in paving the way for right-wing populism.)

Im sympathetic to the idea that the profit models and practices of social media capital are having socially corrosive effects. But, in general, I think that the Trump-era pundit obsession with trying to combat the growing right at the level of technology has too often ended up being about looking for a technical fix for deep-seated social problems that have developed over years of social erosionand this is dangerous.

An example of this perspective came in last years blockbuster Rabbit Hole podcast from the New York Times, which also set out to show how social media was a radicalization tool drawing people into conspiracies. The funny thing, however, was that its star example was Caleb Cain, described as a lonely young man, raised amid the decline of postindustrial Appalachia, failing to find a place for himself at college, then finding himself working aimlessly at a series of jobsDairy Queen, packing boxes at a furniture warehousewithout much of a sense of self-worth or future prospect.

From this life situation, this young man who started out as an Obama supporter discovers YouTube self-help content to fill his empty nights. This leads him to the mens-rights content that leads him to the so-called alt-light content that leads him to dipping into the deeper waters of white nationalist content.

But by the time the Times talked to him, Cain had been both successfully radicalized and then deradicalized on YouTube. At some point, he found his way to videos where his alt-right heroes debated more left-wing ideas, put out by BreadTube, a group of self-consciously ideological anarchists, democratic socialists, Marxists consciously out to engage with reactionary online entrepreneurs and counter them on their own turf.

There is actually a kind of vindication of the importance of effective intellectual engagement in hearing how Cain is won away from the abyss by watching his favorite alt-right YouTube stars get owned by online lefties rolling up their digital sleeves to engage with their arguments and offer alternate explanations for the alienation and demoralization of his actual lived condition.

Caleb Cain, aka Faraday Speaks, analyzing a Stop the Steal rally on YouTube.

Nevertheless, podcast host Kevin Roose strangely takes a totally other lesson away from this parable. Towards the end of his profile, he reveals that Cain himself has started a YouTube channel, Faraday Speaks, where he tries to use his experience to reach people like him who might be attracted to the nastier ideas he had found himself dabbling in. Seems great to me! But here is how Roose engages with Cain:

I guess what I am sort of wondering is that it seems like, you know, you went pretty far down this alt-right rabbit hole. You didnt get to the bottom maybe, but really close. And then you kind of found this path to this other part of YouTube that works kind of the same way, but with just a different ideology, and got sucked pretty far down into that by some of the same algorithms and the same forces that had pulled you into the alt-right. And I guess Im wondering if that makes you feel like the problem is still that you kind of are in the rabbit hole, but youre just in a different one. Youre still susceptible if the algorithm were to change in the future and lead you down some other path that was maybe more dangerous, that this could happen to you again.

You almost feel like Roose is about to say, Have you instead considered a subscription to the New York Times?

Figures including artist Joshua Citarella have been, for years, repeating the message that the best alternative to the right-wing online content funnel is creating self-consciously leftwing alternatives.And yet, faced with his own reporting showing actual case-study evidence that left-wing ideas helped pull Caleb Cain away from alt-right ideas, and Cains effort now to do the same for others, Rooses take on how to battle rising extremism is to tell him: stop doing that. (This Times Take, incidentally, very much fits Tariq Alis definition of an extreme center position.)

Rabbit Hole amounted to one long argument that YouTube, Facebook, et al. were derelict in their duties to stop societys far-right drift, and should be more forceful moderators. Well, now this demand has been fulfilled in the most dramatic possible way, albeit after it was almost too late.

My fear is that this focus on moderating away the problem is ultimately a substitute for having an ideology, for doing something about it or for even having to think about postindustrial Appalachia anymore or address the real social conditions that are drawing people like Cain towards reaction.

I cant say its not nice to have silence from Trumps Twitter. But its worrisome to me to think that now that the Great Muting has happened, everyoneor everyone whos comfortable enough to do sois just going to go back to not thinking about all that he represented, as if the level of chaos and social fragmentation that we have lived through were something you could just hit mute on. As if the movie doesnt still go on even though you cant hear whats going on.

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3 Observations About Culture, Politics, and Social Media Radicalization in the Post-Trump Era - artnet News

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Just How Many Texans Are in the Marvel Universe Now, Anyway? – Texas Monthly

Posted: at 5:25 pm

Its been two years since we first noted the surprise resurgence of Ethan Hawke. His name doesnt lend itself to a catchy, mellifluous sobriquet like the McConaissance, but the Austin actors career has taken a similar late-bloomer pivot. Thisthe Hawkeceleration? The Great Rehawkening?kicked off in earnest with 2017s First Reformed, a haunting performance that presaged Hawkes equally electrifying turn in Showtimes recent series The Good Lord Bird. Those projects, along with Hawkes 2018 directorial effort Blaze, seemed to neatly cleave his filmography into eras, separating his sensitive, soul-patched early years in films such as Reality Bites and Before Sunrise from the more scraggly and bold roles hes assayed here in middle age. Hawke has acquired a new aura of gravity, becoming a sought-after leading man. And last week, this Ethaniphany reached the true and inevitable apex of all modern acting careers: Hawke has finally been subsumed by the Marvel Universe, as all stars eventually must be.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Hawke has joined the upcoming Disney Plus series Moon Knight, for which Oscar Isaac is on board to play the titular superheroa mercenary millionaire who sufferers from multiple personalities and a slippery grasp on his identity, even beyond his superficial resemblance to Batman. And he will face his greatest threat in Hawkes as-yet-unidentified supervillain, whos been rumored to be everyone from Moon Knights archnemesis in the comics, Raul Bushman, to more supernatural beings like the redundantly named Werewolf by Night and even Count Dracula himself. Ultimately, it doesnt really matter which comics character Hawke is playing within the Disney-Marvel machine, which at this rate will eventually get around to casting them all.

In fact, Hawke is just the latest in a growing line of Texans who are already part of the Marvel Universe in some waymany of them also playing villains. In just the next couple of years, well see Jamie Foxxs Electro return for the latest Spider-installment, Woody Harrelsons Carnage in Venom 2, and Lovecraft Country breakout Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man 3. Theres also Lee Paces Ronan the Accuser, who popped up in both Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel. Weve also seen several Texans lending superheroes their mortal human support: Forest Whitaker in Black Panther, Tommy Lee Jones in Captain America: First Avenger, and soon, Owen Wilson in the Disney Plus series Loki. Thats a pretty decent percentagealthough, in a universe of characters thats scattered across dozens of films and TV series, its notable that not a single Texan has been cast as a superhero. It probably doesnt help that the only Marvel heroes we can really lay claim to are the Rangers, a silly, Southwestern spin on the Avengers led by a guy who makes tornadoes with his body. Theres also the Armadillo, a hideous armadillo-human hybrid whos prone to depression. But let this rediscovery of Ethan Hawke be the first step toward Marvel realizing that we, too, have range.

