Railcar derailment in Utopia due to vandalism: Cando Rail Services – Simcoe.com

Posted: March 1, 2017 at 9:35 pm

An empty rail car that was being stored on a stretch of railway in Utopia derailed off the track due to suspected vandalism and the company who manages the cars is reminding people it is a criminal offense to tamper with railway equipment.

Sometime around Feb. 24, railcars that were being stored on a stretch of the Barrie Collingwood Railway had their hand breaks disengaged and a car rolled about 15 feet before derailing.

Cando Rail Services has been storing the railcars in Utopia since last year when they signed a contract with Town of Collingwood. The contract was expected to generate $28,800 per year for the town, which will help offset the $45,000 Collingwood spends annually to maintain the corridor.

We had some rail cars being stored there and somebody came by and released the hand brakes off a section of the cars and they lifted the operating lever which cause the cars to roll, Jeff Allen, general manager of eastern operations for Cando Rail Services, said. It was an act of vandalism.

Police were on the scene on Feb. 27 to investigate after Cando called to report the suspected vandalism. Police say they cant confirm whether it was an accident or vandalism and that they have no suspects.

The railcar has since been put back on the rails.

Steve McKever, who lives within 80 feet of the railroad, had started a petition last year to have the railcars removed. The recent derailment has reaffirmed his wishes to see the cars gone.

Theyre supposed to be storing these cars there safely, he said. Obviously they cant be stored safely.

McKever also noted that the new railcars that were being stored there have been moved and older railcars have since taken their place.

Allen confirmed that they have moved the new cars out and put old ones in their place. He also confirmed that the agreement between Collingwood and Cando Rail Services allowing them to store railcars has been extended.

We extended the contract with Collingwood for another year, he said, noting the first contract expired in January.

McKever was concerned the old cars may still have some product in them and pose an environmental risk but Allen says they have been purged.

Theres absolutely no commodities in the cars whatsoever, he said.

As far as keeping the railway, the railcars, and the public safe, Allen says Cando has measures in place to monitor activity at the site, and that they perform regular inspections as part of their risk assessment process.

We do a regular inspection twice a week to make sure all of the safety appliances are still in order, he said, noting that they discovered the derailment during an inspection on Feb. 24.

Allen noted that tampering with railway safety equipment is a criminal offense.

McKever says he has still has concerns, and that he has seen kids playing near the railcars recently. There is only one solution in his mind.

There is only one solution and its get them out of there, he said.

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Railcar derailment in Utopia due to vandalism: Cando Rail Services - Simcoe.com

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