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Category Archives: Ai
Freshworks: 93% of IT managers have deployed AI, or plan to soon – VentureBeat
Posted: July 21, 2021 at 12:25 am
All the sessions from Transform 2021 are available on-demand now. Watch now.
Nearly all IT managers (93%) are currently exploring or deploying some level of AI to streamline help desk systems, according to a new report from Freshworks. Half of IT managers said they have already implemented AI tools.
Nearly 70% of IT managers said AI is either critical or very important for upgrading and modernizing their service desk capabilities. Even so, respondents said there are certain prerequisites for AI-enabled solutions. While the most desired characteristic of AI tools is their ease of integration with existing IT infrastructure, a majority of respondents indicated that any AI solutions for IT service management (ITSM)/IT operations management (ITOM) should be intuitive, scalable, collaborative, and fast and easy to deploy.
The survey explored a key metric associated with todays demanding IT environment: the number of IT service inquiries received by the IT support desk each day. That number ranged from an average of 44 inquiries per day for small companies to 725 per day for large organizations.
ITSM chatbots were the clear leader in planned or actual AI deployments. The survey found that 25% of respondents expected AI-powered technologies to reduce IT staff workloads, and that 39% have already experienced this benefit.
Survey respondents also explained what they wanted to gain from implementing AI: Speed of implementation (40%), Integration with legacy systems (40%), Overall cost of implementation (38%), and training the AI bots solution to return the most accurate response (39%).
Conducted across 14 countries, surveying more than 850 senior IT executives the survey reveals that AI has hit the mainstream.
Read the full Right sizing AI report from Freshworks.
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Freshworks: 93% of IT managers have deployed AI, or plan to soon - VentureBeat
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Operators Look to Computer Vision and AI for Valuable Insights – QSR magazine
Posted: at 12:25 am
Restaurants are known to have the slimmest of margins and now with severe labor shortages plaguing the industry, leading quick-service restaurantsare looking for new ways to streamline processes and improve productivity. As well, with digital transformation in full swing across most restaurant chains, the need for artificial intelligence and automation is critical for scaling new processes and increasing operational efficiencies.
Leading restaurant brands are looking to computer vision and AI to provide real-time data and insights on their physical spaces to measure, analyze and act upon key data points that are used to optimize production processes and labor efficiencies.
Restaurants are looking for accurate and reliable data collected in real-time with a 360-degree view of food preparation and production processes. Computer vision is an ideal solution for digitizing the on-location operation. Easy-to-deploy and scalable, edged-based smart devices; iPhones and iPads, and an app is all that is needed to deploy visual intelligence.
Once the devices are in place, automated AI models are used for collecting accurate and reliable data from the location, all without any human intervention. Data is processed in real-time, and results are used to compare across different tests and experiments while allowing for rapid ideation, all without the need for significant human resources. Here are just some of the examples of leading companies using computer vision to accelerate innovation:
Having a flexible system that adapts to different tests, accommodates different formats, layouts, and experiments are critical. Because computer vision can be easily deployed beyond the lab for field testing in real store environments and does not require major retrofit of existing stores, it is a key solution for accelerating innovation.
Nomad Go is the leading visual intelligence provider for foodservice organizations. Traditional computer vision systems are costly and time-intensive to deploy and so Nomad Go has developed a solution that deploys quickly and cost-effectively, allowing restaurants of any size or scale to get real-time insights about their spaces, out of the box, instantly.
Nomad Go unlocks actionable data such as people counting, speed of service, and other production processes. The innovative Edge Computer AI Vision technology generates anonymized real-time data streams about physical spaces for analytics, alerts, and real-time management of production processes, employee productivity, and customer experiences.
News and information presented in this release has not been corroborated by QSR, Food News Media, or Journalistic, Inc.
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Operators Look to Computer Vision and AI for Valuable Insights - QSR magazine
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AI adoption and analytics are rising, survey finds – VentureBeat
Posted: at 12:25 am
All the sessions from Transform 2021 are available on-demand now. Watch now.
The need for enterprise digital transformation during the pandemic has bolstered investments in AI. Last year, AI startups raised a collective $73.4 billion in Q4 2020, a $15 billion year-over-year increase. And according to a new survey from ManageEngine, the IT division of Zoho, business deployment of AI is on the rise.