In the meantime, Texans have to console ourselves with playing smaller, more homegrown sorts of heroes, like the Depression-era Fort Worth football team the Masonic Home Mighty Mites, who are the subject of the forthcoming film 12 Mighty Orphans. Adapted from the book by legendary Texas sportswriter Jim Dent, it finds Dallass Luke Wilson stepping back in time and across the Metroplex to play Coach Rusty Russell, who led a group of scrappy, shoeless foundlings all the way to the Texas state championship game in 1940. Orphans was shot in late 2019 all around Fort Worth, Cleburne, and Weatherford to give it authenticity, and it got a dose of extra prestige with the addition of Martin Sheen and Robert Duvall, who reunited onscreen for the first time since 1979s Apocalypse Now. And this week, 12 Mighty Orphans received a major boost when it was picked up by Sony Pictures Classics, which plans to distribute it to audiences that could similarly use some uplift during so much uncertainty.

Given the climate, its possible were in for a rash of underdog sports movies in the coming months, as we attempt to vicariously recover some of our own all-American grit. In fact, one of them is literally titled American Underdog, and it, too, is a true-life football story: a biopic of NFL Hall of Famer Kurt Warner, chronicling his nigh-mythological rise from stocking shelves at a supermarket to becoming one of the sports most celebrated quarterbacks. Deadline reports that Houston native Dennis Quaid has signed on to the film starring Zachary Levi as Warner, with Quaid playing St. Louis Rams coach Dick Vermeil, who handed Warner the team in its 1999 season, then led him to a Super Bowl win. Strangely, this is Quaids second time playing a real-life football coachhe previously portrayed Syracuse Universitys Ben Schwartzwalder in 2008s The Express: The Ernie Davis Storyas well as his fourth football movie overall. Anyway, I dont really know what youre supposed to do with this information, but maybe its constancy will provide you a similar anchor in these turbulent times.

On the opposite end of uplifting American stories, Deadline reports that Don DeLillos JFK assassination novel Libra is being developed as a limited TV series by Spectrum, the cable operator that, like every other corporation, is now making a move into original programming. DeLillos 1988 book is a hybrid of historical fact and speculative fiction, reimagining the events that may have led to the presidents murder in Dallas, telling a surprisingly sympathetic (if still condemnatory) tale of Lee Harvey Oswalds life, and touching on the American obsession with conspiracy that still lingers. That said, its not immediately clear what would differentiate Libra from similar movie and TV retellings like JFK, or 11/22/63, or even that Quantum Leap episode in which Scott Bakula leaped into Oswalds body. The appeal of Libra was that it offered rich, interior lives for Oswald and others, something that doesnt always translate to the screen. Still, Libra remains one of DeLillos greatest works and the JFK assassination one of the most morbidly fascinating events in our history. We can probably stretch that out for another four episodes or so.

More explicitly fictional, yet no less traumatic, Elizabeth Wetmores debut novel Valentine hit the New York Times best-seller list last year, instantly enthralling a rapt and already uneasy pandemic audience with its gripping tale of a Mexican teenager who is found beaten and raped in a 1976 West Texas town. The book made such an auspicious splash, its no surprise that HBO has already picked up Valentine for a limited series adaptation through Salma Hayeks production banner. Although Valentine is set in a world of racist, roughneck oil men, its centered on a group of strong women whose lives are changed by the incident, offering a still-timely feminist critique that seems bound to attract the kind of Emmy-grabbing performers seen in the networks other literary adaptations of late, like Sharp Objects and Big Little Lies. And given that the book is inextricable from the big skies, unforgiving sun, and tumbleweeds of the Permian Basin, it seems a safe bet that at least some of it would be filmed there.

We have officially moved into awards season, even though Im pretty sure its still only late April, possibly May, or whatever name weve given to this endless day weve been living since the last awards season. In a year in which audiences were more captive than everyet most new movies were indefinitely delayed or dumped directly onto streaming networksagreeing on which films deserve our accolades will probably be a little more difficult than usual. But fortunately, the Critics Choice Awards kicked things off with some nice, easy nominations for the years best television, something we can all agree was plentiful and even occasionally pretty good, beyond just its ability to distract us from our phones. This years crop of nominees includes several Texans, with Metroplex native Jonathan Majors earning a best actor nod for his work in Lovecraft Country, Jacksonvilles own Margo Martindale up for best supporting actress for Mrs. America, and Burlesons Kelly Clarkson squaring off against Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers for best talk showneither of whom, it must be noted, had a digital audience of video torsos gyrating to a Vin Diesel song. Winners will be announced March 7, which was a couple of weeks ago or maybe tomorrow?

Our last week in Matthew McConaughey represented a rare stumble for an actor whos always ambled so confidently, even through an apocalyptic plague. After the cancellation of his anticipated return to prestige TV, and surrounded by a growing discomfort about his increasingly friendly attitudes toward, according to the Daily Beast, people who could be described as alt-right alt-right alt-right, it seemed the Greenlights author had finally seen a stop sign, or accidentally turned into a cul de sac. So you cant blame the guy for lying relatively low this week. McConaughey was all but invisible, andaccording to his wifes Instagrammostly spent the whole dang week playing with puppies. Camila Alves revealed that their family brought home two new rescue dogs just days apart, and perhaps because he has crating and house training and so many other things to keep him occupied, McConaughey himself has been more or less silent. In fact, his sole social media post this week found the man saying nothing, instead sitting pensively, notebook in hand and pen in mouth, under the cryptic caption trust.

Its not clear exactly what were trusting, or even whos meant to be doing it. Is this McConaugheys reminder to trust in himself and his process to lead him to another best-selling book, or even a masterfully completed shopping list? Or is he asking us to put our trust in Matthew McConaughey, to ignore all that recent scuttlebutt and renew our faith that McConaughey will always find time to drape himself in rumpled linen, gaze out at his enormous swimming pool, and dream up more motivational platitudes to inspire us? Or was he trying to type out Trust NO ONE, right before the CIA hauled him off? I dont know, man. Maybe we should just trust that theres yet more weeks in Matthew McConaughey to come.

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Just How Many Texans Are in the Marvel Universe Now, Anyway? - Texas Monthly

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Why the alt-right believes another American Revolution is coming – The Conversation AU

Posted: January 15, 2021 at 1:51 pm

The alt-right, QAnon, paramilitary and Donald Trump-supporting mob that stormed the US Capitol on January 6 claimed they were only doing what the so-called founding fathers of the US had done in 1776: overthrowing an illegitimate government that no longer represented them.

This was the start of what they called the second American Revolution.

This is why the Dont Tread on Me flag was visible in the chaos a symbol of resistance that dates back to the (first) American Revolution and was resurrected a decade ago by Republican Tea Party activists.

