How to run your own micronation: be a nice dictator – The Times

Posted: July 3, 2024 at 12:24 am

Joey Morin was careful to show up in the Republic of Molossia well prepared: he carried no contraband onions or walruses, but brought enough raw chocolate chip cookie dough to exchange into a decent amount of the local currency, the Valora.

He and a few dozen other tourists had just left US territory in the desert of eastern Nevada, walked past a customs post manned by a mannequin, and entered one of the worlds growing number of self-declared independent states known as micronations.

I love the concept of starting your own country, its such a unique thing, said Morin, a 28-year-old social media content producer. Its worth the cookie dough.

Kevin Baugh, the micronations dictator, stamps visitors passports at the customs hut at the entrance to Molossia


Approximately 200 micronations span the globe, from the Principality of Sealand, an offshore platform in

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How to run your own micronation: be a nice dictator - The Times

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