In the survey of more than 1,200 tech execs at organizations looking at the use of AI and analytics, 80% of respondents in the U.S. said that theyd accelerated their AI adoption over the past two years. Moreover, 20% said theyd boosted their usage of business analytics compared with the global average, a potential sign that trust in AI is growing.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to adopt and adapt to new digital technologies overnight, ManageEngine VP Rajesh Ganesan, a coauthor of the survey, said in a press release. These findings indicate that, as a result, organizations and their leaders have recognized the value of these technologies and have embraced the promises they are offering even amidst global business challenges.
ManageEngines survey found that the dominant motivation behind business analytics technologies, at least in the U.S., is data-driven decision-making. Seventy-seven percent of respondents said that theyre using business analytics for augmented decision making while 69% said theyd improved the use of available data with business analytics. Sixty-five percent said that business analytics helps them make decisions faster, furthermore, reflecting an increased confidence in AI.
Execs responding to the survey also emphasized the importance of customer experience in their AI adoption decisions, with 59% in the U.S. saying that theyre leveraging AI to enhance customer services. Beyond customer experience, 61% of IT teams saw an uptick in applying business analytics, while marketing leaders saw a 44% surge; R&D teams saw 39%; software development and finance saw 38%; sales saw 37%; and operations saw 35%.
HR was among the groups that showed the lowest increase in business analytics usage, according to the survey. Research shows that companies are indeed struggling to apply data strategies to their HRoperations. A Deloittereportfound that more than 80% of HR professionals score themselves low in their ability to analyze, a troubling fact in a highly data-driven field.
Still, Ganesan said that the reports findings reinforce the notion that AI is a critical business enabler particularly when combined with cloud solutions that can support remote workers. Increased reliance on AI and business analytics is fueling data-driven decisions to operate the organization more efficiently and make customers happier, he continued.
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AI adoption and analytics are rising, survey finds - VentureBeat
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AI Machine Learning Could be Latest Healthcare Innovation – The National Law Review
Posted: at 12:25 am
As wementionedin the early days of the pandemic, COVID-19 has been accompanied by a rise in cyberattacks worldwide. At the same time, the global response to the pandemic has acceleratedinterestin the collection, analysis, and sharing of data specifically, patient data to address urgent issues, such as population management in hospitals, diagnoses and detection of medical conditions, and vaccine development, all through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Typically, AIML churns through huge amounts of real-world data to deliver useful results. This collection and use of that data, however, gives rise to legal and practical challenges. Numerous and increasingly strict regulations protect the personal information needed to feed AI solutions. The response has been to anonymize patient health data in time-consuming and expensive processes (HIPAA alone requires the removal of 18 types of identifying information). But anonymization is not foolproof and, after stripping data of personally identifiable information, the remaining data may be of limited utility. This is where synthetic data comes in.
A synthetic dataset comprises artificial information that can be used as a stand-in for real data. The artificial dataset can be derived in different ways. One approach starts with real patient data. Algorithms process the real patient data and learn patterns, trends, and individual behaviors. The algorithms then replicate those patterns, trends, and behaviors in a dataset of artificial patients, such that if done properly the synthetic dataset has virtually the same statistical properties of the real dataset. Importantly, the synthetic data cannot be linked back to the original patients, unlike some de-identified or anonymized data, which have been vulnerable to re-identification attacks. Other approaches involve the use of existing AI models to generate synthetic data from scratch, or the use of a combination of existing models and real patient data.
While the concept of synthetic data is not new, it hasrecentlybeen described as a promising solution for healthcare innovation, particularly in a time when secure sharing of patient data has been particularly challenged by lab and office closures. Synthetic data in the healthcare space can be applied flexibly to fit different use cases, and they can be expanded to create more voluminous datasets.
Synthetic datas other reported benefits include the elimination of human bias and the democratization of AI (i.e., making AI technology and the underlying data more accessible). Critically too, regulations governing personal information, such as HIPAA, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), may be read to permit the sharing and processing of original patient data (subject to certain obligations) such that the resulting synthetic datasets may carry less privacy risk.
Despite the potential benefits, the creation and use of synthetic data has its own challenges. First, there is the risk that AI-generated data is so similar to the underlying real data that real patient privacy is compromised. Additionally, the reliability of synthetic data is not yet firmly established. For example, it is reported that no drug developer has yet relied on synthetic data for a submission to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration because it is not known whether that type of data will be accepted by FDA. Perhaps most importantly, synthetic data is susceptible to adjustment, for good or ill. On the one hand, dataset adjustments can be used to correct for biases imbedded in real datasets. On the other, adjustments can also undermine trust in healthcare and medical research.