It is not hard to understand the appeal of this history to Trumps followers. The era of the founding fathers has always loomed large in the minds of most Americans. And stories about the past are, after all, how individuals, families, and communities small and large, make sense of themselves.

Yet, it is worth noting these recollections of the past are necessarily selective.

Alt-right extremists, following conservative politicians, have also drawn succour from the Constitution, particularly when it comes to their rights, such as the right to free speech and bear arms.

These and other rights were not actually enumerated in the original Constitution, but rather tacked on in the Bill of Rights a set of ten amendments passed to appease opponents of the Constitution and get it ratified.

These rights are fused together with the more vague yet unalienable rights enunciated in the 1776 Declaration of Independence chief among them being the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Read more: Why were the Capitol rioters so angry? Because they're scared of losing grip on their perverse idea of democracy

Drawing on philosopher John Lockes ideas, the Declaration of Independence proclaims we the people come together to form a government to protect these rights.

And crucial to Trump supporters today, it says,

whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.

This was the sentiment voiced on January 6 when pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol. They chanted This is our America and Whose house? Our house!

Trump himself encouraged this thinking when he told the crowd before they marched to the Capitol, Youll never take back our country with weakness.

The question is: who do Trump and, more broadly speaking, the alt-right think has taken the United States from them?

The answer is evident in how the alt-right imagines the past: their vision of history omits or callously ignores the fact their constitutional rights have come at the cost of the lives and rights of others.

Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence it was a self-evident truth that all men are created equal. Generations of enslaved and free Black activists and their allies have worked towards realising this goal.

Read more: Why the far-right and white supremecists have embraced the Middle Ages and their symbols

But for the founding fathers, and many of their white supremacist heirs, true citizens were exclusively white and male. A few years after penning the declaration, Jefferson denounced Black people as inferior. He owned hundreds of slaves. Even his own children, whom he fathered with Sally Hemings, were born into slavery.

Almost all of the founding fathers, in fact, were slaveholders or profited from the slave trade. Neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution freed any of the half million enslaved people in the new United States one-fifth of the population.

Rather, the Constitution purposefully entrenched the institution of slavery. By protecting the rights of slaveholders to pursue their happiness by holding on to their property, it doomed four more generations to enslavement.

By the start of the Civil War in 1861, there were 4 million people enslaved in the US.

The Constitution also gave the government the power to raise an army. After the American Revolution, this power was used time and again to wage a long genocidal war against Native Americans across the continent.

When enslaved and free Black people and their white abolitionist allies acted against slavery, slaveholders invoked the Revolution. They claimed they were undertaking Gods will to complete the work begun in 1776 of creating a free nation, and made slave-holding former President George Washington their hero.

It took an unprecedented and destructive Civil War to finally put an end to slavery, and another century or so for African Americans to achieve full rights as citizens in the United States. Every step of the way, they were contested and blocked by individuals, groups, states and judges who claimed they were upholding the principles of the Constitution.

Read more: Why is the Confederate flag so offensive?

It should be no surprise, then, the alt-right movement is invoking the same Revolution today.

After Barack Obamas presidency, Trump gave a voice to the grievances of his largely white supporters who feared they were being displaced in their own country.

And following the summer of the Black Lives Matter movement and Trumps baseless claims the 2020 election was stolen, the Capitol Hill insurrectionists firmly believed they had lost control of the United States. They were no longer the we the people in charge.

As in the past, they also had the support of prominent politicians beyond Trump. One of their supporters, the newly elected Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (who is also a QAnon supporter) declared before the January 6 move to block the certification of Joe Bidens presidential victory, This is our 1776 moment.

And Congressman Paul Gosar, a prominent Trump supporter, wrote an op-ed entitled Are we witnessing a coup detat? in which he advised followers to be ready to defend the Constitution and the White House.

It has never been entirely clear when exactly the United States was last great in the minds of Trump supporters wearing their Make America Great Again caps. It might be the Ronald Reagan presidency of the 1980s for some, or sometime prior to the civil rights, womens and gay liberation movements and the US defeat in Vietnam.

But theres no doubt as to when this mythical greatness started. The yearning for the founding era a time when slaveholders overthrew a government to protect their rights (including the right to hold people as property) is palpable.

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Decoding the Far-Right Symbols at the Capitol Riot – The New York Times

Posted: at 1:51 pm

Militiamen showed up proudly bearing the emblems of their groups American flags with the stars replaced by the Roman numeral III, patches that read Oath Keepers. Alt-right types wore Pepe the Frog masks, and QAnon adherents could be seen in T-shirts urging people to Trust the Plan. White supremacists brought their variant of the Crusader cross.

And then there were thousands of Trump supporters with MAGA gear flags, hats, T-shirts, thermoses, socks. One flag portrayed President Trump as Rambo; another featured him riding a Tyrannosaurus rex and carrying the kind of rocket-propelled grenade launcher seen on the streets of Mogadishu or Kandahar.

The iconography of the American far right was on display on Jan 6. during the violence at the Capitol. The dizzying array of symbols, slogans and images was, to many Americans, a striking aspect of the unrest, revealing an alternate political universe where violent extremists, outright racists and conspiracy theorists march side by side with evangelical Christians, suburban Trump supporters and young men who revel in making memes to own the libs.

Uniting them is a loyalty to Mr. Trump and a firm belief in his false and discredited insistence that the election was stolen. The absurdity of many images the patches that read Zombie Outbreak Response Team," for instance only masked a devotion that inspired hundreds from the crowd to mount a deadly attack on Congress.

Its often all a caricature it looks like military fan fiction until its not and it crosses a very dangerous line, said Joan Donovan, the research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Its funny until its scary, she said.

These are some of the groups and their insignia.

Out in force were right-wing militias like the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters, whose symbol, the Roman numeral III, could be seen on patches and flags. Both groups are anti-government, pro-guns and, nowadays, devoted to Mr. Trump.

Others on the right who share the militias anti-government views often signal their beliefs with the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner dating to the American Revolution with a rattlesnake and the phrase Dont Tread on Me. Dozens were waved at the Capitol last week.

And then there is the Confederate battle flag. A man carried the banner of secession and slavery through the halls of the Capitol on Jan. 6.

The Boogaloos marked themselves by wearing their signature Hawaiian shirts. A group of Proud Boys showed up in orange hats.

Both the Boogaloos and the Proud Boys include racists and anti-Semites, though the outright white supremacists tend to keep a lower profile. Some wear Crusader crosses or Germanic pagan imagery that has become popular on the racist and anti-Semitic fringes. Others have adopted the OK hand gesture as their own, seeing it as mimicking the letters W and P, for white power.

Pepe the Frog, the smirking cartoon amphibian that has become a widely recognized symbol of the alt-right crowd, was a common sight.

