How To Find Inner Balance In The Social Media World – Nidhika Bahl – HuffPost

Posted: July 18, 2017 at 4:13 am

I am sure you would agree that modern world is always online, and as a result, you are always preoccupied and never really present to your own existence! From your phones that never stop ringing to email inboxes flooded with messages, its hard for you to find peace. You are overwhelmed, tired, and struggling to keep up. You are so caught up in the complexities of your busy lives that its taking a toll on your mind, body and soul. It is the need of the hour to relieve your mind of this constant stress and anxiety! I am sure you are wondering - How can you find peace amidst the never-ending social media notifications on your phone?

Here are few strategies that can help you coexist with technology and yet have inner peace:

1. Create a balanced relationship with technology. Between work, family and friends, you may be online frequently. Your job may require you to use emails, or your friends and family may be texting you constantly. The only way out is to create a relationship with technology that is based on intent. Mindless surfing online can waste your time and completely drain you of all the energy. You must have a definite purpose when you use technology. All of your online actions should have a reason and goal with a clear end in mind. You dont need to read and respond to every good morning, good night and forwarded message sent to you!

2. Dont make social media applications the center of your being. Technology and being connected doesnt have to absorb your entire life. Keep in mind that technology is just a tool. Dont make it the focus of your life. Live with technology instead of for it. Schedule in social media time slots in your daily routine and stick to them. Do not over indulge!

3. Get rid of the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) Syndrome. Its crucial to take breaks from always being connected to everyone through your phone, email, and social media. Dont worry! You are not going to miss out! Take a social media break each week. Set aside the weekends for spending time with family and friends. Disconnect on a frequent basis. Avoid surfing online, sending text messages, or uploading photos when sitting with friends and family. Instead, interact with real people in the real world and create amazing memories and beautiful moments. Inform your connections ahead of time so you dont cause concern when you suddenly disappear. They will eventually get used to you taking weekends and vacations away from social media. They may even be inspired to do the same.

4. Focus on the relevant connections. Do you really need to keep up with every person from your school and college days? Its important to find a balance between keeping up to date with your connections and always being available. Of course, you want to stay in touch, but it doesnt have to be on an hourly basis! You dont need to check your social media accounts for notifications every hour! Try limiting the number of connections in your life to those that are important to you. Although it may hurt some feelings, it may also be a good idea to unfollow some people on social media, so you dont have to be part of their daily saga anymore. You must do what you can to maintain a stress-free social circle.

5. Participate in activities that reduce and relieve stress. A hyper-connected social media world can make you feel on the edge. It can increase stress and anxiety. It can also make you feel that you always have to be available to do everything. Schedule some me time each day! The solitude will give you a chance to reflect, plan, de-stress, and re-energize. Try yoga, meditation, journaling, or keeping a diary. Pursue activities that make you feel peaceful and calm. Whether you hike in a park or dance in your living room, relax and disconnect from the world for a moment.

You can discover inner balance despite living in a hyper-connected social media world. You can move from the turbulence of a busy life towards peace and tranquility. Make these strategies your daily habits and enjoy greater peace.

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How To Find Inner Balance In The Social Media World - Nidhika Bahl - HuffPost

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