As synthetic data platforms proliferate and companies increasingly engage those services to develop innovative solutions, care should be exercised to guard against the potential privacy and reliability risks.
2021 Proskauer Rose LLP. National Law Review, Volume XI, Number 201
AI Machine Learning Could be Latest Healthcare Innovation - The National Law Review
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Research shows AI is often biased. Here’s how to make algorithms work for all of us – World Economic Forum
Posted: at 12:25 am
Can you imagine a just and equitable world where everyone, regardless of age, gender or class, has access to excellent healthcare, nutritious food and other basic human needs? Are data-driven technologies such as artificial intelligence and data science capable of achieving this or will the bias that already drives real-world outcomes eventually overtake the digital world, too?
Bias represents injustice against a person or a group. A lot of existing human bias can be transferred to machines because technologies are not neutral; they are only as good, or bad, as the people who develop them. To explain how bias can lead to prejudices, injustices and inequality in corporate organizations around the world, I will highlight two real-world examples where bias in artificial intelligence was identified and the ethical risk mitigated.
In 2014, a team of software engineers at Amazon were building a program to review the resumes of job applicants. Unfortunately, in 2015 they realized that the system discriminated against women for technical roles. Amazon recruiters did not use the software to evaluate candidates because of these discrimination and fairness issues. Meanwhile in 2019, San Francisco legislators voted against the use of facial recognition, believing they were prone to errors when used on people with dark skin or women.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted research that evaluated facial-recognition algorithms from around 100 developers from 189 organizations, including Toshiba, Intel and Microsoft. Speaking about the alarming conclusions, one of the authors, Patrick Grother, says: "While it is usually incorrect to make statements across algorithms, we found empirical evidence for the existence of demographic differentials in the majority of the algorithms we studied.
Ridding AI and machine learning of bias involves taking their many uses into consideration
Image: British Medical Journal
To list some of the source of fairness and non-discrimination risks in the use of artificial intelligence, these include: implicit bias, sampling bias, temporal bias, over-fitting to training data, and edge cases and outliers.
Implicit bias is discrimination or prejudice against a person or group that is unconscious to the person with the bias. It is dangerous because the person is unaware of the bias whether it be on grounds of gender, race, disability, sexuality or class.
This is a statistical problem where random data selected from the population do not reflect the distribution of the population. The sample data may be skewed towards some subset of the group.
This is based on our perception of time. We can build a machine-learning model that works well at this time, but fails in the future because we didn't factor in possible future changes when building the model.
This happens when the AI model can accurately predict values from the training dataset but cannot predict new data accurately. The model adheres too much to the training dataset and does not generalize to a larger population.
These are data outside the boundaries of the training dataset. Outliers are data points outside the normal distribution of the data. Errors and noise are classified as edge cases: Errors are missing or incorrect values in the dataset; noise is data that negatively impacts on the machine learning process.
Analytical techniques require meticulous assessment of the training data for sampling bias and unequal representations of groups in the training data. You can investigate the source and characteristics of the dataset. Check the data for balance. For instance, is one gender or race represented more than the other? Is the size of the data large enough for training? Are some groups ignored?
A recent study on mortgage loans revealed that the predictive models used for granting or rejecting loans are not accurate for minorities. Scott Nelson, a researcher at the University of Chicago, and Laura Blattner, a Stanford University economist, found out that the reason for the variance between mortgage approval for majority and minority group is because low-income and minority groups have less data documented in their credit histories. Without strong analytical study of the data, the cause of the bias will be undetected and unknown.
What if the environment you trained the data is not suitable for a wider population? Expose your model to varying environments and contexts for new insights. You want to be sure that your model can generalize to a wider set of scenarios.
A review of a healthcare-based risk prediction algorithm that was used on about 200 million American citizens showed racial bias. The algorithm predicts patients that should be given extra medical care. It was found out that the system favoured white patients over black patients. The problem with the algorithms development is that it wasn't properly tested with all major races before deployment.
Inclusive design emphasizes inclusion in the design process. The AI product should be designed with consideration for diverse groups such as gender, race, class, and culture. Foreseeability is about predicting the impact the AI system will have right now and over time.