Also on display were the green-and-white flags of Kekistan, the fictional country that is home to the deity Kek. In the meme-driven culture of the alt-right, a satirical religion has sprouted up around Kek as a way to troll liberals and self-righteous conservatives, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups. He is a god of chaos and darkness, with the head of a frog, the source of their mimetic magic, to whom the alt-right and Donald Trump owe their success.

The flag is partly derived from the Nazi flag, a design that is treated as a provocative joke in alt-right circles.

This conspiracy theory falsely claims that there is a cabal of Democrats, deep-state bureaucrats and international financiers who use their power to rape and kill children, and that Mr. Trump was elected to vanquish them.

The canard is convoluted and confusing, but its iconography is clear and was plentiful: There were shirts with the letter Q or slogans like Trust the Plan; signs saying Save the Children; and flags with the abbreviation WWG1WGA, which stands for Where We Go One, We Go All.

Alongside the violent, the overtly racist and the paranoid were thousands of devoted Trump supporters, some of whom even brought young children. The crowd was filled with people in MAGA regalia, and Trump flags were everywhere. Most just said Trump; others were a bit more outlandish.

The skull-like symbol of the Punisher, a crime-fighting Marvel comic book antihero, was a common sight. It has become a popular emblem on the far right in recent years and is sometimes used by police officers to signal one another without having to wear badges.

There were people waving the South Vietnamese flag, which disappeared decades ago when the North won the war. But now it lives again, adopted by some on the American right as a symbol of anti-communist resistance.

Then there was the Zombie Outbreak Response Team. A man wearing a sticker with its emblem was photographed inside the Capitol. His face is obscured in the picture, and he has not been identified. But the zombie teams website describes its members as preppers and survivalists preparing for all worst case scenarios.

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Decoding the Far-Right Symbols at the Capitol Riot - The New York Times

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Why some Trump supporters believe theres another American Revolution coming –

Posted: at 1:51 pm

The alt-right, QAnon, paramilitary and Donald Trump-supporting mob that stormed the United States Capitol on January 6 claimed they were only doing what the so-called founding fathers of the US had done in 1776: overthrowing an illegitimate government that no longer represented them.

This was the start of what they called the second American Revolution.

This is why the Dont Tread on Me flag was visible in the chaos a symbol of resistance that dates back to the (first) American Revolution and was resurrected a decade ago by Republican Tea Party activists.

It is not hard to understand the appeal of this history to Trumps followers. The era of the founding fathers has always loomed large in the minds of most Americans. And stories about the past are, after all, how individuals, families and communities small and large, make sense of themselves.

Yet, it is worth noting these recollections of the past are necessarily selective.

Alt-right extremists, following conservative politicians, have also drawn succour from the Constitution, particularly when it comes to their rights, such as the right to free speech and bear arms.

These and other rights were not actually enumerated in the original Constitution, but rather tacked on in the Bill of Rights a set of ten amendments passed to appease opponents of the Constitution and get it ratified.

These rights are fused together with the more vague yet unalienable rights enunciated in the 1776 Declaration of Independence chief among them being the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Drawing on philosopher John Lockes ideas, the Declaration of Independence proclaims we the people come together to form a government to protect these rights.

And crucial to Trump supporters today, it says, whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.

This was the sentiment voiced on January 6 when pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol. They chanted This is our America and Whose house? Our house!

Trump himself encouraged this thinking when he told the crowd before they marched to the Capitol, You will never take back our country with weakness.

The question is: who do Trump and, more broadly speaking, the alt-right think has taken the United States from them?

The answer is evident in how the alt-right imagines the past: their vision of history omits or callously ignores the fact their constitutional rights have come at the cost of the lives and rights of others.

Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence it was a self-evident truth that all men are created equal. Generations of enslaved and free Black activists and their allies have worked towards realising this goal.

But for the founding fathers, and many of their white supremacist heirs, true citizens were exclusively white and male. A few years after penning the declaration, Jefferson denounced Black people as inferior. He owned hundreds of slaves. Even his own children, whom he fathered with Sally Hemings, were born into slavery.

Almost all of the founding fathers, in fact, were slaveholders or profited from the slave trade. Neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution freed any of the half-million enslaved people in the new United States one-fifth of the population.

Rather, the Constitution purposefully entrenched the institution of slavery. By protecting the rights of slaveholders to pursue their happiness by holding on to their property, it doomed four more generations to enslavement.

By the start of the Civil War in 1861, there were 4 million people enslaved in the US.

The Constitution also gave the government the power to raise an army. After the American Revolution, this power was used time and again to wage a long genocidal war against Native Americans across the continent.

When enslaved and free Black people and their white abolitionist allies acted against slavery, slaveholders invoked the Revolution. They claimed they were undertaking Gods will to complete the work begun in 1776 of creating a free nation and made slave-holding former President George Washington their hero.

It took an unprecedented and destructive Civil War to finally put an end to slavery, and another century or so for African Americans to achieve full rights as citizens in the United States. Every step of the way, they were contested and blocked by individuals, groups, states and judges who claimed they were upholding the principles of the Constitution.

It should be no surprise, then, the alt-right movement is invoking the same Revolution today.

After Barack Obamas presidency, Trump gave a voice to the grievances of his largely white supporters who feared they were being displaced in their own country.

And following the summer of the Black Lives Matter movement and Trumps baseless claims the 2020 election was stolen, the Capitol Hill insurrectionists firmly believed they had lost control of the United States. They were no longer the we the people in charge.

As in the past, they also had the support of prominent politicians beyond Trump. One of their supporters, the newly elected Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (who is also a QAnon supporter) declared before the January 6 move to block the certification of Joe Bidens presidential victory, This is our 1776 moment.

And Congressman Paul Gosar, a prominent Trump supporter, wrote an op-ed entitled Are we witnessing a coup detat? in which he advised followers to be ready to defend the Constitution and the White House.

It has never been entirely clear when exactly the United States was last great in the minds of Trump supporters wearing their Make America Great Again caps. It might be the Ronald Reagan presidency of the 1980s for some, or sometime prior to the civil rights, womens and gay liberation movements and the US defeat in Vietnam.

But there is no doubt as to when this mythical greatness started. The yearning for the founding era a time when slaveholders overthrew a government to protect their rights (including the right to hold people as property) is palpable.

Clare Corbould Clare Corbould is an Associate Professor, Contemporary Histories Research Group at Deakin University. Michael McDonnell is a Professor of History at the University of Sydney.

This article first appeared on The Conversation.

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Right-wing Twitter rival Parler removed from online platforms – DIGIT.FYI

Posted: at 1:50 pm

Social media platform Parler has been taken down by Amazon Web Services amid claims that the site is a hotbed of violent content.

Apple and Google have also taken it off of their app stores, effectively removing it from the internet. Amazon said it acted after finding several posts promoting violence in the wake of the Washington riots last week.

