This Mars-in-Gemini Transit Will Be Wild – The Cut

Posted: July 21, 2024 at 5:01 pm

Breaking down all the tools you need to use the universe to unpack your desires, fears, motivations, and more.

Photo-Illustration: by Preeti Kinha; Photos: Getty Images

Tired of the chaos? Ready to curl up in the fetal position until further notice? Oh, well! On July 20, Mars moves into Geminis sky. Mars the planet of action, motivation, and determination hasnt glided through Geminis domain since 2022, and its return to this notorious air sign brings a surge of energy, curiosity, and restlessness that will continue through September. So what does that mean? And what should you expect? Read on to find out everything you need to know about Marss journey through Gemini.

Mars the fourth planet from the Sun is Earths strange sibling. About the same size as our planet, Earth and Mars share some striking similarities: Both have polar ice caps, similar day lengths, and comparable axial tilts. But unlike Earths climate, the red rocky terrain of Mars is an inhospitable environment, certainly better suited for sci-fi novels than real human colonies.

Marss astrological symbolism perfectly reflects this planets tawny, hostile ecosystem. Named after the Roman god of war, Mars governs how we pursue our goals, assert ourselves, and handle conflict. As the planet of action, Mars pushes us to take bold steps and make decisive moves. Desires, ambitions, aggressions, and even sexual proclivities fall within Marss domain. However, Mars also has a selfish and volatile side, which can lead to rash decisions, heated confrontations, and toxic individualism.

From an astrological perspective, Marss orbital speed is notable. While its not quite far out enough to be considered a generational planet (those are celestial bodies that impact large-scale, collective matters, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), Mars is the slowest-moving personal planet that impacts our day-to-day realities (the other personal planets are the Sun, moon, Mercury, and Venus). Likewise, Marss symbolic influence straddles the Zeitgeist and our individual experiences. In a way, Mars speaks to shared sentiments: how we all, collectively, respond to the cultural milieu.

When Mars is functioning normally, it spends approximately six weeks in each sign. When Mars goes retrograde, however, it slows down significantly and can spend up to six months in a single zodiac sign. Marss next retrograde occurs at the end of this year (on December 6, to be exact), but well cross that bridge when we get there.

Most recently, Mars has been cruising through Tauruss sky. Since June 9, Marss journey through Taurus has emphasized stability, persistence, and practical action. Mars in Taurus has encouraged us to build solid foundations, take measured steps toward our goals, and when in doubt just chill. This period has been about endurance, patience, and the slow but steady accumulation of results.

But things are changing. The energy has been shifting. Our curiosity has been swelling, and weve become increasingly restless. Ah, yes, just in time for Mars to enter Gemini.

When Mars transitions into Gemini, well experience a notable jolt. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is all about communication, curiosity, and adaptability. Mars moving through this notorious mutable air sign means our actions will be guided by intellect, variety, and of course multitudes (Gemini is, after all, symbolized by the twins). From now through September 4, well feel an urge to explore new ideas, start numerous projects, and connect with new exciting people. In fact, during Marss journey through Gemini, well be motivated to eradicate boredom completely. With the planet of action moving through this sign, there will never be a dull moment! And thats an order!

Massive Jupiter is paving the way; it entered Gemini at the end of May. Jupiter always reflects the tone of an era, and since it moved into Gemini, the energy has certainly reflected its signature duplexity. On a large scale, it seems as though every major news story is some sort of juxtaposition complete with a mighty double-edged sword. Jupiter in Gemini is proving that we seem to never have enough information and, at the same time, were completely overloaded with data. Around every corner, theres more nuance and complexity to uncover somethings gotta give!

With Mars joining suit, were going to begin to embody this sentiment in our day-to-day lives both the positive and negative implications. This is an excellent period for networking, learning new skills, and embracing change. Our minds will be racing with brilliant ideas, and well be eager to explore anything and everything. Communication will be fast-paced and dynamic, making it an excellent time for brainstorming, networking, and connecting the dots. This is your invitation to do some wild and unpredictable things! Turn acquaintances into friends! Turn friends into lovers! Life is short why not spice it all up?

Alas, this frenetic energy comes with a caveat (or two). Geminis mutable nature can lead to scattered focus, making it difficult (if not impossible) to see projects through to completion. Moreover, as Marss assertive nature fuses with Geminis inherent impulsivity, hasty decisions and rash actions may be inevitable. We may find ourselves jumping from one idea to the next without fully considering the consequences, overcommitting when we already have too much on our plate, or feeling broadly dissatisfied. Its like having a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear! Oh, no option overload!

Because everyone has every zodiac sign in their birth chart, no one is spared the influence of Mars in Gemini. Of course, those with strong Gemini placements in their charts (especially Sun, moon, or rising) will experience it most intensely. Folks with Aries or Scorpio zodiac signs ruled by Mars will also feel the signature burst of enthusiasm and motivation (especially when Mars first enters the new sign). Perhaps most significantly, people who have Mars in Gemini in their birth chart will experience their Mars return (when Mars returns to the placement it occupied when you were born) over the next few weeks, which signals a major time of reset and renewal related to goals, aspirations, and ambitions. No matter your sign, Marss journey through Gemini will be a major and broadly felt transit that everyone will experience.

Marss shift into Gemini promises a time of rapid movement and mental stimulation, so this is your opportunity to embrace your innate duality. Be adaptable, stay open-minded, and get ready to pivot as needed. Whether youre starting a big project or connecting with new people who get your vibe, let the next few weeks guide you toward exciting and unexpected paths that feel intellectually invigorating. The next few weeks are all about embracing flexibility, so, yes, its going to be a little hectic but thats what makes life fun? I guess? Here goes nothing/everything!

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This Mars-in-Gemini Transit Will Be Wild - The Cut

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