Recent research published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reviewed more than 70 academic publications based on the diagnostic prowess of doctors against digital doppelgangers across several areas of clinical medicine. A lot of the data used in training the algorithms came from only three states: Massachusetts, California and New York. Will the algorithm generalize well to a wider population?
A lot of researchers are worried about algorithms for skin-cancer detection. Most of them do not perform well in detecting skin cancer for darker skin because they were trained primarily on light-skinned individuals. The developers of the skin-cancer detection model didn't apply principles of inclusive design in the development of their models.
Testing is an important part of building a new product or service. User testing in this case refers to getting representatives from the diverse groups that will be using your AI product to test it before it is released.
This is a method of performing strategic analysis of external environments. It is an acronym for social (i.e. societal attitudes, culture and demographics), technological, economic (ie interest, growth and inflation rate), environmental, political and values. Performing a STEEPV analysis will help you detect fairness and non-discrimination risks in practice.
The COVID-19 pandemic and recent social and political unrest have created a profound sense of urgency for companies to actively work to tackle inequity.
The Forum's work on Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Social Justice is driven by the New Economy and Society Platform, which is focused on building prosperous, inclusive and just economies and societies. In addition to its work on economic growth, revival and transformation, work, wages and job creation, and education, skills and learning, the Platform takes an integrated and holistic approach to diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice, and aims to tackle exclusion, bias and discrimination related to race, gender, ability, sexual orientation and all other forms of human diversity.
The Platform produces data, standards and insights, such as the Global Gender Gap Report and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 4.0 Toolkit, and drives or supports action initiatives, such as Partnering for Racial Justice in Business, The Valuable 500 Closing the Disability Inclusion Gap, Hardwiring Gender Parity in the Future of Work, Closing the Gender Gap Country Accelerators, the Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality, the Community of Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officers and the Global Future Council on Equity and Social Justice.
It is very easy for the existing bias in our society to be transferred to algorithms. We see discrimination against race and gender easily perpetrated in machine learning. There is an urgent need for corporate organizations to be more proactive in ensuring fairness and non-discrimination as they leverage AI to improve productivity and performance. One possible solution is by having an AI ethicist in your development team to detect and mitigate ethical risks early in your project before investing lots of time and money.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.
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AI analysis of 800 companies finds rampant greenwashing – Fast Company
Posted: at 12:25 am
In 2016, Tide launched Purclean, a new brand of detergent that claimed it was 100% plant-based. However, the National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs analyzed the claim four years later and found that Purclean was only 75% plant-based. While not great, 25% non-plant composition doesnt sound too bad until you learn that some of the materials are petroleum-based. This was completely counter to Tides marketing message, and extremely misleading for consumers.
And its a classic example of greenwashing, which by definition refers to misleading communication about a companys environmental practices and impact so as to present an environmentally responsible public image. In a time when marketers have roughly three seconds to grab someones attention, its a lot easier to spin the truth, especially when it comes to lauding the efforts of sustainability and eco-friendly endeavors. While there are companies committed to making a real difference for people and the planet (like Patagonia or Cree), there are many enterprises that espouse being green more so in marketing than actual practice. But how do we differentiate between greenwashing spin and the true green initiatives when it is incredibly difficult to hold companies accountable for their actions? Thankfully, we have a friend in artificial intelligence.
Meet ClimateBert, an AI tool that deconstructs corporate statements, annual reports, claims, and other materials to assess climate-related disclosures and measure actual performance. It was created by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which provides a framework for public organizations to more effectively disclose climate-related performance. Because extracting salient information from companies on their climate disclosures is complex and time consuming, TCFD turned to natural language processing and existing deep neural networks for help. The sheer volume of data, often using subtle words, presents a major challenge to analyze in a timely fashion. Thanks to AI tools like ClimateBert, we can now shrink weeks of analysis into just days.
What did ClimateBert discover? Regrettably, after assessing more than 800 companies, ClimateBert has determined that corporations are talking a good game, but actual performance is lacking. Why? In TCFDs assessment, there are three major contributing factors. First, greenwashing has largely escaped scrutiny so far, so theres no incentive for companies to change. Second, the Paris accords have, ironically, let companies be more selective in what they want to disclose to limit brand risk. Third, with the exception of France, the reporting of corporate climate is a voluntary disclosure, enabling companies a lot of latitude on what they would like to share. Thats why TCFD has been pushing to make reporting standardized and mandatory.