Parler has become increasingly popular since its inception in 2018 and has become a haven for Trump supporters, free speech activists and members of the so-called alt-right.

Many view the platform as an alternative to traditional social media sites that enables them to air opinions freely.

However, though users see it is a platform for free speech, it is believed it is also being used to spread misinformation and hate speech in the run-up to the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20th.

Examples of such speech include posts calling for the killing of Muslims, Black Lives Matter leaders, mainstream media journalists and Democrat supporters and leaders.

Speaking to Fox News, Parler chief executive John Matze said on Sunday that every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers have ditched us.

Were going to try our best to get back online as quickly as possible, Matze said, but were having a lot of trouble because every vendor we talk to says they wont work with us because if Apple doesnt approve and Google doesnt approve, they wont, he added.

The popularity of social sites like Parler has spiked since Donald Trump was sworn in as president four years ago.

Since the removal of Parler, another social site pushing free speech, Gab, has seen a huge jump in users. In a tweet, the platform says it has gained more users in the past two days than we did in our first two years of existing.

Rhetoric circulating since the November 3rd, 2020 presidential election, where Trump has consistently accused Democrats of stealing the election, has fuelled anger with his supporters and right-wing hate groups.

This led to the storming of the US Capitol building on Wednesday last week (6th January) as US lawmakers met to certify the electoral college votes and officially declare Joe Biden as the next president.

Before the protests, Trump held a rally at the White House where he continued to claim, without evidence, that the election was stolen from him and his supporters, and that he would join them in a protest down to the capitol building. You will never take back our country with weakness, Trump stated.

During the riots, activists smashed windows, invaded the house chambers, and caused lawmakers to shelter in their offices. Five people were also killed, including a police officer.

In response, social media giants Facebook and Twitter locked Trumps accounts on their platforms and took down a previous contentious post, with the Facebook vice-president of integrity Guy Rosen Tweeting: We removed it because on balance we believe it contributes to, rather than diminishes, the risk of ongoing violence.

Commenting on the potential repercussions of pushing right-wing voices to the fringes and off mainstream platforms, social media and influence specialist, Unsah Malik, told DIGIT: I think this is more about consequences as opposed to repercussions. What we are witnessing with the US is horrific.

Given the percentage of the population using social media as their main form of both communication and information consumption, it is absolutely up to social media platforms to take action in order to prevent a wider spread of violence. If Parler was a platform which incited such behaviour, then Parler is the platform to go.

Of course this opens the debate on free speech, but if you cant trust an individual or a specific group of people to maintain human decency and you have the power to protect millions of others for the right cause in the name of humanity then some sort of control needs to be enforced.

If right-wing voices didnt behave as such, no accounts would have been removed and no platforms would have revoked access.

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Microsoft Excel: 100 Shortcuts That Every Windows User Should Know – Gadgets 360

Posted: December 26, 2020 at 12:52 am

There's no denying the fact that shortcuts make our lives easier and if you're a Microsoft Excel user, you can refer to this guide to learn some of the major ones. You might be surprised to learn about the variety of Excel shortcuts that are there, and while we do not expect you to remember all of them, it is always good to have a list which is just a glance away. Read on, as we list some of the most important Microsoft Excel shortcuts for Windows to make your work easier.

Before you proceed, note that the list is pretty long but it is by no means a complete list consisting of all the Excel shortcuts. However, we have picked out some of the most useful shortcuts, and we hope this would be worth your time.

1. Ctrl + N: To create a new workbook.2. Ctrl + O: To open a saved workbook.3. Ctrl + S: To save a workbook.4. Ctrl + A: To select all the contents in a workbook.5. Ctrl + B: To turn highlighted cells bold.6. Ctrl + C: To copy cells that are highlighted.7. Ctrl + D: To fill the selected cell with the content of the cell right above.8. Ctrl + F: To search for anything in a workbook.9. Ctrl + G: To jump to a certain area with a single command.10. Ctrl + H: To find and replace cell contents.11. Ctrl + I: To italicise cell contents.12. Ctrl + K: To insert a hyperlink in a cell.13. Ctrl + L: To open the create table dialog box.14. Ctrl + P: To print a workbook.15. Ctrl + R: To fill the selected cell with the content of the cell on the left.16. Ctrl + U: To underline highlighted cells.17. Ctrl + V: To paste anything that was copied.18. Ctrl + W: To close your current workbook.19. Ctrl + Z: To undo the last action.20. Ctrl + 1: To format the cell contents.21. Ctrl + 5: To put a strikethrough in a cell.22. Ctrl + 8: To show the outline symbols.23. Ctrl + 9: To hide a row.24. Ctrl + 0: To hide a column.25. Ctrl + Shift + :: To enter the current time in a cell.26. Ctrl + ;: To enter the current date in a cell.27. Ctrl + `: To change the view from displaying cell values to formulas.28. Ctrl + : To copy the formula from the cell above.29. Ctrl + -: To delete columns or rows.30. Ctrl + Shift + =: To insert columns and rows.31. Ctrl + Shift + ~: To switch between displaying Excel formulas or their values in cell.32. Ctrl + Shift + @: To apply time formatting.33. Ctrl + Shift + !: To apply comma formatting.34. Ctrl + Shift + $: To apply currency formatting.35. Ctrl + Shift + #: To apply date formatting.36. Ctrl + Shift + %: To apply percentage formatting.37. Ctrl + Shift + &: To place borders around the selected cells.38. Ctrl + Shift + _: To remove a border.39. Ctrl + -: To delete a selected row or column.40. Ctrl + Spacebar: To select an entire column.41. Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar: To select an entire workbook.42. Ctrl + Home: To redirect to cell A1.43. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: To switch to the previous workbook.44. Ctrl + Shift + F: To open the fonts menu under format cells.45. Ctrl + Shift + O: To select the cells containing comments.46. Ctrl + Drag: To drag and copy a cell or to a duplicate worksheet.47. Ctrl + Shift + Drag: To drag and insert copy.48. Ctrl + Up arrow: To go to the top most cell in a current column.49. Ctrl + Down arrow: To jump to the last cell in a current column.50. Ctrl + Right arrow: To go to the last cell in a selected row.51. Ctrl + Left arrow: To jump back to the first cell in a selected row.52. Ctrl + End: To go to the last cell in a workbook.53. Alt + Page down: To move the screen towards the right.54. Alt + Page Up: To move the screen towards the left.55. Ctrl + F2: To open the print preview window.56. Ctrl + F1: To expand or collapse the ribbon.57. Alt: To open the access keys.58. Tab: Move to the next cell.59. Alt + F + T: To open the options.60. Alt + Down arrow: To activate filters for cells.61. F2: To edit a cell.62. F3: To paste a cell name if the cells have been named.63. Shift + F2: To add or edit a cell comment.64. Alt + H + H: To select a fill colour.65. Alt + H + B: To add a border.66. Ctrl + 9: To hide the selected rows.67. Ctrl + 0: To hide the selected columns.68. Esc: To cancel an entry.69. Enter: To complete the entry in a cell and move to the next one.70. Shift + Right arrow: To extend the cell selection to the right.71. Shift + Left arrow: To extend the cell selection to the left.72. Shift + Space: To select the entire row.73. Page up/ down: To move the screen up or down.74. Alt + H: To go to the Home tab in Ribbon.75. Alt + N: To go to the Insert tab in Ribbon.76. Alt + P: To go to the Page Layout tab in Ribbon.77. Alt + M: To go to the Formulas tab in Ribbon.78. Alt + A: To go to the Data tab in Ribbon.79. Alt + R: To go to the Review tab in Ribbon.80. Alt + W: To go to the View tab in Ribbon.81. Alt + Y: To open the Help tab in Ribbon.82. Alt + Q: To quickly jump to search.83. Alt + Enter: To start a new line in a current cell.84. Shift + F3: To open the Insert function dialog box.85. F9: To calculate workbooks.86. Shift + F9: To calculate an active workbook.87. Ctrl + Alt + F9: To force calculate all workbooks.88. Ctrl + F3: To open the name manager.89. Ctrl + Shift + F3: To create names from values in rows and columns.90. Ctrl + Alt + +: To zoom in inside a workbook.91. Ctrl + Alt +: To zoom out inside a workbook.92. Alt + 1: To turn on Autosave.93. Alt + 2: To save a workbook.94. Alt + F + E: To export your workbook.95. Alt + F + Z: To share your workbook.96. Alt + F + C: To close and save your workbook.97. Alt or F11: To turn key tips on or off.98. Alt + Y + W: To know what's new in Microsoft Excel.99. F1: To open Microsoft Excel help.100. Ctrl + F4: To close Microsoft Excel.

