NATO | Armed Assault Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

Posted: November 2, 2016 at 6:59 am

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.

The organization constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's headquarters are located in Haren, Brussels, Belgium.

Decades of economic and political turbulence across member states have left NATO weakened, and facing a strategic paradigm shift. With CSAT political and military influence dominating from the Pacific to the Mediterranean, NATO seeks to consolidate their diminished forces around traditional strongholds. As tensions continue to grow in the east, a US-led joint NATO-AAF peacekeeping force stationed on Stratis - Task Force Aegis - is in the middle of a staged draw-down.

NATO forces consisting of elements from the Army of the Czech Republic and German Kommando Spezialkrafte were sent to Takistan to assist the US Army.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) makes up of Arma 3s "western" forces, including many elements from the US Army and multi-national unit called CTRG.

NATO forces are sent to Tanoa in that same year.

US Army and British UKSF soldiers are very similarly equipped, as part of an international effort to standardize NATO equipment. Both sub-factions use Carrier Rigs (Crye Armor Chassis), ECH helmets, and are equipped with MX series service rifles. US Army units wear MTP Combat Fatigues (Crye G2 pants and combat shirts, Ringers gloves, as well as Lowa boots), while British UKSF wear similar uniforms with a Triangular Dazzle pattern. US Army gear is often brown or green with numerous variations, while British UKSF wear coyote-brown vests and headgear sprayed over with snakeskin.

The MX 6.5 mm, designed by CMMG, Inc. chambers the 6.5x39 mm non-case round. The MX series rifle is standard issue for NATO forces, and comes in 4 versions: a standard rifle (with an optional underslung 3GL), a carbine for non-combat personnel such as officers and vehicle crew, a squad automatic rifle, and a marksman rifle. The P07 is the standard sidearm for NATO units. The MXM 6.5 mm is used as a NATO marksman rifle, alongside the Mk18 7.62 marksman rifle.

NATO forces use the Hunter as a standard ground utility vehicle. It is a medium sized MRAP made for multipurpose use and comes in unarmed, RCWS HMG, and RCWS GMG variants. The HEMTT is an 8-wheeled truck used for multi-purpose roles such as troop and cargo transport. Special operations and utility units use quadbikes for general transport and other roles.

For combat the M2A1 Slammer (Licensed copy of the Israeli Merkava MBT) functions as NATO's Main Battle Tank for ground combat operations in the region. The AMV-7 Marshallis used as an amphibious APC for ground troops, in addition to the IFV-6c Panther(Licensed copy of the Israeli Namer IFV)Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The IFV-6a Cheetah serves as self propelled anti-air support, while the M4 Scorcher and M5 Sandstorm MLRS platforms are used as mobile artillery systems.

NATO aircraft are mostly American and utilize geometric stealth radar-resistant technologies. NATO helicopters include the AH-99 Blackfoot light helicopter gunship (revival of the prototype RAH-66 Comanche), MH-9 Hummingbird and AH-9 Pawnee (both updated versions of the Littlebird family), the CH-67 Huron (modernized stealth variant of CH-47 Chinook) and the UH-80 Ghosthawk (stealth variant of the UH-60 Blackhawk). NATO fixed-wing assets include the A-164 Wipeout (updated stealth version of the A-10 Thunderbolt).

NATO Naval forces seen in the Altis Conflict consist of Speedboats, Assault Boats, and SDV (Swimmer Delivery Vehicle) submersibles. British UKSF are seen to operate from the HMS Proteus, an Astute-Class Submarine.

NATO forces operate the Stomper UGV as both an unarmed logistics platform and an armed combat vehicle, mounting a 12.7 mm HMG and a 40 mm GMG in a RCWS. NATO troops also employ the AR-2 Darter Mircro-UAV and the MQ-4A Greyhawk UCAV.

NATO special operations deployed to the Republic of Altis and Stratis theater consist of reconnaissance, aquatic, and sniper teams.

Sniper teams are usually fielded in groups of two, made up of a sniper and a spotter. Said personnel make use of Gillie Suits based off of standard MTP Combat Fatigues, Chest Rigs, and Balaclavas. Snipers are armed with camouflaged M320 LRR sniper rifles and suppressed P07s, while spotters field suppressed MX rifles and suppressed P07s. Snipers are equipped with Rangefinders, while Spotters carry Laser Designators. Scout-sniper operations usually consist of very slow, stealthy movement and can last days on end. Tasks include observing and relaying enemy movement, as well as engaging high value targets or providing fire support for friendly forces in the vicinity.

Recon teams are equipped with lighter gear than standard infantry. Booniehats, Beanies, and other light head-wear along with Chest Rigs without ballistic protection are the norm. Recon teams deploy with suppressed weaponry.

NATO divers are equipped with SDAR underwater rifles and suppressed P07 pistols. They use Rebreathers and wear black Wetsuits.

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NATO | Armed Assault Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

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