Other organizations are also tapping into the power of AI to discover greenwashing. For example, Ping An, an insurance and finance company located in China, is leveraging its Digital Economic Research Center to use AI to assess corporate climate disclosure and detect greenwashing. Using natural language processing algorithms, the Digital Economic Research Center developed AI-driven indicators to determine climate risk exposure that was more granular than traditional environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) metrics. In effect, this AI found a more efficient way to determine if an enterprise was truly being eco-friendly or just greenwashing. Moreover, the AI can dynamically assess, in real time, the actual sustainability practices of a company as it keeps sharing more information.
While these examples sound promising in holding companies accountable to their environmental promises, challenges still remain. Our first problem is meaningful, robust data, which provides the fuel for any AI system to learn what greenwashing looks like. We need good data to train our AI systems as well as to give the machine something to analyze and review. While corporate social responsibility goals have been around for a couple of decades, collecting data on performance has lagged in part because of nebulous or subjective metrics. However, thanks to other emerging technology like IoT sensors (to collect ESG data) and blockchain (to track transactions), we have the infrastructure to collect more data, particularly for machine consumption. By measuring real-time energy usage, transportation routes, manufacturing waste, and so forth, we have more quantifiable ways to track corporations environmental performance without relying purely on what they say.
The second problem is applying macro benefits to micro solutions. It is not sufficient or accurate to evaluate corporations environmental progress on popular initiatives like tree planting. Companies like Microsoft, Alibaba, American Express, and others are all engaged in programs to plant millions of trees, which sounds like a great idea until you start to consider how much impact it really has. The average mature tree can offset about 48 pounds of carbon per year, but most companies dont factor in how much time it takes for a tree to grow. Moreover, the species of a tree also dictates how much carbon sequestration occurs. A mature silver maple tree can offset around 500 pounds of carbon per year, while palm trees average around 15 pounds per year. Companies need to understand how many trees, which type of trees, the location of trees, and so forth to accurately count carbon sequestration. This suddenly becomes a more arduous and taxing process that costs enterprises more money, resources, and time, which tends to de-incentivize them from accurately measuring the impact of their so-called eco-friendly initiatives.
Thankfully, AI technology is ideally suited to handling these tasks. With tools like Pachama and ML CO2 Impact, we have AI to assist organizations in accurately measuring and communicating their carbon impacts and offsets at a more granular level. In addition, organizations like Planet Home are using machine learning to develop personalized calculators to measure individual or organizational sustainable behavior to simplify data collection, measurement, and reporting. Moreover, they are helping people identify small steps that they are willing to take to be more sustainable, attempting to go beyond reactive measurement to proactive behavior.
This is the real value we can tap into through AI. Through greenwashing detection, AI helps us build truth and trust in corporate communication. As we shift to a fully integrated, sustainable corporate culture, AI can help organizations find more environmentally friendly opportunities to improve their carbon footprint. Ultimately, using AI to hold companies accountable for their environmental impact and to help them find ways to actually be green will lead to a more sustainable world for everyone.
Neil Sahota is the author of Own the A.I. Revolution: Unlock Your Artificial Intelligence Strategy to Disrupt Your Competition and works with the United Nations on the AI for Good Global Summit initiative. Sahota is also an IBM Master Inventor, former leader of the IBM Watson Group, and professor at the University of California, Irvine.
AI analysis of 800 companies finds rampant greenwashing - Fast Company
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Colonoscopy AI passed meaningful milestones but has miles to go before it sweeps – AI in Healthcare
Posted: at 12:25 am
In one of the studies, the better adenoma detection rate reflected the AIs detection of very small adenomas.
However, AI CADe was no sharper than the operators eye at detecting polyps of more than 10 mm. In addition, AI CADe flagged more low-risk hyperplastic polyps and did not better at flagging advanced adenomas or sessile serrated lesions (flat polyps with elevated risk of becoming cancerous).
When it came to using AI to help characterize colorectal polyps (CADx), the results were more uniformly favorable toward the emerging technology.
For example, one study saw the addition of CADx as a support tool yield significant improvement in trainee physicians diagnostic accuracy.
A separate study found augmenting physician expertise with CADx lifted endoscopists diagnostic accuracy from 83% to 89%.