These are some of the important shortcuts that can help you become a Microsoft Excel master. If you think we missed something, or if you have some suggestions, please let us know in the comments.

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Microsoft Excel: 100 Shortcuts That Every Windows User Should Know - Gadgets 360

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The Things We (Actually) Loved Watching in 2020 – The Ringer

Posted: at 12:52 am

There are certainly TV shows and episodes that deserve to be called the bestthats why we made this list. But in 2020, a year defined by anxiety and being stuck inside, the best shows werent always the ones that mattered most. While there is joy in watching something of supreme quality, this year called more for comfort, nostalgia, and nontraditional entertainment. With that said, here are the things that the Ringer staff turned to in 2020 ...

I admit it: I hopped on Ted Lasso very late in the match. When the series first came out in August, earning rave reviews and filling my timeline with sickly-sweet sentiments about a college football coach who got a new job he was ridiculously underqualified for, I balked. There was no way this show could be that good, that funny, that charmingI pretty much thought people were just bored. But then I caved and discovered that, in the immortal words of Ted Lasso (played by Jason Sudeikis) himself, Last one theres a Scotch egg.

Ted Lasso is about a Premier League club owner who, fresh off a divorce in which she gained control of the team, tries to sabotage their chances by bringing in an American football coach who doesnt even know what offsides is. But what its really about is earning respect (the hard way, not the showy way), putting others before yourself, andughlearning to hope. Its just as earnest as advertised, but in the best way possible, and by the time they break out Youll Never Walk Alone in the seasons final episode, you, too, will have started to believe in Ted Lasso. Megan Schuster

I have watched a lot of bad television this year. Some of it was new, some it was old; some of it was acclaimed, some of it was not. It was fine, mostlybeing bored on the couch is a luxury in 2020.

I loved The Great both because it was really and truly quite great, but also because of what an absolute surprise it was. Sure, plenty of those more in the know were fully aware of what to expect from Tony McNamara and Elle Fanning. But in my home, it took a gradual talking into: Its a period dramabut not that kind of period drama; its about Catherine the Greatbut not, like, in a boring way, or in Russian; also bears are there, I think? So, having trudged in from the 1700s St. Petersburg frost for lack of alternatives, what a joy to find a sharp, bizarre, belly-laughing jewel box of a show. It might be the only 2020 surprise that I absolutely loved. Huzzah. Claire McNear

When I was first acclimating myself to Gen Zs favorite timesuck in mid-March, my colleague Alyssa Bereznak directed me to the account of one Tyler Gaca, a.k.a. @ghosthoney, dubbing him the Los Espookys of TikTok. I instantly knew what she meant. Like Los Espookys cocreator and costar Julio Torres, Gaca creates a world of his own, one where a novelty Pokmon donut can be an artistic muse and sunglasses can be traded for miniature owls. Gaca is technically an influencer in that he does social media full time and recently moved to L.A., but his page is a merciful break from the relentless monotony of the online creator aesthetic. Some of his videos are fictional sketches; some are charming vignettes with his husband; some are just takes, like how all golf courses should be public butterfly gardens. All manage to make TikToks 60-second format feel expansive, expressive, and just plain weirdall with a fraction of the time and resources real television can afford. Alison Herman

Not much about 2020 has been satisfyingDan Devine: bastion of the understatementbut the finale of Better Call Sauls phenomenal fifth season certainly qualified. With one look, one withering Wouldnt I? and one unmistakable hand gesture, the last scene of Something Unforgivable fulfilled a promise five years and 50-odd hours in the making, propelling one of televisions best shows into a deeply compelling and terrifyingly uncertain future.

What begins as the sort of small-time-scam spitballing that represents foreplay for Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler turns deathly serious post-coitus, as Kims pillow talk produces a Wed never do it but pivot that calls to mind Benjen Starks received wisdom about that particular transition word. What followsKim pitching a plan to destroy Howard Hamlins life that would net her and Jimmy around $2 millis jarringly matter-of-fact and even-tempered, laying bare just how easy it is to keep sliding down that slippery slope once you begin your descent.

Its not just about the way the electric Rhea Seehorn says Wouldnt I? when Jimmy argues that Kim wouldnt really be OK with going after Howard like this. Its also about the way she follows up that bombshellcompletely relaxed, contentedly exhaling. She doesnt just tell you how far shes already fallen, how comfortable shed be reducing a man to rubble. She shows you. The finger guns are out of their holsters now, the masks off; the journey-beneath-the-journey that Better Call Saul has really been about all along is complete. All thats left is to find out how far down that slope goes, and how many people will get hurt by the time we reach the bottom. Dan Devine

Ive always liked golfing, but 2020 was the year that I became obsessed with golfing. Stuck inside for months, the world sputtering into chaos, suddenly here was this sport that I could play safely outdoors, temporarily protected from reality by a perimeter of pine trees. Contrary to the rest of my life, the laws of nature and cause and effect still seemed to apply on a golf course: Id hit a white ball, and if I didnt shift my hips too much or bend my left arm like a schmuck, itd generally go in the direction that I wanted it to.

