The Electoral College is right for New Mexico – Albuquerque Journal

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:49 pm

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This is one of the most important documents ever created in human history. Our Constitution can trace its roots back to ancient Greece, through the Roman Republic, the Magna Carta, the Iroquois Confederation and many other political philosophies of history. Today, our Constitution is the pinnacle of political freedom. This document may remain the pinnacle for many centuries, but I am sure someday it will serve as the base document for something better. In the meantime we need to exercise great caution that we do not destroy this great document. It is certainly possible, even likely, we will destroy this document in an ill-advised effort to find utopia.

Nothing in our Constitution is new, nor was new at the time of adoption what was new is that all the great ideas of history were debated by people who read history and knew it well. They disagreed and argued about things and came to the miraculous document that governs us today.

When they argued about right vs. left they were not talking about the political spectrum we refer to today they were arguing about tyranny versus anarchy. What was the proper balance between being a subject of an all-powerful king and having no government at all?

How could we find elusive balance between enough government and too much government?

They knew that every true democracy in history fell apart and was replaced by a tyrant. It is an unavoidable truth; democracies fail every time and are universally replaced by the guy with the strongest contingent of armed alpha males.

So how did they solve the problem of democracies and still have a government that reflected the will of the people? How would they resolve the various interests of widely differing states?

This was one of the three great issues requiring extreme patience they truly wanted consensus, not just majority rule. This is why there were 60 votes taken before the Electoral College was finally adopted. Sixty votes and weeks of discussions were required before consensus was obtained, not just a majority vote.

This miraculous document, which governs only about 5 percent of the population of the world, enabled this meager population to create more wealth and spread it to more people than any other government in all of history. Not only has America created more wealth than all nations in all of history combined, it is also the most generous government in all history. Americans have given more to the rest of the world than the combined population of all other people in history.

Now, we want to go down the path of democracy and soon tyranny simply because Chris Wallace, in October of 2016, didnt ask Secretary Clinton if she would accept the results of the election.

What does giving up the Electoral College really mean to New Mexico? Elections will be decided in a few of the most populous cities in the country, period.

New Mexico has been the best predictor of presidential elections since 1912. We picked the winner in every presidential election except two: We voted for Ford in 76 and for Clinton in 16. New Mexico is important; thus most candidates come to New Mexico. Removing our meager electoral vote truly makes us useless fly-over country.

Our founders were adamant, we must teach history. If not we are doomed to repeat the seemingly perpetual collapse of great societies, and once again be relegated to the death and destruction that follows.

Now we are ignorantly proposing the elimination of the brilliant Electoral College, thus driving us toward the path of democracy, then tyranny.

For the sake of our children, keep the Electoral College as it was gifted to us. Let us not destroy the Hope of the world America and Americas Electoral College.

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The Electoral College is right for New Mexico - Albuquerque Journal

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