The greatest improvement was noted in novice endoscopists (73.8% to 85.6%), almost reaching the accuracy of experts (89.0%), Parsa and Byrne report.
These and other demonstrations of AI-aided colonoscopy represent promising steps toward standardization and improvement of colonoscopy quality, and implementation of resect-and-discard and diagnose-and-leave strategies, they comment. Yet issues such as real-world applications and regulatory approval need to be addressed before artificial intelligence models can be successfully implemented in clinical practice.
The study is posted in full for free.
Previous recent coverage of colonoscopy AI:
AI impressive as a second set of eyes in colonoscopy
FDA approves first-of-its-kind colonoscopy AI
3 reasons humans are irreplaceable by colonoscopy AI
Continued here:
Colonoscopy AI passed meaningful milestones but has miles to go before it sweeps - AI in Healthcare
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Cybersecurity in the age of AI – SecurityBrief Asia
Posted: at 12:25 am
Article by Darktrace.
Todays attacks still require several humans behind the keyboard making guesses about the sorts of methods that will be most effective in their target network and its the human element that often allows defenders to neutralise attacks.
Even attackers resources are finite. If they find a way any way to scale up their attacks, they will do it. Adversaries think like enterprises: How can I make my hackers more efficient? How can we attack even more targets? How can I achieve more results with fewer resources?
AI has already achieved breakthroughs in multiple fields, including cybersecurity, autonomous vehicles, healthcare, voice assistance and many others. It only makes sense that attackers will turn to AI to reap the same benefits: to understand context, scale up operations, make attribution & detection harder and increase their profitability.
We can expect Offensive AI to be used throughout the attack lifecycle. This can involve several different use cases, including:
Offensive AI will make detecting attacks more difficult. For example, an agent using some form of decision-making engine for lateral movement might not even require command & control (C2) traffic to move laterally.
Eliminating the need for C2 traffic drastically reduces the detection surface of existing malware. In addition, open-source research and projects can also be leveraged to augment every phase of the attack lifecycle that exists today.
This means that the speed, scale, and contextualisation of attacks is expected to grow dramatically. Traditional security controls are already struggling to detect attacks that have never been seen before in the wild be it malware without known signatures, new C2 domains or individualised spear-phishing emails. There is no chance that traditional tools will cope with future attacks as this becomes the norm.
Autonomous Response is necessary not only because humans cannot keep up with todays threat climate, but because these attacks are approaching.
Hundreds of organisations are already using Autonomous Response to thwart machine-speed attacks, new strains of ransomware, insider threats, previously unknown techniques, tools and procedures and many other threats.
IT allows human responders to take stock and strategise from behind the front line. A new age in cyber-defence is dawning, and the effect of AI on this battleground has already proved to be fundamental.
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Maxim Integrated’s Hand-Held Camera Cube Reference Design Enables Artificial Intelligence at the Edge for Vision and Hearing Applications – Yahoo…
Posted: at 12:25 am
MAXREFDES178# camera cube executes low latency AI vision and hearing inferences on a coin cell power budget with reduced cost and size
SAN JOSE, Calif., July 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Today Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (NASDAQ: MXIM) unveiled the MAXREFDES178# camera cube reference design, which demonstrates how Artificial intelligence (AI) applications previously limited to machines with large power and cost budgets can be embedded in space-constrained, battery-powered edge devices. The MAXREFDES178# enables ultra-low-power internet of things (IoT) devices to implement hearing and vision and showcases the MAX78000 low-power microcontroller with neural network accelerator for audio and video inferences. The system also contains the MAX32666 ultra-low power Bluetooth microcontroller and two MAX9867 audio CODECs. The entire system is delivered in an ultra-compact form factor to show how AI applications such as facial identification and keyword recognition can be embedded in low-power, cost-sensitive applications such as wearables and IoT devices.
MAXREFDES178# camera cube reference design demonstrates how AI applications previously limited to machines with large power and cost budgets can be embedded in space-constrained, battery-powered edge devices.
AI applications require intensive computations, usually performed in the cloud or in expensive, power-hungry processors that can only fit in applications with big power budgets such as self-driving cars. But the MAXREFDES178# camera cube demonstrates how AI can live on a low-power budget, enabling applications that are time- and safety-critical to operate on even the smallest of batteries. The MAX78000's AI accelerator slashes the power of AI inferences up to 1,000x for vision and hearing applications, as compared to other embedded solutions. The AI inferences running on the MAXREFDES178# also show dramatic latency improvements, running more than 100x faster than on an embedded microcontroller.