At some point Mark Zuckerberg mustve noticed all of the golf course geotags, because now I cant scroll through Facebook without seeing this mans face:

I know nothing about him (I dont want to complicate our relationship), but Ive grown to love Rick Shiels. How he moves his hand like an overexcited conductor. The way he slaps the bottom of his irons like theyre a bag of soil at Home Depot. How it often seems like hes having an existential crisis trying to decide whether to keep talking or actually swing the frickin club. The apparently limited resources; most times you cant even see if the shot he just hit was a good one. I cant claim that Rick Shiels has made me better at golfthe chunk I took out of a fairway last week would beg to differbut I do know that Ill stop and watch every time he crosses my feed. Because at least he seems nice, and at least the world seems to make a little bit of sense, if only for three minutes. Andrew Gruttadaro

I can tell you the exact moment when Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. It wasnt once the networks called Pennsylvania a few days after the polls closed. It wasnt when the Supreme Court denied Texas the right to challenge the vote counts in four states last week. It wasnt once California cast its votes for Biden in the Electoral College earlier this week. I knew Trump lost once the comedian James Austin Johnson uploaded his latest impersonation: Trump complaining, in his nasal absurdity, about the requirements for beating a Pokmon game. Johnsons breakout TrumpScooby-Doo bit from a few months ago is great, too, but his Trump-Pokmon bit really synthesizes Trump into a single, succinct, comprehensive artifact for dissemination to later generations and extraterrestrial scavengers. Justin Charity

I find so much joy in reality TVs excessive production tropes. The plush interiors, replete with enough decorative pillows and wine to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool; the interstitial interviews where cast members speak in snappy punch lines; the gongs and bowed cymbals that add a heightened sense of drama to otherwise unremarkable conversations. These techniques can make a conversation about life insurance policies interesting, and nobody knows that better than Boman Martinez-Reid. The 22-year-old TikTokers parodies cram every reality TV trick in under a minute, elevating the climax of each incident to fantastical heights. What begins with a disagreement over what to eat for lunch ends with an exchange so disrespectful that Martinez-Reid quite literally melts into a puddle. Microphones are replaced with bananas, makeup blotters are Rubiks Cubes, and cocktails are garnished with exercise weights and whisks. A true student of the Bravo universe, Martinez-Reid sometimes even drops in a teaser graphic (starring him) at the bottom of the screen midepisode. At a moment when our own understanding of reality keeps being stretched to unbelievable limits, Martinez-Reids TikTok offers a welcome alternate universe, where the stakes of everyday life are far more frivolous and where, above all else, whimsy rules. Alyssa Bereznak

On average, I cry about once or twice a year. Like a sailor lost at sea, I ration out my tears as if they were the last sleeve of saltines left in the cupboard. Its partially an act of self-preservationor, thats what I like to believe.

Either way, in a year full of devastation, loss, and anxiety, one of the rare pieces of entertainment that managed to break me was a cartoon about a vampire and royal piece of anthropomorphic bubblegum. Adventure Time: Distant Lands is a set of HBO Max specials spun off from the hit 2010s series created by Pendleton Ward. Obsidian, the second episode in the series, follows Marceline the Vampire Queen and Princess Bubblegum as they try to save the citizens of the Glass Kingdom and their brittle but beautiful relationship. At the episodes climax, Marceline (voiced by Olivia Olson) serenades Bubblegum with a song called Monster. Over a simple guitar melody, Marceline admits to her partner and, more so to herself, how much her childhood trauma has stunted her ability to give and receive love. In a warm but wounded voice, she sings, We were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live / And Im still scared that Im not good enough.

During Adventure Times cultural peak, fans passionately shipped Marceline and Princess Bubblegum and were ultimately rewarded when the two characters united at the shows conclusion. Monster is the culmination of that specific moment in time. Instead of Marceline and Bubblegum living happily ever after, the creators of Adventure Time decided to do one betterthey gave their beloved characters a relationship as gorgeously flawed as the lives of the people who spent so much time watching them. Charles Holmes

Its quite difficult to describe Conner OMalleys videos. ... I mean, it honestly feels impossible. You might have seen Conner OMalley earlier this year in Palm Springs, in which he played the brother of the bride, and that mightve been the most normal thing hes been a part of in 2020. This year, OMalley published 15 original videos on his YouTube channelheavy emphasis on the word original. His first video of 2020 was a Hudson Yards interactive video game, brought to you by Lululemon Interactive (Lululemon had no part in making this video) in which he walked around Hudson Yards saying hi to tourists. While that may sound somewhat normal, the video takes a turn when he unlocks Allyship, as the game turns into a 3D animated hard rock music video about [Struggles to find words.] honestly I dont even know.

After two videos about trying to save the stock market with a movie script about Joe Biden and blue Powerade, Conner followed up with his most successful video of the year, titled Smoking 500 Cigarettes for 5G. The video, which has racked up over 1 million views, focuses on Conner walking up and down Kosciuszko Bridge smoking cigarettes, in partnership with T-Mobile and Verizon (neither company agreed to this). He eventually succeeds in his mission, and when he unlocks the power of 5G he finds out that Jeffrey Epstein was killed by the Burlington Coat Factory. As I mentioned from the jump, these videos make zero sensebut thats their beauty. They are somehow timely, yet also not from any time thats ever existed. There is no rhyme or reason to any of them, and each video leaves you scratching your headbut somehow, they spark a sensation that feels unique and necessary in this already absurd year. So with an extremely heavy NSFW warning, I urge you to check out Conner OMalleys YouTube channel. I can guarantee you will regret it. Sean Yoo

Philadelphia is a great city, maybe even the best city, not to mention the birthplace of our nationwhich is why it was only fitting that, nearly 250 years after founding America, we managed to save it. As you might know, Philly was instrumental in reducing Donald Trump to a failed one-term president. And if somehow you hadnt heard on November 7, the day the election was officially called for President-Elect Joe Biden, Philly made sure to let you know. There was music and dancing in the streets and an impromptu pop-up parade. Someone, or several someones, naturally had a giant Eagle ready to deploy on the streets. (Go Birds.) Others celebrated by waving ceremonial loaves of victory bread outside Reading Terminal Market.

