Connectivity in a digital world – Iowa City Press Citizen

Posted: February 9, 2017 at 6:14 am

Kathryn Slunecko, Guest Opinion 1:15 p.m. CT Feb. 8, 2017

Kathryn Slunecko(Photo: Special to the Press-Citizen)

As a communication studies major at the University of Iowa, I have the opportunity to participate in a nationally recognized program on information needed to strive in a constantly changing world a digital world. Reiterated throughout a few of my courses, communication technologies are continually advancing to be more convenient, swift and simple. The technologies in my life that come to mind texting, Snapchat, FaceTime hold these qualities in their digital DNA.

As a college student living in this generation, technology is necessary; without it, I would lack internet use, conversation and up-to-date knowledge on friends and family. Yet, I am not alone. The majority of people live in a digital world with email, instant messaging, Instagram and other forms of online communication, and when the internet and these technologies make advances, we all consider our lives online.

Contemplating what influences my use of specific technologies, one important and easy word comes to mind: connection. At a young age, I was constantly encouraged to connect. Whether it was to join the local park district soccer team or Girl Scouts, it was simply to make friends. When I approached my freshmen year of college, the use of technologies strongly came into play. Facebook Messenger, Snapchat or texting were prominent to continue the relationships I had built back home. Now, as a senior, technologies like LinkedIn, a professional networking platform, or HireAHawk, the UIs online recruiting system for students, are encouraged and expected to start building connections for a future career.

If you are like me, no matter the age difference, this similar theme of finding, building and maintaining relationships has progressed throughout our life; humans naturally gravitate toward connecting with others whether it be online or face-to-face. Although technology was not as influential on a child born in the early 90s as it is on the upcoming generations of today, the ability to have grown up with technology evolving around me has been an eye-opening experience. For example, I did not own a cellphone until my first year of high school. Today, I have witnessed children as young as 10 possessing this essential device. Why? Because their parents want to be virtually connected to them when they are not physically there. With a rapidly changing digital world, there is a continual push to find the easiest way to feel and stay connected.

Although my personal experience as a UI student may differ from someone of different interests or background, I can confidently say that the internet and technology is a part of each one of our lives, every single day. Whether it be emailing a professor or supervisor, checking a bus schedule with an app or uploading course work to an online system, no one would be able to do college without the help of these technologies.

Applying my knowledge and personal usage of the internet and specific technologies to UI's 2017 Theme Semester, Our Lives Online, I encourage the Iowa community UI student body, staff and faculty, local residents and entire state to consider their lives online and engage with this program. Whether you choose to attend a marquee activity with guest speakers covering the topics of social media, big data or new media; submitting work to be featured online; becoming a collaborator;or simply joining the conversation, all are encouraged to take part, be creative and feel more connected.

Kathryn Slunecko studies communications and represents UIs Our Lives Online Theme Semester as a student ambassador.

WHAT:An evening with Oscar Salazar, co-founder of Uber, part of UI's "Our Lives Online" speaker series

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Monday

WHERE: Iowa Memorial Union Main Lounge

DETAILS: Find a full listing of Theme Semester events and activities online at

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Connectivity in a digital world - Iowa City Press Citizen

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