NATO Chief Calls on Macedonian Political Leaders to Follow … – Sputnik International

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 10:57 pm

Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov

"At the Warsaw Summit inJuly 2016, NATO urged all political leaders inthe former Yugoslav Republic ofMacedonia tofully implement their commitments underthe Przino Agreement, asthe framework fora sustainable solution tothe political crisis I look tothe authorities inSkopje tofulfil the next step inthe democratic process. I call onall parties toexercise restraint instatements and actions, and take decisions forthe benefit ofall citizens," Stoltenberg said ina statement.

The political crisis inMacedonia began in2015 asthe opposition accused the ruling conservatives ofintercepting telephone conversations ofsome 20,000 people, including police officers, judges, journalists and diplomats. It resulted inthe Przino Agreement betweenthe most influential parties inMacedonia, underwhich then-Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had toresign and the parliament was dissolved.

The Macedonians elected a new parliament inthe early election inDecember 2016, afterseveral cancellations. In the vote, the conservative VMRO-DPMNE party and the opposition party SDSM won 51 and 49 seats, respectively. However, each party had togather support ofminor parties toform a coalition government, asthere are 120 seats inthe country's legislative body.

Stoltenberg noted that the December 2016 election had been seen byinternational observers asan essential step inresolving the crisis.

Macedonia joined NATO's Partnership forPeace in1995 and the Membership Action Plan in1999, which is the program ofadvice, assistance and support tocountries seeking tojoin the Alliance.

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NATO Chief Calls on Macedonian Political Leaders to Follow ... - Sputnik International

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