Trump Is A Liability to the Anti-NATO Argument: New at Reason – Reason (blog)

Posted: June 5, 2017 at 7:03 am

Michael Kappeler/dpa/picture-alliance/NewscomBoth Trump and his mainstream critics are wrong about trade and NATO, writes Sheldon Richman. And Trump's cluelessness is no help whatever in making the case against NATO and all such alliances. He is both a NATO critic and a liability to the anti-NATO argument.

Trump, in keeping with his absurd aggrieved-America shtick, would have us believe that western Europe free-rides off the American taxpayers. The taxpayers are indeed victimized, argues Richman, but the victimizer is Amerca's ruling elite and its bipartisan imperial foreign policy.

NATO was never about protecting western Europe, writes Richman. Rather, it had (and still has) two other purposes: first, to give a multilateral mantle to essentially unilateral U.S. imperial actions; and second, to prevent other countries from forging their own peaceful bilateral relations with, previously, the Soviet Union and now Russia.

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Trump Is A Liability to the Anti-NATO Argument: New at Reason - Reason (blog)

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