And if all of that wasnt enough, there was the well-chronicled Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference disaster by the defeated and discombobulated Trump campaign to provide all of us with some merch, some memes, and more than a few laughs. Even Captain America dunked on them. What a grand timecourtesy of your friends from Philly. If you think we were obnoxious after the Eagles beat the Pats to win the Super Bowl, well never let you forget that time we came riding to democracys rescue. John Gonzalez

Classical music is in many ways the most low-tech category of musical artnearly all the instruments are acoustic; a good chunk of the repertoire predates the steam engine, much less the AirPods Maxbut with nowhere else to turn in the midst of worldwide lockdown, soloists and ensembles embraced Zoom. In a famously, and sometimes forbiddingly, formal art form, concerts were suddenly being streamed from living rooms, where some of the worlds greatest musicians sat among their bookcases and houseplants and played deathlessly beautiful music while their cats wandered around, totally bored. At the online Metropolitan Opera gala, I watched awe-inspiring opera divas sing grand arias from their basements and kitchens; on Instagram, I watched members of the renowned vocal ensemble The Sixteen share recipes and TV recs before singing informal concerts with their families. I watched members of the Philadelphia Orchestra play teleconference octets.

And no, it wasnt the same as going to a concert hall. But 2020 was such a grand tragic opera on its own that the low-key, thoughtful, welcoming spirit of these shows was, if anything, a better consolation for this moment. I hope the moments are better next year, but Ill never forget how these musicians responded to this one. Brian Phillips

Throughout this tumultuous year, the YouTube videos of HunniBee ASMR have symbolically held my hand (ears?). Ive let the world fade into white noise while I sit transfixed as she demolishes an entire family order of KFC fried chicken, ruins her teeth chowing down on desserts made to look like household items, and slurps her way through noodles of almost every variety. HunniBee ASMRs videos have no plot, no characters save one, and certainly no greater meaning beyond the sensory enjoyment of a random Canadian woman eating colorful foods while micd up. I cant get enough. Theres something so soothing and familiar about her presence, almost as if shes saying, Yeah, youre going to watch and listen to me eat food for 30 minutes, but no judgment! I do this for your enjoyment, and I truly hope it brings you happiness. Amelia Wedemeyer

No moment on inauguration day in 2017 summed up how stupid the next four years would be more than alt-right provocateur Richard Spencer getting rocked in his jaw as he explained the meaning of the frog pin adorning his lapel. But anyone who spent much time online in the run-up to the 2016 election didnt need an introduction to Spencers amphibian mascot: It was Pepe, a seemingly innocuous cartoon adopted first by 4chan users and later by the alt-right as a means of trolling.

Feels Good Man starts with the story of Pepes more innocent beginnings. Matt Furie, a talented cartoonist and seemingly decent human, created the character in the mid-2000s as part of his comic Boys Club. (The title of the documentary gets its name from a strip in which Pepe pulls his pants all the way down to pee and declares that it feels good, man.) But just as soon as Furie drew Pepe, people started appropriating the frogs image. Eventually, he became a rallying cry for Trump supporters. Before long, Pepe would be listed by the Anti-Defamation League as a hate symbol.

Directed by Arthur Jones, a friend of Furies, Feels Good Man is many thingsan exploration of incel culture, a tale of someone trying to reclaim their creation, an excuse to laugh at Alex Jones. But watching the doc as we approach the inauguration of a new president, it feels like a bookend to a moment that began with Spencer getting punched. Pepe didnt deserve what happened to him, but society certainly deserved such a ridiculous symbol for such a cartoonishly stupid period of history. Justin Sayles

Celebrity Twitter, like regular Twitter, ranges from boring to sanctimonious, to offensive, to deranged, to schticky, to occasionally clever. But theres no single account that better captures a movie stars on-screen persona than James Caans. Every one of his tweets has a pure enough dose of his tough-guy charm that when Im down, I scroll through his timeline as a pick-me-up.

His formula is pretty simple: Theres usually a shot from one of his films, an image of a movie poster, or a photo of him on set, and then a snappy caption. And best of all, theres always a three-word farewell message: End of Tweet.

Is Caan actually the author of the account? Even if hes not, I dont care. No TV show, movie, or viral video has made me laugh more in 2020. End of blurb. Alan Siegel

In the spring of 2020, my fellow Tea Time hosts and I were faced with a professional conundrum: We had a pop culture news podcast and no pop culture news to report. Other than the occasional Ben-Ana paparazzi photo, nothing was happening. We were forced to get creative, by which I mean we shamelessly mashed together two Ringer podcastsThe Rewatchables and Binge Modeand created a new segment for Tea Time called Cringe Mode. We pledged to rewatch and revisit the cringey, embarrassing movies we loved growing upstarting, of course, with the Twilight saga. All throughout May, I reread every installment of Stephanie Meyers enthralling, perfectly terrible series. The books were, if still hilarious, actually better than I remembered; the movies were so, so much worse.

As it turns out, we timed our deep dive perfectly. For some reason, the rest of the internets bored millennials also decided en masse to revisit their long-lost obsession with Twilight this year. Part of it was thanks to TikTokTwilight provided a sort of meme treasure trove that was instantly familiar to much of TikToks core demographic. But it was also, at least in my case, a comforting exercise in escapism. Like many newly remote-working millennials, I moved back home temporarily, settled into my childhood bedroom, and fell back into the stories I couldnt get enough of as a preteenfor better and for worse.

Heres all Im saying: If Edward Cullen could get through the Spanish Flu of 1918, we can get through this. Kate Halliwell

Last fall, a friend of mine who plays rugby instructed me to learn about the sport before the World Cup so that shed have someone to talk about it with. By way of assistance, she sent me a YouTube clip from a Welsh guy who was doing preview videos before the tournament. In the 15 months since, Ive watched every video posted on the Squidge Rugby channel and gone from wondering why they never throw the ball forward to knowing the difference between a hooker and an inside centre. Ive also developed a fierce emotional attachment to Japan winger Kotaro Matsushima and his pineapple-like hairdo.

Channels like Squidge and the Lanterne Rouge cycling channel sit in what I consider the ideal tone of sports analysts: Listening to a friend who knows slightly more than you do. Funny and accessible enough to attract and teach casual fans of the sport, but detailed enough to retain the diehards. Full of expert knowledge and insight but with an outsiders irreverence. Michael Baumann

Running out of TV has been a constant concernor, at least, a popular topic for reported thinkpiecesduring a year when Hollywood production delays coincided with pandemic-driven increases in time spent streaming. But while networks may have had to scramble to keep new content coming, I found the slight slowdown in the pace of peak TV to be a relief. For the first time in a while, my wife and I felt like we could keep up with new releases during our socially distanced downtime and still have a little time left over to cross off some preexisting series from our decades-spanning TV to-do list. We watched all of The Shield, Halt and Catch Fire, Sex and the City, and Stath Lets Flats. We started (and continue to work our way through) Patriot, Yellowstone, Red Oaks, Money Heist, and Wings. We finally finished The Durrells in Corfu. This year brought many new sources of stress, but even for people who had more time at home, running out of TV wasnt one of them. In fact, 2020 made me realize how long my media backlog could keep me entertained. Not that Im trying to give 2021 any ideas. Ben Lindbergh


The Things We (Actually) Loved Watching in 2020 - The Ringer

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