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The compact form factor of the camera cube at 1.6in x 1.7in x 1.5in (41mm x 44mm x 39mm) shows that AI can be implemented in wearables and other space-constrained IoT applications. The MAX78000 solution itself is up to 50 percent smaller than the next-smallest GPU-based processor and does not require other components like memories or complex power supplies to implement cost-effective AI inferences.
Key Advantages
Ultra-Low Power: Reduces power budget for AI imaging applications up to 1,000x
Lower Cost and Size: Cuts the cost of AI with integrated components, reduced board space and compact size
Low Latency: Reduces latency of AI inferences by over 100x compared to other embedded solutions
"The next big opportunity in AI is providing machine learning insights at the edge," said Alan Descoins, CTO at Tryolabs. "The MAXREFDES178# shows how Maxim Integrated's AI solution is a breakthrough in power, latency and size that can unlock the possibilities for AI in battery-powered designs."
"Machine learning promises a lot: that machines can make sense of what they see and hear like humans, as well as make more autonomous decisions. Until the MAX78000, the embedded world was left behind because you couldn't implement AI at the edge in a power, cost and size constrained manner," said Kris Ardis, executive director of the Micros, Security and Software Business Unit at Maxim Integrated. "Now the MAXREFDES178# demonstrates how meaningful and powerful AI inferences can be run at the edge, on even the smallest and most energy-conscious devices."
Availability and Pricing
The MAXREFDES178# is available at Maxim Integrated's website for $149 (1000-up, FOB USA); also available from authorized distributors
The MAX78000 is available at Maxim Integrated's website for $8.50 (1000-up, FOB USA); also available from authorized distributors
The MAX32666GWPBT+T is available at Maxim Integrated's website for $6.85 (1000-up, FOB USA); also available from authorized distributors
The MAX9867EWV+T is available at Maxim Integrated's website for $1.00 (1000-up, FOB USA); also available from authorized distributors
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About Maxim Integrated
Maxim Integrated, an engineer's engineering company, exists to solve the designer's toughest problems in order to empower design innovation. Our broad portfolio of high-performance semiconductors, combined with world-class tools and support, delivers essential analog solutions including efficient power, precision measurement, reliable connectivity and robust protection along with intelligent processing. Designers in application areas such as automotive, communications, consumer, data center, healthcare, industrial and IoT trust Maxim to help them quickly develop smaller, smarter and more secure designs. Learn more at
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Roostify Named 2020 Google Cloud Technology Partner of the Year for AI and Machine Learning – PRNewswire
Posted: at 12:25 am
Roostify: 2020 Google Cloud Technology Partner of the Year Award for AI and ML for document intelligence capabilities.
"We are proud to be recognized by Google Cloud for the work we're doing to improve home lending," says Chris Boyle, Roostify President of Home Lending. "Our partnership has helped us take great strides in our efforts to streamline the home lending process with AI, and take big steps towards making home lending a great experience for both lenders and customers."
"We're proud to recognize Roostify as our Technology Partner of the Year for AI and machine learning," said Kevin Ichhpurani, Corporate Vice President, Global Partner Ecosystem at Google Cloud. "This award recognizes Roostify's commitment to customer success, and its delivery of innovative and impactful solutions on Google Cloud in AI and machine learning. We look forward to building together with Roostify and creating business value for customers with cloud technologies."
The operational efficiencies enabled by Roositfy's machine learning and optical character recognition (OCR) system offer lenders an opportunity to directly address one of the most time-consuming, and expensive, aspects of the loan production process - the underwriting phase. Costs incurred through this phase have become an increasing burden on lenders and customers, something Roostify's AI efforts intend to solve.
Since the beginning of 2020, Roostify has captured more than 10 million documents through its Digital Lending Platform, with monthly averages continuing to rise. AI and machine learning will continue to be a key component of Roostify's ongoing efforts to meet the growing demand for innovative products and services that can enact meaningful improvements on lenders' operations.
About Roostify
Roostify is a home lending technology provider that enables differentiated solutions for mortgage lenders seeking a simpler home lending experience. Unlike one-size-fits-all platforms, Roostify configures its modular technology platform to meet each of our clients' needs and goals. For more information, please visit
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