Female cultism in Nigerian universities and other dangerous cults … – NAIJ.COM

Posted: February 15, 2017 at 9:07 pm

What is cultism confraternity? Have you ever heard about female cultism in Nigeria? What about female cultism in Nigerian universities? You might get shocked after reading the article.

Female cultism in Nigerian universities, does it exist?

Each of us from childhood has heard the word "cult" or "cultism", but even many adults interpret the origin of cultism and the meaning of this word not quite right. In the view of the society the concept of "cultism" is associated with Satanism, Voodoo magic, occult practices. According to the history of cultism in Nigeria, people identify the meaning of cult as a glorification of any individual, for instance - the cult of the Pharaoh in ancient Egypt, the cult of Stalin in the Soviet Union and the cult of Hitler in the Third Reich in the twentieth century.

Female cultism in Nigerian universities, does it exist?

If you consider a cult in religion, then it will be a true statement that the cult is the service of the deity or deities, including religious rituals, traditions and worldview. Another meaning of the word cult in religion is religious worship of any material object, such an object is called a cult. Cult objects found in most religions of the world, including in the three major religions are the icons and relics in Christianity, Buddha in Buddhism, mosques of Mecca and Medina in Islam.

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Types of Cultism

As in a broad sense, it is considered to be a kind of a worship. However, all cults can be divided into several groups depending on the object of admiration. Therefore, sociologists, historians and psychologists divide the cults that take place in the spiritual and social life of modern society, groups are the following:

Religious cultism

Religious veneration of deities, saints, fathers, prophets, apostles, and also of items which according to belief were given to men by God. Religious cults include not only the spiritual aspect of belief, but also all the rituals, traditions and ceremonies that have to be performed by the believers. By and large, any religion can be called a cult and every religion includes a certain number of more narrowly focused cults for example, cults of gods, cults of sacred animals, ancestor worship.

Personality cultism

Personality cults - these cults are the basis of the autocratic form of government, as their essence lies in the exaltation of the personality of the leader. In almost all states with authoritarian and totalitarian forms of government there is personality cult of the leader. This cult originated in ancient times, when the first kings appeared.

Youth and prosperity cultism

Cults associated with material goods or position in society in their relation to the meaning of the word cult should be interpreted in the widest sense, as cult of money, cult of beauty, cult of youth and so on, it means that a large part of society considers wealth as a priority over the spiritual development and "eternal values".

Female cultism

This type of cultism involves representatives of one gender (female) who gather together in order to achieve their sacrificed aims or for other special purposes. They may gather in the forests or in other remote places, make circles, singing songs and reading out some invocations and spells.

Female cultism in Nigerian universities, does it exist?

Speaking about cultism in Nigeria and, in particular, female cultism in Nigerian universities, it can be said that a great number of people claim to be witnesses of the gatherings of such female groupings and their involvement to its activities.

According to the stories of some Nigerian universities students, such phenomenon is widely spread in campuses of Lagos universities. Let me tell you how all this takes place.

Female cultism: shocking welcoming procedure

If you want to become one of the members of such group, you will need to go through a certain procedure for new-comers, which implies virginity loss (with the presence of other members of the clan), cutting of thumbs, cooking a kind of a soup with the blood from these parts of the body and then drinking such a beverage. After you have become a member of this group, you cant leave it unless you are dead or you come under protection of more stronger clan.

Female cultism in Nigerian universities, does it exist?

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Speaking on the terms of membership in this clan, it is worth taking into consideration your main tasks in future you will have to work as a prostitute, offering your body and soul for big sums of money and presents from so-called Aristos. If you are lucky they may even give you a car as a present or something even more valuable.

Female cultism in Nigerian universities, does it exist?

One of the most unpleasant factors is that while the welcoming steps you may easily get HIV, as the majority of girls has already become its carriers. Some girls offer natural sex without condoms for the purpose of infecting other people with such unpleasant diseases.

Other cults in Nigerian universities

1. Ahoi-Seadog ( Ibadan college)

This confraternity is supposed to be pirate one, their main symbols are the skull and crossbones. According to them there shouldnt be a kind of an inequality which implies different clothes of affluent students and those who are much poorer who strive to look more smart so as to be accepted by other students.

2. Buccaneers Association of Nigeria (BAN) or AloraSealords

This is a part of the aforementioned grouping. This group consisted of those who couldnt manage to cope with all the restrictions and conditions of membership in Ahoi-Seadog.

3. Black Axe Confraternity or Aye-Axemen

Such confraternity is aimed at fighting against oppression against Black men. One of their beliefs and exclamations is - The Black man will be freed with an axe.

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Female cultism in Nigerian universities and other dangerous cults ... - NAIJ.COM

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