Youth space for ‘education of love for the motherland’ due to open in December – Macau Business

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:02 am

A new youth space on the education of Love for the Motherland and for Macau should open in the territory in December, authorities announced.

The space, located at MacausTransfer of Sovereignty Museum, will have several educational media on patriotic matters, the Education and Youth Bureau (DSEJ) Director, Lou Pak Sang, explained yesterday.

During a meeting with the media, Lou Pak Sang also said that the space will cost MOP2.5 million and will feature videos and materials on Chinese culture and history provided by the department.

Its facilities will also include a thematic interactive teaching area, a Chinese culture room, a country and Macau history corridor and a multimedia room with patriotic teaching materials, which will showcase Chinese history and culture over five thousand years, the successes of the development of China, the history of Macau and patriotic education, among other elements, using diversified forms, such as the recreation of real objects and multimedia, among others, he said.

On the same occasion, the authorities said that they are preparing a new public consultation on Medium and long-term planning for non-higher education (2021-2030) and Macau Youth Policy (2021-2030) and with the support of experts from Taiwan and Hong Kong, around 100 youth associations, among other local authorities.

Inheriting the love of the motherland Macau, physical and mental virtue, improving capacities, harmony and participation in society will be the themes highlighted in this plan, he detailed.

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Youth space for 'education of love for the motherland' due to open in December - Macau Business

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